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We live a significant part of our lives in dreams. Some people dream rarely or not at all, while others dream often. Some people dream prophetic dreams, and someone can create a dream for themselves to order. You can try to learn how to create dreams for yourself, for example, to see a person.

First of all, you need to learn to remember dreams. Scientists say that dreams visit each of us several times a night. Only some people remember them in detail, while others forget them immediately after waking up. Most effective way To develop your memory for dreams is to write them down. Place a notepad and pen next to your bed before bed. Immediately after waking up, write down everything you saw at night in a notebook, trying to do it in as much detail as possible. Get into the habit of writing down your dreams every day. You can even get up early for this. In the very near future, the first results will appear - there will be more dreams, they will become more colorful and meaningful.

After such preliminary preparation, you can begin to learn how to induce a dream with the participation of a specific person. Self-hypnosis is the most effective remedy to achieve your goals. To do this, before going to bed, lying in bed, try to completely relax and free yourself from all extraneous thoughts. Then calmly and clearly imagine the appearance of the person you want to see in your dream. Formulate a program for the brain: “I will see so-and-so in a dream and will completely remember my dream.” For those for whom self-hypnosis is difficult or does not bring the desired results, simply concentrating on the person you need to see in a dream can help. Practice shows that both of these methods are suitable for most people, and they achieve dream vision with the participation of a specific person. There is also a third way to induce dreams with a specific person. This is a method of associating the image of a “called” person with the help of ideas and images associated directly with him. For example, if you want to see in a dream young man, remember the smell of his cologne, remember the sensations of touching him, the sound of his voice, the feelings that he evokes or evoked in you. At the same time, the room in which you are located must completely protect you from all extraneous influences. There should be no foreign smells or sounds that can disturb you or cause completely different associations in your subconscious. Regardless of which of the above methods you choose for yourself, try to fall asleep without stopping thinking about a specific person. This is easy if you are tired during the day and really want to sleep. It is quite possible that the first time you will not be able to “induce” a dream involving the right person. Don't despair, no one succeeds the first time. Be persistent, try different methods individually and in combination with each other, and success will surely follow.

If a person is dreaming. General definition of the concept

What does it mean if a person dreams? It would seem, what’s unusual in such a dream. It would be much more illogical and scary if non-existent creatures or some unprecedented images and animals came to us at night in our dreams. What to do if nighttime phenomena recur? And if you dreamed about a person more than once, not twice, and his visits continue for several nights in a row? Perhaps in this way our subconscious wants to warn us about something or warn us? Let's try to figure it out. There is a fairly widespread belief that whoever we dream about, no matter whether it is a man, woman or child, is most likely thinking about us. This person purely emotionally sends us signals that, transformed on the astral level, are embodied in our dreams. Whether this is true or not is, of course, up to the sleeping person, or rather the awakened one, to decide. However, in the morning, still try to contact him or her by calling back, stopping by for a visit, or simply sending an SMS. It definitely won't get any worse. What if the person actually needs your help, support or care? If it is impossible to establish contact, our ancestors advised asking about the reason for the “arrival” of the night guest in a dream. Perhaps this way we can “talk” and clarify the situation. On the other hand, according to psychologists, we simply cannot help but dream about those about whom we ourselves constantly think or worry. They appear in dreams as a continuation of our daytime thoughts, plans and actions.

If a person is dreaming. Man

According to the ancient dream book of the Mayan people, this dream can have both positive and negative interpretation. It all depends on what kind of person he is and what he does. For example, if a man is naked, then the sleeping person will most likely receive an interesting offer. However, in order for this to actually happen, it is recommended to find, burn and scatter his photograph to the wind, or simply write his name on paper and carry out the same procedure. A dream in which a man is making or building something is considered bad. In this case, the sleeper may be in danger: from a simple household injury to a car accident. To prevent this, you should wear a gold ring on any toe of your left foot for several days. New modern dream book, intended for the whole family, insists that if we see a handsome and superbly built man in a dream, then this can only promise one thing: our future life will be filled with positive emotions, wealth and fame. But an ugly man or a gloomy old man will bring nothing but troubles, worries, difficulties and disappointments.

