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Vitamin C is an essential substance that is necessary for the health of the entire body. The main route of its entry into the human body is through food. Products with vitamin C should be included in your daily diet. When creating a balanced menu, it is important to consider the level of vitamin C in foods.

What is vitamin C and why does the body need it?

This is a biologically active compound that dissolves in water, which ensures the normal occurrence of most biochemical reactions in the body. This substance, related to glucose, in powder form has white and sour taste.

It received its second name “ascorbic acid” from the Latin “scorbutus” (scurvy). Back in the 18th century, scientists noticed that citrus fruits contain a certain substance that prevents the development of scurvy in sailors. Only later was it discovered that ascorbic acid, which is found in large quantities in lemons, tangerines, and oranges, protects against scurvy.

Ascorbic acid plays a major role in creating the body's defenses and stimulating the human immune system. It helps restore strength after physical activity and cleanses the body of carcinogens.

You need to know which foods contain the most vitamin C. First of all, these are vegetables, fruits, berries and herbs. Heat treatment significantly reduces its content in food, so it is healthier to consume such products in their raw, unprocessed form. Vitamin C in food increases the overall resistance of the body and improves the condition of all its functions.

Description and functions

During the process of evolution, the body lost the ability to produce ascorbic acid on its own, and food became its main source for humans. Foods high in vitamin C have many beneficial functions:

  • normalize blood cholesterol levels;
  • strengthen blood vessels;
  • regulate metabolic processes;
  • fight inflammatory processes;
  • help remove toxins;
  • prevent oxygen starvation;
  • improve skin condition;
  • slow down the aging process;
  • prevent the development of cancer;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis and the appearance of atherosclerotic plaques;
  • are a powerful antioxidant;
  • maintain blood clotting at the required level;
  • participate in the production of collagen;
  • prevent the development of allergic reactions;
  • improve iron absorption.

Read also What vitamins are effective against hair loss?

You need to have an idea of ​​what foods contain vitamin C in order to regularly include them in your daily menu.

Vitamin C Rich Foods

Most foods containing vitamin C come from plant foods. In food of animal origin, its amount is insignificant. There are many tables that detail the amount of vitamin C in foods.

It should be remembered that freezing, salting, drying, cooking and even slicing reduce the level of ascorbic acid in foods. Heat treatment reduces its content by almost 2 times. Therefore, plant products are best consumed fresh. Vegetables for salads are cut immediately before serving, until the level of nutrient content decreases. It is harmful to store food in metal containers.

The exception to the food processing rules is sauerkraut. It contains no less ascorbic acid than fresh. In winter, sauerkraut is an excellent alternative to missing fresh vegetables and fruits. You can use it every day.

Animal products

Highest level ascorbic acid in offal: beef lungs, pork liver, kidneys and adrenal glands. A small amount of ascorbic acid is found in products such as beaver meat and horse meat. There is no vitamin C in beef, pork, or chicken, although this meat contains enough other useful substances and microelements.

Dairy products

Kumis contains the most ascorbic acid. Next comes goat's milk. In cow's milk and fermented milk products, such as kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese, etc., the vitamin content is low. There is no ascorbic acid in feta cheese, cheeses, both cow, goat, and sheep.

Fish and seafood

Cod caviar is extremely rich in nutrients. You should choose one that was produced from freshly caught, unfrozen fish directly on a ship on the high seas. There is also a large amount of ascorbic acid in nori seaweed, mussels, squid, crab meat and shellfish.

Cereals and legumes

Here the first place is in peas. The second is for fresh soybeans. In demand among adherents healthy eating sprouted grains have a high level of ascorbic acid. When germinated, the amount of nutrients in grains increases hundreds of times.

Seeds and nuts

Nuts are a nutritious and healthy product; they contain many essential substances, including vitamin C. Hazelnuts, walnuts, pine nuts, and cashews must be present in the diet. Of the seeds, pumpkin seeds have the highest ascorbic acid content. In addition to ascorbic acid, they contain substances that have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.

Read also Full description and instructions for use of vitamin D3 for men and women

Fruits, vegetables and greens

Contrary to popular belief, lemon is not the richest product in ascorbic acid. The undisputed leader is the rosehip. You can eat it fresh; it is recommended to make decoctions of dried berries. Kiwi is also rich in ascorbic acid. 1-2 pcs. kiwi per day will cover the daily requirement for vitamins.

Black currant is in the top three. In addition to vitamin C, it contains essential oils, provitamins, potassium, phosphorus and iron salts.

