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Most people with dachas and gardens require water only in the warm season. But some summer residents spend there all year round, and therefore they also need water at their dacha in winter. To do this, insulate the water pipe from the well or well to the house.

To build a winter water supply system at your dacha from a well, you need to select the right pipes, insulating materials and choose the appropriate technology for the area where it will be located.

The best choice for do-it-yourself winter water supply at the dacha are polypropylene pipes, which retain good elasticity even at fairly low temperatures.

They are very durable (almost 50 years), do not corrode, are lightweight and have good resistance to damage.

The great advantage of these pipes is that they are made of environmentally friendly material that does not harm nature and humans. They are also inexpensive, which is also an important factor when choosing and purchasing.

Pipes made of metal and polyethylene are also available for sale, but for many reasons technical characteristics, as well as cost, they are inferior to products made from propylene. You can find out more about pipes for country water supply.

Insulation materials

To insulate a DIY water supply system in a dacha, several options for special materials are used. The first variety, called “pipe shell,” is a pipe-shaped shell.

The second type is a variety of insulating materials, manufactured in rolls of various widths and lengths.

“Pipe shells” are made from polystyrene foam, extruded polystyrene foam and polyurethane foam. It is a product in the form of a semi-rigid cylinder, which consists of two halves. It is put on the pipe and fastened with overlaps, special glue, clamps and foil tape.

Typically the length of such a “shell” is one meter, but can reach two meters. Such products can be produced with additional coatings made of foil, fiberglass or galvanization. This type of insulating material is quickly and easily installed, as well as removed and replaced during repairs. The “shell” covered with fiberglass can be used for all types of water pipes or pipelines that are located in the ground, outdoors and indoors.

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Foam plastic is called foamed plastic in the form of small white balls (known to absolutely everyone), which, when making a “shell,” are pressed into the shape of a pipe and then treated with steam. Interestingly, this material is almost 97-98 percent air. The advantages of polystyrene foam are lightness, practicality and low cost. Disadvantages include fragility and fragility.

Foam plastic

Extruded polystyrene foam is a type of foam, the production of which uses pressure and high temperature. The result is a material that is stronger than polystyrene foam. I like this material for its resistance to environmental influences (does not rot). It does not absorb moisture, has a long service life, is lightweight and easy to install.

Polyurethane foam is a foamy plastic material consisting of numerous cells filled with gas. It attracts attention with the best noise insulation characteristics, good mechanical strength, ease of use and low weight.

Polyurethane foam

Among the insulating materials that are produced in the form of rolls, it is worth mentioning stone wool, foamed polyethylene and glass wool.

Glass wool is an insulation material consisting of glass fibers. It attracts attention with its noise and heat insulation characteristics, durability and price. The disadvantages include the fact that when working with glass wool, it is necessary to follow safety precautions, since this material is prickly. During isolation work, the respiratory organs and skin are protected with protective equipment (special work suits, gloves and masks).

Glass wool

Stone or basalt wool

Stone or basalt wool fibers are produced from molten rocks of volcanic origin, slag and silicate materials. This insulating material attracts attention due to its high resistance to various loads and impacts, its non-flammability, and the fact that products of various shapes and densities are made from it.

Foamed polyethylene is obtained by processing ordinary high-density polyethylene using propane and butane. It is an elastic porous material consisting of large quantity cells. Foamed polyethylene stands out among other insulating materials for its highest resistance to water, and it is also unaffected by fungi and bacteria. It tolerates the effects of petroleum products, alkalis and acids well.


There are two ways to insulate the water supply system in your dacha from freezing. One option is to place the pipes underground to a depth where the ground does not freeze winter time. To do this, you definitely need to find out to what depth the ground has frozen in your region for the last ten years. With this method, a trench is usually dug to a slightly greater depth, and expanded clay or slag waste is poured onto the bottom. After laying the pipe, slag or expanded clay is also poured on top, and then covered with sand and soil.

The second method is to place the winter water supply at a depth of 50 to 70 cm, but be sure to use good insulating materials. In this case, a trench is dug, its bottom is leveled, a layer of sand from 10 to 15 cm is poured. Before laying, a so-called “shell” of insulation is put on the pipes. Depending on the climate, you can additionally use various insulating materials, which are produced in the form of rolls. After the pipes are laid in the trenches, they are covered with soil.

True, it is worth noting another way to insulate the water supply at the dacha and protect it from freezing and icing in the winter. This is the use of a heating cable, which is a self-regulating wire connected to the electrical network.

Self-regulating heating cable

It is called self-regulating because it can change its resistance depending on the temperature environment and, accordingly, heat up or cool down. It is usually placed on the water supply in a straight line or wrapped around the pipes. When wrapping a pipe, the distance between the spirals can vary from 5 to 30 cm.

