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Autumn is an underrated time. Not everyone is happy about her.

On the other hand, this is a plus, since you can make many discoveries that will make you look at this time of year in a new way.

Here ordinary maples, which are valued in ornamental gardening, will help us. And our discovery is roses made from maple leaves.

Let's look at a few step by step instructions making these “autumn flowers” ​​with your own hands.

Method one:

To make a bouquet you will need.

  1. maple leaves different colors.
  2. Threads.
  3. Iron.
  4. Newspaper sheets.
  5. Yellow masking tape (optional)

When collecting leaves, do not try to collect only the same ones. Multi-colored leaves will be better. But dry, damaged or diseased ones are excluded.

Small leaves are also a bad idea as they will be difficult to work with. Then divide the collection by color.

For a single bud, use leaves of the same color. Let the bouquet be variegated, but it is better for the flower to be monochromatic.

So, take a sheet and fold it into two parts. The bend line is across the rachis (the vein located in the middle). Moreover, the front side should be on the outside. Roll this bent “petal” into a roll. It should be bent parallel to the rachis. This roll should be dense; this is the core of our workpiece.

Now you need to lay out the leaves around the core. Take the first one and place the roll in the center of this sheet, with its outer side placed inside. Next, bend the sheet in two halves outward. Make sure that the edge of this fold is a centimeter or one and a half higher than the core of the flower. The bend should be smoothed out. Bend the edge that protrudes above the core outward. There is no need to smooth anything out here. Wrap the sheet in this state around the roll on both sides.

For a new petal, take another sheet, the algorithm of actions is the same, although from the very beginning place this sheet opposite to the first. And so in the same way, collect the petals into a bud. Determine the number of petals according to your wishes.

Use threads to tie the bud at the base, thereby securing the flower. The number of flowers is also at your discretion.

Part two - making “leaves” from leaves. To do this, as already mentioned, take the most colorful of them.

First, make sure that the leaves do not curl when they dry. This can be prevented if you iron them before work, placing them between newspaper sheets with an iron. Here another problem arises: the leaves become fragile. But beauty requires care. Place the leaves under the buds in a circle.

Make sure they are laid evenly. Secure everything with the same thread. For beauty, it is recommended to hide the knot. Do this with yellow masking tape. You will receive a neat and complete product.

Method two.

Here you need:

  1. Maple leaves of different colors (among them should be green)
  2. Threads
  3. Scouring wire
  4. Wooden sticks
  5. Sunflower oil

Regarding the assembly of leaves, the rules here are the same as in the previous method. But pay attention to the fact that you must also have green leaves. Just as in the first case, divide the leaves by color.

Bend the first sheet across the rachis. Then twist the folded sheet, but so that the core is not compressed, but voluminous.

Arrange the cuttings parallel to each other. Then form a cuff from green (and partially yellow) leaves. Secure the cuff, buds and their cuttings with wire.

In order to decorate the leg, use several wooden sticks, inserting them between the cuttings.

The bouquet is ready.

But in order for it to maintain its brightness and shine. Lubricate it with regular sunflower oil. This brings with it a few more positive aspects.

When the oil is absorbed after two days, the leaves will become soft, they will be protected from drying out and will not lose their attractive shape. If you want, you can go ahead and cover your bouquet with varnish, or treat it with special glue for leaves, which, when dry, will make the entire texture of the leaf clear, all the veins will be visible to you, and the “petals” and “leaves” will play with color.

A simpler option is regular hairspray. Also, to maintain softness and shine, you can use glycerin diluted with water (can cause unpredictable color changes) and simple liquid silicone.

Get creative with your bouquet to give it the perfect look. Try one of the suggested methods, supplement the second.

Ekaterina Murzaeva

The most original, in my opinion, craft from autumn leaves - rose from maple leaves.

At the site, during a walk with children in the preparatory group for school, they admired the yellow-purple maples. We decided to collect leaves and make some roses out of them. It turned out to be a very beautiful bouquet.

Roses from leaves, can, of course, be of any color, but I like yellow ones better, they look very beautiful against a red-green background. For one roses you'll need about a dozen leaves and some thread. And also scissors and rowan berries for decoration.

So, we begin to “collect” the rose. First we bend the small one leaf in half and roll into a tube.

Let's take the second one sheet, also bend it in half and place it behind the tube.

Bend a small edge back and fold the left and right parts forward sheet.

We perform the same action with others leaves.

One flower can take 5-7 leaves.

Layer by layer we get a flower roses.

Last sheet should be the largest, since you need to carefully wrap the entire flower in it.

