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One of the most common situations is when the computer does not start, the system does not enter the BIOS. In this case, power is supplied to the motherboard, but the system self-test does not run. Typically, users describe this malfunction something like this: when I start the computer, I can hear the noise of the fans on the processor and in the case, but the monitor is blank and does not emit any signals.

What could be causing the problem?

When the computer system boots normally after being turned on, it diagnoses its electronic components and initializes them. For this purpose, the BIOS chip contains a special program code. When the BIOS loads, this code is executed. If everything is normal, one short beep is issued. If an error is detected, the system does not start; a signal specific to the detected problem is issued. If the system does not perform a self-test upon boot, this does not mean that the code embedded in the bios has failed. In fact, this happens very rarely, and the cause is unsuccessful experimentation with the BIOS firmware.

To some possible reasons Computer freezes when the bios does not load include:

  • incorrect;
  • contacts: either there is no contact somewhere, or, on the contrary, something is shorted (it happens, for example, that the metal plug of the motherboard on the rear panel of the case short-circuits the USB sockets);
  • faulty RAM;
  • dead battery (to power bios) on the motherboard;
  • stuck buttons on the front panel of the case, for example, “reset”;
  • a faulty power supply may be the reason why your computer won't boot;
  • damaged chipset chips;
  • swollen or leaking capacitors on the motherboard;
  • general contamination of the system unit.

Procedure for “treatment”

To cure the problem when the bios does not start, the first thing you need to do is open the system unit and assess the degree of contamination. Often the system does not boot for such a prosaic reason as large number mud. If dust is visible on the motherboard and other components, it is necessary to clean the computer. To do this, you can use a brush and a vacuum cleaner. Dust from surfaces is swept away with a brush and captured in the vacuum cleaner hose. When doing this, care must be taken not to damage any elements. In addition, you should not touch the vacuum cleaner hose to anything, as static electricity may accumulate on it during operation.

If the computer does not start, that is, general cleaning did not help, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Check if the speaker is connected correctly. Maybe the BIOS booted and found errors, but the signals are not heard.
  2. Check the front panel buttons for sticking.

These procedures can be done quickly and without much effort, and their result is often a solution to the problem - the system enters the BIOS.

Usually on the motherboard for resetting the BIOS there are three pins in the area where the battery is located, as well as a jumper that closes two of them. The jumper marking looks like “CLR” or “CMOS CLR”. To reset the bios settings in this case, you need to move the jumper to the other two contacts and wait a few seconds. The jumper then returns to its original position.

If there is no such jumper, the bios parameters are cleared by removing the battery from the board socket. But keep in mind that the bios reset does not occur instantly, but with a delay. The delay is explained by the fact that power to the microcircuit is retained from the charged capacitors of the motherboard. On high-quality boards, their discharge time can reach half an hour or more. To accelerate the discharge, you can close the contacts to which the battery is connected.

Element-by-element check

If these actions lead to nothing, it is necessary to perform an element-by-element check. To do this, leave the processor with the fan and the wire leading to the speaker on the motherboard. Disconnect all other cables from the motherboard and remove the expansion cards. When you start the bios you should hear a “no RAM” sound. If it is heard, the diagnostics have worked, the processor and motherboard are operational. Then after that you need to insert one memory stick and start the computer again. If the video card is external, there should be a sound signal from the BIOS about its absence. By connecting all other devices gradually, one at each step, you can identify the faulty one, when installed, the system does not start.

Before installing memory sticks and expansion cards, you should make sure that they are not chipped or damaged, and then clean their contacts. To do this, it is best to use a cotton swab moistened with alcohol. But you can also wipe it with a regular rubber eraser.

Checking the processor is the last thing to do when finding the reason why the BIOS crashed

If even after removing all elements except the processor, the system does not boot and no bios signals are heard, you need to check the functionality of the processor. It is best to replace it with a known good one. If this is not possible, remove the cooler, press your finger to the surface of the processor, and turn on the computer. When we feel heating, we quickly turn it off - the processor is working. Otherwise, we check the motherboard: are there any chips, are there visible swollen or leaking capacitors. Problem capacitors, if any, can be replaced. But this, of course, requires a good level of soldering iron skills.