Aluminum adhesive tape is used for fastening. In order for the heat from the heating cable to be evenly distributed over the entire surface of the plastic pipe, it is pre-wrapped with foil.

It is better to use a self-regulating cable together with rolled protective materials, since this reduces the risk of freezing of the winter water supply and reduces the cost of electricity used to heat the water supply pipe.

Protection of wells and wells in winter

In winter, water comes into the water supply system at the dacha from a well, a well or the main water supply system, if one is available. Most often, the source of water in dachas, and even in the private sector, is an ordinary well of not very deep depth. The advantage of such a source is that a high-power pump is not required to supply water.

In addition to the pump for such a water supply system, it is advisable to use a hydraulic accumulator, which is a large-capacity barrel. It accumulates a certain supply of water, which can be used at any time. This is especially true during a power outage.

In addition, the hydraulic accumulator helps protect the water supply from water hammer and pressure surges. It and the pump are best installed in a warm utility room where they can be easily maintained.

In addition to pipes, water sources need protection from frost: wells and wells. In order to prevent the water in the well from freezing, a caisson well or pit with a depth of one and a half to two meters is built, where a person can safely go down the stairs to carry out maintenance on the pump or the well itself.

Caisson well or pit

The walls of the pit can be made of brick, plastic, cast from concrete and made of concrete rings. They must be sheathed with foam boards, the thickness of which reaches more than 10 cm, or laid out mineral wool. The top of the well must be covered with a powerful lid, well insulated with glass wool or other material. Waterproofing is also carried out to prevent water from entering the coffered well.

Water in wells, finished wooden beam, rarely freezes in winter. To protect such wells, a thick protective wooden cover is installed during the winter.

But concrete wells require quite powerful insulation, especially if the water is above the freezing level of the soil. To do this, the well ring is dug out to the freezing level, and then insulated with polystyrene foam compressed in the form of half rings.

Before starting work, the seams in the concrete are treated with a special sealant, then foam plastic is installed. To protect the insulation from sunlight, it is covered with plaster or paint.

Country chores certainly require a constant supply of water. This includes watering the garden and showering after work. And if the house...

Conservation and abandonment of wells

But if for some reason the well will not be used in the winter, then the well will be temporarily mothballed. Such work helps protect the water source from freezing and various debris. To temporarily close the well, a pit or caisson is constructed, which must be closed with a tight hatch with a lock.

Over time, water sources become inoperative, and then water wells are abandoned. But it is worth knowing that artesian water is state property, and therefore supervision of correct use Such wells are located at special authorities. Therefore, work to close wells is carried out according to certain rules that must be followed.

Artesian wells are liquidated only by special organizations under the supervision of the sanitary-epidemiological station and according to instructions.

Such work consists of several stages. First, the well is drilled to its entire depth, then the walls of the well are cleaned of various contaminants and rust. At the next stage, the internal volume of the well is treated with powerful disinfectants (such as bleach), after which the water is pumped out of the well.

Then filtration material is poured into the trunk of the water source. This can be crushed stone, clay, gravel or sand. A small layer of concrete is poured over it, the so-called bridge. At the very beginning of the well, a concrete plug is also created, on which a plate is left with information about the day of closure and the organization that carried out the work.

Well conservation

When building a private house, an autonomous water supply is installed. A well or borehole serves as a source for it. The system should work uninterruptedly, but in winter problems may arise due to freezing of hydraulic structures. They need thermal insulation. Let's consider how to properly organize the insulation of a well or borehole in order to save as much effort, time and money as possible.

Which structures need insulation and why?

Some wells do not need additional thermal insulation; it is enough to cover them with a sealed lid. These are buildings built using old technology - with wooden walls and a log frame. Wood holds heat well. If the shaft is covered with an insulated wooden cover and a house is built, the problem is solved automatically. The water in such a well will not freeze even in the most severe frosts.

The situation is completely different with structures made of metal and concrete. These materials are durable and can cope with any mechanical loads, but do not have any special heat-insulating properties. It is necessary to think about how to insulate a well made of concrete rings. If the aquifer lies relatively deep, a decrease in temperature will not affect the operation of the water supply system, but in shallow wells the water becomes covered with an ice crust.

Scheme of autonomous water supply from a well

Low temperatures and changes negatively affect the performance of the well: in cold weather, pumping equipment fails, the casing and supply pipes freeze and perform their functions worse. To prevent interruptions in water supply, it is necessary to select effective insulating materials and install them correctly.

Advice. It is best to carry out measures to insulate a water supply well immediately after its construction and arrangement. In unfavorable conditions, the structure may not survive even one severe winter and will require major repairs within the first year of operation.

