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Everyone knows that there is a program for preferential car loans in the Russian Federation.

However, few of our citizens know how to take part in it?

What goals and objectives does it entail? What kind of car can you buy? Which bank can you use this service at and so on.

For this reason, we will consider all these nuances in more detail.

Goals and objectives of this state program

For the implementation of this program, the Government of the Russian Federation allocated about 1.5 billion rubles.

These investments will allow the sale of about 200,000 new cars.

The state preferential car loan program allows any banking institutions and credit organizations to participate in it. At the same time, providing loan at a reduced interest rate, creditors can compensate for their damages at public expense.

The purpose of this program is to reduce the interest rate of the loan at 2/3 of the refinancing rate(rate is 14%).

Take, for example, the standard bank rate on a car loan is about 18%. If we take into account that the discount for program participants is 9.33%, then it is not difficult to calculate: 18 - 9.33 = 8.67% - the future discount rate on a car loan.

In addition to this task, there is another one. It consists in the so-called stimulating banks themselves. This means the development of banks, bringing them to a new level of work.

It is worth noting that such a program already existed back in 2009, but then the conditions were much stricter than now. But even that year, the program showed its best side and allowed us to slightly bring the domestic auto industry to a new level.

Advantages and Disadvantages

The preferential car loan program itself is, in fact, a banking product, and therefore requires some kind of collateral. In this program the collateral is directly the car itself that is being purchased.

At the moment when the borrower fully repays the entire debt, the vehicle becomes his possession in full.

Today, many banks in the Russian Federation offer the opportunity to participate in this program, so there will be no problems with choosing a lender.

In most cases, they create several programs, namely:

  • the ability to get a loan without having documents confirming solvency;
  • or without CASCO.

In addition to this, to benefits State preferential car loans include:

  • minimum down payment required
  • the ability to independently choose a program for preferential car loans;
  • low annual interest rate.

Moreover, if a potential borrower already has a salary bank card, he can contact his bank (where this card is issued) and apply for a car loan at a discount there, and receive an additional discount.

If we talk about possible shortcomings of the program

  • the presence of a relatively short lending period;
  • limited selection of cars (the price of eligible cars is within a certain range);
  • The program does not allow the purchase of used vehicles.

But, despite the presence of such shortcomings, most motorists still perceive this program positively. Often, such programs are aimed primarily at stimulating the sales market for domestic cars and, of course, this is a big plus for the state:

  • the possibility of a sharp increase in the level of production of domestic cars (growth of the Russian automobile industry);
  • increasing the country's budget due to the growth of domestic vehicles;
  • an opportunity for domestic manufacturers to modernize their equipment by increasing their profits.

Without any doubt, this program is also beneficial for ordinary car enthusiasts. After all, you must admit that it is rare when there is an opportunity to get a new car on a loan, the interest rate of which is very attractive.

Conditions and rules of participation

The preferential car loan program in 2019 includes fulfillment of such conditions:

Requirements for borrowers

Due to the fact that banking institutions are still considered the key participants in the program, they are the ones who put forward their requirements for potential borrowers.

Thus, key requirements Borrowers are considered to be:

  • guarantors;
  • or collateral.


As with any loan, you must prepare and present to the banking institution list of such documentation:

  • original and passport of a potential program participant;
  • certificate of average salary;
  • work book;
  • certificate of official place of work;
  • at the choice or at the request of the bank, collateral or guarantors;
  • pension certificate (if the applicant is a pensioner);
  • If you have any benefits, you will need to provide proof of identification.

What cars are included in this program?

Due to the fact that a car can only be purchased with a maximum cost of 1 million rubles, the choice, frankly speaking, is small.

But despite this, a participant in this program can purchase from cars of the brand:

In addition to these brands, you can purchase entry-level models:

  • Toyota Corolla;
  • Opel Astra;
  • Mitsubishi Lancer;
  • Ford Focus;
  • Mazda 3.

It is worth noting that if the price changes, the list of these cars can be either expanded or reduced accordingly.