Apples, broccoli, sweet peppers, white cabbage, and spinach contain large amounts of ascorbic acid. Although not in first place, but not in last place are all citrus fruits - tangerines, oranges, grapefruits, lemons, pomelo.

Foods with the highest content: table

The table provides a list of foods richest in ascorbic acid. By reading it, you can find out which food contains the most great content vitamin C.

Product name Vitamin C content, mg/100 g Percentage of daily requirement
Rose hip 650 930
black currant 200 286
Kiwi 180 260
Brussels sprouts 100 140
Dill greens 100 140
Broccoli 90 127
Orange 60 86
Spinach 55 79
Grapefruit 45 64
White cabbage 45 64
Lemon 40 57
Mandarin 38 54
Beef liver 33 47
Green peas 25 36
Tomato 25 36
Persimmon 15 21
Cherries 15 21
Beef kidneys 10 14
Apples 10 14
Kumis 9 13
Watermelon 7 10
Champignons 7 10

The level of ascorbic acid in all products depends on the conditions of how and where they were grown. Its concentration decreases if chemical fertilizers were used during cultivation and the storage conditions of the products were violated. In addition to the fact that rose hips contain a lot of vitamins, they are also useful because they contain bioflavonoids that improve the absorption of ascorbic acid.

The standard version of small sourish-pleasant tablets of ascorbic acid is still associated with the taste of childhood among people who grew up in the post-Soviet space.

It is about this vitamin that we can safely say: both pleasant and useful.

The role and significance of ascorbic acid

Around the end of the 1920s, active experiments began aimed at researching vitamin C. Almost immediately, the result of what a deficiency of ascorbic acid in the body leads to. Initially, huge expectations were placed on the effectiveness of this powder.

Did you know? The understanding of the benefits of ascorbic acid began in the 18th century, in Edinburgh, by a medical student. General observations showed that citrus fruits were especially effective in treating scurvy. Only 200 years later did scientists understand exactly what substance in citrus plants is healing. This substance turned out to be vitamin C.

Then in the 1970s there was a period of not overestimating the importance, but exaggerating the recommended intake of vitamins. The considered optimal doses were too high, which naturally led to problems.

To date, a large number of studies have been conducted to help have objective view on acid and, of course, revealing different facets of its influence on human health.

Ascorbic acid is a water-soluble drug, so it does not stay inside the body, which means its amount must be regularly replenished. It is also susceptible to the destructive effects of high temperatures, so this method of processing is undesirable.

Ascorbic acid has the ability to restore oxidative processes, as it is a fairly powerful antioxidant. It protects the body from the effects of bacteria and various viral infections; strengthens the immune system, normalizes the blood coagulation system, as well as the human endocrine and nervous systems; helps speed up the process of recovering from various colds; promotes the absorption of iron, protein and some other important elements for humans; synthesizes hormones; restores the function of the thyroid gland and pancreas.

Converts harmful cholesterol into bile acids, which are so necessary for humans; removes toxic substances (mercury, lead) from the body, i.e. reduces intoxication; extremely important for growth, formation of tissue and bone cells, teeth, nails. It prevents cancer and atherosclerosis. Increases stress resistance.

Daily norm

Measure is good in any matter, even good things. The same is true regarding the amount of consumption of any vitamins, including ascorbic acid. Depending on who decided to use the drug and for what, how much of this preventive medicine a person should take will also depend.

There is an increased need for the drug in older people and smokers, since the above factors significantly reduce the level of acid in the body.

For adults

In men and women daily norm the drug is the same: 70-90 mg/day. The calculation is standard regardless of age or weight.

For children

Children's daily need for vitamins will depend, first of all, on the child's age. Recommended dose of the drug for children: up to 6 months – 30 mg; up to 12 months – 35 mg; 1-3 years – 40 mg; 4-10 years – 45 mg; 11-14 years – 50 mg.

For pregnant women

The dose of the drug during pregnancy and lactation will be different. For pregnant women, the recommended dose is 95 mg; during breastfeeding – 120 mg.

For athletes

Under certain factors, the need for acid reserves increases. Such factors can be stress, climate changes, as well as sports training and muscle strain.

During scheduled classes, the daily dose of the drug is 150-200 mg. 2-3 days before and after the competition period, the dose should be increased to 200-300 mg.

Important! Reception daily dose need to be divided into several parts, since the vitamin is consumed quite quickly. It is more rational to practice gradual replenishment of the vitamin supply than one-time consumption of a large dose.

