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Children's poems and riddles about a chameleon:

V. Zubkov

Oh, how cunning a chameleon is!
He can change his color,
And to all the enemies that are on the way,
He, the cunning one, cannot be found.

A. Ganiev

Chameleon lay down on a branch,
The eyes rotate like a roulette wheel,
It changes its color easily,
There are a million of them on it!

V. Silver

Look, he's green,
And it will be yellow soon.
Works Chameleon
Today there is a traffic light.

Y. Veramey

Sunset colors and lemon colors?
There could easily be chameleons.
Blue polka dots, stripes, squares -
chameleon is extremely happy
depict all the colors and colors,
even those that are significantly rare.
Chameleon has the hardest time
depict color... yourself!

I. Carde

Chameleon changes color -
Sometimes it's green, sometimes it's not,
It's lilac, with polka dots,
It looks like a tree.
In general, it is difficult to guess
Where to look for him now?
Because chameleon
He's simply a champion at hide and seek.

V. Sibirtsev

changes color
It’s on a branch, but if you look, it’s not there.
The cunning brave man, sitting in secret,
He grabs midges with his tongue.

E. Telushkina

Among the branches chameleon
He plays hide and seek with us.
He is always disguised -
Changes its color without difficulty.

N. Tsvetkova

Only he was green
Became gray chameleon.
He sits motionless
Looks in all directions.
He is watching the spider -
Grab with sticky tongue.
Spider, quickly hide,
Don't get caught in the tongue.

P. Kikot

Chameleon called
Anything that changes color.
Don't listen to stupid lies:
Actually it's me.
There are many of us lizards around the world.
We can become any color
So that enemies don't see it.
You love and take care of us.
I’ll also whisper in your ear:
This is how we communicate with each other.
You're used to saying words,
And games of color are our language.

A. Pidenko

Is it him or isn't he
Changed color chameleon?
If only we could, without all the costs,
Change your outfit a hundred times a day.

M. Grieg

How handsome Chameleon,
It changes its color.
Sometimes it's yellow, sometimes it's green,
Then suddenly he will turn blue.
And he plans to attack -
It may immediately turn red.
The tail will wrap around the branches,
And he is waiting for his prey.
And the tongue is longer than the body,
He wields it boldly.
Tongue a bug at once
He'll catch you right away.
So let's change the color for the kids,
When they play hide and seek.
You stood in the green corner immediately became green.

S. Borodin

Chameleon- darling, lovely!
He is this and that.
He really likes to change.
What else should he do?!

A. Eroshin

Any animal, any object
They have their own special color
This is clear to anyone.
But, for example, a chameleon -
Do you know what he's like?
A real color?
It can become without magic
In the grass - green like grass,
Brown - on a branch,
Or maybe yellow, like sand,
And red like tomato juice
And striped - in a cage.
I asked him: “Give me the answer,
When were you born,
What color was it?”
Sighing, he said:
"You know, brother,
I would be glad to answer you
But I forgot it a long time ago!”

S. Peskova

Telescopes of the eye
he turns back and forth -
maybe right, maybe left
turn each eye skillfully.
Well, he's so big-eyed!
And the name is - chameleon!

Puffy eyes chameleon -
he looks through a telescope,
spins left and right
and not for fun at all,
to see the danger
or quickly eat the prey.

S. Fomin

In South Africa, in the forest
Among the leaves, in the air,
Small, like our ferret
An animal was hiding there.
And from there it’s very catchy
With your tongue with a suction cup,
You and I are strangers,
Quickly catches insects.
And when someone is afraid,
The color may vary,
You won’t believe it, just like in a fairy tale,
Both design and coloring.
He will become invisible
Miracle beast - chameleon.

M. Andreeva

The lizard changes color:
Here he was - and now he’s not!
Something just happened:
Instantly the color changed.
He doesn't come down from the tree
Eats insects.
Well, what if he gets down?
Where is he, our Chameleon?
He changed color
He snuck into the grass, and left no trace!

