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Tea is a drink, loved on all continents. Depending on the processing, the degree of fermentation it is white, yellow, black, green, red. But there are also a great many herbal infusions that are not less folk love. A rather significant place among them is occupied by ethnic teas, which in appearance, action on the body, the method of consumption is very similar to their "classic" fellow. These exotic drinks include African Roibush, Hanibush, Argentine Lapacho, Brazilian Katuab. But a special place among them is Paraguayan mate teawhose properties cause very contradictory reviews.

As it believes any folk drink, Mate Oveyan legends, and the indigenous population of Latin America for a long time attributes to him literally magical qualities. It is believed that this drink is capable of simultaneously quenching and thirst, and hunger, as well as cause an extraordinary tide of cheerfulness and strength.

Missionaries who discovered Mate in the XVI century, of course, and here could not resist, so as not to make a business on gullible Indians: they liked the drink, they bought this "green gold" in the local population, sent it to Europe and decently on it earned.

Seaflores in their long journeys drank mate, fleeing from zing and cruel fever. During severe transitions on impassable rainforest, this tea was cheerful and maintained the strength of exhausted people.

True, for some time, for some reason it was unknown forgotten. However, after opening in the XIX century, the ILLEX Paraguariensis plants, which began to cultivate in countries such as Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, began the second coming of the original beverage.

From the leaves and grinding shoots of this plant began to produce MEA tea in industrial volumes, useful properties made it unusually popular on the South American continent.

Even a peculiar tea ceremony appeared using special attributes - Calebas (pumpkin tanks) and bombing (cane tubes). Preparing Mate for special technology:

  • in prepared Calebas on 2/3 volumes, welding falls asleep, shakes so that the vessel walls have an emptiness of the vessel, where the bombing is inserted;
  • the Calebas then is installed vertically and no longer moves, it is very neat, boiled water (80 degrees) is poured through the straw;
  • the tea is insisted for 10 minutes, after which it can be drunk through a bombing, which is located below, is equipped with a pitchfork, and from above - mouthpiece;
  • this procedure is repeated until then the taste of mate will disappear.

In the absence of such specific dishes, it is not necessary to despair, because you can prepare this golden-green drink with a kind of bitter flavor in the usual custody teapot.

Chemical composition

The benefits and harm of any product depend on its composition. The leaves and stalks of Paduba Paraguayan are simply champions among evergreen fellow and contain up to 200 components, including:

  • vitamins;
  • organic acids;
  • xanthine alkaloids;
  • bioflavonoids;
  • choline;
  • tannins;
  • polyphenols;
  • saponins;
  • trace elements.

Vitamins A, C, E, P, B and trace elements strengthen the body and improve metabolism. Together with bioflavonoids, they are strong antioxidants and reduce cell oxidation. Tubils cause a binding and bactericidal effect, saponins have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Holine helps to reduce the number of poor cholesterol. No less useful and other components of Paraguays tea.

Latin American drink mate almost all day. In the morning, to obtain a charge of cheerfulness - bitter; In the afternoon, to quench thirst - cold; In the evening for strong and healthy sleep - sweet.

This tea is attributed to a number of healing properties, which are due to its richest chemical composition. Scientists from the Pasteur Institute found that there are more than 190 components in the drink.

It is rich in vitamins (A, C, E, group B, nicotine acid), contains a whole bouquet of organic acids (isobler, isocaprona, isomaslaya, resin), bioflavonoids (rutin, quercetin), saponins (beta-amyrin), tannins (tannin ), micro, macroelements (magnesium, copper, manganese, iron, potassium, sodium and others).

If you compare a mate with green tea, then it is mainly necessary to note the following:

  • various methods for their manufacturer (green passes accelerated drying at high temperature. Mate passes several stages of slow drying in combination with smoke, giving it a specific aroma and taste);
  • the level of antioxidants (it is established that in the mate it is much higher);
  • the content of alkaloids (in green - caffeine, in the mate - its own, very specific, which specialists call "Matein").

This "alkaloid" difference deserves especially close attention. So, Mateen.

In terms of its properties, he is similar to his "brother" - caffeine, but has a softer and gentle effect on the human body, without causing overexcitation and increasing the frequency of heart abbreviations. And if caffeine is active for only 3 hours, then Mateeine is burtered and tones 3 times longer. But the most important difference is that Mateen does not cause sleep disorders.

Here is such a rich collection of various substances in tea, the benefits and the harm of which has long been the subject of close attention of scientists from various continents.

And heals, and cripples?

The healing properties of this drink are used since ancient times: the Indians were actively used by the infusion of Paraguayan holly leaves (this is one of the many names of Hierba Mate) in the treatment of various diseases, including infectious.

The stimulating influence of Tea Mate on the operation of the gastrointestinal tract is noted. This drink has a very soft antispasmodic effect, is a good diuretic. Paraguayan tea raises immunity, reduces the permeability of blood vessels.

It is a proven fact of the oppressive impact of Mate on those sections of the brain, which are "to blame" in the appearance of a feeling of hunger. Reception of this tea reduces appetite, accelerates metabolism, contributes to the combustion of unnecessary fat deposits.

It would seem, well, here she, there was the most, long-awaited panacea! However, quite recently, Uruguayan scientists have added a large spoonful of her tar in this "barrel of honey. Studies were conducted on the topic "Tea Mate: harm and benefits" in those regions whose population does not represent their lives without this drink.

And the relationship of its use and the occurrence of certain types of cancer (oral cavity, larynx, esophagus and bladder) was established.

Scientists came to the conclusion that established local centuries-old traditions, which are expressed in regular reception of alcoholic beverages, active tobacco combat, in combination with abundant use, can actually become catalysts in the process of occurrence of oncological diseases.

A very careful analysis of statistical data was carried out, the result of which became completely disappointing. It turned out that the cause of cancer of the oral cavity is the tradition of drinking a very hot mate, as in Calebas for a long time, a high temperature of tea is steadily. The same factor can increase the risk of the emergence and development of a similar disease and bladder.

