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Appendix 3


by order of the Ministry of Construction

dated _____________ 2017 N _______







1. This Methodology determines the procedure for evaluating competitive applications of municipalities submitted for participation in the nomination “Urban planning policy, ensuring a favorable living environment for the population and the development of housing and communal services” of the All-Russian competition “Best Municipal Practice” (hereinafter referred to as the competitive application).

2. The evaluation of competitive applications is carried out by a subcommittee of the federal competition commission for organizing and conducting the All-Russian competition "Best Municipal Practice" (hereinafter - the competition) in the nomination "Urban planning policy, ensuring a favorable living environment for the population and the development of housing and communal services" (hereinafter - the Subcommittee).

3. The subcommittee evaluates competitive applications by assigning points for points 3 - 11 of Section II of the competitive application based on the indicators provided for in the Table contained in paragraph 4 of this Methodology (hereinafter referred to as the Table).

4. Indicators are determined taking into account the following:

a) the indicators provided for in paragraphs 1.1 - 1.2, 2.1 - 2.7, 5.1 - 5.16, 11.1 - 11.2 of the Table, members of the Subcommission are assigned points in the range specified in the Table, depending on the extent to which, in the opinion of the member of the Subcommission, this indicator applicable to the practice being assessed;

b) the indicators provided for in paragraphs 3.1 - 3.3, 3.5 of the Table are assigned points in accordance with the share of extra-budgetary funds in the total cost of practice (for example, 1% - 0.1; 2% - 0.2; 100% - 1);

c) the indicators provided for in paragraphs 3.4, 5.1, 6.1 - 6.3, 7.1 - 7.4, 8.1, 9.2, 12 of the Table, in the case of a positive answer, an index of 5 is assigned, in the case of a negative answer - 0;

d) the indicators provided for in paragraphs 6.4, 9.1 of the Table, in the case of a positive answer, are assigned an index of 10, in the case of a negative answer - 0;

e) the indicator provided for in paragraph 10.1 of the Table is assigned points in accordance with the share of budget funds in the total cost of practice (up to 50% - 5, 50% and more - 0).

Indicator name

Score in points

1. Brief description situation that necessitated the implementation of the practice

The practice was implemented in connection with the need to solve a specific, acute problem in the field of urban planning policy, providing a favorable living environment for the population or developing housing and communal services

The practice was implemented in order to improve the quality of life in the territory of the municipality

2. Problems that should have been solved by implementing the practice

The implemented practice was carried out with the aim of solving a problem or a set of problems typical of a number of Russian municipalities

Implemented practice provided a solution specific task within the framework of the municipal development strategy

The implemented practice provided a solution to the problem of better connectivity and transport accessibility of objects and services on the territory of the municipality

The implemented practice provided a solution to the problem of involving the population in the decision-making process in the field of urban planning policy, ensuring a favorable living environment for the population or the development of housing and communal services

The implemented practice provided a solution to the problem of adaptation to the use of cultural heritage objects

The implemented practice ensured an improvement in the environmental situation on the territory of the municipality

The implemented practice provided solutions to the problems of low-mobility groups of the population

3. Opportunities (resources) that made it possible to implement the practice

The practice was implemented using grants from charitable organizations and/or funds public organizations, private donations

The practice was implemented using funds from local community funds

The practice was implemented with the involvement of citizens’ funds (self-taxation funds for citizens or another form)

The practice was implemented with the involvement of residents as performers of work

The practice was implemented with the involvement of private investment

4. Results of practice implementation in measurable quantities

The results of the implementation of the practice are indicated, which are confirmed by the corresponding values ​​of the indicators provided for in paragraphs 1 - 3, 5 - 8 of this Table

5. Economic and/or social effects from the implementation of the practice

The implementation of the practice results in the emergence of a sought-after public territory in the municipality

The implementation of the practice results in a decrease in the use of personal vehicles in favor of public transport (including taxis)

The implementation of the practice results in a decrease in the use of personal vehicles in favor of pedestrian traffic

The implementation of the practice results in a reduction in energy consumption or other resources in the territory of a given municipality while maintaining the quality of life of the population

The implementation of the practice results in the creation of a mechanism for the participation of the population in decision-making in the field of urban planning policy, ensuring a favorable living environment for the population or the development of housing and communal services

The implementation of the practice results in the preservation or creation of unique objects and spaces, or social, cultural, and other practices inherent only to a given municipality.

