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Weed control takes a lot of time, and to make it more effective, it is worth knowing the types of weeds and their characteristics. Let's look at the most common types of weeds to arm ourselves with useful information about how to get rid of weeds in the garden, what should be left on the plot, and what should be pulled out by the roots.

Ambrosia artemifolia

Externally, the weed is similar to wormwood and in favorable conditions can grow up to 2.5 meters in height. Ambrosia causes the greatest damage to field crops; it can “overwhelm” orchards, vegetable gardens, abandoned plots, pastures and vineyards. Most often it can be seen along roadsides, as well as on the banks of rivers and lakes. It is important to remember that in people prone to allergies, ragweed pollen can trigger an attack, and if given to cows and goats, it can spoil the taste of milk. It can be destroyed by deep processing of the soil and removal of shoots.

Field thistle

It has a powerful root system that goes deep into the ground up to 4 meters. The stem can reach 1.5 meters. The weed displaces all cultivated plants. It grows well in fertile soils and forest edges. The inconvenience of weed control comes down to the fact that when mowing, the remaining parts of the stems and roots can produce hundreds of shoots. It is better to cut it before flowering and then dig up the roots.

Ivy budra (creeping budra, dogmint and catnip)

A perennial plant with a creeping root system and strong shoots capable of rooting. Budra grows well in plowed but not sown fields, forests and gardens. In large quantities the plant is toxic. Despite some healing properties (improves metabolism, is used as an antiseptic and for colds), it is a weed and interferes with the growth of garden plants. garden crops. It can be destroyed by digging up the roots.

Veronica filamentous

The perennial grows, as a rule, in well-moistened soil enriched with useful microelements. Externally, the plant looks quite picturesque, producing many flowers of a soft blue hue on low stems. The weed is capable of short term"capture" a large territory. It can only be removed by regular lawn mowing and weeding.

Field bindweed (birch)

A weedy perennial that entwines the stems of cultivated plants. One bindweed is capable of braiding about 2 square meters bushes, currant or raspberry bushes often suffer from it. The stem can reach 2 meters, and the roots go several meters deep into the soil, so it is better to dig up this weed plant or treat it with herbicides.

Galinzoga quadriradiata (American)

An annual weed from 10 to 80 centimeters in height, which fills the space in a very short time. Galinzoga prefers loose soil, beds with perennial crops, as well as irrigated areas near trees. It is characterized by enormous vitality, producing many aerial roots even from cut stems. It is best to weed out this weed plant before flowering and do not leave the removed stems on the site so that they do not sprout new shoots.

Knotweed (knotweed)

The plant is an annual plant up to 1 meter in height, which grows quickly on almost any soil, forming thickets. Knotweed is a good honey plant and contains a huge amount of useful substances; it is used as an antiseptic, hemostatic, laxative and a remedy for hypertension. Goes to feed livestock. The weed is destroyed by weeding or by treating the soil with herbicides.

Ezhovnik (chicken millet)

This is the main enemy of carrots, beets and sunflowers. This weed brings especially great harm to initial stage growth of these plants. Growing to a height of more than a meter, the barnacle loves rainy weather, reproduces by seeds, forms small bushes, and is practically not afraid of damage. The best remedy control - weeding, as well as special chemical solutions that need to be used to treat the soil.

Common sorrel (hare cabbage)

This is a perennial up to half a meter high with a branched root system, grows in groups and is capable of drowning out both lawn grass, as well as other plants. It is almost not afraid of chemical solutions and is extremely resistant to any influence. The only way to defeat a weed is by removing the roots.


It is a perennial plant, grows to a height of up to half a meter, has a tap root system and is very resistant to unfavorable conditions. The appearance of clover on the site can also be beneficial - it does not like nitrogenous soil, so if clover begins to grow in the garden or garden, this indicates a lack of nitrogen. In addition, clover is often used in the preparation of diuretic, diaphoretic and antiseptic solutions. Clover can be controlled by mowing and herbicide treatment.

