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The 39-year-old son of the famous writer Daria Dontsova, Arkady, testified to the metropolitan police in a criminal case of hooliganism initiated following a shooting near a metropolitan nightclub.

The son of the author of dozens of detective stories is so far only a witness in the case, but employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have every reason to believe that six months ago, during a traffic conflict, he, waving the baton of a traffic police officer, shot at the driver of the Mercedes and disappeared.

The conflict occurred on November 26, 2011 at about 2 a.m. near the Kafka nightclub on 1905 Street, a law enforcement source told Life News. - A couple came out of a nightclub. The girl got behind the wheel of a dark gray BMW car, and the man took out the baton of a traffic police officer and began pointing it at the drivers of parked cars nearby, demanding that the exit be cleared for his foreign car.

According to witnesses to this scene, the stranger was very drunk, behaved inappropriately and swore at everyone.

Many drivers began to answer him and make comments,” our source continues. “Then he pulled a pistol out of the car and pointed it towards the Mercedes S500 car, in which 42-year-old Nikolai Z. was located. After firing two shots at the driver’s door of the car, the man disappeared.

Witnesses to the conflict remembered the license plate number of the car, and the next morning the owner of the bullet-ridden car contacted the police. A criminal case was initiated under Part 1 of Article 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Hooliganism with the use of weapons or objects used as weapons.”

Having identified the owner of the BMW, the operatives went to her residence address. It turned out that the car was registered to the shooter's ex-girlfriend. She told the police that she was only the formal owner of the car. In fact, the car belongs to Arkady Vasiliev, the son of the writer Daria Dontsova, whom she has not seen for a long time.

The police were unable to find Vasiliev immediately: he did not live at his place of registration. After several months of searching, they finally managed to interrogate him.

In the interrogation report, Vasiliev indicated that no such incident happened to him and he was not near the club at the specified time.

The police asked him to undergo a victim identification procedure.

A specific date for investigative actions has been set,” the source continues. - Nikolai Z., whose Mercedes was shot at, Vasiliev himself and several extras were supposed to come. Nikolai had to either point to Vasiliev, or say that among these people there was no one who shot at his car.

However, Dontsova’s son did not show up at the police station at the appointed time, and then stopped answering phone calls altogether.

According to a Life News source, Arkady’s mother wrote a letter to the Ministry of Internal Affairs with a complaint against the investigator who is investigating this case, asking them to look into it.

The writer’s official representative denied this information, also adding that Daria Dontsova would not comment on what happened with her son.

In the near future, a summons will be delivered to the address of Arkady Vasilyev’s actual residence.


According to the ongoing investigation, 39-year-old suspect Arkady Vasiliev shot at the driver of a Mercedes car on November 26, 2011 at around 2:00. This happened at the entrance to the Kafka nightclub on 1905 Street in Moscow.
Moskovsky Komsomolets

Moscow police have put the son of detective story author Daria Dontsova on the federal wanted list. He is suspected of hooliganism with the use of a weapon.

According to the ongoing investigation, 39-year-old suspect Arkady Vasiliev shot at the driver of a Mercedes car on November 26, 2011 at around 2:00. This happened at the entrance to the Kafka nightclub on 1905 Street in Moscow, ITAR-TASS reports, citing a source in Moscow law enforcement agencies.

In connection with the incident, a criminal case was opened under Part 1 of Article 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (hooliganism with the use of weapons).

The media are publishing some details of the incident near the Kafka club. According to them, that night a couple left the establishment: the girl got behind the wheel of a dark gray BMW car, and the man, who was later identified as Arkady Vasilyev, took out the baton of a traffic police officer and began pointing it at drivers of parked cars nearby, demanding that the exit be cleared for your foreign car.

At the same time, according to witnesses, the false traffic cop was drunk, behaved inappropriately and “cursed everyone.” And at some point, the brawler even pulled out a pistol and shot at the driver, who probably did not follow his instructions promptly enough.

The rowdy was subsequently identified from a photograph, RIA Novosti reports with reference to the press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Moscow.

One way or another, the accused himself did not admit guilt and, moreover, hid from the investigation. The last time the writer’s son was interrogated was in June. Since then, he has stopped appearing on subpoenas.