Scheme: water supply to a private house from a well

How to insulate a well for the winter with your own hands

Ground parts of hydraulic structures, as well as those located at ground level, need thermal insulation. When insulating a well for the winter special attention pay attention to the top ring and cover. In most cases, it makes sense to build a house.

The following nuances need to be taken into account:

  • Top ring. This part of the structure must be insulated, because... Temperature changes over time can lead to cracks. Through them, surface water enters the mine and contaminates the drinking well. Polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam, isolon, and mineral wool are usually chosen as insulation materials.
  • Cover for a well. In addition to the top cover, a special cover is made for the well at ground level. It protects the mine from debris, atmospheric water, and temperature changes, so it must be durable, without cracks or cracks. For better thermal insulation, this cover can be additionally trimmed with any available insulation. Polystyrene foam is often used.
  • House. In regions with harsh climates, the house must protect the entire above-ground part of the well. Ideal option, if it is made of wood and additionally insulated from the inside. In areas where winters are mild, you can build a light roof or do without a house at all.

Stage 1: making a warm cover for the well

For the lid you will need plywood, good glue, wire, foam plastic with a thickness of 5 cm, polyurethane foam. It is advisable to immediately take care of ventilation, because... A tightly closed well often rots. Bacteria multiply in the water, making it unsuitable for drinking and cooking. For ventilation, use a small piece of plastic pipe of suitable diameter.

Work order:

  • Two circles are cut out of plywood. Their diameter must match the diameter of the top of the well.
  • In both plywood circles, holes with a diameter of no more than 6 cm are cut for the ventilation pipe and hose. You will also need to drill 4 small holes for the wire that will hold the structure.
  • The same circle should be cut out of the insulation as from plywood, and the corresponding holes should be made in it.
  • The insulating layer is placed between sheets of plywood and firmly glued on both sides. Seams and joints are sealed with polyurethane foam.
  • All that remains is to install the ventilation pipe and pass the hose into the hole.
  • The finished well cover is attached to a wire through 4 holes and lowered to the required depth (to ground level).

Moisture-resistant plywood cover

Stage 2: how to insulate a well “under a fur coat”

To insulate a well with polystyrene foam, you will need to buy the heat insulator itself, polyurethane foam, paint and plaster. It is best to take polystyrene foam in the form of blocks with a tongue-and-groove connection. It is necessary to insulate two concrete rings: the first completely, the second partially. Since this involves excavation, you will need a shovel and tools to remove soil from the concrete.

Mounting polystyrene foam on a ring

Insulation of a well with polystyrene foam:

  • The well rings are dug to a depth of about 0.5 m. The width of the hole should be at least 20 cm. The concrete is thoroughly cleaned of clods of earth, after which the first layer of “coat” is made. The cracks are filled with polyurethane foam.
  • A heat insulator is mounted on top of the finished coating. It is attached with glue, and the gaps that form during operation are filled with foam.
  • Insulated rings are plastered. When the solution is completely dry, a layer of facade paint is applied on top of it. It is needed to protect the inner layers of the insulating cake from getting wet.
  • After the paint has dried, the hole is filled with the excavated soil and compacted well. Expanded clay can be used as an additional insulating layer.

Expanded polystyrene is not the only material that is used to insulate a well. You can use mineral wool or any other insulator. Great option– polyurethane foam. To apply it you will need a special sprayer, and the technology itself is quite complex. However, the result is worth the money and effort spent: the heat insulator does not rot, is not afraid of water, rodents, insects, fungus, mold. It can last for many years without losing its properties.

Insulating a well for the winter with your own hands using polyurethane foam:

  • A pit about 0.5 m deep and 10 cm wide is dug around the structure, after which the bars are installed in increments of 40 cm.
  • Next, formwork is made from sheet steel and carefully covered with plastic film. This is necessary so that the formwork can be removed later. Polyurethane foam firmly adheres to any materials, so the film will stick to it forever.
  • When the material hardens, it expands, so the entire pit cavity will be filled. If gaps and voids remain, they can be filled with foam. The insulation layer must be complete, without cracks.
  • When the polyurethane foam has dried, the formwork is removed, and the surface is plastered and painted in the same way as when insulating with foam plastic. The hole is filled with earth and compacted.

Pay attention! Insulating a well with polyurethane foam is always reliable, but it is better to make an additional cover at ground level. In severe frosts it will be useful.

Polyurethane foam is a reliable heat insulator

Stage 3: building a warm house for the well

There are several options for arranging a well house. Good choice– hexagonal structure, insulated with polystyrene foam. This shape is best suited for finishing with insulating material: it will firmly adhere to surfaces. To build a house of this type you will need sheets of plywood, insulation, waterproof film, logs, wire (preferably aluminum), nails, and tools. A drawing with dimensions is shown in the figure below.

