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The second wife of Sergei Chemezov, Ekaterina Ignatova, regularly appears on the lists of the richest "halves" of state top managers. So, in 2015, she took 28th place in the Forbes magazine rating with a fortune of $ 50 million. This figure is of most interest to many - both journalists and other curious people. When in 2004 the head of Rostec - an ally and closest friend of the country's president since the days of the GDR - remarried (he had 2 sons from his first marriage), then everyone was surprised by the age of Sergei Chemezov's wife, Ekaterina Ignatova. Yes, the bride was much younger than her lover (only 5 years older than her husband's son). But, we think, today unequal marriages are not so rare.

The future business woman was born in Moscow in the autumn of 1968. She was a very smart and pretty girl, at first she went to kindergarten, then she studied well at school, she had a special love for foreign languages. And it seemed to everyone that after finishing the 10th grade, Ekaterina Ignatova would certainly enter one of the capital's language universities. But that didn't happen. In 1989, the girl entered the Institute of Railway Transport Engineers, which in 1993 was renamed MGUPS (Moscow State University of Communications). It is this name that is indicated in her diploma.

Personal life: period of youth

What did she do Ignatova Ekaterina Sergeevna before going to college? After all, she graduated from school in 1985, and went to study only 4 years later, after receiving a certificate. While still a very young girl, she met a handsome guy Mikhail, fell in love with him and agreed to live with him in a civil marriage. In 1987, the couple had a daughter, who was named Anastasia, but in the metric they recorded the name of not the father, but the mother - Ignatova. After some time, the young father decided that he was in a hurry to start a family, and disappeared from the life of Elena and Nastya. So the upbringing of the baby fell on the shoulders of the young mother, it’s good that her mother began to help her in this. When the girl was 2 years old, her grandmother persuaded Ekaterina Ignatova to go to study further, so that in the future she could support herself and her daughter. How then did this kind woman know what gift fate had prepared for her daughter and granddaughter? That after 30 years they will not only be very rich, but also famous.

Adulthood: the beginning of work

In 1994, after graduating from the university, Ekaterina Ignatova got a job, only not in her specialty, but in the profession that she had dreamed of since childhood. She became an employee of the Department of Interpreting MSLU (Moscow State linguistic university). After some time, she managed to get a job as an interpreter in the Administration of the President of the country.

Husband of Ignatova

It was here, in the Office, that Ekaterina Ignatova met her future husband. He was married and had two adult sons (the eldest is only 5 years younger than Katya). She also raised her daughter. There, no less, sympathy broke out between them, and in order to be closer to the girl, Sergey offered Ekaterina to work in his company Promexport, which was engaged in the sale of weapons, then she moved to " Rosoboronexport”, which also belonged to a businessman. In 2004, Sergei divorced his wife Lyudmila and married Ekaterina. Before formalizing the relationship, Catherine gave birth to Chemezov's son.


The following years, Ekaterina Ignatova (see photo in the article) began to actively develop her business. And by 2013, according to official data, her income began to exceed the income of her husband by 13 times. She is engaged in both pharmaceutical and banking activities. Has a lot of beauty items. 13% of the shares of the bank "International Financial Club" belong to her. Chemezov is also a shareholder of this bank. From 2010-2012 the young business lady was interested in the restaurant business. She owned a controlling stake in Risont-Holding, the company that manages the Etazh restaurant chain. One of the best metropolitan beauty salons "Next" also belongs to the wife of the owner of the company "Rostec".


In 2009, Ekaterina was declared unemployed, as she resigned as head of the Kate company (70% of the shares), which was engaged in the production of auto parts and components. This did not affect her income. However, the most successful, in terms of finance, the year for her was 2011. Then her annual income amounted to "only" 60 million rubles, and in 2014 it exceeded the figure of 2 billion. When asked by journalists about the reason for the increase in income, Ekaterina proudly answered that this was a merit of competent management of deposits.

About the company "Kate"

It was the most successful of her projects. She launched it in 2004, the very year she became the wife of Sergei Chemezov. The plant was engaged in the production of automatic transmissions for cars, after 5 years AvtoVAZ signed a contract with Katya. But after the controlling stake in AvtoVAZ was transferred from Rostec to the Japanese company Renault-Nissan in 2012, they refused the services of Ignatova’s company and began to buy automatic boxes from a well-known Japanese company. Then Ekaterina decided to build a branch of the Katya plant in Kaliningrad, but this project remained on paper. And by 2014, the company's debt amounted to more than half a billion rubles. I had to close.

The best deal

Chemezov's wife Ekaterina Ignatova very soon proved to everyone that she was a born businessman. In 2006, through Troika Dialog, she acquired a little more than five percent of the shares of Itera, which was engaged in oil and gas production. For more than 6 years, no one suspected that she was a shareholder. By 2011, the young woman had only 1.1 percent, she sold the rest at a great profit.According to some information, the package she sold (we are talking about 4%) brought the woman 70,000,000 dollars, according to another source, this figure could be two billion cu Presumably, for the remaining 1.1 percent in two years, thanks to R. Vadanyan, the head of Troika Dialog, she was able to raise approximately the same amount (2 billion dollars).

