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Information and psychological influence consists of two main types: motivation and coercion.

Inducing an object of information-psychological influence to perform any actions (changes in life activity) is such an open (for the consciousness of the object) influence on the consciousness of the object, as a result of which motivation to perform certain actions is formed in the consciousness.

The main ways of forming motivation as a result of open (obvious to the object of influence) informational and psychological influence: persuasion; clarification; informing; discussion, agreement; comparison; upbringing; assistance, support; change in mood (psychological state); formation of psychological background, etc.

Inspiration is realized both in the process of subject-subject and in the process of object-subject interaction, and is the main driving force of the communication process. Incentive is the main open method of management both in interpersonal interaction and in the processes of interaction between the individual and society, the individual and the state, the state and public organizations, etc.

Coercion as a type of information-psychological influence is such an influence on the consciousness of an object, as a result of which in the consciousness of the object a motivation is formed to compulsorily perform certain actions against one’s own will or desire.

In relation to the consciousness of the object of information-psychological influence, coercion can be open and hidden (secret). Forms of open coercion include such types of coercion as state coercion and public coercion, based on the action of norms of social behavior - morality and ethics, as well as legally formalized relations between social actors. Forms of covert coercion include: psychological manipulation, disinformation, aggressive propaganda, lobbying, blackmail, and crisis management technologies widely used in modern information-psychological warfare operations. Let's look at them in more detail.

    1. Psychological manipulation

Prominent scientists G.V. made a huge contribution to the study of manipulative technologies as a social phenomenon and the definition of forms of counteraction to manipulation. Grachev and I.K. Melnik, V.G. Krysko.

Manipulation is a method of psychological influence, the purpose of which is to change the direction of activity (mental and other) of other people, carried out unnoticed by them.

Manipulation can be seen as a type of exercise of power in which the holder influences the behavior of others without revealing the nature of the behavior expected of them.

Manipulation of consciousness is control by imposing on people ideas, attitudes, motives, and behavioral stereotypes that are beneficial to the subject of influence.

There are three levels of manipulation:

    the first level is the strengthening of the necessary ideas, attitudes, motives, values, norms existing in people’s minds;

    the second level is associated with private, small changes in views on a particular event, process, fact, which also affects the emotional and practical attitude towards a specific phenomenon;

    the third level is a radical, radical change in life attitudes by communicating to the object new, sensational, unusual, dramatic, unusually important information (data).

With the help of manipulation, you can achieve a change in life attitudes at the first two levels of influence. Fundamental changes in the views of an individual, a group of people or a social community require a complex impact on a person’s consciousness using all available methods and means for a long time.

Practice has established that the more knowledgeable people are, the more difficult it is to manipulate them, therefore, objects of psychological influence must be provided with a surrogate of information - stripped down and truncated, i.e. one that meets the goals of psychological influence. First, they try to impose stereotypes on people that can cause the desired reactions, actions and behavior. At the same time, they are especially focused (or specially selected) on those who, as if against their will, believe in myths, cliches, and rumors. Then a number of techniques are used to increase the effectiveness of the impact:

    presenting information that is “necessary” at the moment, often crudely fabricated;

    deliberate concealment of true, factual information;

    providing information overload, making it difficult for the target to understand the true essence of the matter.

If the deception is revealed, it is assumed that over time the severity of the situation subsides, and much is already perceived as something natural, necessary or, in extreme cases, forced.

Manipulating information includes a number of techniques.

    Information overload. A huge amount of information is communicated, the bulk of which consists of abstract reasoning, unnecessary details, various trifles, etc. "garbage". As a result, the object cannot understand the true essence of the problem.

    Dosing of information. Only part of the information is reported, and the rest is carefully hidden. This leads to the fact that the picture of reality is distorted in one direction or another, or becomes completely incomprehensible.

    Big lie. Favorite technique of the Minister of Propaganda of Nazi Germany J. Goebbels. He argued that the more brazen and implausible the lie, the sooner they will believe it, the main thing is to present it as seriously as possible.

    Mixing true facts with all kinds of assumptions, assumptions, hypotheses, rumors. As a result, it becomes impossible to distinguish fact from fiction.

    Delaying time. This method comes down to using various pretexts to delay the publication of really important information until the moment when it is too late to change something.

    Return kick. The essence of this method is that a fictitious (naturally, beneficial for oneself) version of certain events is distributed through dummies in media outlets that are neutral in relation to both conflicting parties. The press of the competing side (the enemy) usually repeats this version, because it is considered more “objective” than the opinions of direct participants in the conflict.

    Timely lies. The method consists in communicating completely false, but extremely expected at the moment (“hot”) information. The more the content of the message corresponds to the mood of the target, the more effective its result. Then the deception is revealed, but during this time the severity of the situation subsides, or a certain process becomes irreversible.

Manipulative influence on the psyche of people as objects of propaganda actions is carried out, as a rule, in the form of two relatively independent stages, complementing or replacing each other. This is due to the general pattern of suggestive influence, on the basis of which, first of all, manipulative strategies and tactics are based, and which is characterized by the use of two main stages in the process of suggestion - preparatory and main. In accordance with the identified patterns and corresponding mechanisms information impact, the functions of the first preparatory stage are to facilitate the perception of subsequent propaganda materials. Its main purpose is to create an atmosphere of trust between the communicator (source of information) and the audience of influence. Due to the fact that information is perceived more easily if favorable conditions are created for this, the tasks of the first stage include the destruction of the addressee (object of influence) of existing psychological attitudes, barriers to the perception of subsequent information, regardless of whether it seems unpleasant or even monstrous to the addressee .

At the second stage, attention is attracted and aroused interest in the transmitted messages, based on the uncritical perception and assimilation by the audience (listeners, readers, viewers) of the information received, which allows to significantly increase the suggestive effect of the information to the detriment of its rational assessment. At this stage, technology and special techniques of manipulative influence are also actively used.

The division into the above stages is relatively arbitrary and should not be viewed in such a way that first there is a series of information messages that solve only the problems of the first stage, and then propaganda materials follow in accordance with the second stage of manipulative influence. The tasks of the first and second stages of psychological influence are constantly solved in the process of almost all ongoing propaganda campaigns. At certain periods of time, there may be only a slight predominance in messages of materials characteristic of one of these stages, which corresponds to the tasks being solved in a particular period of time (for example, strengthening confidence in a source or conveying the necessary information in an appropriate form).

IN modern conditions In information and communication processes, not just individual techniques are used, but special manipulative technologies.

Technology is a set of techniques, methods and means used to achieve specific goals, in particular, as a way of carrying out activities based on its rational division into procedures and operations with their subsequent coordination and synchronization and the selection of optimal means and methods for their implementation.

Manipulative technology is a set of techniques, methods and means of manipulating consciousness and information and psychological influence used to achieve the goals of the manipulator.

Manipulative technologies consist of certain combinations of specific structural elements, according to their specific patterns. There may be various combinations of these elements, original solutions for the sequence and frequency of their use in specific information and communication situations.

The use of manipulative technologies as a way to control people’s behavior and influence their individual and mass consciousness is carried out at several levels.

    Organized influence and psychological operations carried out during the implementation of interstate policy.

    The use of various means and technologies of a manipulative nature in internal political struggle, economic competition and the activities of organizations in a state of conflict.

    Manipulating people with each other in the process of interpersonal interaction.