Diagram of a hexagonal house with a roof

Work order:

  • The top ring of the well is covered with a waterproof film.
  • The insulation sheets are cut into 6 identical rectangles so that during installation they tightly surround the top of the well.
  • The insulating material is mounted around the ring and secured with wire.
  • The next stage is the construction of a hexagonal frame around the top of the well. It is also advisable to make a roof so that rain and snow do not fall on the cover.
  • The finished structure can be decorated with carvings and decorative elements. Such a house will serve not only as protection for the well, but also as a landscape decoration.

Video: installation of roll insulators

You can also thermally insulate the upper ring of the well using isolon or other rolled materials. How to do it yourself is shown in the video below:

Basic methods of well insulation

Water in wells rarely freezes, because... structures are drilled to quite great depths. If the water supply is used only seasonally, it is better to preserve the well for the winter. And in private houses, where it is necessary to ensure uninterrupted water supply, the upper part of the pipe and the supply line to the house are insulated.

When considering options for how to insulate the upper part, it is better to choose a caisson for a well. It is installed below the soil freezing level. If the structure is sealed, then additional protective measures will not be required. You can also build an insulated box that will cover the head of the well. Equipment is also located here.

Advice. In areas with a warm climate, it is quite possible to get by with a protective box-house, but where there are severe frosts, it is better not to skimp on insulation and install a caisson.

Sometimes wells are thermally insulated using improvised means - sawdust, straw, etc. Such half measures only save you for a couple of years. Natural materials quickly rot and lose their heat-insulating properties. You will have to replace them very quickly, otherwise problems with water intake will arise. It makes sense to spend money on high-quality insulation, but ensure reliable protection of the source for many years.

Option #1: building a caisson from a barrel

How to insulate a well for the winter with your own hands? The most reasonable solution is to buy a ready-made insulated caisson of industrial production and entrust its installation to the specialists of the selling company. However, this is the most expensive option. If you want to save money but get an equally reliable design, you can make a caisson yourself.

You will need a plastic or metal barrel of 200-500 liters. You can take a used one if the walls are not damaged or corroded by rust, and the lid closes tightly.

As for the volume, you should choose based on the functions that the improvised caisson will perform. A 200-liter pump can accommodate a maximum pump, but a volume of 500 liters should be enough to install all the necessary equipment.

How to insulate a well on the street using a caisson:

  • A pit is dug around the pipe to the level of soil freezing plus another 40 cm. The width of the trench should correspond to the size of the barrel plus another 50 cm. The bottom of the hole is covered with a 10-centimeter layer of sand and gravel mixture.
  • Holes are cut in the container for the well head and water pipe. After this, the barrel is put on the well pipe and lowered.
  • When the structure is installed, you can connect the water supply pipe and install a condensate drain pipe.
  • For additional insulation of the caisson, foam plastic, mineral wool, and isolon are used. The heat insulator is mounted on the outside of the barrel and secured.
  • A hole is cut in the lid of the barrel and a ventilation tube is installed. The lid itself is insulated with the same material as the walls.
  • At the end of the work, the pit is filled with the excavated soil and compacted thoroughly. The caisson is ready for operation.

Option #2: arrangement of a box-house

To insulate a well, you can build a wooden, metal or brick box with your own hands. It is made in the form of a small house with a pitched roof to protect it from snow and rain. They are insulated from the inside - with polystyrene foam or mineral wool. The dimensions of the box must be such that all downhole equipment can freely fit in it.

Insulated box for the well head

Work order:

  • The walls of the box are laid out from bricks, blocks or made of plywood.
  • The surface of the walls is leveled, if necessary. The foam is mounted on an adhesive composition. Seams, gaps and joints are sealed with polyurethane foam.
  • The insulation is covered with a sheet of chipboard and secured.
  • The lid is made in the form of a pitched roof, insulated, and hung on hinges. If necessary, you can close the box with a padlock.

Option #3: use scrap materials

How to insulate a well in a region with a mild climate? If the temperature in winter does not drop below 15 degrees, and the owner of the well does not want to install a box, you can make do with sawdust, straw or dry leaves. The first option is preferable.

Sawdust as insulation

Insulating a well for the winter with your own hands:

  • A pit is dug around the casing pipe to a depth of 0.5 m below the freezing level of the soil. The width of the hole depends on the amount of materials with which it is planned to fill it.
  • Dry insulation is laid in layers in the foundation pit and compacted.
  • When the insulation layer is almost equal to the ground level, soil is poured on top and thoroughly compacted.

Advice. You can equip not just an insulating, but also a waterproofing pillow. To do this, sawdust is mixed with liquid clay. The resulting mixture is placed in a pit and covered with soil. Clay will additionally strengthen the soil around the hydraulic structure.

