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Not so long ago, I installed stretch ceilings in my apartment. Is it bad, or another question is good (), but the question that tormented me right after installation was the smell from the stretch shelf. Let's think today, is it normal when the stretch ceiling smells right after installation?

Indeed, the smell immediately after installation is, frankly, annoying. Okay, if you installed a stretch ceiling in one room, you can close it, but if you installed stretch ceilings throughout the apartment, then there is nowhere to hide. And most importantly, it scares you, bad thoughts immediately pop up that it is harmful, etc. etc.

The smell from the stretch ceiling for the first time days after installation is absolutely normal. Think, we are surrounded by a lot of things that smell new, just like the ceiling. These are electronics (video, audio equipment) and clothing items, especially if they are made from non-natural raw materials. All of these items smell very strong, but this smell goes away after a week. That's the same story with the ceiling. Almost all stretch ceilings are made of PVC film (polyvinyl chloride), it is he who creates an unpleasant smell from the stretch ceiling. But the higher the quality of the film, the faster the smell disappears. You probably think the worst ceiling is Chinese, this is not entirely true. The Chinese stretch ceiling is different, there is one produced in factories, in compliance with technologies and standards, such a ceiling is in no way inferior to European manufacturers. But there is also a cheap Chinese ceiling, made in artisanal conditions, such a ceiling will smell longer, but still the smell from such a stretch ceiling will also disappear.

Smell, completely disappears from 3 days to 2 weeks. It all depends on the quality of your ceiling. The higher the quality, the less the smell. But the price of "like European stretch ceilings" differs several times.

But sometimes installers of stretch ceilings give out cheap Chinese ceilings for European brands, it is almost impossible to distinguish now. Even certificates do not help them easily forge. However, it can be distinguished by its smell. So that the ceiling smells less, supposedly of better quality, the installers go to the trick.

1) Before installation, the ceilings are in the warehouse, for a couple - three weeks, the smell from such a ceiling leaves, which means that it can be passed off as an expensive European.

2) In a warm room, the ceiling will smell stronger than in a cold one. However, in a warm room, the ceiling will lose its smell faster. Therefore, if the ceiling is installed in a cool room, then the smell from it is less and it can also be passed off as a ceiling with a higher quality.

3) Humidity. Also, the smell from stretch ceilings, curled from moisture. The drier the room, the faster the stretch ceiling will fade away. The higher the humidity, the stronger the smell. Therefore, in the toilet and bathroom, the ceiling will smell stronger.

4) Ceiling height. The higher the ceilings, the less odor, also tested.

5) Of course - airing, if you do not do the repair yourself, but the masters do it for you, then before coming they can simply ventilate the room, thereby removing the smell from the stretch ceilings from the apartment. No - the smell will remain, but it will not be as harsh, so you can also pass off the ceilings as expensive. And after a couple of weeks, the smell will disappear altogether.

6) Dimensions of the room. The larger the room, the faster the smell disappears. Usually it is a day or two. In small rooms, it lasts much longer.

7) Lighting. The more lighting fixtures you have built into the ceiling, the more it will heat up, the longer it will keep the smell in the apartment.

Remember this, and don't be fooled. Do not panic! The smell from the stretch ceiling is normal! After a couple - three days, and a maximum of a couple of weeks, not a trace will remain. And you will enjoy the aesthetic ceiling. Ventilate the room more often, the smell will go away much faster. I think it helped you.

P.S. My smell was gone, after three to four days. True, I ventilated the room. By the way, they can smell and.

Sometimes we revel in this scent and so regret that it fades over time. And sometimes we try in every possible way to get rid of it.

And, since absolutely everything has its pros and cons, it is not surprising that such beautiful, practical stretch ceilings have their own "but". In this article, we will raise a topic that worries everyone who has just completed a renovation, namely the smell from a stretch ceiling.

You will learn:

  • how it should be in the order of things and what should be alarming;
  • how long he can hold out in the apartment;
  • what can increase / decrease it;
  • how safe it is for health;
  • how to get rid of it as soon as possible.

The information we have collected is of interest both for those who intend to install stretch ceilings and for those whose professional activities are related to their installation.

Renovation fragrances

First of all you should make sure that the smell really comes from the stretch ceiling. What else can smell or, it would be more correct to say "stink"?

If, apart from the ceiling in your apartment, nothing has changed, the question disappears. There is, however, a small chance that the smell comes from energy-saving light bulbs. But this fact can be easily eliminated by changing them for a while for any others.