The implementation of the practice results in an increase in the status of a resident of a given municipality

Implementation of the practice results in savings in the municipal budget

Implementation of the practice results in an increase in municipal budget revenues

Implementation of the practice results in saving personal time of residents of the municipality

The implementation of the practice results in a reduction in the threat of injuries arising in connection with the functioning of elements of urban infrastructure, landscaping and transport

Implementation of the practice results in improved health of residents of the municipality

The implementation of the practice results in an increase in the number of residents of the municipality

The implementation of the practice results in an influx of people visiting the territory of the municipality

The implementation of the practice results in the emergence of new private enterprises in the field of providing services to the population

The implementation of the practice results in the emergence of objects for business activities on the territory of the municipality

6. Beneficiaries

The direct recipient of the benefits from the implementation of the practice is the local government body as the body that manages the municipal economy

The direct recipient of the benefits from the implementation of the practice is an identifiable group of people (for example, people with limited mobility)

The direct recipients of benefits from the implementation of the practice are persons engaged in business activities in the field of providing services to the population

Direct beneficiaries are all residents of the municipality

7. Participants in the practice implementation project

The implemented practice was carried out on the initiative of citizens, public organizations, associations of entrepreneurs

The implemented practice was carried out with the active participation of representatives of the population, public organizations, persons implementing entrepreneurial activity, in developing a general idea, concept and practice

The implemented practice was carried out with the active participation of representatives of the population, public organizations, individuals engaged in business activities in the development of specific design solutions or the selection of design solutions options

The implemented practice was carried out with the active participation of representatives of the population, public organizations, persons engaged in entrepreneurial activities in the implementation of the practice, its implementation

8. Actions to implement the practice (list of activities that were taken to implement the practice)

A list of activities that were undertaken to implement the practice is presented (road map)

9. Legal support for the implementation of the practice (municipal legal acts developed or approved for the purpose of implementing the practice)

The practice was implemented without changing the existing methodological and (or) regulatory framework

The implementation of the practice was carried out with changes in the existing methodological and (or) regulatory framework by the authorities local government with the participation of representatives of experts, the public and persons engaged in business activities

10. Project implementation costs

Raising funds from the budgets of the budget system Russian Federation to implement the practice

11. Measures to improve the implementation of practice - recommendations

Implemented practice can be replicated

Presentation materials are clear and of high quality

Persons responsible for implementing the practice in a municipality, ready to provide consultation to persons interested in replicating the practice

5. The final amount of points for the competitive application is calculated according to the formula:

Ii - the total score for the i-th competitive application;

c - the number of members of the subcommittee who evaluated the competitive application;

The sum of points awarded by the members of the subcommittee on the application of the i-th municipality under subparagraph “a” of paragraph 4 of this Methodology;

The sum of points awarded by members of the subcommittee on the application of the i-th municipality under subparagraphs “b” - “d” of paragraph 4 of this Methodology.

6. The municipality whose competitive application was assigned greatest number points, is recognized as the winner of the competition.

Order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation dated April 6, 2017 No. 690/pr “On approval of the methodology for evaluating competitive applications of municipalities submitted for participation in the nomination “Urban planning policy, ensuring a favorable living environment for the population and development of housing and communal services” All-Russian competition "Best Municipal Practice"

In accordance with paragraph 5 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 18, 2016 No. 815 “On the All-Russian competition “Best Municipal Practice” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2016, No. 35, Art. 5335) I order:

1. To approve the methodology for evaluating competitive applications of municipalities submitted for participation in the nomination “Urban planning policy, ensuring a favorable living environment for the population and the development of housing and communal services” of the All-Russian competition “Best Municipal Practice” in accordance with this order.

2. The Department of Urban Environment (O.N. Demchenko) no later than 10 days from the date of signing, send this order for state registration to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

3. Control over the implementation of this order is entrusted to the Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation A.V. Chibisa.