Meadow salsify

A medicinal weed that can be found in meadows, along roads and on the edges of forests. This is a herbaceous plant with a life cycle of up to 2 years and grows up to a meter in height. Salsify produces sweetish-tasting root vegetables that contain large number inulin, indispensable in the treatment diabetes mellitus. Control methods include weeding and treatment with chemical solutions containing herbicides.

Commelina vulgaris (blue-eye, blue-eye)

An annual weed that came from China and Japan. It is resistant to chemicals, so it is quite difficult to remove. The best way struggle - weeding out. In addition, commelina has a number of useful properties - it is an excellent diuretic, and also prevents the development of Staphylococcus aureus.

Stinging nettle (common nettle)

A weed plant reaching one and a half meters in height. Nettle grows in almost any conditions and is almost impossible to eradicate. In addition, she is on the list edible weeds. Its appearance on the site is a sure sign that the soil is well moistened and saturated with nitrogen, so in its former places of growth it is often possible to harvest a good harvest. You can remove nettles by weeding and digging up the area, as well as using herbicides and treating the soil with a 30% solution of potassium salt.

Creeping buttercup

A perennial plant, it grows up to a meter in height and has a stem creeping along the surface of the ground. Buttercup propagates through seeds and shoots; it is resistant to harsh conditions and prefers moist and dark areas. It quickly spreads across the area, displacing plants; it is almost impossible to influence it with chemicals. It is most effective to weed out the plant before flowering and seeds ripen.

White pigweed (quinoa)

A weed that is resistant to frost and temperature changes. It produces its first shoots in early spring and grows until late autumn, reaching one and a half meters in height. The roots of quinoa are not very deep, so they are quite easy to remove, and it is better to do this before flowering, since quinoa then produces hundreds of thousands of seeds. Quinoa shoots, leaves and seeds are edible and can also be used for medicinal purposes.

Canadian small petal (Canadian conise, steppe catfish)

An annual weed that grows up to 2 meters and can survive the winter in cold climates. It is an enemy of grain crops, vegetables and cotton, so it is better to weed it out before the seeds appear. Canadian small petal is a good ether bearer.

Woodlice (chickweed)

An annual plant resistant to sub-zero temperatures. The first shoots appear in early spring and by the beginning of the summer season they gain full strength, filling the space and forming a thick green carpet. Carrot crops suffer the most from woodlice, but they are easily weeded, which makes it easier to combat. Woodlice is a good honey plant and livestock feed; it can also be eaten.

Euphorbia squat (Euphorium prostrate)

A weed with a powerful stem, inside of which, like the leaves, contains white poisonous juice. Euphorbia can grow several meters, and its root system goes deep into the ground and is highly durable. It is almost impossible to uproot an adult plant; you can only dig it up. Euphorbia is not afraid of drought and is resistant to any soil composition. You can remove it from the site by removing the roots, digging up the soil and using herbicides. Euphorbia significantly slows down the growth of grain crops. However, its seeds have medicinal properties and are used for disorders gastrointestinal tract, as a diuretic.


The plant fills the space in lowlands, as well as on damp soils, so drainage ditches and soil aeration are effective to combat it. Moss can grow up to 50 centimeters and, if left unchecked, can crowd out cultivated plants and cause waterlogging in the soil. Moss can be removed by watering the desired area with Dichlorophene, and then removing dead parts of the plant and digging up the soil.


Annual plant. Bluegrass is almost invisible on early stage growth, but gradually begins to bloom and spoil the appearance of the lawn. The weed thrives best in lowlands and compacted soils. If you remove him from the site in a timely manner, he will not appear again. Regular lawn mowing, as well as herbicides, will help eliminate this weed.


This weed grows best on new lawns where there are no plantings. In the fight against dandelions, herbicides alone will not do the trick. The roots of the plant go quite deep, so they must be dug up to completely remove them. If you do not do this in time, then with the slightest gust of wind, the ripened seeds will instantly spread throughout the entire area. The leaves are edible, due to the content of vitamins B2 and C, carotene, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, choline, manganese and iron, and have medicinal properties.