Riddles about the chameleon.

What kind of bug animal is this?
Multicolored shirt?
This is Lizard brother,
Everyone is happy to see him.
It often changes color
His name is... (Chameleon).

T. Goette

On the grass chameleon
Changed its color to tone.
And I removed another half tone...
Can't find the chameleon!

S. Bird

It will turn yellow like sand
And green, like a leaf.
Changes the background for anyone
Your suit... (chameleon)

V. Talyzin

He is a thunderstorm to insects,
They look towards the eyes,
With a long sticky tongue
We know very little
It changes the color of the skin,
It's crawling... (chameleon).

T. Lavrova

It is green, less often – red,
Purple, dangerous!
Very skinny, tail in a spiral,
He shoots his tongue into the distance.
He loves midges very much,
"Terrible beast"...( Chameleon)

At night, when the apartment was plunged into such pleasant darkness and silence, the Gray Mouse crawled out of its hole and, just in case, went to get acquainted with the one whom people called a mouse.

The Gray Mouse climbed onto the table and sniffed the stranger.

The stranger smelled of boredom. The computer, printer, player smelled exactly the same - in general, everything that made no sense. Saucers in which you could find crumbs, or, for example, a beautiful garbage can, smelled completely different: interesting.

The Gray Mouse was so tired of loneliness that she could not immediately give up the idea of ​​​​destroying him. You probably know yourself: hope is something you don’t want to part with at all, even more than, for example, a delicious bun.

And so the Gray Mouse said:

“Hello,” and looked hopefully at the one they called the mouse.

But she was silent.

And the Gray Mouse realized that another creature had appeared in the house, which had nothing to do with her.

Then the Mouse sat down on the table, propped its head on its paw and began to look at the Computer: just like that, out of boredom and having nothing to do.

The computer looked at her. Because he was interested. Otherwise, everything around is people and people, and here is the Gray Mouse. It's interesting.

The computer was very smart: it knew a lot, yes, perhaps, it knew everything that could be known. Except for one thing, he did not know: where his soul was.

The computer knew that everything has a soul. So, he should have it too. More than anything else, he dreamed of getting to know his soul, but he did not understand at all where to look for this soul within himself.

The mouse went to the kitchen, ate the lost hope with the remaining crumbs, and went into its hole, realizing that no one would ever appear in this world who would want to call out to it.

The computer remained on the table, sadly reflecting on the fact that he would never be able to get to know his soul, which, of course, does not interfere with life, but for some reason it prevents him from feeling happy.

You, of course, know very well that this often happens: it seems that everything in life is bad, and suddenly - once again! – starts well. Moreover, this “good” very often begins completely unexpectedly.

One day, when summer had come outside the apartment window, and all the people left the hot city somewhere where it was even hotter, there was a fire in the house. Maybe you know that along with a fire, a flood always comes: that’s just the way it is. When the upper apartment is on fire and is flooded with water, the lower one is flooded for company.

The Gray Mouse lived just at the bottom. And at first she liked that water was flowing from the ceiling. She thought: maybe this water will bring her a friend?

But the water rose higher and higher: it flooded the baseboard and began to rise above it. The apartment turned into a lake, in the middle of which the Mouse swam, realizing with horror that her swimming powers were leaving her.

The computer stood on the table all its life, and it never needed to move from its place. Indeed: if the place is good, authentic, why leave it?

But when he saw the Gray Mouse floundering in the water, something moved inside the Computer. And it wasn't new program. It wasn’t a program at all, but something completely different that forced him to leave his usual place, jump into the apartment lake, and dive under a swimming mouse.

Feeling a solid surface beneath her, the Gray Mouse was at first stunned, then delighted, and then decided to say hello.

“Hello,” said the Gray Mouse.

“Hello, swimmer,” the Computer said, spitting out water.

- Are you talking to me? – Gray Mouse was surprised.

