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Real estate objects.


What is cadastral value?

This concept characterizes the price that the state appointed for a specific apartment or house.

This value is conditional and is fixed exclusively in Rosreestr documents(since its determination is carried out by this organization).

Unfortunately, despite changes made to the mechanism for calculating this value in 2012, the price remains quite significant to this day.

However, compared to the previously used inventory price of real estate, the KS is currently closer to real conditions.

The difference between market and cadastral values ​​is due, first of all, to the fact that it is calculated through mass assessment existing housing, buildings or land plots in this class.

In this case, individual analysis is not performed. However, it is on the basis of the Constitutional Court that all calculations of the tax burden on the presented real estate are currently carried out.

What does it consist of?

Since KS is a mathematical quantity, its calculation occurs according to certain rules.

These rules are approved by the internal regulations of Rosreestr, according to which revaluation should be carried out every five years.

This is due to the fact that over such a period of time the average price of a particular object may change, how the infrastructure around the site may change. What is usually taken into account when calculating this amount:

After all the specified parameters are evaluated, mathematical calculation method the value of specific real estate objects is formed.

However, this value is approximate and often differs quite seriously from the market price, since it does not take into account individual characteristics (for example, the architecture of the building in which the apartment is located, or the internal layout of the home).

What is the determination procedure?

Unfortunately, the procedure by which all calculations should be made has not yet been determined - until now, every appraisal organization that carries out cadastral valuation under a state contract concluded with departments of Rosreestr, treat all objects differently.

That is, a unified calculation methodology has not yet been formed. The assessment regulations approved by Rosreestr formulate only a list of those components on the basis of which data should be generated.

However, each organization has its own methodology for interpreting them. It is for this reason that the difference in the figure obtained based on the results of the activities carried out to date big enough.

However, if it is not possible to obtain information in exactly this way, there is a desire to calculate everything yourself.

It is necessary to immediately stipulate that the calculation quite a complicated procedure, the result of which may not correspond to reality (for example, an error was made in the initial coefficient from which the calculation is made, or the area of ​​the object of interest was incorrectly calculated).

The most common calculation option is based on the specific KS indicator of one square meter of real estate established for a specific region.

To calculate it we take tax rate on land or property established for the region, and multiplied by 200. The resulting value must be multiplied per area area or apartment (house) of interest. This amount will be considered the cadastral value of a specific property.

However, when making an independent calculation, you must remember that, as mentioned above, there may be an error in it, due to which subsequent calculations, for example, the amount of tax, may turn out to be incorrect.

Therefore, to obtain high-quality and reliable information it is necessary contact specialized units who are officially involved in determining the value of real estate.

KS of real estate objects is an approximate value compared to the market price, since it does not take into account the individual characteristics of an apartment or land plot, although the territorial location is one of the key aspects when conducting an assessment.

There is currently no unified methodology for calculating this value, but there is a list of key aspects that must be analyzed.

It is for this reason that it is sufficient It’s difficult to calculate this value yourself– this is fraught with errors and incorrect interpretation of the total amount.

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Legislative acts of the Russian Federation define that the cadastral value of real estate should be understood as the market price of objects, which experts determine by mass valuation, thanks to an in-depth analysis of the current state of the market and existing prices on it relative to a certain calendar date.

If it is impossible, due to various objective reasons, to determine the price using such a generally accepted method, the price of each object is determined individually.

Determining the price of an object, which is established as a result of an assessment by specialists, is a very important factor in the formation, and the result is taken into account in any transactions carried out with real estate.

The value of the property, determined by experts, is necessary; based on the established price, the rent is calculated and the redemption amounts for the property are established.

Legislative framework

Valuation activities in the Russian Federation are regulated by Federal Law No. 135, signed on July 29, 1998. The legislative act not only defines the concept of value, but also defines the subjects of this process, establishes requirements for concluded contracts and reporting documentation submitted to cadastral structures.

Federal Law No. 135 became the basis for the legislative adoption of FSO No. 4 (Order No. 508 of the Ministry of Economic Development dated October 22, 2010).

The approval of FSO No. 4 made it possible to qualitatively regulate the assessment procedure, establishing a new legislative order in the direction of valuation activities, corresponding to a market economy.

Reasons for the procedure

stipulates that the basis for starting the process can be an agreement signed between the customer and the person conducting the assessment. An agreement to set a price is concluded with a legal or civil person who has entered into an employment contract with the customer.

Revaluation of real estate is very often associated with reasons affecting the market value, and becomes one of the grounds for revaluation. Such reasons include:

  • changes that have occurred in the market;
  • rapid wear of the object;
  • inflation.

Attention! The basis for re-establishing the price of an object may be decisions of the courts, as well as a resolution of the authorized body.

FSO requirements No. 4 for determining prices

The requirements established by FSO No. 4 indicate some features during the procedure. The legislatively approved act determines that:

  1. The price of objects is set on the calendar date when a list of objects prepared for determining the price is created. The price is valid on the day the list is formed.
  2. The selected methods and developed methods for accurately determining the price must be justified. They are carried out using computer modeling programs or, alternatively, without the use of a PC (that is, manually on paper).
  3. The methods used to study the value do not take into account any existing encumbrances, except for legally established easements.

What types of buildings are considered?

The object of assessment can be any real estate, if data about it is stored in the State Property Committee at the time of the start of the procedure. The information recorded in the cadastre is the main requirement of FSO No. 4 to begin the assessment process. Thus, if a building is not taken into account in the cadastre, then the value for it cannot be determined.

A list of buildings generated and prepared for evaluation, according to the customer’s request, is provided to him by one of the regional structures. The list of objects is grouped according to characteristics that are similar to each other in order to apply certain approach methods to each individual group that make it possible to establish the cost.

Creating a list of real estate implies obtaining detailed information about the technical characteristics of objects prepared for the procedure.


Legislative acts have regulated the process of real estate valuation, so this process can be carried out without any particular difficulties. The entire FSO procedure is divided into certain stages, and it is enough for those authorized to set the cost of the object to adhere to the rules established by law.

Implementation stages

According to the laws of the Russian Federation, determination can be made by civil and legal entities who have the appropriate qualifications and a document granting the right to this type of activity.

The assessment process is carried out in stages and involves the following actions:(listed in order from start to end of process):

Below is a sample certificate of the cadastral value of a property:

By what methods is it determined?