Information-psychological influence (IPI) - influence on the consciousness of individuals and the population in order to make changes in their behavior and (or) worldview. Basic methods. IPV is persuasion and indoctrination

Conviction is directed towards one’s own critical perception of reality. It has its own impact algorithms:

The logic of persuasion must be accessible to the intellect of the object of influence;

Persuasion must be carried out based on facts known to the object;

Persuasive information must contain generalizing sentences;

Conviction must consist of logically consistent theses;

The facts reported must be appropriately emotional

Suggestion, on the contrary, is aimed at subjects who perceive information uncritically. Its features are:

Purposeful and planned application;

The specificity of the definition of the object of suggestion (selective influence on certain groups of the population, taking into account the basic socio-psychological, national and other characteristics of these groups);

Uncritical perception of information by the object of suggestion (suggestion is based on the effect of perceiving the transmitted information as instructions for action without its logical analysis);

Certainty, specificity of the behavior initiated (the object must be given instructions on how to carry out its specific reactions and actions that correspond to the goals of influence)

IPV is directed at individual or public consciousness by information-psychological or other means, causing a transformation of the psyche, a change in views, opinions, attitudes, value orientations, motives, and stereotypes of an individual in order to influence his activities and behavior. Its ultimate goal is to achieve a certain reaction, behavior (action or inaction) of an individual that corresponds to the goals. IPV.

The process of acceptance by the individual. IPV, aimed at the emotional sphere of consciousness, is specific, in general, it is more compressed than, for example, the process of accepting propaganda influence: the bodies of perception and memory function in it, the activity of thinking is very weakly expressed. A person perceives information or does not perceive it, perceives it in whole or in part, but takes almost no part in the formation of certain conclusions. The process of information-psychological influence on the emotional sphere of consciousness includes voluntary perception and memorization and is characterized by a very low level of awareness of the content of the influence. Comprehension of the received information occurs later, with higher cognitive activity of the individual. Efficiency level. IPV depends on the type:

o. The content of the material: its complexity, specificity, social significance, etc. For example, under equal conditions, the simpler the information, the greater the chance that the actions to which it prompts can be carried out automatically, and especially when not contradict the beliefs of the object; the more specific the call to action, the higher the degree of automaticity of the corresponding reaction.

o. A mental state characterized by the presence of a high level of automatic response. Fear, depression, and apathy contribute to an uncritical and unconscious perception of influence. The degree of automatonism in a person’s response is associated with the level of awareness and criticality of information perception. If influence is accepted subconsciously and uncritically, then the audience's response may be automatic.

o time interval between influences and response: with an increase in the time interval, the automaticity of the reaction decreases due to an increase in the criticality and mental activity of the object (explained by the inclusion of the content of the received information in the individual’s knowledge system and awareness of it.

Dangerous. IPV on individual consciousness can lead to two types of interrelated changes:

1. Changes in the psyche and mental health of a person. Since in the case of information influence it is difficult to determine the boundaries of normality and pathology, an indicator of changes may be the loss of adequacy in the reflection of the world in consciousness and individual attitude towards the world. We can talk about personality degradation if the forms of reflection of reality are simplified, reactions become coarser, and a transition occurs from the highest needs (for self-actualization, social recognition) to low ones (physiological, everyday).

2. Changes in values, life positions, guidelines, worldview of the individual. Such changes entail antisocial behavior and pose a danger to the entire society and state

An important feature of the information-psychological impact on individual consciousness is that a person may not notice it and may not recognize it as a threat. A person’s behavior is controlled by his brain; the conscious mind contains everything that motivates a person to activity and must pass through his thinking. So,. IPV, in order to change a person’s behavior in the desired direction, must achieve a corresponding change in his consciousness.

In the determination of human behavior, a significant role is played by attitude (orientation) - this is the relatively stable knowledge, feelings and motives that have developed under the influence of propaganda, education and experience, causing a certain attitude of a person towards the ideological, political and social phenomena of reality.

The attitude determines the direction of action and at the same time the way of perception and thinking. But not all attitudes are equally important for determining behavior. An individual's worldview depends on many social stereotypes that correlate with certain aspects of social existence. Attitudes have a certain value in terms of their meaning for the individual. In their hierarchy, political attitudes occupy the highest level. They, unlike others, are more resistant to change. Political attitudes form a common basis for all others and determine the internal stability of orientation. So, a person’s behavior in various conditions is primarily determined by her political orientation.

Personal attitudes are somewhat more resistant to external influences, which is also enhanced by social connections. Attitudes become more stable the more they coincide with the norms and behavior of the social group. Identification of the individual with the group serves as a stabilizer of the attitude. But at the same time, one should take into account the fact that in a state of transition (transit) type, like Ukraine, many moral values ​​of the old socialist system have been lost, new moral standards and values ​​have not yet been created, and those that already exist have not become generally accepted. In this case, the information space plays a leading role in shaping the worldview of an ordinary citizen of our state, who often perceives everything new as the highest universal values.

The driving force for changing attitudes is negative mental unrest caused by the lack of balance between the individual components of political attitudes - objects of propaganda influence - the so-called cognitive dissonance (there is a cognitive inconsistency). Dissonance is a mentally unpleasant state, which causes the objects of propaganda to strive to soften or eliminate it. The last thing in food is a change in one of the components of the attitude, as a result of which the entire system of attitudes tends to return to the lost balance. Thus, the stability of the preset changes or a new one arises. It would, however, be an illusion to count on the possibility of completely destroying the basic guidelines in a short period of time and replacing them with the opposite ones, since the stability of the basic political guidelines is quite difficult. As the French psychologist noted. Le. Bon, ideas take a long time to take hold in people's minds, but they take just as long to disappear again.

To change political attitudes that are firmly fixed in the individual’s consciousness, the method of gradually increasing cognitive dissonance is used, i.e. information is presented in a certain order, increasingly contradicting the views of the target. Patience, time and argumentation increase with each piece of information; they contribute to a gradual change in the political attitudes of the objects of influence.

However, behavior change is not directly related to changes in basic attitudes. Attitude plays a significant role in determining behavior, but is not the only component on which it depends, and it does not directly control behavior in a specific situation due to the lack of a direct connection between attitude and behavior. Human behavior in each specific case depends on the conditions, i.e. internal requests: needs, motives, attitudes. Thus, behavior is always determined by a specific situation.

Attitudes and behavior do not necessarily have to coincide; there may be large differences between them; for example, the statements of the same person under different circumstances may differ. Therefore, a person’s behavior in a certain environment for a short time may not coincide with the basic attitudes or even contradict them.

The main thing in the process of interaction between attitudes and behavior is not the difference between them, but their mutual conditionality: attitudes largely determine behavior, but it also happens the other way around: behavior creates a significant basis for the formation of attitudes. Attitudes arise from experiences based on actual behavior before they are transferred back into new behavior. Behavior that has changed should ultimately influence a change in attitudes. So, if, as a result of propaganda influence on the behavior of an individual, there will be certain changes in the general structure of attitudes, including political orientations.

The following types can be distinguished. IPV: psychogenic, neurolinguistic, psychoanalytic (psychocorrectional), psychotropic and psychotronic

Psychogenic influence - the mental or physical impact of some phenomena or events on the brain, human consciousness (a disturbance of higher nervous activity is observed: a feeling of fear and panic appears). This is due to the inconsistency of the functional systems of the psychophysiological organization, i.e. breaking of stereotypes under the influence of sharply changed afferentation from various receptors. The higher the level of awkwardness over time and the less prepared the person is for the effects of this psychogenic factor, the more pronounced the mental disorders. This condition can occur under the influence of holographic drawings. Many countries have achieved quite great successes in this area, for example, projects have been created for laser graphics from the surface of the earth and space platforms.

neurolinguistic influence is a type of psychological influence that involves the use of special techniques aimed at creating positive motivation, psychological correction of the internal sources of behavior and worldview of the individual.

neurolinguistic influence is focused on identifying and changing a person’s beliefs when influencing his ideological and emotional-sensory states (characteristics that allow one to improve, program the state and behavior of a person in practical conditions). The main object of this type of influence on a person is his psyche and the activity controlled by it, and the main means of influence are social but well-thought-out programs of verbal and non-verbal influence, which allow changing the worldview and values ​​of the individual.