Shepherd's Purse

A wintering annual plant, with a period of active flowering from May to October. The weed grows 40 centimeters and during flowering produces several generations of seeds that remain viable for 35 years. Therefore, it is best to remove shepherd's purse before flowering.


An annual plant whose leaves and trunk are covered with small hairs and cling to clothing and animal fur. The weed grows well in fertile soils rich in limestone. The stems of the plant reach a meter in height, the roots are buried up to 10 centimeters, so the weed is easy to dig up.


The plant chooses dense, often even trampled soil, and sometimes grows in very moist places. You can remove plantain using a special garden fork or herbicides when the plant has taken over a large area. But it is important to remember that plantain also has medicinal properties. It helps stop bleeding; when dried, it is effective against colds and diseases of the digestive system.


It grows up to 60 centimeters and is viable for a year. Its shoots spread along the surface, are very tenacious and are capable of covering a considerable area in a short time. Purslane is extremely unpretentious and can adapt to any conditions, so it is better to remove it directly with the root system, and then dig it up and treat the soil with herbicides.

Creeping wheatgrass

The weed spreads very quickly, going 15-20 centimeters into the ground. There are several ways to remove it: dig it up or deeply weed it. If the roots are not removed completely, they will continue to grow after a few days. Applicable in folk medicine for the treatment of cystitis, inflammation of the prostate gland, liver diseases, cough.


An annual weed that grows up to half a meter in height, with a branched stem and wide leaves. Crabgrass poses a threat to vegetable and garden crops, spreads to arable lands, and “clogs” corn crops. To prevent crabgrass from appearing, it is better to treat the soil with herbicides before emergence and then weed regularly thereafter.

Fragrant violet (horse hooves)

The plant is picturesque, but at the same time weedy. It spreads by ground shoots, covering a large area in a short time. The flowering period occurs in early spring. Fragrant violet feels best in the south of the European part of Russia, where it can be found in forests and parks, on fertile, well-moistened soils. The seeds are spread by ants. The plant does not tolerate drought well, but can survive frost. To protect crops from this weed, the soil must be dug deep. The leaves and flowers of fragrant violet are used to treat urinary and cholelithiasis, insomnia, and gout.

Thistle (burdock)

Quite a powerful weed that can take over cultivated fields and vegetable gardens. Thistle reaches for sunlight and crowds out its “neighbors”; it is an almost indestructible weed. At the same time, he has beneficial properties- serves as a choleretic agent, effective for allergies and skin diseases. You need to get rid of it by digging, cutting or using herbicides.

Shchiritsa thrown back

A very prolific annual weed up to 130 centimeters high, the seeds of which are resistant to mechanical stress and capable of vital activity for several decades. It is important to know that acorn seeds can germinate from a shallow depth (about 3 cm), so deep digging of the area will get rid of this weed. The leaves of the shiritsa can be eaten and the seeds can be given poultry. In folk medicine, the plant is used to prepare bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and hemostatic agents.

Yarutka field

It has beneficial properties, but is also a weed. It grows up to 40 centimeters and is capable of producing about 50 thousand seeds, weeding cereal crops. The weed feels equally good both in cultivated fields and in abandoned areas. Yarutka contains substances that prevent the development of uterine cancer and diseases of the genitourinary system, and has antibacterial properties. Treating the soil with herbicides will help get rid of this unwanted guest on the site.

Stem-encompassing larva

Herbaceous annual up to 40 centimeters high. Quickly covers shaded areas of gardens and gardens. Timely weeding will get rid of the weed for a long time, and the use of herbicides will get rid of it forever. However, it is important to know that jasmine is used in folk medicine in the treatment of hepatitis, nephritis, and respiratory tract diseases.

On this page I have collected photos of malicious weeds that annoy me in the garden and garden. I hope these photos of weeds with names and descriptions will help someone identify particularly annoying weeds, and therefore fight them more successfully. Some weeds are found everywhere in one gardener's garden and never found in another. What determines this selective prevalence of weeds? Depending on your area, soil type and acidity. I took all the photos of weeds in my garden.

