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Let's figure out what a therapeutic diet is. Nutritional therapy is prescribed for various diseases and is a mandatory method of therapy. In some cases, this is the only or primary method of treatment. Founder of dietetics M. I. Pevzner, who developed the basics therapeutic nutrition, wrote that in its absence there is no rational treatment. For each disease, a specific table is assigned.

Thus, Table No. 4 (Diet No. 4 according to Pevzner) is prescribed for intestinal diseases occurring with. The purpose of its administration in this condition is to reduce inflammation, fermentation and putrefactive processes that predominate in this case. It protects the intestines and helps normalize digestion.

Due to the reduction of fats (up to 70 g) and carbohydrates (250 g), it has a reduced energy value. Daily calorie content is 2000 kcal. At the same time, the normal protein content (90 g) is maintained. All kinds of intestinal irritants are significantly limited: mechanical, chemical and thermal.

Products that enhance secretion, fermentation and putrefaction processes, stimulants of bile secretion, secretion of gastric juice and pancreas are excluded. Dishes are boiled or steamed, served in a liquid, semi-liquid or mashed state. Very hot and cold foods are excluded. Salt is allowed in the amount of 8-10 g, the water regime is 1.5-2 liters per day. Meals are provided up to 5-6 times a day, in fractional portions and warm.

The basic rules are:

  • six meals a day, the basis of which are mashed, pureed, mushy dishes, slimy soups;
  • boiled and steam cooking methods;
  • Hard, thick, hot and cold foods are prohibited.


Authorized Products

Dietary food at this table involves the use of dried wheat bread or crackers. You can eat 200 g of thinly sliced ​​and not very fried crackers per day. Unsweetened dry cookies are allowed.

Porridge is the main product

The basis of the diet is pureed porridge from semolina, rice (white rice), buckwheat and oatmeal, which are prepared in water or broth (low-fat). Butter is added in the amount of 5 g per serving, per day - 50 g.

Soups are also prepared with low-fat and non-rich fish or meat broth, adding permitted cereals, a minimum of vegetables, boiled and pureed meat, quenelles, egg flakes, meatballs, etc.

The fourth table involves the consumption of lean and lean varieties of beef, chicken, turkey, veal, and rabbits. To do this, the meat is additionally degreased, and the tendons and skin of the bird are removed.

Steam cutlets, soufflé or meatballs are prepared. They can also be stewed in a saucepan over water. When preparing cutlets, put boiled rice or semolina. You can make pate from boiled meat with a minimum of salt.

Low-fat varieties of fish are prepared in pieces or chopped in the form of quenelles, cutlets and meatballs. They can also be cooked by steaming or in water. 1-2 eggs per day are allowed, which are cooked soft-boiled or steamed omelettes, added to soufflés and soups.

As for cottage cheese, it should be unleavened (non-acidic) and mashed; you can use it to make steamed soufflés and casseroles. Vegetables are eaten only as a pureed addition to soups and in small quantities.

Mashed raw apples, applesauce, berry jelly from blueberries, dogwood, quince, bird cherry, pears and fruit drinks are allowed. If well tolerated, you can drink diluted fresh juices from non-acidic berries (diluted 1:1 with water). The exceptions are grape, apricot and plum juices. Herbal tea, rosehip decoction, bird cherry infusion, dried dogwood, blueberries, green and black tea, still water up to 1.5 liters per day are allowed.

Table of permitted products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal


quince0,6 0,5 9,8 40
pears0,4 0,3 10,9 42
apples0,4 0,4 9,8 47

Nuts and dried fruits

dried pears2,3 0,6 62,6 249

Cereals and porridges

buckwheat (kernel)12,6 3,3 62,1 313
semolina10,3 1,0 73,3 328
oatmeal12,3 6,1 59,5 342
oatmeal11,9 7,2 69,3 366
white rice6,7 0,7 78,9 344

Bakery products

white bread crackers11,2 1,4 72,2 331


Maria cookies8,7 8,8 70,9 400

Dairy products

skim milk2,0 0,1 4,8 31
acidophilus2,8 3,2 3,8 57

Cheeses and cottage cheese

cottage cheese 0.6% (low fat)18,0 0,6 1,8 88

Meat products

boiled beef25,8 16,8 0,0 254
boiled veal30,7 0,9 0,0 131
rabbit21,0 8,0 0,0 156


boiled chicken25,2 7,4 0,0 170
turkey19,2 0,7 0,0 84

Oils and fats

butter0,5 82,5 0,8 748

Non-alcoholic drinks

mineral water0,0 0,0 0,0 -
green tea0,0 0,0 0,0 -
black tea20,0 5,1 6,9 152

Fully or partially limited products

Diet number 4 for the intestines is based on the exclusion of foods containing fiber. In this regard, vegetables are excluded (can be decoctions or added to soup), bran, whole grain, rye and bran bread with the addition of seeds and cereals, which additionally injure the intestinal mucosa and are poorly digested.

Fresh bread, pastries, pancakes and pancakes cause fermentation and rotting in the intestines and are therefore prohibited. For the same reason, jam, dried fruits, honey, jams and other sweets are not allowed, and sugar is allowed in a limited amount of 50 g per day (in all dishes).

Porridges made from millet, barley, pearl barley, legumes and pasta are coarse and poorly digestible foods that must be excluded during the period of exacerbation of the disease.

Rich fatty broths that enhance intestinal motility, fatty meats, sausages, fatty fish, canned food and salted fish are also prohibited.

Whole milk, sour cream, cream and cheese can cause increased diarrhea . Milk is used only in diluted form when preparing porridges and puddings.

Cocoa and coffee with milk, kvass, carbonated drinks that increase intestinal motility and bloating are unacceptable for these diseases. You cannot eat sauces and marinades, smoked meats, sausages, or ham.

Table of prohibited products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal

Vegetables and greens

vegetables2,5 0,3 7,0 35
vegetables legumes9,1 1,6 27,0 168
potato2,0 0,4 18,1 80
horseradish3,2 0,4 10,5 56


bananas1,5 0,2 21,8 95
melon0,6 0,3 7,4 33


grape0,6 0,2 16,8 65


mushrooms3,5 2,0 2,5 30

Nuts and dried fruits

dried fruits2,3 0,6 68,2 286

Cereals and porridges

pearl barley9,3 1,1 73,7 320
wheat cereal11,5 1,3 62,0 316
millet cereal11,5 3,3 69,3 348
barley groats10,4 1,3 66,3 324

Flour and pasta

pasta10,4 1,1 69,7 337


jam0,3 0,2 63,0 263
jam0,3 0,1 56,0 238
candies4,3 19,8 67,5 453
cookie7,5 11,8 74,9 417

