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A few days ago in Almaty, in conditions of strict secrecy, the wedding ceremony of Nursultan Nazarbayev’s youngest daughter Aliya with Kazakh businessman Daniyar Sakenov took place. Only after this did it become known that Aliya’s previous marriage union - with the son of the President of Kyrgyzstan Aidar Akayev - broke up about a year ago.
22-year-old Alia Nazarbayeva, the youngest daughter of the President of Kazakhstan, works as a senior expert general department administration of his own dad. In 1998, at the age of 18, Aliya married the eldest son of the president of neighboring Kyrgyzstan, Askar Akaev, Aidar. And then everyone repeated with one voice that the two peoples had become related. After Aidar graduated from the University of Maryland (USA), the couple lived in Almaty, where Aliya completed her studies at the university, and Aidar worked at Kazkommertsbank.
The President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev has three daughters - Dariga, Dinara and Alia. Dariga Nazarbayeva heads the board of directors of the Khabar information holding. Her husband Rakhat Aliev was recently appointed as Kazakhstan's ambassador to Austria. Dinara Nazarbayeva runs an education foundation named after her dad, her husband Timur Kulibayev is an oil oligarch, one of the leaders of the national oil and gas company Kazmunaigas.
Kyrgyz President Askar Akayev has two daughters, Bermet and Saadat, and sons Ajdar and Ilim. Bermet Akayeva is married to a businessman, a Kazakh by nationality, Adil Tojgonbaev, who is considered one of the richest people in Kyrgyzstan. Saadat Akayeva is unmarried, she graduated from school in Switzerland, then from Tufts University in Boston with a double major in economics and international relations. The youngest son Ilim is studying abroad.
The opinion that the marriage of Aliya and Aidar is political appeared immediately after the wedding. However, Aidar and Aliya stubbornly denied all the rumors, repeating about strong love and happy life. But last year the marriage was still dissolved. According to available information, the breakup occurred at the initiative of the Akaev family in early June 2001, but the divorce was officially formalized only in August. There are two versions of what happened - Kazakh and Kyrgyz.
According to the Kazakh version, as well as the version of the spouses themselves, divorce is caused by differences in character and... property inequality. The second part of the version sounds mysterious, but evil tongues have been talking about the absurd character of Nazarbayev’s daughter for a long time. As well as about Aliya’s passion for drugs containing narcotic substances. The girl allegedly acquired this destructive passion during her studies in America.
According to the Kyrgyz version, Nursultan Nazarbayev loved Aidar very much and invited him to engage in various projects in Kazakhstan. But Akaev’s son said: “My father stood at the origins of the formation of the statehood of Kyrgyzstan not so that I could live somewhere,” and returned to Bishkek. He now holds a high position in his country's Ministry of Finance. Aliya refused to live in the capital of Kyrgyzstan. Life in two houses - in Bishkek and Almaty - was not successful for the spouses.
Many people believe that the Kazakh official version divorce is still more reliable. You can get from Bishkek to Almaty in two to three hours, which for loving people obviously not a barrier. Kazakh officials often have to travel much longer distances, flying from Astana to Almaty to visit their families and back every week.
Very little is known about Aliya Nazarbayeva’s new husband. The chosen one's name is Daniyar Sakenov, according to rumors, he is a successful businessman. The wedding, which the young couple celebrated in a narrow circle of their closest people, took place at the Alma-Ata Opera and Ballet Theater. The toastmaster, as at Aliya’s previous wedding, was the Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Imangali Tasmagambetov. All the guests noticed the absence of Philip Kirkorov at the holiday, who was always considered a friend of the Nazarbayev family and was present at the wedding of Aliya and Aidar.
DMIMTRY Kommersant-Glumskov, Bishkek

The main character of the first issue of the fashion magazine L’Officiel was the youngest daughter of the President of Kazakhstan Aliya Nazarbayeva, who appeared on the cover of the publication and gave an extensive interview, talking about her childhood, relationships with her sisters and her father-president

About childhood

As a child, I always wanted to behave like a boy, to prove every time that a girl is no worse, and that I am worthy of my father. I remember how we arrived at the Panfilovsky state farm. Dad put me on the horse, I was so scared, I grabbed the mane, and he said to me: “Why did you grab the mane? Hold the reins! Are you my daughter or not?! You shouldn't be afraid." Dad taught me to swim at five using the same method - he let go of his hands, stepped aside and said: “Swim!” I had to swim! But hunting didn’t work out for me. The most terrible thing was the night hunt for wild boars. Our dad is a big joker: he quietly touched the reeds with his foot and said: “Be careful - a wild boar can jump out from any direction.” I stand, tremble, and have such mixed feelings inside - both fear and excitement. Then we went out to the place where the wild boars were grazing, and when the shots sounded, I squatted down, closed my eyes, covered my head with my hands and stood up only when everything was silent. It was very hard for me, everything seemed so unfair!