Bank investments

In 2010, Ekaterina Ignatova became a co-owner of the International Finacial Club bank, but experts believe that this was an unprofitable investment for her, since this enterprise did not bring her any income. Nevertheless, Ignatova said that she is satisfied and expects to make a profit in the future. The owner of the bank was Mikhail Prokhorov.

Restaurant investments

This has already been discussed above. In 2010, Ignatova made another major investment - she completely acquired Risont Holding, which included 19 restaurants of the Etazh brand, the Ye club, the Picasso DJ bar, the Del Capo pizzeria, the Aquapark bar , patisserie-cafe"Eclair" and the restaurant "Troya". The former owners were Russian businessmen of Armenian origin Andranik Sargasyan (Director of Troika Dialog), Gor Nakhapetyan (Vice President of the Business School Skolkovo) and Anushavan Arzumanyan. Two years later, Ekaterina realized that the business was not profitable for her (experts said that it was due to improper management), and she resold the shares to one of the previous owners, A. Sargsyan (he previously owned 50% ). Nevertheless, according to the statement of her representative, the business was not unprofitable either.

Medical investments

With Mikhail Prokhorov E. Ignatov were partners not only in the banking sector, but also in medicine. Together they decided to establish a clinic. For Chemezov's wife, this was a new type of business, while Prokhorov had the Ramat Aviv Israeli medical center since 2003, and in 2008 he opened a representative office in Russia, calling it a diagnostic and treatment center " Creative medical center". The place for the foundation of the new enterprise was chosen very well - the territory of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Polyclinic with a Hospital" of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

Daughter of Ekaterina Ignatova

After 3 years, a 23-year-old daughter became Prokhorov's business partner Ignatova Anastasia, at that time a graduate student at MGIMO. Her mother helped her to acquire 50% of the shares. However, the business was not very profitable - only 62 million rubles over 3 years, and the loss amounted to 58 million. The company was liquidated in 2014. But the young businesswoman Anastasia Ignatova liked the medical business, and she herself founded her own clinic "Rosmed".

Real estate investment

In 2015, Ekaterina Ignatova took up the resale of the Techno Loft business park. It was opened on the territory of a plant for the production of upholstery for cars and cardboard packaging. Back in 2007, this plant was taken over by Magma, and in 2013 it was declared bankrupt. As a result, 1.3 hectares of land with 13 buildings were put up for sale. The buyer was Territory Progress. There is no exact information about the owners, since it is registered in turn for several offshore companies in the British Isles of Virginia. It was from her that in 2015 this territory was bought by the company “R. D.S. Management”, owned by Ignatova since 2005. She became the owner of 99% of the shares, and a month later Ignatova resold R. D.S. Management" by a certain Ilyina, who owned only 1% of Techno Loft. What was the amount of the transaction - is not indicated anywhere.


By the way, Ignatova was able to raise $30 million from the sale of her unfinished residence near Moscow. They say that the buyer of the house, because of which the well-known Georgian architect-designer and the owner of the house were recently suing, turned out to be a businessman from Kyrgyzstan.

Chemezov Sergey Viktorovich

Chemezov Sergey Viktorovich- Russian politician, economist. General Director of the Rostec Corporation, Chairman of the public organization Union of Mechanical Engineers of Russia, Colonel General. Member of the Bureau of the Supreme Council of the Party" United Russia". Full Cavalier of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland.


Chemezov Sergey Viktorovich, was born on August 20, 1952, Cheremkhovo, Cheremkhovo district, Irkutsk region. CEO of Rostec Corporation.

Relatives. Wife - Ekaterina Ignatova, an engineer-economist by training, co-founder and owner of 70% of the company for the development and production of automatic transmissions OOO Kate, is also the main owner (together with the managing director of Troika Dialog Gor Nakhapetyan) of the Etazh restaurant chain (19 establishments in Moscow).

Sergei Chemezov has four children.

The eldest son Stanislav (born 1973), as of May 2009, worked at Itera, owns 30% of Medpharmtechnologiya and has business interests related to large pharmaceutical supplies financed from the state budget. He is a member of the board of directors of AvtoVAZenergo, is listed as the chairman of the board of directors of the Interbusinessgroup holding. The latter firm owns, through structural companies, commercial organizations LLC Insurance Company Independent Insurance Group, CJSC Oboroncement, LLC Oboroncement-Energo. The Independent Insurance Group insures the business of the largest enterprises of the Russian Technologies State Corporation. Since 2003, together with Vladimir Artyakov's son Dmitry, he has owned the Meridian hotel complex in Gelendzhik.

Stanislav Chemezov is a partner of the previously convicted Petersburger Viktor Petrik in the Russian Industrial Nanotechnologies CJSC. Petrik and Sergey Chemezov have known each other closely since the 1990s. According to the press, at that time they had joint business interests related to import and export across the Russian-Finnish border. May 2009 middle son Chemezova was a student at the Medical Institute.

As of May 2009, the middle son was a medical student.

