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Kogalym from "____" ______________ 2014

___________________________________________________________________________ passport series ______ No. _________ issued by ___________________________________ resident at the address: Kogalym city ____________________________________, contact phone number: ___________, hereinafter referred to as the Lessor, on the one hand, and __________________________________________________________ passport series __________ No. ___________ issued by ____________________________________ _____________________________________ dated ______________________20_____, resident at the address: _________________________________________________ Contact phone number: home. _______________________ hundred._______________________, hereinafter referred to as the Tenant, on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as the Parties, have entered into this agreement as follows.

1.1 The Lessor provides and the Lessee accepts for rent (for temporary use for a fee)

property __________________________________________________________



Cost _____________________________________________________________________ for consumer purposes for a period of _____________________________________________________

The transfer by the Lessor to the Lessee of the property and the payment by the Lessee of funds to the Lessor in the amount and manner determined by this Agreement and the Lessor’s Price List is formalized by the Property Transfer Act, which is an integral part of the Agreement.

1.2 The return of property is carried out personally by the Tenant along with containers, packaging, technical documentation in accordance with Act No. 1 of the transfer of property and is documented by Act No. 2 of the acceptance of property.


2.1. The lessor is obliged:

2.1.1. Lease property of appropriate quality to the Tenant.

2.1.2. In the presence of the Tenant, check the operability of the rented property.

2.1.3. Familiarize the Tenant with the rules for the use and maintenance of the property or provide written instructions for using the property.

2.1.4. Eliminate defects in the property free of charge or replace them if they arise through no fault of the Tenant, which completely or partially prevent the Tenant from using it

2.2. The tenant is obliged:

2.2.1. Pay in favor of the Lessor a fee for the use of the property, in accordance with clause 4 of the Agreement

2.2.2. Use the leased property for its intended purpose

2.2.3. Return the property to the Lessor without faults (according to Act No. 1), damage

and in clean condition. A fine will be imposed for dirty property during mutual settlements.

in the amount of 100 rubles.

2.2.4. In the event of serious damage or malfunction of property,
the fault of the Tenant, resulting in a complete loss of operational qualities of the property,
The Tenant is obliged to pay the Lessor an amount equal to the full cost of the property,
specified in the Agreement; in the event of damage or malfunctions resulting in
for partial loss of operational qualities of the property, pay 50% of
property value.

2.2.5. Ensure safe operation of the rental property. 2.2.6. Ensure the safety of children during the operation of the rental property.


3.1. Delivery of property is carried out by the Tenant using its own resources.

3.2. By the Lessor, by agreement, in accordance with the Delivery Tariffs.

4. RENTAL FEE, PAYMENT PROCEDURE 4.1. By this agreement, the parties have established that the rental fee for the below-mentioned property ________________________________________ is the amount of____________(______________________________ ____________________)____________________ for ______________________________. 4.2. The specified rental fee is fixed and cannot be unilaterally changed. 4.3. The rent is calculated from the date of transfer of the property to the Tenant. 4.4. For late return of property to the Tenant, in accordance with Article 622 of the Civil Code Russian Federation, a penalty is charged in the amount of 100% of the overdue amount for each day of delay.

5.1.1. This Agreement comes into force from the moment it is signed by both parties and is valid until all obligations are fulfilled by the parties.

5.1.2. This agreement may be terminated early at the request of the Tenant subject to compliance with all terms of the Agreement.

5.1.3. The return of property by the Tenant is formalized by Act No. 2 of the transfer of property, which is an integral part of this Agreement.

5.1.4. Minimum term rental for gaming complexes is 48 hours (2 days), for sports simulators 720 hours (30 days).


6.1. The property of the Lessor under no circumstances becomes the property of the Lessee.

6.2. Disputes and disagreements that may arise during the execution of this Agreement will, if possible, be resolved through negotiations between the Parties.

6.3. Disputes between the parties that are not resolved through negotiations are referred for resolution to the Arbitration Court of Kogalym.



Lessor: Tenant:

Signature signature

The document form “Rental agreement (sample)” belongs to the heading “Rental agreement, household rental”. Save the link to the document in social networks or download it to your computer.