Diagram: water well design

There are often disputes on the Internet about the advisability of insulating wells and boreholes for the winter. Some users believe that in the southern regions this is an unnecessary waste. However, sensible owners are well aware that even in the warmest region there are severe winters, and measures to thermally insulate the source are much cheaper than repairs. It is necessary to insulate the water intake, and this must be done efficiently.

If a hydraulic structure is insulated, the temperature in it does not fall below 5 degrees. Water does not freeze even in severe frosts, and the walls of the structure suffer less from temperature changes. The biggest trouble that can happen is freezing of the supply pipe at the entrance to the house. The ice plug is simply melted using hot water, and system operation resumes. Otherwise, no problems.

Well insulation has great value, because if the work is not done in advance, the structure may freeze in winter. In severe frosts, the thickness of the ice plug can reach half a meter, and plumbing systems often freeze to the very bottom. To avoid such problems, you should insulate the well yourself before the start of winter.

Why insulate a well?

If you do not insulate the well for the winter, the following problems may appear:
  • soil collapse;
  • displacement of concrete rings, their cracking and rapid destruction;
  • broken pipes;
  • rupture of inter-ring seams;
  • water pipe freezing.

You will have to spend a lot of money to eliminate all these problems, so it is better to prevent their occurrence by completing the well insulation work on time.

How to properly insulate a well: various options

How to insulate a well quickly and inexpensively? There are various options carrying out work, and they all have their positive sides.

Application of expanded polystyrene

You can line the well with insulation such as polystyrene foam. Before installing the material, carry out preparatory work, which consists of digging a trench one and a half meters deep. Next, based on the size of the rings, a shell made of polystyrene foam is selected. It is fixed using the tongue-and-groove system, and the trench is simply buried.

Well masonry with polystyrene foam shell is good because the structure will be reliably protected from freezing in winter. The insulating material does not deform under soil pressure, is able to maintain thermal insulation characteristics for 25 years, and is not susceptible to mold and mildew.

The only disadvantage of polystyrene foam as insulation is that the material is not exposed to direct sunlight. You can correct the situation with your own hands: just cover the shell with foil or paint it with oil paint.

It is worth remembering that since all wells are different, it is better to make shells from polystyrene foam to order.

Installation of insulating cover

The well masonry will not freeze if you put an insulating cover on the well in advance. Install it to a depth that exceeds the soil freezing level, but the lid should not touch the water.

Executed according to the right technology taking into account the requirements for ventilation of the structure, the well cover will reliably protect the structure with water from freezing, and the quality drinking water it will not get worse.

Making a well cover with your own hands is quite simple.

  1. Moisture-resistant plywood is taken, and 2 panels are cut out according to a pre-marked template.
  2. One shield is wrapped in film and lowered below ground level, secured on hangers.
  3. The top of the shield is sheathed with insulation, for example, polyurethane foam.

Why can’t masonry be lined with mineral wool? This material crumbles a lot, and if mineral wool particles get into the water, it will not be possible to use it for drinking.

The second plywood panel is usually fixed a meter higher than the insulation. However, experts have differing opinions on the issue of air cushion. One side speaks of the need for a layer of air, others recommend placing the lid directly on the insulation.

When working with insulating material, do not forget about ventilation. This can be achieved by running a ventilation pipe through 2 panels. It is important that the bottom of the pipe does not come into contact with water.

Instead of installing a pipe, you can use a reinforced concrete washer equipped with a plastic hatch. This option is more acceptable, since it has long term operation. A similar cover is mounted between the first and upper rings; the seams should be sealed. Additionally, the well washer can be insulated with expanded clay, poured in a layer equal to the thickness of the hatch. The standard layer is 9 centimeters.

Insulation of the blind area and base of a well (video)

Decorating a well with a wooden frame

How to insulate a well so that it also looks beautiful? You can use wood - a material that retains heat well. Just install the frame directly on the well. This solution will allow the structure to look attractive and fit perfectly into any landscape design.

A wooden frame serves several functions. It reliably protects the well from freezing, decorates the area and prevents debris from getting into the water.

You can make a log house yourself or turn to professionals. The area near the well is prepared in advance: a blind area is made, paving stones or tiles are laid. Then the well masonry is framed with a wooden frame, and the space between the rings and the wooden structure is filled with expanded clay. A decorative house with gable roof. The finished log house must be treated with a special impregnation, for example, Aquatex.

How to insulate with polyurethane foam

This method does not require large financial expenditures. How to insulate a well for the winter with polyurethane foam? To carry out the work, you need to know where the groundwater is located and what the diameter of the well rings is. It is important to carry out work at an ambient temperature of 20-30 degrees. If the temperature during the procedure is different, the mixture will begin to actively foam, which will lead to high material costs.

