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Paragraph 3 as amended. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 04/08/2013 N 195.

4. The department determines the volume, quantity and quality of work, provision of services and evaluates the activities of the federal government institution "Main Center for Communication and Information Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs" Russian Federation".

Paragraph 4 as amended. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated September 4, 2013 N 667.

4(1). The department provides organizational and methodological support for the activities of the federal state unitary enterprise "Workshop for the repair of communications and special equipment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region".

Paragraph 4(1) was added by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated September 4, 2013 N 667.

5. The Department in its activities is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, generally recognized principles and norms of international law, international treaties of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts and governing documents of the federal executive body, authorized in the field of security, and the federal executive body authorized in the field of countering technical intelligence and technical protection of information, regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and these Regulations.

6. The work of the Department is organized on the basis of planning, a combination of unity of command in resolving issues of official activity and collegiality in their discussion, personal responsibility of each employee and federal civil servant for the state of affairs in the assigned area of ​​​​work and the implementation of individual assignments.

7. The Department, in the prescribed manner, interacts on issues of its activities with bodies, organizations and divisions of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, relevant divisions of law enforcement agencies, state and municipal bodies, public associations and organizations, as well as in accordance with international treaties of the Russian Federation with law enforcement agencies of foreign states and international police organizations.

Paragraph 7 as amended. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 04/08/2013 N 195.

8. The Department, in accordance with the established procedure, together with the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, ensures the efficiency of the activities of units operating in the field of information technology, communications and information security, as well as code workers of bodies, organizations and divisions of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

9. The Department has a seal with the image of a heraldic sign - the emblem of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, necessary for the implementation of its activities, seals, stamps and forms with its full and abbreviated name, and may also have signs and symbols established in the prescribed manner, reflecting the specifics of the Department's activities .

To ensure official activities, the Department uses the seal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia with the image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation.

II. Main tasks of the Department

10. The main objectives of the Department are:

10.1. Organization and participation in the formation of main directions public policy on the activities of the Department.

10.2. Organization of provision of measures for technical (including cryptographic) protection of state secrets and restricted information that does not contain information constituting a state secret.

10.3. Ensuring the improvement of legal regulation regarding the activities of the Department.

10.4. Organization of work on the development, modernization, creation, commissioning, ensuring the functioning and development of tools and systems.

10.5. Development of unified technical and technological solutions, coordination of work and, in the prescribed manner, monitoring the activities of bodies, organizations and divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on issues within the competence of the Department, development of proposals for further improvement of official activities.

Subclause 10.5 as amended. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 04/08/2013 N 195.

Subclause 10.6 was excluded by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated September 4, 2013 N 667.

10.7. Organizational and methodological support for the activities of bodies, organizations and divisions of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on issues within the competence of the Department.

III. Main functions and powers of the Department

11. The main functions of the Department are:

11.1. Carrying out a comprehensive analysis of the state and implementation of state policy to improve the activities of the Department.

11.2. Analysis and assessment of the state of informatization, communication and information protection in the Ministry’s system, identification of priority areas for its improvement.

11.3. Forecasting the development of information technologies, communications and information security, developing proposals to the leadership of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for their improvement.

11.4. Informing the Deputy Minister, as well as, on his instructions, the heads of departments of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs system about threats to the information security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Subclause 11.4 as amended. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 04/08/2013 N 195.

11.5. Organization and implementation of current and forward planning in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on issues of the Department’s activities.

11.6. Participation in the formation of federal target and government programs on the activities of the Department.

11.7. Generalization of the practice of applying the legislation of the Russian Federation on the activities of the Department and development of appropriate measures to improve the efficiency of the activities of bodies, organizations and divisions of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs system.

11.8. Development of draft federal constitutional laws, federal laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, as well as preparation of proposals for improving legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on the activities of the Department.

11.9. Development or participation in the development of draft international treaties in the field of internal affairs together with interested units of the central apparatus of the Ministry and federal government bodies.

11.10. Preparation or participation in the preparation of draft reviews and opinions on draft international treaties, legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

11.11. Ensuring representation and representation in the prescribed manner on claims brought against the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, in the courts of the interests of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and on relevant instructions - the interests of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation.

11.12. Participation in ensuring the activities of the Deputy Minister for coordination and control of compliance of the processing of personal data with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of personal data in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Subclause 11.12 as amended. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 04/08/2013 N 195.

11.13. Determination in the prescribed manner, within its competence, of the priorities of the range of products purchased centrally, with the exception of special and operational equipment for operational-technical and operational-search units.

11.14. Organization of measures to ensure operability, post-warranty service and repair of used equipment within the competence of the Department.

11.15. Participation in the prescribed manner in the formation and approval of a section of the plan for scientific support of the internal affairs bodies and internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, which provides for the development of scientific and technical products on the activities of the Department, making changes to it, agreeing on the planned topics of research and development work on issues activities of the Department.

11.16. Preparation within the competence of competitions for the implementation of research, development and technological work.

Subclause 11.16 as amended. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated September 4, 2013 N 667.

Subclause 11.17 was excluded by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated September 4, 2013 N 667.

11.18. Organization, coordination and control, in the prescribed manner, of measures to create and develop a unified system of information and analytical support for the activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Subclause 11.18 as amended. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated September 4, 2013 N 667.

Subclause 11.19 was excluded by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated September 4, 2013 N 667.

11.20. Organization and control of the implementation of measures to develop and ensure the uninterrupted functioning of the integrated multi-service telecommunication system of the internal affairs bodies as the main transport medium for the interaction of subsystems of the unified system of information and analytical support for the activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia *(8).

Subclause 11.20 as amended. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated September 4, 2013 N 667.

11.21. Participation in the support and acceptance of work performed under government contracts, including the coordination of interim and final acts of work performed on the activities of the Department.

11.22. Organization and coordination of interdepartmental information interaction, as well as participation in the organization of interstate information interaction on the activities of the Department.

11.23. Organizing, coordinating and monitoring, in the prescribed manner, measures to develop and ensure the functioning of departmental funds and systems within the competence of the Department.

