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Problems associated with autoloading in windows xp, 7, 8, 10 and, accordingly, the question: where is it located and what command calls it - all these happen due to the fact that over time the system is used, programs are gradually installed, some of them are automatically added to computer autostart.

As a result, loading time operating system increases significantly, this is especially important for computers with minimal installed equipment in terms of performance.

  • The fact that the computer runs slower and slows down directly affects the number of programs launched through startup, some of which may not be needed at the moment. This is especially true for torrent programs, which will also distribute previously downloaded media files, while also wasting Internet traffic.
  • In this article we will look at where it is located, what command opens startup programs in Windows xp, 7, 8, 10, how to remove programs from startup and what programs can be used for this.

This page contains information on topics such as (for quick navigation):

Command to start startup in Windows xp, 7

In order to enable and disable programs at startup in the operating system version xp, 7, a program is provided MSConfig, which is available by default.

  • To do this, press the key combination “ Win+R"(or find the program " execute» in search « Start»).

  • Enter command msconfig.exe and press " OK»

» a list of those installed for automatic startup will open along with enabling the loading of the operating system. Those that you think. not needed for startup, you can disable it unchecking and then press " OK»
  • After this, a message will appear indicating that you need reboot, after which the changes will take effect (you can simply close this window, and it will reboot along with the next shutdown/on of the computer).
  • Adding or removing programs in startup windows 8, 8.1, 10

    In Windows 8, 8.1, 10 operating systems, programs added to startup do not open through the utility MSConfig, worked for editing startup files in previous systems and when opened, the system prompts you to open startup through the task manager.

    • To do this, press the key combination “ Ctrl+Alt+Delet" and select launch " Task Manager".

    • In the window that opens (as in MSConfig) open the startup tab and select programs that are not needed by clicking the mouse and delete them with the button located at the bottom right.

    Disabling or enabling startup programs using CCleaner

    CCleaner is the most widespread and free program for changing the startup list. This program is also used for many useful functions, such as cleaning the registry, clearing temporary files and other actions necessary to optimize the system and speed up the computer.

    • Download and run it in the " tab Service"Open the "" section, mark programs that do not need startup and turn them off(or maybe turn it on the other way around, if necessary).

    Enabling a program in startup after it was recently disabled

    If, after disabling a program in the startup list after subsequent reboots, it automatically starts again when you turn on the computer, then you need to go to the settings of this program and find on/off. startup functions along with the Windows system, after which it will not download automatically when the system starts.

    The folder of programs added to startup is located in:

    C:\Users\Name\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Main Menu\Programs\Startup

    • In order to quickly open this folder, you need to open the command line by pressing the key combination “ Win+R"(or write the word " execute» in search « Start»).
    • In the open Run window, enter the command " shell:Startup" and press " OK«.

    • As a result, a window with a folder will open Startup, containing shortcuts to programs used to launch automatically when the system boots.

    • In order to add any program to startup, you need to make another program shortcut.

    • If there is no shortcut on the desktop, find the file storage location by opening the file properties in the " start", open " properties".

    • Click " file location" And create shortcut shown file.

    • And just move it to the above, startup folder.

    Which programs can be disabled in Windows startup and which cannot

    We cannot provide you with a specific list of necessary and important startup programs, since it depends on the programs individually installed on a separate computer, and among them there are those that can be launched together with others, just to work together.

    Therefore, we draw your attention to the fact that if you do not know what to disable, you can use the Internet search and find out what role they play on the computer or simply do not disable them, since perhaps they are needed as Windows services or for the operation of other applications, as a result programs that are important to you will start to crash or simply stop working. This also applies to computer security programs. Having previously familiarized yourself with their affiliation on the Internet, you will know which programs to disable and which not.

    Autorun all disks inWindowsXP can be disabled in several ways: manually editing the registry or using group policy.

    Option 1. Editing the Registry

    Launch regedit and look for the NoDriveTypeAutoRun parameter in one of the 2 registry branches:



    The table below shows the possible values ​​for the NoDriveTypeAutoRun parameter.
    The value of the NoDriveTypeAutoRun parameter determines for which drive or drives autorun functionality will be disabled. For example, if you want to disable autorun only for network drives, set the NoDriveTypeAutoRun parameter to 0x10.

    If you need to disable autorun for multiple drives, add the appropriate hexadecimal value to the 0x10 value. For example, to disable autorun for removable media and network drives, add the two hexadecimal values ​​0x4 and 0x10 to get the required value. 0x4 + 0x10 = 0x14 Thus, in this example, the NoDriveTypeAutoRun parameter would be set to 0x14.

    The default value of the NoDriveTypeAutoRun parameter (if there is a need to return autorun) differs in different Windows operating systems. These options are listed in the table below.