At first, investigators complacently hoped that the suspect had not left Moscow, but two months later they decided to put the fugitive on the all-Russian wanted list, writes Life News.

Now all employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation will be focused on establishing the whereabouts of Arkady Vasilyev. “The FSKN and FSB officers will receive similar information,” said a source close to the investigation. “In addition, the defendant’s movements on rail and air transport will be taken under control.”

Let us note that this is not the first scandal in which the name of Arkady Vasiliev appears. In 2009, he was accused of threatening to kill. Then 23-year-old Daria Volynyuk contacted the police, who turned out to be ex-girlfriend the writer's son. She said that while drunk, her ex-lover severely beat her.

According to the applicant, Vasiliev’s anger was caused by her question about an SMS he received from a girl unknown to her. Daria claimed that the man allegedly attacked her with his fists and even tried to throw her out the window. Since there were no signs of beatings on Volynyuk’s body, she wrote another statement - this time that Vasiliev was constantly threatening her with violence. As a result, a criminal case was opened under Article 119 of the Criminal Code (threat of murder).

After witnesses confirmed that the writer’s son was in the nightclub at the time when, according to Volynuk, he wanted to throw her out of the window, the criminal case was closed.

The suspect's mother, writer Daria Dontsova, is the author of several popular series of "ironic detective stories" and the winner of many literary awards. In the early 2000s, she received the Writer of the Year and Bestseller of the Year awards several times, NTV channel reports. For five years in a row - from 2006 to 2010 - she was recognized as "Writer of the Year" according to VTsIOM polls. Arkady Vasiliev is her son from her first marriage. Dontsova also has a 26-year-old daughter, Maria, whom she gave birth to from her third husband.

Guest programs of Boris Korchevnikov- Daria Dontsova. If you want to get rid of depression, read her detective story. Better yet, find out about her fate. Today she is one of the most recognizable and beloved authors in Russia, and readers are ready to stand in line for half a day to get her autograph: it is believed to bring good luck. And it all began in the ward of the oncology clinic, when Dontsova suddenly took up her pen. The terrible diagnosis came when she was 45 years old. Before Daria Dontsova decided to call the disease her luck, she had to endure 18 courses of chemotherapy and four surgeries.

There have been three marriages in her life, but she considers only one to be real. She and Academician Alexander Ivanovich have been together for 36 years. Between them they have three children and can’t count how many pugs there are. Thanks to Dontsova, dogs of this breed have become incredibly popular. She jokes that they are the ones who write all her detective stories for her. After all the trials, Dontsova admits that her husband is the only person in the world with whom she could connect her fate.

Moreover, throughout the 36 years of their acquaintance, she calls him by his first name and patronymic. He says out of respect: “He is much smarter than me and much stronger than me, if you say anything else wrong, what will happen?” It was out of love for him - the youngest doctor of science at that time - and caring for her large family - three children, two grandmothers (mother and mother-in-law) and a bunch of dogs - that Daria, having learned from the doctors that she was dying, decided to find a replacement for herself. The choice fell on my friend Oksana - she is single, a surgeon, she has three dogs, and her son is a close friend of Dontsova’s youngest daughter, Masha. She joyfully “agreed”, only asked where Dasha herself was going. Having learned that “to dad, at the Novodevichy cemetery,” I found a good oncologist for my friend.

Dontsova says that she did not know her father - writer, party functionary and Cheka/KGB officer Arkady Vasilyev. He died when she was 20, but he was never home. There was a “Kremlin” telephone in the office, but the topic of my father’s work for the “organs” of the house was never raised. In general, nee Agrippina Vasilyeva knew very little about her father’s past. More recently, she discovered that she doesn’t even know exactly her father’s age: the year of birth he gave contradicts the documents found. Dad never said that he spoke German, but one day he casually helped a girl with a school exercise, and in the GDR, where his books were published, he hired her as a translator. Daria gave the notebook with texts in this language, found after her father’s death, to a graphologist, who reported that the author not only spoke fluently, but also thought in German. When the family returned from their father’s funeral, the painting in his office had been removed, there was a hole behind it, and the Kremlin telephone was no longer there. Mom and grandmother were not surprised.

My father was friends with Konstantin Simonov, who lived with them in the same house. One day he came to visit on the eve of May 9th. Dad always said that during the war he worked for the Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper, but Simonov, who himself worked for this newspaper throughout the war, heard this and only smiled fleetingly and strangely, Dontsova recalls.