If a person is dreaming. Woman

Let's return again to the Mayan people. This time, his representatives say that if a woman has such a dream, it means that her man is faithful to her, and there is no reason to suspect cheating on his part. Although, to consolidate the sign, it is still recommended to drink a glass of warm melt water every day before bed for a week. But if a representative of the stronger half of humanity dreams of a woman, and the dream is intrusive, you should still listen to yourself. Perhaps there is a problem with potency. In general, the ancient people in this case advised eating as much parsley, horseradish, ginger and hot pepper as possible. In the modern Russian dream book, we managed to find information that everything depends on the appearance of the lady in the dream: a toothless old woman with a stick - to losses, a black-haired gypsy - to gossip, and good news will only be brought by a young lady with luxurious brown hair who appears in dreams.


Well, let's sum it up. So, if you dream about a person, be sure to pay attention to him and remember that this dream is significant. It is ready to change your life, and therefore it is definitely worth adopting.

In night visions they occur quite often. You can see familiar and unfamiliar faces, famous characters, as well as those who have long been dead.

Dream Interpretation: strangers

There is a belief that at night we only see people we know. Nevertheless, a person can meet in his visions completely unfamiliar faces who will force him to look into the dream book. People in a dream can be a reflection of your relationships in your family, work or circle of friends. Quite often, such a vision can foreshadow disagreements. If strangers are running and fussing, then you should prepare for worries and troubles. If you go in the opposite direction to the general movement, then you will have to overcome a number of obstacles on the way to your goal.

Dream Interpretation: people of different professions

If you try to remember what they were doing at night. So, profession plays an important role:

  • the postman dreams of receiving news that will bring you disappointment;
  • if you saw a hairdresser at night, then you will soon come to success and popularity;
  • dreaming of a seamstress means that you will have to experience some kind of fear or fright;
  • a servant is a harbinger of lies and deception on the part of loved ones;
  • if in a dream you saw a man making barrels, then a comfortable life awaits you;
  • the seller symbolizes your hostility towards others;
  • seeing a jeweler in a dream, you will have to be more attentive to your valuables so as not to lose them;
  • watchman - a harbinger of a quarrel and deterioration of family relationships;
  • A favorable sign is to see a blacksmith in a dream, because it symbolizes a speedy recovery and a long life.

A lot of people

Perhaps everyone is interested in why Interpretation depends on many factors. So, the most common dreams have the following meanings:

  • a disorderly crowd portends serious problems, troubles, or severe fear;
  • if people in your dream are rejoicing and having fun, then in real life you will most likely be overcome by sadness and despondency;
  • when you dream of a crowd of sad people, this means serious conflicts with others;
  • if people are dressed in dark clothes, then unpleasant news should be expected;
  • a crowd of hungry and exhausted people foreshadows temporary problems at work;
  • if you dreamed that you were surrounded by a lot of naked people, then be prepared to hear unpleasant gossip about yourself;
  • If those around you are prisoners in chains, then one of your friends or acquaintances is in danger.

In most cases, you dream of a crowd when you are not in control of the situation. Most likely, you cannot control what is happening around you, or you have to act on the orders of superior people.

Why do you dream about close relatives?

Probably many who saw it look into the dream book. People with whom you have blood ties can appear in a variety of ways:

  • meeting with a close relative means that your real fears are not at all groundless;
  • if you dreamed about your sister wedding dress, then in reality a valuable gift or a big win awaits you;
  • if you dreamed that you were quarreling with one of your relatives, then it is quite possible that you will quarrel with your lover over a trifle;
  • if you dream that your relative is quarreling with someone, then soon you will hear unpleasant gossip about him;
  • hearing the news of the death of a sister or brother in reality foreshadows receiving good news;
  • if one of your close people is wearing military uniform, then separation is coming;
  • the death of a relative in a dream means that he will actually live a long life.

Friends and acquaintances

If you dreamed of an acquaintance, then it is not at all necessary to open the dream book. Seeing the person you are friends with is seeing a reflection of your relationship. In most cases, such a dream foreshadows an imminent meeting. Also, friends often appear in dreams after parties and get-togethers.