No preliminary preparation is required: polyurethane foam will fill all pores on its own. The technology for carrying out the work is as follows:

  1. A trench is made near the well. Its location should not be below the soil freezing level.
  2. Polyurethane foam is taken from the room to the street so that its temperature is equal to the ambient temperature.
  3. Using a sprayer, an even layer of material is applied. After drying, it should reach 3 centimeters.
  4. After the polyurethane foam has dried, a layer of paint is applied to protect the material from ultraviolet radiation.

That's all, the well masonry is reliably protected!

If you insulate the well in advance using one of the methods presented, you won’t have to worry about it in the winter. However, it is important that not only the well lining is protected, but also the water pipes if water is supplied to the house using a pump. By completing this work in advance, you will ensure high-quality water supply to your home during the cold season.

How to insulate a well (video)

The question of how to insulate a well made of concrete rings worries mainly summer residents, owners of private houses and village residents. Most often, this issue is resolved before the construction of the well begins, taking into account climatic conditions. But this doesn't always happen. It happens that you didn’t think about insulation from the beginning. And when faced with a problem and freezing of water in a well in winter, its owner is fully aware of his mistake. Thus, the answer to the question of insulating a well can be divided into two specific guidelines. The first will tell you how to insulate a well made of concrete rings immediately during construction. The second is about what can be done after the fact.

Why hasn't anyone insulated wells before?

Usage modern materials greatly facilitates the construction process. This is speed, durability, and economic feasibility. But the “old-fashioned” methods, proven over centuries, have a right to exist. Previously, wells in Rus' were built mainly from special types of wood. The excellent characteristics of such a well made it possible to use it for many years, and the low thermal conductivity of the wood prevented the water from freezing even in the most severe frosts. But now such technologies are a thing of the past, and most often ready-made concrete circles are used for construction. Using the digging method, they are gradually immersed in the ground, reaching the desired depth. To prevent the water inside the well from becoming ice, its level should not reach the level of soil freezing in winter. If this condition is met, then problems arise extremely rarely. But no one is protected from force majeure and natural disasters. In any case, it doesn’t hurt to play it safe in advance, because it doesn’t require much additional effort, and the money spent on insulation is not so large as to risk it.

What happens if you don’t create a thermal insulation layer?

Ignoring insulation can cause not only inconvenience in the form of a lack of drinking water for some time. If the well is installed pumping station, and they go from it to the house, then freezing of the water will lead to the failure of all equipment. Repairing it is a very expensive procedure; in addition, the matter is complicated by the fact that the ground freezes thoroughly in winter, and if the water in the pipes also freezes, this can cause them to burst. Restoration work will need to be done in difficult conditions or even postponed until spring. Expansion of liquid during freezing is also the cause of destruction of concrete rings and joints between them. In the spring, during floods and abundant flow of groundwater, their pressure on the walls of the well increases significantly. And any holes will lead to the inevitable seepage of dirty water with various impurities into the well. To avoid such a problem, you need to immediately learn how to insulate a well from concrete rings and do all the work correctly.

At what depth should the insulation be laid?

When work is being done during construction, the insulation needs to be laid around the well gradually, as it is buried. The depth of insulation laying depends on the climate in the region. It happens that even very deep wells, the depth of which exceeds 15-20 meters, freeze. Most often, it will be enough to lay the insulation to a depth of no more than one and a half to two meters. The technology for this process is simple; the main thing is to follow the instructions on how to insulate a well. Methods for insulating a well largely depend on the type of winter in the region.

External insulation

If the frosts are not very severe and the ground does not freeze deeply and for a long time, then you can protect the well from above by installing a wooden frame with a tightly closing lid over it. Such a house cannot simply be placed on the ground around the well. It is necessary to build a foundation for it. To avoid distortion and subsidence, the foundation must be built according to all the rules, to a sufficient depth (no less than the average freezing level of the ground) with a width of one meter. Before the concrete solution is poured, a cushion is created at the bottom from layers of sand, crushed stone and soil, which will act as a drainage system. The pillow must be thoroughly compacted and then the solution must be poured. After installing the wooden frame, insulation should be placed in the gaps formed between it and the walls of the well. For this purpose, you can use mineral wool, foam sheets, expanded clay or penoizol. Residents of the southern regions respond well to this method, but those who live further north are dissatisfied with the results.

Well insulation technology

How to insulate a well made of concrete rings underground is a slightly more complex question. This work is carried out in several stages.