About parents

My dad spoiled me a lot, so I considered myself a daddy's daughter. My sisters say that his fatherly feelings only awakened when I was born. Although it seems to me that this is not so. I was just little and he spent a lot of time with me. I am as kind and open as my father. It’s good that he didn’t become hardened or embittered - this is important for the leader of the country. My mother passed on to me the desire to seek harmony: I, like her, am interested in understanding the world in all its manifestations. She is a person of fine spiritual organization with excellent intuition. In general, mom and dad mirror each other. And how people who lived together for half a century became one. In the main thing, my parents are similar - they will never ignore someone else's misfortune. It’s difficult to live with this, but they don’t know any other way, and this was passed on to me and my sisters.

About sisters

When I was born, they were already adults and there was no talk of jealousy. Then Dariga entered Moscow University and came only for the holidays. I spent all my time with Dinara. I loved her very much, and when she went to school, she kept looking out the window. I wanted to be with her all the time. True, when she grew up, this began to irritate her: she naturally wanted to spend time with her peers. I asked my mother to force Dinara to take me with her. Her parents put pressure on her, and she was angry. In a word, a typical conflict between younger and older children. Later, she and Dariga sometimes undertook to raise me, and then I was already angry. Now, unfortunately, we live in different cities and rarely see each other. But for some time now I have begun to feel this sisterly love: I feel their support, I know that no matter what happens, they will accept me, console me and help me.

About Dad the President

I was eleven years old when my father, Nursultan Nazarbayev, was elected president of Kazakhstan. I don’t think I fully realized the significance of what happened at that time. I only remember the feeling of a big holiday, a lot of people gathered here. It was summer, dad was so young, handsome, in a light gray suit...

About studying abroad

At the age of twelve, my father sent me to study in Germany. I was a very domestic, warm-hearted child, who was often sick, whom everyone loved and cared for. And suddenly I am torn away from my beloved mother, they say that in the future I will be grateful for this. I perceived this trip as a punishment. The school was in the building former monastery. Every day I cried into the phone and asked to be picked up. After six months of siege, my prayers were heard and I was taken away. It was, of course, difficult, but the first experience independent life. Well, I learned German brilliantly. But after Germany there was Switzerland. The Kazakh guys who studied with me enjoyed life abroad, and I was drawn to my homeland. However, I studied at a Swiss school for two years, graduated, learned English, made new friends and learned to live independently.

About business

My very first experience in business was the launch of a plant for the production of bottled water Vita. I was then the director of the enterprise, and participated in everything - from the development of labels and packaging to the sale of products.

I searched for myself for a long time: I worked as an assistant director at Radio Europe+, as an intern in the legal department of one of the banks, as a secretary for my father in Astana. And finally, I decided to start a business! To be honest, the main motive here was the desire to be free from parental care. My first business idea came to me when I was nineteen. I was studying in the USA at the time, and my friend and I, after working out at the fitness center, had to go to a social event. There was no salon in the very center and we had to look for a place where we could get cleaned up. Then I told her: you’ll see, I’ll open a center in Kazakhstan where there will be magnificent gyms, a swimming pool, a sauna, a Turkish bath, and a spa, where people will come with their whole family for the whole day and leave transformed. A couple of years later I started building Luxor, becoming a partner in a development company. She was involved in telecommunications - she launched digital communications in Kazakhstan. Plus I had a company called Nursat, which was involved in technical support for Internet applications. I will not tolerate laziness, negligence, unprofessionalism, or dishonesty in my employees. In addition, indifferent people do not linger around me.