Stepdaughter Anastasia Ignatova graduated from MGIMO, works at the Department of Political Theory and is the author of the monograph “ Public policy in the field of high technologies”, written under the general editorship of Professor Sergei Chemezov. PhD in Political Science. In 2011, being a graduate student, she became a full partner (50%) of the entrepreneur Mikhail Prokhorov in the medical and diagnostic center "Creativmedtsentr", three years later the project was liquidated. At the same time, she also established her own Clinic Rosmed LLC, which was located in the premises of the Centraviamed clinic of Rostec and was liquidated almost simultaneously with the CreativeMedCenter. In both cases, the CEO was Tatyana Shakhova, nominated in 2014 to the board of directors of Rostec's subsidiary RT-medicine. In 2016, Anastasia Ignatova, along with famous actresses, starred for the 2017 calendar of the Pirelli tire company, which has a joint venture with Pirelli Tire Russia with Rostec. In January 2017, she established a company for the production of pharmaceutical substances.

The youngest son goes to the Higher School of Economics Lyceum.


  • Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 1st class (2017)
  • Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree (2012)
  • Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" III degree (August 20, 2007) - for merits in the development of military-technical cooperation with foreign countries
  • Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (2005)
  • Order of Honor (January 14, 2002)
  • Order of Friendship (2009)
  • Order of the Legion of Honor (France, March 2010) - for his contribution to the development of Russian-French cooperation in the field of high-tech production
  • Order of the Holy Right-Believing Grand Duke Dimitry Donskoy
  • Order of the Holy Prince Daniel of Moscow, 1st class
  • Order of St. Sergius of Radonezh, I degree (July 18, 2014) - in consideration of the assistance provided to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra
  • Jubilee medal "300 years of the Russian Navy"
  • Medal "In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow"
  • Medal "In memory of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg"
  • Medal "In memory of the 1000th anniversary of Kazan"
  • Jubilee medal "60 years of the Armed Forces of the USSR"
  • Jubilee medal "70 years of the Armed Forces of the USSR"
  • Medal "For Distinction in Military Service" (FSB), 1st and 2nd class
  • Medal "For Impeccable Service" III degree
  • Medal "For Strengthening the Combat Commonwealth"
  • Medal "For fidelity to duty"
  • Medal "For the Liberation of Crimea and Sevastopol" (March 17, 2014) - for personal contribution to the return of Crimea to Russia

Other awards:

  • Certificate of honor State Duma Federal Assembly Russian Federation(November 2017) - for active participation as an expert of the State Duma on lawmaking issues
  • Laureate of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology for 2004
  • Laureate of the National Prize "Person of the Year-2004" in the nomination "Defense-Industrial Complex"
  • Laureate of the badge of honor of the International Forum "World Experience and Russian Economy" "Leader of the Russian Economy-2004"
  • Laureate of the AVN Prize named after A. V. Suvorov
  • Honorary citizen of the city of Irkutsk (April 21, 2011) - for outstanding services in the field of socio-economic and cultural development of the city of Irkutsk


In 1975 he graduated with honors from the Irkutsk Institute of National Economy, then the Higher Courses of the Academy of the General Staff. Doctor of Economic Sciences, professor, full member of the Academy of Military Sciences.

Labor activity

  • He worked as an engineer, researcher, deputy head of the laboratory at the Irkutsk Research Institute of Rare and Nonferrous Metals.
  • Since 1980, he worked in the experimental industrial association "Luch", from 1983 to 1988 he headed the representative office of the "Luch" association in the GDR, where he met Vladimir Putin. It was reported that Chemezov and Putin worked in the Dresden KGB station, lived in the same house and became friends.
  • From 1988 to 1996 - Deputy General Director of the foreign trade association "Sovintersport".
  • In 1996-1999, he worked as the head of the foreign economic relations department of the Office of the President of the Russian Federation (under the leadership of V. Putin), later - the head of the Foreign Economic Relations Department of the Presidential Administration of Russia.
  • From September 1999 to November 2000 - General Director of Federal State Unitary Enterprise State Company Promexport.
  • Since August 2000, he has been a member of the Commission under the President of the Russian Federation on military-technical cooperation between the Russian Federation and foreign states.
  • From November 2000 to April 2004 - First Deputy General Director, in 2004-2007 - General Director of FSUE Rosoboronexport.
  • By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated November 26, 2007, he was relieved of his post and appointed General Director of the State Corporation Rostekhnologii, which at the end of 2012 was renamed Rostec.
  • December 2, 2006 at the VII Congress of the All-Russian political party"United Russia" Sergei Chemezov was elected to the Bureau of the Supreme Council of the party. At the VIII Congress, held on May 26, 2012, the head of Rostec was re-elected to the Bureau of the Supreme Council of United Russia. He is the coordinator of the United Russia IT Breakthrough project, which has been implemented since December 2010 in order to identify and support extraordinary projects of young innovators in the field of IT technologies.

Member of the Boards of Directors:

  • OAO United Aircraft Corporation since 2006.
  • OJSC "Aeroflot - Russian Airlines" since 2011.
  • OJSC AvtoVAZ has been Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors since June 2014, before that - Chairman of Alliance Rostec Auto B.V.
  • JSC "JSC "International financial club"

Chairman of the Boards of Directors:

  • OJSC VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation since 2006.
  • JSC Rosoboronexport since 2011, in August 2013 was re-elected to this position for the third time.
  • OJSC Uralkali since March 2014.
  • He is also a member of the Supervisory Board of the state United Rocket and Space Corporation.