One more important point was revealed: almost 2 dozen polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbonates (pages) were found in the composition of Mate. So, these pags in combination with similar compounds included in the composition of tobacco, alcoholic beverages, as well as grilled meat and are one of the reasons for creating favorable conditions for oncological neoplasms.

Because the Uruguayan "Ministry of Health warns": a combination of alcoholic beverages, tobacco, roasted meat and a large number of hot Paraguays tea is dangerous to health. Here are the tea of \u200b\u200bMate Contraindications.

But if you drink it 2-3 times a week, in moderate quantities and not very hot, then all the healing properties of this very ambiguous drink will be revealed in all its utility.

The positive effect of the drink under consideration is as follows:

  1. It has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and digestive system.
  2. He lifts the mood and helps fight depression.
  3. Normalizes sleep and eliminates insomnia.
  4. Removes tension from muscles and quickly restores forces.
  5. Excellent brown and increases stamina.
  6. Activates mental activity and increases attentiveness.
  7. Stimulates the metabolism.
  8. Increases potency and sexuality.
  9. Strengthens immunity.
  10. Displays toxins from the body.

Nervous system

The amazing properties of tea are manifested in its impact on the nervous system. On the one hand, he burst and raises the mood, and on the other, it removes tensions and normalizes sleep.

With high fatigue, MEA tones the tired organism, increases attentiveness and endurance. It calms down with unnecessary excitement and helps with insomnia. The use of healing tea helps harmonize the work of the nervous system and resist stress.

Digestive system

Mate tea has a spasmolitical and diuretic effect. Its regular use stimulates the operation of the gastrointestinal tract, improves digestion and helps to get rid of constipation.

The cardiovascular system

MEE expands blood vessels and improves the nutrition of the heart muscle. Tea use helps stabilize blood pressure, improve brain circulation.

Mate for weight loss

A rich chemical composition of tea helps to fight overweight. It accelerates metabolism, burns calories and fat deposits, oppresses the seventies of the brain responsible for appetite. With an elevated appetite, Mate will become a real magic wand - one cup of tea will help get rid of the feeling of hunger.


The absolute contraindication is the individual intolerance to the Mate, which is expressed in the allergic reaction of the body. It can manifest itself with skin rash, sneezing, tear, cough.

If these symptoms appear after the drinking tea cup, its use is categorically prohibited. In addition, the doctors singled out some categories of people and the conditions of the body, in which the drinking drink is extremely undesirable.

Studies and collected for several decades, statistics have proven the availability of a link between the regular use of excessively hot matte and the development of oncological diseases.


  • children under 7 years old;
  • nursing and pregnant women;
  • heat;
  • hypertension;
  • heart rate violation;
  • peptic disease and increased acidity of the stomach;
  • chronic kidney diseases;
  • urol and bile sickness;
  • allergic diseases.

The composition of MATE found about 20 and aromatic compounds (pages), which are also contained in tobacco, alcoholic beverages and fried meat. Their combination creates favorable conditions for oncological neoplasms.

In appearance freshly reminded the green tea. At the infusion of golden green, bitter and sour taste and bright aroma. In Motherland, the Mate is filled with raw material brewing up to 8 times.

Its taste changes with each fill and achieves optimal saturation by the third time. Classic tea is prepared only from herbal raw materials, but the leaves of Stevia are sometimes added to give sweets.

The dried and crushed holly leaves are called "Yerba" and serve as raw materials for making tea. Yerba falls asleep in the vessel and poured with water, the temperature of which is 70-80 ° C. Tea insist 2-3 minutes and immediately drink.

Mate cannot be brewed with boiling water - this infusion not only begins to be patched, but also becomes harmful to health. Drink Mate through a special tube bombing, the lower edge of which looks like a siter. This design allows you to filter it from the particles of tea raw materials.

Traditionally, tea is brewed in a special dish from the fruits of Lianenariums, similar to small pumpkins. This dishes are called Calebas. Modern Calebas are also made of wood, metal, ceramics.

Bombing is made of silver, melchior, stainless steel, wood or hollow plants stems. If you do not have the opportunity to purchase special utensils, tea can be prepared in the usual brewing kettle.

Today there are many ways to brew mate. Manufacturers add fruit and flavors to yerbub. Gorky Mate prefer men, and sweet - women and children.

MEE brewing technology:

  1. In Calebas on 2/3, Yerba falls asleep, closed with hand and shake.
  2. Calebas is tilted at an angle of 45 degrees. From the side where the emptiness formed is inserted bombing. Then the vessel is installed vertically, and the bombing is pushed to the bottom.
  3. Bombing is poured hot water.

As a result, infusion is not enough, so the procedure is repeated until the taste disappears.

Mate treats diseases, gives the strength to the body and calm the soul. But that this drink brought only the benefit, you need to strictly follow the rules for its preparation and use.

For more than fifteen years on the expanses of the former USSR for sale and served in some establishments South American drink mate.

Over the years has grown great interest in this drink. You can find a diverse product, called Mate, and a huge number of articles appeared on the Internet of the Internet, most of which contribute to a certain buysotion into the perception of the beverage mate.

In the Russian-speaking Internet, and not only in it, there are a large number of myths, stereotypes and speculations, sometimes just funny, and sometimes dangerous.

The mate ceremony is a wonderful and original drink that is most useful to us here and now, in the conditions of the modern city, the rhythm of the life and needs of the human body. Understanding the principle of preparation and culture of drinking, the choice of high-quality jerba, helpled to maintain the body in good shape, improve well-being and mood, will increase endurance and, as a result, will increase the quality of life.

To date, there are several types of Yerba Mate, which is sold in stores:

Brought from Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay and Brazil - from countries, major consumers Mate. Most often it is large brands comparable to global tea brands that can be seen in any supermarket, at an inexpensive price. This volume of production cannot be provided with good raw materials, and taste and aroma provide taste additives and dyes. Many brands are sold in Syria and Lebanon, the main exporters of Yerba Mate beyond South America, such packs have inscriptions in Arabic, in turn, they drink a stronger and sharp effect there.