About charity

I want to change the world for the better. Many people have this desire, but not everyone knows how to do it. My mom most of Life is engaged in charity work at the Bobek Foundation. We live in a world of consumption according to the principle “everything is just for me.” And at some point I had the feeling that I was doing the wrong thing. After consulting with colleagues at Zhandan Alemi, we decided to start supporting gifted children - this is how the project of the International Music Festival “Children's Turkvision” was born. And we won’t stop there: my colleagues from the foundation are looking for new areas of work that will be most in demand by society.

About the spouse

The first time we met, I had the feeling that he didn't like me at all. It seemed to me that he perceived me as a spoiled princess and looked at me so intently that he even began to irritate me. Although I liked him outwardly, I decided that he was a snob. The second time we again found ourselves in the same company and started talking. He later admitted that he did have prejudices about me. What I liked about him was that he didn’t try to make a special impression on me, but was himself. He himself is an easy person. In addition to being well brought up, Dimash is superbly educated. He studied in America and Italy. Knows several foreign languages. And I also like that he began to build his career from the very bottom, working at the KazMunayGas company. And without anyone’s help he rose to the position of director of the department. I feel comfortable and interesting with him. I really appreciate the fact that he honors family traditions, respects women, and honors the elderly. And he is incredibly warm towards children!

About the marriage proposal

It was very beautiful! On March 8, he invited me to a restaurant. To be honest, I suspected that he was up to something like that, because that day he acted very suspiciously. After dinner, he took me to a separate room, where the floor was strewn with rose petals, romantic music was playing, and from the window there was a beautiful view of Almaty at night. I pretended that I didn’t understand anything, and he put a ring on my finger and said: “Marry me.” I tormented him for another hour: they say, I don’t know, maybe there’s no rush. But then I gave up.

About the spouse meeting his father

The acquaintance took place during the Presidential Golf Cup. Dimash has been playing golf for a long time and was planning to go there. And then the night before they called him and said in an iron tone: “Tomorrow be there and there... Meeting with the president.” He was worried. But the meeting went well, and he returned happy.

All girls dream of the fate of a princess. But rich, beautiful and interesting life there is another side to the palace. This is a great responsibility for words, actions, gestures, because all life events famous people are under constant close attention from others.

Aliya Nazarbayeva is the youngest of three daughters of one of the most famous political figures of our days. This is the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev.


Aliya was born in 1980 in Almaty. The parents dreamed that their youngest daughter would devote herself to creativity and become a pianist. For several years, the girl attended a music school where she studied piano. After graduation, Aliya had to either build a musical career or take another path, chosen independently life path. She chose the latter.

She was 11 years old when her father took office. As a child, she really wanted to be no different from her peers. It even happened that Aliya asked the driver who took her to school every day to stop around the corner so that, like other children, she could enter the school gate alone. Later she realized that her parents are one of the main people in her life, and her father’s status must be taken into account. But still, the girl was upset that her famous surname provoked the emergence of a huge number of fables. At first she tried to prove that this or that gossip was the fruit of someone’s wild imagination, but then a certain immunity developed, and Aliya stopped paying attention to it.

Aliya Nazarbayeva left her parents' home early. Moreover, it was mom and dad who initiated the departure. They decided that their daughter should receive further education abroad. So, a thirteen-year-old girl ended up in Germany. The school occupied the building of a former monastery near Cologne. Accustomed to parental care, Aliya was very homesick and wanted to return to her native Kazakhstan. Mother and father, seeing their daughter’s melancholy, took her home. Aliya studied in Germany for only a few months.


At the age of 15, she again leaves to study abroad. Now to Switzerland. Aliya Nazarbayeva, who had grown up, no longer experienced the separation from her parents so hard, and she even liked living in Switzerland. It was there that she fell in love alpine skiing, because in this snowy country, learning to skate is as compulsory a subject in school as physical education is in our country. Strict rules and serious punishments for violation of discipline strengthened the girl’s character, which helped her in the future to achieve great success in the cruel world of business.

The youngest of the Nazarbayev daughters received higher education first at the University of Richmond (England), having studied at the Faculty of International Law. Then she graduated from the Faculty of Art History at one of the higher educational institutions in Washington. Along with foreign diplomas, Aliya gained invaluable life experience during her stay in other countries. She studied the culture and mentality of foreigners, which helped her learn to understand people.