Famous people

If you see him as an actor, musician, etc., then be sure to look into the dream book. People who have gained wide fame and popularity may appear at that turning point in your life, when it is time to realize your hidden potential and engage in creative activity. Perhaps you have certain talents that need a boost. However, if you dreamed of a famous person whom you saw on TV the day before, then most likely this is nothing more than a reflection of the impressions received.

People from the past

Sometimes we have to see in our dreams people with whom we lost contact many years ago. It is quite possible that you will meet this person again in the near future. Also, such a dream may mean that you will find yourself in a situation similar to the one that happened to you before. Never neglect a dream in which you saw people from your past. Try to remember important points of your life. Perhaps this will help you solve your current problems.

Other common dreams

In addition to the dreams listed above, the following are quite common:

  • old people - the time has come to act, there is no need to put off important matters for later;
  • connected people are a symbol of lack of independence, unreliability and irresponsibility, and therefore it is worth reconsidering the circle of your business partners;
  • a person of a different nationality dreams of new sensations or changes in life;
  • a man with a beard is a symbol that you are too aggressive and unkind to others;
  • if you dreamed that you were expressing respect to noble people, then happiness and prosperity await you in the future;
  • a generous person - in real life you can enlist the support of loved ones;
  • sad people dream that you are too sensitive to the suffering and misfortunes of others;
  • a man with a weapon portends great joy;
  • if you dream of people wearing masks, then you are trying to deceive or outwit a person who sincerely trusts you.

We quite often see people in our dreams. Their appearance, mood, clothing and other characteristics can tell a lot about the events that happen in real life.

Usually in our dreams we most often dream of our relatives, friends or simply acquaintances. Dreams about strangers are much less common, and this is understandable, since most often we communicate with those who are nearby or remember them.

A familiar person can show not only a person you know well, but also prototypes of those you will meet in the future. Moreover, these can be people who have influence on your life and destiny. Often she depicts an unfamiliar, new face in the form of a similar person and type, and only after a long time the analogy is revealed in reality. This is what dreams of a familiar person most often mean to different people in different situations.

Reminders and memories

Often, even in a dream, we remember someone or think about how life turned out for a classmate or a person whom we have not seen for a long time. And often, a day later, he reminds us of himself by calling or we accidentally meet him in the store. Telepathy can also be associated with the fact that we dream about him, often unexpectedly or in an unusual form.

If you suddenly dreamed of a long-time acquaintance, then the dream book writes that you will learn news about him or from him. Often such a dream predicts an unexpected meeting with him, a conversation or resumption of cooperation or activity with him.

Why do you dream of a familiar person with whom you are currently working or actively spending your leisure time? The dream book writes that such a dream shows the real state of your affairs. Especially if you dream about people you know in a completely unexpected way or with behavior that is unusual for them. Often such a dream reveals the true state of affairs or thoughts of a person. The fact is that in a dream the subconscious awakens and, with the help of signals that we do not notice in reality, gives a true picture of a person’s behavior, thoughts and feelings, which often differs from his real behavior.

If you suddenly dreamed of an acquaintance whom you have not seen for a long time, then what is this for? The dream book writes that he may remember you or you will unexpectedly learn news about him or meet him. Sometimes such a dream symbolizes a conversation with him, an unexpected message or call. Often someone or something will remind you of him again.

Pay attention to whether this person was pleasant to you or not. If this is a former lover or just an acquaintance or neighbor whom you know, then such a dream means meeting him or hearing about him, if the dream happened unexpectedly. If you dream of an unpleasant person whom you cannot stand, expect a similar problem and trouble in your life or a meeting with him.

Often, familiar people with whom some important period of your life was associated show circumstances when you have to remember what was important and necessary at that time. There may even be something you used back then, or you may have to remember the acting lessons you studied back then.


Very often it is difficult to understand why a familiar person is dreaming unless you analyze your associations with him. As a rule, what attracts attention is the brevity and unexpectedness of his appearance, words and actions. If an acquaintance is simply not the central symbol of your dream (that is, the plot does not unfold around it), then the dream book writes what it is about in your dream. Such a person may show your concerns, fears, warnings, or unexpected help or advice in a difficult situation.