Noxious garden weeds

Couch grass (Elymus repens)- one of the worst garden weeds. Wheatgrass quickly spreads throughout the garden thanks to its deep root system. Wheatgrass roots are light, thin and strong. It is on these roots that perennial wheatgrass can be distinguished from other similar-looking but less harmful garden weeds, such as: common barnyardgrass (chicken's or cock's millet), bluegrass, crabgrass, bentgrass and others. The latter, although they are garden weeds, find their use in mixtures of grasses for the lawn. Cm. .

Common duckweed (Aegopodium podagraria, English Ground Elder)- a malicious garden weed that spreads thanks to a strong and deep root system. Being a weed in gardens and orchards, whine, however, is not devoid of natural attractiveness, especially during flowering, and is also a valuable honey plant, fodder and medicinal plant.

Field bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis, English Bindweed) and some other types of bindweed - a malicious intrusive weed. Thick branched white roots field bindweed go deep into the ground to a depth of 5 meters! Frankly, I don't think it's realistic to expect complete destruction field bindweed, if it has long been rooted in your garden. You can only tear it out from time to time field bindweed and destroy the roots by digging them out from the depths of the soil as far as possible. White gramophone flowers field bindweed are not without attractiveness, we must give them their due.

Carob sorrel (Oxalis corniculata, English: creeping woodsorrel) and especially straight wood sorrel (Oxalis stricta), and also Oxalis pes-caprae - malicious garden weeds. Different types Oxalis are widespread in my garden. It is not easy to completely tear out the reddish sour oxalis from the ground, because... its root system is very branched. But nothing compares to straight oxalis and its roots. In the middle of summer, straight sorrel forms a large cone-shaped translucent rhizome, reminiscent of a carrot, and many small white bulbs. Remove straight sorrel from moist soil with a hoe. You need to carefully dig deep enough to pull the sorrel with rhizomes and bulbs out of the ground without losing them. Each bulb separated from the rhizome will grow into a new harmful plant next season.

Evergreen pentaglottis (Pentaglottis sempervirens, English Green alkanet)- a plant from the borage family, which looks like borage or borage. However, unlike the annual cucumber herb, which is useful in cooking and medicine, its relative pentaglottis is the worst perennial rhizomatous weed. Tap roots pentaglottis go deep into the ground and, if it is not possible to completely pull the root out of the ground (and this is almost impossible), then after some time a malicious pentaglottis will grow again in the same place. The leaves of the plant are rough, and the flowers are bright blue, reminiscent of forget-me-nots, which are related to pentaglottis also is.

Robert's geranium (Geranium robertianum, Robertiella robertiana)- a weed from the geranium genus. Many, which we wrote about in a special article. However, Robert's geranium is an intrusive rhizomatous weed, which, however, is still much easier to control than leek, ivy or bindweed.

Wild blackberries and brambles (Rubus fruticosa spp.Bramble) - widespread throughout the British Isles due to their creeping habit. In English forests and country roads in August you can collect a rich harvest of wild blackberries. This, of course, is wonderful, but in the garden, wild blackberries, unlike cultivated ones, are a weed. Wild blackberry branches are very thorny. Once on the ground, long shoots take root, forming entire thorny thickets in the secluded corners of the garden. Wild blackberries are very difficult to get rid of.

Common ivy (Hedera helix) and other varieties. It's incredible that garden centers have ivy and that anyone would pay money to have it. We would pay ourselves if someone would come and rid us and our neighbors of the common ivy that keeps growing along the fence line. The ivy roots are massive, and over time the ivy forms a massive, woody trunk. Ivy has a reputation for destroying buildings and structures.

Common dandelion (Taraxacum officinale, English Dandelion) a wonderful meadow plant familiar to everyone since childhood, healing herb and honey plant. Dandelions are pleasing to the eye in nature, but not in the garden, where it is difficult to get rid of them. It is especially unpleasant to uproot a long dandelion root that has sprouted next to the bulbs of ornamental plants - the likelihood of damaging these bulbs is too great.