“You,” the Computer tried to smile.

So the Gray Mouse got a name that she really liked: Swimmer.

And then people came and said that the Computer was hopelessly damaged and threw it in the trash.

The Gray Mouse decided not to leave the one who gave her the name, and threw herself out with him.

And the one they called the mouse turned out to be not spoiled at all, and it was left in the apartment. Which, I must admit, made the Gray Mouse very happy - for some reason she didn’t want the Computer to continue to be tied to some dubious and fake mice.

Since then, the Gray Mouse, now called the Swimmer, and the Computer began to live in the trash heap.

During the day, the Swimmer walked through her new, wonderfully smelling life, in search of food and news. And in the evening I told the news to the Computer.

The computer told her:

“Well done, Swimmer, your story is interesting,” and he looked at the Gray Mouse carefully and tenderly.

And here’s what’s interesting: the more he listened to the Swimmer and looked at her, the more clearly it seemed to him that he now knew what his soul was.

And the Computer completely stopped thinking about how to become happy. He felt good anyway. And when it’s good - both the Computer and the person - somehow don’t think about happiness.

Here's a story about a Computer and a Gray Mouse named Swimmer, can you imagine?

About Chameleon

When you are at the zoo, be sure to find the cage in which the chameleon sits. There is such an animal that looks like a lizard. He has large, surprised and somewhat offended eyes.

And there is, I’ll tell you, something to be offended by!

The fact is that people decided that the chameleon is literally a symbol of impermanence!

Adults will probably tell you: “The chameleon is so fickle! It's always changing color! In green grass it becomes green. And in yellow, you know, yellow!”

Adults, of course, know a lot of things: it would be ridiculous to argue with that. But sometimes they are not aware of something very important.

And now I’ll tell you about this main thing.

The thing is that the chameleon was born terribly kind. Kind, but terrible. It happens.

That's why he got burned. This also happens.

It used to be that a huge hippopotamus would stomp up to him and ask him kindly:

- Could you, dear chameleon, become a color that no one has seen? This would greatly amuse my baby hippopotamus.

The chameleon did not know how to refuse, and fulfilled the hippopotamus’ request. True, no one saw him. Because he became a color that no one had ever seen. And the hippo laughed a lot!

Or, for example, a giraffe will come up to him and ask:

“If you can’t become as tall as me, then please become spotted.” And I will be glad.

Who wants to get spotted? So the chameleon didn’t want to. But the giraffe really asked...

Since then, it has been like this: whoever asks the chameleon to change its color, he never refuses anyone.

The animals scolded the chameleon for his inconstancy.

They said:

– You cannot be friends with someone who is fickle even in his own color!

The animals condemned the chameleon to eternal loneliness. When they condemned him, their eyes glowed with a curious gleam.

And then, looking around cowardly, a little snake crawled up to the chameleon and asked:

- Please become green. Then you will completely disappear into the grass, and you can play hide and seek.

More than anything else, the chameleon didn’t like playing hide and seek: he didn’t want to hide, but, on the contrary, wanted to shout: “I’m here!” See me!

But the chameleon did not know how to refuse: so he had to turn green.

Not everyone, even a smart adult, can tell what a chameleon looks like. But everyone knows that he is a symbol of inconstancy and frivolity.

But you now know that the chameleon may be the most permanent creature on Earth. He is true to kindness.

What is his fault?

So you should definitely go up to the cage with the chameleon and say something kind to him. He will understand, I know for sure.

A message about a chameleon for children can be used in preparation for a lesson. A story about a chameleon for children can be supplemented with interesting facts.

Report about the chameleon

The chameleon is one of the most unusual and beautiful lizards on the planet, which is capable of changing color. Belongs to the class Reptiles, order Squamate.

Description of the chameleon

The average length of a chameleon is about 30 cm, the largest chameleons grow up to 65-68 cm, the size of the smallest lizards does not exceed 3-5 cm.