Rental agreement

______________ "___" ___________ 20__

(name and address of organization)

we refer to __ hereinafter as the “Lessor”, represented by _________________________,

(position, full name)

acting on the basis of _____________________________________________,

(charter, regulations, power of attorney)

on the one hand, and _____________________________________________________,

hereinafter referred to as __ "Tenant" residing at the address:


on the other hand, have entered into this agreement as follows:

1. Subject of the agreement

1.1. The Lessor transfers and the Tenant accepts temporarily

possession and use ____________________________ (name

property, its model, series, inventory number, other characteristics,

allowing the identification of property).

1.2. Degree of wear ______________________ (name of property)

is ________%.

1.3. Cost __________________________ (name of property)

on the day of transfer to the Tenant is _________ rubles.

2. Duration of the contract

2.1. This agreement is concluded for a period of ________________ (not more than

one year), from "__"_______ 20_ to "__"______ 20_

2.2. If, upon expiration of the contract, the consequences arising from it

the obligations of the party to the contract will not be fulfilled, then the other party

retains the right to demand the fulfillment of relevant obligations and

application of measures of property liability in accordance with this


3. Rent

3.1. Fee for one day of use ____________________

(name of property) is _____________________________ rubles.

Fee for one month of use ______________________ (name

property) amounts to _________________________________________________ rubles.

The total amount of rent payable by the Tenant is

is _________________________________ rubles.

3.2. The tenant pays rent __________________

(one-time, monthly).

Form of payment of rent: _______________________ (cash

money, by non-cash payments).

3.3. When paying monthly rent, the Tenant, receiving

___________________ (name of property), contributes an amount in the amount

one month's rent. In subsequent periods, rent

must be paid no later than ____ of the next month.

If the Tenant used __________________

(name of property) is not a full calendar month, then the rent for

such period is determined based on the rate established in clause 3.1

of this agreement for the appropriate number of days.

3.4. In case of early return _______________________

(name of property) excess rent paid is subject to

return to the Tenant.

4. Rights and obligations of the parties

4.1. The lessor has the right:

Terminate this agreement early in case of late payment

The tenant pays rent within __________ from the due date

Collect rent arrears from the Tenant in an indisputable manner

order on the basis of the notary's writ of execution.

4.2. The lessor is obliged:

Familiarize the Tenant with the operating rules ______

(name of property) or provide it with operating instructions,

technical passport and other necessary documents;

Provide the Tenant with _______________ (name of property) in

working condition, check the serviceability in the presence of the Tenant

___________ (name of property);

Eliminate deficiencies discovered by the Tenant free of charge

______________ (name of property) or replace the rental item with

similar, in good condition;

Produce on your own or at your own expense capital and current

repair _______________ (name of property).

4.3. The tenant has the right:

Demand that the Lessor eliminate the detected deficiencies

__________________ (name of property) or replacing it with

similar, in good condition, subject to proper

compliance with the rules of operation and maintenance of the rental item;

Cancel the rental agreement at any time in writing

by notifying the Lessor about this no later than _____ days.

4.4. The tenant is obliged:

Use _______________ (name of property) exactly

in accordance with its intended purpose and solely for consumer purposes;

sublease of a rental item, transfer of rights and obligations under

of this agreement to third parties, provision of the rental item in

gratuitous use, pledge of rental rights, their entry as

property contributions or shares are not allowed;

Pay rent on time;

If the defects are _______________ (name of property)

were a consequence of the Tenant’s violation of the rules of its operation,

pay the Lessor the cost of repairing the rental item and

transportation expenses incurred by him;

Return ________________ (name of property) complete

and in a condition suitable for further use, taking into account normal

depreciation upon expiration of this agreement or upon early

its termination.

5. Responsibility of the parties

5.1. For late payment of rent, the Tenant shall pay

The lessor receives a penalty in the amount of ___% of the amount not paid on time for each

day of delay.

5.2. When returning _____________ (name of property) to

defective or incomplete as a result of violation

The lessee of the rules for its operation or maintenance, as well as violations

rules of the second paragraph of clause 4.4 of this agreement, the Tenant pays

The lessor receives a fine in the amount of ___% of the cost of the rental item and

compensates the Lessor for direct damage caused by deterioration in its quality.

5.3. In case of refusal, return ____________ (name

property) The Tenant is obliged to reimburse the Lessor for its value in

Multiple size. If the rental item is not returned within

After the expiration of this agreement or

if there is a statement from the Lessee about the loss of the rental item, the Lessor

has the right in court to recover from the Tenant the amount specified in

this paragraph.

6. Dispute resolution

6.1. Disputes and disagreements that may arise during the execution

of this agreement will, if possible, be resolved through negotiations

between the parties.