Social work:

  • Head of the Department of Military-Technical Cooperation of the Research and Training Center for Defense Problems of the Academy of Military Sciences.
  • Head of the Department of International Military-Technical Cooperation and High Technologies, MGIMO (U) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.
  • Chairman of the All-Russian public organization "Union of Mechanical Engineers of Russia" since April 2007.
  • President of the All-Russian Industry Association of Employers "Union of Mechanical Engineers of Russia" since April 2007.
  • Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the interregional public organization "Military Sports Union of M. T. Kalashnikov" since April 2010.
  • Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Fund for the Support and Development of Physical Culture and Sports of the Russian Federation (Sport Fund) since 2005.
  • Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Russian Cycling Federation since 2007.
  • Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Plekhanov Russian Academy of Economics.
  • Member of the Board of Trustees of the A. M. Gorchakov Foundation for the Support of Public Diplomacy.
  • Head of the board of trustees of the charitable foundation " New house since May 2015.
  • President of the Regional public organization "Irkutsk community "Baikal".

To information

Sergei Chemezov's wife Ekaterina Ignatova filed a complaint with the police against Manana Hernandez-Getashvili, who was engaged in finishing country house Chemezov family in the elite village of Barvikha on Rublevka.

Ekaterina Sergeevna for several years from 2010 to 2013 gave the designer about 1 billion rubles (!) For the implementation of a design project for home improvement. However, Mrs. Hernandez did not complete the work, took the money into her hands and is not going to give it back. Even a personal meeting of the "entrepreneur" with heavyweight Sergei Chemezov in the Rostec conference room at ul. Usacheva, 24 did not resolve the conflict situation.

If the head of a state corporation spent a billion only on decorating a house, how much did it cost to build it and purchase a plot in a small, but the most expensive and pretentious village of a huge country!

It would seem that these are personal problems of the head of the state corporation. But there is a reasonable question about the sources of such huge funds. Here we immediately recall 2009, when Ekaterina Ignatieva's company with the telling name "Katya" was actually transferred budgetary funds in the amount of 300 to 500 million rubles for the development of automatic transmissions for AvtoVAZ, whose chairman of the board of directors was Sergey Chemezov. According to media reports, in 2011 the project was curtailed, and the country did not see automatic transmissions of domestic production.

But just at that time, Mrs. Hernandez received the first tranches for finishing the Chemezovs' country house.

Perhaps Sergei Viktorovich has a lot of money in store in various accounts, including budget money, which, as they say, is enough for everyone. Be that as it may, he is clearly in no hurry to fulfill his obligations to like-minded people in the tacit political coalition.

In the parliamentary election year, Rodina, as a Rogozin project supported by Volodin and financed by Chemezov, remains severely underfunded. At present, a billion rubles would be very useful for a young organization to conduct a powerful election campaign.

But, apparently, Sergei Chemezov is more concerned about his own comfortable old age and luxurious decoration of the house.

First of all, what is written in the declaration itself [about Sergei Chemezov's income], which recently appeared on the Rostec website. According to her, in 2013 Chemezov earned 56,231,206 rubles. For a top manager hired by the state, it’s not so little, but for Putin’s close associate, that’s it. Moreover, as his personal property, he indicated a huge land plot (6.29 hectares), a house with an area of ​​1673 sq.m. with all kinds of outbuildings and an apartment of 385.6 sq.m. - to park his American vintage personal luxury car Cadillac Eldorado, a light sports car Mercedes-Benz 280 SL, the legendary Harley-Davidson and, for fun, an electric car manufactured by AvtoVAZ (that is, Chemezov himself) - "Lada Hellas". Well, and another fleet, like ZIL-410470 with a trailer, a snowmobile, two snowmobiles, two all-terrain vehicles and another tractor.

The real estate of the head of Rostec is located near the village of Akulinino near Moscow, next to the houses built by the president of Transneft, Tokarev, and other respected people. Usually they say that they settled in Akulinino, although the residents themselves, judging by the records in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, prefer to call their community "Petrovsky Gardens". Or else - "Vremena Goda", or rather, a non-profit partnership to promote the development of the nature protection zone "Vremena Goda".

It is here that Chemezov has not only the site that he mentioned in the declaration, but also another one, with the number 50:28:0110156:887. True, it is smaller in size - 3346 sq.m, but it is located right by the lake and is estimated at 5.5 million rubles according to the cadastre - not a trifle. In total, the value of Chemezov's land in Akulinino exceeds 110 million rubles.

True, the 6-room apartment of the head of Rostec on the Arbat is three times more expensive. Povarskaya, 28 - an elite address. In addition to Chemezov, the family of the ex-president of Rosneft (Evgeny and Sergey Bogdanchikov), the daughter of Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Prikhodko (Svetlana Prikhodko), the wife of the general director of Channel One Konstantin Ernst (Larisa Sinelshchikova) and Vladimir Artyakov settled on him.

Immediately, in the next building, the wife of Chemezov himself settled. Everything in their family is like this: formally, they seem to be apart, but in reality - quite side by side.

Stanislav, the eldest son of Sergei Chemezov, lives near the new Olympic village, but he breaks records not in sports, but in business - several dozen different companies are associated with him, most of which work in the same sectors of the economy as his father's Rostec: "Light helicopters ", "Marine special equipment", "systems and technologies", etc.