To check that the chipset chips are “live”, we check their temperature. They should warm up slightly within a minute of turning on the power. If the chip remains cold or heats up to high temperature, there is a very high probability that it is faulty and the computer will not start because of it.

So if, when you turn on the computer, it does not boot and freezes at the bios self-test stage, you should not despair. In this case, you need to follow the procedures described above, and you will almost certainly achieve a positive result - the BIOS starts and the system starts working.


The computer turns on, but WILL NOT BOOT!
only black screen...What should I do?...

Where to start troubleshooting if the computer does not load BIOS POST?
There is not even a beep, but the power supply is working, the fans are spinning...


If the computer turns on, but DOES NOT BOOT (WILL NOT START), then there can be quite a few reasons.

Sometimes inexperienced people describe this situation like this: “...the computer boots, the fans are spinning, but the screen is black.” - as if for a computer the rotation of the fans is more important than anything else...

FIRST OF ALL need to pay attention -
can you hear it at the start? one short squeak from the system unit?
Or this squeak not one, but several.
Then what exactly are these squeaks?(for example, 3 short + 1 long or in some other sequence) - these are the error codes the motherboard should give at startup BIOS POST (Power-On-Self-Test= power-on self-test).

One short squeak is a message that everything OK.
And if there is no squeak at all, or vice versa, if there are several of them of different durations or one is long, this indicates that there are some kind of malfunctions.
There are special reference books (for example, “ - BIOS beeps”) that describe which malfunctions correspond to certain sequences of sounds. Some of the most important options from this list, specific to your motherboard, can be found in manual(user instructions).

If you hear a certain sequence of sounds, then usually, according to the description, you can immediately understand (unfortunately, not always with great accuracy) which of the devices connected to the “motherboard” is to blame for the problem.

If there are no sounds, or the reference book did not help,
then the sequence of actions is as follows:

We will act according to the principle from the comic saying:
“Electronics is the science of contacts!”

As you understand, there is (only) a grain of joke in this joke...

1. Open the system unit.
It is enough to remove left side cover, if you look "from the face".
That is, it is convenient to put the system unit on the right side
and remove the cover that turned out to be above.

Let's see if there is a lot of dust in the case and on the motherboard.
First, lightly clean with a vacuum cleaner. A brush from a hardware store that is used to paint windows helps a lot - choose a flat rather than a round brush with the longest bristles. We sweep it with a brush, especially in the gaps of the radiator grilles, and use a vacuum cleaner (in the other hand) to suck it out.

Be careful! Do not break any parts soldered to the motherboard with a brush or the socket of a vacuum cleaner!

If you unscrew the fans from the case and from the processor cooler, the picture is depressing:

Cooler(from English COOLER= cooler) is called a radiator (such an aluminum or copper lattice “brick”) with a fan installed on it.

What kind of cooling is there if the cooler’s radiator is dullly clogged with a coat of dust!

Here's what a new or cleaned stock CPU cooler looks like (somewhat outdated):

Here are the options for modern, more advanced models:

2. Next you need to click (remove) / snap (insert) the modules RAM. To do this, pay attention to the plastic (usually black) levers on the ends of the module. If you bend these levers to the sides with a little effort, the RAM module itself “pops out” of the slot.
When you take it out, use the same brush to clean the blade contact (the slot where the modules are inserted).
On the modules themselves, look at the condition of the gold-plated contacts -
Is everything in place, is any of it dirty?
It doesn’t hurt to gently wipe with a soft cloth soaked in alcohol.
Vodka will also work - just not cologne!!!

You need to insert the module into the slot very neat. Insert the knife contacts into the gap, perhaps at a slight incline, as best you can. And then lightly press with your fingers, first on the edge of the module that is higher, then on the other edge, so that the module snaps into the slot. In this case, the levers at the edges of the module themselves will move into a vertical position.