Which banks participate in the program, their additional bonuses and conditions

A huge number of banks participate in this program.

Let's consider each of them separately.

VTB 24

In this bank you can get a loan in the amount of 800 thousand rubles, with interest rate from 8%. The loan period itself is exactly 3 years.

If we talk about the size of the down payment - no less than 20%. The car itself that is being purchased serves as collateral.

AK Bars

The Bank provides the opportunity to participate in this program at such conditions:

  • the loan amount varies from 50 to 990 thousand rubles;
  • the loan period is no more than 3 years;
  • annual interest rates start at 9.3%.

If we talk about additional requirements of the bank, then they are as follows:

  • the average down payment percentage is about 25%;
  • mandatory provision of collateral (you can purchase a car);
  • mandatory registration of an insurance policy.


In Sberbank it is possible to get a loan in the amount up to 700 thousand rubles.

If we talk about the rest conditions, then they are as follows:

  • lending period – 3 years;
  • annual interest rate is from 8%;
  • down payment of at least 30% of the total loan amount.

Perhaps the largest number of additional requirements is in this bank. In particular, we are talking about such additional conditions, How:

  • registration of an insurance policy;
  • mandatory presence of collateral;
  • There is no possibility to repay the loan early.

In this bank conditions are as follows:

Additional Requirements:

  • the initial contribution amount is 20%;
  • mandatory life and health insurance policy;
  • CASCO.


Basic conditions lending under the program:

  • The loan amount varies from 90 to 637.5 thousand rubles;
  • Loan period up to 36 months;
  • The annual interest rate starts from 8.5%.

Additional Requirements:

  • A down payment of 20% of the total loan is required;
  • availability of a life and health insurance policy for the borrower.

The effectiveness of this program and development prospects

According to the Government of the Russian Federation, this program in the first months of its existence was able to sharply increase the level of competitiveness in the domestic automotive industry market.

Moreover, the sales level of domestic cars was able to increase by more than 20%.

Due to the pace of this development and significant capital investments, the program has been extended until the end of 2020.

This will allow residents of the country to update their vehicle fleet with new cars, and the production facilities themselves to reach a new level of development and thereby become competitive enterprises in this direction.

News for 2019

The Cabinet of Ministers of the Russian Federation announced the extension of preferential car loans with state support until 2020 and some additional benefits for residents of the Far East in the form of a discount of up to 25% on the down payment on a loan for the purchase of a new domestically produced car.

According to the head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, in 2019, about 10 billion rubles were allocated from the state budget to subsidize sales of domestically produced cars.

The conditions of this state program are described in the following video:

The car loan co-financing program for the purchase of a personal car has been operating in Russia for several years. The program was introduced with the aim of activating consumer behavior in the automotive market. The first issue of car loans with state subsidies was implemented in 2012. The government allocated financial assistance in the amount of 5 billion rubles. Several billion rubles are allocated annually for the implementation of the credit program.

This year's program offers a reduced interest rate and an expanded list of commercial banks involved in government co-financing. In 2017, the preferential rate was reduced by an average of 6.5%. According to the forecasts of the developers of the subsidy strategy, about 400,000 cars will be purchased using preferential lending funds in the coming year. It is reliably known that the current government projects for the recycling and exchange of cars within the framework of trade-ins will be curtailed.

A car loan under the state program involves the following conditions of participation:

  • The list of models includes cars whose cost< 1 450 000 рублей (прошлогодняя программа государственного субсидирования предполагала лимит суммы займа в 1 миллион рублей);
  • no down payment (previously, to get a car on credit under the state program, you first had to pay 1/5 of its cost);
  • The loan term is no more than 3 years.

On July 1 of this year, options started within the framework of the car loan subsidy program - "First car" and "Family car".

Interesting! If you purchase a car under the terms of these programs, you can qualify for a discount of up to 10% of the cost of the car. The 2017 state car loan program “Family Car” received support from the Ministry of Industry and Trade in the amount of 3.75 billion rubles.