Nothing personal - even business is not always only personal. So Stanislav bought the Gelendzhik resort complex "Meridian" on shares, including with Dmitry Artyakov (the son of Vladimir Artyakov (Stanislav Chemezov is also friends with his brother Yuri Vladimirovich Artyakov)) and Maya Bolotova (daughter of the head of Transneft Nikolai Tokarev).

Some firms of Stanislav Chemezov earn on successful cooperation. So, "MedPharmtechnology" manages the investment project "Pharmopolis", which is being implemented in the Moscow region by Rostec.

Some firms make money on government contracts, such as Interbusinessgroup. Through Standard-Real, this company owns an independent insurance group that, among other things, insures military enterprises. and military enterprises are the responsibility of his father.

Some earn on state participation. The same Interbiznesgroup has CJSC StandardCement, among the co-founders of which is CJSC Investstroy, a subsidiary of the defense industry and a granddaughter of Rosoboronexport, whose board is headed by Chemezov Sr.

So Stanislav Chemezov is not a freeloader, he is a partner. True, some companies associated with it receive state funds for free. for example, his partners in OJSC Rosat (Rosaviaspetskomplekt) took an advance payment of 7.7 million from the Bryansk Chemical Plant (part of Rostec) for the supply of parts, but the contract was never fulfilled. Because Rostec, as a sin, did not give approval for the deal in time, as required by law for large sums. Two years passed before the court ordered business friends of Chemezov Jr. to return the money to the plant, for which his father is responsible. What is it if not a long-term and interest-free loan?

Such are now the "seasons ... of the year", such are the Russian technologies for increasing family capital at public expense.

For one year alone, in the early 2000s, the income of the head of the Chemezov family and the head of the state corporation Rostekhnologiya went off scale for a billion "wooden"

The Russian vertical of power is only at first glance monolithic, like a scrap. In its structure, it is more like a cable, consisting of many threads that are intertwined and strangle each other. Sobesednik special correspondent Oleg Roldugin found out that the most active undercover battles unfolded between the main Russian arms exporter Sergei Chemezov and the defense curator Sergey Ivanov.

At the end of last year, a new state corporation, Russian Technologies, was created specifically for Chemezov, and since then it has been accumulating assets faster than Dmitry Medvedev laudatory odes. The appetites of Rostekhnologii covered over 250 enterprises (from mechanical engineering and the production of anti-aircraft guns to air transportation).

According to the "Interlocutor", thus Vladimir Putin is trying to create a structure no less powerful than Gazprom in order to protect itself from a possible exit of Medvedev out of control.

“This corporation will become one of the largest in the country not only in terms of economic indicators, but also in terms of the degree of independence,” said Dmitry Abzalov, a leading expert at the Center for Current Politics in Russia. - True, the ambitions of Russian Technologies met with strong resistance from various groups of influence: Russian Railways, the Federal Security Service, the tax service. But Chemezov's main opponent was First Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov.

Now Ivanov is pushing his version of building a corporation. He proposes to stretch this process for one and a half to two years and leave a blocking stake in the state. Chemezov (or Putin?) wants everything at once. As Abzalov explained, “the transfer of assets from state ownership to corporate ownership will legally mean that Russian Technologies will become beyond the control of either the Accounts Chamber or the government. In addition, the state corporation is not required to publish reports in accordance with international standards. If Chemezov defeats Ivanov, it will be a closed, independent and powerful structure that will be able to put pressure on the government.”

Viktor Zubkov approved Chemezov's plan last week. As Konstantin Makienko, an expert at the Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies, explained, “Until now, Chemezov's administrative authority has been indisputable. He always got what he wanted."

No wonder, because Chemezov is a longtime friend of Putin in the KGB.

Compromising evidence

  1. Chemezov-style business lunch: veal cheeks, crab gazpacho and a drunken pear
  2. Alexei Mordashov complains to Deputy Prime Minister Akimov about the Long Fu sanctions
  3. Gunners "Rostec" Artyom Zuev and Snezhana Georgieva - raider millions go to promote themselves secular couple

The Russian vertical of power is only at first glance monolithic, like a scrap. In its structure, it is more like a cable, consisting of many threads that are intertwined and strangle each other. Sobesednik special correspondent Oleg Roldugin found out that the most active undercover battles unfolded between the main Russian arms exporter Sergei Chemezov and defense curator Sergei Ivanov.

At the end of last year, a new state corporation, Russian Technologies, was created specifically for Chemezov, and since then it has been accumulating assets faster than Dmitry Medvedev's laudatory odes. The appetites of Rostekhnologii covered over 250 enterprises (from mechanical engineering and the production of anti-aircraft guns to air transportation).

According to Sobesednik, in this way Vladimir Putin is trying to create a structure no less powerful than Gazprom in order to protect himself from Medvedev's possible out of control.

“This corporation will become one of the largest in the country not only in terms of economic indicators, but also in terms of the degree of independence,” said Dmitry Abzalov, a leading expert at the Center for Current Politics in Russia. - True, the ambitions of Russian Technologies met with strong resistance from various groups of influence: Russian Railways, the Federal Security Service, the tax service. But Chemezov's main opponent was First Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov.