Psychoanalytic (psychocorrectional) influence is the study (analysis) of a person’s subconscious and influence on it in a way that eliminates resistance at the level of consciousness (carried out in a state of hypnosis). However, modern technology. Ichna achievements make it possible to eliminate resistance from the consciousness in a normal state. This can be done with the help of computer psychoanalysis and psychocorrection. In the first, mathematical analysis is carried out of the body's reactions that arise during instant visual viewing or audio reading of various "stimuli": words, images, phrases. In this way, you can absolutely accurately determine the presence of certain information in a person’s subconscious and measure its significance for a specific person, and find hidden motivation. Having analyzed the information received, if necessary, it is possible to carry out psychocorrection (psychoregulation), the main operating factor of which is also key words, images, smells (words can be transformed using a spectral speech signal).

The most convenient is the sound regulation of the psyche, in which verbal suggestions in encoded form are displayed on any medium of sound information (music, speech or noise). For example, a person can listen to music that contains a hidden (not perceived on a conscious level) command that constantly affects the subconscious of the listener.

psychotronic influence (parapsychological, extrasensory) - an influence that can be carried out by transferring the energy of thinking through extrasensory perception, which covers mediated by consciousness and percent processes of perception of distant interaction between living organisms and environment.

Television and other mass sessions of extrasensory influence indicate the real possibility of influencing a person. Quite often, technical means are used to enhance influence, transmission and contact with the individual. This effect on the object may be associated with suppression of the will to resist, demoralization. There are known facts of work on the creation of a generator of frequency coding of the psyche, high- and low-frequency generators, means of influencing social information, etc., which can cause the necessary processes in the human psyche, and therefore influence his consciousness and behavior.

Parapsychology is a field of science that studies psi-communications, that is, it explores those distant connections of a living organism with the environment, which are called “extrasensory-motor” (so they apply to everything except the senses and muscular efforts). The concept of "psi" includes extrasensory perception, i.e. extrasensory perception and psychokinesis, which means the influence on objects and the course of mental processes without muscular effort or the use of technical means in general fundamental difference between the subjects of research of parapsychology and psychotronics. Eat. The difference can be traced only when comparing the methods, means and goals of the study. Psychotronics is characterized by a desire primarily for technical and technological approaches and solutions, for the development of technical analogues of the phenomena under study, for example, psychotronic generators, and therefore, the concentration of great efforts on work of an applied nature. The process of extrasensory influence is greatly facilitated by the use of a communications system: telephone communications, radio broadcast networks, etc.

Psychotropic influence - influence on the brain and behavior of a person by introducing various drugs into his body (in particular pharmaceuticals, odors), the assimilation of which affects his higher nervous activity.

The effect of drugs on the human psyche is well known and has been studied for quite a long time. Taking into account the latest achievements not only in psychology, but also in “related” sciences (biology, neuro- and psychophysiology, cybernetics, psychopharmacology, etc.), methods of subliminal influence, methods of psychological indoctrination and conversion, and means of local psychic control and. Psychoprogramminggramming.

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Information and psychological influence consists of two main types: motivation and coercion.

Inducing an object of information-psychological influence to perform any actions (changes in life activity) is such an open (for the consciousness of the object) influence on the consciousness of the object, as a result of which motivation to perform certain actions is formed in the consciousness.

The main ways of forming motivation as a result of open (obvious to the object of influence) informational and psychological influence: persuasion; clarification; informing; discussion, agreement; comparison; upbringing; assistance, support; change in mood (psychological state); formation of psychological background, etc.

Inspiration is realized both in the process of subject-subject and in the process of object-subject interaction, and is the main driving force of the communication process. Incentive is the main open method of management both in interpersonal interaction and in the processes of interaction between the individual and society, the individual and the state, the state and public organizations, etc.

Coercion as a type of information-psychological influence is such an influence on the consciousness of an object, as a result of which in the consciousness of the object the formation of motivation to compulsorily perform certain actions against one’s own will or desire occurs.

In relation to the consciousness of the object of information-psychological influence, coercion can be open and hidden (secret). Forms of open coercion include such types of coercion as state coercion and public coercion, based on the action of norms of social behavior - morality and ethics, as well as legally formalized relations between social actors. Forms of covert coercion include: psychological manipulation, disinformation, aggressive propaganda, lobbying, blackmail, and crisis management technologies widely used in modern information-psychological warfare operations. Let's look at them in more detail.

Psychological manipulation

Prominent scientists G.V. made a huge contribution to the study of manipulative technologies as a social phenomenon and the definition of forms of counteraction to manipulation. Grachev and I.K. Melnik, V.G. Krasko.

Manipulation is a method of psychological influence, the purpose of which is to change the direction of activity (mental and other) of other people, carried out unnoticed by them.

Manipulation can be seen as a type of exercise of power in which the holder influences the behavior of others without revealing the nature of the behavior expected of them.

Manipulation of consciousness is control by imposing on people ideas, attitudes, motives, and behavioral stereotypes that are beneficial to the subject of influence.

There are three levels of manipulation:

the first level is the strengthening of the necessary ideas, attitudes, motives, values, norms existing in people’s minds;

the second level is associated with private, small changes in views on a particular event, process, fact, which also affects the emotional and practical attitude towards a specific phenomenon;

the third level is a radical, radical change in life attitudes by communicating to the object new, sensational, unusual, dramatic, unusually important information (data) for him.

With the help of manipulation, you can achieve a change in life attitudes at the first two levels of influence.

Fundamental changes in the views of an individual, a group of people or a social community require a complex impact on a person’s consciousness using all available methods and means for a long time.

The main mechanism for manipulating consciousness is as follows (Fig. 1). Practice has established that the more knowledgeable people are, the more difficult it is to manipulate them, therefore, objects of psychological influence must be provided with a surrogate of information - stripped down and truncated, that is, one that meets the goals of psychological influence. First, they try to impose stereotypes on people that can cause the desired reactions, actions and behavior. At the same time, they are especially focused (or specially selected) on those who, as if against their will, believe in myths, cliches, and rumors. Then a number of techniques are used to increase the effectiveness of the impact:

presenting information that is “necessary” at the moment, often crudely fabricated;

deliberate concealment of true, factual information;

providing information overload, making it difficult for the target to understand the true essence of the matter.

If the deception is revealed, it is assumed that over time the severity of the situation subsides, and much is already perceived as something natural, necessary or, in extreme cases, forced.

Manipulating information includes a number of techniques. 1.

Information overload. A gigantic amount of information is communicated, the bulk of which consists of abstract reasoning, unnecessary details, various trifles, etc. “garbage”. As a result, the object cannot understand the true essence of the problem. 2.

Dosing of information. Only part of the information is reported, and the rest is carefully hidden. This leads to the fact that the picture of reality is distorted in one direction or another, or becomes completely incomprehensible. 3.

Big lie. Favorite technique of the Minister of Propaganda of Nazi Germany J. Goebbels. He argued that the more impudent and implausible the lie, the sooner they will believe it, the main thing is to present it as seriously as possible. 4.

Mixing true facts with all kinds of assumptions, assumptions, hypotheses, rumors. As a result, it becomes impossible to distinguish fact from fiction. 5.

Delaying time. This method boils down to using various pretexts to delay the publication of really important information until the moment when it is too late to change something. 6.