Ice cream

ice cream3,7 6,9 22,1 189


cake4,4 23,4 45,2 407

Raw materials and seasonings

seasonings7,0 1,9 26,0 149
mustard5,7 6,4 22,0 162

Dairy products

kefir3,4 2,0 4,7 51
sour cream2,8 20,0 3,2 206

Cheeses and cottage cheese

cheese24,1 29,5 0,3 363

Meat products

pork16,0 21,6 0,0 259
ham22,6 20,9 0,0 279


boiled sausage13,7 22,8 0,0 260
dry-cured sausage24,1 38,3 1,0 455
sausages10,1 31,6 1,9 332
sausages12,3 25,3 0,0 277


duck16,5 61,2 0,0 346
goose16,1 33,3 0,0 364

Fish and seafood

dried fish17,5 4,6 0,0 139
smoked fish26,8 9,9 0,0 196
canned fish17,5 2,0 0,0 88

Oils and fats

vegetable oil0,0 99,0 0,0 899
animal fat0,0 99,7 0,0 897
cooking fat0,0 99,7 0,0 897

Non-alcoholic drinks

bread kvass0,2 0,0 5,2 27

Juices and compotes

juice0,3 0,1 9,2 40
* data is per 100 g of product

Menu (Power Mode)

It is necessary to organize 6 meals a day and so that the 4th table for the week includes alternating a variety of protein dishes (beef, chicken, fish, rabbit, turkey, cottage cheese) and cereals, and egg dishes daily.

Below is sample menu for a week of diet No. 4, which can be modified at will, however, the basic principles regarding the set of permitted foods and their heat treatment remain unchanged.




  • overcooked oatmeal With butter;
  • chopped boiled meat;
  • cottage cheese 100g;
  • coffee without milk;
  • small cracker (biscuits).
  • apple puree.
  • chicken broth with rice and egg flakes;
  • crackers;
  • ground buckwheat porridge;
  • boiled rabbit meatballs;
  • decoction of pear, quince, black currant.
Afternoon snack
  • warm jelly;
  • crackers (low-fat cookies).
  • pureed rice porridge;
  • steamed hake fillet meatballs;
  • black tea with sugar.
For the night
  • warm jelly.





Diet 4th table recipes for the week

Here are some recipes.

Compound : 50 g water, 50 g rice, 15 g butter, salt, 300 g pike perch fillet.

Cooking steps . Cook a viscous porridge from white rice. Pass it together with the pike perch pulp through a meat grinder (preferably twice), add melted butter, a little salt and water. Beat the minced meat well and form into meatballs. Cook in a steamer or any device for steaming dishes.

Steamed hake fillet balls

Compound : one egg, 300 g hake fillet, 50 g semolina, salt.

Cooking steps . Pass the fillet through a meat grinder, add semolina (no need to boil it), salt, egg, mix and beat thoroughly. Cook the chopped meatballs in a double boiler.

Steamed beef cutlets

Compound : 700 g beef, 1 pc. onions, 2 chicken eggs, rice flour 100 g, salt.

Cooking steps . Pass the meat and onions through a meat grinder. Add egg, salt and rice flour. Knead the minced meat well and put it in the refrigerator for an hour. Form cutlets and place them in a steamer, having previously greased the bottom and walls vegetable oil. Cook for 30 minutes.

Compound : 2 chicken eggs, salt, 1.25 glasses of milk.

Steamed omelette

Cooking steps . Beat the eggs well with milk, add salt. Place a small container with the egg mixture in the multicooker bowl, greasing it with butter (vegetable) oil. Cook the omelette in the “steam” mode. If you don’t have a multicooker or double boiler, you can organize water bath: Pour water into a saucepan with a thick bottom and place a container (glass or metal) with the egg mass in it. Grease the omelette pan with oil and it is important that the bottom just touches the surface of the water. Cook over low heat for 35 minutes with the lid closed.

Compound : 0.25 cups buckwheat, 150 g low-fat cottage cheese, one egg, 1 tsp sugar.

Cooking steps . Prepare buckwheat porridge and puree it. Combine with cottage cheese, add yolk and sugar, mix thoroughly and lastly add well-beaten egg white. Place in a pan greased with butter and steam. Drizzle with melted butter.

Puree buckwheat porridge

Compound : 0.5 cups buckwheat, 2 cups water, salt, sugar 1 tsp, butter 5g.

Cooking steps . Prepare buckwheat porridge using more water than for preparing crumbly porridge. Boil with salt and rub it. IN ready dish add sugar and butter.

Therapeutic diet 4th table for children

Applicable when available diarrhea . On the first day, a fasting diet - the child is given only herbal teas and decoctions , mineral water "Borjomi" without gas. The daily amount of liquid is no more than 1 liter, drink is given in fractions, often and in small portions, so as not to provoke vomiting. On the second day, they are transferred to this diet with meals at least 6 times a day.

The diet is no different from that of adults. The child is first given mucous infusions of rice, low-fat, non-cool chicken and beef broth, soups with the addition of oatmeal, semolina and steamed fish and meat dishes. Ground meat or meatballs are added to soups. If the child eats porridge well, then pureed porridge is prepared from buckwheat, rice and oatmeal.

A steam omelet is prepared from eggs; a child can eat cottage cheese in its natural form or as steamed casseroles. Butter is used exclusively for dressing. Decoctions of blueberries, rose hips, quince and jelly are suitable drinks for children. During the day you can give crackers made from wheat bread.

Butter dough, vegetable and milk soups, smoked meats, canned food, sausages, and fatty meats are prohibited. You should not give your child sour cream, milk, vegetables of any kind, carbonated drinks, fresh fruit and grape juice.

After 6 days of dietary nutrition, the child, if necessary, is transferred to a more expanded Diet No. 4B. It allows some vegetables (zucchini, cauliflower, pumpkin, potatoes, carrots), which are added to soups, as well as small vermicelli. Porridge is prepared with a small amount of milk. It is allowed to add sour cream to dishes in small quantities.

Unfortunately, many people around the world suffer from diseases of the digestive system. During the period of their exacerbation, a person cannot eat regular food, he has to dodge and come up with something that does not cause heartburn, vomiting, diarrhea, bloating or other unpleasant symptoms.

But Pevzner at one time developed an excellent diet 4 for patients suffering from chronic gastrointestinal diseases. Diet 4 menus for the week can be compiled independently, guided by the supporting information given below.

What is dietary table 4 for a week?

Diet 4 was developed by Dr. Pevzner as one of his 15 diets for “all occasions”, or rather for many diseases. Doctors recommend following this diet to patients suffering from diseases gastrointestinal tract during an exacerbation of the disease in chronic stages, as well as during one-time diseases, that is, it can be various poisonings and so on.

Typically, a diet is prescribed for problems with the intestines (the appearance of diarrhea, bloating and digestive disorders). The allowed foods in the diet are selected so that dishes made from them do not cause irritation or other negative reactions of the intestinal mucous membranes, and often food during diet 4 has a certain calming effect on the intestines - it reduces fermentation processes and relieves inflammation.

Diet for children

The child may also experience intestinal disorders and unpleasant problems with diarrhea and bloating. In such cases, pediatricians, gastroenterologists and nutritionists recommend that even children adhere to this particular diet, since it is safe for the child’s body, the choice of products is really large, so for allergy sufferers it is possible to replace what directly causes the allergy, and, of course , in case of intestinal disorders, diet greatly saves patients.