    Option 2: Editing Group Policy

    This option is visually simpler, but does not always work. For correct operation, apparently, you need to have a certain update package. Just a note for owners of a cropped version of Windows XP, that is, Windows XP Home Edition, there is no group policy there and you simply cannot disable autorun in this way.

    But for the owners full version In Windows XP Professional, this method is very useful, since using Group Policy you can disable disk autorun in just a few clicks.

    Let's go to Group Policy. To do this, click " Start - Run", in the window that opens we write Gpedit.msc .

    We get to the Group Policy window. Here we go: “ Computer Configuration – Administrative Templates – System" In the right window we look for the label “ Disable autorun" and click on it twice.

    Here, in the parameter tab, set the radio switch to the “ Enabled", and from the drop-down list select: " Disable autorun on: all drives».

    We all press " OK", reboot the computer; CDs and flash drives should not start automatically. Everything is very easy and simple and you don’t have to spend hours digging through the registry.

    The Windows XP operating system has a built-in feature called Startup, which is a means of automatically launching programs and applications along with the operating system. Many utilities are automatically added to startup at the time of installation, without the user's knowledge. And then, every time you turn on the PC, they are loaded into RAM and work in the background. If there are many such applications, and the computer’s resources are unlimited, in particular, this applies to RAM, then the system begins to noticeably slow down. Background applications that are automatically registered in startup in Windows XP include various messengers (Skype, Mail.Ru Agent, Viber, WhatsApp, etc.), as well as torrents and cloud solutions. But, in addition to useful software, there may also be malicious software. Their activities are in most cases hidden from the user's eyes. And you can often see that a virus has entered your computer only in startup. This also applies to potentially unwanted programs, such as Yandex.Bar and various types of browser managers. Working constantly, they create a lot of inconvenience by changing browser settings, and, in general, load the system quite heavily.

    How to solve this problem? How to disable autoloading of unwanted software on Windows XP? This can be done in several ways:

    • Through the system configuration.
    • Using third-party software, which we will talk about later.
    • And directly, in the settings of a specific utility that loads automatically.

    To disable or configure auto-start applications, you can press the key combination on your keyboard Win+R or by clicking on the menu “ Start" and selecting the built-in utility there " Execute».

    • In the field of the window that opens “ Execute"we write the word ( msconfig ) and click “Ok”.
    • Next, go to the “” tab in the system configuration window.

    • Here you can watch large number programs and utilities that automatically launch when the system starts. To disable their autoloading along with the OS, you need to uncheck unnecessary boxes and confirm your choice by clicking “ OK».

    Attention: Windows XP software startup means disabling programs. Configuring applications to load at system startup does not remove them from the computer, but only excludes them from the list of programs that automatically start when the PC is turned on. All applications and utilities will also remain on the computer and can be turned on manually at any time. The same applies to malicious and unwanted software; by disabling them here, in the startup window, they will not go anywhere, and you will need to remove them from the computer yourself in other ways.

    How to set up autorun using third-party software

    You can also configure autoloading using third-party software. One such program is the CCleaner utility. Excellent free program, which should be on every computer for every user. There are a great variety of similar programs online and you can give preference to any of them. Sikliner, here in the article, is described as an example. We launch the utility, which, by the way, has a fairly wide library of functions. But we are interested in autoloading. Go to the tab " Service", and here in the subsection "" we enable or disable the loading of utilities at the discretion of the user.

    You can disable the automatic launch of a program along with the OS from within the utility itself. Here you need to run the utility and go to the settings, in the settings find the startup section for it from the OS

    • Using Skype as an example, launch Skype.

    • Go to the menu " Tools».
    • Next " Settings».
    • In the subsection " General settings"Uncheck the box" Run with Windows».

    Now, after restarting your computer or laptop, Skype will not start. The procedure for excluding some other program will be different, but you need to look for this item in the settings of the utility itself. Good luck!

    Startup contains programs that automatically start when you log in. However, not all applications are needed in startup, so users have a desire to remove some of them, but in order to do this, you need to know how to open startup in Windows 7 and other OSes.

    Why do you need to disable programs at startup?

    Along with the necessary software, applications may also appear in autostart after downloading. Of course, some of them are quite useful. For example, it is desirable that the antivirus is turned on immediately after loading the OS. Utilities necessary for Windows to function correctly are also located here.

    At the same time, you have the opportunity to independently add applications to autostart that you often use and want them to be included when the system boots. very convenient, but you need to understand that, including the computer, the OS will take longer to load. In other words, you will not be able to immediately start working, for example, open a Word document, since the OS will not yet be fully loaded.

    Programs that are in startup consume RAM, and in some cases also use the Internet connection, so you need to understand how to open startup in Windows 7, 8, XP and disable some of them.