Return kick. The essence of this method is that a fictitious (naturally, beneficial for oneself) version of certain events is distributed through dummies in media outlets that are neutral in relation to both conflicting parties. The press of the competing side (the enemy) usually repeats this version, because it is considered more “objective” than the opinions of direct participants in the conflict. 7.

Timely lies. The method consists in communicating completely false, but extremely expected at the moment (“hot”) information. The more the content of the message corresponds to the mood of the target, the more effective its result. Then the deception is revealed, but during this time the severity of the situation subsides, or a certain process becomes irreversible.

Manipulative influence on the psyche of people as objects of propaganda actions is carried out, as a rule, in the form of two relatively independent stages, complementing or replacing each other. This is due to the general pattern of suggestive influence, on the basis of which, first of all, manipulative strategies and tactics are based, and which is characterized by the use of two main stages in the process of suggestion - preparatory and main. In accordance with the identified patterns and corresponding mechanisms of information influence, the functions of the first preparatory stage are to facilitate the perception of subsequent propaganda materials. Its main purpose is to create an atmosphere of trust between the communicator (source of information) and the audience of influence. Due to the fact that information is perceived more easily if favorable conditions are created for this, the tasks of the first stage include the destruction of the addressee (object of influence) of existing psychological attitudes, barriers to the perception of subsequent information, regardless of whether it seems unpleasant or even monstrous to the addressee .

At the second stage, attention is attracted and aroused interest in the transmitted messages, based on the uncritical perception and assimilation by the audience (listeners, readers, viewers) of the information received, which allows to significantly increase the suggestive effect of the information to the detriment of its rational assessment. At this stage, technology and special techniques of manipulative influence are also actively used.

The division into the above stages is relatively arbitrary and should not be viewed in such a way that first there is a series of information messages that solve only the problems of the first stage, and then propaganda materials follow in accordance with the second stage of manipulative influence. The tasks of the first and second stages of psychological influence are constantly solved in the process of almost all ongoing propaganda campaigns. At certain periods of time, there may be only a slight predominance in messages of materials characteristic of one of these stages, which corresponds to the tasks being solved in a particular period of time (for example, strengthening confidence in a source or conveying the necessary information in an appropriate form).

In modern conditions, information and communication processes use not just individual techniques, but special manipulative technologies.

Technology is a set of techniques, methods and means used to achieve specific goals, in particular, as a way of carrying out activities based on its rational division into procedures and operations with their subsequent coordination and synchronization and the selection of optimal means and methods for their implementation.

Manipulative technology is a set of techniques, methods and means of consciousness manipulation and information and psychological influence used to achieve the goals of the manipulator.

Manipulative technologies consist of certain combinations of specific structural elements, according to their specific patterns. There may be various combinations of these elements, original solutions for the sequence and frequency of their use in specific information and communication situations.

The use of manipulative technologies as a way to control people’s behavior and influence their individual and mass consciousness is carried out at several levels. 1.

Organized influence and psychological operations carried out during the implementation of interstate policy. 2.

The use of various means and technologies of a manipulative nature in internal political struggle, economic competition and the activities of organizations in a state of conflict. 3.

Manipulating people with each other in the process of interpersonal interaction.


Disinformation is based on the concept of disinformation. Disinformation is a method of camouflage consisting of the deliberate dissemination of false information about objects, their composition and activities, as well as imitation of their activities.

According to G.V. Grachev, I.K. Melnyk, model of generation of disinformation:

choice of negative action;

exaggeration of negative action;

implantation of the result into reality;

emphasis on the entered message;

generating consequences.

Disinformation is a method of psychological influence that consists of deliberately providing the enemy with information that misleads him regarding the true state of affairs.

Misinformation can be considered as follows. 1.

An event designed to mislead persons or organizations through manipulation and falsification of documentary evidence in order to provoke a response from persons or organizations that compromises it. 2.

Providing false information, misleading with false information.

Disinformation includes the use of deliberately false data and information, essentially becoming a type of deception. The line between misinformation and deception can be difficult to discern.

Disinformation activities are carried out simultaneously in the political, economic and military fields by organizing regular “leaks” of closed (secret) information and disseminating “personal opinions” of informed high-ranking government officials.

Types of misinformation are:

dissemination of false information, rumors, formation of illusions;

organization of “leakage” of confidential information; exaggeration of certain events and facts, dissemination of contradictory messages.

Disinformation activities are carried out: according to a single plan, with coordination of activities among themselves; with careful coordination of the proportions of truth and lies (with maximum use of plausible information);

with the obligatory and skillful concealment of true intentions, goals and objectives, solved on their own (by supporters).

Disinformation is widely used in all types of psychological operations. The main instrument of disinformation in psychological operations is usually the media - print, radio, television.

The nuances in the use of disinformation, truth and deception were explained in particular in the Encyclopædia Britannica (1922, volume 2): “Truth is valuable only when it is effective. The complete truth is generally unnecessary and can almost always lead to misconceptions. It is possible to use the truth only partially. Although the truth is not necessary for the success of propaganda, it should not follow from this that those who engage in propaganda are deliberately dishonest people. Of course, in work on influencing public opinion people take part who are sometimes indifferent to any evidence or believe that the end justifies the means. But the more appeals to feelings are made, be it patriotism or greed, pride or pity, the more the feeling of criticism is muffled. The suspicion that any obvious propaganda arouses reduces its effectiveness; From this it follows that most of the work must be carried out unnoticed."


Lobbying (lobbying, lobbying) is a complex of various techniques and methods (direct and indirect) of influencing (mainly) power structures in order to achieve a certain goal. Lobbying technology has a rather complex structure, which includes not only traditional measures of information and psychological influence, but also a number of supporting actions. This technology is implemented by a structure specially adapted for these purposes (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Lobbying technology

Lobbying is a natural form of achieving set goals, inherent in society at a certain level of development (in the economic, political and cultural spheres). Lobbying, being most fully identified in the United States (where since 1946 it has been registered and under financial control in accordance with the law), is characteristic of almost all socio-political structures.

The concepts of “lobby”, “lobbying”, “lobbying” and other derivatives are borrowed from English political terminology (from English lobby - covered walking area, corridor). In 1553 it was used to indicate a walking area in a monastery. A century later, the walking room in the House of Commons of England began to be called the same. The word took on a political connotation in America when, in 1864, the term “lobbying” began to refer to the buying of votes with money in the corridors of Congress.

Lobbying policy can be pursued in favor of:

individual social and political forces;

individual countries and regions;

strategies for solving private social or global problems.


Propaganda (lat. propaganda - subject to dissemination) is an activity (oral or through the media) that popularizes and disseminates ideas in the mass consciousness.

The concept of “propaganda” was introduced in 1662 by the Vatican, which formed a special congregation whose task was to spread the faith through missionary activities.

Political propaganda is understood as systematically carried out efforts to influence the consciousness of individuals, groups, and society in order to achieve a certain, pre-planned result in the field of political action.

The concept of “propaganda” in most cases has a negative meaning. Many foreign experts recognize that propaganda is a means of deception, informational and psychological violence against an individual and control of his behavior. The most characteristic and reflective of the essence of propaganda is the definition of the English theorist L. Fraser, who believes that “propaganda can be defined as the art of forcing people to do something that they would not do if they had all the data relevant to the situation.” The famous American media scholar Lasswell emphasized that it is not the goal, but the method that distinguishes controlling people through propaganda from controlling them through violence, boycott, bribery or other means of social control.

The essence of propaganda, according to American psychologists, is that under its influence each individual behaves as if his behavior followed from his own decisions. In the same way, you can manipulate the behavior of a group of people, and each member of such a group will believe that he is acting according to his own understanding.