If doctors have prescribed the fourth diet as a method of treatment, then you should not ignore it, and to completely heal your baby’s body, force him to follow the diet. For some moral support, diet with him. Any support from parents is very important for a child.

Features of diet table 4

The main distinguishing features of diet 4 is the presence of liquid food in the diet. To be more precise, the entire table of the fourth diet consists of liquid, semi-liquid or ground food. Meals should occur 5-6 times a day at the same time. Eat small and rationally; you cannot overload the intestines with work, otherwise it will cause pain, discomfort and unpleasant consequences. All dishes must be steamed or boiled in water.

Healthy recipes for diet

Beef broth

Ingredients: lean beef 150 grams, water 1 liter.

How to cook: cut lean beef into cubes (to cook faster and easier to chop), cook in water until tender. You cannot add onions, bay leaves, peppers and other spices to the broth. Boiled meat must be ground.

Curd casserole

Ingredients: cottage cheese 250 grams, egg.

How to cook: grind the cottage cheese through a sieve, add a pre-washed egg to it, mix thoroughly. Place the mixture in a baking dish (no need to grease with oil!). Bake until done.

Mashed potatoes

Ingredients: medium-sized potatoes (3-5 pieces), boiled water.

How to cook: potatoes need to be boiled until tender, then chopped using a blender or masher. Pour a little boiling water into the mashed potatoes and stir until the consistency of liquid sour cream.

These recipes are good for every day because they are very easy and quick to prepare.

Menu for the week


First breakfast: rosehip decoction (glass), oatmeal porridge with water (shallow plate), crackers for tea parties (stale, that is, they must sit for several days before consumption).

Second breakfast: banana puree.

Lunch: steamed chicken meatballs, weak tea (1 glass), mashed potatoes.

Afternoon snack: jelly (1 glass), baked apple.

Dinner: meat casserole, glass of water, pearl barley porridge with water.

An hour before bedtime, you can drink a glass of kefir.


Breakfast: grated cottage cheese, a glass of tea.

Second breakfast: marshmallows.

Lunch: rice porridge with water, chicken cutlet, tea (glass).

Afternoon snack: grated apples.

Dinner: mashed potatoes, turkey meatballs, jelly.

An hour before bedtime, a glass of kefir.


Breakfast: green tea(1 glass), homemade yogurt, applesauce.

Second breakfast: buckwheat porridge in milk.

Lunch: beef broth, crackers.

Afternoon snack: waffle, rosehip infusion.

Dinner: chicken casserole, mashed potatoes, water.

An hour before bedtime, a glass of jelly.


Breakfast: homemade beef pate, tea.

Second breakfast: pear puree.

Lunch: millet porridge on water, homemade chicken sausage.

Afternoon snack: crackers, juice diluted with water.

Dinner: chicken broth, cheesecake, water.

An hour before bedtime, a glass of jelly.


Breakfast: mashed potatoes, tea.

Second breakfast: meat casserole.

Lunch: mashed bananas, apples and pears, green tea.

Afternoon snack: waffles and jelly.

Dinner: grated cottage cheese, green tea.


Breakfast: cottage cheese casserole, jelly.

Second breakfast: chicken cutlet.

Lunch: beef broth, mashed potatoes.

Afternoon snack: bun, tea.

Dinner: baked apple, rice porridge with water, green tea.

An hour before bedtime, a glass of kefir.


Breakfast: baked fruit, water.

Second breakfast: grated cottage cheese.

Lunch: beef patties, mashed potatoes, water.

Afternoon snack: marshmallows, jelly.

Dinner: chicken broth, pearl barley porridge with water, jelly.

Diet 4 goes very well with the recipes given above. They are great for daily use during similar diets.

Video on the topic

Dietary table 4 for indigestion: steam cutlets and chamomile tea

Exists large number various diets, the effect of which is aimed at restoring proper operation human organs and systems for various diseases.

Nutrition system table 4 reduces inflammation in the intestines, normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, and provides the body with important nutrients.

What is this - the fourth table, and what products are included in the diet - this article will tell you about it.

Basic principles of diet table 4

Diet number 4 can be prescribed by a doctor if a person suffers from chronic or acute gastrointestinal diseases or diarrhea.

In the stage of exacerbation of the disease, this method of nutrition is simply necessary, as it helps restore the digestive organs without mechanical, temperature and biochemical effects on the mucous membrane.

For intestinal diseases, you need to eat liquid, pureed foods, in the form of purees.

For an effective result, you must strictly follow the diet - eat up to six times a day, in small portions, using only approved foods.

From the menu of a person with a violation of the digestive process, foods that cause increased secretion of gastric juice, fermentation processes in the intestines and increase peristalsis are excluded.

The temperature of the food should not exceed 50°C.

This nutritional system is low-calorie, as it limits the consumption of carbohydrates and fats.

Daily protein intake corresponds to the norms and physiological needs of the body.

The calorie content of the daily diet is 1900-2100 kcal per day. Therefore, the diet is not prescribed for a long period of time. To achieve improvements, you need to follow this nutrition system for about a week.

What products should you use in your menu daily?

What is not allowed: hard, fatty, smoked, fried foods containing coarse fibers.

What you can eat while following this diet: low-fat foods, cottage cheese, some types of cereals and certain fruits.

The table below of foods for diet No. 4 will tell you more:


Flour products: crackers from wheat bread. - Vegetables: in the form of ingredients for soup and puree. - Meat: lean beef, rabbit meat, chicken breasts, turkey. All without fat and skin, tendons and films. Souffle, cutlets, meatballs with rice, steamed meatballs. - Fish: 1-2% fat content - pollock, pike, pike perch, grayling. Steamed cutlets, steamed, meatballs, fish souffle. - Soups: with diluted fish or meat broth, low-fat; using rice, semolina, oatmeal and buckwheat, steamed meatballs, grated meat. - Eggs: in the form of a steam omelet, soft-boiled.

– Cereals: in the form of mashed porridges. To prepare them, use water and diluted broth. Mucous decoctions of rice, oatmeal and buckwheat.

– Dairy products: pureed cottage cheese, 0% fat, curd soufflé.

– Fruits: jelly and jelly from bird cherry, pear, blueberry and dogwood. Baked apples.

– Drinks: green and black tea, cocoa with water. Vitamin compotes are made from dried currants, bird cherry, and blueberries.

– Butter up to 3-5 grams per day (added to porridge).


– Cereals: pearl barley, millet, barley, pasta and legumes.

– Soups: fatty, rich meat and fish broths. Soups cooked with milk, with the addition of various cereals and pasta.

– Meat: fatty meat, sausage and smoked meats.

– Eggs: all cooking methods, except steam omelet and soft-boiled eggs.
– Fish: varieties of fish with a fat content of more than 2%, canned food, caviar, salted fish.

– Dairy products: milk, dairy products, except low-fat cottage cheese.