If, after the renovation, you have vinyl wallpaper, linoleum or laminate flooring, new furniture or Appliances, then the smell can come from anything.

The synthetic wallpaper that surrounds us, floors and ceilings contribute to the creation of a "greenhouse effect", so just ventilate the room more often and soon all extraneous aromas will leave you.

It's another matter if the smell does not disappear. long time- it can also be a disturbing sign. What he can talk about - you will find out a little later.

If the smell really exudes your ceiling - let's find out what could be the source of it.

What does the smell tell you?

Don't underestimate the importance of smell in this technological era. It tells us what not to eat or where it is better not to go, being an important part of our instincts. For example, here's an interesting video:

And in the case of ceilings based on PVC film, it also plays a role. If earlier a fake could be distinguished by dimensions or seams uncharacteristic for high-quality manufacturers, today this moment is already provided for by basement manufacturers.

Certificates can also be fake, but our sense of smell will definitely not let us down.

So, the smell from stretch ceilings can be:

  • harsh and chemical;
  • sweetish chemical;
  • rotten and putrid.

If it is absent at all - do not rush to rejoice... This may mean that you have purchased a high-quality product, as well as that the film used for the ceiling has been in the warehouse for a long time and, accordingly, does not have the required characteristics.

And even worse, if the manufacturer tried to hide in this way a substandard and unhealthy material that possesses… what do you think? - a sweet, slightly chemical smell, somewhat reminiscent of the smell of gum.

By the type of aroma and its durability, scope and level of harm, the following types of PVC films are distinguished:

PVC quality Smell How long does a stretch ceiling smell Application area Harm level
High Harsh, chemical Smells on the day of installation, maximum 3-4 days after Any room in the apartment, including a bedroom and a nursery Harmless
The average Sharp, chemical Within 2 weeks maximum Not recommended for permanent stays longer than 2 weeks Moderate harm
Low Pronounced, sweetish chemical from 2 weeks to six months, or does not disappear at all Not applicable due to toxicity !!! Very harmful

What should a PVC film smell like?

New, just made, it has a light plastic-rubber scent that fades quickly.

Polyvinyl chloride is a harmless, non-combustible, although not the most natural, but very resistant material to a number of influences, which is in every apartment. Wires, windows, doors, linoleum, rugs, refrigerators - all of this, to one degree or another, contains PVC.

Another thing is the harmful substances added to PVC when creating a ceiling film to give it color or certain qualities - hydroxybenzene (aka carbolic acid or phenol) and methylbenzene (toluene). It is about their presence that the sweetish aroma speaks.

1. Phenol is toxic to both humans and animals. It is quickly absorbed by the body and in the shortest possible time begins to affect the brain.

The effect of its smallest doses is manifested by sneezing, coughing, pallor, dizziness, nausea, headache and loss of energy. It is a highly hazardous substance of hazard class 2.

2. Methylbenzene is a potent toxin, similar to benzene, belongs to group D carcinogens. It has a weak narcotic effect and can lead to substance abuse.

Its vapors lead to damage to the nervous system, causing lethargy and disruption of the activity of the vestibular apparatus, in some cases irreversible. Long-term exposure to this substance affects the hematopoietic function of a person, leading to hypoxia and cyanosis.

If you don’t believe anyone, including your sense of smell, you can conduct an examination.

There is another, rather rare reason for the smell, but it cannot be completely ruled out either. If there is a smell after installing the ceiling:

  • the same as during the work of the installation team;
  • if it is not chemical, but rather resembles the aroma of decaying organic matter;
  • soaked into upholstered furniture, floor and walls

This may indicate the presence of propane, which was actually present during the installation.

The fact is that ceiling masters work with gas cannons, from the cylinders of which it is periodically necessary to drain bad propane. If this is not done on time, the stench during installation will be indescribable, and the smell can easily be absorbed into walls, floors and furniture. It disappears in three months.

Replacing the ceiling in this particular case will not get rid of the smell of either furniture or wallpaper. But special cleaning is possible. First you need to find out if it is propane, in which expertise will best help you.

Smell during ceiling installation

During installation, the smell should be present, because the composition of the high-quality film includes various antifungal, fire-fighting, and also additives that improve the quality of the material.

Important! The smell immediately after installation is not the most useful, so for some time it is better to be in the room for a minimum of time, as well as to limit or exclude the presence of animals and indoor plants in it.

