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The moth Motya stood out among the other moths. He had wings of an unusual red color. But that wasn't the main thing. Mochi the moth had a secret...

Listen to a fairy tale (4min2sec)

Bedtime story about the moth Motya

Once upon a time there was a moth. His name was Motya. Ordinary moths are dull and inconspicuous, but this one had wings of a completely unusual red color.

Forest dwellers repeatedly asked the moth why its wings were so red and beautiful, but the moth did not reveal its secret to anyone.

Someone said that it was the good princess of the morning dawn who shared her bright color with him, and someone believed that, on the contrary, it was the evil dwarf who decided to attract the moth for his unenviable deeds and made its wings turn red.

Who was right after all?

The moth itself stubbornly remained silent...

But then one day a rumor spread through the forest that the ladybug Greta was in trouble. The evil spider Gus wove a web and Greta got entangled in it. Spider Goose did not want to release the ladybug into the wild.

Because in this way he decided to sow fear in the forest! Let everyone be afraid of him, and if necessary, they will go to bow to him.

The moth Motya decided to free the ladybug Greta from captivity.

“Hey, little spider, come out to fight, I’ll deal with you,” he said boldly.

And the battle began. The forces were approximately equal. The first day did not reveal a winner.

The moth began to think. It was necessary to defeat the spider Gus in some unusual way.

The next day he filled a bucket of water and hid it in the bushes. When the spider appeared, the battle began again. At some point, the spider hesitated, and the moth poured a bucket of water on it. The spider's legs instantly became wet, and he could not move them. At the same time, the moth Motya tore the web and freed the ladybug Greta. The moth Motya and the ladybug Greta quickly flew to the Sunny Meadow, which was loved by all the inhabitants of the Emerald Forest.

There Greta came to her senses. She thanked the moth Motya for freeing her from captivity. And then the moth suddenly said that once upon a time he, too, had to free a captive, a redwing butterfly, from a web. Her wings were so weakened that she could not fly. The moth Motya lent her his wings for a while. But when she returned them, they were already red, the same as the butterfly’s previous wings.

This is how the moth's wings turned red. Over time, he got used to them. Why didn’t you tell this story to anyone? Because he was modest and didn’t want unnecessary noise.

The moth became friends with the ladybug Greta. They often walked together in Sunny Meadow.

And here is the end of the fairy tale.

Once upon a time there lived a ladybug. One day she came out of her house and saw the bright sun. And it saw a ladybug. He smiled and tickled her with warm rays. And when the sun illuminated the back of the ladybug, everyone saw that she had no spots. All the insects in the area began to laugh at her.

What kind of ladybug are you if you don’t have black spots, they said.
“You’re just a red beetle,” others echoed.
Even the sun disappeared behind the clouds. And the ladybug began to cry, but then the sun came out again. Ladybug stopped crying, turned her face to the sun, and they began to smile at each other.


It takes a lot of work to get spots. “Don’t be afraid of difficulties,” said the sun and gave the ladybug a book. Ladybug looked at her for a long time, then began to do the exercises written in the book. She didn't succeed at first, but she pulled out her tongue and spanked him.

"Naughty Tongue"

And it became as smooth as a spatula.


Soon a light cloud came and washed the ladybug with rain. But even here she was not at a loss: she folded her tongue into a cup.


and collected some rainwater for tea. I drank tea and a bagel


and back to work. In the pictures she saw a horse,


cheerful painter,



and even an accordion.


Ladybug was so engrossed in her work that she did not notice how black spots appeared on her back.

Ladybug, it’s time to go to bed,” the sun turned to her.
“Okay, honey, let me treat you to jam for such a wonderful book,” the ladybug answered cheerfully. They drank tea with jam.

"Delicious jam"

and went to bed. The sun is behind the hill, and the ladybug is under the fungus.


And in the morning a miracle happened! The ladybug flew out of her house and flew to the holiday, where all the inhabitants of the clearing had gathered. There, the dandelion Big Cheeks opened a new attraction. Everyone could ride a parachute.


Ladybug was the first to ask the dandelion to give her a ride, and then everyone saw that she had... spots. They were round and shiny and looked so beautiful on the red back. Since then, all the inhabitants of the clearing go to visit the ladybug: some to study, some to look at a book.

I often come up with fairy tales for Rosty, on the fly, so to speak. And my son really loves this fabulous thing.