Agrippina was born out of wedlock - her father was then married to another woman and later adopted his child. Arkady Vasilyev was prompted to register his marriage for the first time by the threat of expulsion of his future mother-in-law, her daughter and granddaughter (Agrippina) as former members of the family of an enemy of the people. But the registry office was closed - Stalin died on that day. Officially, the parents signed only in 1959, when Agrippina was eight years old.

Dontsova's eldest son (from her first marriage), Arkady, was born on the 40th day after the death of her father. And with Arkady Jr.’s father, Dmitry Demin, she ran away very quickly. He says that they signed out of stupidity. She was a freshman - “young, stupid.” We met in Koktebel and lived together for a month or two. The second husband was a witness at her wedding to the first. She fell in love with him right there as a bride.

He was similar to her first love - a married French racing driver much (20 years) older than her. And she was then 17. They met at an international automobile exhibition in Moscow, where Daria worked as a translator from French (she is also fluent). The romance was long. The wife remained in Paris. He said that he was going to get a divorce and... did not return. Many years later, this man’s wife came to Moscow, met with Dontsova and told her that her husband divorced her and did not leave Dasha - he was going to go after her, but did not have time - he died and had an accident.

They lived with their second husband, Boris Kapustin (now a professor, teaching at Yale University) for seven years. And then they realized that they were just very good friends, but not husband and wife. Divorced. Both now have new families, and Dontsova considers her current marriage essentially her first.

It was Alexander Ivanovich who became her main ally in the fight against the terrible disease. And also friends - Oksana Glod (the same failed replacement) and Maria Trubina. “Masha brought a five-liter (!) jar of black caviar to the hospital: someone told her that it was useful for oncology (this is not true). She force-fed me with a ladle - I can’t stand caviar. It was some kind of “White Sun of the Desert” , - Dontsova laughs now. And then, in 1998, having learned the diagnosis and her remaining term - three months - she cried for a long time. And then she went to “woo” her friend’s husband...

It was a miracle that she survived stage four breast cancer. The doctor said: “The Lord God has special plans for you.” She became a writer while in intensive care; my husband said: you’ve been wanting it for a long time, so write it. Once I started, I couldn’t stop. I wrote out my first novel in two weeks - I was afraid that I wouldn’t have time to finish it. She wrote a book about her illness much later. Dontsova believes that it was she who brought cancer patients out of the “underground”: before that, oncology was considered a death sentence, there was nothing to talk about with such patients. Now she supports women with her diagnosis, and those - more and more. When she asked her husband if he would live with her after her mastectomy, he replied: “If only one ear remains of you, I will live with this ear”...

How do you need to answer the Kremlin “spinner” in order to receive a luxurious doll as a gift? What does Dontsova have in common with Khrushchev’s relatives? How did Grunya Vasilyeva meet her third husband? How did it happen that his son began to live with them, and not with his mother? Why does she call one of her works “a novel written on a toilet”? Answers are in the program "The Fate of a Man with Boris Korchevnikov".

She was born into the family of writer Arkady Vasilyev and Mosconcert director Tamara Novatskaya. Dad's fate was not easy. At the time of his daughter’s birth, he had not yet been divorced from his previous wife, and therefore could not marry the next one. At birth, the baby, who would become famous under the name Daria, received the name Agrippina and lived with him for a significant part of her life.

Creative parents could not get decent housing, so little Grunya lived with them in a barracks for the first years of her life. Then he was resettled, and mom and dad were given such a tiny room that their daughter had to be sent to live with her grandmother for a while - there was simply nowhere to put her crib.

Despite the difficult living conditions, everything was fine with the finances at home. They allowed him to hire two governesses for Grunya - a German and a French woman. They hardly spoke Russian and taught the baby their languages. The girl's humanitarian inclinations first appeared at a very young age. She quickly learned the native languages ​​of her nannies. German was especially easy for her.

The daughter amazed her parents with her curiosity, and they decided to send her to a music school. But after the meeting, the teachers decided: the girl has no hearing at all. The news upset the Vasilyev couple, and they began to take their daughter to the opera and ballet more often, until they noticed that there they were simply experiencing unbearable melancholy.