Subclause 11.23 as amended. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated September 4, 2013 N 667.

11.24. Implementation of measures to systematize information contained in automated information systems, databases and data banks of bodies, organizations and divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, unify processes for converting information into electronic form and its effective use, including the creation and maintenance of a Unified Data Model and a Unified System classification and coding, as well as unification of approaches to the creation and implementation of information tools and technologies.

11.25. Organization of an encryption service in bodies, organizations and divisions of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, management of the activities of encryption authorities and bodies for cryptographic protection of information on special issues and control over it.

11.26. Participation in the implementation of measures to create and develop a system of certification centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

11.27. Placing in the Consolidated Register of State and Municipal Services information about the public services provided by the Ministry, updating the specified information.

11.28. Organization of work and participation in activities for the acceptance for supply and commissioning of innovative types of equipment and systems within the competence of the Department.

11.29. Participation in the prescribed manner, within the competence of the Department, in activities for the development of technical documentation (design, technological and program documentation, technical specifications, standardization documents, instructions, manuals, guidelines and regulations), mandatory requirements in the field of technical regulation for defense products (works, services) supplied to bodies, organizations and divisions of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs system, as well as to the processes of design (including surveys), production, construction, installation, commissioning, operation, storage, transportation, sale and disposal of these products.

11.30. Participation, in accordance with the established procedure, in the development of standards for the provision of technical equipment for units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

11.31. Organization in the established order of development and maintenance of unified catalogs of hardware and software, including database management systems, algorithms and programs of automated information systems, databases and public data banks used to solve problems of informatization of bodies, organizations and divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs system Russia.

11.32. Organization and control over the implementation of unified technical and technological solutions regarding the activities of the Department.

11.33. Organization and control in the prescribed manner of work on the creation, development and operation of departmental segments of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs of state information systems.

Subclause 11.33 as amended. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated September 4, 2013 N 667.

Subparagraph 11.34 was excluded by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated September 4, 2013 N 667.

11.35. Participation in monitoring the implementation by bodies, organizations and divisions of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs system of the requirements of regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, orders and instructions of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs on the activities of the Department, as well as providing them with methodological and practical assistance.

11.36. Planning and organizing control over the implementation by bodies, organizations and divisions of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs system of the requirements of regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts and governing documents of the federal executive body authorized in the field of security, and the federal executive body authorized in the field of information protection.

Subclause 11.36 as amended. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 04/08/2013 N 195.

11.37. Consideration and preparation, within the competence of the Department, of proposals to the Deputy Minister on optimizing the structure of divisions of territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Subclause 11.37 as amended. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 04/08/2013 N 195.

11.38. Monitoring the state of equipment of bodies, organizations and units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs system (with the exception of operational-technical and operational-search units) with communications, automation, computing, organizational equipment, including secure versions, navigation and monitoring systems, technical (cryptographic) means information protection, special and control equipment, system, application and special software for them *(9) .

11.39. Coordination of the acquisition and implementation of innovative types of equipment and systems by divisions of territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

11.40. Coordination of work on the unification of hardware and software, including local computer networks and automated workstations, relevant means of ensuring information security and information technologies used in bodies, organizations and divisions of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs system.

Subclause 11.40 as amended. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated September 4, 2013 N 667.

11.41. Organizing, in accordance with the established procedure, the activities of divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on the transition to the provision of public services in electronic form.

11.41(1). Organization and coordination of the activities of units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia to implement measures in the field of formation of electronic government.

11.41(2). Organization of monitoring the quality of provision (performance) of public services (functions) by units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

11.41(3). Coordination, control and verification of the actual provision (execution) of public services (functions) by bodies, organizations and divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Subparagraphs 11.41(1), 11.41(2), 11.41(3) were added by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated September 4, 2013 N 667.

11.42. Making proposals for the training of specialists and retraining of employees of units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia to ensure the functioning, as well as the effective use of the technical capabilities of the ISOD of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Subclause 11.42 as amended. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated September 4, 2013 N 667.

11.43. Participation in the development and coordination of qualification requirements, training programs, retraining and advanced training of specialists working in the areas of activity established by these Regulations.

11.44. Review and approval, within the competence of the Department, of proposals for the development, creation, modernization and implementation of tools and systems.

11.45. Implementation of measures to comply with legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation on labor protection and safety, prevention of industrial injuries in the Department.

11.46. Identification and generalization of positive experience regarding the activities of the Department, ensuring its implementation in the activities of bodies, organizations and divisions of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs system.

11.48. Participation in the work of interdepartmental groups, commissions and other collegial bodies as directed by the Minister, Deputy Minister.

Subclause 11.48 as amended. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 04/08/2013 N 195.

11.49. Informing the population, within its competence, in agreement with the Department for Interaction with Civil Society Institutions and the Media of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, about the results of the Department’s activities, including through the media, by holding press conferences, briefings, and round tables.

11.50. Using in its activities the achievements of science and technology, information systems, communication networks, as well as modern information and telecommunications infrastructure.

11.51. Consideration of citizens' appeals; other letters, statements; publications in the media on the activities of the Department.

11.52. Implementation, within its competence, of measures to protect state secrets and confidential information.

11.53. Performing other functions regarding the activities of the Department in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

11.54. Technical implementation and coordination of the functioning of official Internet resources of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Subclause 11.54 was supplemented by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 04/08/2013 N 195.

11.55. Participation in accordance with the established procedure in the approval of large and other transactions in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation by the federal state unitary enterprise "Workshop for the repair of communications and special equipment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region", as well as in the development of its strategy development for a period of 3 to 5 years.

Subclause 11.55 was supplemented by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 04/08/2013 N 195.

12. To carry out its tasks and functions, the Department has the right:

12.1. Create working groups and commissions.

12.2. Request and, in accordance with the established procedure, receive from the relevant divisions of the federal executive authorities, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and other government agencies, local government bodies, public associations, organizations and officials of these bodies, as well as citizens, documents, reference and other materials necessary for making decisions on the activities of the Department.

12.3. Involve, on behalf of the Deputy Minister in the prescribed manner, to carry out the tasks assigned to the Department, research, educational and other institutions of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as scientists, specialists and experts.