Secure the flower with threads at the very base. All stems leaves come together and become like the stem of a flower.

These are the flowers you can get with a little patience.

There were 11 buds for this bouquet.

To further decorate the bouquet, we will need artificial snow, rowan, orange crepe paper, and green ribbon.

The result is a bouquet of roses from leaves.

A red vase went well with this bouquet. You can put the craft in kindergarten for an exhibition or just give as a gift.

Here is another bouquet of roses with chrysanthemums I made from red beets and white onions. Garnished with curly parsley and red hot pepper.

I wish you creative success! I hope my master-You liked the class and will find it useful in the future.

Publications on the topic:

Maple fantasies. Vase and roses from autumn leaves. Master class Required materials and instruments: Maple leaves Airy.

Hello, dear colleagues and friends! This time I bring to your attention a craft made from natural materials. But first you have to work hard.

Dear colleagues! I bring to your attention a craft made from cotton pads. It is very easy to make; a preschooler can make it, pos.

To make the “Roses” panel, you need the following material: 1. Printer paper. 2. Toothpick. 3. Watercolor. 4. Brushes. 5. PVA glue.

Purpose: Making flowers using colored paper for development creativity children. Objectives: Teach children to create flowers.

DIY bouquet of maple leaves: master class in step-by-step photos for children and adults. Video.

DIY maple leaf bouquet

This master class was sent to our competition of children's autumn crafts by Polina Skorikova and her mother Yulia.

I give the floor to Polina and Yulia to conduct the master class.

DIY maple leaf bouquet: materials and tools

To make the bouquet we needed:

large number maple leaves (clean, not dried out, not diseased),

- basket,

- filler (straw),

— artificial snow (spray),

- stapler or thread.

— elastic band (for fastening the bouquet).

Polya, her sister Ksyusha and mother Yulia were collecting leaves near the house. Then, on the same day, we made a craft (Polina and her mother).

While collecting maple leaves for a bouquet, you can read the poem to the children:

There lived a carved maple leaf,
In the morning I listened to the bird whistle,
Rusted on a maple branch
And all summer it was green,
Liszt dreamed that he could do it himself
Soar to the blue skies.
Time passed and according to signs
Indian summer has arrived.
Our leaf has become colored -
Red-yellow – painted.
The autumn wind has arrived
I noticed him from afar,
Spun and tore off...
“I’m flying!” the leaf said.
(Irina Blazhevich)

Do-it-yourself bouquet of maple leaves: step-by-step description and step-by-step photos

Step 1. Making the core. At the very beginning, you need to make the “core” of the flower bud. To do this, fold the maple leaf in half.

Then this folded sheet must be rolled into a tube.

The core is ready.

Step 2. Making the petals.

Then you need to make the “petals” of the bud. To do this, you need to also fold the other leaves in half and attach them to the “core” as shown in the photo below.

And we wrap the petals around the “core”.

At the bottom, each petal must be fastened. You can use thread, but we used a stapler.

Step 3. We assemble a bouquet of maple leaves into a composition.

We fasten the finished bouquet at the bottom with an elastic band to hold it in place and place it in the basket.

We put stuffing on the bottom of the basket (we used straw) to make the bouquet stand more stable. We make a hole in it for the bouquet.

We spray the flower buds with artificial snow (spray) so that they turn white. A bouquet of maple leaves is ready!

Do-it-yourself bouquet of maple leaves: step-by-step video

If you prefer tinkering step by step video, then you will find another version of the master class on making a bouquet of maple leaves with your own hands in the video below. This is a video master class from the teachers of the FLORET studio - a floristic studio from Arkhangelsk.

Bouquet of maple leaves- a wonderful gift for family and friends! Make it these autumn days with your children and enjoy the beauty of nature!

The long-awaited autumn season has arrived. A time of dreams and new achievements. Right now, nature delights us more than ever with its beauty, a riot of colors, a refreshing but still warm breeze, rustling leaves under our feet. And I really want to preserve the feeling of complete harmony and warmth for as long as possible, not only in my memories, but also in my home! Autumn foliage will come in handy, and flowers made from tree leaves with your own hands will be a wonderful interior decoration or an unusual gift for a loved one.

This work will not require you to spend a lot of money or time, but in its originality and beauty it is in no way inferior to other crafts made from scrap materials.

Flowers from tree leaves: master class

Roses made from rose leaves look most impressive and natural in compositions and simple bouquets. The process is quite exciting and very simple, so the whole family, including children, can take part in it.