If the video card has a cooler (radiator with fan), check its condition.
You can use a small screwdriver to unscrew the fan and clean it from dust along with the radiator.

If the cooler is noisy, you can drop a little machine oil into its bearing (at least from a sewing machine) - to do this, temporarily remove the sticker covering the bearing.
You need VERY LITTLE oil - don't overdo it!!!
Dip a small screwdriver into the oil and move it into the bearing. A SMALL DROP from this screwdriver. Then spin the fan, gently pushing the blades with your finger to distribute the oil throughout the bearing.

After this, you can try to “start”.

4. If it doesn’t start, disconnect all hard drives, optical drives and other peripherals from the motherboard.

Don't forget to disconnect the wires USB, leading from the motherboard to the front wall of the case (to the USB connector or card reader built into the front panel, if any) - because of them, a problem like yours often occurs.

5. We try to “start”.
If it doesn’t start in this position, reset it BIOS
(Basic Input-Output System= basic input/output system)

This is done by permutation jumper(from English JUMPER = jumper), i.e. jumper, usually located near the battery (see photo below). It says something like "Clear RTC"(clear real time = REAL TIME CLOCK) or "Clear CMOS".

For reference:

CMOS = Complementary-symmetry/metal-oxide semiconductor- technology for constructing semiconductor electronic boards.
This reduction is purely historical - once BIOS CMOS was the only chip on the motherboard ( SYSTEM BOARD= SYSTEM BOARD WITH CONNECTORS)

Usually on the board there is a group of 3 contacts for installing a jumper. The jumper is installed so that the middle and one of the outer ones are closed. Rearrangement to a position where it closes the middle and OTHER END resets BIOS settings to default (from English DEFAULT= default).

One of these three contacts is usually signed - look for a small white number next to it 1 or some kind of icon in the form of a small arrow (or just a wide white stripe, as in the photo below). And next to it there is a small sign that says something like
(may differ exactly the opposite):


This means that in position 2-3 custom settings will be erased BIOS.
Move the jumper to position CLEAR CMOS and wait 10-15 seconds.
After that DON'T FORGET return to position NORMAL.

If you do not find such a jumper, remove the battery for 30 seconds and insert it back.
On company boards Gigabyte there is no jumper, and in the manual (user manual) this is exactly what is written:

I translate the explanatory text for this manual:


If you want to erase CMOS values

1. Turn off the computer and unplug the power cord from the outlet
2. Remove the battery and wait 30 seconds (highlighted in the picture)
3. Reinstall the battery
4. Connect the power cable and start the computer

[Written to the right:]


HAZARD OF EXPLOSION if battery is installed incorrectly
- Replace only with a similar model recommended by the manufacturer
- Dispose of used batteries only in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.

When removing the battery, be VERY CAREFUL!!!

There have been cases when careless handling caused BATTERY BREAK -
very unpleasant “weight”, I’ll tell you!
(there is a warning about this in the manual above)

This, of course, is not an explosion (as it is written there), but...
A small (Thank God!) amount spills out of the battery CAUSIC ALKALI!
Which, as you know, immediately corrodes any clothing and is very

Please note that all this must be done
(That is, it is necessary, as written in the manual, to unplug the power cable from the outlet!)

Some motherboards have a special indicator light, which just by its glow reminds you that you need to de-energize the board before turning anything on or off on it.
For example, look at the photos above - at the bottom left there is such a green light.

6. If it still doesn’t start, check how the processor is installed, the memory itself, etc.
This is already, as they say - "AEROBATICS", so if you have no experience, don’t bother!

However, disassembly CPU cooling systems and replacing thermal paste, which may have already dried out and instead of speeding up the removal of excess heat, works like a “fur coat”, is not so difficult - read the step-by-step description of the procedure in the topic about laptops:

Updated: 12/26/2019 Published: March 13, 2018


Every time you turn on the computer, the BIOS immediately opens (window blue with settings). After exiting it, either the system starts or only the BIOS loads again.

Very often, this can happen with laptops from ASUS or Samsung.