In addition, the state program of preferential car loans exempts the borrower from additional fees. For example, if you take out a car loan from VTB 24 with government subsidies in 2017, the bank may try to impose life and health insurance. Under the terms of the program, the borrower may refuse to provide these options.

The terms of the subsidy allow you to purchase both new cars at car dealerships and used ones. According to the provisions of programs on state support for car loans, the car must be produced in Russia. In order to help the borrower navigate the list of models, we present extended list:

The list of cars changes annually. The car must fall under the “passenger car” category, that is, have no more than seven seats, and the curb weight should not exceed 3.5 tons. The list of cars can be revised at the request of the creditor organization.

Purchasing a new or used car using a state car loan is carried out through loans from commercial banks. Compared to the initial waves of the program, the list of credit institutions has expanded significantly - more than 90 banks offer to take out a car loan with state support in 2017 (the list of main organizations is below).

At the moment, the full state car loan program for 2017, including the “Family car” and “First car” subprograms, is being implemented in all major banks, among which:

Preferential lending can be provided by subsidiaries of automakers' financial institutions. For example, the Toyota company has a division in Russia, Toyota Bank, which provides loans to car owners. Information about corporate credit programs is posted in car dealerships and on the websites of car manufacturers.

Also, car loans are issued by subsidiaries of insurance companies. For example, Rosgosstrakh Bank provides a car loan and supplements it with advantageous offers for insuring the purchased car.

Interesting! Participation in the “First Car”, “Family Car”, “Large Family” programs allows borrowers to pay part of the loan from maternity capital, the amount of which this year exceeds 450 thousand rubles.

Requirements for borrowers

The state-supported car loan program imposes standard requirements on potential participants. The conditions are almost identical to those put forward by banks when issuing a consumer loan. The borrower must not be older than 65 years, but not younger than 21. It is necessary to have permanent registration at the place where the concessional loan was received. The bank's initial rate on a car loan should not be more than eighteen percent.

The loan must be repaid no later than thirty-six months from the date of issue. The purchased car must be produced no earlier than 2016. Program participants are deprived of the right to receive other preferential loans during the year.

Participants in the First Car program must be no older than thirty years of age. Also, under this program, you must provide a certificate confirming the absence of previously purchased movable equipment (as confirmation that the car is indeed the first).

Reading time: 3 minutes

The programs launched in 2014 by the Russian government and the Ministry of Industry and Trade continue to function, although they have undergone some changes. Along with existing measures to help the Russian automobile industry, a new targeted state program “First Car” began to operate in July 2017 and will continue in 2019.

Program participants

According to the traffic police press service, there are already more than 56.6 million cars on Russian roads. However, the number of those planning to drive for the first time continues to grow. Since purchasing a car is not a cheap pleasure, many novice motorists have to postpone the purchase indefinitely. The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation has developed a special support system for this group of drivers in the form of preferential loans, which became known as the “First Car” program.

As a rule, beginners prefer to buy inexpensive used foreign cars. They are affordable, and their range of options is quite wide. However, according to the ministry’s plan, novice motorists should switch to new domestically produced cars. According to preliminary data, the state is ready to allocate 6 billion rubles to support young and novice drivers. What is the reason for this initiative? This:

  1. An opportunity for Russians with little income to become owners of a new car.
  2. Increasing demand for products of the domestic automobile industry.
  3. Expansion of the network of service stations servicing Russian cars.

According to the creators of the idea, the “First Car” program, which provides a discount of several tens of thousands of rubles in 2019, will be enthusiastically accepted by young people and new drivers. After all, their financial situation is not yet stable enough to receive a loan on attractive terms, and insurers set consistently high rates.

What government programs exist

Last year, a number of programs were in effect in the Russian Federation to ensure demand for cars and support for domestic manufacturers:

  • preferential;
  • vehicle fleet renewal;
  • direct government procurement.