After the final evaporation of harmful substances and good ventilation, the smell will disappear and the house will be safe again.

Why High Quality PVC Ceiling Smells

If you are sure that there are no harmful materials on your ceiling, but the smell is still there a week after installation, this may be due to:

  • large volume of the room;
  • lack of good ventilation;
  • high temperature, which is aggravated by the abundance of built-in lamps (or rather, their incorrect installation). Heat resistance of PVC is 66 - 70 degrees, and higher temperatures lead to its decomposition and deformation. The way out of the situation is the correct installation of lighting. It may be necessary to remove some of the lamps to reduce the temperature and maintain the ceiling. Interesting fact: the higher the temperature (within the permissible range), the faster the smell disappears;
  • high humidity, which contributes to odor retention. Output: reinforced ventilation or dehumidifier;
  • UV exposure to the PVC fabric, which also leads to the decomposition of the material and causes an odor.

It may happen that the smell remains after installation and lives quietly between the base and stretch ceiling, and it just needs to be expelled from there.

And this can be achieved by "shaking" the ceiling. If you are not quite sure how and what to do in this case, contact the installation team that installed it.

How to get rid of the smell

If you don't intend to dismantle the ceiling, here are some things you can do to quickly eliminate the unpleasant chemical odor:

  • round-the-clock enhanced ventilation for 2 - 3 weeks;
  • ecological air purifiers;
  • the folk method for any stench is salt (or saline solution), evenly distributed throughout the apartment;
  • respirators - they will not eliminate the smell, but they will keep you healthy for a while while you are fighting the stench;
  • indoor plants - spathiphyllum, chlorophytum, sansevieria, some types of ficuses that actively absorb benzene, formaldehyde and other carcinogens and harmful chemicals - the effect is not guaranteed, and you can get rid of not only the smell, but also of the plants.

How to minimize the likelihood of buying low-quality stretch ceilings?

1. First of all, you can give preference fabric stretch ceilings, having greater environmental friendliness in comparison with film. They are made on the basis of a stable substitute for rubber - polyurethane, and the smell after their installation is completely incomparable with those described - it is almost imperceptible and disappears within 2-3 days.

2. If you cannot refuse the beauty and gloss of PVC, then contact the firms from which your friends or acquaintances ordered stretch ceilings, or at least read the reviews before purchasing.

3. Products must be labeled accordingly, confirming that the manufacturer has a quality certificate and the conclusions of the sanitary and epidemiological examination, confirming that the material was manufactured in compliance with all the necessary safety requirements.

To do this, we recommend contacting world-famous companies, for example, TM Descor, TM Lackfolie, Mattfolie, TM Effektfolie, representing the German stretch ceilings "ponds", Clipso, Descor, Edelweiss, Cerutti, MSD and other companies, certified ISO9001: 2000.

It should be mentioned that the leading manufacturers of stretch ceilings are countries such as Germany, France, Italy and Sweden.

Well, that's probably all. We wish that your ceiling is not only pleasing to the eyes and soul, but also does not pose any danger to your health!

Sometimes people are faced with the problem of a strange unpleasant smell after. Of course, this does not make it better in the eyes of potential consumers. But, nevertheless, this feature exists. In this regard, many questions arise, for example, do all stretch ceilings smell? Is it bad for your health? How to deal with the problem that has arisen?


In fact, the reasons for this feature lie in the material from which the stretch coatings are created. Usually, people complain about the odor in film coverings, and not in fabric stretch ceilings. And not surprising. After all, they are created by their polyvinyl chloride - a chemical.

It can give off an unpleasant odor during heating. And since for a normal installation such a coating will in any case be heated, then there is still no escape from a small portion of the smell. But, most importantly, quality materials as soon as the coating dries, they immediately stop smelling. This usually happens within a couple of hours. Low-quality ones, in turn, continue to emit a smell for several days.

Conventionally, experts divide PVC coatings into three types:

  • Good ones... These canvases are of high quality. This stretch ceiling smells after installation, but the smell disappears quickly and is not harmful. The maximum time for which it must completely disappear is three days. Usually, coatings purchased overseas do not cause any trouble at all.
  • Average... Such coatings are just on the edge. They are considered not yet harmful, but they are already causing some inconvenience. The smell after their creation disappears after about a few weeks. It is recommended to spend all this time in the country, or else to hermetically close the room in order to inhale such odors as little as possible.
  • Bad... This option is generally not recommended. The fact is that a stretch ceiling smells for a long time only if the entire technology of its creation is not followed, or because of low-quality raw materials. In either case, he will not bring you positive emotions, but, on the contrary, may cause trouble.