Typically, the problem is caused by the BIOS not being able to find the device it should boot from. operating system. This may happen for the following reasons:

  1. The settings of the basic input/output system have gone wrong;
  2. There are no media to run the operating system or its malfunction;
  3. BIOS software error;
  4. Warning about computer malfunction - launching the menu indicates the presence of an incorrect setting, which can lead to failure of the PC itself. For example, incorrect bus frequency.

It is also possible that the BIOS start key (usually Del or F2) is simply stuck - because of this, the basic input/output system is constantly stuck.


Solutions are arranged in order of ease of diagnosis and likelihood of occurrence.

1. Enable Launch CSM (BIOS / UEFI mode)

In case of using systems that do not support UEFI (for example, Windows 7), it is necessary that the “Launch CSM” option is enabled (this option is responsible for compatibility with older operating systems). If it is disabled, first find the “Secure Boot” option - disable it and restart the computer. Then we activate Launch CSM. Afterwards you can try restarting the computer.

We check if there is a Boot Device Control section and the ability to choose between parameters such as: UEFI and Legacy, UEFI Only, Legacy Only. For older versions of the system, you should choose Legacy and UEFI Only or Legacy Only. For new systems you need to try different options.

Some BIOS/UEFI versions have an option to select the type of operating system - there may be Windows 8 (7) and Other OS options. For systems that do not support UEFI, select the last option.

Disabling fast boot may also help. To do this, in the BIOS we find the “Fast Boot” option (usually in the Boot section) and move it to the Disabled position.

2. Reset BIOS settings

First, we try to reset the settings in the BIOS itself. To do this, in the “Exit” section we find an option with a name similar to “Load Default”, for example:

If this does not help, try resetting the settings by removing the battery on the motherboard.

3. Checking the disk drive

We check the functionality of the disk on which the operating system (or bootloader) is installed. To do this you can:

a) See if the BIOS disk is visible in the partition Main.

b) Disconnect the disk from the computer and insert it into another, checking that it is detected and data can be read from it.

c) Boot the computer from boot Windows disk LiveCD and check the status of the media on which the system is installed, for example, using the CrystalDiskInfo program.

If the disk is not detected or its condition is determined to be critical, then the disk itself must be replaced.

4. Check the disk drive connection

Disconnecting the cables hard drive from the motherboard and the disk itself on which the bootloader is located. We check that there is no dust in them and connect them again:

Also, connect the drive cable to another SATA connector on the motherboard. You can also try replacing the drive's power connector.

5. Set up the Boot section (boot priority)

The BIOS may constantly start because the computer cannot find the boot area and start the operating system. In this case, the “Boot menu” may start immediately.

Go to the “Boot” section and check that the boot starts from the hard drive:

* if the disk is not in the list of launch devices, check the tightness of the wires. It is also possible that the carrier itself has failed.
*if there are several installed on the system hard drives, you need to boot the system from the one on which the bootloader is installed. If we don’t know what kind of disk it is, we try to set the priority to each of them in turn.

6. Change the battery

If BIOS settings appear every time after turning off the computer/power supply, this may indicate that the battery is dead. Also, a signal for the need to replace it may be an error CMOS checksum error.

To replace the battery, we disassemble the computer and find it on the motherboard. Roughly, it looks like this:

The battery itself can be purchased in many stores. The markings for different boards may vary slightly (usually CR2016, CR2025 or CR2032). The easiest way is to take out the battery and bring it to the store.

7. Checking the keyboard

If the BIOS launch keys on the keyboard are stuck (usually Del or F2 - full list in the article How to enter the BIOS), this can lead to it starting when turned on.

To check, we try to gently tap on these keys and, if this does not help, turn off the keyboard (the laptop will have to be disassembled for this).

8. Save the settings

The BIOS may appear constantly because you just need to save its settings one-time (for example, after replacing one of the components). To do this, go to the “Exit” section and exit, saving the settings. For example:

9. Turn off the computer

In some cases, the BIOS may malfunction. Most often, turning off the computer will help. To do this, turn off the computer, unplug the power cable, wait 10 seconds and turn it on again.