After receiving her education, Aliya Nursultanovna Nazarbayeva tried herself in various fields of activity. She held the position of assistant director at the Europe Plus radio station, worked in the legal department of TuranAlemBank, and worked for some time in her father’s secretariat in Astana.

After some time, she realized that she wanted to do her own business. At the moment, Aliya is the owner of a fitness club and runs one of the well-known construction companies, Elitstroy. She is also involved in charity work and pays a lot of attention to solving environmental problems. In 2011, Aliya created a collection of luxury jewelry under the brand name Alsara, which was sent in a limited edition to some jewelry stores around the world. Photos of Aliya Nazarbayeva appear in many glossy magazines.

Relationships with sisters

As Aliya herself admits, sisters are an important part of her life. The elders Dariga and Dinara have always been support and support. They have quite a big age difference. When Aliya was born, the eldest Dariga was already studying at one of the institutes in Moscow. Dinara, who was 13 years old at the time of Aliya’s birth, took care of her younger sister.

Now, in adult life, the sisters don’t see each other as often as we would like. But, according to Aliya herself, if necessary, they will rush to each other’s aid at the first call.

Aliya Nazarbayeva: personal life

IN family life N. Nazarbayev's youngest daughter had many problems. She entered into her first marriage quite early (at the age of 18). Her husband was Aidar Akayev (the son of the then Askar Akayev).

It's hard to say whether it was independent decision young people, or simply powerful parents, introduced and arranged the marriage of their children in order to become related families. Be that as it may, things didn’t work out, and after some time the marriage broke up. There was a lot of speculation about the reasons for the separation in the press, but none of the members of both families gave official comments. The marriage was officially dissolved in August 2001.

Almost immediately Nazarbayeva Aliya Nursultanovna (see photo below) gets married again. Her second husband was Kazakh businessman and football player Daniyar Khasenov. In 2007, the couple had an eldest daughter, who was named Tiara, and in 2011, their youngest daughter, Alsara, was born. But something didn’t work out in the relationship with Daniyar either. Aliya got divorced for the second time.

Now the youngest of the Nazarbayev daughters is married to businessman and politician Dimash Dosanov. Aliya and Dimash met while visiting one of her friends. For a long time talked like friends. Gradually, friendship grew into something more. According to Aliya herself, her future husband attracted her with his sincerity and naturalness, kindness and openness. The main motto of this married couple is democracy, equality and openness.

On a grand scale...

Aliya Nazarbayeva, whose biography has never been overshadowed by material problems, certainly lives in grand style. One of the noisiest recent years there was a celebration of her thirtieth birthday. Such stars of world show business as Britney Spears and Jennifer Lopez were invited to the feast. There have been legends about this holiday for a long time. One has only to mention the gifts, and you immediately understand how wealthy the birthday girl and her guests are. Among the gifts they call for a villa in one of the Turkish resorts, and a yacht, and expensive cars, and luxury jewelry. And the festive fireworks lasted more than half an hour.

Community service

Now Nazarbayeva Aliya Nursultanovna, whose biography is given above, pays a lot of attention to public work, in particular issues of education. A few years ago, she made a documentary called “Awakening,” which touches on the themes of the ideology of creation as one of the foundations of human society.

While working on the film, Alia began to think about implementing new projects. In particular, the idea of ​​​​creating an eco-village. According to the plan, these should be unique estates where families can live in environmental comfort (green spaces, clean air, agricultural land).

Children of the top officials of the state occupy important positions and often appear in news chronicles and on the pages of glossy magazines. About the grandchildren, it is either unknown at all, or the information is extremely scarce.

One of the most influential presidents of Central Asia, Nursultan Nazarbayev, has four grandchildren and five granddaughters. Although at a meeting with US President Donald Trump, Nursultan Abishevich said that he has 10 grandchildren, there is no information about the last one.

Portal Kaktakto, what Elbasy’s grandchildren and granddaughters do.

Nurali Aliyev - eldest grandson of Nursultan Abishevich, businessman, philanthropist, public figure

Born on January 1, 1985 in Almaty. Mother - Dariga Nazarbayeva (born in 1963) - politician, doctor of political sciences, historian. Father - Rakhat Aliyev (1963-2015) - businessman, politician and diplomat.

He graduated from school in Kazakhstan, then continued his studies at higher educational institutions in Kazakhstan and abroad. From 2001 to 2002, he studied at Pepperdine University (Malibu, USA), and in 2002-2003 at the Austrian International University of Vienna. A year later, Aliyev decided to return to Kazakhstan to continue his studies here.