Propaganda affects the senses more than the mind. Propaganda directly or indirectly plays on all human emotions - simple emotions like fear, complex emotions like pride or love of adventure, unworthy emotions like greed, good ones like compassion or self-respect, selfish emotions like ambition, or on emotions directed towards others - such as love for family. All human emotions and instincts have at one time or another provided propagandists with the means to influence or attempt to influence the behavior of those they target.

Propaganda is conventionally divided into “white”, “gray” and “black”.

White propaganda is usually conducted on behalf of an official source or one of its organs. It is open, uses verified data and does not disguise its goals.

Gray propaganda no longer indicates a specific source of information, uses unverified information, and seeks to mislead people.

Black propaganda always hides its true source and is based on real deception.

The use of gray and especially black propaganda in developed democratic countries is prohibited by law and is punishable by it. Nevertheless, it is possible and is used by unscrupulous media for their own purposes.

There are the following seven main techniques of information-psychological influence when conducting propaganda, known as the “alphabet of propaganda”: ​​1.

“Gluing or labeling” (name calling). 2.

“Shining generalities” or “brilliant vagueness” (glittering generality). 3.

“Transfer” or “transfer”. 4.

“Own guys” or “playing common people” (plain Folks). 6.

"Shuffling" or "card stacking". 7.

“Common carriage”, “common platform” or “band wagon”. These propaganda techniques were formulated in a systematized form in the United States in the late 30s of the 20th century at the Institute for Propaganda Analysis.

Stages of influence of a propaganda message:

stage of attracting attention and arousing interest;

stage of emotional stimulation;

stage of demonstrating how the tension created can be resolved by following the communicator's advice.

Crisis management

In modern economic competition and political struggle, such a form of information warfare as crisis management is common.

Crisis management uses technologies for creating and managing crisis situations in the interests of certain social actors. These technologies are used for secret coercion of an individual, mainly in economic competition and political struggle; they use a complex of different methods and means of covert coercion of people.

Crisis management is based on intelligence methods and technologies, rooted in what is called “corporate intelligence.” Or, in other words, these are intelligence methods in combination with specific “crisis” technologies that make it possible to directly use the information obtained by intelligence methods to make a profit and solve economic problems.

Crisis technologies use various (almost any) information delivery channels. This can be the media and MK, internal company memos, conversations in companies on vacation, letters, phone calls, etc. When using information delivery channels, the principle of “backup measures” is applied, according to which, as a rule, several channels are used to create an opinion delivery of information.

The first part of the complex of crisis technologies is purely intelligence technologies, which are used by all intelligence services in the world, as well as non-state intelligence structures (specialized non-state and private intelligence firms, intelligence units large companies or so-called corporate intelligence, etc.).

The second part consists of specific, actual crisis technologies. The essence and psychological content of crisis technologies is the secret coercion of a person. In crisis management it is used

uses the combination of “opinion + influence” in combination with technological techniques that allow you to create the desired opinion and exert the desired influence. Crisis technologies make it possible to do this in such a way as not to be subject to criminal prosecution (without going beyond the law and without doing anything for which one could be held accountable).

The main components of a crisis management operation: 1.

Collection of information. When collecting information, they look for weak points that they can “catch onto” (or that need to be eliminated). Strengths that need to be avoided (or that can be leaned on) are identified. Business, personal and other connections of the actors are determined. The so-called “dependencies” are removed: who a person can refuse if he does not agree with his request, and who he cannot; which person or structure can act on an object by command, and which cannot. The personal interests of the actors are determined, psychological characteristics are taken and behavior in different situations is predicted. The channels for obtaining information, target audiences, etc. are also determined. 2.

Reengineering. Its goal is to improve the efficiency of the company. Reengineering is often used separately, without any connection with crisis technologies, since at its core it is a purely management task. But when reengineering is carried out in conjunction with crisis programs, management schemes are checked for so-called “crisis stability”, and appropriate adjustments are made to them. 3.

Creating opinions on target audiences. A planned opinion is created for each of the target audiences. The work is more targeted than in advertising or public relations (PR); some special technologies are used. 4.

Ensuring that the right decisions are made is lobbying. Qisis management includes technologies for ensuring decision-making based on the created opinion. After creating an opinion, a person is already brought to a state where he himself is ready to make the necessary decision. To increase the likelihood that he will actually make this decision, he is carefully and in full compliance with the law “stimulated”, “pushed” to make this decision and at the same time the possibilities for not making a decision are blocked. This process is based on knowledge, consideration and use of personal characteristics, personal interests, the structure of business, official and personal connections, etc.

Blackmail as an information-psychological warfare operation has been known for a long time. Recently, blackmail has begun to be used more and more often in the context of information and psychological warfare.

Blackmail is the creation of conditions under which the object of blackmail is placed in a situation in which refusal to fulfill the conditions set by the subject of influence may actually lead to consequences unacceptable for the object. It is the unacceptability of possible consequences for the target that is the basis of blackmail, which makes it a powerful and very dangerous weapon.

The danger of blackmail is further enhanced by the fact that the target is often deprived of the opportunity to double-check the veracity of the reality of threats from the subject. Often, the object, understanding the hypothetical nature of the threats, still takes actions that are beneficial to the subject, only because he has no real opportunity to receive information that the subject is bluffing.

Another feature of blackmail is that the subject does not always act openly. Often the target never finds out who exactly blackmailed him.

Increasingly, blackmail is accompanied by the kidnapping of hostages, which extremely aggravates the situation and significantly hinders the active actions of the target aimed at neutralizing the subject.

In a situation of blackmail, the target is placed in a position where he needs to make a decision about whether to accept or reject the blackmailer's offer.

If the subject uses information that compromises the object, the latter tries to assess the damage that will be caused to his image and the consequences that will arise.

If blackmail is based on the kidnapping and holding of hostages, their health and often their lives are at stake.

By purpose, blackmail can be divided into: obtaining money;

obtaining weapons, drugs, vehicles, etc.; inducing an object to perform or refuse to perform certain actions.





World practice shows that there are no guarantees for an object to realize the promises of the subject, even if it has absolutely fully complied with all its requirements. On the other hand, refusing to comply with the blackmailer’s demands also does not provide any guarantee that he will not carry out his threats.

An important factor in ensuring the stable functioning and sustainable development of a company is the presence of an effective and efficient strategy to counteract destructive information and psychological influences on the company’s management, individual employees and (or) groups of company employees. The validity of decisions made by company management depends significantly on many factors, including their protection from destructive information and psychological influence. It should be especially emphasized that it is important not only what businessmen, managers, and company employees do and say, but what they think is also extremely important. From creativity and the psychological state of decision makers significantly affect the results of companies. Accordingly, new tasks arise to protect against destructive information and psychological influence on the company’s management and persons involved in the decision-making processes.

Chinese specialists, paraphrasing Soup Tzu, they say: “It is better to attack the enemy’s mind, than its fortified cities."

To form a new worldview model for a businessman, manager, or company employee, they use various ways. One of them is training company employees abroad. Acted in a similar way Peter the Great, when I tried to enter new model world: he sent young people en masse to study abroad, who upon their return became generators of this new model. At the same time, he deliberately underestimated the role of the distributors of the old model of the world, which, by the way, gave rise to rumors that the Tsar had been replaced abroad and that the Antichrist was ruling Russia in his place. And this can be considered as a natural reaction of mass consciousness to an attempt to fundamentally replace the old model of the world with a new one.

The second common way to form a new worldview model for company employees is to form a circle of people who form an ideological “lobby” and try to influence top government and other decisions.

The process of preparing and making decisions, as a rule, is associated with the interests of various parties and, as a result, with a conflict of interests.