Only closer to their daughter’s school years did the family finally receive a large apartment in a house specially built for writers and writers. Dontsova says that classics of Russian and Soviet literature still live there today, and then the girl’s family had famous friends.

One day, a funny incident even happened to her. During a literature lesson, the teacher asked an essay: “What was Valentin Kataev thinking about when he wrote the story “The Lonely Sail Is White”?” Without being embarrassed, the future writer went to her friend, Valentin Petrovich Kataev, and bluntly asked him a question.

He gladly helped his friends’ daughter, and was quite surprised when she was given a low grade for her essay, and they wrote right in the notebook in red ink that Kataev could not think about it!

At school, the girl stood out for her passion for the humanities, but the teachers teaching the exact sciences were upset. Grunya ignored their mathematics completely. It was clear that the girl would study something related to literature.


While still a schoolgirl, she went with her dad to Germany - some of the writer’s works were going to be published there and his presence was required. My daughter went with him to show off her German and see a new country.

It was from there, inspired by a new genre for her, that she first brought a pile of detective novels to German. For the future writer, this was a real discovery, but so far she did not understand that she could write like that herself.

After school, the writing girl with a penchant for languages ​​easily entered the journalism department of Moscow State University. And after graduating, she worked for some time, first as a translator from French in Syria, and then as a journalist in “Fatherland” and “Evening Moscow”.

She first tried to put pen to paper and create something artistic in 1984. The story was published in the magazine “Youth”, but it did not cause any special enthusiasm among anyone. Daria, being a true optimist, did not despair and decided that someday she would try herself in another genre.


So time passed. She enjoyed interesting life metropolitan journalist, traveled, fell in love, was disappointed and fell in love again.

For the first time she fell into the abyss of passions when she was very young. From her first marriage, which the writer rarely remembers, she had an eldest son, Arkady, who now made Daria a grandmother. Daria Arkadyevna’s second marriage is rarely mentioned anywhere.

After the first two attempts, she no longer intended to get married. “I realized that the beast Grushka Vasilyeva does not live in captivity,” the writer said about herself. But everything, as often happens, was decided by chance.

Her kind neighbor wanted to marry the kindest optimist Vasilyeva. She invited me to a birthday party, warning that the wonderful Sasha Dontsov, a social psychologist and professor, would be there. Grunya muttered, but came to the party.

“He thought: what a jerk!” says the writer. She herself also did not appreciate the stern appearance of her new acquaintance and was offended by the fact that he did not even look at her. She defiantly went to her apartment without waiting for the birthday cake.

Only three weeks later, a neighbor without ceremony came to her in the evening with the same Sasha. They sat over some scientific work, and since smoking was strictly prohibited in Alena’s apartment, the idea came to visit Gruna.

“I don’t want to get married!” the future wife reported to Dontsov. It turned out that he had just gotten divorced and was not going to marry “never again.” We laughed at the unsuccessful matchmaking, drank tea and stayed together in this apartment now forever. In the mid-80s they got married, and a little later their common daughter Masha appeared in the family.

there would be no happiness

She was still Grunya and was not a writer. Until one terrible day, thunder struck: a woman was admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis that completely turned her life upside down.

And let Dontsova now say that cancer is just a disease that can and should be fought, when she was diagnosed with the fourth, most severe stage of oncology, days of despair and real horror began.

Now she actively supports the “Together Against Breast Cancer” program and literally takes readers with a similar diagnosis to the hospital by the hand, forces them to agree to surgery, endure chemotherapy and hope for the best.

Then the inexhaustible optimism of this wise woman and her loving family helped respond to oncology with dignity. She underwent four operations, she had 14 more to go. She literally “settled” in intensive care when her husband said: “You always wanted to sit down for a novel, but you still didn’t have enough time. Now you're in the hospital, you have plenty of time..."

When the visitors left, Grunya, shrouded in pipes, put a sheet of paper on some book and wrote the first sentence of her first novel, “Cool Heirs.” It took only four days, and upon returning home she brought the manuscripts of five novels.

Daria Dontsova

All works were accepted by the EKSMO publishing house. Before this, editors had never encountered this genre—no one among Russian-speaking writers had written like this. Especially for the new writer, the name “ironic detective” was invented.