For sale in tea stores Yerba for weight, positioned as familiar tea is exported from Europe. Such Yerba has a brightest greenish color than that that drinks inSouth America, often with additives and flavors. Use such a jerb for the preparation of the Mate ceremony is not because of the other form of workpiece and low quality.

The legends of their own essay are told, they suggest cooking like tea, create the image of a sacred image of the beverage of ancient Indians and the like. It is commendable and useful for fantasy thinking, but unfortunately nothing to do with reality. The client gets only interpretations, rumors and guesses, based on the pseudo-journalistic supply of the material, which in turn in the overwhelming majority of cases are based on conversations with unrecognized sources, or on translations of articles with foreign sites using "coronal" online translators.

1. Chief Myth "On Ancient Indian Beverage Mate"

In the early 2000s, it was perhaps the most popular myth. What is the most ancient drink in the world, he is from 7,000 to 9,000 years BC, that the Indians without him anywhere, about the gods and esoteric properties, about the shamans, the opening of the canals, Vedic and Taoist Practices of Mate, "Circles Mate" and TD and TP .

The reality is simple - the Indians Guarani, who lived in Holeole of Growing Ilex Paraguariensis, and the plant grows only around the Iguazu waterfalls, had a primitive form of a public device, hunted, caught fish, and in hungry times used various fruits and plants, one of which was Ilex Paraguariensis. They chewed the leaves of the plant, as well as the leaves of Coca Indians of Bolivia and Peru, living in the highlands, either swollen leaves in the water and filtered through their teeth. With the arrival of Jesuites who addressed the Indians into Christianity and built reductions in which the Indians were trained in agriculture and cattle breeding, the study began, including the monks drew attention to the ILEX Paraguariensis plant. In order not to spoil your teeth, and they became black from chewing leaves Yerba Mate, the monks began to use the tube, today called Bombilla. Over time, when Jesuits understood that this was a good earnings, began to dry the leaves for conservation. Otherwise, the freshly broken sheet quickly spoiled. Do not forget that Jesuits in those days were the most educated part of society. In Europe, they also invented the champagne process and today the champagne eating a drink. Thus, it was Jesuites that the origin of the production of Yerba Mate was asked. This is a historical fact, so if you are told about the legends about the Indians, avoid such sellers, in 99% of cases these are banal traders who do not understand culture. And the legend about the Indians distributed manufacturers of Brazilian Yerba Mate in the mid-90s of the 20th century. Then the price of Yerbu was low, and the quality of Brazilian Yerba was always at a not high level. And in order to enter new markets, who remembers that in the 90s, there was mainly black tea, it was later mass marketing, mixing concepts and expanding the range of tea, with additives, green, red, white and so on. So the Brazilians began to fry Yerba, and the German, Dutch and other firms began to knead it with a variety of additives. And on the markets of the former USSR, this "abundance" came in the form of Mate Ethnic Tea. Well, how to sell an ethnic without legends? Make conclusions yourself. And if the seller tells the "legend" about the Indians, sells a pumpkin and a bombing for drinking tea Mate, recommending to brew as familiar tea, a couple of spoons in a pumpkin, pour boiling water and pull it through the phone, in front of you a low-educated market participant.

2. M.iF that yerba mate is tea.

This follows the stereotype that the leaves of Yerba Mate should be prepared as tea by insisting. And accessories for its consumption are such as a vessel in which the yerba is poured, water is poured and welding is filled through the tube, this is such an Indian ritual that brings a certain color when drinking. Summary of the colonial fler, who are trying to use sellers when selling raw materials due to ignorance of drinking culture mate. For such pumpkin, it is a brewing capacity, and the tube is a siter. And once for them, this is tea, all the analogies are associated with the tea.

How to drink mate?

Mate (with an emphasis on a) - they call both the drinking method itself and the vessel from which Yerba Mate is drinking. Those. Mate from glass, Mate from pumpkin (Calabas), Mate from wood, etc. The word Mate in Spanish denotes the word killed. Call mate right!

Bomber - a tube, by means of which water extract Yerba is extracted. On the one hand has a quote, with another likeness of the mouthpiece.

Yerba Mate - letters. Leaves (grass) for drinking mate.

In the international classification of Yerba, Mate is called Paraguayan tea Mate. This name came back during the conquest of South America, when there were no modern borders, and in the language of the Indians Guarani Paraguay designates - the left bank of the Parran River, and Uruguay is the right bank. Even then, the Konkistadora Yerba was called tea (in those days they already knew about the journey of Marco Polo, and he brought tea to Europe), since they had no idea about something else. The main zone where they grow and produce Yerba Mate today is Argentina (in the north of the country), Brazil (in the south) and Paraguay (in the East). The main manufacturer of Yerba Mate is Argentina, then Brazil, and Paraguay takes the last place. In Argentina, Mate drink more often hot, and in Brazil and Paraguay the cold and for each method requires its method of billet leaves.

Yerba Mate has two species - with stalks (softer) and without stalks (strong). Initially, Yerba was without stalks, and the jerbe's stems appeared during the time of the conquistadors, when they began to force the Indians to collect leaves with branches from wild trees and during the workpiece, the stalk remained. Therefore, the statements that in the stems are a high content of the useful substances, direct deception of the consumer.

And the taste and action, that is, quality depends on the place of growth, the method of drying and the duration of exposure. It is like wine, you can drink wine from large packages, and you can enjoy a good bouquet of a properly selected wine bottle.

Initially, Yerba Mate although it belongs to the IV family, which belongs to all the tea, but they are not. It has a completely different method of preparation, by repeatedly strait a large number of leaf-dried leaves with plenty of water and the removal of the obtained aqueous extract through the bombing (a special tube with fine holes on one side and the likeness of the mouthpiece, on the other). Water should be 7 5-80C and with proper preparation, the bombing does not heat up and does not burn, because Yerba Mate takes the heat of water, and turning on the bombing also cool. Little nuance able to open you the mate ceremony in a new way, especially if you drank it before, as incompetent sellers told.

In a scientific, this method of preparation is called percolation - the maximum extraction of active substances by the strait through the vegetable raw materials of a large amount of water. Thus, 75% of the beneficial substances are evenly extracted. Whereas when insistered only 35%. It is necessary to know that Yerba Mate is drinking only in one way and precisely by the strait, and not insistence. All other bikes from sellers are no more than their fantasy.