10. Blank disk (no operating system)

A similar problem will occur when the computer has nothing to boot the operating system from, since it is not installed on the disk. For example, when buying a new computer or replacing a disk. In some cases, due to damage to the file system and, as a result, loss of the system on it. In this case, you need to install the operating system on the disk.

The problem may also be due to damage to the operating system. You can try to solve the problem by reinstalling the system.

11. Computer overheating

We check the computer by touch. If it is hot, you need to let it cool (about 30 minutes). Then turn on the PC.

Severe overheating may be the reason that the cooling system is not doing its job. It is necessary to clean the computer from dust, replace the thermal paste and, if necessary, fans or coolers.

12. Update BIOS

To update the BIOS, download the latest version from the motherboard developer's website. Instructions are attached to the downloaded archive - we carefully study it and carry out step-by-step actions.

If the latest version of the BIOS is already installed on the computer, then install it again (reflash the BIOS).

Greetings to all readers of the computer blog site! The other day I came across a Samsung NP300E5C-S0VRU laptop with the BOOTMGR is Missing problem. The problem is basically standard. The solution is to restore the bootloader via Live-CD, or reinstall Windows. Since, according to the client, the hard drive was formatted, they decided to reinstall it.

No problem - everything is as usual, go to the BIOS, set to boot from a flash drive, install Windows. Let's go... Oops... Not so fast, bro!

Samsung NP300E5C laptop does not enter BIOS when pressing f2

The laptop interrupted the process of its revival at the first point. When I pressed F2, it wrote “Entering SETUP” for a split second, but still continued booting from the hard drive, and persistently displayed the message BootMgr is Missing.

Physical disconnecting the hard drive It didn’t give any results - the laptop simply went into a cyclic reboot, preventing me from entering the BIOS via F2 or launching Recovery Mode via F4.

Poking around on the Internet showed that the problem is quite common, specifically for this model. The fact is that this laptop has the keyboard locked by default when entering the BIOS. When reinstalling Windows from 8 to 7, you first had to go into UEFI via Win8, disable Secure Boot, and enable CSV. And then carry out some actions to reinstall Windows.

The owner of the laptop somehow formatted the hard drive without changing the BIOS settings first, and, accordingly, received “ vicious circle"- in order to enter the BIOS, you had to install the OS, and in order to install the OS, you had to go into the bios.

BIOS won't start on laptop

Offered on the Internet different solutions this problem, I will offer my own solution, tested by me personally.

List of what you will need:

So, you have a hard drive with the OS installed, you inserted it into your laptop. We launch it, the OS should load. We install pre-downloaded drivers on the network adapters, connect the laptop to the Internet via Wi-Fi or cable.

We launch the BIOS update program downloaded from the off. site. This is what the Bios update utility window looks like on Samsung laptops (in the background is the Samsung website, where everything was downloaded from):

As you can see in the picture, the current system BIOS version is the same as the latest bios version available for download (firmware P09RAP). This is because I took the photo after the update.

For you, these versions most likely do not match, so, firstly, make sure that you have a battery inserted and charged at least 30%, and a network device is connected. Secondly, click the “Update” button.

So, the progress of the BIOS update has reached its end, the laptop has rebooted. Most likely, the OS will now stop loading, but now this is not a problem for us, because the BIOS is unlocked! We press F2 when loading, change the settings to the ones we need (disable Secure biot and enable Legacy CSV), and calmly install any Windows we want!

Laptop does not enter BIOS - [solved]

It is possible that the problem is when bios does not start when pressing F2, May occur on other laptops besides Samsung. Also, it may occur when replacing a hard drive. Everything is solved by updating the bios to latest version. And updating the BIOS is not such a complicated procedure, as you can see by reading this article!

The most important thing is that there is no sudden power outage, otherwise we will get a “brick”. Which will have to be revived by disassembling the laptop, desoldering the BIOS chip with a hot air gun, flashing it through the programmer, and soldering it back. This is an operation that is not available to everyone.