6.2. If it is impossible to resolve disputes through negotiations

the parties submit them for consideration to the court ________ (specify the place

location of the court).

7. Addresses and bank details parties

Lessor: ______________________________________________________________

Tenant: __________________________________________________________

This agreement is drawn up in two copies in Russian. Both

copies are identical and have the same force. Each side

There is one copy of this agreement.

Signatures of the parties:

Lessor _________________________________ M.P.

Tenant _____________________________________ M.P.

View the document in the gallery:

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Document information:

Attached file:


Place of conclusion of the contract ____________

Date of conclusion of the contract _____________

Hereinafter referred to as the “Lessor”, represented by __________, acting on the basis of ____________, on the one hand, and ______________, hereinafter referred to as the “Tenant”, represented by ____________, acting on the basis of ________, on the other hand, collectively referred to as the “Parties”, and individually “Parties” have entered into this agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) as follows.


1.1. The Lessor undertakes to transfer to the Tenant for temporary possession and use (rent) non-residential premises (hereinafter referred to as the premises) for a fee, and the Tenant undertakes to accept the premises and pay rent to the Lessor.

1.2. The object under the Agreement is a premises with an area of ​​___ square meters. m , which is located on floor N ___, in the building at the address: _________ (hereinafter referred to as the building).

Cadastral number of the premises: ______ according to an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRN) (Appendix No. 1 to the Agreement).

The boundaries of the premises and its location on the floor are shown on a copy of the technical plan (Appendix No. 2 to the Agreement).

1.3. Purpose of use of the premises: _________.

1.4. The premises are owned by the Lessor, which is confirmed by an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate (Appendix No. 1 to the Agreement).

1.5. The Lessor guarantees that at the time of conclusion of the Agreement the premises are not in dispute or under arrest, are not subject to pledge and are not encumbered by other rights of third parties.


2.1. The contract is concluded (select the one you need)

— for a period up to ___ inclusive.

- for an indefinite period.

2.2. The agreement comes into force on the date of its (select the one you need)

— state registration (if the contract is concluded for a period of at least a year). Expenses associated with state registration of the Agreement are paid by ______.

— signing by the Parties (if the contract is concluded for a period of less than a year or for an indefinite period).

(if, according to clause 2.1, the Agreement is concluded for a specific period/otherwise, you should choose a different version of clause 2.3)

2.3. Upon expiration of the Agreement, the Tenant, who has properly fulfilled his duties, has a pre-emptive right to conclude an agreement for a new term. The Tenant is obliged to notify the Lessor in writing of his desire to conclude an agreement for a new term no later than ___ business days before the expiration of the Agreement.

(if, according to clause 2.1, the Agreement is concluded for an indefinite period / otherwise, you should select the above version of clause 2.3)

2.3. Each Party has the right to terminate the Agreement at any time by notifying the other Party ___ working days (months) in advance.


3.1. The lessor is obliged:

3.1.1. Prepare the premises for transfer, including drawing up a Certificate of Acceptance and Transfer of Real Estate (non-residential premises) in the form agreed upon in Appendix No. 3.

3.1.2. Transfer the premises to the Tenant in a condition corresponding to its purpose and the terms of the Agreement, within a period of _____ according to the Acceptance and Transfer Certificate of Real Estate (non-residential premises), which is an integral part of the Agreement.

(Clause 3.1.3 is included in the Agreement if the responsibility for insurance is assigned to the Lessor)

3.1.3. Insure the premises against risk at your own expense (select the one you need)

- loss (death).

- damage.

The beneficiary under the premises insurance contract is the Lessor.

(Clause 3.1.4 is included in the Agreement if the obligations to perform the relevant type of repair are assigned to the Lessor)

3.1.4. Produce at your own expense (select the one you need)

— major repairs of the premises at least _____ in _____, as well as its current repairs at least _____ in _____.

3.2. Tenant (select the one you need)

- has the right without the consent of the Lessor

- has no right

sublease premises, provide them for free use, transfer rental rights as collateral and contribute them as payment for a share in the authorized capital of business partnerships and companies or as a contribution to joint activities.

3.3. The tenant is obliged:

3.3.1. Before signing the Acceptance and Transfer Certificate for real estate (non-residential premises), inspect the premises and check its condition.