To build the selected model for the formation of the cadastral price, the specialist analyzes a large amount of collected information about the prices that have developed in the current real estate market. It is important that all information is accurate.

In a situation where the general information collected by the appraiser about a group of similar buildings is not enough for him to build a specific model, then Each specific object is assessed individually.

When determining the cadastral value, the specialist uses data on the structure taken from, as well as land management documentation and other data obtained from various government agencies and organizations. The main thing is that the data has an evidence base.

Where are the research results recorded?

The generated results, which made it possible to determine the cadastral value of real estate, imply the preparation of a report by the specialist who carried out the valuation procedure.

According to the law, exactly 7 months are allotted for writing a report with the results obtained from the calendar date of concluding the contract for the assessment procedure.

One copy of the report compiled during the assessment process is transferred to the cadastral chamber, where an act of approval of the results of the assessment of the object is drawn up. The date the act came into force is considered the date of legislative approval of the results obtained.

The procedure for determining the price of an object, prescribed in the legislation of the Russian Federation and regulated by FSO No. 4, allows appraisers to efficiently and effectively carry out the work assigned to them.

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In accordance with Article 19 of the Federal Law of July 29, 1998 No. 135-FZ “On Valuation Activities in the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1998, No. 31, Art. 3813; 2006, No. 31, Art. 3456; 2007 , No. 29, Art. 3482; 2011, No. 1, Art. 43; 2014, No. 4226)

If it is impossible to include all pricing factors in the mass assessment model of the cadastral value and provided that the values ​​of the corresponding pricing factors are available, appropriate adjustments are introduced;

2) method of a typical (reference) object of assessment.

A description of the method is presented in . This valuation method is used in the absence of market information sufficient to construct a statistical model for a group (subgroup) of valuation objects;

3) modeling methods based on specific indicators of cadastral value (UCV).

A description of the method is presented in . The method is used for groups (subgroups) of valuation objects similar to groups (subgroups) of valuation objects, the cadastral value of which is determined based on the construction of statistical models, in cases where it is not possible to use the statistical modeling method and the method of a typical valuation object due to the lack of accurate location information the object of assessment and its other characteristics;

4) method of indexing past results.

A description of the method is presented in . This valuation method is used for groups (subgroups) of real estate objects other than land plots, for which there has been no change in characteristics in relation to the previous state cadastral valuation.

6.2.1. Construction of models for assessing cadastral value (statistical model).

The cadastral value assessment model is understood as a mathematical formula that reflects the relationship between the dependent variable (cadastral value) and the values ​​of independent variables (pricing factors of the objects being assessed).

The procedure for constructing a cadastral value assessment model:

1) determining a method for modeling the influence of the location of assessment objects;

2) determining the composition of pricing factors included in the cadastral value assessment model, taking into account the location of the assessment objects;

3) determining the type of cadastral value assessment model;

4) determination of the coefficients of the cadastral value assessment model;

5) analysis of the statistical significance of the cadastral value assessment model;

6) testing the cadastral value assessment model on a control sample. The main methods of modeling the influence of the location of assessment objects (including the factor of location of assessment objects in the cadastral value assessment model) are:

1) use of the location coefficient defined for the price zone;

2) use of the value response surface to the location of assessment objects;

3) using the value of distances (ranges of distances) from the objects of influence (price-forming factors) of the objects of assessment.

The location coefficient shows how much the specific value of real estate in a specific price zone differs from the value of real estate throughout the assessed territory. The location coefficient for a price zone is calculated as the ratio of the average price of transactions (offers) in the price zone to the average price for all transactions (offers). To calculate such a coefficient, the influence of other characteristics, with the exception of location, can be excluded from transaction (offer) prices using regression analysis.

The cost response surface is a cartographic illustration of the function of location cost as a function of coordinates. The response surface is a three-dimensional plot of continuous values ​​of the location coefficient (Z axis) versus geographic coordinates (X and Y axes).

If location is modeled using a cost-location response surface, the result can be "coarsened" (scaled down by price zones) to produce uniform coefficients across price zones.

The location coefficient for the price zone is further used in the cadastral value assessment model.

When using distance values ​​from objects that affect the cost of the specified values ​​(for example, distance from the city center), they are used as variables in the statistical model. The selection of price-forming factors of valuation objects for constructing cadastral value assessment models can be carried out by two methods: expert and (or) correlation-regression.

The expert method involves the selection of pricing factors for valuation objects based on expert opinion. The choice of each pricing factor for valuation objects must be justified.

The correlation-regression method involves selecting evaluation objects as pricing factors to build models of those factors corresponding to significance (determination) coefficients whose values ​​are at least 0.3.

Determination of the coefficient values ​​of the cadastral value assessment model (calibration of the model) is carried out using mathematical methods, the main of which are regression analysis and the feedback method. The type of cadastral value assessment model must be justified. The analysis of the statistical significance of the cadastral value assessment model is carried out using indicators corresponding to the selected type of cadastral value assessment model and calibration method.

Only statistically significant models for assessing cadastral value are subject to consideration.

In the absence of statistically significant models for assessing the cadastral value for this group, additional collection and processing of market information and (or) regrouping of real estate objects is carried out based on the proximity of the values ​​of cost factors and the price level of transactions (offers).

Further quality analysis is carried out only for statistically significant models for assessing cadastral value (analysis on a control sample, that is, part of the transactions (offers) not used in constructing the model, but reserved for the purpose of analyzing the quality of the model for assessing cadastral value). The control sample must be of a size sufficient to ensure statistical significance of the results of testing the cadastral value assessment model.

If, as a result of selecting models for assessing cadastral value based on quality criteria, more than one model was selected, then the model with the best quality is selected among the selected models.

In the absence of high-quality valuation models for this group, additional collection and processing of market information and (or) regrouping of real estate objects is carried out based on the proximity of the values ​​of cost factors and the price level of transactions (offers). A model for assessing cadastral value is considered suitable for subsequent calculation of cadastral value if the quality parameters of the model are within acceptable limits and are close in value on the training and control samples.

The model chosen for calculation must meet the requirement of explainability, as well as provide the ability to analyze the sensitivity of the final result depending on changes in factors.