Subclause 12.3 as amended. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 04/08/2013 N 195.

12.4. Participate in organizing scientific research on the activities of the Department.

12.5. Use, in the prescribed manner, the databases of the Ministry, bodies, organizations and divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia to solve the tasks assigned to the Department.

12.6. Conduct, on issues within the competence of the Department, inspections of the activities of units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

12.7. Carry out control (including the use of technical means) of the effectiveness of the protection of objects, information infrastructure systems, communication and control facilities and systems, including from special influences on information (information media) for the purpose of obtaining it, destroying it, distorting it and blocking access to her.

12.8. Issue instructions to stop processing information in the encryption authority, information system (at the site, workplace) where violations are detected, until measures are taken to eliminate them.

12.9. Make proposals to the Deputy Minister on placing under special control units of the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the areas of activity of the Department that have low results in the established area of ​​activity, as well as on bringing their leaders to disciplinary liability.

Subclause 12.9 as amended. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 04/08/2013 N 195.

12.10. Hear reports from the heads (deputy heads) of departments of the Department, and, in agreement with the Deputy Minister, heads of territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on issues within the powers of the Department.

Subclause 12.10 as amended. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 04/08/2013 N 195.

12.11. Conduct meetings, work meetings, scientific and practical conferences and seminars.

12.12. Conduct, in the prescribed manner, internships for managers and employees of bodies, organizations and divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs system on the activities of the Department.

12.13. Carry out, in accordance with the established procedure, visits to bodies, organizations and divisions of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs system to check the state of organization of work in the areas of activity of the Department, providing methodological and practical assistance.

12.14. Use the capabilities of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, other state bodies, local government bodies, public associations and organizations to carry out the tasks assigned to the Department.

12.15. Participate in the prescribed manner in organizing and conducting public discussions and examinations of draft federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, for which the Department is the lead developer, as well as take part in the development and consideration of concepts, programs, initiatives of citizens and public associations on the most relevant issues related to the sphere of internal affairs.

12.16. Exercise other powers granted to the Department by regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

IV. Organization and support of the Department’s activities

13. The department is headed by a chief who is appointed to the position and dismissed from office in the prescribed manner.

The Head of the Department has a first deputy and deputies who are appointed to the position and dismissed from office in the prescribed manner.

14. Head of Department:

14.1. Carries out direct management of the activities of the Department and bears personal responsibility for the proper implementation of the tasks and functions assigned to the Department, the implementation of the rights granted, the state of the work of bodies, organizations and divisions of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia regarding the activities of the Department.

Subclause 14.1 as amended Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 04/08/2013 N 195.

14.2. Distributes, in agreement with the Deputy Minister, functional responsibilities among his deputies; exercises control over the performance of their assigned duties; delegates part of its powers to its deputies.

Subclause 14.2 as amended. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 04/08/2013 N 195.

14.3. Approves the regulations and work plans of the structural divisions of the Department.

14.4. Issues, within its competence, orders and instructions that are mandatory for execution by all personnel of the Department.

14.5. Creates temporary special-purpose units within the approved staffing table of the Department to carry out the tasks assigned to the Department.

14.6. Establishes, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and official needs, the internal regulations and operating hours of the Department.

14.7. Carries out, within the limits of the powers granted by the regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the reception, appointment, relocation, temporary suspension, dismissal and dismissal of Department employees up to and including the Deputy Head of the Department.

14.8. Implements, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and within the limits provided by the regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the powers of the employer's representative on behalf of the Russian Federation in relation to citizens entering the federal public civil service in the Department, and federal public civil servants serving in the Department.

14.9. Organizes and ensures the selection, placement, relocation and professional training of personnel, compliance with official discipline, and in the prescribed manner sends employees for retraining and advanced training.

14.10. Organizes certification of Department employees in accordance with the established procedure; assigns special ranks to employees of the Department up to and including lieutenant colonel of the internal service. Submits, in the prescribed manner, to the leadership of the Ministry proposals for the assignment of a special rank of colonel of internal service to employees of the Department.

14.11. Encourages, within the limits of the rights granted by the Minister, employees, federal civil servants of the Department and imposes disciplinary sanctions on them, respectively, up to and including the head of the department; submits to the Deputy Minister proposals for awarding state and departmental awards to the specified employees, federal civil servants, as well as proposals for their encouragement or application of disciplinary sanctions to them with the rights of the Deputy Minister or Minister.

Subclause 14.11 as amended. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 04/08/2013 N 195.

14.12. Makes proposals to the heads of bodies, organizations and divisions of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia to encourage or bring to disciplinary liability the heads of departments carrying out their activities in the field of information technology, communications and information security, as well as code workers of bodies, organizations and divisions of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

14.13. In accordance with the established procedure, within the limits of the rights granted by the Minister, encourages citizens who assisted the Department in solving assigned tasks, makes proposals to the heads of bodies and institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the Deputy Minister to encourage citizens who assisted the Department in solving assigned tasks.

Subclause 14.13 as amended. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 04/08/2013 N 195.

14.14. In accordance with the established procedure, sends employees and federal civil servants of the Department on business trips.

14.15. Establishes, within its competence, appropriate allowances and payments for employees and federal civil servants of the Department.

14.16. Provides vacations within its competence to employees and federal civil servants of the Department.

14.17. Decides, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, other issues related to the passage of civil service in the Department.

14.18. Organizes, within its competence:

development and implementation of measures to ensure legal and social protection of employees, federal civil servants of the Department in accordance with the guarantees and benefits provided by legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;

providing, on behalf of the Deputy Minister in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, legal assistance to employees, federal civil servants of the Department in protecting their rights and freedoms in cases arising in connection with the performance of their official activities.

Subclause 14.18 as amended. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 04/08/2013 N 195.

14.19. Organizes and ensures mobilization preparation and mobilization in the Department in the prescribed manner, and also ensures the implementation of activities in the Department civil defense.