3.3.2. Pay rent in the amount, terms and manner provided for in the Agreement.

(Clause 3.3.3 is included in the Agreement if the responsibility for insurance is assigned to the Lessee)

3.3.3. Insure the premises against risk at your own expense (select the one you need)

- loss (death)

- damage

for the entire period during which the specified risks are borne by the Lessee. The Tenant bears this risk from the moment of receipt of the premises from the Lessor under the Certificate of Acceptance and Transfer of Real Estate (non-residential premises) and until the moment the premises are returned to the Lessor under the Certificate of Return of Real Estate (non-residential premises) (Appendix No. 5).

The beneficiary under the premises insurance contract is (select the one you need)

- Landlord.

- Tenant.

(Clause 3.3.4 is included in the Agreement if the responsibilities for performing the relevant type of repair are assigned to the Lessee)

3.3.4. Carry out at your own expense (select the one you need)

— current repairs of the premises at least _____ in _____.

- current repairs of the premises at least _____ in _____, as well as its major repairs at least _____ in _____.

— major repairs of the premises at least _____ in _____.

3.4. Income received by the Tenant as a result of the use of the premises in accordance with the Agreement is his property.


4.1. Separable improvements to the premises made by the Tenant are the property of (select the one you need)

- Tenant.

- Landlord.

4.2. The Tenant has the right, with the consent of the Landlord, to make inseparable improvements to the premises. After termination of the Agreement (select the one you need)

— The Landlord is obliged to reimburse the Tenant for the cost of inseparable improvements.

— the cost of inseparable improvements is not reimbursed to the Tenant.


5.1. Rent is set (select the one you need)

— in the amount of ___ rubles, including VAT ___ rubles, for __________ and includes the cost of utilities consumed by the Tenant.

— in the form of a fixed payment in the amount of ___ rubles, including VAT ___ rubles, for ____ (indicated billing period: month, quarter, etc.) and a variable payment in an amount equal to the cost of utilities (cold and hot water supply, sewerage, heating, electricity) consumed by the Tenant for this period. The amount of the variable payment is determined on the basis of invoices of resource supply organizations in proportion to the area occupied by the Tenant and is paid on the basis of an invoice issued by the Lessor with copies of invoices of resource supply organizations attached.

— in the amount of ___ rubles, including VAT ___ rubles, for _____ (indicate the billing period: month, quarter, etc.). In addition to the rent, the Tenant is obliged to compensate the Lessor for the cost of utilities (cold and hot water supply, sewerage, heating, electricity) consumed by the Tenant during this period. The corresponding amount is determined on the basis of invoices of resource supply organizations in proportion to the area occupied by the Tenant and is paid on the basis of an invoice issued by the Lessor with copies of invoices of resource supply organizations attached.

5.2. Rent is due (select the one you need)

- no later than ___ working days after the next ______ (indicate the billing period: month, quarter, etc.).

- no later than ___ working days before the start of the next __________ (indicate the billing period: month, quarter, etc.).

— regarding the fixed payment — no later than ___ working days before the start of the next __________ (indicate the billing period: month, quarter, etc.), in terms of variable payment - no later than ___ working days after the next __________ (indicate the billing period: month, quarter, etc.).

- in accordance with the Payment Schedule, which is an integral part of the Agreement (Appendix No. 4).

(clause 5.3 is included in the Agreement if clause 5.2 provides for advance payments towards rent/otherwise, the subsequent numbering of clauses should be changed)

5.3. The parties agreed that advance payments under the Agreement are counted towards the rent in the following order.

(if 100% advance payment (or partial prepayment) is paid for each billing period separately, you should select this version of clause 5.3.1)

5.3.1. Upon receipt of 100% advance payment (or partial advance payment) for each billing period separately, the advance payment is counted in full towards the rental period for which it is intended.

(if 100% advance payment (or partial prepayment) is paid for the entire rental period in several payments, you should select this version of clause 5.3.1)

5.3.1. Upon receipt of 100% advance payment (or partial prepayment) for the entire rental period in several payments for each __________ (indicate the billing period: month, quarter, etc.) ____ percentage of the amount of advance payments received from the Tenant is counted.

(if 100% advance payment (or partial prepayment) is paid for the entire rental period in one payment, you should select the below version of clause 5.3.1)

5.3.1. Upon receipt of 100% advance payment (or partial prepayment) for the entire rental period in one payment for each __________ (indicate the billing period: month, quarter, etc.) _____ percentage of the amount of the advance payment received from the Tenant is counted.