Which foods contain the most

Ascorbic acid is widespread in food products available to humans today. Although its main sources are greens, fruits and vegetables, it is still found in other plants.

Below is a list of where and in what quantities this vitamin can be found in nature. The amount of substance in products is shown per 100 g.

Rosehip is the record holder for the amount of vitamin C, thereby getting ahead of the lemon that is firmly entrenched in our perception.

Depending on the variety of this medicinal plant, the amount of ascorbic acid will vary. The maximum percentage of the vitamin is found in the form of Begger's rosehip - from 7 to 20% (the reason for such a significant difference is the difference in the size of the bushes).

Did you know? Already in the 17th century in Russia, rose hips were used to treat soldiers wounded in the war with the Turks. To heal wounds, bandages soaked in a decoction of the petals were applied to them, and the edges of the wounds were washed with a fruit decoction to prevent gangrene.

Per 100 g of product, dry and fresh rose hips contain 1100 mg and 650 mg of vitamin, respectively.

Red and green peppers

Serves not only as a seasoning for main dishes, but also as a carrier of ascorbic acid – 245 mg/100 g.

black currant

The period of ripening of the berry accounts for the largest amount of vitamin - 200 mg\100 g. In overripe berries, the period of vitamin decay quickly begins, so their effectiveness drops to 70%. Therefore, it is not advisable to miss the season of these medicinal berries.

Sea buckthorn and red rowan

The vitamin is contained precisely in the berries of these trees during the ripening period in the off-season - 200 mg/100 g.

Orange, lemon, tangerine, grapefruit

Citrus fruits are rightfully the most popular carriers of vitamin C. But, oddly enough, there is only 40 mg in lemon, 45 mg in grapefruit, and 60 mg in orange.

The advantage of these fruits is that they are widespread and available in winter, when other fruits are in short supply. It is in citrus fruits that there is the element citrine, which promotes the absorption of vitamin C, and not just the vitamin itself.

Pineapple and kiwi

Pineapples and kiwis have a long shelf life, and the same applies to the vitamins inside them. Due to acids and fruit peels, ascorbic acid does not break down during storage. In addition, these fruits do not lose their usefulness even after preservation.

Did you know? In China, pineapple is required festive table when celebrating the New Year in oriental style. It is believed to bring success and prosperity in the coming year.

Papaya and mango

Although the fruits of the trees vary in appearance, they are low in calories and highly fortified. B contains up to 60 mg of vitamin C, B – 30 mg.

Despite the fact that their growing environment is not related to ours, it is still possible to find them in modern bazaars and in some supermarkets.

Strawberries and strawberries

These summer berries contain 60 mg of vitamin per 100 g. It is widely used not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology.

The amount of vitamin is comparable to citrus fruits (including their peel). Therefore, some people prefer this particular product, relying primarily on the pleasant taste sensations

An extremely useful product that is available throughout the year. Unique for its dietary properties, the presence large quantity fiber and preservation of minerals and vitamins for a long time.

Apples are characterized by a wide variety of varieties, but internal composition approximately the same for everyone. As for the vitamin under discussion, there are 10 mg of it per 100 grams of apples. It turns out that in order to fill the daily requirement, depending on the size of the fruit, you need to eat from three to five apples a day.

Parsley and dill

Green twigs and leaves, which were and are used to decorate dishes, serve as a storehouse of usefulness. Parsley contains slightly more ascorbic acid (150 mg) than dill (100 mg).

Parsley is known for its rejuvenating effect, as well as normalizing the digestive tract. Dill stimulates work cardiovascular system, reduces inflammatory processes in the body and lowers blood pressure.

Spinach and sorrel

Not everyone will like spinach and sorrel greens because of their specific taste. But the set of useful substances in it more than compensates for this feature.

Did you know? People often called sorrel meadow apple or wild beet.


A product such as cabbage is also unique in its properties, the medicinal capabilities of which have been studied a long time ago. General beneficial properties combine each variety of this plant. But there is a slight difference in the composition of each species. Also, the method of preparation greatly influences the reduction medicinal properties product. Cabbage has the peculiarity of long storage, is resistant to slight frosts, and therefore is available throughout the year.

Below are the most common types of cabbage in our area and the ratio of vitamin C in them.

45 mg/100 g is the standard ratio of ascorbic acid. Just 150 grams of freshly prepared cabbage replenishes daily norm vitamin Even after fermentation, it does not lose its properties, which makes the salad from this product both tasty and healthy.