– Vegetables: fresh vegetables.

– Fruits: all dried fruits, jam and everything except those allowed.

- Honey.
– Drinks: carbonated drinks, kvass, cold and hot, with milk.

- Spices.

The first day of the diet allows the consumption of only water and tea, wheat crackers and 50 grams of slimy porridge, preferably rice.

Fourth table: sample menu for the day

Breakfast: semolina porridge with water, baked apple, berry juice;

Snack: pear jelly;

Lunch: pureed rice and carrot soup, steamed pollock fillet cutlets, green tea;

Afternoon snack: blueberry compote;

Dinner: cottage cheese casserole with rice, jelly;

At night: chamomile tea;

What to cook for breakfast or lunch and how can you diversify the menu?

Cottage cheese with pear puree, pike perch meatballs with rice, oatmeal soup with meatballs from chicken fillet, rice soup with potatoes and semolina, boiled rabbit - this is only a small part of the dishes that can be consumed on this seemingly modest diet.

If there are indications for compliance with the strict diet that is required for this diet, then you should not neglect it.

The fourth table can be tolerated very easily with regular meals at certain hours.

The diet copes well with diarrhea and normalizes stool, relieves inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract and improves condition and well-being.

The table system 4B and 4B is designed specifically for the postoperative regimen of patients or for people suffering from acute and chronic intestinal diseases. This diet is also indicated in case of intestinal disease with diarrhea syndrome. The dishes allowed in it reduce the load on the stomach and intestines, cleanse and speed up the recovery of the body.

Characteristics of diet table 4B

Dietary meals contain the necessary and sufficiently high amount of protein, but the level of fats and carbohydrates is reduced to normal. The goal of this diet is to “unload” the body as much as possible, so only those products are selected that are completely absorbed.

Key diet rules

Like any food restrictions, the 4 “B” diet contains a number of rules, compliance with which forms the basis of proper dietary nutrition:

  • The required amount of water is 1.5 liters per day. Precisely pure water, not tea, milk or juices;
  • The amount of salt is reduced to a minimum, that is, no more than 8 grams per day;
  • Meals are divided into small parts. You need to eat six times during the day;
  • Fried foods should be excluded. Food only boiled or steamed.

Also, in case of intestinal diseases, it is necessary to exclude any products that cause fermentation or putrefactive processes in the body.

Allowed dishes on the menu

Despite the rather strict restrictions, the 4 “B” diet table provides a wide variety delicious products, which can be presented as a table:

  • Lean meat, preferably beef, rabbit or chicken. Boiled. Be sure to remove the skin and cut out the tendons. Once a week you can allow yourself a couple of milk sausages, diet sausage or boiled tongue;
  • Soft-boiled eggs or egg dishes are allowed no more than one egg per day;
  • Low-fat fish can be baked, and a small amount can even be fried. But you can't cook breaded fish. You should also refrain from eating caviar;
  • Vegetable soups or soups with lean meats are one of the main dishes of the diet. However, they should be very liquid and unsalted. You can also add cereals to the broth, everything except millet, potatoes, a small amount of pasta or noodles, carrots, cauliflower, zucchini, lean minced meatballs;
  • Liquid porridge, with a small amount of sugar, possibly with the addition of honey or jam;
  • Vegetables should be most of diet. It is recommended to consume vegetables steamed, boiled, in the form of jure or various casseroles. The best options are zucchini, potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, a little (no more than one hundred grams per day) well-boiled peas and beets, or ripe tomatoes;
  • Fruits should be the main dessert. Fresh or baked apples will be useful. It is not recommended to consume more than one hundred grams of berries, and only ripe ones. Strawberries, raspberries, pears, thoroughly seeded watermelon, peeled grapes. Oranges and tangerines are allowed, but only in small quantities;
  • In drinks, it is advisable to opt for compotes, juices heavily diluted with water and plain water. Coffee and cocoa are allowed, with a small amount of low-fat milk;
  • In spices and sauces, it is better to limit yourself to cinnamon, dill and parsley, a small amount of vanillin and bay leaf. Suitable sauces include fruit and sour cream.

Prohibited dishes on the menu

  • Butter and puff pastries, fresh or rye bread;
  • Soups with fatty broth or with the addition of legumes, rassolnik and okroshka;
  • Smoked sausages and any canned food;
  • Fermented milk products;
  • Mushrooms and dishes made from them;
  • Fried egg dishes;
  • Garlic, onion and radish;
  • Chocolate, ice cream, cakes;
  • Horseradish and mustard, hot sauces.

Approximate menu for the week table 4B

For lunch, low-fat soup with meatballs, some buckwheat, boiled meat and compote for dessert are suitable. For dinner, mashed potatoes, some fish and tea are recommended. At night you should drink a glass of kefir.

On Wednesday morning you need to start with oatmeal porridge, a glass of tea with lemon and an omelet. For second breakfast you should eat cottage cheese. It is better to have lunch with broth, such as chicken broth, mashed potatoes with chicken and compote. Good for dinner potato casserole, some milk. Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of yogurt.

Thursday should start with tea, cottage cheese casserole and a small amount of sour cream to go with it. Cottage cheese is suitable for second breakfast. For lunch, we recommend some vegetarian borscht, rice porridge and compote. You can have meatloaf and mashed potatoes for dinner. Before bed – a little fermented baked milk.

Friday breakfast should consist of oatmeal, tea and a piece of milk sausage. For second breakfast - cottage cheese. For lunch you can treat yourself to jelly, chicken broth and cottage cheese casserole. For dinner, steamed fish cutlets and mashed potatoes are suitable. At night - a glass of yogurt.

On Saturday, boiled noodles with tea and a little mild cheese are recommended for the first breakfast. On the second - cottage cheese. For lunch, vegetarian beetroot soup and buckwheat with meatballs and compote are suitable. For dinner, a little liquid tea and mashed potatoes with meat, before bed - a glass of kefir.

On the last day of the week it is better to eat for breakfast rice porridge with butter and drink tea. Later - cottage cheese. For lunch, meat borscht, oatmeal and lean meat stew are suitable. For dinner - buckwheat porridge and boiled meat, before bed - a glass of fermented baked milk.

Useful videos

Unfortunately, many people around the world suffer from diseases of the digestive system. During the period of their exacerbation, a person cannot eat regular food, he has to dodge and come up with something that does not cause heartburn, vomiting, diarrhea, bloating or other unpleasant symptoms.

But Pevzner at one time developed an excellent diet 4 for patients suffering from chronic gastrointestinal diseases. Diet 4 menus for the week can be compiled independently, guided by the supporting information given below.

What is dietary table 4 for a week?

Diet 4 was developed by Dr. Pevzner as one of his 15 diets for “all occasions”, or rather for many diseases. Doctors recommend adhering to this diet for patients suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract during an exacerbation of the disease in chronic stages, as well as for one-time diseases, that is, these can be various poisonings and so on.