In 2005, Nurali received a bachelor's degree from the National Pedagogical University of Almaty, majoring in economics and finance. After graduating from Abai University, Aliyev entered the master's program with a degree in business administration. He then continued his studies at the McCombs School of Business at the University of Texas.

Business of Nurali Aliyev

In 2003, Nazarbayev’s grandson got a job at the French company Sucden Et Denrees in the international trade department. Then he continues his career in the international department of Sugar Center JSC, which he headed in 2004.

In 2006, Nurali Aliyev became a member of the board of Nurbank, one of the largest banks in Kazakhstan. In 2008, he already headed Nurbank and became vice-president of the Development Bank of Kazakhstan. In 2009, he headed DBK.

2013-2014 - Chairman of the Board of Transtelecom, one of the largest television and infocommunication operators in Kazakhstan, engaged in laying backbone networks.

2014-2016 - Deputy Akim of the capital of Kazakhstan - Astana. During his work in the Astana akimat, several smart projects were introduced in pilot mode, the capital's intelligent contact center 109 was introduced, and a large-scale modernization of Astana's transport infrastructure was carried out. Separate lanes have been introduced for public transport, warm stops for citizens, construction of LRT has begun, and free wireless Internet has been installed in city buses.

In 2013, Nurali Aliyev took 32nd place in the Kazakhstan Forbes list with a fortune of $200 million. The basis of his fortune was the sale of Sugar Center JSC and Nurbank.

At the moment, Nurali Aliyev is the owner of 20% of NTK JSC, 100% of CAPITAL HOLDING JSC, and the Donatello boutique hotel. He has a stake in Telekrona LLP (IT, networks) and Radio City LLP (Hit FM). It also owns the Zerteu III polymetallic deposit.

Nurali Aliyev and the Panama Papers

In 2016, the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) published a database of offshore accounts, which included the names of 12 active and former presidents world countries.

Among those involved in the Panama Papers was the grandson of President Nazarbayev, Nurali. According to the data, he owned two offshore companies, which he used to conduct banking transactions and purchase a luxury yacht.

According to documents, since September 2014, Nurali Aliyev has owned the offshore Alba International. Based on the name, date of birth and photograph attached to the international documentation file of this offshore, we can conclude that its owner is Nazarbayev’s grandson.

The second offshore company, which, according to OCCRP, was owned by Nurali Aliyev, is Baltimore Alliance. Nazarbayev’s grandson became a shareholder of this offshore in 2008. At the same time, this company acquired a luxury yacht, called “Nomad”. During transportation of the vessel from Italy to the UAE, the yacht was damaged.

Family of Nurali Aliyev

Nazarbayev’s eldest grandson is married to the daughter of the Chairman of the Central Election Commission of Kazakhstan, Berik Imashev, Aida.

The couple has four children - sons Alan and Anuar and daughters Laura and Amira.

Aisultan Nazarbayev

Graduate of the Royal Academy of Land Forces Sandhurst (UK). After graduating from the academy and returning to Kazakhstan with the rank of lieutenant, he served in the military intelligence system of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

From an early age he has been fond of football, in 2006 he played two matches for the Astana football team"Rakhat", participated in the qualifying round of the European Championship in 2006 as part of the Kazakhstan youth team.

In February 2017, he was appointed vice-president of the Football Federation of Kazakhstan; he left the post in the fall of 2017 at his own request.

Fight against drug addiction

In the fall of 2017, Aisultan made a shocking admission - he used drugs.

On his Facebook page, he wrote that life dealt him a double blow - the death of his father and grandfather (Rakhat and Mukhtar Aliyevs), and to cope with the pain, he began to use drugs.

“My grandfather, Nursultan Nazarbayev, showed special concern. The president of the country solved the problems of 17 million people during the day, and in the evening he devoted all his attention to one grandson,” Aisultan wrote then.

Aisultan Nazarbayev said that he was thinking about creating a charity fund to help people suffering from drug addiction.

Family of Aisultan Nazarbayev

On August 31, 2013, Aisultan married the daughter of the head of KazRosGas JSC Kairat Boronbaev, the granddaughter of the famous Kazakh actor Anuar Boronbaev - Alima.