The head is often decorated with a crest or horns. The legs are long, the toes look like “claws” that can tightly grasp the branches of a tree. The tail is thick at the base, gradually tapers towards the end, and can spiral downward and wrap around branches.

Chameleons have unusual visual organs. The eyelids of animals are fused, constantly covering the eye, but having an opening for the pupil. The movements of the left and right eyes can be carried out independently of each other, which is important when catching insects. Chameleons have all-round visibility.

The chameleon's tongue is equipped with a catching suction cup located at the very end. This helps him quickly catch prey.

In 3 seconds, a chameleon can catch 4 victims. The length of the chameleon's tongue is approximately 1.5-2 times the length of the lizard itself.

Why does a chameleon change color?

The color of a chameleon can quickly change from light to black or dark brown.
Chameleons can copy the color of the surface of a stone or foliage, becoming invisible.
Sometimes changes in skin color are usually associated with expressions of threat, fear, irritation, as well as hunger and dehydration.

The nervous system “helps” the chameleon to camouflage itself. The color of the surrounding environment is irritating to the eyes, and therefore optic nerves, through which irritation is transmitted to the central nervous system and under its influence in the skin of animals, special cells and existing dyes expand or contract. Cells expand and the skin becomes darker; if they contract, the skin will become lighter. If you cover a chameleon's eyes with wax, its skin color will not change.

How long do chameleons live?

The average lifespan of chameleons is 3-5 years

Where do chameleons live?

Chameleons live in many African countries. Individual populations live in Southern Europe and Western Asia, southern India, Syria, Sri Lanka, the Hawaiian Islands, as well as in the USA, in the states of California and Florida.

Chameleon lifestyle

Chameleons prefer to lead a solitary lifestyle, although some males get along well in a harem consisting of several females.

All the time the chameleon is in the dense branches of trees or bushes. It rarely descends to the soil surface, usually during the mating season or after noticing tasty prey. The chameleon is lazy, moves little and can not change its position for hours, securely clasping a branch with its paws and tail.

What do chameleons eat in the wild?

The diet of chameleons is based on all kinds of insects (grasshoppers, crickets, butterflies, beetles), small lizards and snakes. Large species prey on rodents, birds and other small animals. A small part of the diet consists of leaves and fruits of trees.

Chameleon breeding

Most chameleon species breed twice a year. The mating season begins with a fierce fight between males for a female. During desperate fights they can be wounded or killed.

Females of oviparous species lay from 15 to 60 eggs, burying them in the sand, and individuals living in trees hang the eggs on branches. The incubation period is 3-10 months. Viviparous and ovoviviparous species bring from 5 to 15 young, and soon after birth they are again capable of reproduction.

Chameleons are diurnal because during sleep they are unable to control the change in color, turn pale and can become easy prey for predators.

Although the black color of the chameleon scares off some enemies and increases the chances of survival, the mourning color is acquired by males rejected by the female, as well as by weak rivals who have been defeated and forced to retreat in disgrace.

In Spain, chameleons are kept as fly catchers, exterminating hordes of annoying insects in homes and shops.

The chameleon is one of the oldest animals on the planet. The fossil remains of these lizards are about 26 million years old. According to some reports, there are finds up to 100 million years old.

We hope the information provided about chameleons helped you. And you can leave your report about the chameleon through the comment form.