Other pesky weeds in my garden: Spotted arum, shepherd's purse, common groundsel, common chickweed (woodlice).

Many people purchase a country plot to grow vegetables and herbs. In the process of tending their beds, they encounter the problem of weeds. Therefore, the issue of weed control and prevention of their appearance on the site becomes relevant for them. There are many ways that can effectively combat these plants, including pigweed. The choice of a specific one largely depends on the biological characteristics of a particular plant and the place where it grows. The main types of weeds, as well as methods of controlling them, will be discussed below.

Classification of weeds

Based on three biological characteristics, it is customary to classify weeds according to:

  • life expectancy;
  • method of reproduction;
  • way of eating.

Based on the characteristic of life expectancy, weeds are divided into young and perennial.


Seed propagation is the main method for young weeds. This group includes:

  • ephemerals - herbs belonging to this group have a growing season of less than one season;
  • spring - the growing season for weeds of this group is the same as for annual grasses. Often, plantings with cultivated plants become clogged with just such weeds;
  • winter annuals - these grasses sprout in the autumn months. They usually infest perennial grasses, as well as wheat crops;
  • biennial - their full development cycle consists of two growing seasons.


The peculiarity of perennial weeds is that they can grow in one place for up to 4 years. After the seeds have ripened, such herbs death of ground organs occurs, while their root system continues to develop. Every year, weeds grow stems from the underground part. Reproduction of perennial weeds occurs either by seeds or vegetatively.

Based on the type of nutrition, all weeds are divided into the following types:

Weeds in the garden

When growing vegetables in the garden, the owner often encounters a large number of weeds that interfere with the growth and development of garden crops. To do this, you have to fight them and remove them from the soil. The following weeds appear in gardens most often:

  • creeping wheatgrass. It is worth saying that it grows not only in vegetable gardens, but also in floodplains, as well as in fields and roads. The peculiarity of wheatgrass is that it has a deep root system. This ensures its rapid spread throughout the area. The stem of this herb is erect, the leaves are flat and quite long with a rough surface. A feature of wheatgrass is that it is resistant to negative environmental conditions. Its reproduction occurs by rhizomes. This weed can grow on almost any type of soil. Wheatgrass belongs to the group of perennials and is part of the grass family. If the owner finds wheatgrass shoots on the site, then need to get rid of it so that it does not interfere with the growth of other cultivated plants. You should especially take care of removing wheatgrass if you plan to plant potatoes on your site. If you do not make efforts and do not fight wheatgrass, this can lead to complete overgrowing of the area with its seedlings;
  • field bindweed. This plant belongs to the group of perennials. During its growth, it envelops the stems of cultivated plants. One plant is able to confuse garden crops over an area of ​​up to 2 square meters. m. Most often, berry bushes suffer from this weed. The length of the stem of this plant can reach up to 180 centimeters. The leaves are arrow-shaped. The fruits of this shrub look like a two-nest box. The roots of field bindweed are branched and go quite deep into the ground up to 5 cm. Therefore, quite challenging task is to get rid of it completely. To do this, you will have to dig up all the roots of the plant;
  • garden purslane. This weed belongs to the group of annual herbs. It has thick reddish walls and fleshy leaves. Its stem length can reach 60 cm. A significant area of ​​the site can be covered with shoots of the plant. Purslane is a weed that can be used for medicinal purposes. It is also often used in cooking when preparing dishes;
  • woodlice. This weed belongs to the class of annuals and is ephemeral. The first shoots of the plant appear in early spring. When the time comes for the germination of cultivated plants, this weed grows into a continuous carpet. Carrot crops suffer most often from this weed;
  • acorn thrown back. This weed belongs to the spring group and is an annual plant. Its distinctive feature is high fertility. Note that the seeds of this grass are not afraid of mechanical stress, therefore, they retain their ability to germinate for 40 years. This herb is characterized by a tall stem up to 150 cm long. The leaves have an ovate-rhombic shape. The flowers of this weed are collected in a paniculate inflorescence. Seed germination can occur from a depth of no more than 3 cm.