Now Ivanov is pushing his version of building a corporation. He proposes to stretch this process for one and a half to two years and leave a blocking stake in the state. Chemezov (or Putin?) wants everything at once. As Abzalov explained, “the transfer of assets from state ownership to corporate ownership will legally mean that Russian Technologies will become beyond the control of either the Accounts Chamber or the government. In addition, the state corporation is not required to publish reports in accordance with international standards. If Chemezov defeats Ivanov, it will be a closed, independent and powerful structure that will be able to put pressure on the government.”

Viktor Zubkov approved Chemezov's plan last week. As Konstantin Makienko, an expert at the Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies, explained, “Until now, Chemezov's administrative authority has been indisputable. He always got what he wanted."

No wonder, because Chemezov is a longtime friend of Putin in the KGB.

Intellectual with fists

“I don’t understand how one can not admire the technical perfection, harmony, design of a machine gun or a revolver,” Sergey Chemezov is surprised.

Probably, his passion for weapons appeared in his childhood. Although he was born in the 52nd in the Siberian town of Cheremkhovo, he grew up in the Irkutsk suburb of Marat. Even today, this area is considered far from being elite, and half a century ago, fights and stabbings there were completely uncontested form of leisure.

Chemezov, of course, did not have tanks and machine guns at that time, so the punks had to be brushed aside with their fists. For little Serezha, it turned out well, boxing classes had an effect. But the girls liked him even without his fists.

- Still: tall, handsome, with dark curly hair, - Olga Mikhaleva restored the former appearance of the manager, with whose brother Chemezov is still friends. And yet he was very humble.

“Yes, he is modest by nature,” explained Chemezova’s cousin Natalya Akimovna. - I don’t remember him ever raising his voice, although he loves to joke and sing. However, Serezha's family was also intelligent. Two sisters, my mother worked at the mill as a laboratory assistant, my father was the director there.

Despite this, the Chemezovs lived in a shabby brick four-story building, in which there was not even hot water. Later, the older Chemezovs moved to the center of Irkutsk. The head of Russian Technologies often visits his parents and takes them abroad every year.

Chemezov himself in his childhood dreamed of flying away from the suburbs of Marat, but due to his health he did not go to the aviation school. But in life, he soared noticeably higher.

Smart but lazy

“At first I tried to enter the medical school and the polytechnic, but he didn’t like everything,” Chemezova’s cousin said. - In the end, he entered the Narxoz (Irkutsk Institute of National Economy) for economics. But even there, until the third year, he did not study very well ... He is lazy, although he is smart.

The student Chemezov was also prevented from completely devoting himself to his studies by his early (at the age of 18) marriage. His Love - a slender, sociable girl (her mother worked as a chief accountant at a medical institute) - was a little younger than her husband. In the 73rd year, the first-born Stanislav was born to the Chemezovs, and 11 years later (in 1984) another son, Alexander, was born. True, Chemezov divorced Liuba several years ago, and now he has a young wife and a third heir, six-year-old Sergei.

According to his official biography, from 1975 to 1980, Sergei Chemezov worked as a distribution worker at the Irkutsk Research Institute of Rare and Non-Ferrous Metals, but a call from Sobesednik to the institute revealed the career of the head of Russian Technologies in a completely different color.

- He really worked for us, but only half a year - from 10/15/1975 to 04/28/1976 - they declassified their archives in the local personnel department. - It is indicated here that he resigned "in connection with enrollment in the state security agencies."

“He worked with us as an engineer and was engaged in the economic evaluation of deposits,” recalled Vitaly Plyusnin, Chemezov’s former colleague at the research institute. - Sociable, sociable. But everyone understood from the very beginning that he would not last long in the laboratory. He just waited for his documents to pass through all instances and he would be appointed to the KGB.

Chemezov always knew how not only to wait, but also to wait.

"Irradiated" with Putin

Sergei Chemezov also did not stay long in the Irkutsk Gebe. He immediately went on promotion to Moscow, and now he has the stripes of a general. However, formally, until 1988, he worked in the Luch experimental industrial association.

The reference book "Nuclear Industry of Russia" says that the closed NPO "Luch" was associated with strategic developments in the nuclear field. It is impossible to clarify this fact now - the "Ray" has long gone out. But if Chemezov's father is still curly, then the general himself has long gone bald. However, ex-KGB officer Vladimir Gortanov assures that Lubyanka called the program of surveillance of the East German nomenklatura “Luch” at Lubyanka.

One way or another, Luch illuminated the further fate of an ordinary KGB officer. In 1983, Sergei Chemezov headed the representative office of the association in Dresden and settled in the same house with Putin. You can learn about their relationship from Irene Pitch's book "My friend Lyudmila Putina, her family and other comrades."

“Both families were neighbors and, living in the same house - a small ghetto for KGB officers, got to know each other quite closely. And Lyuba (Chemezova), possessing outstanding organizational and culinary skills, together with her husband, who, according to Lyudmila (Putina), was an indispensable merry fellow and the soul of the company, turned the main state holidays of the USSR into unforgettable family celebrations.

The same Gortanov assures that "Volodya ... became closest of all with his peer Sergei", who, for a friend, was not too lazy to drive to another city by car for a beer siphon with Radeberger.

Now Chemezov has been entrusted to "drive" not for beer, but for the lion's share of Russian industry.

humble billionaire

True, at first, fate scattered friends: Putin - to his dear St. Petersburg, Chemezov - to his non-native Moscow. From 1989 to 1996 he was deputy. General Director of the foreign trade association "Sovintersport". In the Soviet years, this organization with a small office on the Arbat handled big things - all foreign contracts passed through it, but with the advent of Chemezov, Sovintersport lost ground.