Minister M.A. Men


Ministry of Construction
and housing and communal services
Russian Federation
dated April 6, 2017 No. 690/pr

evaluation of competitive applications of municipalities submitted for participation in the nomination "Urban planning policy, ensuring a favorable living environment for the population and development of housing and communal services" of the All-Russian competition "Best Municipal Practice"

1. This Methodology determines the procedure for evaluating competitive applications of municipalities submitted for participation in the nomination “Urban planning policy, ensuring a favorable living environment for the population and development of housing and communal services” of the All-Russian competition “Best Municipal Practice” (hereinafter referred to as the competitive application).

2. The evaluation of competitive applications is carried out by a subcommittee of the federal competition commission for organizing and conducting the All-Russian competition “Best Municipal Practice” (hereinafter - the competition) in the nomination “Urban planning policy, ensuring a favorable living environment for the population and the development of housing and communal services” (hereinafter - the Subcommittee).

3. The subcommittee evaluates competitive applications by assigning points according to paragraphs 3-11 of Section II of the competitive application based on the indicators provided for in the Table contained in this Methodology (hereinafter -).

4. Indicators are determined taking into account the following:

a) the indicators provided for in the Table are assigned by members of the Subcommittee points in the range specified in the Table, depending on the extent to which, in the opinion of the member of the Subcommittee, this indicator is applicable to the practice being assessed;

b) the indicators provided in the Table are assigned points in accordance with the share of extra-budgetary funds in the total cost of practice (for example, 1% - 0.1; 2% - 0.2; 100% - 1);

c) the indicators provided for in the Table, in the case of a positive answer, are assigned an index of 5, in the case of a negative answer - 0;

d) the indicators provided in the Table, in the case of a positive answer, are assigned an index of 10, in the case of a negative answer - 0;

e) the indicator provided in the Table is assigned points in accordance with the share of budget funds in the total cost of practice (up to 50% - 5, 50% or more - 0).