In 2019, as in the past, activities to support the automotive industry continue. Some changes were noted: the cost of cars sold at a discount or on a car loan increased from 1.15 to 1.45 million rubles.

These measures allow us to count on the implementation of about 400,000 new Russian cars under all programs, which will have a beneficial effect on the state of the automobile industry.

The need to save funds allocated by the state for these purposes has led to the emergence of such programs as:

  • "First car";
  • “Family car” (for large families).

You can find out more about help for parents with two or more children from the separate article “”.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade is still working on these support measures. According to experts, such measures are not a 100% guarantee of increased demand, and therefore do not attract approval from automakers. The Association of European Businesses (AEB) sent a proposal to the Ministry of Industry and Trade to maintain the old programs and the previous volumes of support.

Is the program running now?

The “First Car” program of preferential lending with state support continues to operate in 2019. In total, about 15 billion rubles have been allocated for preferential car loans this year. This will make it possible to reduce the cost of car loans for the purchase of 45 thousand cars.

Program conditions

The Ministry of Industry and Trade has formulated the following conditions for participation in the First Car preferential car loan program in 2019:

This type of car loan can only be taken out by borrowers who are buying their first car. That is, a car should never have been registered in the name of applicants for a preferential loan. Marital status, age and the presence or absence of children are not taken into account. The maximum loan term is 36 months.

The following requirements apply to the purchased vehicle:

  • must be domestic or assembled in Russia;
  • its weight should be no more than 3.5 tons;
  • cost – no more than 1.45 million rubles;
  • year of manufacture – 2018 or the end of last year (PTS was issued no earlier than December 1).

The state subsidizes part of the car loan in the amount of 10% of the cost of the car. Thus, the maximum discount can be 145,000 rubles. For residents of the Far Eastern Federal District, the discount will be 25% of the cost. Interest on a car loan will have to be paid in full; in 2019, there is no discount on it.

But you should keep in mind that when buying a car on credit, you will have to take out insurance. Therefore, the real benefit of such a program will be somewhat less.

Where can you get a preferential car loan under the “First Car” program?

To participate in the program, the borrower must submit documents confirming his right to participate in it and an application to one of the banks:

  • Cetelem Bank.
  • VTB24.
  • Bank Uralsib.
  • Gazbank.
  • Rusfinance Bank.
  • Plus Bank.
  • Energobank.
  • Sovcombank.
  • Bank RUS.
  • Volkswagen Bank RUS.
  • RN Bank.
  • TatSotsBank.
  • PSA BANK Finance Rus.
  • Sarovbusinessbank.
  • Radiotechbank.

What’s the catch with the “First Car” program: Video

A car loan is funds provided by a bank for... It is not necessary to make a down payment (only the bank sets the conditions), and the lending percentage will be reasonable. Also, a car loan can be classified as a group of consumer loans; it is a subtype of them. If the bank has approved the loan, then the funds can only be spent on a specific car. Moreover, the borrower will not receive the money in hand; it will immediately go to the seller’s account.

The loan can be taken in the amount of either a partial cost of the vehicle or the full amount. If the car was purchased with credit funds, then until the full amount is paid to the bank, the owner cannot donate, sell or simply exchange the car. This cannot be done without the bank's permission. In order for the bank to have at least some guarantees, the bank keeps the registration certificate. If the entire debt is paid, the owner has the right to receive a certificate.

It is important to know that if a person buys a car, then he must also purchase an MTPL policy.

Car dealerships can be directly involved in issuing loans. This way, the car dealership can draw up an agreement with the bank, which will allow them to issue a loan in the future. In this case, there will be too much paperwork that the buyer must do.

Car loans are very popular. It is enough to deposit the initial amount, which usually ranges from 20 to 30%, the rest will be done by the bank with which the agreement was concluded. A car loan has a lot of positive aspects:

  1. The purchase can be completed in a short period of time. Usually the bank issues a loan quickly enough, a couple of days are enough to consider it.
  2. You can choose any car. The more equity the buyer has, the more expensive the vehicle can be purchased.
  3. Funds are protected. The buyer's debt will be fixed and will not be linked to inflation.