The writer says that to this day she has not learned to use a computer and writes all her books by hand. She refutes the arguments of gossips who accuse her of using the powers of “literary slaves” and can prove that every word of numerous novels belongs to her.

Why did Agrippina Vasilyeva become Daria Dontsova?

How did she meet her third husband, whom she considers her only one? What phrase from the spouse deprived the future writer of all her complexes? Dontsova told Kira Proshutinskaya about this and much more in the “Wife” program, which we will see on the TV Center channel on Friday, April 27, at 22.10.

- Your parents named you Agrippina. Until what age were you Grunya?

Until I was 45, and I really didn’t like it. I always felt that this was not my name. I always liked the name Dasha. As a teenager, I read “Walking Through Torment” by Alexei Tolstoy and fell in love with the main character. But my husband sometimes calls me Grushka, Grushenka.

- Tell us about your parents...

Mother - Tamara Stepanovna Novatskaya. She was very beautiful woman, the Georgian blood of my grandfather is visible in her. She graduated from the Institute of Philosophy, Literature and Art, and was the director of the Mosconcert. Dad is a writer.

Mom was 38 years old and dad was 45 when I was born. Mom was dad's third wife. There was this joke about dad: “Party organizer Vasilyev had a daughter.” “Wow, how cool! Does his wife know about this?” Dad was not very handsome in appearance, but when he started talking, all the women were his.

- As far as I know, you were born out of wedlock. How did mom decide?

I think she just loved dad. But he lived with us, but for various reasons he could not divorce his second wife for a long time.

- Who were your parents for you?

Mom was an icon. A close person was my grandmother. And my father is a man who should not be upset...

- How was it with falling in love at school?

There were classmates that I liked. But I don’t tell them. I never belonged to the first beauties of the school. The first date was with Igor Avvakumov in probably the eighth or ninth grade. He and I were walking in the park... It was a disaster! It was winter, and I was wearing nylon stockings. I should have put on leggings. But how can I put them on when there’s a boy standing here?! The nylon was “welded” to my feet. Grandma put me in the bath to soak my stockings.

- Did all your crushes end quickly?

They were all unrequited.

- Now you are a strong-willed person. Has it always been like this?

This is brought up. In my third year, I was left with a baby in total lack of money. Dad died, and everything ended at once... There was such a moment: I’m sitting at home, I have a 5-year-old son, I live with a friend, we have nothing to eat and nothing to buy a winter coat for the boy. I understand that something needs to be done. And then a friend comes running: “Grushka, we have a dental clinic downstairs - they need a cleaner there. It’s 120 rubles a month!” I’m terrified: to wash the floors in the clinic?! But I went. I stepped over myself - and all the complexes ended.

- The number of Daria Dontsova’s husbands varies on the Internet - from two to six.

Once they wrote about twelve! There were actually three husbands. But I think there is only one. Alexander Ivanovich. (Dontsova’s current husband is Alexander Dontsov, psychologist, Doctor of Science, academician - Ed.). The first two are so... No, they were wonderful people...

- They say that you had a mad love when you were 18 years old, and he was over 30...

Yes, I was. But he left. And he didn’t return, although he promised. I waited, and a year later I got married - out of spite. I got pregnant, but we separated very quickly. It is impossible to exist for a long time in a “wedge by wedge” situation. And at the wedding I fell in love with my husband’s friend, he was very similar to my beloved who left me…. This friend of my first husband became my second husband.

- You gave your son Arkady your maiden name - he became Vasilyev.

I wanted there to be a second Arkady Vasiliev - like dad.

- Was your second marriage successful?

We lived together for six years. But you know... Here are two objects - a ring and a glass. Well, they are not a couple, not a couple! We stopped talking, we began to live in parallel. We didn't fight like other spouses before divorce. It just became clear that something had died.

- There are women who psychologically cannot live alone, without a husband...

No, it's not me. I didn't want to meet anyone. Two marriages were enough for me to understand that the beast named Grunya Vasilyeva does not live in captivity. But my neighbor and friend Alena was sure that I needed a husband. And she said that there is this Alexander Ivanovich Dontsov. We definitely need to meet, and that’s why she’s throwing a birthday party. I was a little late, I went in to Alena, looked around the table... Alexander Ivanovich told me that he then thought: “Well, what a mess!” And I looked - the jacket, the beard... He doesn’t notice me. And she proudly went to her apartment.