I'm glad I could help you with my note! If you have any questions, write them in the comments! Don’t forget to subscribe to blog updates so you don’t miss interesting articles on repairing and setting up your computer equipment!

BIOS is a program that is responsible for the initial startup of the operating system as soon as it is turned on personal computer. Its name stands for "basic input/output system". What is BIOS in a computer? Why is it needed and what functions does it perform?

Its main task is to find faults. This is done by testing the device. If everything went well, the operating system loader is searched for and then launched.

Now that we have figured out what a BIOS is in a computer and what it is responsible for, we can move on to the question of the reasons for boot failure.

Signs of errors

You may be concerned about a system malfunction when one of the following events occurs when you start your computer:

  • when the power button is activated there is no reaction (it is also worth checking how it is connected);
  • the computer starts, but the screen does not respond at all, and the BIOS itself produces error signals;
  • When the device starts, an error message appears; keyboard buttons do not respond;
  • the computer starts without errors, but too quickly; without the ability to load the BIOS.

Key input error

The first thing worth noting is that the hotkeys for launching the program are different on each motherboard. And sometimes, the combination required to launch the BIOS may not be displayed at all on the screen when the device starts. This makes the task much more difficult. Therefore, to select the necessary key combinations to enter the BIOS, you will have to choose from:

  • Del (on some keyboards - Delete).

If none of them fit, you should search the Internet for the motherboard model. Most often, this characteristic can be found in the description on the manufacturer’s website or on various thematic forums.

Port problem

This may be the simplest reason why the BIOS does not load. The problem may be that the USB port to which the keyboard was connected has stopped working correctly, and, consequently, the device itself has stopped responding to any interaction with it.

The solution is extremely simple and obvious - change the keyboard connection port to one that works reliably. If we are talking about a desktop computer, you should use the USB located on the motherboard. Unlike those installed in the case, they work longer and more stable.

Now you can restart the computer and load the BIOS again.

Input device problem or error

Before you start working with this program, you should definitely make sure that the input device is working. And it doesn’t matter whether it is necessary to check some data on the system or install new BIOS firmware (this will be discussed a little later). If suddenly nothing happens when you press the correct key, you should perform several actions:

  • check the functionality of the USB ports (described above);
  • make sure that the keyboard itself, as well as the necessary keys, work stably.

There are also various ways how to enter BIOS without a keyboard. It is also worth noting that it is not advisable to use a wireless keyboard when working with the BIOS. Only if there is no wired device, although this is not so critical.

There are situations when the BIOS firmware is too old and does not support the USB interface for the input device. To fix this you will have to use a keyboard with a PS/2 connector. You can also purchase a corresponding adapter for a modern port.

Errors in working with devices

In this particular case, the problem is that one of the devices connected to the computer does not work correctly and leads to errors. Because of the latter, the BIOS does not load.

To check for startup errors, you should perform the following steps:

  • disconnect all drives, solid state drives and hard drives;
  • remove all devices connected to the motherboard;
  • disable discrete video card.

If the problem is solved, you should start connecting all devices one by one. This will help determine why the BIOS does not load. Once the faulty part is identified, you can contact a repair service to find out whether it can be fixed or not.

Audio prompts

The following often happens: the computer starts up, the BIOS is called, but signals are emitted instead, and the program does not work. In this case, you need to record the type of signal and turn to the Internet for help.

There you can find tables that provide a list of all the signals that the system can emit in such a situation. Next, you just need to find your signals among the others and find out what problem they indicate and how else to solve it.

Problem with program settings

A similar error occurs when the device user makes any changes to the BIOS itself. One solution to the problem may be to return the program to factory settings. You can do this as follows:

  • Open the system unit or unscrew the bottom cover of the laptop.
  • Find the CMOS button on the motherboard (located next to the battery). By default it is in position 1-2.
  • Switch it to position 3-4. Hold this for about 30 seconds.
  • Return to previous state.