There are a lot of fairy tales.. I will share them))) This is a text, but there is also a cartoon version of it you can watch here (and if you subscribe to the channel, you can always be aware of new cartoons and fairy tales)

A strong wind blew in the clearing all night, but by morning it had completely died down. The sun had just woken up and with its rays raised the little Ladybug sleeping on a green plantain leaf. The cow stretched sweetly, ran her paws over her antennae and crawled up to a drop of dew to wash herself.

Oh, how beautiful I am! I have the reddest wings and the blackest antennae in this clearing! And my four black spots are even better! - this is what Ladybug said to herself, looking at her reflection in a drop of water. - Oh, what is this! - she exclaimed in fear. There were no more spots on her beautiful shiny red back! Ladybug cried loudly. What nonsense? That would be something to be upset about! - you might think, but, as you know, the main decoration for ladybugs is the spots on their wings. There is even a beauty contest held among them, where the one with the most round black spots on its back wins.

The Dragonfly flew in response to the cry, and, rustling with its transparent wings, sat down next to the cow on a plantain leaf.

Well, why did you cry! - Dragonfly began to console Ladybug.

“I’ve lost my spots, now I’m ugly and ugly!” Ladybug explained to her, crying.

Don't worry, we will find your spots! - The dragonfly felt sorry for the little cow, and she decided to help her.

Ladybug immediately stopped crying, believing that the spots could be found. They flew off the plantain and began to carefully examine the ground.

Look, those spots on the mushroom aren’t yours? - asked Dragonfly, pointing to a red mushroom that stood next to the thick grass. And in fact, there were white spots on his hat.

No, this is a fly agaric, it has its own spots - white, and my spots are black! - Ladybug sadly answered her friend and sobbed.

Oh, there are your spots, black! - Dragonfly pointed to a white butterfly that was sitting on a daisy flower.

No, this is the Cabbage Butterfly, it has its own black spots! - Ladybug said in an even sadder voice.

The friends flew on, looking for the loss on the ground, grass and flowers. They flew around the entire clearing, but never found the lost spots. We got tired and sat down to rest on a leaf. Ladybug was very upset and had little faith that the spots would be found. But suddenly, her attention was attracted by the Spider, who was cleaning his web of debris.

How much garbage this wind brings! - The spider ran along its web and pulled out various stuck debris from it. - Leaves, blades of grass, what is this? Some stains! - he continued to grumble.

These are mine, my spots! - Ladybug screamed loudly. - My!

Even the joy of the discovery did not force Ladybug to come close to the web. She sat down on a flower that grew nearby and turned her back to the Spider.

Look, there are no spots on my back! And I’m Ladybug, how can I be without spots!

But I don’t care, I don’t need trash in the web! - With these words, the Spider shook off the specks onto the ground.

Thank you very much, dear Spider! - Ladybug deftly flew to the ground and picked up the fallen specks. I wish you to always keep your web clean. - She was very glad that the spots were found, and thanked the Spider sincerely.

The spider muttered something unintelligible and continued his work.

Specks, spots, these are my beautiful spots! - Ladybug drank happily, putting her found loss on her back. Her joy knew no bounds.

Thank you, dear Dragonfly! - she thanked her friend, and, singing, flew around the clearing, showing everyone her beautiful black spots on her back.

The dragonfly looked after her with a smile, because all is well that ends well.

At the edge of a large, very large meadow, on a long emerald blade of grass lived a tiny Ladybug. Little Ladybug was so much fun! She woke up with the sun, washed herself with the clear morning dew, spread her wings and flew from blade to blade of grass all day long.

Not far away, in a small pond, where it was always damp and humid, lived a Harmful Frog who loved rain, gloom and despondency. The Harmful Frog also loved to eat mosquitoes

One sunny day, sitting on her favorite blade of grass, Ladybug admired the wonderful green meadow: “How beautiful!” she said. -How beautiful! - picked up a grasshopper sitting on a nearby blade of grass, - dewdrops glisten on the leaves, butterflies fly. . . It’s also very beautiful when a rainbow appears in the sky! -I love the rainbow so much! - Ladybug joined. -Kwa-kwa! Beautiful! Beauty to me too. Beauty is when it rains and there is damp all around! Here I will take and eat your rainbow! You'll see! -What a nasty frog! - Ladybug and Grasshopper were upset. . . What to do?

-Let's ask the Bear to talk to the frog. Maybe then she won't eat our Rainbow? - Grasshopper suggested. They called and called the clubfoot, but the bear never woke up, didn’t hear, Ladybug and Grasshopper were too small.