The requirement of explainability means the ability to explain the dependence of the result on the input parameters, as well as the correspondence of this dependence to real estate market data. Sensitivity analysis shows how much the value determined using the cadastral valuation model changes when any factor changes by a given amount. Based on the results of constructing a model for assessing cadastral value, a description of a typical object is carried out. The description of a typical object is carried out in the context of price-forming factors, indicating the ranges of values ​​of price-forming factors for the corresponding group (subgroup), as well as indicating the average level of cadastral value, calculated on the basis of the corresponding model, for price zones and municipal districts (urban districts). The description of a typical object indicates both the pricing factors included in the valuation model and those not included.

6.2.2. Method of a typical (reference) object of assessment.

The method of a standard (reference) object of assessment is to determine the cost of a standard (reference) object. Adjustments may be made to the cost of a standard (reference) object, taking into account the difference in the pricing characteristics of the valuation object from the standard (reference) object of valuation.

The type object method is as follows:

1) a group (subgroup) of assessment objects is determined in which it is possible (expedient) to typology the assessment objects;

2) the basis for typology is determined - a characteristic or group of characteristics of the objects of assessment, on the basis of which it is possible to group the objects of assessment by type;

3) a typology of assessment objects is carried out;

4) a standard assessment object is formed;

5) the cost of a typical valuation object is determined;

6) depending on the type of use of the valuation objects, adjustments may be made to the value of the valuation objects when the cost of a standard valuation object is extended to them.

6.2.3. Modeling method based on UPKS.

Calculation of the cadastral value of appraised objects based on the UCD of real estate objects of other groups (subgroups) of appraised objects.

This method involves modeling using specific indicators of cadastral value determined for other groups (subgroups) of objects.

The method is used in cases where it is not possible to use the statistical modeling method and the standard object method due to a lack of information about the exact location of the valuation object and its other precise characteristics, that is, when there are no values ​​of pricing factors that would need to be substituted into the cadastral value assessment model, obtained as a result of applying a statistical modeling method or a typical object method. The method can be used to determine the cadastral value of unfinished construction objects or objects of undetermined purpose (objects of other purposes).

The method is as follows:

1) the level of detail of the location of the property is determined (cadastral block, settlement, municipality);

2) the average value of the specific indicator of the cadastral value of valuation objects that are similar in type of use of groups (subgroups) of valuation objects existing within the territorial unit (cadastral quarter, settlement, municipality) in which the valuation object is located is determined;

3) the cadastral value of the valuation object is determined by multiplying the average value of the specific indicator of the cadastral value of valuation objects of groups (subgroups) of valuation objects similar in type of use in the cadastral quarter (if not in the cadastral quarter - in the populated area or municipality) in which the object is located estimates for its area.

Within the framework of this method, the average values ​​of SVKS can be determined taking into account the known characteristics of the object being assessed (wall material, floor (number of floors), etc.).

6.2.4. Method of indexing past results.

This method of determining the cadastral value of a group of objects consists of indexing the values ​​of the cadastral value of capital construction projects established as a result of the previous cadastral valuation.

6.3. Cost-effective approach.

6.3.1. Modeling within the cost approach is based on determining the dependence of the costs of replacing assessment objects based on the specific cost indicators for the construction of basic facilities.

Basic objects are understood as real estate objects that are closest in their characteristics to the corresponding group (subgroup) of objects of assessment.

6.3.2. Groups (subgroups) of real estate objects, the cadastral value of which is determined by the cost approach, are divided based on the types of use of the objects of assessment with the division of objects according to the class of the structural scheme and the quality class of the object (the level of finishing coatings and the quality of utilities), the class of their capital, construction conditions, etc. .

If there is no available information on any parameter, this parameter is determined based on assumptions or is not included in the grouping.

6.3.3. When determining the cadastral value, it is recommended to use replacement costs as the calculation base.

Replacement costs are an estimate of the costs of constructing or acquiring a new, modern, equivalent property as of the valuation date. It is recommended to consider financing costs during the construction period from your own funds if this corresponds to the usual conditions for the construction of a real estate property in the corresponding segment of the market for appraisal objects. Compensation for the use of investment funds in construction during construction can be taken into account when calculating the amount of business profit by the method of compensation for opportunity costs (income approach techniques) or other methods that reflect the excess of prevailing market prices over the costs of creating a real estate property.

When calculating the amount of profit of an entrepreneur using the method of compensating opportunity costs, it is necessary to take into account all investments associated with the creation of a real estate property, including the investments necessary to acquire rights to a land plot, as well as the time required to carry out engineering, survey and design work, and project approval.

Physical wear and tear is a loss of usefulness of a property or its components associated with a temporary factor (natural aging) or operating conditions, which leads to a loss of value.

Physical wear and tear is calculated based on technical documentation data. When using technical documentation data, the date of completion of this documentation should be taken into account. When using historical data (the date of completion is more than 1 year from the date of assessment), an adjustment for condition must be made. If there is a sufficient amount of data on the physical deterioration of objects, it is recommended to build a model of wear accumulation by objects of one group, broken down by similar objects in similar operating conditions (developed centers of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, depressed territories).

To achieve the goals of conducting a cadastral assessment, it is allowed to use different models of physical deterioration for different groups (subgroups) of assessment objects. It should be taken into account that the maximum calculated value of physical wear and tear cannot exceed the maximum wear and tear values ​​during operation of the objects being assessed, except in cases confirming the need for their demolition.

Functional obsolescence represents the loss of utility due to inefficiency that characterizes the property being valued compared to its substitute, provided that such loss results in a loss of value in the property being valued. Functional obsolescence is largely taken into account when used in real estate replacement cost calculations.

External (economic) obsolescence is a loss of utility of a property caused by economic or locational factors external to the property in question, resulting in the property losing its value.

In cases where, due to the lack of sufficient market information, it is impossible to reliably determine the economic and (or) functional obsolescence of cadastral valuation objects, only physical depreciation is taken into account, that is, a decrease in the cost of constructing a new object by the amount of depreciation. Physical deterioration of cadastral valuation objects is determined based on the effective age method. The service life of capital construction objects, taken into account when determining physical wear and tear during the mass assessment of capital construction objects, is indicated in these Guidelines.