Typically, a diet is prescribed for problems with the intestines (the appearance of diarrhea, bloating and digestive disorders). The allowed foods in the diet are selected so that dishes made from them do not cause irritation or other negative reactions of the intestinal mucous membranes, and often food during diet 4 has a certain calming effect on the intestines - it reduces fermentation processes and relieves inflammation.

Diet for children

The child may also experience intestinal disorders and unpleasant problems with diarrhea and bloating. In such cases, pediatricians, gastroenterologists and nutritionists recommend that even children adhere to this particular diet, since it is safe for the child’s body, the choice of products is really large, so for allergy sufferers it is possible to replace what directly causes the allergy, and, of course , in case of intestinal disorders, diet greatly saves patients.

If doctors have prescribed the fourth diet as a method of treatment, then you should not ignore it, and to completely heal your baby’s body, force him to follow the diet. For some moral support, diet with him. Any support from parents is very important for a child.

Features of diet table 4

The main distinguishing features of diet 4 is the presence of liquid food in the diet. To be more precise, the entire table of the fourth diet consists of liquid, semi-liquid or ground food. Meals should occur 5-6 times a day at the same time. Eat small and rationally; you cannot overload the intestines with work, otherwise it will cause pain, discomfort and unpleasant consequences. All dishes must be steamed or boiled in water.

Healthy recipes for diet

Beef broth

Ingredients: lean beef 150 grams, water 1 liter.

How to cook: cut lean beef into cubes (to cook faster and easier to chop), cook in water until tender. You cannot add onions, bay leaves, peppers and other spices to the broth. Boiled meat must be ground.

Curd casserole

Ingredients: cottage cheese 250 grams, egg.

How to cook: grind the cottage cheese through a sieve, add a pre-washed egg to it, mix thoroughly. Place the mixture in a baking dish (no need to grease with oil!). Bake until done.

Mashed potatoes

Ingredients: medium-sized potatoes (3-5 pieces), boiled water.

How to cook: potatoes need to be boiled until tender, then chopped using a blender or masher. Pour a little boiling water into the mashed potatoes and stir until the consistency of liquid sour cream.

These recipes are good for every day because they are very easy and quick to prepare.

Menu for the week


First breakfast: rosehip decoction (glass), oatmeal porridge with water (shallow plate), crackers for tea parties (stale, that is, they must sit for several days before consumption).

Second breakfast: banana puree.

Lunch: steamed chicken meatballs, weak tea (1 glass), mashed potatoes.

Afternoon snack: jelly (1 glass), baked apple.

Dinner: meat casserole, glass of water, pearl barley porridge with water.

An hour before bedtime, you can drink a glass of kefir.


Breakfast: grated cottage cheese, a glass of tea.

Second breakfast: marshmallows.

Lunch: rice porridge with water, chicken cutlet, tea (glass).

Afternoon snack: grated apples.

Dinner: mashed potatoes, turkey meatballs, jelly.

An hour before bedtime, a glass of kefir.


Breakfast: green tea (1 glass), homemade yogurt, applesauce.

Second breakfast: buckwheat porridge in milk.

Lunch: beef broth, crackers.

Afternoon snack: waffle, rosehip infusion.

Dinner: chicken casserole, mashed potatoes, water.

An hour before bedtime, a glass of jelly.


Breakfast: homemade beef pate, tea.

Second breakfast: pear puree.

Lunch: millet porridge on water, homemade chicken sausage.

Afternoon snack: crackers, juice diluted with water.

Dinner: chicken broth, cheesecake, water.

An hour before bedtime, a glass of jelly.


Breakfast: mashed potatoes, tea.

Second breakfast: meat casserole.

Lunch: mashed bananas, apples and pears, green tea.

Afternoon snack: waffles and jelly.

Dinner: grated cottage cheese, green tea.


Breakfast: cottage cheese casserole, jelly.

Second breakfast: chicken cutlet.

Lunch: beef broth, mashed potatoes.

Afternoon snack: bun, tea.

Dinner: baked apple, rice porridge with water, green tea.

An hour before bedtime, a glass of kefir.


Breakfast: baked fruit, water.

Second breakfast: grated cottage cheese.

Lunch: beef patties, mashed potatoes, water.

Afternoon snack: marshmallows, jelly.

Dinner: chicken broth, pearl barley porridge with water, jelly.

Diet 4 goes very well with the recipes given above. They are great for daily use during similar diets.

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Dietary table 4 for indigestion: steam cutlets and chamomile tea

There are a large number of different diets, the action of which is aimed at restoring the proper functioning of human organs and systems in various diseases.

Nutrition system table 4 reduces inflammation in the intestines, normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, and provides the body with important nutrients.

What is this - the fourth table, and what products are included in the diet - this article will tell you about it.

Basic principles of diet table 4

Diet number 4 can be prescribed by a doctor if a person suffers from chronic or acute gastrointestinal diseases or diarrhea.

In the stage of exacerbation of the disease, this method of nutrition is simply necessary, as it helps restore the digestive organs without mechanical, temperature and biochemical effects on the mucous membrane.

For intestinal diseases, you need to eat liquid, pureed foods, in the form of purees.

For an effective result, you must strictly follow the diet - eat up to six times a day, in small portions, using only approved foods.

From the menu of a person with a violation of the digestive process, foods that cause increased secretion of gastric juice, fermentation processes in the intestines and increase peristalsis are excluded.

The temperature of the food should not exceed 50°C.

This nutritional system is low-calorie, as it limits the consumption of carbohydrates and fats.

Daily protein intake corresponds to the norms and physiological needs of the body.

The calorie content of the daily diet is 1900-2100 kcal per day. Therefore, the diet is not prescribed for a long period of time. To achieve improvements, you need to follow this nutrition system for about a week.

What products should you use in your menu daily?

What is not allowed: hard, fatty, smoked, fried foods containing coarse fibers.

What you can eat while following this diet: low-fat foods, cottage cheese, some types of cereals and certain fruits.

The table below of foods for diet No. 4 will tell you more:


- Flour products: crackers from wheat bread. - Vegetables: in the form of ingredients for soup and puree. - Meat: lean beef, rabbit meat, chicken breasts, turkey. All without fat and skin, tendons and films. Souffle, cutlets, meatballs with rice, steamed meatballs. - Fish: 1-2% fat content - pollock, pike, pike perch, grayling. Steamed cutlets, steamed, meatballs, fish souffle. - Soups: with diluted fish or meat broth, low-fat; using rice, semolina, oatmeal and buckwheat, steamed meatballs, grated meat. - Eggs: in the form of a steam omelet, soft-boiled.

– Cereals: in the form of mashed porridges. To prepare them, use water and diluted broth. Mucous decoctions of rice, oatmeal and buckwheat.

– Dairy products: pureed cottage cheese, 0% fat, curd soufflé.

– Fruits: jelly and jelly from bird cherry, pear, blueberry and dogwood. Baked apples.

– Drinks: green and black tea, cocoa with water. Vitamin compotes are made from dried currants, bird cherry, and blueberries.