Three weeks later, Alena appeared on the doorstep with cigarettes and said that she and Alexander Ivanovich had been working too long. She studies theater history. And, of course, she needed consultation with a psychologist. She kept him up until ten in the evening, until I came home. You can't smoke in her place, so they came to my place to smoke. And then Alena says: “Oh, it’s already half past twelve! The metro is closed, you can’t catch a taxi!” Alexander Ivanovich understands that he is being hunted like a fox by hunting dogs, and asks: “What should we do?” Alena says: “Grunya has a large two-room apartment, she will make a bed for you on the sofa.” I was scared - what if he thought it was my idea? And a very funny conversation begins... I tell him: “Please forgive me. I don’t want to get married! Alena came up with this!” He says: “Oh my God, I just got divorced, I have no plans to get married!” We were so happy and sat down to drink tea - about half past one in the morning. And he never left again. We have lived like this for 28 years. And I understand that this is the only person with whom I can live my life.

...A week after he stayed, he brought a suitcase with things - he left everything, including the apartment, to his wife. A week later, his son Dima came running to see where dad lived now. And he stayed. We call it the “migration group”. This is how I became the mother of two boys. Dima calls me mom, and I think this is the greatest reward. My daughter-in-law Rita also calls me mom. And for their girls I am a grandmother.

- Was there a declaration of love with Alexander Ivanovich?

He, like many Russian men, is embarrassed to express feelings with words. He will bring my favorite chocolates and put them on the nightstand. He will see that I have come tired - he will go, open the bed, and I will plop down there. Well, come and say: dear, beloved wife. I adore you!

The words “I love you” struck him when I was hospitalized... But it was always clear that he loved me.

My husband once said a brilliant phrase - he wanted to kill me several times, but never divorce me.

- Having a common child - was this a conscious decision?

The birth of Masha's daughter is a completely conscious decision. If a woman over thirty gets a child by accident, she is an idiot.

- You lived happily, and then this terrible disease came...

I object to the word "creepy" It's just a disease. She is being treated. Of course, I had a period of fear and horror, but it quickly passed. There was more fear for my family - I have three children! What will happen to them?

How did your husband take the diagnosis?

Outwardly calm. But when I was admitted to the hospital, he, a completely non-drinking person, got drunk.

- Did your husband talk to you as if you were a sick person?

No, and I am very grateful to him for that. Alexander Ivanovich, for example, planned what we would do on New Year that now there is an opportunity to buy a ticket. I immediately thought: yeah, that means I’ll live until the New Year...

- What transformation of feelings occurred after your illness? Is everything still the same?

Alexander Ivanovich said one phrase that deprived me of all my complexes. There are six women in the ward, five of whom are killed by the fact that they are no longer women. I look at them with deep amazement and say: “Girls, if the rotten parts were cut off from you, have you become worse?” But they cried, they were afraid that their husbands would leave them. And I once asked my husband - maybe they are right, and it’s me who is somehow wrong? And he answered: “They cut off one, cut off another, cut off the third... And there was only one ear left from Grushka. I will live with this ear!”

- In the hospital you took up writing...

The husband said: “You kept whining that you couldn’t start writing. You have a lot of time in the hospital - write!” She took the paper and put it on the book. I lie covered in tubes and think: how do people write? I wrote the first sentence: “I got married many times.” Since then I haven't been able to stop.

- Does your husband take what you write seriously or condescendingly?

My husband thinks I'm a genius!

When one of the spouses gets ahead - financially, creatively - something may break down in the relationship. In your pairing, it seems to me that you broke out...

What appears to be tinsel on the tree. Alexander Ivanovich has reached such scientific heights, he has nowhere to go further - he has collected all the scientific general's shoulder straps. And my current fame never hurt him. He's proud of me.

- You are a non-religious person, but a guardian angel is probably present in your destiny...

It’s not that I’m a non-religious person, I’m a non-church person. But there is something or someone in the world. And it is watching you closely. And he sets the bar for the person: if you jump, here’s a higher bar for you. As long as you jump, you are alive. If at this moment you break, you are dead. But if you jump, something or someone rewards you. No test is in vain. Everything bad that happens happens for the better.


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