Sometimes an acquaintance can show you an area of ​​activity in which you strive to succeed. Why do you dream about this? Depending on your interaction, results in life can come. If a person you know with an unpleasant appearance warns you against something and doesn’t want to talk to you, then why do you dream about this? The dream book writes that such a dream predicts negativity and troubles for you. If a friend smiles sweetly and you hug him, then the dream book writes that soon you will have a rapprochement or a new stage in building a relationship.

Dreams are different from dreams - and it is a mistake to believe that all night dreams are just a chaotic collection of pictures, images and strange plots.

What if you dream about the same person, constantly, again and again, from night to night? Or do you dream about a person you secretly like, or maybe in a creepy dream you saw someone without a head or legs, a creepy ghost or a dead person? In fact, there are not many options for dreams with people:

  • You just saw a certain person in a dream.
  • The person in your dream is telling you something.
  • Constantly seeing the same person in dreams.
  • A familiar person often appears in a dream.
  • You dream about the person you have liked for a long time, about whom you often think.
  • The beloved is dreaming.
  • A dead person appears in a dream.
  • Some scary person in a dream.
  • In a dream I saw someone without a head, a dead headless ghost.
  • A cripple without legs or arms.
  • Seeing a drunk in a dream.
  • Seeing a famous person, a celebrity.

In addition, we will consider not only the meanings of dreams, but also the days of the week, which should also be taken into account to decipher such dreams.

To dream with a person on Monday, from Monday to Tuesday, from Friday to Saturday, from Tuesday to Wednesday, or from Saturday to Sunday, from Thursday to Friday, from Wednesday to Thursday, and also from Sunday to Monday - there is a difference. This should be taken into account when interpreting sleep.

Who is dreaming?

As the dream book indicates, a person in a dream is often a symbol of the dreamer himself, his projection. If this person has nothing to do with your thoughts or experiences, it is likely that this is just an indication of your lifestyle, habits, character and behavior.

Thus, in addition to the interpretation of the dream according to the interpreter, it is necessary to take this into account. Often this gives us the opportunity to look at ourselves from the outside, in an allegorical form.

1. To see in your dreams just a person who is unfamiliar and does not evoke any special emotions - it means that you should carefully remember him - what he was like. This is exactly the case mentioned above. This person is a reflection of your lifestyle, mistakes or omissions.

2. If the person you saw in your dreams told you something, it means that the universe is literally and directly sending you a message. What he said is of great importance; it is worth remembering at least part of these words and analyzing them.

Perhaps the text you heard in your dreams is something you don’t like or don’t understand. Perhaps this is a famous text from literature, or perhaps a bunch of nonsense - but analyze and think about it.

3. Frequently asked question dreamers - why do I dream about the same person, what does this mean? This kind of strangeness happens not only to you, don’t be alarmed. Most often, this phenomenon only means that you have been walking in circles for a long time and persistently, you are fixated on the same constant worries and affairs.

The person in this case is a reflection of yourself, and when he appears in dreams again and again, often and invariably, on Monday, Sunday, and from Thursday to Friday, then it’s time to think very seriously about what you can change, how to break out of the circle.

4. It’s curious what a familiar person dreams about - especially one who comes into dreams often and for a long time, on any day of the week - from Sunday to Monday, or from Tuesday to Wednesday, or from Friday to Saturday, and so on on the list.

This indicates your internal astral connection with this friend - it is very strong, and such a dream hints at this.

5. According to the dream book, a young man who the dreamer likes visits her dreams for good reason. If a young lady tirelessly thinks and dreams about him, he doesn’t get out of her head, there’s no need to look for an interpretation - such a dream is just a continuation of thoughts, and nothing more.

But sometimes a dream in which a beloved face flashes can promise a pleasant meeting with someone you secretly like. It also depends on the day - pay attention if the dream happened on Thursday, Monday, Tuesday or Saturday, this can change everything. Perhaps this person is thinking about you?