Lawn weeds

Not only vegetable beds, but also lawns suffer from weeds, such as pigweed. Weeds that appear on the site of a lawn can ruin a beautiful green carpet. Therefore, in order to maintain a green lawn, the owner of the site needs to remove weeds from the lawn. Most often you encounter the following types of weeds on lawns:

Beneficial weeds on the site

It should be said that not all weeds that grow on garden plot, harm plantings. Among them there are also wild plants that provide certain benefits, namely:

Weeds are a major problem faced by many gardeners. To combat them, the most different ways. They are removed manually, and in the most advanced cases, chemicals are used. If you do not fight them, the area can turn into a green carpet that will interfere with the growth of garden crops. That's why You need to constantly care for your garden or remove all plants appearing on the site, including pigweed. In this case, the crops on your site will grow well and produce an excellent harvest.

Weeds grow in the garden even with careful care of cultivated plantings, because they quickly spread by seeds, and their roots go deep into the ground, so it’s not easy to get rid of them. But there are ways.

Names of weeds in the garden

To effectively fight weeds, first figure out what exactly is growing in your garden. Some weed control methods differ depending on whether the plant is an annual or perennial.

Source: Depositphotos

Weeding weeds in the garden is effective while they are small

Most common weeds:

    • Creeping wheatgrass. Perennial cereal weed. It has a rigid straight stem with flat leaves. Propagated by seeds and shoots from the rhizome. Particularly harmful among potato beds.
    • Field bindweed, also known as birch, is perennial. It spreads along the ground and entangles the stems of other plants, worsening their metabolism. The stem grows up to 180 cm long; one bindweed can entangle an entire currant or raspberry bush. The roots go deep and reach 5 m, so it is difficult to get rid of the birch tree.
    • Purslane. An annual weed, it has a thick red stem up to 60 cm high and succulent leaves. It quickly sends out shoots in all directions from the mother bush.
    • Amaranth. An annual plant, it is propagated by seeds, which remain viable for up to 40 years. The stem is erect, pubescent, up to 1.5 m high. The leaves are dark green, diamond-shaped, the inflorescence is a panicle.
    • Shepherd's purse. An annual weed, thin stem, up to 40 cm high, tap root system. Blooms throughout the warm season, until frost. Ripe and fallen seeds germinate immediately, so the weed quickly spreads throughout the area.
    • Thistle thistle, also known as thistle. A perennial weed with a spiny stem, up to 1.5 m high. There are thorns along the edges of the leaves. Root system powerful, grows up to 6 m deep. Thistle is propagated by seeds and shoots from the root.

Weed control in the garden

What are the methods of weed control without the use of chemicals:

    • Digging up the site with a pitchfork. In this case, the grass is manually removed along with the roots. If you use a shovel or mechanical cultivator to dig, the roots of the plants will be cut and a new weed will grow from each piece, which is why there will be even more of them. The forks do not damage the roots, but carefully remove the entire weed from the ground.
    • Weeding. It must be done at least once a week, preventing weeds from growing. Use a sharp flat saw or hoe. Cut below the growth point, deepening the blade 2 cm into the ground. Weeding is more effective in sunny, dry weather, then the cut grass will dry out and will not have time to germinate again.
    • Mulching. Laying a layer of at least 5 cm of mulch prevents weeds from reaching the light. They use sawdust, leaves, crushed garden waste, black film - anything that will not let light through to the grass sprouts.

Among chemical agents, vinegar essence is used. Dilute it with water to obtain a 20% solution. Spray with a spray bottle, avoiding contact with cultivated plants, otherwise there will be burns on the leaves.

Herbicides are effective in controlling weeds. They come in two types:

    • All action. Destroy all plants in a row. Suitable for treating areas heavily overgrown with weeds and without garden crops. Or young weeds are sprayed before the planted plants have sprouted.
    • Selective action. Destroys weeds without affecting cereal plants. Used on lawns or plantings with wheat, rye and other grains.

The choice of method for exterminating weeds in the garden is yours. The main thing is to do everything on time and correctly, so as not to harm the soil and planted crops.


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