It is considered a medicinal vegetable. It is included in the diet of heart patients and for diseases nervous system. 90 mg of ascorbic acid per 100 grams of this vegetable. It is important to remember that heat treatment slightly reduces this percentage.

Did you know? George Bush Sr. really disliked broccoli, so he banned it from the White House.



This cabbage differs from others in that it is not the leaves that are eaten, as usual, but the lower part of the fruit - the stem.

Gardeners' unofficial names for kohlrabi - "lemon from the garden" or "northern lemon" - speak for themselves. 100 grams of fresh cabbage contains 50 mg of ascorbic acid.

Red cabbage
Its properties are very similar to white cabbage. By taste qualities slightly different, especially in its density. 50-70 mg of ascorbic acid is found in 100 grams of cabbage of this variety.

70 mg per 100 g of fresh product is set cauliflower on par with the leaders in the amount of ascorbic acid.

As you can see, ascorbic acid is found not only in the citrus fruits we are used to, but also in products that are associated with completely different properties.

Shortage and surplus

The complex symptoms of ascorbic acid deficiency are quite varied:

  • weakened immunity and, as a result, frequent infectious diseases;
  • painful spasms in the joints;
  • chronicle of respiratory viruses;
  • insomnia, depression and emotional exhaustion, irritability, nervous breakdowns;
  • problems with excess weight;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • deterioration of skin elasticity, dryness and appearance of wrinkles;
  • fragility and hair loss;
  • rapid damage to the nail plate;
  • varicose veins;
  • rheumatoid pain;
  • scurvy.

Important! It should be remembered that more severe and destructive consequences for the body await a person with a lack of vitamin C than with its excess. This should encourage regular preventative consumption of a pharmaceutical drug or acid in its natural form.

Symptoms of excess vitamin in the body:
  • reduced absorption of vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin), which is found in fermented milk products, meat and fish products, liver and egg yolk. With its deficiency, anemia (anemia) develops;
  • skin irritation and malfunction of the urinary system;
  • diarrhea;
  • the appearance of kidney stones.

Important! It is forbidden to exceed the norm in the use of ascorbic acid for pregnant women, people with diabetes mellitus and poor blood clotting.

Interaction with other substances

  • inactivation occurs under the influence of high temperatures;
  • at improper storage and during the preparation of products, ascorbic acid is oxidized with oxygen, which minimizes its beneficial properties;
  • oxidation occurs when combined with iron or copper utensils (except aluminum);
  • long-term storage kills the vitamin;
  • reduces the therapeutic effect of neuroleptics and antidepressants.
So, when thinking about how to strengthen your body, do not forget that ascorbic acid can be your main assistant.

Vitamin C, or as it is also called, ascorbic acid, is known firsthand for its beneficial properties. The substance strengthens the immune system and fights colds. Acts as an antioxidant and is necessary not only for health, but also for beauty. Ascorbic acid, along with group B, is necessary for hair and skin. Therefore, many are interested in what foods contain C. Today we will find out which vegetables and fruits with vitamin C will help replenish nutrient reserves.

We will also find out where vital important element in large quantities, in addition to fruit crops.

Natural Vitamin C Replenishment

Vegetables and fruits containing a lot of vitamin C are available and inexpensive. They are also saturated not only with ascorbic acid, but also with other nutrients. Therefore, including these products in your diet will significantly improve the health of you and your loved ones.

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Since childhood, vitamin C has become an essential part of a person’s daily diet. Almost everyone has heard about the miraculous properties of this substance, which can defeat a cold, relieve the unpleasant symptoms of the onset of the flu, “boost” the immune system and restore vigor and excellent well-being. That is why in the autumn-spring season all kinds of citrus fruits and other natural sources of ascorbic acid are so popular.

However, you should think about fully fortifying the body not only in the demi-season, when the risk of catching a virus is much higher: the functions of vitamin C are not limited to maintaining immunity - this substance plays important role in ensuring normally occurring biological processes responsible for full life activity. That is why a healthy diet enriched with ascorbic acid is important at any time of the year.

What is vitamin C used for and where is it found?

Scientists and doctors appreciated the importance of vitamin C long before its discovery. Despite the fact that ascorbic acid was first isolated only in 1928, since the mid-19th century there has been an unspoken credo among sailors and travelers - to consume oranges and citrus juice every day. Even without knowing which foods contained vitamin C, they intuitively met the body's needs. It was thanks to this diet that they managed to defeat scurvy - an extremely dangerous disease that could lead to fatal outcome. Later, this observation received scientific substantiation: in 1932, studies appeared confirming the effectiveness of vitamin C against scurvy. And although this disease has practically sunk into oblivion, ascorbic acid is still called the antiscorbutic vitamin.