3. The myth that Yerba Mate contains a lot of caffeine.

Caffeine in Yerba Mate has it and it is less than in green tea. In insistence, the distinguished concentration of caffeine is high, like the bitterness, which are present in the Yerba Mate.

With the proper billet of Yerba, a long-sparing drying and natural excerpt, in the process of fermentation, caffeine is transformed and has unique features that are not in caffeine tea or coffee, it does not work on cardiac activity, does not increase the pressure, but gently tones all internal organism systems, not affecting sleep. And to designate these unique properties, caffeine in Yerba Mate called "Mateina" - Matein. And the feature of the differences in high-quality Yerba Mate as energy, from other caffener-containing drinks is that it strengthens the nervous system! This is a scientifically proven fact, but keep in mind that this refers to raw materials, which is harvested correctly, and not the product of the massmarket.

Did you feel heartburn or discomfort? Unpleasant bitterness or acidity of what you drink and unpleasant action? Used for cooking twigs yerba or yerba from a large manufacturer from Argentina or Paraguay? Did you have anxiety and bustle, caffeine effect? Congratulations! Thanks to the efforts of Yerba to you (especially those who personally, for you personally, for you in unknown parameters), who told you how to drink MATE by backing 1/3 from the volume of the vessel used "for beginners", you poured the whole agrochemistry that large manufacturers now use and got The concentration of caffeine, which is contained in the yerbe, although not much, but it is distinguished as much as possible, hence the pronounced caffeine effect. And the offer to "fall asleep two or three spoons and pour boiling water", with such a filling of the vessel, the tube is strongly heated and burns lips.

In the photo, often found on the Internet, is clearly visible not to the right explanation how to cook mate. This is a huge Calabas in his hand (and how - the more, the better), hold the tube with your fingers (it hangs in a casoo mass and hot, besides). When Yerba is not prepared correctly, the leaves of Yerba Mate float in water and remain on the outer walls of the vessel with stirring.

* Large vessels were used by slaves for drinking mate after hard work. He was prepared for a large group of people and each saw only one portion. Such Calabas walked in a circle and already sleeping Mate was given to children.

And it is clear that misunderstanding arises - how can you drink? But on the Internet it is written about the solid benefits of Yerba Mate, about the energy it gives. And this, of course, disgusts people who are interested to try this drink and causes total mistrust.

4. Importantknow!

Long-term natural shutter speed up to 2 years (3-year-old rarity, but the highest quality), provided that the drying of the sheet is made by the traditional method (long and decrease in temperature), gives the maximum content of active substances and the minimum caffeine content. For the year of excerpt The structure of the caffeine is destroyed and loses side effects to it inherent in it, so scientists in the 40s of the 20th century called it "Matein". Matein is just different in that it does not act on the heart muscle directly, and gently stimulates everything Internal organs improving their activities, does not cause pressure jumps and does not have side effects inherent in caffeine. With proper preparation (by multiple strait, a large amount of water of a large amount of raw materials) it is highlighted in water extraction gradually and small doses. And when insistenced, especially if the jerb of industrial processing and without the necessary exposure, the concentration of the usual caffeine is high.

With a combination of all factors (the richness of the Earth, on which Yerba grown, the right harvest, drying and natural excerpt), high-quality Yerba Mate has a fragrance, an extraordinary taste that drops down at each subsequent plot and a soft positive energy effect.

Remember when you drink coffee or tea from a cup, subconsciously understand that the taste of the drink will be the same until the end of the drink. Therefore, people who never drank Mate correctly, trying the first sip of the cooked Mate subconsciously think that such a taste will be constantly, and he, the taste, for many it is simply not familiar and thereby unusual. Mate do not try - Mate drink, and the duration of drinking depends on the volume of the vessel, the quality of the yerba and water. With proper preparation, the taste of high-quality jerba at the first tops of the fasteners and saturated, multifaceted and full. The bitterness goes into a pleasant aftertaste, and each next topping only reveals the taste and softens it. And it is drinking in this way and such a yerba long and brings only positive sensations. Increases the concentration of attention, relieves the nervous voltage, improves the mood and fills you with energy.

The size of the vessel is very important with the right cooking, the smaller the backfall, the smaller the yerba consumption, and the use of pumpkin is akin to buying today dishes made of wood, not practical and not hygienic, because bacteria will easily multiply on such a dishes, it will deteriorate from water and gives a lack of taste, Yes, and the pumpkin sold from us is more folk fishing and souvenir for tourists, like Matryushki. Usually, big Calabas are in demand, due to not knowledge and misunderstanding of the drinking Yerba Mate itself. On Mother's Motherland use glass drinking glass vessels due to convenience and practicality.

For the proper cooking of the ceremony, a good bombing is important, and you can fall asleep the Yerba in any glass or ceramic vessel. And for those who know how to drink and cook Mate, pumpkin is the subject of collecting and care for it, as for an amateur of tubular tobacco, this object is a good tube .

Yerbu can be drunk from any dishes, for example, an ordinary wine glass, it can be filled with only 10-15 grams. Yerba. The main thing is not to pour it completely with water, but shed many times, then you will get the maximum pleasure, and the price of such a portion of high-quality yerba will be low.

5. The myth that mate causes cancer.

Leaf Yerba Mate does not contain substances causing neoplasms. In contrast, the content of polyphenols (antioxidants) is four times higher than in green tea.

In all articles connecting the use of the Mate and the appearance of cancer, it is not directly referred to about it, but suggests that the consumers are misleading. The use of very hot water, the presence of flavors or the use of a large number of agrochemistry and defoliates when collecting, drying using gas, insisting, and not stirring with water, all these components can give discomfort.

If you drink high-quality jerb, makes it possible and using hot water with a temperature of no more than 80 s, then the effect will be directly opposite.