Police warden Ochumelov walks through the market square in a new overcoat and with a bundle in his hand. A red-haired policeman walks behind him with a sieve filled to the brim with confiscated gooseberries. There is silence all around... Not a soul in the square... The open doors of shops and taverns look sadly into the light of God, like hungry mouths; There are not even beggars around them. So do you bite, damned one? Ochumelov suddenly hears. Guys, don’t let her in! Today it is forbidden to bite! Hold it! Ah...ah! A dog squeal is heard. Ochumelov looks to the side and sees: a dog is running from the wood warehouse of the merchant Pichugin, jumping on three legs and looking around. A man in a starched cotton shirt and an unbuttoned vest is chasing after her.” He runs after her and, leaning his body forward, falls to the ground and grabs the dog by the hind legs. A second dog squeal and cry is heard: “Don’t let me in!” Sleepy faces poke out of the shops, and soon a crowd gathers near the woodshed, as if growing out of the ground. It’s not a mess, your honor!.. says the policeman. Ochumelov makes a half turn to the left and walks towards the gathering. Near the very gates of the warehouse, he sees the above-described man standing in an unbuttoned vest and, raising his right hand, shows the crowd a bloody finger. It was as if it was written on his half-drunk face: “I’ll rip you off, you scoundrel!” and the finger itself looks like a sign of victory. In this man, Ochumelov recognizes the goldsmith Khryukin. In the center of the crowd, with his front legs spread out and his whole body trembling, the culprit of the scandal himself sits on the ground - a white greyhound puppy with a sharp muzzle and a yellow spot on his back. There is an expression of melancholy and horror in his teary eyes. What is the occasion here? asks Ochumelov, crashing into the crowd. Why here? Why are you using your finger?.. Who screamed? I’m going, your honor, I’m not bothering anyone... Khryukin begins, coughing into his fist. About firewood with Mitriy Mitrich, and suddenly this vile one for no reason, for no reason at all, for a finger... Excuse me, I a person who works... My job is small. Let them pay me, because maybe I won’t lift this finger for a week... This, your honor, is not even in the law to endure from the creature... If everyone bites, then it’s better not to live in the world... Hm!.. Okay... Ochumelov says sternly, coughing and wiggling his eyebrows. Okay... Whose dog? I won't leave it like this. I'll show you how to loosen dogs! It's time to pay attention to such gentlemen who do not want to obey the regulations! When they fine him, the bastard, he will learn from me what a dog and other stray cattle mean! I’ll show him Kuzka’s mother!.. Eldyrin, the warden turns to the policeman, find out whose dog it is and draw up a report! But the dog must be exterminated. Immediately! She must be mad... Whose dog is this, I ask? This seems to be General Zhigalov! someone from the crowd shouts. General Zhigalov? Hm!.. Take off my coat, Eldyrin... It’s terribly hot! Probably before the rain... There’s only one thing I don’t understand: how could she bite you? Ochumelov addresses Khryukin. How can she reach her finger? She's small, but you look so healthy! You must have picked your finger with a nail, and then the idea came to your head to rip it off. You are... famous people! I know you, devils! He, your honor, smokes her mug for laughter, and she don’t be a fool and a jerk... A cantankerous person, your honor! You're lying crookedly! I didn’t see it, so why lie? Their nobility is an intelligent gentleman and they understand if someone is lying, and someone according to his conscience, as before God... And if I am lying, then let the world judge. His law says... Nowadays everyone is equal... I myself have a brother in the gendarmes... if you want to know... Don't argue! No, this is not the general’s... The policeman thoughtfully remarks. The general doesn’t have those. He has more and more cops... Do you know this correctly? That's right, your honor... I know it myself. The general’s dogs are expensive, purebred, but this one, the devil knows what! No fur, no appearance... just meanness... And keep such a dog?!.. Where is your mind? If you had caught such a dog in St. Petersburg or Moscow, do you know what would have happened? There they wouldn’t look at the law, but immediately don’t breathe! You, Khryukin, suffered and don’t leave it like that... We need to teach you a lesson! It's time... Or maybe it’s a general’s... The policeman thinks out loud. It’s not written on her face... The other day I saw one like this in his yard. News, general's! says a voice from the crowd. Hm!.. Put my coat on, brother Eldyrin... Something blew in the wind... It’s chilling... You take her to the general and ask there. You will say that I found it and sent it... And tell her not to let her out into the street... She may be dear, but if every pig pokes a cigar in her nose, how long will it take to ruin it. A dog is a gentle creature... And you, idiot, put your hand down! There's no point in sticking out your stupid finger! It's my own fault!.. The general's cook is coming, we'll ask him... Hey, Prokhor! Come here, darling! Look at the dog... Yours? Made it up! We've never had anything like this before! “And there’s nothing to ask here for a long time,” says Ochumelov. “She’s a stray!” There is no point in talking here for a long time... If he said that she was a stray, then she was a stray... Exterminate, that's all. “This is not ours,” continues Prokhor. “This is the general’s brother who arrived the other day. Ours is not a hunter of greyhounds. Their brother is willing... Has their brother really arrived? Vladimir Ivanovich? asks Ochumelov, and his whole face is filled with a smile of tenderness. Look, my God! I didn’t even know! Have you come to visit? Visit... Look, my God... You miss your brother... But I didn’t even know! So is this their dog? I’m very glad... Take her... What a wow little dog... She’s so nimble... Grab this one by the finger! Ha-ha-ha... Well, why are you trembling? Rrr... Rrr... Angry, rascal... such a tsutsyk... Prokhor calls the dog and walks with it from the woodshed... The crowd laughs at Khryukin. I'll get to you yet! Ochumelov threatens him and, wrapping himself in his greatcoat, continues his way through the market square.