14.20. Coordinates the hiring of the chief accountant of the federal state unitary enterprise "Workshop for the repair of communications and special equipment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, and also participates, by decision of the Deputy Minister, in coordinating the appointment and dismissal of heads of departments of territorial bodies Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, carrying out their activities in the field of information technology, communications and information protection and their deputies, supervising the protection of information of territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia at the district and regional levels, code workers of bodies, organizations and divisions of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, in the manner established by the regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Subclause 14.20 as amended. orders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 04/08/2013 N 195, dated 09/04/2013 N 667.

14.21. Personally receives citizens at the Reception Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia according to the schedule approved by the Minister.

14.22. Responsible for organizing and organizing in the prescribed manner the protection of information constituting state secrets and confidential information, including measures for technical protection of information in the divisions of the Department.

14.22(1). Responsible for organizing the processing of personal data in the Department, taking into account their confidentiality and security, as well as the protection requirements provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of personal data.

Subclause 14.22(1) was supplemented by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated June 27, 2015 N 724.

14.23. Provides general management of moral and psychological support, participates in moral and psychological support activities and bears personal responsibility for the moral and psychological state of personnel, the state of the socio-psychological climate in service teams, the state of service discipline and legality in the Department.

14.24. Implements other powers within the competence of the Department and provided for by the regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

15. There is an operational meeting under the head of the Department, the procedure for holding and composition of which is determined by the head of the Department.

16. Office work (including independent special office work of the central encryption authority), measures to ensure secrecy, logistical, financial, moral, psychological and other support for the Department are carried out in the manner established by legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Russia.


Department of Information Technologies, Communications and Information Protection of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Department of Information Technologies, Communications and Information Protection of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