The destructive influences on the company's management and its employees are very diverse and are described in detail in many sources. Competitive intelligence (business intelligence) methods are widely used in business to gain competitive advantages.

For example, to destabilize the activities of companies, they carry out the following activities.

  • 1. Subversion. This activity is designed to undermine the unity of the management team from within, to create an atmosphere of mistrust and suspicion, and is aimed at inflaming conflict situations and creating a conflict of interest within the company’s management team.
  • 2. Penetration. Recruitment of influence agents in the management team.
  • 3. Discrediting the management and leading employees of the company.
  • 4. Intervention. Coordinated and organized efforts to complicate the management team's activities.
  • 5. Implementation of a broad propaganda campaign in order to form a negative opinion about the company and its management.
  • 6. Systematic dissemination of rumors, especially plausible ones; etc.

What is counteraction to destructive information and psychological influence? To answer this question, you need to understand the conceptual apparatus.

The conceptual apparatus in the field of countering destructive information and psychological influences is not fully agreed upon and established. Therefore, we will consider a number of definitions that help to understand the essence of this issue.

The company's strategy to counteract destructive information and psychological influences on the management of the company, individual employees and (or) groups of employees of the company - this is part of the corporate development strategy, an internal regulatory document that defines strategic goals and objectives, priority areas of activity to ensure the information and psychological security of the company’s management, individual employees and (or) groups of employees company, approval of strategic initiatives (strategy implementation plan), and allocation of resources necessary to achieve strategic goals.

Information and psychological safety of company management for individual employees and (or) groups of company employees- this is the state of protection of the company’s management, individual employees and (or) groups of company employees from destructive (negative) information and psychological influences.

System for ensuring information and psychological security of company management, individual employees and (or) groups of company employees - this is an organized and interconnected set of subjects and objects of information and psychological security, legal, economic, information, organizational, technical, special and other methods and means of ensuring information and psychological security of the company’s management, individual employees and (or) groups of company employees.

TO objects of information and psychological security include relationships arising in connection with information and psychological influences on the company’s management, an employee, a group of company employees and stakeholders, as well as their protection from the destructive consequences of such influence.

TO subjects of information and psychological security include: company management, company employees and stakeholders who have been subjected to destructive (negative) information and psychological influence; company management, a group of company employees and interested parties carrying out information and psychological influences; authorized bodies and organizations to ensure information and psychological security.

Comment", Subjects of information and psychological security also include interested parties who are not employees of the company. Stakeholders, as is known, include: shareholders, suppliers, customers, partners, regulatory and supervisory authorities, competitors, etc.

Threats to information and psychological security for company management of individual employees and (or) groups of company employees- a set of external and internal conditions and factors, including the destructive activities of legal entities and individuals, various organizations and structures that have caused and (or) may cause damage to the health and interests of the company’s management, individual employees and (or) groups of company employees, negatively have affected and (or) may negatively affect the sustainable development of the company and its employees.

Currently, according to the authors, there is no sufficiently substantiated classification of threats to information and psychological security and their sources. Let us first consider the main sources of threats to information and psychological security for the company’s management, individual employees and (or) groups of company employees.

Sources of information and psychological security for the company’s management, individual employees and (or) groups of company employees can be both external and internal.

  • Demin E. Attack on the enemy's mind. Chinese psychological operations in the light of national traditions // Independent Military Review. 2001. No. 1.
  • Pocheptsov G. G. Information wars. M.: Refl-book; Kyiv: Wakler, 2000; Volkovsky N. L. History of information wars: in 2 parts / iod ed. I. Petrova. St. Petersburg : Polygon, 2003; etc.
  • P-System: An Introduction to Economic Espionage. Workshop on economic intelligence in Russian entrepreneurship. 2nd ed. M.: Business book, 2002; Panarin I. N. Media, propaganda and information wars. M.: Generation, 2012; etc.
  • Doronin A.I. Business intelligence. 2nd ed., revised. and additional M.: Os-89, 2003; Artemyev V. What is Business Intelligence? URL:; Dudikhin V.V., Dudikhina O.V. Competitive intelligence on the Internet. M.: DMK-Press, 2002; etc.
  • Grachev G.V. Information and psychological security of the individual: state and possibilities of psychological protection. M.: Publishing house RAGS, 1998; Panarin I. N. First World Information War. The collapse of the USSR. M.: Peter, 2010; General theory of national security: textbook / edited. ed. A. A. Prokhozhsva. 2nd ed. M.: Publishing house RAGS, 2005; Rastorguev S.P. Information war. M.: Radio and communication, 1999; Operations of information-psychological warfare: a short encyclopedic dictionary-reference book. V. B. Veprintsev [and others]. 2nd ed., erased. M.: Hotline - Telecom, 2011; etc.
  • Grachev G.V. Information and psychological security of the individual: state and possibilities of psychological protection; Bern E. Games that people play: Psychology of human relationships; People who play games: Psychology of human destiny: trans. from English M.: Progress, 1988; Brinkman R., Kertner R. The genius of communication. A manual for psychological protection. St. Petersburg : Peter, 1997; Krysko V. G. Ethnic psychology: textbook, manual for students. higher schools, institutions. 2nd ed., erased. M.: Academy, 2004; Rastorguev S.P. Philosophy of information warfare. M., 2000; etc.

Information influence is a powerful means of ideological re-evaluation and propaganda, aimed at suppressing mass mental consciousness, introducing into the subconscious of the masses appropriate attitudes (patterns of behavior), which can be activated by manipulators at any time. An important place in influencing the subconscious in particular, and mass mental consciousness, is played by the means of mass communication, without which the existence of modern society and modern life is impossible. Individuals enclosed in the masses (within society) see in the media, first of all, an opportunity to obtain information about changes taking place in the world.

Information-psychological influence is the influence of words, information. Psychological influence of this type has as its main goal the formation of certain ideological (social) ideas, views, perceptions, beliefs, while at the same time it causes in people positive or negative emotions, feelings and even mass reactions, for example, panic.

The following types of psychological influence are distinguished.

1. Persuasion (argumentation). Conscious, reasoned influence on another person or group of people, with the goal of changing judgment, attitudes, intentions or decisions.

2. Self-promotion. Declaring your goals and presenting evidence of your competence and qualifications in order to be appreciated and thereby gain advantages in a selection situation (appointment to a position, etc.).

3. Suggestion. Conscious unreasoned influence on a person or group of people, aimed at changing their state, attitude towards something and predisposition to certain actions.

Suggestion is the introduction of any ideas, feelings, emotions without the possibility of critical evaluation and logical processing, i.e. bypassing consciousness. With suggestion, all transmitted ideas are perceived and executed “blindly”. Suggestion is used to block a person’s unwanted behavior or thinking, to persuade a person to do a desired action or behavior, and to spread useful information and rumors. Suggestions gain strength through repetition.

Types of suggestion:

Direct - influence with words.

b) instructions that influence emotions, attitudes and motives of behavior. These are soft soothing phrases, they are repeated several times in a calm tone.

Indirect - hidden, disguised suggestion. Intermediate actions or an irritant are used to enhance the effect, for example, a tablet that does not have medicinal properties(“placebo effect”). Indirect suggestion is learned unconsciously, involuntarily, imperceptibly.

4. Infection. The transfer of one’s state or attitude to another person or group of people who in some way (not yet explained) adopt this state or attitude. This state can be transmitted both involuntarily and voluntarily and can also be acquired (involuntarily or voluntarily).

5. Awakening the impulse to imitation. The ability to create a desire to be like you. The desire to imitate and imitation (copying someone else's behavior and way of thinking) can be voluntary or involuntary.