No. Indicator name Score in points
1. Brief description of the situation that necessitated the implementation of the practice
1.1. The practice was implemented in connection with the need to solve a specific, acute problem in the field of urban planning policy, providing a favorable living environment for the population or developing housing and communal services 0-10
1.2. The practice was implemented in order to improve the quality of life in the territory of the municipality 0-5
2. Problems that should have been solved by implementing the practice
2.1. The implemented practice was carried out with the aim of solving a problem or a set of problems typical for a number of Russian municipalities 0-10
2.2. The implemented practice provided a solution to a specific problem within the framework of the development strategy of the municipality 0-5
2.3. The implemented practice provided a solution to the problem of better connectivity and transport accessibility of objects and services on the territory of the municipality 0-10
2.4. The implemented practice provided a solution to the problem of involving the population in the decision-making process in the field of urban planning policy, ensuring a favorable living environment for the population or the development of housing and communal services 0-10
2.5. The implemented practice provided a solution to the problem of adaptation to the use of cultural heritage objects 0-5
2.6. The implemented practice ensured an improvement in the environmental situation on the territory of the municipality 0-10
2.7. The implemented practice provided solutions to the problems of low-mobility groups of the population 0-5
3. Opportunities (resources) that made it possible to implement the practice
3.1. The practice was implemented using grants from charitable organizations and/or funds from public organizations, private donations 0-10
3.2. The practice was implemented using funds from local community funds 0-10
3.3. The practice was implemented with the involvement of citizens’ funds (self-taxation funds for citizens or another form) 0-10
3.4. The practice was implemented with the involvement of residents as performers of work 5
3.5. The practice was implemented with the involvement of private investment 0-10
4. Results of practice implementation in measurable quantities
4.1. The results of the implementation of the practice are indicated, which are confirmed by the corresponding values ​​of the indicators provided for in this Table 5
5. Economic and/or social effects from the implementation of the practice
5.1. The implementation of the practice results in the emergence of a sought-after public territory in the municipality 0-5
5.2. The implementation of the practice results in a reduction in the use of personal vehicles in favor of public transport(including taxi) 0-5
5.3. The implementation of the practice results in a decrease in the use of personal vehicles in favor of pedestrian traffic 0-10
5.4. The implementation of the practice results in a reduction in energy consumption or other resources in the territory of a given municipality while maintaining the quality of life of the population 0-5
5.5. The implementation of the practice results in the creation of a mechanism for the participation of the population in decision-making in the field of urban planning policy, ensuring a favorable living environment for the population or the development of housing and communal services 0-10
5.6. The implementation of the practice results in the preservation or creation of unique objects and spaces, or social, cultural, and other practices inherent only to a given municipality. 0-5
5.7. The implementation of the practice results in an increase in the status of a resident of a given municipality 0-5
5.8. Implementation of the practice results in savings in the municipal budget 0-5
5.9. Implementation of the practice results in an increase in municipal budget revenues 0-10
5.10. Implementation of the practice results in saving personal time of residents of the municipality 0-10
5.11. The implementation of the practice results in a reduction in the threat of injuries arising in connection with the functioning of elements of urban infrastructure, landscaping and transport 0-10
5.12. Implementation of the practice results in improved health of residents of the municipality 0-10
5.13. The implementation of the practice results in an increase in the number of residents of the municipality 0-10
5.14. The implementation of the practice results in an influx of people visiting the territory of the municipality 0-5
5.15. The implementation of the practice results in the emergence of new private enterprises in the field of providing services to the population 0-10
5.16. The implementation of the practice results in the emergence of objects for business activities on the territory of the municipality 0-5
6. Beneficiaries
6.1. The direct recipient of the benefits from the implementation of the practice is the local government body as the body that manages the municipal economy 5
6.2. The direct recipient of the benefits from the implementation of the practice is an identifiable group of people (for example, people with limited mobility) 5
6.3. The direct recipients of benefits from the implementation of the practice are persons engaged in business activities in the field of providing services to the population 5
6.4. Direct beneficiaries are all residents of the municipality 10
7. Participants in the practice implementation project
7.1. The implemented practice was carried out on the initiative of citizens, public organizations, associations of entrepreneurs 5
7.2. The implemented practice was carried out with the active participation of representatives of the population, public organizations, individuals engaged in business activities in the development of the general idea, concept and practice 5
7.3. The implemented practice was carried out with the active participation of representatives of the population, public organizations, individuals engaged in business activities in the development of specific design solutions or the selection of design solutions options 5
7.4. The implemented practice was carried out with the active participation of representatives of the population, public organizations, persons engaged in entrepreneurial activities in the implementation of the practice, its implementation 5
8. Actions to implement the practice (list of activities that were undertaken in order to implement the practice)
8.1. A list of activities that were undertaken to implement the practice is presented (road map) 5
9. Legal support for the implementation of the practice (municipal legal acts developed or approved for the purpose of implementing the practice)
9.1. The practice was implemented without changing the existing methodological and (or) regulatory framework 10
9.2. The implementation of the practice was carried out with changes to the existing methodological and (or) regulatory framework by local government bodies with the participation of representatives of experts, the public and persons engaged in business activities 5
10. Project implementation costs
10.1. Raising funds from the budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation to implement the practice 0-10
11. Measures to improve the implementation of practice - recommendations
11.1 Implemented practice can be replicated 0-10
11.2 Presentation materials are clear and of high quality 0-5
12 Persons responsible for implementing the practice in a municipality, ready to provide consultation to persons interested in replicating the practice 5

5. The final amount of points for the competitive application is calculated according to the formula:

The final sum of points for the i-th competitive application;

c - the number of members of the subcommittee who evaluated the competitive application;

The sum of points awarded by members of the subcommittee on the application of the i-th municipal entity according to this Methodology;

The sum of points awarded by members of the subcommittee on the application of the i-th municipal entity according to this Methodology.

6. The municipality whose competitive application is awarded the highest number of points is recognized as the winner of the competition.

Document overview

A methodology for evaluating competitive applications from municipalities submitted for participation in the nomination “Urban planning policy, ensuring a favorable living environment for the population and development of housing and communal services” of the All-Russian competition “Best Municipal Practice” has been approved.