From the time of its discovery to the present day, a lot of scientific research has been devoted to the properties of ascorbic acid. It would seem that scientists have long ago decided what vitamin C is and what it is eaten with, but studies are still confirming more and more beneficial properties of this substance. It is regularly used not only in medicine, but also in the beauty industry, because the functions of such a familiar and familiar ascorbic acid are truly limitless.

Vitamin C itself in its pure form is a complex organic compound. In appearance, it is not much different from the familiar pharmaceutical form, released in the form of a white powder with a sweet and sour taste. However, natural ascorbic acid is much more useful, because it is easily and painlessly absorbed, without causing allergies, hypervitaminosis and other “associated” symptoms inherent in pharmacological therapy. In addition, knowing what vitamin C is needed for and where it is found, it will not be difficult to competently create a full menu and provide the body with all the necessary substances.

Antiscorbutic vitamin is a water-soluble substance. It practically does not accumulate in the body, so the intake of ascorbic acid in the diet should be regular and sufficient. However, this property also has a downside: hypervitaminosis C is quite rare - in most cases, excess vitamin C is eliminated naturally. The exception is taking a medicinal form of the vitamin - in this case, regular use of high doses is fraught with unpleasant consequences.

Ascorbic acid is not highly resistant to external factors, being easily destroyed at high temperatures and long-term storage, especially in open sunlight. This is why the raw food diet is considered the most enriched with vitamin C - if improperly heat treated, even the most fortified product can turn into useless “ballast”. Also, a decrease in the concentration of this vitamin is observed when pre-frozen plant products are improperly defrosted. In this case, slow thawing is much worse than shock thawing: it is better to place frozen cubes with vegetables in boiling water for a few seconds - this way the loss of vitamins will be minimal. By following these simple rules, you can avoid a lack of vitamin C, painlessly survive the lack of seasonal sources of ascorbic acid, maintain ideal vitamin status and provide the body with everything necessary for normal functioning.

Functions of Vitamin C

  1. The most well-known property of the anti-scorbutic vitamin is to support the immune system. It strengthens the body's protective reserves, strengthens the immune response and helps resist pathogenic viruses and bacteria. In addition, vitamin C reduces the risk of complications in cases of already developed colds, relieves symptoms of inflammatory reactions and is an essential participant in rehabilitation therapy.
  2. Ascorbic acid is one of the most famous and powerful antioxidants existing in nature. The substance effectively removes free radicals, formed in the body, thereby maintaining its youth and productivity. It is thanks to this property that vitamin C is actively used in the beauty industry - natural cosmetics with ascorbic acid rejuvenate the skin, making it smoother and tighter. However, with a properly formulated diet, additional intake of the substance through the skin is not at all necessary - its appearance will be at its best.
  3. Products with vitamin C, present on the table every day, have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. This vitamin therapy helps the body better cope with stress, withstand high psychological stress and resist depression.
  4. Full energy exchange is also impossible without ascorbic acid. This substance is involved in the formation of carnitine, which, in turn, has a positive effect on normal metabolism. Due to this property, there is an opinion that vitamin C promotes weight loss. This is partly true, since with normal metabolism, excess weight gradually decreases. However, this does not mean that you should exceed the daily requirement of vitamin C in the hope of speeding up the weight loss process - such an approach will lead to serious health problems and will in no way help get rid of unnecessary pounds. It’s enough just to put your diet in order, enriching it with natural sources of ascorbic acid - and the problem will gradually solve itself.
  5. The antiscorbutic vitamin is indirectly involved in hematopoietic processes. Without it, normal absorption of iron is impossible, and therefore maintaining hemoglobin at the proper level. With a lack of vitamin C, blood vessels become fragile, so the risk of hemorrhage increases several times.

The essential functions of vitamin C do not end there, because the list is almost inexhaustible. This substance accelerates the elimination of toxic compounds of heavy metals, normalizes endocrine function, prevents the formation of cholesterol vascular plaques, and increases the ability to absorb other vitamins. To date, studies have been successfully conducted linking vitamin C with the prevention of cancer of the digestive and genitourinary systems. Therefore, plant products, which are the source of this super useful substance, simply must be present on the table in sufficient quantities every day!