By the way, such coatings sometimes smell of sweetish phenol. So this is very dangerous. This substance is very harmful to health. If you suspect something was wrong, then you urgently need to get rid of such coverage.

Why doesn't the smell go away?

Sometimes it happens that the allotted time has expired, and the smell has not disappeared. Moreover, you are completely sure that you have purchased a high quality canvas. Or your friends' room stopped smelling the very next day, and yours - only after a week. Why it happens?

Various external factors can influence odor persistence. For example, temperature. As mentioned above, the smell appears after heating. If the room is hot, the smell will last much longer.

It affects the process and moisture in a similar way. The higher it is, the slower the smell will disappear after installing such a tension structure. Of course, you shouldn't forget about ventilation. The process of airing the room, and, accordingly, the disappearance of the smell, also depends on its quality.

By the way, the stretch ceiling will smell less after installation in large and spacious rooms. Air circulation is better in them, which makes it possible to ventilate the room faster.

The peculiarities of the storage of the canvas are also an important point. If it has been in the warehouse for a long time, and without observing all relevant standards, then an additional aroma may also arise. Of course, it will also fade over time, but not immediately.

What can be done?

Probably, after reading all of the above, many will generally begin to doubt whether they need a stretch ceiling. Very much in vain. There are many ways to speed up the process of odor weathering. Moreover, if you bought a high-quality coating, it will not be difficult to endure just a few days. But then you can enjoy your unique coating for fifteen years.

To speed up the odor elimination process, you can do the following:

  • It is necessary to often ventilate the room, creating good air circulation in it. But make sure that the temperature is not too low or too high.
  • If the room is humid, then you can try to artificially reduce the humidity. To do this, you can use an electric dehumidifier.
  • It is better not to turn on the lighting in the room, as such devices will heat the canvas, which will lead to the release of a new smell.

Stretch ceilings are chosen for several reasons: installation speed, relative cleanliness during work and a completely humane price for a smooth and durable coating. Multi-colored and even multi-level canvases have long taken root in the houses of Belarusians. Most live and rejoice. But not everyone has a successful relationship with the "stretchers". Alexander from Minsk shared his story with

- In December 2016, I entered into an agreement with a well-known company for the installation of stretch ceilings in my apartment,- says the man. - The main criterion when choosing for me was quality and an official contract. On the company's website I chose suitable option by color, texture, etc. The manager, when drawing up the contract, said that there was good manufacturer MSD (China) - with certificates, verified and which works for Europe. I liked this option. I also immediately clarified the nuances about the release of the smell after installation, which I was assured - a maximum of 2-3 days, then everything will disappear.

The ceilings were installed, I made the payment according to the contract. However, after installation and diligent airing, there was a terrible smell in the premises (at that time no one lived in the apartment). Two weeks later, I insisted that the ceilings be removed, since we are talking primarily about the health of young children ...

The canvas was removed, and we verbally agreed with the representatives of the company to redo everything. But a few days later I received a call with information - "you are doing well, for money we can stretch the ceilings again." I refused. Then the installer just hid and did not try to solve the problem in any way. I had no choice but to contact the Ministry of Health to find out if a hygienic certificate is needed for such products as a stretch ceiling canvas? To which he received a written answer: yes, it is necessary (Resolution No. 666 of the Council of Ministers).

After that, he applied with a written claim to the installer for the provision of a hygienic certificate in accordance with this standard. The answer came as follows: we are not importers, we do not have our own production (although the website says “own production” in black and white). The importer is a kind of LLC, the manufacturer is also a third office. The written response also included hygienic certificates for the canvas, issued to a certain LLC by the Ministry of Health.

But the most interesting thing is that such a manufacturer, which is indicated in the provided certificate, was absent on the website of the installer (now this "jamb" has already been fixed). This was the first time I heard about the manufacturer Hailide - I negotiated at MSD, and the manager made a note on the contract about it with his own hand.

Screenshot from the site taken last month

They write on the Internet that Hailide is cheaper and less environmentally friendly, because it uses local Chinese raw materials, unlike the one that I ordered and paid for. It turns out that I was misled.

The company "Harmony Uyuta", to which all claims of the Minsk resident are addressed, comments on the situation as follows:

- The work was performed on 01.12.2016 and was accepted by the customer with the signing of the acceptance certificate of the work performed. The customer had no complaints about the quality of the work performed.