  • The well rings must first be treated with special means to prevent groundwater from penetrating inside. But when choosing, it is important to take into account environmental friendliness and the possibility of using the product specifically in working with wells.
  • The next layer is the insulation layer itself. How to insulate a well made of concrete rings, let's look a little further.
  • The insulation must be wrapped with a hydro- and vapor barrier layer. Most often, film is used for these purposes. This measure will help avoid contact of the insulation with the ground and condensation settling on it.
  • To fix the entire structure, wooden formwork is installed around the rings; it holds all the layers together.
  • Finally, the trench must be covered with earth. For this process, experts advise not to use soil from the trench itself. It would be correct to alternate layers of two materials with different calibers. It can be sand and gravel or clay with expanded clay. Layers with a fine fraction are usually laid up to 15 cm thick, and others - 20 cm. This measure will help create high-quality drainage system, this will reduce the risk of water contamination in the well and reduce the pressure on its walls.

This is a classic, time-tested method, and the reviews about it are the most positive.

What to do if the spring has already been built?

How to insulate a well made of concrete rings for the winter if it has already been built? The technology itself is the same as in the previous case, but you will have to dig a trench. This work must be done manually with a shovel. The use of specialized equipment can lead to displacement of the soil and rings, violating the integrity of the soil layers. The rest of the work is carried out according to the given technology. Separately, it is worth noting that it is very important to take care of good Heat loss due to its absence or poor fit to the edges will also cause water to freeze. When a wooden frame or other structure is installed above the well, its cover is made in the form of a multilayer panel, in the middle of which there is a layer of foam plastic or mineral wool. The well, which is not formalized on the outside, is closed with a concrete hatch and a plastic plug. Those who live in areas with warm winters characterize this method as quite cheap and practical.

What types of insulation are usually used?

To find out how to properly insulate a well from concrete rings, you need to know how it can be done. There are quite a lot of options. Among the newest ones is foam insulation. Applying such material to the walls of the well eliminates seams, penoizol completely covers the entire space, eliminating leaks of cold air or water. This technology involves the use of special equipment; this cannot be done manually. And the cost of the service is not cheap, so it is not yet very widespread in our country. In warm regions, mineral wool on foil insulation is sometimes used. The advantage of this option is the ability to wrap the insulation around the well as tightly as possible. But some experts warn that this material crumbles easily and over time can break down into individual fibers and end up in the well water.

Insulation with polystyrene foam

Insulating a well made of concrete rings with polystyrene foam is the most successful option, experts say. The properties of this material are truly unique. It is an excellent barrier to cold air, and is also very durable and inexpensive. For these purposes they are most often used sheet material, which is not always convenient, because it is problematic to get around the rounded shapes of the rings with sheets.

Manufacturers have found a way out of the situation and offer consumers ready-made insulation parts that have a semicircular shape. The sizes are standard, for the most common diameters. In addition, you can use bulk. In this case, to create a frame, you need to use wooden slats to attach a layer of roofing material to the ground around the walls of the well and pour granules into the resulting opening. In this way, you can insulate a well not only but also with other bulk insulation materials.

This effective method, and the well owners who chose it confirm the reliability of such thermal insulation.

Owners of private houses are faced with the problem of how to establish a constant supply of water to their household if there is no central water supply. The best option– arrangement of a well or borehole. In winter they work without problems, but with the onset of cold weather difficulties arise, so you need to know how to insulate a well in order to prevent freezing of water and equipment, what is the best insulation to use.

Today, there are various types of well structures that are used for water supply. They are common where there is no central water supply, so it is practically the only way to ensure household water supply. There are wells for maintenance. This type of structure is a depression in the ground that is filled with water and is used in places where there is a communication node. Wells (septic tanks) are also used for plumbing purposes.

The listed types of structures differ from each other, so insulating a well for the winter with your own hands will be different.

Insulated well

Can a well freeze in winter?

This is a rather controversial issue, since in the old days wells were not insulated. Therefore, another question quite logically arises - is insulation necessary for a well at all. The answer is obvious - it is imperative to do such work, there are several reasons for this:

  • in the case when the aquifers are located above the soil freezing level, if they lie below the freezing level, then there is no particular need to do thermal insulation;
  • when there is no insulation;
  • the pipes are laid irrationally, in other words, the water supply from the well to the house may be located above the level of soil freezing, therefore in winter there is a high probability that the pipes will freeze, there is also a need for thermal insulation of those sections of the pipeline that cut into the well shaft and enter the house;
  • A well that has an open head can also freeze, since the difference in temperature between water and air can be more than 30 degrees, so you need to insulate the well yourself, for example, install a wooden house;
  • if materials with high thermal conductivity were used during the construction of the structure.

It is from the last point that you can find out why our ancestors did not have such a problem. This is due to the fact that the wells were made of wood, and wood does not have high thermal conductivity.

Why insulate a well for the winter?