119049, Moscow, Zhitnaya st., 16

1C 2TEST Accenture Acronis Addreality Airbus AltegroSky Ambite Amdocs Solutions Limited (Amdocs in Russia) Angara, group of companies AT&T Russia Attack Killer Avaya, representative office in Russia and the CIS countries BCC BIA-Technologies BP Russia Brain4Net Ciena Cisco Clover Group Cognitive Technologies Comindware CommuniGateSystems ComNews CTI DataArt DATAIX DataLine DataPro DataSpace Dell EMC in Russia, Kazakhstan and Central Asia Digital Design DMTel Eastwind EPAM Systems Ericsson Russia ESET, Russian representative office Ethereum Eutelsat First Line Software Fujitsu in Russia and the CIS GE GetStar Gilat Satellite Networks, representative office in the Russian Federation GlobalNet Group-IB GS Group GS Nanotech Haulmont HAWE Telekom Hewlett-Packard Enterprise in Russia Huawei in Russia Hughes Network Systems, representative office in Russia and the CIS IBM Eastern Europe/Asia IBS ICL ICL Services iCore iDSystems IDX InfiNet Wireless Infobox InfoWatch InSales INSYTE Electronics Intel in Russia iSimpleLab ITGlobal.Com ITPS IXcellerate Keysight Technologies Konica Minolta Business Solutions Russia KPMG Linxdatacenter Lykke Mail.Ru Group MCN Telecom Mechanica AI Megogo MERA Meta System Microsoft in Russia Motorola Solutions NAUMEN Navicon Neoflex Nest Lab Nokia in Russia Notamedia NtechLab OCS Distribution Oracle Orange Business Services Oyster Telecom PayOnline Positive Technologies Postgres Professional Development PROF-IT GROUP QIWI R-Style Softlab RETN Roxar RRT Global Ru-Center RUSVR SAP CIS SAS Russia/CIS Schneider Electric SES Networks SIMETRA Skillaz Smart Engines Softline SpaceTeam ST Engineering iDirect T-Systems CIS T.A. Management Tele2 Tele2, macro-region “Baikal and Far East » Tele2, macro-region "Volga" Tele2, macro-region "Moscow" Tele2, macro-region "North-West" Tele2, macro-region "Siberia" Tele2, macro-region "Ural" Tele2, macro-region "Center" Tele2, macro-region "Chernozemye" Tele2, macro-region "South" » Teradata Terrasoft Thales Alenia Space Tibbo Systems TP-Link Tvip tvzavr Veeam Software VEON Ltd. Viavi Solutions Vinteo Virtuozzo VisionLabs Volgabus Voximplant VR Concept X-Com X5 Retail Group Xelent Yota Zecurion ZTE Corporation AB Technology Agency for Information and Communication of the Kamchatka Territory Agency for Strategic Initiatives Adamas ADV Consulting ADV Consulting, representative office in Spain ADV Consulting, representative office in the North-West Federal district of I-Teco ID - Management technologies Icon ICBCom AKADO Telecom (JSC COMCOR) Active-Soft Accent Aladdin R.D. Almatel Alfa-Bank AlfaInsurance AMT-Group Amtel-Svyaz Amtel-Service Analytical Center for the Government of the Russian Federation Angstrem ANT-Service Antipinsky Oil Refinery Aplana ARGUS ARD Satcom Service ASBK GLONASS/GNSS-Forum Association Trusted Platform Association Internet of Things Association Cable Television Association Russia Association of Cable Television Operators "Makatel" Association of Domestic Manufacturers and Consumers of Radio Relay Communication Systems Association of Users of the National Radio Frequency Resource - National Radio Association Association of Computer and Information Technology Enterprises Association of Software Product Developers "Domestic Software" Association of Information Security Service Managers Association of Big Data Market Participants Association of Participants market of electronic money and money transfers "AED" Association FinTech Association of electronic trading platforms (AETP) AST ATOL Ashan Ashmanov and partners Aeroflot Baltika, brewing company Bank Zenit Bank St. Petersburg BARS Group Baucenter Bashinformsvyaz BDO Unicon Business Solutions Beluga Group Borlas BOSS. Personnel systems British American Tobacco Russia Budget and financial technologies Vainakh Telecom Wellink West Call LTD West Call St. Petersburg Videointelligence Visiology Visitek Wilcom St. Petersburg Vinco-T VIST Group Vnukovo, airport Vocord VOLS-VL Voskhod Research Institute All-Russian Research Institute of Automation named after. N. L. Dukhova VTB VimpelCom VimpelCom, Greater Moscow VimpelCom, Eastern region VimpelCom, Western region VimpelCom, Central region Higher School of Economics, National Research Institute VEB Innovations Gasinformservice Gazprom Gazprom automation Gazprom space systems Gazprom Neft Gazprom Neft, Scientific and Technical Center Gazprom Neft , Center for Digital Innovations Gazprom Telecom Gazpromneft Gazpromneft - Development Hals-Development Guard-plus Geyser-Telecom GeoTelecommunications GIPROSVYAZ GKS (JSC Systematics Group) Main Directorate of Information Technologies and Communications of the Omsk Region Main Directorate of Communications of the RF Armed Forces Main Radio Frequency Center Main Radio Frequency Center, branch in the Far Eastern Federal District Main radio frequency center, branch in the Northwestern Federal District Main radio frequency center, branch in the Siberian Federal District Main radio frequency center, branch in the Southern and North Caucasus federal districts Globus-IT GLONASS Gorserv State Committee of the Republic of Bashkortostan for Informatization and Issues functioning of the “Open Republic” system State Space Research and Production Center named after. M. V. Khrunicheva Sukhoi civil aircraft Grinatom Far Eastern Federal University Datadvance Business Lines DeltaCredit Department of Informatization and Development of Telecommunication Technologies of the Novosibirsk Region Department of Informatization and Communications of the Krasnodar Territory Department of Informatization and Communications of the Republic of Mari El Department of Informatization and Communications Yaroslavl region Department of Information Technologies of the City of Moscow Department of Information Technologies and Communications of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug Department of Information Technologies and Digital Development of the Kurgan Region Department of Information Technologies Orenburg region Department of Information Technologies, Communications and Information Protection of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Department of Information Society Development of the Administration of the Tomsk Region Department of Information Society Development of the Ivanovo Region Department of Information Technologies of the Smolensk Region Department of Transport and Communications Kemerovo region Department of Digital Development of the Belgorod Region Department of Digital Development of the Voronezh Region J.T.I. Russia GTI DialogScience Diasoft Dispatch Center of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan Dozor-Teleport Evraz Eurocom Eutelsat Networks Zapsibkombank Green Dot Buzzer Ingosstrakh Inline Group Innopolis Inotech Institute of Information and Analytical Technologies Institute of Information Transmission Problems named after. A. A. Kharkevich RAS Institute for Internet Development Institute of Human Stem Cells Institute of Economics and Complex Problems of Communications Intelligent Security Systems Intelsat Cosmos Inter RAO Interprokom Interra INTERSPUTNIK, International Organization of Space Communications Intertax Information and Analytical Center for Support of State Automated System "Justice" Information Technology Service Company ( ITSC) Information satellite systems named after. acad. M. F. Reshetneva Information security Infosystems Jet InfoTeKS Irdeto Isatel IskraUralTEL Research Center for Problems of Regulation of Robotics and AI Istar IT-GRAD Ka-Internet Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University Kazan National Research Technological University Kaluga Astral KAMAZ Katren Security Code Committee State Duma on information policy, information technology and communications Committee of information technology, communications and telecommunications of the Vladimir region Committee of information technologies of the Volgograd region Committee on information technology and communications of the government of St. Petersburg Committee for the development of information technologies and communications of the Murmansk region Committee of transport, energy, communications and information of the Republic of Ingushetia Committee digital development of the Leningrad region Communications for innovation Computers and networks Comfortel Conway Plus Contact TK Concern Automation Coordination center of the national Internet domain VNIIEM Corporation Galaxy Corporation Parus KORUS Corporation Consulting