– Butter up to 3-5 grams per day (added to porridge).


– Cereals: pearl barley, millet, barley, pasta and legumes.

– Soups: fatty, rich meat and fish broths. Soups cooked with milk, with the addition of various cereals and pasta.

– Meat: fatty meat, sausage and smoked meats.

– Eggs: all cooking methods, except steam omelet and soft-boiled eggs.
– Fish: varieties of fish with a fat content of more than 2%, canned food, caviar, salted fish.

– Dairy products: milk, dairy products, except low-fat cottage cheese.

– Vegetables: fresh vegetables.

– Fruits: all dried fruits, jam and everything except those allowed.

- Honey.
– Drinks: carbonated drinks, kvass, cold and hot, with milk.

- Spices.

The first day of the diet allows the consumption of only water and tea, wheat crackers and 50 grams of slimy porridge, preferably rice.

Fourth table: sample menu for the day

Breakfast: semolina porridge with water, baked apple, berry juice;

Snack: pear jelly;

Lunch: pureed rice and carrot soup, steamed pollock fillet cutlets, green tea;

Afternoon snack: blueberry compote;

Dinner: cottage cheese casserole with rice, jelly;

At night: chamomile tea;

What to cook for breakfast or lunch and how can you diversify the menu?

Cottage cheese with pear puree, pike perch balls with rice, oatmeal soup with chicken fillet meatballs, rice soup with potatoes and semolina, boiled rabbit - these are only a small part of the dishes that can be consumed on this seemingly modest diet.

If there are indications for compliance with the strict diet that is required for this diet, then you should not neglect it.

The fourth table can be tolerated very easily with regular meals at certain hours.

The diet copes well with diarrhea and normalizes stool, relieves inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract and improves condition and well-being.

The table system 4B and 4B is designed specifically for the postoperative regimen of patients or for people suffering from acute and chronic intestinal diseases. This diet is also indicated in case of intestinal disease with diarrhea syndrome. The dishes allowed in it reduce the load on the stomach and intestines, cleanse and speed up the recovery of the body.

Characteristics of diet table 4B

Dietary meals contain the necessary and sufficiently high amount of protein, but the level of fats and carbohydrates is reduced to normal. The goal of this diet is to “unload” the body as much as possible, so only those products are selected that are completely absorbed.

Key diet rules

Like any food restrictions, the 4 “B” diet contains a number of rules, compliance with which forms the basis of proper dietary nutrition:

  • The required amount of water is 1.5 liters per day. Precisely pure water, not tea, milk or juices;
  • The amount of salt is reduced to a minimum, that is, no more than 8 grams per day;
  • Meals are divided into small parts. You need to eat six times during the day;
  • Fried foods should be excluded. Food only boiled or steamed.

Also, in case of intestinal diseases, it is necessary to exclude any products that cause fermentation or putrefactive processes in the body.

Allowed dishes on the menu

Despite the rather strict restrictions, the 4 “B” diet table provides a wide variety of delicious foods, which can be presented in table form:

  • Lean meat, preferably beef, rabbit or chicken. Boiled. Be sure to remove the skin and cut out the tendons. Once a week you can allow yourself a couple of milk sausages, diet sausage or boiled tongue;
  • Soft-boiled eggs or egg dishes are allowed no more than one egg per day;
  • Low-fat fish can be baked, and a small amount can even be fried. But you can't cook breaded fish. You should also refrain from eating caviar;
  • Vegetable soups or soups with lean meats are one of the main dishes of the diet. However, they should be very liquid and unsalted. You can also add cereals to the broth, everything except millet, potatoes, a small amount of pasta or noodles, carrots, cauliflower, zucchini, lean minced meatballs;
  • Liquid porridge, with a small amount of sugar, possibly with the addition of honey or jam;
  • Vegetables should make up the majority of the diet. It is recommended to consume vegetables steamed, boiled, in the form of jure or various casseroles. The best options are zucchini, potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, a little (no more than one hundred grams per day) well-boiled peas and beets, or ripe tomatoes;
  • Fruits should be the main dessert. Fresh or baked apples will be useful. It is not recommended to consume more than one hundred grams of berries, and only ripe ones. Strawberries, raspberries, pears, thoroughly seeded watermelon, peeled grapes. Oranges and tangerines are allowed, but only in small quantities;
  • In drinks, it is advisable to opt for compotes, juices heavily diluted with water and plain water. Coffee and cocoa are allowed, with a small amount of low-fat milk;
  • In spices and sauces, it is better to limit yourself to cinnamon, dill and parsley, a small amount of vanillin and bay leaf. Suitable sauces include fruit and sour cream.

Prohibited dishes on the menu

  • Butter and puff pastries, fresh or rye bread;
  • Soups with fatty broth or with the addition of legumes, rassolnik and okroshka;
  • Smoked sausages and any canned food;
  • Fermented milk products;
  • Mushrooms and dishes made from them;
  • Fried egg dishes;
  • Garlic, onion and radish;
  • Chocolate, ice cream, cakes;
  • Horseradish and mustard, hot sauces.

Approximate menu for the week table 4B

For lunch, low-fat soup with meatballs, some buckwheat, boiled meat and compote for dessert are suitable. For dinner, mashed potatoes, some fish and tea are recommended. At night you should drink a glass of kefir.

On Wednesday morning you need to start with oatmeal porridge, a glass of tea with lemon and an omelet. For second breakfast you should eat cottage cheese. It is better to have lunch with broth, such as chicken broth, mashed potatoes with chicken and compote. Potato casserole and a little milk are good for dinner. Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of yogurt.

Thursday should start with tea, cottage cheese casserole and a small amount of sour cream to go with it. Cottage cheese is suitable for second breakfast. For lunch, we recommend some vegetarian borscht, rice porridge and compote. You can have meatloaf and mashed potatoes for dinner. Before bed – a little fermented baked milk.

Friday breakfast should consist of oatmeal, tea and a piece of milk sausage. For second breakfast - cottage cheese. For lunch, you can treat yourself to jelly, chicken broth and cottage cheese casserole. For dinner, steamed fish cutlets and mashed potatoes are suitable. At night - a glass of yogurt.

On Saturday, boiled noodles with tea and a little mild cheese are recommended for the first breakfast. On the second - cottage cheese. For lunch, vegetarian beetroot soup and buckwheat with meatballs and compote are suitable. For dinner, a little liquid tea and mashed potatoes with meat, before bed - a glass of kefir.

On the last day of the week, it is better to eat rice porridge with butter and drink tea for breakfast. Later - cottage cheese. For lunch, meat borscht, oatmeal and lean meat stew are suitable. For dinner - buckwheat porridge and boiled meat, before bed - a glass of fermented baked milk.

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If the doctor informed a patient with an intestinal disease about switching to the Pevzner Table 4b therapeutic diet, then complete recovery is close. This therapeutic diet is prescribed for remission of acute attacks of intestinal diseases and during the period of retreat of diseases of the digestive system. Dietary Table 4b provides for minor relaxations in the diet.