Alima Boronbaeva graduated from the Corthold University of the Arts in London and heads an art gallery in Astana.

In June 2016, the couple had a daughter, Amelie.

Altai Kulibaev

Very little is known about the son of the middle daughter of Dinara and Timur Kulibayev. The same age as Aisultan Nazarbayev, Altay Kulibayev graduated with honors from Cass Business School in London in 2012.

The faculty where Nursultan Nazarbayev’s grandson studied is one of the largest and most famous educational centers in the world. The Faculty building is located in the City of London.

The president's youngest grandson, Aldiyar, is two years old. His parents are the youngest daughter of the President of Kazakhstan Aliya and the nephew of the famous Kazakh writer Sabit Dosanova - first deputy general director JSC "KazTransOil" Dimash Dosanov.

Granddaughters of the President

Dariga Nazarbayeva's youngest daughter, Venus, was born in 2000. In 2009, she starred in the Kazakh-German film Baikonur by Veit Helmer, where she played the daughter of a shepherd.

The middle daughter of Nursultan Nazarbayev, Dinara Kulibayeva, has two daughters: Deniza (born in 2004) and Alisha (born in 2010).

The youngest daughter of the President of Kazakhstan, Aliya, also has two daughters - Tiara (born in 2007) and Alsara (born in 2011).

Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev is the first president of Kazakhstan, as well as the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the republic. He led the country since April 24, 1990 and had the right to hold this post for life. On March 19, 2019, he voluntarily resigned.

Childhood and family of Nursultan Nazarbayev

The future president of a big country was born in the small foothill Kazakh village of Chemolgan, into a simple peasant family. His paternal ancestors were shepherds, and his mother grew up in the family of a mullah. Nursultan was the fourth child of parents who also raised his two older brothers and sister.

Nursultan's childhood fell on difficult, half-starved years, the country lay in ruins, people survived as best they could. From an early age, children helped their parents: the sister managed the housework with their mother and grandmother, and the boys and their father herded cattle, stored hay for the winter, and worked in the garden.

Despite all the difficulties, the family was very friendly, national traditions were honored and respect for elders was cultivated. From an early age, children were familiar with national rituals, songs and customs.

At school, Nursultan was a diligent student, with only one “B” in his certificate. He was involved in wrestling, played the accordion, read books voraciously and planned to become a chemist after school. From an early age, the boy enjoyed authority among his peers and stood out for his obvious leadership qualities.

After completing the seven-year plan, Nursultan left for the construction of a new metallurgical plant in Temirtau. From there he was sent to study at the Dneprodzerzhinsk vocational school, which the young man successfully graduated from in 1960, receiving a degree in metallurgy. He returned to the Karaganda Metallurgical Plant, where he worked for the next nine years, while simultaneously graduating from a university with a degree in metallurgical engineer.

Political career of Nursultan Nazarbayev

Nursultan devoted a lot of time and effort to party work and in 1973 became secretary of the plant’s party committee, five years later achieving the position of secretary of the Karaganda regional party committee.

From that moment on, his political career began to develop at a rapid pace. Soon he became chairman of the Council of Ministers of Kazakhstan, and then a member of the Politburo.

In 1989, he was unanimously elected as a people's deputy and at the same time chairman of the Supreme Council of Kazakhstan.

At this time, democratic processes were launched in the republic, as well as throughout the Soviet Union, caused by the new course of perestroika adopted in Moscow by Mikhail Gorbachev.

As a result of all the political upheavals in April 1990 at the session Supreme Council Kazakh SSR Kazakhstan was declared an independent republic, and Nazarbayev became its first and to this day permanent president. He subsequently won the popular elections in 1991 (98.7% of the vote), 1999 (79.78%), 2005 (91.15%), 2011 (95.55%), 2015 (95.22%).

In 1997, the president moved the capital of Kazakhstan from Almaty (which, however, retained the unofficial status of the “southern capital”) to Astana, justifying his decision as a measure that would avoid the loss of the northern territories of Kazakhstan, populated predominantly by Russians.

In 1999, by decision of the president, the Otan party was formed (translated as “light of the fatherland”), headed by Nazarbayev himself. Today it is the dominant political force in Kazakhstan.