In Argentina, this kind of article appeared, but the investigations conducted by Inym (Instituto Nacional De La Yerba Mate) in part of their authorship, led to coffee companies that tried to add attention to coffee to coffee companies. This is understandable, the competition is huge, and Mate for Argentineans - a drink that is drunk from generation to generation.

In August 2016, WHO brought the Yerba Mate from the list of potentially carcinogenic products. At the same time leaving in the list of coffee! What is not an argument?

Many saw pictures of Pope Francis, Messi, Suarez, Grizman and other famous people. How do you think if there was any risk of cancer from drinking mate, these people who have power and money would they risk so? Of course, they do not drink the products of the massmarket, they have the opportunity to drink high-quality jerb.

6. Myth that Mate Drugs.

Funny. The legs of this myth are growing from the fact that in Bolivia and Peru in the conditions of high mountains, where there is a lack of oxygen, the Indians shed Coca leaves in the same way. Someone saw somewhere and rushed! Something like Dodumav, adding from myself and with a very intelligent look. Indians lived in nature and centuries knew the beneficial properties of plants that help survival in difficult conditions, and a method of drinking some of the way of the method of Mate, they were adopted from Jesuits, which says that they are not at all savage, as many travelers have tried to present With its special perception of the world and knowledge, about which European civilization learned a lot later and many gave a lot of modern civilization, from cocoa and potatoes to Yerba Mate.

7. The myth that large brands from industrial manufacturers are the best.

The main quality parameter is the place of growing Yerba Mate. Earlier, the tree grew in the wilderwork, there was a unique microclimate and the wealth of soil, the plants absorbed all the forces of nature. And he was appreciated by all as the Indians and the arriving colonists, for their ability to give the body forces and replace the food, which in those times it was impossible to buy in the store as now. Then there were no scientific research, people knew the world on their feelings and the use of drink was obvious. Over time, the first plantations appeared for the convenience of collecting the leaves of Yerba, and today only in Argentina, in the north of the province of missionions, rain forests have been preserved around the waterfalls Iguazu, so the quality of the Yerba from this area is still the same as I50-70 years ago. Brazil and Paraguay have already cleared their territories from the forest, to use areas for growing agricultural, including to increase the area for the cultivation of Yerba. You can see today's situational photographs.

In the south, the province of missionions (about the line in the city of San Ignacio) land contain many stones and clay, and in the north the province of Corrientes - Sandstone. This zone where the main plantations of Yerba Mate in Argentina producing raw materials for large industrial marks are located.

The use of industrial methods in the last years of industrial methods, drying and excerpts was greatly affected by the quality and taste of Yerba.

Back in 2013, the President of Inym (National Institute of Yerba Mate) declared a decline in the quality of Yerba Mate due to speeding up drying and excerpts. But lobbyists from large companies were safely pressed the topic, because This information is not beneficial to them and destroys customer loyalty.

When the portal "Promate" was created, almost twenty years ago, we talked about the traditions of the workpiece of high-quality Yerba, when the hands of the worker cut every twig carefully, so as not to damage the plant, which could give a crop during many years, the deforestation of weakened trees and landing young plants , well-friendly, as happens in recent years. Ten years ago, those who remember the taste of Yerba Mate, from different manufacturers he was almost the same, while now every year the quality is lower, a lot of dust in packages, and taste quickly disappears. Today, about 10 brands control the Yerba Market Mate in Argentina, introduce accelerated drying and excerpts.

These include some major cooperatives and regional brands also participating in the race for a part of the market, thereby be forced to introduce industrialization into the workpiece.

Large stamps in the competitive struggle use Yerba prepared by an industrial way, as it is produced at less costs, and the price of the main sales criterion. The main market for sales in Argentina, this province of Buenos Aires from more than 40 million populations of Argentina there are 22 million people. In the province of missionings, small manufacturers are strong and it is logical that the farmer growing potatoes will not go to the supermarket behind it. High-quality jerba is more expensive, including because the natural long-term exposure requires high costs and efforts. In recent years, the prices of Yerba Mate rose by 350-400%, and by traditional methods up to 800%. Also, transportation costs also affect the price. The further plantation in the rule, the more difficult and more expensive delivery.

For Argentines Yerba Mate the second after bread, product. And everything is sold in super and hypermarkets. It is impossible to find good and high-quality jerbos in them, even how to buy high-quality tea from a small manufacturer in the Russian supermarket. The gross product for the broad name provides the average quality of goods and attachments in bright packaging and expanding the range by aromatization. If a major producer has a "Premium" or "Organic" position, then what is then in ordinary packs?

How the market is arranged in Argentina:

Green leaf is grown mainly farmers (about 13,000 farms) for 200,000 hectares, then they hand over Yerba on the dryer, about 230 (this is a separate type of business), and then dried yerba goes to grinding on Molinos Mills, their order 140. Each The chain adds a tangible amount to the value of the final product, but the farmer itself gets a bit. Large companies most often have their own production cycle, buying harvest from farmers, small brands buy a ready-made Yerba on the dryers or already at Molinos. And the main condition, natural excerpt today is replaced by accelerated when the bags with dried yerba are laid out on closed warehouses and hot air serves hot air for two to three months, so the sheet acquires the characteristic color (khaki color), but does not occur natural fermentation, as With genuine classical excerpt and the content of active substances does not reach its maximum, the taste of such a yerba is sour and hard.