5.4. Interest on the payment amount under the Agreement is not accrued or paid.

5.5. The date of payment of rent and other payments under the Agreement is the date of crediting funds to the Lessor's current account.


6.1. Tenant (select the one you need)

- has the right to purchase the premises upon or before the expiration of the lease term.

- has no right to subsequent repurchase of the premises.

(clauses 6.2 - 6.4 are included in the Agreement if, within the framework of clause 6.1 of the Agreement, the Parties have provided for the Tenant’s right to purchase the premises)

6.2. When purchasing the premises after the expiration of the lease term, the purchase price is ___ rubles, including VAT ___ rubles. The purchase price is paid no later than ___ business days from the expiration of the lease term.

6.3. When purchasing the premises before the expiration of the lease term, the redemption price specified in clause 6.2 of the Agreement increases by the amount of rental payments (in terms of the fixed payment ( if in clause 5.1 a payment procedure is selected that provides for a variable payment)) for the period from the moment of purchase until the end of the established lease period.

6.4. After paying the redemption price in accordance with clause 6.2 or clause 6.3 of the Agreement, as well as subject to payment of rent in accordance with the provisions of clause 6.2 or clause 6.3 of the Agreement for the entire period of use, the premises become the property of the Tenant.


7.1. The Tenant is obliged to return the premises to the Landlord in the condition in which he received it, taking into account normal wear and tear, unless clause 6.1 of the Agreement provides for the Tenant's right to buy out the premises or such a right is provided but not exercised by the Tenant.

7.2. The Tenant is obliged, at his own expense, to prepare the premises for return to the Lessor, including drawing up a Certificate of Return of Real Estate (non-residential premises) in the form agreed upon in Appendix No. 5.

7.3. In case of untimely return of the premises, the Lessor has the right to demand from the Tenant payment of rent for the entire period of delay. In the event that the specified fee does not cover the losses caused to the Lessor, he may demand compensation in excess of the amount of the fine established by clause 8.3 of the Agreement.


8.1. The Party that fails to fulfill or improperly fulfills its obligations under the Agreement is obliged to compensate the other Party for losses caused by such violations.

8.2. For late payment of rent, the Lessor has the right to demand from the Tenant payment of a penalty (penalty) in the amount of ___ percent of the unpaid amount for each day of delay.

8.3. For untimely transfer of premises, the Party that violated the Agreement will be obliged to pay the other Party a fine in the amount of ___ rubles.

8.4. Payment of penalties and fines does not relieve the Party that violated the Agreement from fulfilling its obligations in kind.

8.5. In all other cases of failure to fulfill obligations under the Agreement, the Parties are liable in accordance with the law.


9.1. The parties are released from liability for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under the Agreement if proper fulfillment turned out to be impossible due to force majeure, that is, extraordinary and unpreventable circumstances under the given conditions, which are understood as: _________________________ (prohibited actions of the authorities, civil unrest, epidemics, blockades, embargoes, earthquakes, floods, fires or other natural disasters).

9.2. If these circumstances occur, the Party is obliged to notify the other Party about this within ___ business days.

9.3. Document issued by _________ (authorized government body, etc.), is sufficient confirmation of the presence and duration of force majeure.

9.4. If force majeure circumstances continue to apply for more than _____, then each Party has the right to unilaterally withdraw from the Agreement.


10.1. All disputes related to the conclusion, interpretation, execution and termination of the Agreement will be resolved by the Parties through negotiations.

10.2. If an agreement is not reached during negotiations, the interested Party submits a claim in writing, signed by an authorized person.

The claim is sent in any of the following ways:

— by registered mail with acknowledgment of delivery;

- courier delivery. In this case, the fact of receipt of the claim must be confirmed by a receipt from the Party. The receipt must contain the name of the document and the date of its receipt, as well as the surname, initials, position and signature of the person who received the document.

The claim entails civil consequences for the Party to which it is sent (hereinafter referred to as the addressee), from the moment the claim is delivered to the specified Party or its representative. Such consequences also arise in cases where the claim was not served on the addressee due to circumstances beyond his control.

The claim is considered delivered if it:

- was received by the addressee, but due to circumstances depending on him, was not delivered or the addressee did not familiarize himself with it;

- delivered to the address indicated in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or named by the addressee himself, even if the latter is not located at such an address.

10.3. The claim must be accompanied by documents substantiating the demands made by the interested Party (if the other Party does not have them), and documents confirming the authority of the person who signed the claim. These documents are submitted in the form of duly certified copies. If a claim is sent without documents confirming the authority of the person who signed it, then it is considered unsubmitted and is not subject to consideration.