- Not just passed, - corrects the chief expert of "Sovintersport" Vladimir Abramov. - It collapsed. The time was like this. We lost the monopoly, and nobody wanted to work with us because we didn't steal. We still have all the records. For example, when football players Seryozha Rodionov and Fedya Cherenkov left for France in 1990, Sergei Viktorovich personally went to Paris. You can even now open the documents and see who he met at the embassy, ​​what was agreed on, what was in the contracts. Chemezov was appointed to us as a controller from the KGB. He controlled. But he never interfered. As a leader, he did not put himself above others, he was even ashamed of his position.

In the 90s, Putin often visited a friend in his office.

“I even went to have lunch at a diner around the corner,” Abramov recalls. - And when he established himself in the Presidential Administration, he invited Chemezov to his place. It was he who invited, and not Chemezov asked for it. Sergey Viktorovich himself will not stuff himself anywhere.

In 1996, Putin knocked out the Department of Foreign Economic Relations for a friend, in 1999 - the more bready Promexport, in 2004 - the even more appetizing Rosoboronexport, and finally, in 2007 - Rostekhnologii.

At the same time, it is difficult to call Sergey Chemezov a poor state employee. Three years ago, in only one brokerage company "Index XX" he, according to the tax authorities, earned 43.5 million rubles on dividends, and in Troika Dialog he earned over 400 million. Approximately the same amount in the "Troika" then received it eldest son Stanislav and another 246 million - Alexander. In 2004, the total income of the Chemezovs went off scale for a billion "wooden".

How much Chemezov receives today is not so important. Most importantly, he can take control of the production and sale of weapons, the automotive industry, trains, aircraft, titanium production, energy ...

Many people don't like it. And until May, until one president surrenders his powers to another, not only power, but also money will be divided in the Kremlin. Putin has something to shoot in this fight. He has Sergei Chemezov in his hands. And Chemezov has a weapon ...

Sergey Viktorovich Chemezov was born in the Irkutsk region. Currently, the politician holds the position of a member of the bureau of the Supreme Council under the party of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin "United Russia". He also coordinates the IT breakthrough project from the president's party. Chemezov is known to the world community as the head of the Russian state corporation Rostec.

Becoming an Economist

The biography of Sergei Chemezov began in the small town of Cheremkhovo, where the future politician graduated from high school, but having become a significant figure in the Russian Federation, he chose to hide information about his parents and family, without focusing on their nationality. He entered the Baikal State University with a degree in Economics. Wanting to increase the level of knowledge, while still a student, Chemezov completed a training course at the Academy of the General Staff, dreaming of becoming an intelligence officer.

Having received a diploma of higher education, the future politician defended his dissertation and received the title of Doctor of Economics. Then he joined the ranks of the Academy of Military Sciences.

Sergei Viktorovich was assigned to a higher educational institution of the Research Institute as a scientist, and then was promoted to deputy head of the laboratory. At the same time, he worked as an engineer.

Since 1980, Sergei Viktorovich began to build a career in the Luch industrial association. Then he was transferred to Germany, representing the interests of the company from 1983 to 1988.

Life in a new country in the city of Dresden, where the citizens of the USSR were sent under the KGB residency, contributed to the establishment of ties with the Russians. It was then that Chemezov met with. A strong friendship developed between a KGB intelligence officer and an engineer living in the same house. Returning to the territory of the USSR, Sergei Viktorovich Chemezov, whose biography is of interest to the public, and information about his parents and nationality is not advertised, continued his career in the industrial field.

Becoming a deputy

From 1988 to 1996, Chemezov served as Deputy General Director of the Sovintersport Corporation, which is engaged in foreign trade. When a friend of Putin decided to start a political career, he invited Sergei Viktorovich to Moscow, where he took the post of head of the foreign economic relations department. Under the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, Chemezov took the post of head of the Directorate for Foreign Economic Relations of Russia.

In parallel with this, from the fall of 1999 to November of the next millennium, he acted as the general director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise. The large "State Company Promexport" needed a strong leader to increase economic performance. Having successfully coped with the tasks set, the politician returned to the Presidential Administration, becoming a member of the Commission on military-technical cooperation with other countries of the world.

Then Sergei Viktorovich Chemezov, whose biography and nationality began to be actively discussed by the public, tried to block access to information about his family and parents. As a public figure, he tried to protect loved ones from encroachment by the media.

From November 2000 to spring 2004, Sergei Viktorovich served as Deputy General Director, helping to stabilize the economic performance of the Rosoboronexport enterprise. For the next 3 years, he acted as the general director of an export and import intermediary company.

Since November 2007, he has been removed from his post by Putin's decree. Then he is appointed to the post of General Director of the Rostec State Corporation. The company is engaged in promoting industries that develop and manufacture high-tech products for export.

The political career of Sergei Viktorovich took off in December 2006, when a United Russia deputy was elected to the Bureau of the Supreme Council of the party. In May 2012, Chemezov was re-elected to his previous position. Fulfilling the duties assigned to him by fellow party members, Sergey Viktorovich also became the coordinator of the IT Breakthrough project, the purpose of which is to support novice specialists in the field of innovation in the field of computer technology. Other duties of a politician include the restoration of state-owned enterprises, where he is appointed as a member of the board of directors.