Space communications (GP KS) Kostroma city telephone network Kraiinvestbank Krasnoyarsk design bureau "Iskra" Credo- Telecom CROC incorporated Kubansky state university Kaspersky Laboratory Smart Driving Laboratory LifeStream LANIT Lanter Lartech Lenta LocoTech Lukoil-Technology Lukoil-Technology Luxoft Professional M.Video-Eldorado Mango Telecom Mastertel Megapolis MegaFon MegaFon, North-West branch International Academy of Communications International Telecommunication Union for the CIS countries, regional branch International Financial Club Mivar Micron Ministry internal policy, information and communications of the Republic of Crimea Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Ministry public administration, information technologies and communications of the Moscow region Ministry of Housing and Communal Services, Energy, Digitalization and Communications of the Trans-Baikal Territory Ministry of Innovation, Digital Development and Infocommunication Technologies of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) Ministry of Informatization and Communications of the Republic of Mordovia Ministry of Informatization and Communications of the Republic of Tatarstan Ministry of Informatization and Communications of the Republic Tyva Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Udmurt Republic Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Republic of Dagestan Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Kirov Region Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Nizhny Novgorod Region Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Rostov Region Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Khabarovsk Territory Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Chelyabinsk Region region Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Chelyabinsk Region Ministry of Infrastructure and Digital Development of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic Ministry of Road Facilities, Transport and Communications of the Republic of Karelia Ministry of Informatization, Communications and Open Management Issues of the Tula Region Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Consequence Elimination natural disasters Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies of the Arkhangelsk Region Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Chechen Republic Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation Ministry of Digital Development and Communications of the Altai Territory Ministry of Digital Development of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Ministry of Digital Development of the Republic of Kalmykia Ministry of Digital Development, Information Policy and Mass Communications of the Chuvash Republic Ministry of Digital Development, communications and mass communications of the Russian Federation Ministry of Digital Economy and Competition of the Ulyanovsk Region Ministry of Digital Technologies and Communications of the Kaliningrad Region Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Ministry of Energy, Industry and Communications Stavropol Territory Miranda-media Mobile TeleSystems Sea of ​​ideas Morsvyazsputnik Morton Telecom Moscow city telephone network Moscow credit bank Moscow Research Television Institute Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology MOTIV Motovilikha Plants MOESK MTS Bank MTT MUS Energetiki MF Technologies MFI Soft NATEX Science-Communication Scientific Testing Institute of Integrated Security Systems Research Institute of Space Instrumentation Scientific- Radio Research Institute Television Research Institute National Computer Corporation National Radio Engineering Bureau National Research Institute of Technology and Communications National Research Mordovian State University. N. P. Ogareva National Settlement Depository National Center for the Internet of Things National Center for Informatization Nebo Global Communications Neocom Netrika Nizhpharm (GK STADA Arzneimittel AG) NIPIGAZ NLMK Novardis Consulting Novatek Novosibirsk State Technical University Novosistem New cloud technologies New digital solutions Norilsk Nickel Noyabrskneftegazsvyaz NPO Energomash NTV- Plus STC Galex NEK Neva Communication Systems Net By Net Holding Oberon United Shipbuilding Corporation Octod Omsk Research Institute of Instrument Engineering Optizon Fiber Optic Systems Organizing Committee of the Russian part of the European Football Championship 2020 Orion OS group Osnova Telecom Open mobile platform Otkritie, OTP Bank Bank First Freight Company First Moscow State Medical University named after. I. M. Sechenova Peter-Service Polygon, research and production enterprise Polimedia Postgres Professional Post Bank Russian Post Government of the Republic of Tatarstan Government of the Russian Federation Government of the Russian Federation, Department of Information Technologies and Communications About IT Resource Promobot Promsvyazbank Protek Pskov GTS R-Platform RadioTel St. Petersburg Radiotechnical Institute named after. acad. A. L. Mints Rainbow-Internet Raiffeisenbank Rocket and Space Corporation "Energia" named after. S. P. Koroleva Ramek-VS RASKOM RBS-Telecom RVC RDP.RU RDTECH Regional Commonwealth in the field of communications RN-BashNIPIneft RoboSiVi Rosbank Rosvodokanal Roskomnadzor (RKN) Roskomnadzor, Yenisei Department Roskomnadzor, Department of the Altai Territory and the Altai Republic Roskomnadzor, Department of the Arkhangelsk region and the Nenets Autonomous Okrug Roskomnadzor, Directorate for the Astrakhan Region Roskomnadzor, Directorate for the Belgorod Region Roskomnadzor, Directorate for the Vladimir Region Roskomnadzor, Directorate for the Volgograd Region and the Republic of Kalmykia Roskomnadzor, Directorate for the Vologda Region Roskomnadzor, Directorate for the Voronezh Region Roskomnadzor, Directorate for the Far East federal district Roskomnadzor, Directorate for the Trans-Baikal Territory Roskomnadzor, Directorate for the Irkutsk Region Roskomnadzor, Directorate for the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic Roskomnadzor, Directorate for the Kaliningrad Region Roskomnadzor, Directorate for the Kaluga Region Roskomnadzor, Directorate for Kamchatka region Roskomnadzor, Directorate for the Karachay-Cherkess Republic Roskomnadzor, Directorate for the Kemerovo Region Roskomnadzor, Directorate for the Kirov Region Roskomnadzor, Directorate for the Kostroma Region Roskomnadzor, Directorate for the Kurgan Region Roskomnadzor, Directorate for the Kursk Region Roskomnadzor, Directorate for the Lipetsk Region Roskomnadzor, Directorate for the Magadan Region and Chukotka Autonomous Okrug Roskomnadzor, Directorate for the Murmansk Region Roskomnadzor, Directorate for the Novgorod Region Roskomnadzor, Directorate for the Omsk Region Roskomnadzor, Directorate for the Orenburg Region Roskomnadzor, Directorate for the Oryol Region Roskomnadzor, Directorate for the Penza Region Roskomnadzor, Directorate for the Perm Territory Roskomnadzor, Directorate for Volga Federal District Roskomnadzor, Office for the Primorsky Territory Roskomnadzor, Office for the Republic of Bashkortostan Roskomnadzor, Office for the Republic of Buryatia Roskomnadzor, Office for the Republic of Dagestan Roskomnadzor, Office for the Republic of Ingushetia Roskomnadzor, Office for the Republic of Karelia Roskomnadzor, Office for the Republic of Komi Roskomnadzor, Office for the Republic Crimea and the city of Sevastopol Roskomnadzor, Office for the Republic of Mari El Roskomnadzor, Office for the Republic of Mordovia Roskomnadzor, Office for the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) Roskomnadzor, Office for the Republic of North Ossetia - Alania Roskomnadzor, Office for the Republic of Tatarstan Roskomnadzor, Office for the Rostov Region Roskomnadzor, Office for the Ryazan region Roskomnadzor, Office for the Northwestern Federal District Roskomnadzor, Office for the North Caucasus Federal District Roskomnadzor, Office for the Siberian Federal District Roskomnadzor, Office for the Smolensk region Roskomnadzor, Office for the Tambov region Roskomnadzor, Office for the Tver region Roskomnadzor, Office for Tomsk Region Roskomnadzor, Office for the Tula Region Roskomnadzor, Office for the Tyumen Region, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug Roskomnadzor, Office for the Udmurt Republic Roskomnadzor, Office for the Ulyanovsk Region Roskomnadzor, Office for the Central Federal District Roskomnadzor, Office for the Chechen Republic