Ultimately five years ago, the farmer was not interested in growing a large number of Yerba, because The cost of a green leaf for it was low, mostly prices dictated drying and "Molinos". Then the farmers began to cut down the plantation Yerba and plant tea, pine or soybeans, less costs - more profit. In Brazil, up to 20% of the former Yerba plantations, Mate are used to grow soy. A shortage of Yerba and the price went up. Of course, industrial methods for collecting (machine method) and drying, accelerated exposure has reduced costs, but the quality suffered. To date, many factors affect the final quality of products. It can be mixing a good yerba with the one that worse, the plugness of more dust and stalks (remaining in large quantities during the machine harvest) in packages, such a jerb of drinking is more often drinking, because Mate in Argentina drinks 88.9% of the population and this habit Transmitted from generation to generation. The size of the vessel from which they drink mate, the price of Yerba in Argentina has become quite high enough for many. There was a shortage of the market, but also increased interest in Yerba Mate all over the world as a drink, research on which was proved to benefit for the human body. The main studies were conducted in the 70s and 80s of the 20th century and the data on the composition and benefits of Yerba Mate were based on the quality of those years. You can read the effects on the quality of Yerba Mate the conditions of growth, modern methods of collecting and drying you can read on our portal in the Properties section of Yerba Mate - Research MMA. THEM. Sechenov

Nambraith and Paraguay The situation is no better, and sometimes even sadness, the forests have long been cut down and plantations are located on open spaces (see photo) under the groaning hot sun, which affects the quality of the leaves received, because the moisture in the sheet does not have time to fully distribute on it and such Yerba has a tough taste, such as tea growing in the southern part of Russia and the countries of the Transcaucasus. It is possible to drink such a product, but it's not worth it to wait for high quality. In Brazil, Mate drink in the southern part of the country, the main population of the country drinks coffee, this is a regional habit. Yerba herself is very crushed, because The smaller the grinding, the more you can extract useful substances from the sheet, you can only get the fortress of taste. Brazilian Yerba is exported mainly to Uruguay, where two large brands, Canarias and Sara are known. In Uruguay, Yerba does not grow, but drinks almost the entire population.

Here is an article published in the La Nacion newspaper (Paraguay) in which it says that from 97 stamps of the Mate Mate, only two (one of them Argentine Taragui (LAS MARIAS), the second La Rubia) fully comply with the quality standard, whereas in the rest Unauthorized inclusions were found (for example, mango leaves), mold and even human excrement. Nothing surprising is that with raising prices, costs and other factors go to any tricks to maintain volumes.

In Paraguay, almost the same situation, but in smaller volumes. On the schedule, the leading brand of Paraguayan market and video from the supermarket:

If ten years ago, all Yerba Mate got into Russia and the CIS directly from South America, then a few years ago there were hubs (drains) in Germany and Poland, where the industrial brands of Yerba from Argentina and Paraguay are born. It is from these countries that products from large companies are now covered in the countries of the former USSR, and for many small entrepreneurs, there was an opportunity to make small purchases, open online shopping and trade Yerba Mate. But as a rule, the level of knowledge and understanding of the culture of the beverage mate is limited to articles by the translators, citing articles from Runet, where shamanism, esoteric and other obscurantism flourishes, and the final consumer who does not know the taste of real mat, gives out fashionable trends, and does not understand the drink itself .

On the program PROMATE .RU you can familiarize yourself with how high-quality Yerba Mate is grown and harvested, find out that there are still small companies and cooperatives that produce high-quality jerb with their own plantations, producing, excerpt and grinding on their own. Yerba of this quality in most cases is sold in Argentina in Holes of growing or goes to export to countries where high culture of drink consumption. In our country, where the culture of consumption of mate is low and the Yerba market is small, exporters bring well-known and promoted brands Mate, Hoping more on the recognition of South American brands, without taking into account the current situation in production. Sellers do not know the culture of Mate, but the Yerba itself, this is part of the range. And it turns out that those who are used to drinking high-quality mat are forced to buy the products of the massmarket. In general trend of the market, it is clear, in tea, the leading positions are occupied by companies selling tea bags, as a fast and convenient product, and the consumer appreciates cheapness and is not particularly going to production processes. But those who understand and want to drink high-quality tea, no longer buys this product, striving still consume the best. So with Jerby. Anyone who knows how to drink Mate correctly, immediately distinguishes the quality of the Yerba and the stories of sellers are skeptical, and more believes their own feelings.

Paraguay is popular with the useful drink Mate. It is one of the best tones, make it based on dry finely chopped leaves of Paraguaye Padub. You need to brew mate in a special pumpkin bowl, use a special tube to use inside, which has a sitechko.

Cooking Mate

1. Take Calebas (special container for drink) Fill it on half the grass.

2. Where is the bowl of empty, pour hot water, it is recommended to flood cold water in the heat.

3. After the water has already absorbed well, the welding must be turned into one mass, after the bombing is placed until the bottom.

4. Pour completely water. Insist for 5 minutes.

Please note if you get mate boiling water, it will lose all its beneficial substances, some scientists of medicine say that it can harm the body, often tea becomes bitter. Water should be no more than 70 degrees.

If you like sweet tea and want to raise the level, you need to pumped up a small amount of sugar to the bottom of the capacitance, useful honey, after the grass is falling asleep and poured all the water.

It is impossible to push the mate for a long time, after 3 minutes you can use tea, otherwise it will be bitter.

Useful properties Mate

The drink includes vitamins, minerals. Also a large number of vitamins of groups B, C, A, E, R. richly mate on Kate, sodium, manganese, sulfur.

If you regularly use mate, you can:

1., Protect it from environmental impact.

2. Enhance physical endurance.

3. Improve attention, intelligence.

4. Get rid of apathy, fatigue, depression.

5. Resume sexual function.

6. Improve the metabolism, useful substances will be better absorbed using the mate.

7. Get rid of, sleep cycle is restored.

Application Mate.

Due to the fact that the drink contains a large number of natural components, using it you can improve the condition of the body. Mate will help to remove toxins from the body, decay products. The drink eliminates different allergic reactions, charges energy. If tea is drinking with diabetes mellitus, you can protect yourself from improving blood sugar levels. With the help of mate, it can be relaxing after exercise. Due to biological components, the mate is used for weight loss, it will help burn a large amount of calories.

Mate for mental processes is especially useful, using it you can concentrate memory, attention, encourages, raises the mood, resumes metabolic processes, eliminates hunger, using it can be slowed down the development of a malignant tumor, if you take a mate to moderate, in case of overdose, may be the opposite To aggravate the situation. Mate is the best preventive means of a heart attack, a stroke, with its help the digestive process is improved.

Some compare Mate with green tea, the effect on the body is the same, but the mate has more useful chemicals than. Due to the fact that the products are carefully processed, this is the best antioxidant, it contains a large amount of polyphenol.

Mate is considered a safe drink, because the pressure does not increase, there is no negative impact on the heart area. Mate charges the body's energy, but it makes it extremely careful.