In 2007, the parliament approved the amendments to the constitution proposed by the president, according to which Nazarbayev received the right to occupy the presidential chair until the end of his days, although the status of the republic changed from presidential to parliamentary-presidential

The amendments were approved in May, and in June Nazarbayev dissolved parliament and initiated early elections, in which his Nur Otan party became the only political force to overcome the electoral threshold, receiving 98 seats in parliament.

In 2010, Nazarbayev received the status of “untouchable”: as the leader of the nation, he could not be subject to administrative or criminal prosecution. The corresponding amendments were invented by the lower house of parliament and approved by the upper house. Nazabraev himself refused to approve them, as well as to veto them.

During the years of his reign, Kazakhstan turned into one of the most powerful and successful countries in the former CIS. Nazarbayev managed to relatively easily lead the country out of the crisis of the 90s, avoiding bloodshed and conflicts on ethnic grounds.

According to his decision, the country switched to “nuclear-free” foreign policy: the nuclear test site in Semipalatinsk was liquidated and all warheads remaining from Soviet times were destroyed.

In 2015, the Eurasian Economic Union was concluded between Kazakhstan, Russia and Belarus, which was soon joined by Armenia and Kyrgyzstan. To date, more than fifty countries have expressed a desire to cooperate with the EAEU.

Nursultan Nazarbayev and his relatives in power

At the same time, there is high opposition activity in Kazakhstan, which accuses Nazarbayev and his party of promoting a cult of personality, strengthening the authoritarian regime and introducing relatives to key government positions. Every presidential election, accompanied by unprecedentedly high votes for Nazarbayev, raises accusations of fraud.

In November 2016, the President of Kazakhstan gave a detailed interview to the authoritative English-language publication Bloomberg, talking about his political plans. During the conversation, Nazarbayev said that he was not considering a hereditary transfer of power to his children: “Our transfer of power is spelled out in the Constitution.”

Nursultan Nazarbayev took a ride in an electric car

In early 2018, the president approved the country's transition from Cyrillic to Latin, approving a new 32-letter alphabet. According to Nazarbayev's decree, Kazakhstan will switch to the new alphabet by 2025 in stages.

Personal life of Nursultan Nazarbayev

The official wife of the President of Kazakhstan is Sara Alpysovna Nazarbayeva, whom he married in 1962, while still a simple worker. Sarah gave birth to the future leader of the nation three daughters: the eldest Dariga (born in 1963), Dinara (born in 1967) and Aliya (born in 1980).

All daughters of Nursultan Nazarbayev take part in the social and political life of Kazakhstan.

Dariga is a Doctor of Political Science, senator of the republic’s parliament, and head of the Khabar media holding. It is widely believed that Dariga is not the president’s own daughter, who was born in Sara Alpysovna’s first marriage. Until 2007, she was married to media tycoon Rakhat Aliyev. The divorce followed a criminal case opened against the president's son-in-law - Aliyev was accused of kidnapping the vice-chairman of the leading bank of the republic, Nurbank, Zholdas Timraliev.

Dinara is the most rich woman country, according to Forbes, heads a number of charitable foundations of national importance. Married to the head of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan, Timur Kulibayev.

Aliya is a businesswoman, an ardent advocate environment, philanthropist. Its projects include the Dalacom and Pathworld cellular communication lines, the Luxor fitness club chain, and the Elitstroy construction company. At the age of 18, she married the son of then President Askar Aliyev, Aidar Akayev. In 2001, the marriage broke up; the girl immediately formalized her relationship with football player and subsequently entrepreneur Daniyar Khasenov.

The wealth of Nazarbayev and his family

The daughters gave the President of Kazakhstan eight grandchildren. By his 76th birthday, Nursultan Abishevich became a great-grandfather 15 times.

Nursultan Nazarbayev now

On March 19, 2019, Nursultan Nazarbayev announced his decision to resign. Speaker of Parliament Kassym-Jomar Tokayev became the acting president of Kazakhstan.

This year it will be 30 years since I held the highest position. You have trusted me all these years. It was a pleasure for me to serve the people. I bow my head and give thanks. To fulfill the people's promise, I worked tirelessly. I will continue to be the head of the Security Council and the Nur Otan party.

Let us note that in 2016, when asked whether he intended to take part in the 2020 presidential elections, Nazarbayev answered evasively: “I will work until 2020, and then we’ll see.”


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