Features of car loans with state support

In 2019, the state offers two lending programs. One of them is a car loan with state support. It is a loan given by a bank on preferential terms. The main principle of the proposed preferential loan is that the state pays 2/3 of the loan refinancing rate. In principle, the result is a fairly acceptable amount that the borrower himself must pay. A car loan under the state program has advantages.

  1. Any citizen has the opportunity to buy a car at a lower cost.
  2. Banks have the benefit of their own development and the opportunity to earn money.
  3. Dealers are encouraged to increase sales.
  4. With an increase in demand for the purchase of a car, the state begins to develop the automobile industry more.

Of course, any type of lending has both its positive and negative sides.

  1. When issuing loans, the bank must be sure that the person is solvent. To do this, you need to provide a number of documents that prove that the client has a large salary, and a white one at that. Work experience in one place is also taken into account.
  2. The client will have to pay for the insurance themselves, since the state pays only part of the cost of the car itself.
  3. You have less time to repay a car loan than when taking out a regular loan.

Conditions for receiving benefits

Any citizen of the Russian Federation can take advantage of benefits from the state. In this case, some conditions must be met:

  1. A car loan is available to those citizens who want to purchase a vehicle worth no more than 1,450,000 rubles. Until some time, this amount was less and amounted to 1 million rubles.
  2. The bank may require you to make a down payment, but this depends only on the bank. Now the state no longer requires making first payments.
  3. If the car was released in 2017 or 2016 in Russia, then you can purchase it now and at the same time use preferential car loans.
  4. The bank issues loans only in Russian rubles.
  5. You are given exactly three years to repay the entire amount borrowed from the bank.
  6. The car must be “from scratch”, that is, new.
  7. In the Russian Federation, there are two programs that help you purchase a car. "Family Car" and "First Car". You can also use the ten percent discount that is offered when purchasing a certain brand of car.
  8. Only an official dealership can help you buy a car.
  9. The state transfers the funds to the seller’s account.

Typically, the bank provides a loan only for the purchase of one vehicle. But at the same time, the law does not indicate anywhere that preferential lending is provided once. Of course, you can try to contact the bank again.

As already mentioned, the state has developed two programs: “Family Car” and “First Car”. What is included in these programs and what you can expect:

  1. Family Car Program. Families can use it if they have two children, as well as more, who have not reached adulthood. They can also take advantage of an additional 10% discount.
  2. The First Car program. If a person has not bought a car before, then he can use this program. A 10% discount will be significant. For example, if a car costs 1.3 million rubles, then the discount amount will be 130,000 rubles. This discount can only be obtained once when purchasing a passenger car.

What cars does it apply to?

The cost of the car is not the only limitation. It is also worth knowing that subsidized loans are carried out only for the purchase of certain cars. You need to know what dimensions and brands of cars are suitable for preferential lending. The list of cars can be found on the banks' websites. The specified weight of the purchased vehicle is no more than 3.5 tons. Banks approve loans for the following brands of cars:

  • Chevrolet Niva;
  • Chevrolet Cobalt;
  • Citroen (but not all models are included here);
  • Kia Rio;
  • Lada Kalina;
  • Lada Granta;

It’s worth knowing that the car’s equipment is usually offered at the bare minimum, so you need to take this into account.

Rules for applying for a car loan

To avoid confusion, applying for a loan can be divided into several stages. What needs to be done?