What foods contain vitamin C?

Ascorbic acid serves as an indispensable participant in many vital processes occurring in the body, but, unfortunately, it cannot accumulate or be synthesized independently. Therefore, the vitamin C foods listed in the table should be consumed regularly.

Product, 100g Product, 100g Amount of vitamin C, mg
Dried rose hips up to 1500 Raspberry 25
Red pepper 250 Radish 20
Black currant 250 Turnip 20
Horseradish 100-200 Melon 20
Green pepper 125 Cucumber 15
Cauliflower 75 Salad 15
Sorrel 60 Cowberry 15
Strawberries 60 Cherry 15
Radish 50 Cranberry 15
Oranges 50 Zucchini 10
Lemons 50 Apricots 10
White cabbage 40 Bananas 10
Gooseberry 40 Peaches 10
Red currant 40 Carrot 8
Red tomatoes 35 Pear 8
Spinach 30 Plum 8
Tangerines 30 Watermelon 7
Apples Antonovka 30 Eggplant 5
Green onion 27 Pomegranate 5
Green peas 25 Blueberry 5
Potato 25 Grape 4

It is worth noting that these figures are reference figures - in most cases, the content of ascorbic acid in products will vary depending on the specific variety, place of growth and other external factors. In addition, some of the substance is destroyed during heat treatment and storage of products, which means that the daily requirement of vitamin C cannot be thoroughly calculated from only these indicators - in any case, there is an error, which is almost impossible to predict. However, this list will help you navigate the variety of dishes and focus on those that contain the largest amount of anti-scorbutic vitamin.

What does vitamin C deficiency lead to?

Hypovitaminosis C is quite common, especially in childhood. The main reason for this fact is poor nutrition, insufficient consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables. In this case, adjusting the menu is quite capable of solving the problem. However, there are cases when the lack of ascorbic acid in the body is endogenous. This means that the substance received in sufficient quantities cannot be fully absorbed. With this form of hypovitaminosis, you should consult a specialist as soon as possible to find out the causes of the disease and successfully eliminate them.

Recognizing a vitamin C deficiency is quite simple - already initial stages This condition manifests itself with many symptoms:

  • frequent respiratory viral infections, flowing with high temperature and subsequent complications;
  • increased sensitivity and bleeding of the oral mucosa, deterioration of the teeth up to their complete loss;
  • decreased vision;
  • the appearance of bruises and bruises for no apparent reason, varicose veins and the formation of spider veins;
  • prolonged wound healing, formation of ulcers and increased skin sensitivity;
  • constant unmotivated fatigue, insomnia, irritability, loss of strength and other symptoms of depression;
  • appearance excess weight even with a normal balanced diet;
  • decreased tone and sagging skin, the appearance of facial wrinkles that do not correspond to age;
  • painful sensations in the joints, especially with exertion.

If you experience at least a few of the listed signs, you should definitely reconsider your menu, making a choice in favor of fortified dishes. Knowing which foods contain vitamin C, you can easily compensate for a temporary deficiency and prevent the condition from worsening. However, you should not delay: just two to three months without ascorbic acid will lead to the development of vitamin deficiency, accompanied by much more serious symptoms.

Daily value of vitamin C

To prevent hypo- and vitamin deficiency, it is enough to adhere to the approved recommendations of specialists regarding the amount of ascorbic acid in the daily diet. This indicator depends on age, gender, lifestyle characteristics and place of residence. To determine the recommended vitamin requirement, you must use the table.

Based on these numbers and data on what vitamin C is needed for and where it is found, it is easy to calculate that just a couple of oranges or 3-4 small apples will help avoid the unpleasant symptoms of hypovitaminosis. This addition to the menu will make you feel cheerful and active throughout the day, increase the body’s energy reserves and help resist infections.

Is hypervitaminosis C possible and why is it dangerous?

Theoretically, hypervitaminosis C cannot be excluded - although its natural consumption cannot cause such a condition, uncontrolled use of pharmaceuticals is sometimes accompanied by symptoms characteristic of excess ascorbic acid in the body. These include:

  • Gastrointestinal upset: nausea, heartburn, vomiting, loose stools, spasmodic pain;
  • frequent headaches;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • formation of kidney stones.

In order not to encounter such manifestations of hypervitaminosis, it is enough to remember that moderation is important in everything, and even the most useful substance in large quantities turns into poison.