It is proved that with the help of a beverage you can extend the youth, strengthen the cells that are damaged, not to develop different diseases. To make the decoction to be effective, you need to be able to make it possible to prepare a decoction. Take a small amount of grass and leaves mate, pour the half-length of water, in no matter how boiling water.

They advise tea to drink tea after playing sports, using it you can resume energy reserves, in the mate a large amount of matune. It also acts as caffeine, leads the body into a tone. Caffeine and Mateen differ in that the latter does not lead to an increase in blood pressure, does not speed up the heartbeat. This is the best prophylactic ARVI, influenza.

Contraindications Mate.

It is proved if you often get involved in the mate can develop cancer of the esophagus, pulmonary and urinary system. It is important to brew correctly and not get involved in them, then you can avoid deposits.

In no cases cannot be used by mate with infectious disease in the lungs, bronchi, because the composition includes theophylline. It is forbidden to receive children. Contraindicated tea with a stomach ulcer. When gastritis with increased acidity, you can not drink tea hot.

Gently to the Mate, it is necessary to treat those who have hypertension, it leads to the disorders of the nervous system. When the brain is strongly excited, the vessels begin to narrow, and this is dangerous for human life.

You can not drink tea at night, it tones the body. It is impossible to use it at high temperatures, blood vessels are expanding due to it, it can increase the selection of sweat, will begin to disturb the strong thirst. Due to theophylline, which is part of the Mate, the body temperature can even increase, and the antipyretic in this situation will not help.

Thus, the mate is a tasty and useful drink, but, despite all its positive parties, it is impossible to abuse them to avoid the deposits. It is dangerous that the use of tea in large quantities leads to the formation of a malignant tumor.

Mate Paduba Paraguayan has "power of coffee, health benefit and chocolate euphoria" everything in one drink. One of the six most frequently used stimulants in the world. Among coffee, tea, nuts, cola, cocoa and guaran, it tries as the most balanced, energy supplier and food.

Mate (EP-Bach Mah Tay) produced from natural caffeine and nutritious leaves of the famous South American tropical Holly Tree (ILEX Paraguariensis). For centuries, in South America, Ache Guayaki sipped Mate from the traditional pumpkin due to its rejuvenating effect.

Botanical name: ILEX Paraguariensis, Yerba Mate, Paduba Paraguayan

The word "yerba" refers to the leaves and means "plant" in Spanish, although the plant is not herbal. Matching a holly plant (pronounced "Matay" or "Mate" depending on the sources) and this shrub, when young and in natural conditions of the rainforest, grows in a wood 15-20 meters. When growing in the garden, it cannot achieve this height and can be saved as a small tree or shrub. Graceful branches hold dark green elongated leaves "like holly", which have a hard, leathery appearance. Small, green or white flowers have four petals and give way to small, red fruit.

Young tree

Paduba Paraguayan is native for subtropical regions of Paraguay, Bolivia, Uruguay, Brazil and Southeast Argentina. Mate was first classified in 1895, but there are records of its use by the Indians Guarani and Paraguay in the 16th century. It was then that the Spanish researchers first reported that Guarani people, and the people of Tupi in Brazil, brewed a drink, as a result he "raised the tone and relieved fatigue." Spanish conquistadors were responsible for the opening of a significant trading path for raw materials, which ultimately led to huge commercial deliveries in our time.

Growing conditions

Holly can sometimes be difficult to grow outside the native conditions of South America. One of the difficulties is the need for seeds to pass through the digestive system of Tukanians. The plant is difficult to spread, because the seeds need stratification, or due to the cold period, and can take the form to exist from 2 months to a year. Distribution is best done with cuttings.

Plantation of trees

In natural conditions, it is best grows in the filtered sunlight under high trees of a rainforest. Rainforests have fertile soil enriched with continuous leaffts, microbes and insect activity. Ideally, he prefers rich soils and wet conditions, so that the addition of organic matter will be useful. Holly for Mate grows in subtropical areas, where the average precipitation is very high and the temperature ranges from 15-29 Celsius. Often to meet them in a natural habitat, where they grow flows and flourish at an altitude of 500 meters above sea level.

In order to control the growth of the tree, you can crop branches and maintain a plant as a higher shrub. The plant is best cut every 1-3 years to keep it at the level of 4-8 meters. It also increases the crop and the ability to germinate new leaves.

For tea, MEE can also be grown in pots and indoors, if the weather conditions are not perfect for external cultivation.

Culinary use

Mate is known because of its use as an incentive, catering drink in South America, where Mate-bars are very popular. The drink based on it has a large cultural significance and takes the same position as coffee, in the rest of the world. In Mate bars, the drink can be filed with flavored, with popular additives - with burned sugar, lemon juice and milk. Some brands combine herbs, such as or add citrus, which complements the natural taste of the bitterness. In Brazil, the drink may be called "Chimarao".

One of the tonics in local bars

There are many commercial drinks from mate teas, some clean, and others with additional tastes. There is even a non-carbonated low-alcoholic drink. Natural fragrance is described as bitter with smoky, wooded or herbal-vegetable tone. However, the plant is commercially cultivated so far to obtain a higher quality aromas of wild rainforest. Adult plants grew up in tropical forests have darker, emerald color leaves and have a higher nutrient content.

The caffeine content in Mate is less than in coffee, but more than in tea, so it is a drink "jitterfree" - which raises the tone and contains antioxidants, and it is without side effects. The caffeine content is approximately 80 mg per cup, or twice as large as in tea, while coffee has 100-200 mg per cup. For comparison, Guaran has significantly more caffeine than coffee.

Dried leaves Mate Kalabas Silver bombing

Traditionally, the drink is sealed and served in a large, exhausted pumpkin. It is squeezed through the cane straw, with the filter at the end to stop the leaves. The Spanish word "Mate" refers to the plant. The available data suggests that in Uruguay, the middle person consumes 9-10 kilograms per year. Men also chewed leaves with long campaigns, against fatigue.

A simple home cooking method - traditionally preparations are made from leaves or tea infusion with 2-4 g of leaves by 150 ml. hot water.