The Diet 4b menu is designed to facilitate the patient’s transition from a therapeutic to a normal diet after serious diets for intestinal diseases. Doctors recommend Table 4b as a physiologically complete diet that will help gradually restore all the functions of the digestive system, which is limited in functioning during a strict diet.

The diet under Dietary Table 4b includes a slight increase in proteins. Avoid the consumption of salt, fried foods, cold and hot foods. Solid food is gradually being included in the therapeutic diet, but the methods of preparing it are still limited: boiling in water and steam, baking. Products for Diet Table 4b should be chosen that are low in fat and do not irritate the intestinal walls, limiting as much as possible the possible processes of increased secretion, fermentation and putrefaction.

In what cases is Table 4b prescribed?

Therapeutic Diet Table 4b is prescribed after acute attacks or exacerbation of intestinal diseases on initial stage remission. Sometimes the disease is associated with ailments of the liver, stomach, pancreas or biliary tract, in which case dietary nutrition is also prescribed according to this principle. The diet is designed to gradually return the digestive organs to normal working condition by feeding healthy products. Most often, dietary Table 4b is prescribed after two to four weeks of a strict regimen of the therapeutic Diet 4b.


  • How to follow the diet Table 1a and 1b for ulcers and gastritis - principles and menu
  • Diet 4b for intestinal diseases - menu for the week
  • Diet Table 5a - recipes and menu for the week
  • Therapeutic Diet Table number 13 according to Pevzner

The Pevzner diet for intestinal diseases provides for a system of fractional meals in small portions up to 6 times a day. During exacerbations of intestinal diseases, products can be served exclusively warm.

It is important to remember that products used to restore the intestines should not contain chemical and mechanical irritants. The amount of spices and salt when preparing medicinal dishes according to the Table 4B Diet menu is minimal. Products are not treated with oil or smoke during cooking.

It is allowed to prepare meat products in pieces or chopped form. When treating intestinal diseases, dairy products are recommended to be used in dishes rather than raw. Fresh fruits, according to the menu norm, consume up to 150 g per day.

For full recovery intestines and getting rid of the disease, doctors recommend strictly following the basic principles of therapeutic nutrition of the Table 4c Diet, namely following the list of what you can and cannot eat.

List of allowed foods in Diet Table 4c:

  • For bakery products, a stale product made from wheat flour that is slightly stale is allowed; dry biscuits, biscuits. In the menu of Diet 4c for intestinal diseases there is a medicinal pie with meat, low-fat cottage cheese, vegetables and fruits.
  • Low-fat dairy products;
  • Mild varieties of cheese;
  • Buckwheat, semolina, rice cereals with a minimum amount of salt or sugar;
  • Soups are prepared without meat using a second broth;
  • Lean chicken, turkey, rabbit, beef and veal;
  • Low-fat fish: pike perch, blue whiting, cod, hake, pollock, pike, carp.
  • Vegetables and fruits on the menu for treating the intestines: zucchini, pumpkin, cauliflower, carrots, potatoes, white cabbage, beets, green peas; apples, pears, strawberries, oranges, tangerines, watermelon.
  • Recommended drinks: tea, cocoa, coffee with milk; freshly squeezed juices, diluted with water; berry decoctions.
  • Sauces: low-fat homemade sauces made with broths, decoctions and milk.

List of prohibited foods of Table 4b for intestinal diseases:

  • Fresh wheat and rye bread, pastry and puff pastry;
  • Dairy products with increased acidity, salty and spicy cheese;
  • Barley, pearl barley, wheat cereals;
  • Legumes in any form;
  • Rich meat broths, borscht, cabbage soup, pickles, okroshka, legumes;
  • Sausages, pickles, smoked meats;
  • Mushrooms, cucumbers, onions, garlic, spinach, radishes, turnips, sorrel;
  • Plums, figs, apricots, dates - also treatment menu prohibited for intestinal disease;
  • Patients with intestinal lesions should not take juices from plums, grapes, or apricots.

From problems with digestive system no one is insured. Even the smallest children can be affected by exacerbations of intestinal diseases, and, in addition to treatment with medications, for a speedy recovery, they will have to follow a dietary diet and strictly draw up a treatment menu.

Diet Table 4c for children provides the same relaxations after Pevzner’s strict dietary tables as for adults. If the doctor has given permission to proceed to this stage, then the baby can now eat some baked goods, drink diluted fruit juices and eat meat not only in the form of minced meat. The remaining tips correspond to the recommendations for Table 4b for adults, taking into account the possible intolerance of children to certain products.

The period of adherence to dietary Table 4b for children is determined by the doctor depending on the state of health at the initial stage of the disease. It is important to know that you need to move from therapeutic nutrition to a more rational one gradually, which means that you do not need to introduce foods that are more difficult for the intestines to process into the menu right away.

Menu for the week

An approximate menu for a week with the Table 4b Diet for adults and children is followed according to the principle:

  • eating every 2 hours;
  • small portions;
  • The last appointment is at 7 pm, taking into account that lights out is at 9-10 o'clock.

Diet Table 4c - menu for the week:


  • semolina porridge with water, crackers with sweet jam, green tea;
  • carrot-apple puree;
  • soup on low chicken broth with meatballs, buckwheat porridge with steamed chicken quenelles;
  • beet salad;
  • oatmeal jelly, crackers;
  • pilaf with boiled meat, green pea salad;
  • rosehip infusion.


  • buckwheat porridge in water, soft-boiled egg with a teaspoon of sour cream, cocoa;
  • milk jelly;
  • vegetable broth with rabbit meat, rice cutlets with meat, cauliflower salad with fresh tomato;
  • blueberry jelly, savory bun;
  • vegetable stew, steamed carp, cocoa;
  • kefir.


  • rice porridge with milk, dry cookies, honey, black tea;
  • fresh mashed cottage cheese with strawberries;
  • cream soup of potatoes, carrots, zucchini, steamed cod cutlets, baked potatoes
  • cottage cheese casserole with apples;
  • chicken roll with steamed zucchini, buckwheat;
  • Ryazhenka


  • rolled oats with milk and water, steam omelette, herbal infusion;
  • baked apple with honey;
  • low-fat veal broth, pilaf with boiled meat, grated carrots and beets;
  • pear and apple puree;
  • cottage cheese and carrot casserole, egg salad with sour cream;
  • rosehip infusion.


  • egg-rice pudding, boiled egg, green tea;
  • pureed cottage cheese with pear;
  • chicken soup with noodles, buckwheat with carrots;
  • seasonal fruit jelly;
  • potato, cottage cheese and turkey fillet salad;
  • kefir.


  • oatmeal, crackers with honey and a piece of butter, cocoa;
  • soft-boiled egg, spoon of sour cream;
  • beetroot soup with sour cream, baked zucchini with chicken breast in curd and sour cream sauce;
  • rosehip infusion, yesterday's bread with honey;
  • buckwheat porridge, steamed chicken dumplings, grated carrots and beets;
  • Ryazhenka


  • cottage cheese soufflé with pumpkin, crackers, cocoa;
  • pear jelly;
  • soup with meatballs, veal with steamed vegetables;
  • oatmeal jelly, crackers with jam;
  • mashed potatoes, steamed cod, cauliflower and fresh tomato salad;
  • rosehip infusion.