Roskomnadzor, Office for the Chuvash Republic Roskomnadzor, Office for the Southern Federal District Roskomnadzor, Office for the Yaroslavl Region Roskosmos Rossvyaz Rosseti Russian television and radio broadcasting network (RTRS) Russian railways Russian space systems Russian Direct Investment Fund Russian Fund for the Development of Information Technologies Russian Foundation for Basic Research Russian Economic University. G. V. Plekhanova RossTel Rostelecom Rostelecom Contact center Rostelecom, Krasnoyarsk branch of Rostelecom, Altai branch of Rostelecom, Amur branch of Rostelecom, Arkhangelsk branch of Rostelecom, Astrakhan branch of Rostelecom, Belgorod branch of Rostelecom, Buryat branch of Rostelecom, Volgograd branch of Rostelecom, Vologda branch of Rostelecom, Voronezh Rostelecom branch, Dagestan branch of Rostelecom, Ingush branch of Rostelecom, Irkutsk branch of Rostelecom, Kabardino-Balkarian branch of Rostelecom, Kaliningrad branch of Rostelecom, Kalmyk branch of Rostelecom, Kaluga branch of Rostelecom, Kamchatka branch of Rostelecom, Kemerovo branch of Rostelecom, Kirov branch of Rostelecom, Komi branch of Rostelecom, Krasnodar Rostelecom branch, Kursk branch of Rostelecom, Lipetsk branch of Rostelecom, Magadan branch of Rostelecom, macro-regional branch "Volga" Rostelecom, macro-regional branch "North-West" Rostelecom, macro-regional branch "Siberia" Rostelecom, macro-regional branch "Ural" Rostelecom, macro-regional branch "Center" Rostelecom, macro-regional branch "South" Rostelecom, macro-regional branch "Far East" Rostelecom, Murmansk branch of Rostelecom, Novosibirsk branch of Rostelecom, Omsk branch of Rostelecom, Orenburg branch of Rostelecom, Penza branch of Rostelecom, Perm branch of Rostelecom, Primorsky branch of Rostelecom, Rostov branch of Rostelecom, Ryazan Rostelecom branch, Samara branch of Rostelecom, Saratov branch of Rostelecom, North Ossetian branch of Rostelecom, Smolensk branch of Rostelecom, Stavropol branch of Rostelecom, Tambov branch of Rostelecom, Tver branch of Rostelecom, Tomsk branch of Rostelecom, Tula branch of Rostelecom, Ulyanovsk branch of Rostelecom, branch in Bryansk and Oryol regions Rostelecom, branch in Mordovia Rostelecom, branch in the Novgorod and Pskov regions Rostelecom, branch in the Republic of Mari El Rostelecom, branch in the Republic of Tatarstan Rostelecom, branch in the Tyumen and Kurgan regions Rostelecom, branch in the Chuvash Republic Rostelecom, branch in the Yaroslavl and Kostroma regions Rostelecom , branch in Vladimirskaya and Ivanovo regions Rostelecom, branch of Sakhatelecom Rostelecom, Khabarovsk branch of Rostelecom, Khanty-Mansiysk branch of Rostelecom, Chelyabinsk branch of Rostelecom, Yamalo-Nenets branch of Rostelecom-Solar Rostec Ruselectronics RT-Inform RTI RTK - Data Center RTKomm.RU RTRS, Altai KRTPC RTRS, Amur ORTPC RTRS, Arkhangelsk ORTPTS RTRS, Astrakhan ORTPTS RTRS, Belgorod ORTPTS RTRS, Bryansk ORTPTS RTRS, Vladimir ORTPTS RTRS, Volgograd ORTPTS RTRS, Vologda ORTPTS RTRS, Voronezh ORTPTS RTRS, Far Eastern RC RTRS, Transbaikal ORTPTS RTRS, Ivanovo ORTP Center RTRS, Irkutsk ORTPTS RTRS, Kaliningrad ORTPTS RTRS , Kaluga ORTPTS RTRS, Kamchatka ORTPTS RTRS, Kemerovo ORTPTS RTRS, Kirov ORTPTS RTRS, Kostroma ORTPTS RTRS, Krasnodar ORTPTS RTRS, Krasnoyarsk ORTPTS RTRS, Kurgan ORTPTS RTRS, Kursk ORTPTS RTRS, Lipetsk ORTPTS RTRS, Magadan ORT PC RTRS, Moscow RC RTRS, Murmansk ORTPTS RTRS, Nizhny Novgorod ORTPTS RTRS, Novgorod ORTPTS RTRS, Omsk ORTPTS RTRS, Orenburg ORTPTS RTRS, Oryol ORTPTS RTRS, Penza ORTPTS RTRS, Perm KRTPC RTRS, Primorsky ORTPTS RTRS, Pskov ORTPTS RTRS, Rostov ORTPTS RTRS, RTPC of the Jewish Autonomous Region RTRS, RTPC Kabardino-Balkarian Republic RTRS, RTPC of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic RTRS, RTPC of the Republic of Adygea RTRS, RTPC of the Republic of Altai RTRS, RTPC of the Republic of Bashkortostan RTRS, RTPC of the Republic of Buryatia RTRS, RTPC of the Republic of Dagestan RTRS, RTPC of the Republic of Ingushetia RTRS, RTPC of the Republic of Kalmykia RTRS, HRC of the Republic Karelia RTRS, RTPC of the Republic of Komi RTRS, RTPC of the Republic of Crimea RTRS, RTPC of the Republic of Mari El RTRS, RTPC of the Republic of Mordovia RTRS, RTPC of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) RTRS, RTPC of the Republic of North Ossetia - Alania RTRS, RTPC of the Republic of Tatarstan RTRS, RTPC of the Republic of Tyva RTRS, RTPC of the Republic of Khakassia RTRS, RTPC of the Chechen Republic RTRS, RTPC of the Chuvash Republic RTRS, Ryazan ORTPTS RTRS, Samara ORTPTS RTRS, St. Petersburg RC RTRS, Saratov ORTPTS RTRS, Sakhalin ORTPTS RTRS, Sverdlovsk ORTPTS RTRS, Siberian RC RTRS, ORTPTS RTRS, Stavropol KRTPC RTRS, Tambov ORTPTS RTRS, Tver ORTPTS RTRS, Tomsk ORTPTS RTRS, Tula ORTPTS RTRS, Udmurt RRTPC RTRS, Ulyanovsk ORTPTS RTRS, Ural-Siberian RC RTRS, Chelyabinsk ORTPTS RTRS, Yaroslavl ORTPTS RuSat RusHydro RusG idro IT service Russian Towers, Radix group of companies C7 Information technology Salym Petroleum Development Samara University St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications named after. prof. M. A. Bonch-Bruevich Satel Sberbank Sberbank-Technology Svyaz-Bank Svyaztransneft SDN-video Sevastopol Telecom North-Western Shipping Company Severstal Severstal-infocom Selectel, a network of data centers Sercomm Russia Siberian Federal University Sibur Sibur IT Power machines Sinimex System, AFK System operator of the Unified Energy System System software Citymobil SCOUT-Corporate solutions SKB Kontur SKB-Bank Skolkovo Smart Telecom SMARTS Sovzond SOGAZ Consent Sollers SoftBalance Union of CIOs of Russia Spirit Corp. SPM Ltd. SPT Satellite system "Messenger" Stankoservice, innovation center StarLine Stafori (Robot Vera) Stack Soft Stackcom Supertel Surgutneftegaz T Plus T8 Taif Tatneft Tattelecom TGK-1 Telecom Exchange Telecom-Soyuz, NPF Telecom-Express TelematicsNet Telfin Tentorium Tern (Tern Group) Terra TechTechLAB Technoserv Techsnabexport Tinkoff Tomsk State University Tomsk Polytechnic University Tonk, group of companies Total Exploration Development Russia TransContainer Transmashholding Transneft Transneft Telecom TransTeleCom TransTeleCom, macroregion "Far East" TransTeleCom, macroregion Verkhnevolzhsky TransTeleCom, macroregion Caucasus TransTeleCom, macroregion Siberia Trans Telecom, macroregion Ural Tricolor Trubnaya metallurgical company Tyumen Petroleum Scientific Center Universal Technologies ITMO University Department of Informatization of the Amur Region Department of Mass Communications, Information Technologies and Communications of the Komi Republic Department of the Republic of North Ossetia - Alania for Information Technologies and Communications Department of Digital Development of the Administration of the Kostroma Region Department of Digital Development, Information Technologies and Communications of the Penza Region Ural Federal University named after. B. N. Yeltsin Ural Center for Security Systems Ufanet Ufa State Petroleum Technical University Federal Antimonopoly Service Federal Service for Supervision of Health Care Federal Medical Research Center named after. V. A. Almazova Federal Scientific Agricultural Engineering Center VIM Federal Center for Informatization under the Central Election Commission of Russia Philip Morris International Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation Company STC KAMI Internet Development Fund Internet Initiatives Development Fund Innovation Assistance Fund Fund for Assistance to the Development of Internet Technologies and Infrastructure Fort Dialog PhosAgro FGC UES HiTech Host Home Credit and Finance Bank Center 2M Center for interaction of computer networks "MSK-IX" Competence center for import substitution in the field of ICT Computer training center "Specialist" at MSTU. N. E. Bauman Center for the Development of Advanced Technologies Center-Invest Central Bank of the Russian Federation Central Research Institute for Organization and Informatization of Healthcare Central Research Institute of Communications (TsNIIS) Digital Economy Digital Era of Transport MDG, group of companies Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant Cherkizovo Shvabe Sheremetyevo, airport Electrosvyaz Electrosvyaz (in the Republic of Dagestan) NVision Group Enel Russia EnergopromAutomation ER-Telecom Holding ESTG (STG) Echelon, NPO South Ural State University Southern Federal University UL-com UL-com Media UNESCO Unidata UniCredit Bank Yandex Yandex Terra Yandex.Money