When calculating physical wear and tear, the assumption is made that if the chronological age of the object being assessed is 0.6 - 1.0 or more than its standard service life, it is assumed that the object was maintained in working order through periodic repairs, in which the object was not restored until new condition, and only visible defects and existing deficiencies that could affect performance characteristics were eliminated. Moreover, if the chronological age is 60 percent or more of its standard service life, the amount of accumulated wear is taken equal to 60%; and if the chronological age is equal to or exceeds the standard service life of the assessed object, then the amount of accumulated wear and tear is taken equal to 70 percent.

In the case of a major repair or reconstruction of an object, the date of completion of the major repair or reconstruction is taken as the date for putting the object into operation (the start date of its standard service life). When assessing premises in buildings and structures using the cost approach, it is recommended to calculate the cost of the building or structure of which the premises are a part, based on the share of area or construction volume related to these premises in the total area or construction volume of the building or structure. At the same time, within the framework of the cost approach, no further adjustments are made to the occupied floor, view characteristics, type of entrance, etc. The assessment of unfinished construction projects is carried out in full accordance with the assessment of commissioned facilities. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the percentage of readiness of the unfinished construction project, the date of commencement of construction proceedings (or construction permit), the date of suspension of construction and installation work, as well as the presence of measures for conservation of the unfinished construction project.

The percentage of readiness of an unfinished construction project (in the absence of documentary evidence) can be calculated based on the date of issuance of the construction permit, the date of assessment and the completion date of the construction of the unfinished construction project in question (normative or typical for a given region). The costs of construction (reproduction, replacement) of the objects of assessment are calculated on the basis of estimated construction standards, that is, on the basis of state, industry, territorial, company or individual estimate standards that form a system of pricing and estimate standardization in construction, using the corresponding approved price indices in construction for construction and installation work used in cost estimates for industrial and housing and civil construction, and the coefficients of transition from the prices of the base area to the price level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

If there are several estimate standards for a particular standard object, territorial (regional) estimate standards are applied first. If they do not exist or are not approved, other reference books on the costs of construction of the corresponding groups of objects are selected and the rationale for such a choice is made.

6.4. Income approach.

6.4.1. The use of the income approach is possible both to determine the cost of reference valuation objects with subsequent modeling of the calculation results for similar valuation objects, distinguished by a single set of main pricing factors, and to model the cost of individual groups (subgroups) of valuation objects. Depending on the chosen method of use, one or another grouping of assessment objects is used. At the same time, it is not excluded that for objects of one type of use one principle of calculation and, accordingly, grouping will be chosen, and for another - a second one.

6.4.2. Within the framework of the income approach, the value of a property can be determined:

1) direct capitalization method;

2) the method of discounting cash flows.

Valuation objects are assessed based on the indicators of profitability of their use characteristic of the corresponding market segment, without taking into account the actual encumbrance of rental relations and individual indicators of the efficiency of their use.

6.4.3. The implementation of income approach techniques is carried out by capitalizing or discounting net operating income associated with the use of valuation objects. This does not take into account taxes associated with their ownership, including property taxes of organizations and individuals, land tax, as well as corporate income tax and personal income tax.

When determining net operating income, the potential gross income determined on the basis of the market rent prevailing on the date of assessment for similar properties is adjusted taking into account the average level of underutilization and operating expenses (primarily utility costs and the cost of ongoing repairs).

Determining the value of real estate assets using the direct capitalization method is done by dividing the typical net operating income per year by the total capitalization rate for the assets being valued. The overall capitalization rate is calculated in accordance with market conditions by the ratio of the annual net operating income from the rental of the assessed objects and the prices of comparable transactions (offers) for the assessed objects. If it is impossible to calculate net operating income and (or) capitalization rates for income-generating real estate based on market information, the appropriate indicators specified in and to these Guidelines are applied if they do not contradict the data of the corresponding segment of the real estate market.

For valuation objects with pronounced fluctuations in income, it is recommended to use discounted cash flow calculations. When calculating by discounting cash flows, it is recommended to use a nominal discount rate, and to include forecast inflation in the real estate segment under consideration in the calculation model.

The discounted cash flow method applies to future cash flows with any forecast of changes over time and determines their present value by discounting at a rate corresponding to the return on investment. The discount rate characterizes the reduction (discounting) of all cash flows (incomes) common in a given market segment relating to different periods of time, including from their possible sale in the future. If it is impossible to determine discount rates based on reliable information about the terms of sale of appraisal objects with valid lease agreements, it is possible to use transaction lending rates that are usual for this market segment as a discount rate.

VII. Determination of cadastral value as part of an individual calculation

7.1. Individual calculation can be used when determining the cadastral value in the following cases:

1) it is required to determine the value of a reference (conditional) object with given characteristics, in relation to which the values ​​of the objects of assessment will be modeled;

2) it is required to determine the value of specific real estate objects in order to provide a sufficient amount of information about the market (market segment) of the objects of assessment for subsequent statistical processing. It is recommended that the number of properties calculated individually be kept to a minimum;

3) calculation using statistical processing of objects due to insufficient information about the market (market segment) of the objects being assessed is impossible.

7.2. An individual calculation for entering the value into the state real estate cadastre is carried out based on the type of actual use of the property being valued. Analysis of the most effective use when determining the cadastral value of a land plot is carried out only when assessing undeveloped plots. If there are sufficient grounds, based on specific facts and legally permitted conditions for the use of the territory, to believe that the type of use of the property being assessed will change (taking into account future development due to a change in the type of use) and this change will lead to higher income from the use of this object or its sale (alienation), this should be taken into account when drawing up models for determining the cadastral value of such an object.

7.3. For objects whose value is primarily formed by the value of business (hotel complexes, health resorts, gas stations, etc.), when using comparative and income approaches, it is necessary to highlight the contribution of business to the value of the property, as well as the share of the value of movable property that is independent object of property taxation:

7.4. The assessment of land plots that are part of a single production and technological complex (a single piece of real estate based on stable production, technological and other connections) is carried out on the basis of an assessment of the entire complex. The cost of a specific land plot or other property that is part of a single production and technological complex is calculated in proportion to their contribution to the generation of income from this complex, and (or) the costs of their creation, or in proportion to their share of the area or other physical characteristics. In the event of a significant (more than 20%) discrepancy between the calculation results within the framework of the cost-based and other approaches to the assessment of the objects under consideration, it is necessary to analyze the reasons for such discrepancies and make the necessary adjustments. All income in excess of sufficient (justified by the market) to compensate for the costs of creating the complex in question, taking into account the amount of business profit, is recommended to be classified as business income and not taken into account in the cost of real estate.