Motherboard errors

This part is the most important part in any device. In essence, she is a computer. In the event that there is a suspicion that the BIOS does not load precisely because of it, it is worth performing several important operations:

  • Inspect the motherboard. Various physical damage may appear on it. It is also worth checking it for oxidation and changes in capacitors.
  • If no changes in the structure of the part were found, it is necessary to carry out diagnostics. To do this, all devices that were connected to it are turned off. You only need to leave the processor and speakers to control audio signals. Connect only the monitor and the power cable from the system to the system unit.
  • Now you need to reset the settings. To do this, you need to remove the battery. After about 10 seconds, insert it into its original place.
  • You can start the device. If at the same time there appear sound signals- the motherboard is functioning. Otherwise, you should think about replacing.

If such an important part breaks down, you should contact a service center. Perhaps it can be brought back into working order.

Is it possible to update the BIOS from a flash drive?

The BIOS installation procedure itself is necessary when the computer has an outdated version that requires updating. The reason may also be a conflict in the connected device or the system data has been damaged by a virus.

Now let's look at the algorithm of how to update the BIOS from a flash drive.

Determining the board model

It is worth noting that this is not so much a BIOS update as it is the installation of new drivers on the motherboard. You can define a model in the following ways:

  • if an expensive and professional part was purchased, then its full name will be indicated on the packaging, as well as in the accompanying instructions;
  • the same applies to boards in the mid-price category; their type is indicated on the front side of the box;
  • if the part came in a simple cardboard package or was installed in advance, you should turn to software:
  • to find out the motherboard model and BIOS version on Windows 10, open the “Run” command window by pressing the Win and R keys;
  • enter "msinfo32" in the line;
  • click "OK";
  • in the window that appears, find the line that will indicate information about the system, as well as the BIOS version.

You can also use the "AIDA64 Extreme" program. It is paid, but has a trial period of 30 days. Is it possible to find out the board model using it? by going to the "Summary Information" section. It will be in the list on the left. After this, you need to select the item with information about the system board.

Where can I get the firmware?

To update an outdated BIOS version on Windows 10, you must follow the following sequence:

  • enter the model of the mother card in the search engine and go to the manufacturer’s resource;
  • find the downloads section and select the required software;
  • in the new section, select the latest firmware that is marked “Instant Flash”; download;
  • Unzip the downloaded file onto a formatted flash drive;
  • insert it into the device that requires reinstallation and restart it.

The process of installing BIOS from a flash drive

Now you need to carefully follow the further algorithm of actions in order to install the new firmware without any problems:

  • As soon as the computer starts up, click the BIOS activation button. These can be (F1, F2, Del (Delete)).
  • Now you need to go to the "Instant Flash" section. The firmware version and the source of its storage (flash drive) will be recognized by the system automatically.
  • Next, select the drive with the recorded BIOS source, as well as the firmware file itself.
  • Press the enter key and wait for the program to install.

It is also worth noting that sometimes it becomes necessary to boot from a drive containing the installer. To do this, you need:

  • When the device starts, press the keys to activate the BIOS;
  • find the BOOT tab;
  • find Boot Device Priority in it; This menu sets the priority when loading devices connected to the computer. According to the standard, the hard drive on which the operating system is installed always comes first;
  • Now you need to highlight this line;
  • then the flash drive with the installed file is selected and the enter button is activated;
  • Now you need to press the F10 key and leave the program menu, while saving the settings.
  • after the computer reboots, the installer recorded on the USB flash drive will be launched.

Important points

There are several rather serious comments regarding working with BIOS program parameters. They are given below:

  • It is not advisable to reinstall if the computer is stable. There is always a risk of harming the system, and therefore you should not resort to such serious actions if you are not sure that you can do everything correctly. Or that it is really necessary.
  • When downloading BIOS firmware, you need to pay attention only to full versions, not alpha or beta.
  • During installation or error correction, you must not disconnect the computer from power. Otherwise, irreparable problems may arise. It is also worth getting an uninterruptible power supply.
  • Before installing a new version of the program, read the instructions for updating the motherboard firmware. Often it comes complete with the part.


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