Once you start making such a craft, you will understand that the stage of collecting leaves is much longer and more tedious than the creative process itself. The following trees are best suited, the foliage of which is preferable to use for making autumn roses: maple, ash and Try to choose bright leaves in colorful shades (yellow, red, maroon, green). If possible, use leaves from trees rather than those picked from the ground. They will not only be cleaner and less damaged, but more importantly, they will also be quite elastic due to the retained moisture, it will be much easier to work with them, and the composition using them will turn out to be more realistic. Collect leaves different sizes. The splendor of the rose will depend on the number of leaf petals used.

So, the basic material is already in your hands, are you full of desire and enthusiasm? Then let's quickly look at how to make flowers from tree leaves with your own hands.

Necessary tools

To make this craft you will need:

  • leaves;
  • scissors;
  • threads or thin rope;
  • sunflower oil or hairspray;
  • iron.

Use flowers from tree leaves of different colors or alternate different colored leaves in one rose - it all depends on your taste.

To create not just a bouquet, but a separate composition, you can use other natural materials (rowan berries, pine cones, spruce branches, chestnuts, acorns, etc.).

Step-by-step execution

First, take the sheet with the back side facing you so that its front side is directed towards your palms, and fold it in half.

So let's get started. Making flowers from tree leaves step by step:

1. Roll the resulting half of the leaf into a tight tube - this will be the core of our future flower.

2. Take the second sheet. It must be positioned with the front side inward.

3. Bend this sheet outward so that its top protrudes 1-2 mm above the previous one. Wrap the resulting half around the base.

4. Repeat this manipulation several more times. Depending on how many leaves you make will determine the size of the rose.

5. Each subsequent row of leaves must be moved slightly lower. This way the finished rose will be more fluffy, voluminous and beautiful.

6. Secure the base of the resulting flower tightly with thread.

7. On top, lightly soak the flowers from tree leaves with sunflower oil. This will give the finished product shine and help preserve it longer.

8. Instead of oil, you can use hairspray. By lightly sprinkling the flowers, you will also give them shine, and this manipulation will also protect them from fragility.

9. If desired, you can make individual strokes of gold paint or glitter over the roses.

10. Finally, all that remains is to arrange the resulting autumn flowers into a bouquet and decorate them with the most colorful and neat leaves. Be sure to iron these leaves through fabric or a double sheet of paper first.

Flowers made from tree leaves, made by yourself, are ready. You and your loved ones will certainly like them. In addition, such a bouquet can be a wonderful gift that will preserve the love and warmth of your hands.

Flowers from tree leaves: photo

The completed composition may look like this.

Although, just as there are no identical colors in nature, yours will be completely unique and unique.

Chrysanthemum flower

In addition to a rose, you can also make, for example, a chrysanthemum flower. This will, of course, require more time and leaves to complete, but it's still worth a try.

It is necessary to wind a fairly large number of tubes (about 50 pieces for one lush flower). If you combine them into one bunch, you get a chrysanthemum.

Features of blanks

You can form tubes by winding them on long skewers, pencils, knitting needles or other oblong devices. The size and density of the finished petals will depend on the diameter of the rod used. Give them the desired shape according to your desire and artistic taste.

The resulting flowers from tree leaves must be securely fixed with glue and thread. You can first coat each leaf with glue and roll it into a tube or, conversely, glue the finished workpiece and fix it with a thread for the drying period, not forgetting to remove it at the end of the cooking process.

After all the blanks are ready and the tubes have been wound in sufficient quantities, proceed directly to the formation of the flower.

It is best to play with the resulting blank and give it the appearance of a real plant by fixing the flower on a long skewer or thick wire. At the base (for the sepals) it is recommended to use small green leaves or make them yourself from corrugated or colored paper. Be sure to wrap the stem itself with the same green corrugated paper or special tape.

As you can see, just a little effort, and the finished chrysanthemum flower from an unusual natural material is already ready. Now you can complement any of them, or by making a few more of these flowers, you can create a separate lush bouquet of chrysanthemums. Place such a bouquet in a vase, decorate it and enjoy the beauty of this wonderful autumn flower for a long time yet.


For any creative process, the most important thing is desire and inspiration. And even at first glance, such a simple process of creating flowers will become a godsend for you and will certainly please you with its result. Be creative, please yourself and those around you, and the presented master class on how to make flowers from tree leaves, we hope, helped you with this.

Any process of creation carries only positive emotions. Having created such beauty yourself, and even from natural materials, you will feel a surge of creative strength and new ideas. In addition, this kind of activity can be done by the whole family, from collecting leaves while walking in the park to creating flowers and decorating them. Try it!


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