6. Building favor. Attracting the involuntary attention of the addressee to oneself by demonstrating one’s own originality and attractiveness, expressing favorable judgments about the addressee, imitating him or providing him with a service.

7. Request. An appeal to the addressee to satisfy the needs or desires of the initiator of the influence. This type of influence seems to be a fine line from which it is easy to slip into either coercion or entreaty.

8. Coercion. The threat that the initiator will use his control capabilities in order to achieve the required behavior from the addressee. The most severe forms of coercion may involve threats of physical harm.

9. Destructive criticism. Expressing disparaging or offensive judgments about a person’s personality and/or grossly aggressive condemnation, slander or ridicule of his deeds and actions. The destructiveness of such criticism is that it does not allow a person to “save face”, diverts his energy to fight the negative emotions that have arisen, and takes away his faith in himself.

10. Manipulation. Hidden motivation of the addressee to experience certain states, make decisions and / or perform actions necessary for the initiator to achieve his own goals.

11. Rumors are a specific type of information that arises spontaneously and becomes available to a wide audience. It may be deliberately distributed with the aim of influencing the public consciousness of people. Rumors are a very powerful tool of influence, therefore they are widely used in politics and marketing.

12. Management. Assumes the presence of an appropriate status, certain powers, and power. To manage means to lead, to direct the activities of someone.

There is also an approach that distinguishes the following system of methods of psychological influence:

Psychological attack

Psychological programming

Psychological manipulation

Psychological pressure

Psychological pressure is used in the army, government and administrative bodies; in the process of terror, mobbing, etc. The basis of the autocratic style-method of leadership is psi-pressure.

Related combinations are possible: attack + pressure, pressure + programming, programming + manipulation, manipulation + attack.

Paradoxical inclusions are possible: attack with programming elements, programming with attack elements; pressure with elements of manipulation, manipulation with elements of pressure.

Psychogenic exposure can occur through physical impact on the human brain, which results in disruption of normal neuropsychic activity. Such an impact is also possible when experiencing a state of shock from any events in the surrounding reality, when a person experiences depression, affect, panic, etc. The less a person’s psyche is prepared for the psycho-traumatic influences of the environment, the more pronounced are the mental injuries, called psychogenic losses. An example of a psychogenic effect is the influence of color on the psychophysiological and emotional state of a person.

It has been experimentally established that when exposed to purple, red, orange and yellow colors, a person’s breathing and pulse become more frequent and deep, and their blood pressure increases, while green, blue, indigo and violet colors have the opposite effect. The first group of colors is stimulating, the second is calming. People with weak nervous systems like red and yellow colors, for people with strong nerves - green and blue.

The color red is embedded in the genetic memory and is associated with the sight of blood or the reflection of a fire, therefore it causes anxiety, worry and fear, and activates the instinct of self-preservation. Blue, which appears in the hereditary memory as the color of the sky, evokes a sentimental mood, while black evokes sadness. In Western civilization, white color is associated with purity, although in Japanese, Chinese and some other Asian cultures it is combined with the concepts of cold, emptiness, and death. Blue corresponds to a state of sadness, gray and brown - fear, fatigue.

Certain color combinations have a very specific emotional impact. For example, using complementary colors creates harmony and brings maximum pleasure. In turn, the wrong color combination contributes to anxiety and causes opposite feelings. The main purpose of using color in psychological warfare is correct design information and propaganda materials.

Thus, during the Arab-Israeli war (1973), the Egyptians used multiple launch rocket systems against Israel. Of the 1,500 Israeli troops admitted to the hospital after the fire raid, 800 had no physical injuries.

Psychoanalytic influence - influencing a person’s subconscious with therapeutic means, especially in a state of hypnosis or deep sleep.

Neurolinguistic influence is a type of psychological influence that changes people’s motivation by introducing special linguistic programs into their consciousness. Currently, psycholinguistic programming is actively used by psychoanalysts to treat people. However, the need for direct contact with the object limits the scope of use of this type of psychological influence.

Psychotronic(parapsychological, extrasensory) influence is the manipulation of people by transmitting information through unconscious perception. There are generators of high-frequency and low-frequency brain coding, dowsing installations, and the use of chemical and biological agents to stimulate certain psychological reactions. (see Appendix No. 1)

The center for the creation of psychotronic weapons in the late 80s was the city of Novosibirsk. This equipment, when launched into low-Earth orbit, could correct the behavior of the population in an area larger than the Republic of Belarus. This information is confirmed by N.I. Anisimov. Psychotronic weapons differ in their specificity from other types of weapons. If the Kalashnikov assault rifle could be invented, tested and improved at a shooting range, then human donors are constantly required for the development of psychotronic weapons. The selection of donors is carried out according to psychological types. The victims of special experiments are usually gifted people who are not loyal to the regime, military personnel of military units, athletes, prisoners of prisons and other places of deprivation of liberty, persons registered in dispensaries, all prisoners of mental hospitals without exception, and the collection of healthy human material is carried out during free time. hunting in the city or any other populated area. There are three stages of psychoprogramming. The first stage is brain control. The second stage is the management of human psychophysical activity. And the third stage is the destruction of the experimental person. The third stage is usually resorted to in the following cases: there is a danger of exposure; waste material is ineffective; to intimidate other test subjects. Destruction can be carried out by any method.

At present, psychotronic weapons are not yet actively used as a means of psychological warfare, but some people and organizations are using existing developments. For example, the phenomenon of the 25th frame, which is a powerful means of suggestion, is widely used. This phenomenon is due to the fact that information is absorbed by the psyche, bypassing consciousness. Numerous experiments have shown that within one second the centers of the brain manage to receive, process and remember the 25th signal. Doctors have proven that red flickering with a frequency of 10 to 3030 flashes per second causes irritation of the optic nerves and partial spasm of cerebral vessels, and then loss of consciousness, convulsions and even spasmodic cessation of breathing (suffocation).

On April 17, 1996, in Moscow, at the Central House of Journalists, at a press conference “Psycho-weapons and zombification of the population,” it was decided to acknowledge the existence of psychotronic weapons and their use against the population.

In 1996, in an interview with journalists, General A. Lebed, Secretary of the Security Council and Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation for National Security, said the following: “We are already very close to facing new types of threats that have arisen in connection with the advent of technologies for psychosemantic modeling of human behavior. New, more effective systems for influencing the consciousness and subconscious of the population are being developed. And there are many examples of this. Moreover, it can be assumed that the hurricane destruction of values ​​that occurred in the USSR and then Russia was carried out as a special psychological operation.”

There is information that medical workers collaborating with special services and the military-industrial complex, when conducting surgical operations and vaccinations of the population, introduced microcircuit plates into the bodies of patients that fit freely in epidemic needles. After the introduction of such microcircuits, a person becomes a radio-controlled biorobot. According to confidential information, about 30% of the population former USSR carries microchips in his body.

Academician N. Bekhtereva and her colleagues annually produce thousands of zombified repeaters with diplomas of “sorcerers” in their pockets using the patients of the clinic located at the “Brain” center she heads, with the blessing of the Ministry of Health.

During the August 1991 putsch, the commander of the White House defense, Colonel General K. Kobets, publicly stated that the putschists could use psychotronic weapons on the defenders, which, according to the defenders, was used in certain areas. During the October events of 1993, according to participants and military personnel, psychotronic weapons were already used on a massive scale.

Devices affecting humans include:

1) infrasound technology (vibration and pulse). An infrasonic wave, directed by a powerful impulse, can create a kind of shock and thereby destroy any objects (including tissues of a living organism);

Sonic Nausea is a device that causes nausea and headaches in others. This is a device that emits ultra-high frequency sound waves, can cause headache, nervousness, irritability, nausea, and vomiting. The scope of application of such a device is purely individual for each person and depends on his personal qualities and needs. With Sonic Nausea, any student can fail a test, achieve peace and quiet in the evenings, forcing his neighbor to sleep.