Information about what vitamin C is and what it is eaten with is extremely important for everyone who wants to maintain and increase their health, and remain an energetic and active person throughout their lives. A lack of vitamin C, as well as its excess, can provoke many disorders of vital functions in the body, cause dangerous symptoms and ultimately lead to serious diseases, some of which are irreversible. That is why it is necessary to carefully plan your diet, including fortified seasonal fruits and vegetables, and in their absence, try to fill the deficiency with frozen foods and herbal infusions with vitamin C.

For normal functioning of the body, a person needs vitamins, minerals and other useful components. Vitamins A, B, C, D affect all human systems and organs. Their deficiency causes the development of diseases, as well as an excess. Each vitamin has its own daily requirement. The source of vitamins can be drugs that are sold in pharmacies, but it is still better to get them from nature, that is, from food.

Vitamin C

One of the most necessary and important vitamins for human health is also known as ascorbic acid, “ascorbic acid”. A drug with the same name can be found in any pharmacy, but you can also replenish its reserves with fruits, vegetables and other foods.

Vitamin C is an organic substance and an important component of a healthy human diet. It has the ability to influence almost everything in life important functions body. During the first two months of life, the human body synthesizes vitamin C on its own. Ascorbic acid strengthens the immune system, fights viruses and bacteria, helps prevent various types of diseases, prolongs the youth of the body, and this is not the whole list of its effects.

Effect of vitamin C on the body

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) has a wide spectrum of effects on the body. It improves immunity, takes part in the formation of antibodies and in normalizing the metabolism of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, and increasing the supply of glycogen in the liver. Ascorbic acid increases blood flow and heart rate, lowers blood pressure, and dilates capillaries and arterioles.

Vitamin C is involved in a large number of biological processes. Thus, it affects the synthesis of collagen - a protein that forms connective tissue, which cements the intercellular space. The main functions of collagen include protecting blood vessels, organs, muscles, joints, bones, forming skin, bones, ligaments, teeth. It acts as a protective barrier against infections, diseases, and promotes the healing of bruises, fractures, and wounds.

Vitamin C is very important for the immune system, as it supports the functioning of white blood cells and the production of antibodies. It also promotes the formation of interferon (a substance with anticancer and antiviral effects). Vitamin C, due to its antioxidant properties, protects against negative impact antioxidants, helps prevent symptoms of aging, heart disease and cancer. In addition, ascorbic acid has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular, nervous, endocrine and other systems.

Vitamin C and hair

The lack of ascorbic acid in the body affects not only the condition, but also the appearance person. Vitamin C has been found to be very beneficial for hair. Since it is responsible for blood circulation in the scalp, it ensures proper nutrition to the hair follicles. Vitamin C is recommended for those who suffer from dandruff, split ends, dry hair, thinness and brittleness.

If you find a problem with your hair, do not rush to immediately run to the pharmacy or cosmetic store for a super mask or balm, but include in your daily diet more fresh vegetables, citrus fruits, berries, which contain a sufficient amount of vitamin C. They will bring much more benefits to the body and for hair than chemical products.

Vitamin C for children

The taste of sweet “ascorbic acid” has been familiar to us since childhood. After all, it is children who need vitamins the most. Their body is forming, growing, developing, so you need to provide your child with everything necessary for him to grow up healthy. Proper nutrition in childhood - the key to the health of the body in the future. Every parent should ensure that their child gives preference to vegetables and fruits over chips, crackers and buns.

One of the most important components of a child's diet should be vitamin C. It helps to increase the body's protective functions and improves immunity, which is so necessary for children. A lack of this vitamin in the body can lead to bleeding gums, general weakness of the body and poor wound healing.

Daily value of vitamin C

The daily requirement of the human body for vitamin C is not the same for everyone and depends on several factors: the availability bad habits, breastfeeding or pregnancy status, work performed, gender, age. Experts provide average figures for the average healthy person: 500-1500 mg per day is the therapeutic norm and 60-100 mg daily is the physiological need of the body.

The need for vitamin C is increased by toxic effects, fever, stress, illness, hot climate. The daily need of vitamin C is increased by contraceptives. The norm depends on age - the older the person, the higher it is. For example, the requirement for an infant is 30 mg, and for an elderly person - 60 mg. The daily intake increases during pregnancy (70 mg) and lactation (95 mg).

Signs of vitamin C deficiency in the body

Statistics show that it is children of preschool and school age who suffer from a lack of vitamins, which are necessary for their normal growth and development. A lack of vitamin C was found in 90% of children (the study was conducted). In the bodies of those children who were in the hospital, a deficiency of ascorbic acid was found in 60-70%.