7.5. When conducting an individual assessment of capital construction projects (CCS), the main CCS object should include auxiliary facilities that are not independent objects of cadastral registration.

The assessment of structures is predominantly carried out using a cost approach. It is possible to use the income and comparative approaches, however, one should take into account the possible impact on the result of the calculation of movable property, as well as objects that may be independent objects of cadastral registration, including land plots.

7.6. As initial data for modeling, as well as for establishing cadastral value, the Contractor can use the results of other assessments - reports on determining the market value of objects provided by the Customer (including those commissioned by the copyright holders of these objects) in order to increase the reliability of the cadastral valuation results. In this case, the decision to use such reports, as well as responsibility for the results of their use, rests entirely with the Contractor.

VIII. Quality control of the cadastral value determination results

8.1. Quality control of the results of determining the cadastral value includes a number of procedures carried out by the Contractor with the participation of the Customer:

1) checking the initial data on the objects of assessment, organizing their reconciliation and clarification;

2) market analysis, collection and verification (including by inspection) of data on transactions and offers.

8.2. Quality control of the results of determining the cadastral value should be carried out at each stage of determining the cadastral value.

IX. Consideration of comments on the determination of cadastral value

9.1. Comments regarding the unreliability of information about the characteristics of the property presented in the List may be taken into account if the unreliability of such information is confirmed.

Comments regarding the discrepancy between the actual use and the type of permitted use of the property, which led to its incorrect classification into the group of types of permitted use, are considered if there are documents (or copies of documents) submitted by the applicant or links to such documents confirming the actual use of this property. In case of significant doubts about the need to take into account the submitted comments and the reliability of the evidence, the question of the need to take such comments into account is agreed upon with the Customer.

9.2. Comments regarding the unreliability of information about the characteristics of the property used in determining the cadastral value and not contained in the List are considered if there are documents (or copies of documents) submitted by the applicant or references to such documents confirming the unreliability of such information.

If it is confirmed as a result of verification that the information used is unreliable (or the absence of characteristics essential for determining the value), appropriate changes are made to the cadastral value of the property if such information affects its cadastral value.

If there is not enough market data to make reasonable adjustments, it is possible to use data from the information material provided in these Guidelines, if they do not contradict the data of the corresponding segment of the real estate market.

9.3. If, when considering the comments regarding the calculated (main) part, including the market information used and the selected model for determining the cadastral value itself, violations are identified, the Contractor corrects the violations in terms of the cadastral value of real estate objects, if such violations affect their cadastral value.

9.4. Comments regarding the unreliability of information about the characteristics of the property (including the lack of information about any characteristics) that are not pricing factors in the valuation model used do not indicate a violation if an additional check of its validity indicates non-distortion of the cadastral value and, accordingly, require corrections. At the same time, on these grounds, comments on such characteristics of the objects of assessment cannot be ignored, which relate to the provision of real estate objects with connections to utility networks (electricity, gas, heat and water supply and sewerage), the classification of residential properties as emergency and dilapidated, as well as classifying the objects of assessment as cultural heritage sites, if confirmed. If the valuation model used to determine the cadastral value of real estate does not take into account such characteristics, they must be additionally taken into account properly in the cadastral value valuation model.

9.5. If the identified violation applies not only to the property specified by the applicant, but also affects the cadastral value of other real estate items, appropriate changes are made in relation to all objects to which this violation applies.

9.6. In the absence of evidence of unreliability of information, the comment is considered unmotivated and may not be considered. The Contractor has the right to take into account an unmotivated remark, if there is reason to consider it justified, when agreeing on this decision by the Customer.

Appendix No. 1
To ,

dated June 7, 2016 No. 358

Characteristics that describe land plots and buildings and structures

For land plots of agricultural land and forest areas For undeveloped land (including buildable) and built-up land For buildings and structures
Area Actual yield taking into account crop rotation Quality of the soil layer Transport accessibility Distance from markets Area Availability of utility networks (proximity of utility networks and conditions for connecting to them) Territorial zone Transport accessibility Centers of positive and negative influence of surrounding development Total area and/or building volume Quality of construction, including wall material Effective age or actual physical condition Structure and purpose of premises

Appendix No. 2
To ,
approved Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
dated June 7, 2016 No. 358

Form for providing a list of real estate objects, the cadastral value of which was determined in the period between the date of the last state cadastral valuation and the date of the next state cadastral valuation

Appendix No. 3
To ,
approved Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
dated June 7, 2016 No. 358

Form for providing a list of real estate objects, the cadastral value of which is disputed at a commission meeting or in court

No. Cadastral number of the property Commission/judicial procedure Basis for the decision to revise the cadastral value Characteristics of the property, the change of which resulted in a change in the cadastral value Cadastral value of the property before the dispute is considered Cadastral value of the property after consideration of the dispute
Characteristic name The value of the characteristics of the property before changing the cadastral value Updated value of the characteristics of the property after changing the cadastral value of the property Document justifying changes in the characteristics of the property

Appendix No. 4
To ,
approved Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
dated June 7, 2016 No. 358

Indicative list of various information systems for the main pricing factors of valuation objects

No. Type of cadastre, register, information system
1 Information system for supporting urban planning activities
2 Federal State Information System for Territorial Planning
3 Federal information address system
4 State Register of Municipal Entities of the Russian Federation
5 State cadastre of specially protected natural areas
6 Unified State Register of Cultural Heritage Objects (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation
7 State information support system in the field of agriculture
8 Information systems of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, including an electronic atlas of agricultural lands
9 State Forest Register
10 Register of the resort fund of the Russian Federation
11 State water register
12 State hunting register
13 State waste cadastre, which includes the State register of waste disposal sites
14 Register of electric grid facilities included in the unified national (all-Russian) electric grid
15 Russian Register of Hydraulic Structures
16 Federal information register of guaranteeing suppliers and areas of their activity
17 State register of hazardous production facilities
18 Unified State Register of Highways
19 State cadastre of deposits and occurrences of minerals
20 State register of works on geological study of subsoil, subsoil areas provided for the extraction of minerals, as well as for purposes not related to their extraction, and licenses for the use of subsoil
21 Register of contracts concluded by customers (state, municipal)

Appendix No. 5
To ,
approved Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
dated June 7, 2016 No. 358

Main segments of the real estate market

List of types of use of land plots and other real estate based on the peculiarities of pricing in the corresponding market segment:

1. Multi-storey residential development.

2. Low-rise residential development.

3. Agricultural land.

4. Lands of the forest fund and specially protected areas not permitted for development with capital construction projects.