“Let’s ask the Mole to help us,” suggested the Grasshopper, “maybe he can help us.” They told the Mole about the Harmful Frog. -I live underground, I don’t see the sky or the sun, and I don’t need your Rainbow. - and hid in a hole.

Then Ladybug decided to fly to the cloud herself and warn the Rainbow that the Harmful Frog wanted to eat her.

“Okay,” said the Grasshopper, “you will fly, and I will play the violin so that you don’t get lost and return back to our meadow.”

Ladybug flew for a long time because the cloud climbed high. Finally, Ladybug Rain saw: she was sitting on a cloud, looking at the ground, and playing with the sun. -Rain, don’t come to us! -Why are you Ladybug! If I don’t go, the flowers will wither, the trees will dry up, the river will become shallow, the animals and insects will have nothing to drink. -And if you come to us, and then the Rainbow comes out, then our Harmful Frog will eat her! Rain laughed, called Rainbow and told her about the Harmful Frog. -Don't be afraid, Ladybug. The Frog will not be able to eat me, because he can only swim and jump. She can't reach me. Come home to your friends, and the rain and I will come to you soon!

And as soon as Ladybug sat down on her blade of grass, Rain took the watering can and began to water the ground.

And then the Rainbow looked out. The Harmful Frog saw the Rainbow and immediately jumped up to eat the Rainbow, but that was not the case. The Rainbow has climbed high! The frog jumps, but can’t reach it, only splashes fly around! So Rain finished watering the ground and climbed back onto the cloud. The sun shone in the sky, dewdrops sparkled on the blades of grass, and the meadow sparkled. -What a shame! - the Frog got angry and jumped into the water. She didn’t appear from the water again and didn’t spoil anyone’s mood.

This story happened in ancient times, when all animals on earth were colorless, but the whole other world: plants, water, mountains and the sun were painted in bright and rich colors.
So, at that time there lived one small colorless bug, which everyone simply called: Cow. One day Korovka had a daughter. Unlike the others, it was not colorless, but bright red. Mother Cow was upset: “You are not my daughter. Get away from me. Look for another mother." The daughter Cow began to cry, but there was nothing to do. I flew to look for my mother.
She flies over a motley meadow and sees a beautiful red Rose. The Daughter Cow climbed onto a tall blade of grass and began to ask Rose: “Rose-Rose, am I not your daughter?” Rose smiled arrogantly: “Look how strange, beautiful and fragrant I am. And you are so small. Why do I need such a daughter? The daughter cow cried again, but there was nothing to do, she flew on.
She flies over the edge of the forest and sees a large, pot-bellied red Currant sitting on a bush. The Daughter Cow screamed at the top of her lungs: “Currant, currant! Am I not your daughter? Smorodina smiled sourly: “Look how round and beautiful I look, but sour inside. Why do I need a daughter? I’m already good.” The daughter Cow began to cry, but there was nothing to do - she flew on.
She flies over a fast river and sees the red Sun come out from behind the mountain. The Daughter Cow was delighted and shouted cheerfully: “Red Sun!” Am I not your daughter? The sun smiled sadly: “Sorry, Cow! But I have so much to do, I need to warm everyone up, shine light on everyone...”
Little Cow sat down on a tree stump in the middle of a cheerful clearing and cried: “Nobody needs me. Why was I born into this world, so red?” But then a clear voice rang out: “Don’t cry, Cow! God sent me to you to comfort you.” It was a beautiful Angel with golden hair. The angel stroked the Cow and said: “God told me to tell you not to be upset. God has many children, all created creatures on Earth are His children. And you are also His creation, His daughter. God loves all of his children, and you especially. So from now on, your name will be Ladybug!”
Oh, how happy Ladybug was here, she danced with joy. For a long, long time, Angel and Ladybug spun in a cheerful dance. But then the tear-stained, colorless Mother Cow arrived and began to ask Ladybug for forgiveness. Ladybug forgave her and asked God to paint Mother Cow bright red. At the same time, God painted all the other animals.
And God gave the Ladybug, for her kind heart, seven black circles so that they would remind others of seven important qualities: kindness, hard work, forgiveness, wisdom, harmony, joy and love, which are inherent in the Ladybug. Since then, Ladybug has had seven shiny black spots on her red back. She still lives in such a beautiful outfit and brings people benefit and joy.


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