Vitamin C deficiency increases in the winter-spring period, which entails a decrease in immunity and an increased possibility of developing gastrointestinal or respiratory diseases. Deficiency can be exogenous or endogenous. In the first case, there is little vitamin in food, in the second, the vitamin is poorly absorbed. Long-term vitamin deficiency can lead to the development of hypovitaminosis. Vitamin C deficiency in the body can manifest itself as the following symptoms: depression, joint pain, irritability, dry skin, hair loss, lethargy, tooth loss and bleeding gums, poor wound healing.

For the normal functioning of the body, a person needs to eat properly, balanced. A person’s daily diet should include vitamin C. What foods contain it and how much should you eat to replenish the norm? Firstly, plant-based foods contain significant amounts of vitamin C. These are berries (strawberries, sea buckthorn, rowan, rose hips), fruits (citrus fruits, persimmons, peaches, apples, apricots), vegetables ( Brussels sprouts, bell pepper, broccoli, jacket potatoes). Animal products contain vitamin C in small quantities. These are mainly the kidneys, adrenal glands, and liver of animals.

There are a number of herbs that contain vitamin C in sufficient doses. Foods should be eaten every day and preferably in unprocessed form. After all, biochemical processing, storage and heat treatment contribute to the destruction of most of the vitamin. Every person who cares about their health needs to know what benefits vitamin C brings, what foods contain it and how to prevent its deficiency.

Ascorbic acid. Preparation

Vitamin C is found in many medications. These are tablets "Vitamin C", "Citravit", "Tselascon", "Vitamin C" in ampoules. One of the most common is “Ascorbic acid” in tablets. In addition to being healthy, it is also very tasty, so children happily take the pills. The drug promotes the formation of intracellular collagen, strengthening the structure of the walls of capillaries, bones and teeth. The drug "Ascorbic acid" is vitamin C itself. Products cannot always fully provide the body with it.

The product takes part in the processes of cellular respiration, iron metabolism, protein and lipid synthesis, carbohydrate metabolism, tyrosine metabolism, and redox reactions. The use of "Ascorbic acid" reduces the body's need for pantothenic vitamins A, E, B. The content of vitamin C in the preparation is close to 100%.


People who suffer from a lack of vitamin C in their body for a long time may be prescribed certain medications. As a rule, tablets are available containing 250 mg of ascorbic acid or 1000 mg (indicated only for the treatment of hypovitaminosis).

Tablets 250 mg are indicated for increased mental and physical stress, during pregnancy (especially multiple pregnancies, against the background of drug or nicotine addiction), after illness, to strengthen the immune system, and for colds. A large number of people take vitamin C to prevent or treat vitamin deficiency or hypovitaminosis.

Side effects

Vitamin C is essential for the normal functioning of the body, but some patients may experience problems when taking it. side effects, which is due to the individual characteristics of the body, joint use with others medicines, the presence of certain diseases.

Vitamin C, reviews of which are mostly positive, can cause negative reactions if abused. Long-term use of the drug in large doses can cause insomnia, increased excitability of the central nervous system, and headache. Digestive system may react with vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, ulceration of the gastrointestinal mucosa, hyperacid gastritis, irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa.

The patient may develop glycosuria, hyperglycemia, moderate pollakiuria, nephrolithiasis, decreased capillary permeability, skin hyperemia, skin rash, leukocytosis, thrombocytosis, impaired copper and zinc metabolism.


The human body can suffer not only from vitamin C deficiency, but also from its excess. This condition is usually called hypervitaminosis; it occurs when the patient has a great desire to improve his health through excessive consumption of this vitamin. There are often situations when a person, unaware of the danger, combines products containing a sufficient amount of the vitamin with the drug “Ascorbic acid”.

The maximum daily intake should not exceed 90 mg for an adult. In order to circumvent the consequences, you need to become familiar with the symptoms of hypervitaminosis. The first thing that occurs is constant dizziness and nausea, vomiting, and cramps in the abdominal area. Further, problems with the heart, kidneys, gallbladder. Consuming large amounts of vitamin C is accompanied by heartburn, indigestion, fatigue, and allergic reactions.

Everything is good in moderation. Vitamin C, the price of which starts from 100 rubles, is beneficial for the body only if taken correctly. Before starting treatment, it is recommended to visit the clinic; the doctor will prescribe the correct drug and dosage for each specific case.


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