5. Land plots of separate water bodies.

6. Garden, country and vegetable gardening associations of citizens.

7. Recreation and leisure facilities.

8. Objects of trade.

9. Administrative and office facilities.

10. Warehouse facilities and garages.

11. Industrial facilities.

12. Subsoil use objects.

13. Objects of municipal and engineering infrastructure, communication lines, pipelines, roads and railways, artificial waterways.

14. Airports, train stations, ports, bus stations.

15. Healthcare, socio-cultural, educational and scientific facilities

16. Special purpose objects.

Appendix No. 6
To ,
approved Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
dated June 7, 2016 No. 358

Recommendations on the applicability of valuation approaches when determining cadastral value using mass valuation methods

Group (VRI) Cost-effective approach Comparative approach Income approach
Land plots
1. Agricultural use - 2 1
2. Residential development - 1 2
3. Public use - 1 2
4. Entrepreneurship (commercial use) - 2 1
5. Rest (recreation, sports) - 1,2 1,2
6. Production activities - 1,2 1,2
7. Transport - 1 2
8. Ensuring defense and security 1 - -
9. Special protection and study of nature - 1 2
10. Forests and forest industry - 1,2 1,2
11. Water features - 2 1
12. General and special use - 2 1
Other properties
1. Apartment buildings (mid- and high-rise residential buildings) 2 1 3
2. Low-rise residential buildings (up to 3 floors inclusive), including individual residential buildings - individual, low-rise blocked (townhouses), dacha associations, gardening partnerships 2 1 3
3. Transport facilities, with the exception of linear facilities and structures 2,3 1 2,3
4. Retail, trade and service and shopping and entertainment facilities, catering facilities, gas stations 3 2 1
5. Temporary accommodation facilities, including recreational and health facilities 2 3 1
6. Administrative and household facilities 3 2 1
7. Facilities for production, production, storage and storage purposes, with the exception of transfer devices and structures 1,2 3 1,2
8. Educational, sports facilities, cultural and art facilities, places of worship, museums, medical and health facilities 1 2,3 2,3
9. Other objects 1 2,3 2,3
10. Facilities 1 2,3 2,3

1, 2, 3 - ranking indicators of the acceptability of approaches.

Appendix No. 7
To ,
approved Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
dated June 7, 2016 No. 358

Service life of capital construction projects

Temporary buildings and structures (cabins for construction workers and shift personnel, temporary warehouses, summer pavilions, etc.) - 10 years.

Structures operated in highly aggressive environments (vessels and tanks, pipelines of oil refining, gas and chemical industries, structures in marine environments, etc.) - 25 years.

Buildings and structures of mass construction under normal operating conditions (buildings of civil and industrial construction) - 80 years.

Buildings and structures with wooden external load-bearing walls - 50 years.

Unique buildings and structures (buildings of major museums, repositories of national and cultural values, works of monumental art, stadiums, theaters, buildings over 75 m high, long-span structures, etc.) - 100 years.

Appendix No. 8
To ,
approved Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
dated June 7, 2016 No. 358

Information materials for making adjustments for a number of pricing factors during mass valuation

Discounts on auctions for land plots:

Discounts on auction for other real estate properties:

Scale factor for land plots for multi-storey residential development:

Range of areas of the analogue object, hectares Range of areas of the assessment object, ha
<0,5 0,5-1,5 1,5-5 >5
<0,5 1,00 0,98 0,90 0,84
0,5-1,5 1,02 1,00 0,92 0,86
1,5-5 1,11 1,09 1,00 0,93
>5 1,19 1,17 1,07 1,00

Scale factor for land plots for individual residential development:

Range of areas of the analogue facility, sq. m Range of areas of the property being assessed, sq. m
<1500 1500-3000 3000-6000 6000-10000 >10000
<1500 1,00 0,98 0,92 0,83 0,78
1500-3000 1,02 1,00 0,94 0,85 0,80
3000-6000 1,09 1,07 1,00 0,90 0,85
6000-10000 1,21 1,18 1,11 1,00 0,94
>10000 1,28 1,25 1,17 1,06 1,00

Adjustment for area for apartments:

Area, sq. m <65 65-100 100-200 >200
<65 1,00 0,96 0,84 0,70
65-100 1,04 1,00 0,87 0,73
100-200 1,19 1,14 1,00 0,84
>200 1,42 1,36 1,19 1,00

Adjustment for area for individual residential buildings:

Total area (scale factor)
Area, sq. m <150 150-300 300-600 >600
<150 1,00 0,95 0,87 0,84
150-300 1,05 1,00 0,92 0,88
300-600 1,15 1,09 1,00 0,96
>600 1,19 1,13 1,04 1,00

Discounts for the lack of connections of residential properties to centralized life support systems, if such are available in analogue facilities:

Discounts for the emergency condition of residential buildings and premises:

Emergency condition 25%

Net operating income from the operation of retail, office and warehouse real estate with a residual service life of 25 years or less is 70%, and the rest - 75% of the potential gross income, which does not include payments for utilities.

Discounts for real estate included in the unified state register of cultural heritage sites (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation are 10 percent.

Appendix No. 9
To ,
approved Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
dated June 7, 2016 No. 358

An assessment of the cadastral value of real estate is the value of an object, determined using special methods and as close as possible to the real one, that is, the value at which the property can be sold.

Ideally, cadastral and market valuations should coincide, which does not always happen.

The cadastral valuation of real estate (hereinafter - CON) should cover the following properties and parameters of the object:

  • area (living and common);
  • age of the building, materials from which it is constructed;
  • layout, availability of amenities, including parking and elevator;
  • number of storeys of the building, and on what floor the apartment is;
  • location (prestige of the area);
  • proximity to transport interchanges;
  • availability of nearby infrastructure facilities, etc.

As for non-residential properties and land plots, all the main parameters important to the consumer are taken into account.

In the regions, lists of objects subject to taxation are compiled. The resulting figure is recorded in the State Property Committee register and in the cadastral passport.

The inventory assessment existing in previous years, in comparison with current methods and cost indicators, is not adequate and is not suitable for use in calculating the property tax that is planned to be levied starting in 2016.