Production of canvases of stretch ceilings by order of PE "Harmony-service" is carried out by PE "Production systems". Until 2015, production was part of the activities of PE "Harmony-Service". In 2015, a decision was made to separate the production into an independent legal entity and the state of emergency "Production Systems" was registered. But, as before, and at the moment, PE "Harmony-Service" is the main customer of canvases for stretch ceilings from PE "Production Systems", the management of PE "Harmony-Service" participates in the approval of materials purchased by PE "Production Systems" manufacturers, colors, textures) for the production of stretch ceilings, the timing and quality of their manufacture. All this gives us the right to position this production on the site as our own.

In the production of canvases for stretch ceilings, PVC films from manufacturers such as MSD, Pongs, Hailide are used. What information is available on our website in the "Prices" section. In the contract concluded with the private enterprise "Harmony-Service" and the Minsk resident, a specific manufacturer of the material was not indicated, and the manufacturer of the material did not agree with the customer. The production of canvases at the time of ordering in production is carried out from the materials available, taking into account the texture of the film, color and width.

After the installation of stretch ceilings on December 14, 2016, Alexander contacted us by phone with a complaint that a specific smell emanated from the stretch ceilings installed to him. A production specialist visited him on this fact, who later explained that in the customer's premises, in addition to the installed stretch ceilings, new furniture made of chipboard was also installed, which at that time had a persistent characteristic odor.

Despite this, at the request of the client, the employees of the private enterprise "Harmony-Service" on December 17, 2016 dismantled 5 satin stretch ceilings that had been previously installed for him. On 03/01/2017, the company received another claim demanding an examination of the installed ceilings to determine the smell and level of formaldehyde. On January 16, 2017, in the presence of the client, a sample of the PVC film previously installed in his apartment was handed over to the Minsk City Hygiene Center for a study for odor and formaldehyde levels. The research request did not include the name of the manufacturer of this PVC film. At the request of the employees of the Minsk City Hygiene Center, the application was handwritten: satin texture, white color, width 320 cm. According to the client, manufacturer MSD. The tests of the submitted sample were carried out to determine the level of odor and formaldehyde, it was these requirements for the study that were put forward by the Minsker. This kind of research does not allow determining the manufacturer of the PVC film.

Also, at the request of Alexander, he was provided with a copy of the sanitary and hygienic conclusion on the installed PVC film from the importer MaxiOffice LLC, from which it follows that this PVC film complies with the “Unified Sanitary and Epidemiological and Hygienic Requirements for Goods Subject to Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance (control ) ", SanPiN, GN" Hygienic requirements for the device, equipment and maintenance of residential buildings "(post. Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus 20.08.2015, No. 95).

The presence of a sanitary and hygienic conclusion from the importer, and even more so the results of a study of a sample of a film of a previously installed stretch ceiling, allows us to conclude that the specific smell in the premises did not come from the stretch ceilings installed to him, the claim for the presence of which was made by this citizen.

We have been providing services for the installation of stretch ceilings under the trademark "Harmony of Comfort" for more than 5 years. At the moment, we have more than 2,000 satisfied clients, no such complaints have been received from any client.

Many, having installed a stretch ceiling, without having time to stop looking, are faced with such a problem as the smell from the stretch ceiling. First of all, the thought arises:

Isn't it harmful to human health?

And only then we begin to understand all the reasons for the appearance of such a smell in order to eliminate it. In this article we will talk about all the exciting issues related to the smell of stretch ceiling covering.

Reasons for the appearance

The main reason that the smell appears after installing the stretch ceiling is hidden in the raw materials from which the ceiling is made. Most of(90%) of all stretch ceilings are also made of polyvinyl chloride. And it has a special smell. If the raw materials were of sufficient quality, then when the canvas is heated, the smell will appear. But not intense. And within 2-5 hours it will disappear. But if the raw materials are of poor quality, then the unpleasant feeling of staleness in the apartment will not leave you even after 5 days. There are three categories of PVC stretch ceilings:

  • high quality - this does not smell especially, weathering takes place within 3 days;
  • medium quality - the specific aroma disappears after 1 to 2 weeks;
  • low quality - has a strong phenol odor. It can erode within a month. It is not safe.

This can also happen when the smell appears a few days after the installation of the ceiling. This is primarily due to its improper operation. For example, the ingress of ultraviolet rays leads to the decomposition of the pvc canvas. It is accompanied by an unpleasant specific odor. At the same time, it is important to know what specific substances the ceiling was made of, such information should be in the certificate.