    Autorun in Windows XP

    There are several ways to see which applications are in Win XP startup. The most popular is using the command line. To do this, press the Win + R buttons and enter msconfig in the window that appears. Now click “OK” or press the Enter key.

    So, a window has appeared on your monitor screen where you need to go to the “Startup” section. Here you can uncheck the checkboxes located opposite those applications that you do not need in autostart.

    In addition to using the Win and R buttons, you can go to the Start menu and select the Run command. Here (in “Start”), click “All Programs”, and then find the “Startup” section. By clicking on it, you will see which programs are currently running along with the operating system.

    Now that you know how to open startup in Windows XP, you will be able to customize the launch of applications as you wish.

    Autoloading in the "seven"

    In the seventh version of Windows, entering autorun is also very easy. You can use one of the methods mentioned above. For example, when you call the command line (Win + R) and enter the word msconfig into it, you will be able to disable programs that cause the OS to slow down. To do this, you will need to go to the “Startup” tab and remove the checkboxes next to unnecessary applications.

    However, such programs may be present not only in startup, but also in the “Services” section. Go back to (you already know how to do this) and go to the appropriate section. To avoid deleting something you need, check the box next to “Hide Microsoft services” at the bottom. If you are a novice user, then it is better not to touch anything at all in this section.

    After completing all the steps, you will be prompted to reboot the system. You can do this immediately or the changes will take effect the next time you start Windows.

    in Windows 8?

    In order to enter the G8 autorun, you can use the same command - msconfig. At the same time, when you open the “Startup” tab, you will not see a list of programs that are located there, but you will be prompted to follow a link to the “Task Manager”.

    In the corresponding section you can see all applications that launch simultaneously with the operating system. To disable any of them, right-click on the program and select the desired action from the drop-down menu.

    Here you can see what impact this or that program has on loading the OS. And based on this, decide what to do with it.

    You already remember how to open startup via, but not everyone knows how to quickly call it. You can do this by simultaneously pressing the Ctrl + Shift + Esc buttons.

    Autoruns program

    If you don’t know how to open startup in Windows 7, XP or G8, then install a utility that allows you to see what applications are in startup. One of the most popular is “Authorance”. It should be said that this program is absolutely free. You can download it from the official website.

    Despite the fact that the program was released on English, it is very easy to work with her. Once you launch it, you will see many tabs. Open the Everythihg section to see what is present in startup.

    When there is a need to get rid of a certain program from startup, simply uncheck the box next to it.


    So, you have learned how to open startup in Windows 7 and other popular operating systems. Now you will have the opportunity to independently choose which applications you need in startup and which ones you don’t. However, remember that you cannot disable utilities, as this will affect the operation of the OS.

    If you look closely, you will notice that, in principle, logging into startup is practically no different in different operating systems, but if you have difficulties, you can install a third-party utility.

    And setting up the operating room Windows systems XP to provide the best performance. And today our topic is Setting up Windows XP startup. What autoloading methods are there? Where can I find a list of programs loaded by Windows? How to remove a program from Windows XP startup? How to add a program to Windows startup?

    After starting the operating system, in addition to Windows services, some programs installed by the user such as ICQ, mail agent, various download managers, and so on are automatically launched. There can be a huge number of these programs; many novice computer users do not pay attention to special attention these programs.

    However, these programs firstly slow down the startup of the Windows XP system, and after starting during system operation, these programs take up part of the computer's resources and devour RAM, although the computer user may even rarely use these programs.

    Accordingly, by removing these programs from the Windows XP startup list, you can significantly speed up Windows XP. To achieve this, you need to constantly monitor Windows XP startup and remove unnecessary programs from there. I recommend removing even those programs that you often use and keeping them in the startup list, and launching them manually if necessary.

    How to view the Windows XP startup list and how to remove unnecessary programs from there?

    To remove a program from Windows XP startup, you need to launch the startup editor. To do this, hold down the “Win” key, press the “R” key, after opening “Run”, enter “msconfig” into the line of the program launch window and click “OK”.

    After the panel window.

    Next, in the list of programs, find the name of the program that you want to remove from the system startup and uncheck it. Of course, there is no specific list of Windows startup programs, so you must decide for yourself which programs you will need after starting the system and which ones you won’t.

    After this is done, click the “Apply” button and restart the computer.

    You also need to clear the folder in which there are shortcuts for programs launched after the system starts. If you wish, you can add a shortcut to this folder for the program that you want to add to Windows startup.

    You can view the contents of this folder by opening the menu.

    Or at: .. \Documents and Settings\All Users\Main Menu\Programs\Startup

    There is another convenient function of this folder; all programs added to this folder will automatically launch upon startup, this is understandable. However, if you hold down the “Shift” key when starting the system, then all programs added to the folder will not start when Windows XP starts.

    I hope this article will be useful for those who want to learn how to remove a program from Windows XP startup.


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