Taxes calculated based on inventory estimates are tens of times lower, which does not contribute to filling the budget.

To update data and bring information on the value of real estate objects to a single denominator, the concept of cadastral value was introduced, the calculation of which should be carried out in all regions and cover 100% of objects.

Cadastral valuation is a figure, the value of which will be used to calculate the amount of property tax, as well as calculations of rent, etc.

It should be understood that the state cadastral valuation of real estate does not take into account the individual differences of real estate (for example, the presence of expensive repairs in residential or non-residential premises, installation of new-fangled plumbing fixtures), since it is carried out in absentia. This is one of the reasons for the inaccuracy in calculations.

Assessing the cadastral value of a property is a scrupulous job and cannot be completed at once, so it was decided to complete the process in all regions in 2020.

You will learn what the cadastral value of real estate is from the video:

Regulatory acts

CON is regulated by the following laws on cadastral valuation of real estate:

  • Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Recalculation will be carried out every 5 years, but not less often; in some regions clarification is allowed after 2-3 years. If adjustments are not made, then again the owners will find themselves in unequal conditions, and the tax collection will be underestimated.

Who carries out the cadastral valuation of real estate?

The most common question among citizens is who carries out the cadastral valuation of real estate?

So, according to Art. 24.12 Federal Law of July 29, 1998 No. 135-FZ, subjects of the Russian Federation are authorized to carry out cadastral valuation.

Local authorities, based on information received from the Cadastral Chamber of Rosreestr, form a list of buildings, structures, and land plots for which cost calculation is required.

The cadastral valuation of an apartment is carried out by trained specialists who have the appropriate level of qualifications, with a supporting document.

The winner enters into an agreement with local authorities, on the basis of which he calculates the cadastral value. The results of the work are reviewed by competent persons from among the government agencies, approved and transferred to the local branch of Rosreestr.

Evaluation procedure

For CON, an assessment model derived per unit area, called the specific indicator, is most often used.

It is this characteristic that is taken as a basis when determining the KOH of similar objects located in approximately the same zone, by multiplying by the total area of ​​the property.

This is how, for example, panel houses of approximately the same construction period located in the central region are grouped; under the same conditions, but in a residential area the indicator will be different, on the outskirts it will be different.

For “Khrushchev” buildings, lower levels of specific indicators have been determined, depending on the availability of infrastructure facilities and the market demand of the area.

It turns out that for each zone, a specific value indicator, justified by appraisers, is applied to similar objects, which is approved by an act of the subject of the Russian Federation.

A similar algorithm is used for any objects, trying to get closer to market price levels.

Appraisers have the right to select the calculation method at their discretion.

Appraisers work with documents - drawings, research data on the real estate market, and take into account the ratings of residential areas. The owners should be satisfied with this state of affairs, if there is no obvious overestimation of the CON.

An inflated figure for KOH will, accordingly, entail an inflated amount of tax., therefore, it is in the interests of the owners to try to bring the valuation figure to the real one, that is, the market one, by challenging the results of the CON.

Ways to obtain the necessary information

Very often citizens are interested in the question: “How to find out the cadastral valuation of an apartment?” Let's try to answer it.

So, information about the valuation of apartments by cadastral value can be found in several ways.

The most reliable one, with written confirmation, is to order a certificate of CON, and if there is no cadastral passport, then order this document, since it also indicates the cost.

To do this, you need to come to the local branch of the cadastral chamber or the MFC, write an application and, after about a week, pick up the paper or receive it by mail (the customer chooses the option of receiving the result).

There are other methods too. It is most reliable to request an electronic version of the document on the website after making a payment of 200 rubles. They will send you, together with your passport, an electronic digital seal of the Rosreestr registrar, which certifies that the information belongs to the State Property Committee.

If you need to clarify or simply find out the KON number, then it is better to enter the cadastral number, rather than the address, into the search engine as the initial information (there may be overlaps when entering the address).

Receiving data online is simple and convenient, without wasting time.

The information is available to anyone who applies; it is not necessary to be the owner or registered at the address of interest.

In addition, to find out what the cadastral value of an apartment is, you can use the Rosreestr portal through real estate services:

  • “Obtaining information”;
  • "Reference Information";
  • "Public cadastral map".

By indicating the address or KN, you can obtain the desired figure for each of the electronic sources.

We hope we have answered the question “Where can I look at the cadastral valuation of an apartment?”

Results of activities to determine the value of real estate objects

The result of the cadastral valuation of real estate after the work of the appraisers is considered by a commission under local authorities and approved, after which it is transferred to the Cadastral Chamber for entry into the State Property Committee.

The result is measured in rubles. and can be indicated in the certificate of ownership, cadastral passport, certificate.

It is the assessment of apartments at cadastral value that serves as the starting point for tax authorities when calculating the amount of property tax.

Service cost

As a rule, the service is provided free of charge, but on some sites the cost of assessing the cadastral value of real estate is 200 rubles.

Cadastral valuation of real estate and Rosreestr

Rosreestr approves the assessment of the cadastral value of an apartment on the basis of its existing KON adopted in the regions, which are entered into the Rosreestr of Real Estate Valuation.

They are also used by tax authorities. When the owner performs one of the transactions with the property, and these can be:

  • purchase;
  • sale;
  • exchange;
  • donation;
  • entry into inheritance, etc.,

You will need a fresh certificate from Rosreestr. The date of the assessment is of considerable importance, since for reasons of economic instability and the presence of inflationary processes, periodically (every 3-5 years) the cost taken into account by Rosreestr is subject to revision.

Title documents are now issued indicating the registration number and cadastral value, as well as the date of registration of the KON.

If the owner is not satisfied with the result and the figure was reduced, then new data must be entered into the real estate valuation cadastre.

It makes sense for everyone who owns real estate to inquire what the cadastral valuation of a house or other property is, and if an excessive overstatement is identified, it is necessary to challenge it, that is, to achieve a review and reduction to the real one, otherwise the property tax will be calculated incorrectly and will be overestimated.

We hope that in our article you learned everything you need to know about assessing the cadastral value of a property. Good luck!

How to find out the cadastral value of real estate, watch the video:

The cadastral value of an object is determined by its real value, which is established officially by government bodies using mass valuation methods. It differs from market value in that when evaluating a large number of objects, their individual characteristics are taken into account, and after dividing them into groups, the price of each of them is calculated. If the mass method is not applicable for any property, its individual study by a professional appraiser is allowed, with data entered into the Register report.