Using Paduba Paraguayan for medical purposes

Holly leaves have high content of many vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. The active ingredients are contained in the leaves and include caffeine, theobromin and theophylline. Drink Mate compared to green tea, contains significantly more antioxidants. Nevertheless, each tea has different groups of antioxidants, with various advantages, and they are not comparable. Some sources claim that holly contains mathein, and not caffeine. However, scientific research confirmed the caffeine content in the leaves of Holly.

Medicinal use of Paraguayan Holly (Mate) for health, includes:

  • an increase in energy;
  • thermogenicity (fat burning);
  • appetite suppression;
  • blood purification;
  • memory improvement;
  • digestive stimulation;
  • as an anesthetic;
  • increases bile production;
  • as a light laxative;
  • enhances immunity;
  • promotes sweating.

Some preliminary research were conducted, the advantage of the areas for fat burning, cardiovascular diseases and DNA reparations, but further research is needed for convincing evidence.


Despite the positive effect, there is always a risk that too good the drug can work in the opposite direction. The overrun can cause anxiety, insomnia or headaches, and it is best to avoid people who have heart disease, high blood pressure, problems with anxiety. Contraindicated pregnant and nursing women.

There are signs that excessive consumption of the beverage mate can lead to cancer, including esophagus, oral cavity, pharynx, larynx and lungs. Nevertheless, the risk depends on the dose and in Mother Mate drink drinks in huge quantities therefore it is unlikely to be worried about it.

Mate - Drink of Youth and Health

The drink Mate, which is based on a unique plant Yerba Mate, studied today by leading scientists from around the world and used in various sectors of medicine, becomes a healthy alternative to familiar tea and coffee.

The useful properties of Mate are numerous, the influence of this truly miraculous drink on the body is complex - it is an increase in vitality, and the saturation of the body with vitamins, an increase in immunity and a common tone of the body, and the mass of other positive effects. Mate rightfully can be called a drink of those who choose a healthy lifestyle today and an active life position!

In Russia, Mate also gained incredible popularity, find this drink in the assortment you can and on the pages of our Yerba Mate site.

What is Yerba Mate?

The Yerba Mate plant, or, as it is also called, Paduba Paraguayan (ílexparaguariénsis), was known to humanity since ancient times. It began to use it by the South American Indians Guarani many centuries ago, at the same time, study in detail this plant science has become relatively recently, noticing finally the pronounced positive effect, which it has on the human body.

The uniqueness of Yerba Mate as plants lies in the fact that, unlike the rest of the plants, the chlorophyl of which is not absorbed by the human body, the chlorophyll yerba Mate is completely absorbed. This means that when using Mate, a person gets a tremendous energy charge (Yerba Mate, by the way, is the nutrient plant in the world) - blood is enriched with oxygen and nutrients, numerous protective mechanisms are included.

Modern scientists, spending comprehensive studies of this extraordinary plant, came to a single conclusion - the characteristics of Yerba Mate are exceptional, there is no analogues.

Mate contains almost all the vitamins necessary for normal human life: this is a, B1, B2, niacin (B3), B5, complex C and E, as well as useful minerals: calcium and zinc, manganese and iron, selenium, potassium, magnesium, Phosphorus, fluorine and iodine. In addition, the plant presents life-supporting nutrients: carotene, fatty acids, chlorophyll, flavoplas, polyphenols, inosit, antioxidants, tannins, pantothenic acid and the widest complex amino acids.

It is safe to say that the Mate restores the human body at the cellular level - it reduces the level of hypoxia, has a well-fascination effect, contributes to the enhancement of immunity, stimulates the activity of the heart muscle, enriching it by potassium. The drink from this unique plant is especially relevant for residents of megacities experiencing a shortage of many beneficial substances and in a state of constant stress and bad environmental conditions.

Mate - Natural Safe Stimulator

Today, scientists suggest that the Mate will soon become more popular than coffee or tea, as well as that this drink is a healthy alternative to this stimulating real.

Indeed, Mate has a stimulating effect on the human body in the same way as Ceylon tea or coffee makes it, but, unlike the caffeine present in the latter, the existing substance Yerba Mate is Matein - this is its own alkaloid plant, which does not exist.

The fundamental difference between Mateee from well-known caffeine is that it does not directly affect the heart muscle, at the same time, the tonic effect of this alkaloid is more pronounced and long. Mateen affects the activities of all internal organs, with the side effects in the form of reinforced heartbeat and the nervous trembling.

Moreover, the mate affects the nervous system soothing, equalizing psycho-emotional state - it improves the mood, increases endurance and stress resistance, phosphorus accumulates in nerve endings, memory improves, fatigue is accumulated.

Impact Mate on the human body: amazing facts

Some people noted that after mapping they need less time to sleep, simultaneously they feel the tide of strength and energy, sleep cycle is not broken. It turns out that under the influence of the mother, the body is faster and more efficiently immersed in the stage of deep sleep, and this allows him to get a full-fledged rest in a shorter than usual.

By the way, this drink is very useful and to those who suffer hypertension (increased blood pressure), since the mate is expanding the vessels and contributes to the normalization of pressure.

Another amazing feature of the drink is absorbing properties. It is noted that mapping has a positive effect on people who have been subjected to food poisoning. The symptoms of intoxication, depletion and dehydration are retreating, the body's condition is rapidly normalized.

It is useful to take mate during a cold or flu, it has vividly pronounced antibacterial and antipyretic properties, and in addition, the cooler effect. When using this drink, any fever passes much faster.

Also, the mate will be useful and those who cares about their weight - there is practically no calories in the drink, while it is easier to stick to any diet or save the results achieved with it.

So, Mate has a number of unique properties and characteristics, there is no more useful infusion that affects the human body is as efficiently and effective. The integrated effect of active components of the beverage provides numerous advantages, and they are all combined with another one, not the last in importance - infusion has a very pleasant taste!

And finally, another advantage of Mate is that it is useful to all people, regardless of their sex and age - both men and women, and older people, and children. Each this wonderful infusion will give joy and health!

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