10.4. The Party to which the claim is sent is obliged to consider the received claim and notify the interested Party in writing about the results within __ business days from the date of receipt of the claim.

10.5. If disagreements are not resolved through the claim procedure, as well as if a response to the claim is not received within the period specified in clause 10.4 of the Agreement, the dispute is referred to the arbitration court at the location of the defendant, except in cases where other jurisdiction is established by law.


11.1. All changes and additions to the Agreement are valid if made in writing and signed by both Parties. The corresponding additional agreements of the Parties are an integral part of the Agreement.

11.2. The Agreement may be terminated early by agreement of the Parties or at the request of one of the Parties in the manner and on the grounds provided for by law.


(if, in accordance with clause 2.1 of the Agreement, the Parties have provided for a rental period of the premises of less than a year or for an indefinite period)

12.1. The Agreement is drawn up in two copies, one of which is kept by the Lessor, the second by the Tenant.

(if, in accordance with clause 2.1 of the Agreement, the Parties have stipulated a rental period for the premises of one year or more)

12.1. The Agreement is drawn up in three copies, one of which is kept by the Lessor, the second by the Tenant, the third is transferred to the body that carries out state registration of rights.

12.2. Unless otherwise provided by the Agreement, notifications and other legally significant messages (hereinafter referred to as messages) may be sent by the Parties by fax, e-mail or other means of communication, provided that it allows one to reliably determine who the message came from and to whom it was addressed.

12.3. The following are attached to the Agreement:

— extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate (Appendix No. 1);

— copy of the technical plan (Appendix No. 2);

— Certificate of acceptance and transfer of real estate (non-residential premises) (Appendix No. 3);

— Payment schedule (Appendix No. 4) (if you select the appropriate condition within the framework of clause 5.2 of the Agreement / otherwise, the application should be deleted, the subsequent numbering of the applications should be changed);

— Certificate of return of real estate (non-residential premises) (Appendix No. 5)


Landlord ____________

Tenant _______________

"__"__________ 200_


acting on the basis

on the one hand, and


acting on the basis

on the other side,

have entered into this Agreement as follows:

1. Subject of the Agreement

The Lessor transfers and the Lessee accepts for temporary possession and use the following property:

fees in





per year

2. Purpose and procedure of rent

3. Procedure for transferring property for rent

3.1. The property specified in clause 1 of this Agreement must be transferred by the Lessor and accepted by the Tenant within ______________ from the date of signing this Agreement.

3.2. The transfer of property for rent is carried out according to the transfer deed.

3.3. When transferring property, the parties are obliged to check the serviceability of the leased property, which must be indicated in the transfer act.

4. Rental period

4.1. The property is considered transferred to the Tenant from the moment the acceptance certificate is signed.

4.2. The lease term is ____ years from the date of acceptance of the leased property according to the acceptance certificate.

4.3. The rental period can be reduced only by agreement of the parties.

5. Payment procedure

5.1. The rent is indicated in clause 1 including VAT.

5.2. The rent is paid by bank transfer to the Lessor's bank account no later than the ______ date of each month.

5.3. The tenant is obliged within _______ from the moment ________

transfer the rent for ____________ in advance.

5.4. Rent, as agreed by the parties, can be paid in kind or in mixed form, food, goods, services.

6. Rights and obligations of the Lessor

6.1. The Lessor has the right to check the Tenant's use of the leased property in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

6.2. Major repairs of the property are carried out by the Lessor.

7. Rights and obligations of the Tenant

7.1. The tenant undertakes:

Use the leased property for its intended purpose in accordance with clause 2 of this Agreement;

Make rent payments on time;

Carry out current repairs of the rented property at your own expense;

Eliminate malfunctions and damage to property at your own expense.

7.2. The Tenant has the right to sublease the leased property with the consent of the Lessor.

8. Procedure for returning property to the Lessor

8.1. At the end of the lease term under this Agreement, the Tenant is obliged to return the leased property to the Lessor according to the act within _________.

8.2. The leased property must be delivered to the Lessor in good condition, taking into account normal wear and tear.

8.3. In the event that the Tenant has made, at his own expense and with the consent of the Lessor, improvements that cannot be separated without harm to the leased property, he (has or does not have) the right, after termination of the Agreement, to reimburse the cost of these improvements.


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