Many will think that it is better to install fabric stretch ceilings, and there will be no problem with the smell at all. But this is not the case! Fabric ceiling can also stink, this happens in those cases when you purchase a Chinese-made clandestine canvas. Brand firms are responsible for the quality of soy products; you will find markings on such canvases. Therefore, be careful when buying a fabric ceiling.

Is the smell harmful to health?

With the appearance of the smell from the ceiling, our mood clearly changes, it is unpleasant for us to think that a poor-quality stretch ceiling may have been installed. Psychological impact from specific aromas on ourselves we clearly feel. But does the smell actually affect the physical health of a person? This is worth understanding.

In the production process of polyvinyl chloride film, the following are used:

  • phenol,
  • toluene,
  • chlorine.

They give off volatile substances. And consumers of pvc stretch ceilings very often complain of such symptoms in their health:

But let's not mislead anyone and explain that all of the above symptoms can appear only as a result of the installation of a low-quality stretch ceiling of an underground production. European manufacturers work to strict safety standards. Producers of proven countries include:

  1. Germany,
  2. Sweden,
  3. France,
  4. Italy.

The stretch ceilings of these companies can be considered practically harmless to health, they hardly smell, unless you smell them closely. There are such types of stretch ceilings, for example, "clipso-hospital", which are installed in medical institutions, the fabrics of these companies are safe for children's rooms.

Low-quality stretch ceilings can be produced in Ukraine, China, Russia. Of course, such canvases do not have certificates, and on fabric you will not find any markings or trademarks. Counterfeit products initially have a pungent odor. But if you nevertheless installed a stretch ceiling of dubious production, and after a while you feel bad symptoms, observe the state of health in dynamics, perhaps you were really sold and installed a fake. It is better not to risk your health, consult a doctor, and replace the stretch ceilings.

Odor persistence factors

Let's see what can affect the persistence of the smell, why in some it disappears immediately, while others are tormented and figure out how to eliminate the smell. First of all, let's make a reservation, we will talk about the smell that comes from the substances that make up the material of the stretch ceiling, and not about the smell that appeared during storage in a warehouse with poor ventilation. So, odor persistence is influenced by:

  1. Temperature conditions. Smell from the canvas when high temperature goes away much faster than when the room is pretty cool. But a warmer room smells much stronger than a colder one.
  2. Indoor humidity ... A direct relationship between humidity and persistence has been established; the higher the level of humidity, the more persistent the odor will be. Conversely, in dry rooms, the smell from the stretch ceiling will stay less.
  3. Air convection ... The better and better the ventilation in the room, the faster the smell will disappear.
  4. Ceiling height ... In a room with high ceilings, the smell is less noticeable and may disappear the next day after installing the ceiling.
  5. Number of lighting devices ... The light bulbs installed in the stretch ceiling heat up the canvas, the more there are, the stronger the "aroma" will be.
  6. Storage duration ... The time that a roll of linen has been in storage can also affect odor persistence. The longer he was there, the more the smell disappeared.

How to eliminate odor?

Finding out all the causes of odor, as well as understanding the factors that affect the intensity and duration of the odor in the room, you can speed up its elimination. Here are some tips on how to do it:

  • First, ventilate the room more often, but at the same time keep the temperature in the room high enough, for this you can use a heater.
  • Secondly, use an electric dehumidifier, which will reduce the humidity in the room, so the smell will disappear much faster.
  • Third, try not to turn on the lights in the room for about a week, especially if there are a lot of lighting fixtures. Take advantage of the separate table lamp... In the future, use, if possible, energy-saving lamps that heat the canvas to a minimum.
  • Fourthly, only a specialist can eliminate a persistent, poorly weathering odor, so do not save on your health, let a professional take care of this issue.

So, let's note the most important thing - the smell from a stretch ceiling can appear only from poor-quality material, in violation of safety standards. High-quality canvases, especially fabric ones, do not pose a danger to human health; they can be installed even in hospitals and children's bedrooms.

Before ordering the installation of a stretch ceiling, carefully study all the documentation for it, try to be at home during the installation to see if there is a trademark on the fabric on the spot. In addition, you can immediately feel a pungent smell, which will immediately alert you, and a slight specific smell will disappear within a few hours, which you also pay attention to. The main thing is not to worry, because everything can be fixed, there are no hopeless situations.


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