6. And if you dream of a loved one, whom you not only secretly like, but whom you love, or with whom you are together, this most often only indicates thoughts about him, and does not promise anything concrete.

Seeing such a dream is not uncommon, so the question of why your loved one is dreaming has a simple answer - he has simply settled firmly in your thoughts and will not leave your head.

7. A dead person can seriously frighten you in your dreams. Dead or ghost - oddly enough - is a wonderful sign, and it promises happiness.

8. A very scary, dead or mutilated monster, covered in blood or scars from head to toe, only indicates your fears and anxieties. What scares you in reality, what can you not get out of your own head, what are you afraid of?

9. Dead without a head - how does the dreamer think after this creepy dream- a bad sign. However, it only indicates your confusion and lack of constructive ideas. Literally - the need to “connect your head.”

10. And a dream about a person without legs or arms is such a special dream. If you dreamed of someone without legs, it is obvious that in reality someone is in dire need of your support. Also, a person without legs may indicate your ability, but reluctance, to help people. Think about it.

11. Sometimes you wonder why a drunk person dreams - a bright sign, but incomprehensible. Such a dream is a warning that you may commit unreasonable and rash actions. You probably like freedom and are brave, but be smart.

12. Famous person- an ambiguous symbol. Famous and famous person may indicate your desire for fame and a luxurious life, or may hint that you lack new adventures and acquaintances.

If you dream of a famous man whom you often think about, for example an idol, then this is obviously just a continuation of vivid fantasies about him.

When I dreamed: the meaning of the days of the week

Having received an interpretation of your dreams, it is also worth considering the days of the week. After all, dreams from Monday to Tuesday can have one color, and from Tuesday to Wednesday - another.

1. Monday is considered a hard day. Monday's planet is the Moon, and dreams from Sunday to Monday are associated with the emotional sphere of the dreamer. If a person saw you from Sunday to Monday morning, take this into account. Your experiences probably play a role here.

2. From Monday to Tuesday the dreams are strong. Tuesday is the day of Mars, big things happen on Tuesday. And visions from Monday to Tuesday are associated with the dreamer’s aspirations and desires.

Perhaps you dreamed of a person on Tuesday morning whom you want to see, or you have other aspirations associated with him.

3. From Tuesday to Wednesday I dream less often meaningful dreams and are rarely even remembered. But if you dreamed of a person on the night of Tuesday, you should simply take into account the interpretation of the dream book in its pure form, without changes.

4. Thursday is a special day, it is ruled by Jupiter. On Thursday you always have dreams that are destined to come true! They foretell on Thursday active work, achieving goals, results.

If a person began to dream from Wednesday to Thursday, then the interpretation should be taken seriously, and the interpreter’s advice should also be taken responsibly. The meaning of Thursday's dreams can be enhanced, and you can know that the interpreter's prediction will come true in the near future.

5. It is believed that dreams from Thursday to Friday are prophetic. It is on Thursday, when going to bed, that many young ladies expect to see their future in dreams. This is not unreasonable - dreams from Thursday to Friday are bright, sensual, they obey Venus.

And if you dreamed of a person on Thursday night, it is often connected with the love sphere. And it either reflects your dreams and desires, or predicts the future in this particular area.

You can expect a lot from Thursday and its dreams, and the interpretation of the dream can be turned upside down, giving it a different meaning - related to the amorous sphere.

6. From Friday to Saturday dreams are important. If you dreamed of a person on Saturday, this dream is either advice, a warning, or a strict instruction. You should think about your own behavior and find instructions for action in the interpretation.

7. From Saturday to Sunday, dreams are sunny, it is to this planet that they obey. They show the good - and any interpretation, even negative, can be safely “reshaped” to be positive. Whatever a person sees in his dreams, it is certainly for the good, and the outcome will be happy.

“Human” dreams are difficult to interpret, but you should definitely decipher them - they are very important. Try to compare all the facts of the dream, analyze the interpreter’s answer and the day of the week - and you can get valuable advice or the answer to your dream.

And this will certainly help you avoid mistakes in reality and be happier! Author: Vasilina Serova


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