Once upon a time there lived a Chameleon. And since he was a Yemeni chameleon, he really liked to hang around the south Saudi Arabia, somewhere on wet slopes or valleys. Sometimes he would hide there and sit there, not bothering anyone. But people found out about it. Evil and bad. Since they were aware that the demand for exotic reptiles in Russia was growing, then one fine day they surrounded the Chameleon’s lair and - Atta him!! ! They let the dogs off their leashes and sharpened their spears so that the Chameleon would not go anywhere. Because a lot of money was promised for it. -Take the demon alive! , - the hunters tore their throats. -Yap! Yip! Yip! , - the dogs echoed them. Only the Rogatins kept quiet, because the Rogatins are not very talkative. By nature. Being a nervous animal, Chameleon really did not like to be picked up. But the hunters didn’t care about that. And although the Chameleon bit, and also hissed and grinned, they swaddled his darling, for his dear soul, with minimal losses: five males and three spears. Well, what won't you sacrifice for your own well-being? And they took the Chameleon to distant Russia. In shackles, and in an iron cage. The Chameleon was very upset about this, and became black, with yellow and green spots. And his jailers thought that he was sick, and all the way they stuffed Chameleon with aspirin, so that he would sweat and get better. The chameleon spat, but ate aspirin. “You’re not going anywhere, my dear,” the senior jailer said, stroking the comb on the Chameleon’s head, which reaches 8 centimeters in height. And they brought the Chameleon to Russia. And it went to the boy Vasyatka, on the occasion of the latter’s birthday. Vasyatka was very happy about the gift! He squeezed the Chameleon and treated him to cake. But Chameleon, due to his complete bad manners (bad heredity), did not appreciate Vasyatka’s care. And then Vasyatka decided to kill the Chameleon. And since Vasyatka was a boy terribly interested in zoology, he tormented his pets for a reason, but according to science. Guinea pigs, for example, swam with him. Long and tedious. Until we completely swam. This was such an advanced boy. In this connection, without thinking for long, Vasyatka began to plant the Chameleon on all sorts of surfaces. The chameleon hissed and bit, and Vasyatka planted. And everything would be fine. And it is quite possible that our Chameleon would have survived, but, unfortunately, Vasyatka came across a chessboard. Vasyatka smiled badly, anticipating imminent retribution, and put the Chameleon on the chessboard... And the Chameleon ended his days in the terrarium, because he had never met in his homeland chess boards, and therefore did not know what to do. And the Chameleon turned to his weak mind, not adapted to Russian realities. And often, until his death, he dreamed of his distant homeland: the Republic of Yemen, located in the south of Saudi Arabia...


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