The decision to conduct a cadastral valuation is made by local authorities. It is carried out by professional appraisers with whom an agreement is concluded, and the result of the work performed is the submitted report, the data of which is entered into the State Register.

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How are assessment groups formed?

Valuation groups are used when grouping data on real estate objects when using mass valuation methods. Groups are formed according to the principle of equal use of the land, that is, according to its intended purpose.

The cadastral value of all real estate objects that are included in a certain group is calculated based on a single valuation formula. It is determined by groups of a particular category by evaluators. For this purpose, the comparison method or income-expenditure methods are used. The comparative method involves comparing prices for a certain type of property, which are dictated by the sales market. The level of income is determined by the type of intended use, and expenses are calculated based on the need for capital investment.

The appraiser determines the value of the land plot under the apartment building, which is subsequently used to evaluate all plots of the same type.

Thus, to conduct a cadastral valuation of land, plots are first distributed into groups, then the value of one plot in such a group is calculated, which is applied to all objects similar to the one being identified.

How is the valuation model determined?

The conditions dictated by the sales market are taken into account by the appraiser in accordance with current legislation when determining the cadastral value of the objects being assessed. To do this, based on data on pricing in the sales market, a statistical model is compiled - the construction of a mathematical valuation formula for each type of real estate, which makes up different valuation groups.

The valuation model means the compilation by a professional appraiser of an equation that is used to calculate the cadastral value of real estate assigned to one valuation group.

Valuation models include pricing factors that influence the price of properties in the sales market. According to these indicators, a formula is built to calculate the cadastral value of a property. Depending on the type of property and conditions, the appraiser may take into account factors such as:

  • Location of land or house;
  • Type of intended use;
  • Availability of nearby infrastructure;
  • Possibility of connecting communications and others.

Mass valuation methods involve substituting into the formula of the valuation model a set of pricing factors that influence a certain group of objects. When using the formula, the specific indicator of the cadastral formula is determined - the price of 1 square meter of area of ​​an apartment, house or land plot. UPKS is subsequently multiplied by the size of a specific plot or living area of ​​an apartment, resulting in an officially determined value of the property, which is entered into the state register.

Pricing factors and specific indicator

Pricing factors are the qualitative or quantitative characteristics of objects that are subject to evaluation in one valuation group and, in the opinion of the appraiser, influence the pricing of real estate in a certain region, taking into account the conditions of the sales market.

A professional appraiser, whose services are used by government agencies, individuals or legal entities under a contract, collects information on pricing factors that directly or indirectly affect the valuation of real estate. These include location, level of infrastructure development and transport links in the region, type of property and its intended purpose.

The specific indicator of cadastral value determines the price of a unit of measurement of the area of ​​a certain type of real estate. According to the UPKS, the cadastral value of land plots or apartments is calculated.

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Application of individual assessment

If the valuation model built by the appraiser for a certain type of real estate is not applicable to the valuation of a specific plot or apartment, a decision may be made to conduct an individual valuation. This decision may be required if the characteristics of a particular object differ from the mass group. An individual assessment can be provided at the discretion of the appraiser with approval from government agencies, ordered by the owner or interested party.

For each object that has been assessed individually, a separate report is submitted, on the basis of which the cadastral value is calculated. Thus, the specific indicator for this price will be determined individually, taking into account the pricing factors and those that became the reason for the individual assessment.

When is a correction factor used?

The definition of an adjustment factor refers to the amount of value of the specific features of the evaluation group compared to the standard model. The correction factor is used by the appraiser to level out the specifics of the appraisal object in relation to pricing factors.

This indicator is determined as a result of an assessment, if there are compelling reasons to reduce the cadastral price. This is carried out in order not to conduct an individual assessment, but to be able to determine the real price of the site, taking into account certain features. For example, the inclusion of an apartment in the emergency housing fund or unfinished roads near the land plot may become a reason for their assessment in a special manner and a reduction in value.

The appraiser independently determines what percentage it can be compared to the standard model, taking into account the reasons for applying the correction factor. To determine the real price, which will subsequently be entered into the official Register, the appraiser multiplies the unit indicator by the area of ​​​​the property, and then uses an adjustment factor.

Changes to the existing cadastral value are made at least once every three years, but not more often than once every five years. Before the expiration of this period, an interested party, most often the owner, can submit an application to government agencies for a revaluation, according to which changes will be made to the current Cadastre indicators. Also, the current price can be challenged in court or pre-trial.

How to find out the specific indicator?

Objects for which generalized price information is indicated are real estate objects that have similar basic parameters in a certain assessment group. They indicate statistical data, according to which a report is compiled on purchase and sale transactions and other transactions related to the transfer of ownership in the region for the last reporting period. The summarized data must be similar in economic, operational and technical characteristics. The reporting period is determined by the time when the last revaluation of objects included in the Cadastre was carried out.

To find information about the specific indicator or calculate it yourself using an online calculator, you can use the Rosreestr website. On it you can find the data that was used by the appraiser when choosing pricing factors in a block with their description to build a valuation model.

The parameters for selecting the main characteristics of price information can also be found using the property card. It contains information about the characteristics of the entire property fund, which is subject to registration in the state cadastre.

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When can the cadastral value be overestimated?

Despite the fact that the cadastral value of real estate is determined by law based on its specific indicator multiplied by the area of ​​the land plot or apartment, cases of overestimation of this figure in relation to its real price are quite common. The specific indicator is established by local authorities, but when calculating the value of the property being assessed, which will be included in the state register, its individual characteristics are not taken into account. Therefore, overestimation in the order of real estate objects may arise due to:

Certain types of permitted use may have completely different specific indicators, which will differ for different regions.

What is cadastral value used for?

The cadastral value of real estate, which is determined by multiplying the specific indicator by the area of ​​the property, is required in order to calculate the amount of taxation of the subjects of ownership. Real estate is subject to land use tax. Tax rates are set at the local level, and the cadastral price of a plot or apartment serves as the tax base.

It is also useful to find out the cadastral valuation before concluding a purchase and sale agreement or any other transaction related to the transfer of ownership. The determination of this figure determines the payment that will need to be made when re-registering ownership rights to the new owner.

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