Evaluation indicators have been determined. The formula for calculating the total amount of points for a competitive application is given.

The assessment is carried out by a subcommittee of the federal competition commission for organizing and conducting the All-Russian competition "Best Municipal Practice" in the above nomination.

7.1. All applications submitted for the Competition undergo preliminary examination by employees of the Agency’s regional representative office. The duration of the preliminary examination is 5 working days. If the submitted applications do not meet the requirements set out in paragraph 6.1 of these Regulations, the Application is sent for revision. The deadline for finalizing the application is 5 working days, but no later than the deadline for the 1st stage of the Competition. Regional representative offices of the Agency maintain a register of received and rejected applications. Based on the results of the examination, the Agency's Representative Office sends a general package of applications from the relevant federal district to the Agency.

7.2. The Agency conducts collection, study and preliminary assessment for further consideration at meetings of the Expert Jury.

When evaluating works, the Expert Jury is guided by the following main criteria:

Objective achieved effects from the implementation of the Project;

Uniqueness of the model or approach;

Possibility of using the model or approach in other regions;

Social effect from the implementation of the Project.

7.3. An expert jury conducts a comprehensive and system assessment received as part of Project applications. The assessment is carried out with the aim of competitively selecting the most interesting and significant Projects and determining the finalists of the competition. At the end of Stage 3 of the Competition, the Expert Jury prepares proposals for 3 finalists in each category for further presentation to the meeting of the Board of Trustees.

VIII. Summing up the Competition

8.1. The Board of Trustees sums up the results of the Competition and determines the winners of the Competition within the 4th stage of the Competition.

8.2. One winner is determined in each category. At the same time, the Board of Trustees has the right to increase the number of winners in each category.

8.3. The results of the Competition are announced within the framework of the Russian Investment Forum (Sochi).

8.4. Based on the results of the Competition, a library of Projects will be formed. For projects finalists of the Competition, the Agency is developing methodological recommendations in the format of “Ready Solutions” for further placement in the Region-ID information system.

8.5. The results of the Competition will be covered in the media and specialized periodicals.

IX. Other conditions

9.1. In accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Board of Trustees has the right to terminate the Competition at any time before summing up the results of the Competition. In this case, notification of the rejection of all applications for participation in the Competition or the termination of the Competition is immediately sent by the Agency to all participants in the Competition.

9.2. The Agency, members of the Board of Trustees and the Expert Jury are not responsible for the failure of the Competition participant to receive information or receipt of incorrect information about the Competition if the Competition participant received such information unofficially.

Appendix No. 1

General Director

Autonomous non-profit organization

"Agency for Strategic Initiatives

to promote new projects"

S.V. Chupsheva


about participation in the All-Russian competition

best practices and initiatives for socio-economic development

in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

I ask you to organize the consideration of the application ______________________________________________________________

(name of the subject of the Russian Federation)

as part of the All-Russian competition of best practices and initiatives for socio-economic development in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

I have read and agree with the terms and conditions of the competitive selection.

Regarding questions of participation, I ask you to interact with those responsible for the implementation of the Projects indicated in the attached summary of the Projects.

I guarantee the reliability of the information provided as part of the competitive application.

Applications: 1) passports of Projects for ____l. in 1 copy;

2) description of Projects for ____l. in 1 copy;

3) presentation of Projects on electronic media;

4) confirmation of the description and results of the implementation of Projects for ____l. in 1 copy.

Senior official

subject of the Russian Federation ___________

Appendix No. 2

Project Passport

1. Name of practice

3. Prerequisites for implementation

Brief description of the situation that led to the implementation of the practice

Opportunities that made it possible to implement the practice:

5. Participants in the practice implementation project

6. Brief description of the business model for implementing the practice

8. Regulatory support for the implementation of the practice - what regulatory legal acts were developed or approved in order for the practice to be implemented.

Accepted legal acts:

Changed regulations:

9. Beneficiaries (stakeholders): region, entrepreneurs, residents

10. Project implementation costs:

Appendix No. 3

Contact information


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