08/29/2018, Wed, 20:15, Moscow time , Text: Denis Voeikov

Vladimir Putin, as part of a large-scale personnel reshuffle in the law enforcement agencies, fired the head of the Department of IT, Communications and Information Protection of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Sergei Lyashenko.

Dismissal of the chief IT officer of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The post of head of the Department of IT, Communications and Information Protection of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has become vacant. Previously held by Lieutenant General of the Internal Service Sergey Lyashenko exempted from it by decree of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin.

Lyashenko has worked in this position since April 2015, having taken over the reins from Alexandra Makhonova, who has been an IT specialist at the Ministry of Internal Affairs since November 2012, and previously headed the Mostelecom operator and the Electronic Moscow program.

The Department of IT, Communications and Information Protection of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was created in January 2011 - as part of the reform of the ministry. Its first leader was Mikhail Tyurkin, who previously held the position of First Deputy Director of the Federal Migration Service.

Purge in the ranks of the security forces

Sergei Lyashenko, who was relieved of his post, found himself on the presidential dismissal list, consisting of 20 high-ranking employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Investigative Committee, FSIN and regional prosecutors' offices. All of them became defendants in the same decree of Vladimir Putin dated August 28, 2018.

The same document approved new appointments to important positions in the law enforcement agencies, but no successor to Lyashenko was mentioned in the decree.

IT corruption scandal in the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Let us recall, at the end of February 2018, CNews, that the Ministry of Internal Affairs demands from the former head of its division of the NPO “Special equipment and communications” Andrey Nechaev payment of 1.4 billion rubles. for shortcomings in the work of the Unified System of Information and Analytical Support of Activities (ISOD), the implementation of which he led. The indicated 1.4 billion rubles. - this is the amount of the state contract for the creation of ISOD, which Nechaev concluded with the contractor on behalf of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Nechaev was detained in October 2017, after the M department of the FSB became interested in the circumstances of his work on ISOD.

It is believed that it was Nechaev’s arrest that led to the voluntary resignation of Alexander Makhonov, motivated by the fact that Makhonov was personally responsible for his subordinate Nechaev. Despite this, having relieved the official of his post in mid-February 2015, Vladimir Putin issued the same decree to his deputy head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which essentially became a promotion for Makhonov.

Work biography of Lyashenko

Sergei Lyashenko was born on October 23, 1967 in Poltava in Ukraine. In 1989 he graduated from the Poltava Higher Military Command School of Communications, in 1998 from the Military Academy of Communications named after. S. M. Budyonny in St. Petersburg, in 2005 - All-Russian State Tax Academy of the Ministry of Finance in Moscow.

Sergei Lyashenko, released from his post as IT Director of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

In the period from 1989 to 2003, he served in various leadership positions in the Russian Armed Forces. Lyashenko began his service in the internal affairs bodies as the chief specialist of the communications and automation department of the Logistics Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He was awarded medals of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, I and II degrees, as well as various departmental awards.

Some facts about the IT department in the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The Department of IT, Communications and Information Protection of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, according to the department, is an independent division of the ministry, whose area of ​​responsibility includes legal regulation in the field of improving information and telecommunication technologies, automated information systems, communication systems and means, radio and radio engineering control, ensuring electromagnetic compatibility of radio-electronic means, countering technical intelligence, technical (including cryptographic) information protection, electronic warfare, use of electronic signatures, generation and maintenance of information resources, interdepartmental information interaction, implementation of state and departmental programs in the field of informatization, departmental navigation and monitoring systems.


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