Range dangerous to humans (6-8 Hz)

Resonant frequencies of human internal organs:

Frequency (Hz), Organ

20-30, Head

40-100, Eyes

0.5 -13, Vestibular apparatus

4-6, Heart

2-3, Stomach

2-4, Intestine

4-8, Abdomen

6, Spine.

In the USSR, “panic generators” were created and successfully tested in the late 40s, but their use was prohibited due to the hostility of the communist leadership to this topic for moral and ethical reasons. With the liquidation of the communist regime, moral and ethical restrictions were eliminated, and from the beginning of the 90s in major cities in moments of crisis, powerful mass-impact infrasound generators are launched in order to reduce mass activity and sow a slight unconscious panic, stimulating isolation among the population and the desire to “sit at home.” Directional infrasound generators can be used for individual exposure. They can be used to unsettle a partner, create panic in him and thereby facilitate interrogation or intimidation. On the eve of terrorization or blackmail, it is useful to irradiate the victim’s home with infrasound at 7 Hz for several days.

Thus, we see the possibility of infrasound affecting the entire human body and even individually each organ, which makes us vulnerable. And the device presented above only proves this possibility.

Separately, I would like to highlight our modern generation, which little by little is becoming addicted to rock music. This music also delivers an energetic blow to the chakras and aura of a person. The picture shows the result of the destructive effects of rock music. First of all, it is the complete absence of an aura.

2) electronic equipment. Exposure to radio waves of various frequencies, often combined with video equipment that makes it possible to view through walls. Currently, the impact occurs using the so-called. psychotronic stations operating on leptonic generators or biofield generators.

The human biofield represents countless bioelectric potentials that continuously arise and emit in a living body, organically connected with the course of all life processes in it. This is an organic unity of bioenergy and bioinformation, the total result of many complex metabolic processes that create and remove unnecessary substances.

Research in the field of non-classical psychology and psychophysics has made it possible to create techniques for so-called “zombification,” as well as programming or controlling the human psyche and people’s consciousness. It was on the basis of these techniques that devices were created that could influence the human psyche. They are usually united under the general term - psychotronic generators. These are technical specialized systems, devices, the most important unit of which are electromagnetic, magnetoacoustic, plasma and other types of sources of specially organized inhomogeneous fields that generate weak wave processes, apparently resonant to the subtle mechanisms of the brain and nervous system person. Specially selected operators with special sensitivity to these resonances are able to direct the generated fields to the desired object and induce in it certain excited states that are different from its usual ones. Next, the operator, holding the new mode, modulates, forms, and imposes a given state. A person is usually programmed at night by three generators of an agreed frequency for one hundred minutes. To implement a rigorous program into a person, irradiation must last at least a week. Generators, as is practiced in cities such as Kyiv, Zelenograd, Novosibirsk, Barnaul and Rostov-on-Don, are installed on the outskirts of the city. After implementing the program, a person receives a coded signal - it can be a certain sound, most often a telephone call, usually called after midnight, when the person’s mental defense weakens. After receiving a command, a coded person is capable of any action.

In 1974, the State Committee for Inventions immediately registered both the invention and the discovery, called “Method of inducing artificial sleep at a distance using radio waves.” The hypno-emitter was tested in 1974 in military unit No. 71592, near Novosibirsk. According to calculations, the power of the generators is sufficient to effectively process a city with an area of ​​about one hundred square kilometers.

3) Microwave - equipment with computer support that controls devices that receive brain radiation. Because Some areas of the brain do not have strictly defined frequencies (AFC), a pilot signal is used. When encoding the human brain, the station equipment is controlled by an operator trained for this purpose;

In the 60s, research into the biological effects of electromagnetic radiation intensified. The main focus of the research was on human exposure to electromagnetic radiation in the radio frequency range from extremely low (f = 3-30 Hz) to ultra-high (f = 3-30 GHz).

The study of these frequency ranges of electromagnetic radiation formed the basis for the creation of a new type of NFPP radio frequency (electromagnetic) weapons.

Radio frequency weapons in the ultrahigh frequency range are sometimes called microwave or microwave weapons. In this case, first of all, the effect of radiation on the central nervous and cardiovascular systems is studied, since they regulate the activity of all other organs and systems, determine the state of the psyche and behavior of a person.

As a result of experiments conducted in the USA, it was determined that with a single exposure of a person to radiation with certain frequencies in the radio frequency range from 30 to 30,000 MHz (meter and decimeter waves) at an intensity of more than 10 MW/cm2, the following are observed: headache, weakness, depression, increased irritability, fear, impaired decision-making ability, memory impairment.

Exposure of the brain to radio waves in the frequency range 0.3-3 GHz (decimeter waves) at an intensity of up to 2 MW/cm2 causes a sensation of whistling, buzzing, buzzing, clicking, which disappears with appropriate shielding. It has also been established that powerful electromagnetic radiation can cause severe burns and blindness.

With the help of electromagnetic radiation, it is possible to remotely and purposefully influence a person, which makes it possible to use radio frequency weapons to carry out psychological sabotage and disrupt the control of the enemy’s troops and economy. When applied to friendly troops, electromagnetic radiation can be used to increase resistance to stress arising during combat operations.

When using this weapon, a person may not feel anything physically, but the consequences in the form of poor memory, absent-mindedness, illness, and difficulty concentrating may appear months and years later; children are especially susceptible to the influence. This is the main danger of such weapons; they are completely invisible, but leave behind millions of disabled, mentally retarded people who have been exposed to radiation. Since the irradiation area is no longer technically limited, it is the entire planet Earth.

Using microwave weapons, you can disrupt the operation of any electronic systems. Outdated magnetrons and klystrons with a power of up to 1 GW using phased array antennas will disrupt the functioning of airfields, missile launch sites, centers and control posts, and disable command and control systems for troops and weapons. They can also destroy the enemy's economy.

With the adoption by armies of remote control equipment for humans through the use of electromagnetic waves at frequencies of 0.001-1000 Hz, of all types, it became possible to block government systems the opposing side at the highest level of management. This made electromagnetic human control a priority weapon in the 1990s.

After the use of these weapons, the real control of states that had means of defense moved into shielded rooms. Those states that were not ready to repel this impact turned out to be third world countries.

People who do not use impact sensors and shielded rooms for rest and work turned out to be defenseless against new types of weapons using electromagnetic influence.

In the USA, they were the first to fill this gap; meeting rooms, screened rooms in office buildings and personal homes are today’s reality in the USA. About 5% of the income of US firms is spent on these purposes.

When a patient is placed in a zone of ultra-high-frequency radiation, the possibility of his psychoprogramming is greatly facilitated.

4. Laser. Used for physical burn injuries. The radiation source is usually installed in apartments adjacent to the residents, on the upper floors or in houses opposite.

Psychotropic influence is the manipulation of people’s psyches with the help of medications, chemicals, and biological substances. You need to choose the right drugs that can change consciousness and use them. Currently, there are neurotransmitters that can control (intensify or suppress) aggressive human behavior. Smells have a strong impact on the psyche. American psychiatrist A. Hirsch found that certain odors cause specific actions and behavior of a person; smell is a control panel capable of guiding human emotions and actions. For example, the aroma of lavender, chamomile, lemon and sandalwood weakens brain activity faster than any depressant. And jasmine, rose, mint and cloves excite gray matter cells more powerfully than strong coffee. The power of odors has a scientific explanation: in the human brain there are certain sections responsible for perceiving odors, processing information about them and storing it in memory.


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