In 2014, Sergei Chemezov, whose biography was carefully studied by the West, and information about nationality and parents entered into a personal file opened by US intelligence, was included in the list of persons who were subject to sanctions by countries that do not approve of the Russian policy in relations with Ukraine and Crimea.

Family values

The engineer Sergei met his first wife in his student years. It was Lyudmila Chemezova who was the friend with whom Lyudmila Shkrebneva came to the cinema, who later became the wife of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. The marriage of a KGB intelligence officer lasted 30 years, but the engineer soon divorced and found a new love.

The second wife of the politician was Ekaterina Ignatova, who owns the leading stake in the automobile plant Kate LLC, which produces parts for cars that are exported to different countries world and are used for the manufacture of cars on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Being a full-fledged owner of large enterprises, and actively buying up shares from leading companies in the Russian Federation, Ekaterina in a short time increased the level of earnings, which became higher than that of her husband.

Son Stanislav Sergeevich, born in 1973, began his career in the Russian gas company Itera. Currently, he owns a 30% stake in the Medpharmtechnology company, which supplies equipment and medicines to the country's leading pharmacies at the expense of the state budget. He also holds positions on the board of directors of the largest holdings and manages a hotel business network in the Southern District of the Russian Federation.

The daughter from Ekaterina's first marriage, known by the initials of Anastasia Ignatova, is a graduate of MGIMO with a degree in political theory, who defended her dissertation and began her scientific career.

For a long time, Chemezov's stepdaughter tried to show her talents in the field of pharmaceuticals and medicine, but several of her enterprises were closed due to violations in business organization. Currently, Anastasia Ignatova acts as the founder of a company producing pharmaceutical substances.

Sergey Chemezov is the CEO of the Rostec corporation, and the former head of Rosoboronexport. He is a member of the Supreme Council of the United Russia party. Considered a close associate of Vladimir Putin. The Economic News Agency lists him among the top 10 most influential people in the Russian Federation.


Sergey Chemezov was born in the city of Cheremkhovo in 1952. In 1975 he graduated from the Irkutsk University of National Economy with honors. Then he entered the higher courses at the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Russian Federation.

In 1980, he got a job at the Luch experimental industrial enterprise. Since 1983, he headed the representative office of this company in the GDR. There Sergey Viktorovich met Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. The future president of the Russian Federation then worked in Dresden in territorial intelligence under the cover of the head of the House of Friendship of the GDR-USSR. He told how he lived with Vladimir Vladimirovich under the same roof, and their families communicated closely.

From 1988 to 1996, Chemezov worked as deputy director of the Sovintersport association (it was rumored that Sergei Viktorovich was the controller of this company from the KGB). In 1996, he became the president's manager for foreign economic relations. In 1998, Vladimir Artyakov came to work there, who later received the position of deputy and governor of the Samara region. At the moment, their sons are co-owners of the Meridian hotel complex in Gelendzhik.

In 2007, he became CEO of the Russian Technologies State Corporation. It united 437 separate enterprises under its leadership. Chemezov believed that he would help bring all the unprofitable defense assets of the country to a new level.

At the end of 2013, Chemezov met with Prime Minister Medvedev at the Gorki residence near Moscow. The hero of this article presented Dmitry Anatolyevich with the Russian Yotafon, equipped with two screens.


The first wife of Sergei Chemezov, named Lyubov, was a close friend of Lyudmila Putina from her time in the GDR.

The second became She owns 70% of the enterprise LLC "Kate", engaged in the production and development of gearboxes for the company "AvtoVAZ". She is also the main owner of the Etazh restaurant chain (19 establishments in the capital) and the Troika Dialog company (together with Gor Nakhapetyan).

Sergei Chemezov has four children - two from his first marriage (Alexander and Stanislav) and the same number from his second (daughter and son Sergei).


The total profit of the Chemezov spouses for 2012 is 517 million rubles. Of these, Ekaterina earned 455 million, and only 62 million - Sergey Viktorovich. The family owns 7 cars and 21 properties. In 2013, the income of the spouses increased to 803 million rubles.

Scientific and patronage work

Sergey Chemezov, whose biography was presented above, is a doctor of economic sciences, a full member of the Academy of Military Sciences, a professor and author of more than 130 publications. At the moment, Rostec cooperates with 214 universities. Chemezov also pays much attention to the revival of experimental design and research work. On his initiative, the well-known scientist Yuri Koptev, who now heads the scientific and technical council, came to the corporation.

Sergei Chemezov is a member of a number of boards of trustees. Among them are the Cycling Federation of the Russian Federation, the Gorchakov Diplomacy Support Fund, the Charitable Foundation for the Restoration of the Cathedral of Christ, and since 2014, he has been a member of the Council of Russian School Olympiads.


In 2004, Chemezov received in the field of technology and science. He was awarded several orders (Honor - 2002, Friendship - 2009, For Services to the Motherland - 2005, 2007 and 2012), as well as Soviet and Russian medals. In March 2010, Sergei Viktorovich received the Order of the Legion of Honor for his contribution to the development of French-Soviet relations in the field of high-tech production.


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