The duration of treatment of intestinal diseases in this mode is regulated by a doctor and can range from 3-4 weeks to several months, subject to strict adherence to all recommendations for drawing up a dietary menu.


The following dietary recipes are suitable for preparing dishes according to the Table 4c Diet at home.




  • Beetroot - 1 pc.;
  • Potatoes - 1 pc.;
  • Carrots - 1 pc.;
  • Tomato paste - 1 tbsp;
  • Lemon juice - 1 tsp;
  • Bay leaf - 1 pc.;
  • Salt, sugar, dill - to taste.

Boil water. Peel, chop the vegetables, place in a saucepan, add some water, and bring to a boil. Add pasta, juice, sugar and salt, simmer until done. Add the dressing to the second half of the water and let it boil. Add dill, let cook for 1 minute, turn off the heat, cover with a lid, let it brew.
This beetroot soup is suitable for adults and children when treating intestinal diseases with Diet Table 4c.

Curd and carrot casserole

Curd and carrot casserole


  • Carrots - 500 g;
  • Cottage cheese - 250 g;
  • Semolina - 3 tbsp;
  • Milk - 1 tbsp.;
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • Butter - 75 g;
  • Sour cream - 1 tbsp;
  • Salt, sugar - to taste.

Grate the carrots, put in a saucepan over medium heat, add milk, add butter, simmer until tender. Add cereal, cook for 7 minutes, stirring. Remove from heat. Separate the yolks from the whites, beat, add the yolks to the carrots, stir, let cool. Grind the cottage cheese with a blender, add sour cream, and add to the carrots along with the whites. Place the mixture in a greased form in the oven at 200 degrees for 30 minutes.
The casserole provided in the Diet 4c menu is suitable for a dietary breakfast for intestinal diseases.

The “4 table” diet is a specially designed nutritional system prescribed for acute and aggravated chronic diseases intestines - colitis, gastroenterocolitis at the beginning of the disease (after days of fasting), enterocolitis, dysentery, etc. Its creator is one of the founders of dietetics M.I. Pevzner. Despite the fact that this diet was developed back in the thirties of the last century, it has not lost its relevance to this day and is actively used in sanatoriums and hospitals, and is also prescribed to patients undergoing treatment at home.

Features of the “4 table” diet

The nutrition prescribed for this diet reduces and prevents the further occurrence of fermentation and putrefactive processes, creates all the conditions for neutralizing inflammatory processes and helps restore impaired intestinal functions. A special diet can reduce or even eliminate the likelihood of injury to the gastrointestinal mucosa and improve their ability to recover.

Diet number 4 involves limiting the amount of fat (especially animal fat) and carbohydrates in the diet, so its energy value is low. From its menu it is completely excluded food that is difficult to digest and provokes increased secretion of the stomach, as well as food that can cause fermentation and putrefactive processes and irritate the inflamed area of ​​​​the gastrointestinal tract.

During the period of following the 4-a-day diet, it is recommended to eat at least five times, and the portion size should be small. It is advisable to eat food at the same time, this will improve its absorption and normalize the functions of the gastrointestinal tract. All food and drinks consumed should be at a comfortable temperature, since food that is too cold or, conversely, very hot can trigger an attack.

When preparing food, frying should be avoided; the recommended methods of processing foods are boiling and steaming. Any food should be consumed only in liquid, pureed or mashed form.

The diet for colitis and other intestinal diseases does not allow the consumption of smoked, fatty and spicy foods, as well as solid foods containing insoluble fiber or too dry foods. Salt and sugar should be significantly limited in the diet. To make it clearer what food you should avoid first, we present a list of prohibited foods:

  • Smoked products, canned food, semi-finished products, pickles, sauces, marinades, snacks, fast food.
  • Fatty types of meat and poultry, strong meat broths, sausages, sausages.
  • Fatty fish, caviar, dried and salted fish.
  • Hard boiled, fried and raw eggs.
  • Any fresh baked goods, whole grain and rye bread, bran, pancakes, pancakes, pastries, pasta.
  • Animal and vegetable fats.
  • Hard cheese, whole milk, kefir, cream, sour cream.
  • Raw berries, fruits, and dried fruits.
  • Vegetables.
  • Barley and pearl barley, legumes, millet, buckwheat kernels.
  • Spices, spices.
  • Jam, honey, sweets, cakes and other sweets.
  • Carbonated drinks, coffee, grape juice, kvass, fruit juices.

Despite the rather impressive list of foods that diet number 4 prohibits from consuming, you won’t have to eat sparingly, much less starve, while sticking to it, since the list of foods recommended for consumption is also quite large.

This diet is built on the same principle as diet number 4, but is still somewhat different from it. During the period of its observance, food can be consumed not only in pureed form, but also in crushed form. Stewing and baking are allowed, but the rough crust must be removed from food prepared in this way. In addition, the list of foods that can be consumed is expanding. In addition to those allowed by Diet 4, you can also add the following products to your menu:

  • Dry biscuit, savory pies and buns with apples, eggs, boiled meat, cottage cheese.
  • Black and chum caviar.
  • A couple of eggs a day, but only as part of other dishes, baked, cooked in the form of an omelet and soft-boiled.
  • Mild cheese.
  • Boiled noodles and vermicelli.
  • Pumpkin, carrots, zucchini, cauliflower, potatoes in small quantities, but only past heat treatment and mashed. Ripe tomatoes in small quantities. At the same time, eating mushrooms, onions, spinach, sorrel, cucumbers, rutabaga, turnips, beets, cabbage, radishes, radishes is prohibited.
  • Soups with the addition of vermicelli or noodles.
  • Cinnamon, vanilla, parsley, bay leaf, dill.
  • Sweet types of fruits and berries, but only ripe ones, for example, tangerines, pears, apples, strawberries. At the same time, berries with coarse grains, watermelons, melons, plums, apricots, grapes and peaches must be discarded.
  • Coffee.
  • Pastille, marshmallows, marmalade, meringues, jams from sweet fruits and berries.

All other prohibited foods should be avoided.

Dietary table 4B

This diet is prescribed after the 4B diet as a transition to normal nutrition, for chronic enterocolitis during remission, acute intestinal diseases in the recovery stage, and when they are combined with diseases of other digestive organs.

While following the 4B diet, foods no longer need to be washed or chopped. Eating fried foods is still not recommended, but is sometimes acceptable. In addition to previously permitted products, you can also enter the following into the menu:

Fresh bread and baked goods, fatty poultry, strong broths, fatty fish, raw eggs, fatty meats, smoked meats, pickles, canned food, snacks, fast food, animal fats and other foods that were previously prohibited and not allowed by diet number 4B, you need must be excluded from the diet.


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