If there is at least one of the above conditions, the water in the well may freeze, so it is necessary to carry out insulation work to keep the water source in optimal condition and not create problems with water intake.

Insulate the well in country house is a mandatory requirement, regardless of the fact that the well is usually used only during the warm season.

Therefore, you need to think through and prepare materials for the work. This is important because freezing and thawing of water leads to gradual destruction of the structure and may fail.

Insulating the walls of the septic tank with insulating material.

If you have a well made of concrete rings, they may shift, joints may rupture, and the tightness and integrity of the structure will be lost. In places where pipes cut into, and in the pipeline itself, a break may occur. The fact that violations have appeared is evidenced by the fact that the soil around the well has subsided. Surely there is no need to say that repair work to restore the integrity of the structure is very expensive, requires great physical effort, and the owners of the house will be left without water for a long period.

That is why there is no need to think about whether it is necessary to carry out this work, but decide how best to perform it and what materials to choose.

What are the best materials to use?

The final result depends on how correctly the insulation is selected. The best option for thermal insulation material is penofol. When insulated with this material, it is possible to avoid freezing of water in the mine. It is a soft material, resistant to mechanical stress, and has a small thickness. This material is not often used for insulation work.

The most common material is expanded polystyrene or foam. When using this material, you can even do the work yourself. Its advantages are that it practically does not allow water to pass through, has high thermal insulation properties, can last for many years, is inexpensive and easy to install.

The disadvantage of using foam is the stability of the geometry. When insulating, you need to cut the material so that you get even parts. It is necessary to minimize places where there is no insulating material, therefore better place seal the joints with foam.

Insulating a well with polyurethane foam is an expensive option. In addition to the price, it has many advantages. Maximum tightness is achieved, does not deform or rot, and there is no need for preliminary surface preparation.

It is possible to insulate the surface various types configurations. It is almost impossible to insulate a well with your own hands using polyurethane foam; you need to seek the services of specialists, which will further increase the cost of the work.

A cheaper analogue of polyurethane foam is shell for insulation. It is a structure of two halves. They are very easy to install on concrete rings. There are a huge number of pipe diameters and configurations, so you can certainly choose the material for your well. Where there is a joint between the halves, you need to seal it with foam.

If you prefer natural materials, sawdust, straw, or expanded clay may be suitable.

How to insulate with your own hands

There are several types of insulation. For water supply you need to use a hatch. For external installations, a set of works is carried out to insulate the ground part of the structure. Underground external is characterized by the installation of materials outside the well pipe.

Now let's look at each type in more detail.

The internal type involves the manufacture of a cover that prevents cold air from entering the shaft.

In order to make a hatch ourselves, we will need plywood or boards, a plastic pipe with a diameter of 30 - 50 mm, insulation and polyurethane foam. It is necessary to use exclusively rigid insulation with high density. This is necessary so that it does not crumble and pollute the water.

Insulation of a well using wooden plywood panels

You need to make two plywood panels or from boards. The shields should be 2–3 cm smaller than the diameter of the well. Then we wrap one shield with waterproofing film to prevent the material from rotting. It is best not to use primers as this may affect the quality of the water.

On the other side, we glue foam onto the shield and cover it with a second shield. Then we make a hole through which we pass a pipe for ventilation. To raise and lower the lid, you need to attach a wire. We install 2 hooks on the well head. They are needed to prevent the lid from coming into contact with water.

The main requirement for installing the cover is that it must be lower than where the ground freezes. You can make two such covers at once, between which you will get an air cushion, which will more reliably protect the water from freezing.

For external ground insulation, which is performed for the upper ring, you can choose one of two methods. We attach thermal insulation material above the ground. This method is very similar to the underground type, but the one difference is that you do not need to dig trenches to access the underground part of the pipe.

It is also necessary to protect the thermal insulation material from external factors using decorative material. The efficiency of this type of insulation is the lowest, so it is better to use it in combination with other types.

Another method is to install a wooden house over the head.

External underground insulation is characterized as very labor-intensive, but will provide very reliable protection against freezing. You need to start insulating below 1 - 1.5 m from the freezing of the soil. This will avoid freezing even in conditions of abnormally low temperatures. We make a trench around the well. The rings must be free of dirt. We lay the insulation at the bottom of the trench 50 cm lower than the freezing level of the soil.

We waterproof concrete rings. We cut the insulation material, it is best if you make a bevel along the entire length of the sheet at an angle, which will allow the workpieces to fit better. Then we glue insulation onto the surface of the rings, previously cleaned and treated with waterproofing material. The joints must be sealed with foam.

Also, do not forget to insulate the place where the pipe connects to the well. On top, the material must be protected from ultraviolet rays. Then we fill the trench and make a blind area about 50 cm wide. You can also make a foundation.


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