  1. First of all, the client must choose a car. In this case, the car must meet all the requirements that must be met in order to qualify for preferential lending. The make of the car, its price, as well as the year of manufacture are what you need to pay attention to first.
  2. The bank and the dealership from which the car was selected must cooperate with each other. You can find out this either at the bank or on its website, or at the salon itself.
  3. If the client can use any program (“First car” or “Family car”), then he must document this. For the first program you will need a certificate, which can be obtained from the traffic police. If a person wants to use the Family Car program, then he must have a birth certificate for his children, and two must be minors.
  4. When choosing a bank, it is worth considering that the conditions under which the loan is issued may vary significantly.
  5. When the entire package of documents is ready, you can send the application to the bank.
  6. After waiting for the bank’s approval, you can start preparing documents such as a car purchase and sale agreement.
  7. In the documents, the bank indicates the initial amount that the client must deposit.
  8. The car must be registered with the traffic police.
  9. , after concluding an insurance and collateral agreement.
  10. The next stage is concluding an agreement for a car loan.
  11. When funds from the bank arrive at the seller’s account, the car can be at your disposal.

The person for whom the car will be registered is obliged to come to the bank to complete all documents. The bank has the right to determine how long it takes to collect all documents. Usually this period ranges from 1 month to 3. And the application itself can be considered in just a couple of days. It all depends on what form of lending the client needs.

List of documents to be prepared

It is possible to obtain a car loan for domestic cars provided that the client collects all the documents. Which package should I collect? Usually all banks require approximately the same documents:

  • To receive a loan you need to write an application;
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • driver's license;
  • at work you need to take a salary certificate for the last three months;
  • It is necessary to have a certificate stating that the client has been working at his last place of work for more than a year. You can bring a copy of your work record book or employment contract, certified by a notary.

Having chosen a bank, you should definitely familiarize yourself with the list that it requires. What other documents may be needed:

  • military ID;
  • certificate of insurance (pension);
  • marriage certificate;
  • It’s better to make a copy of your spouse’s documents (passport).
    • Rosbank;
    • PrimSotsBank;
    • VTB24;
    • Mitsubishi Bank;
    • Volkswagen Bank;
    • Sethelem;
    • Rosselkhozbank.

    Of course, this is not a complete list. The state makes its own adjustments to the list of banks. Each organization must obtain accreditation. The bank is capable and can set the interest rate itself. As practice shows, this percentage is usually no more than 20. Most often, by going to the bank’s website, you can find a calculator that works online. There you can make all the calculations: what the monthly payment will be and the amount of overpayments. The bank determines for itself which companies and car dealerships to work with and which not.


    If someone decides to buy a car on credit with government support, it is important to know all the nuances. Having purchased a car, additional expenses will be required. A new car needs to be maintained, which entails quite a lot of expenses. Therefore, you need to calculate in advance whether it is profitable to buy a new car or not.

As we wrote earlier, this year the existing support programs for the automotive industry will continue, including the preferential car loan program. All news agencies are writing about this now. And there is a reason to write about: the maximum cost of a car purchased under a preferential car loan with state support has been increased from 1.15 million rubles to 1.45 million rubles. The corresponding decree was signed today, May 11, by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

The importance of this resolution is that the amendments on compensating banks for lost income on loans, which were “talked about so much,” were announced and approved at the official level, which should please those motorists who plan to purchase a new car on a preferential car loan with the help of the state discounts. “The signed decree introduced changes to the rules by which the preferential car loan program is extended for 2017,” reports the press service of the Russian government. In addition, in addition to benefits under this program, buyers can also take advantage of.

Preferential car loans will support car manufacturers and buyers

The continuation of the program of preferential loans for the purchase of new cars should have a positive impact on consumer demand and improve the employment of Russians by maintaining sales of automotive products at the same level. It is already clear (over the past period compared to last year) that the demand for car loans is growing. The main change, as already mentioned, is an increase in the upper price level, thanks to which buyers will be more free to choose a list of cars on a car loan with state support. We wrote about that earlier.

In total, it is expected to sell 350 thousand new cars by the end of the year; a state reserve of 10 billion rubles has been created to compensate for lost income and maintain the preferential car loan program. The discount for buyers will be a fixed amount of 6.7% of the “standard” car loan rate. If the bank is unwilling or unable to reduce the interest rate by this amount, the “effect of state support” will be achieved in proportion to the reduction in the cost of a new car upon execution of a loan agreement, for example, from 550 to 500 thousand rubles.


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