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It is important to know that the most delicious Chinese tea is milk oolong: it is not difficult to figure out how to brew it in order to preserve all the beneficial properties. Some simple methods will allow you to enjoy an unforgettable taste and aroma.
Milk oolong tea is very popular among connoisseurs of hot drinks. This elite variety got its name thanks to its pleasant, subtle milky aroma. By carefully studying the properties of oolong, it is easy to make the tea drinking process not only tasty, but also healthy. It is also important to use tea for weight loss purposes. Save useful features and the taste of the drink will be easier if you understand how to brew oolong.

Description of tea, history of origin

Oolong is an intermediate variety between black and green tea. During the processing process, only the edges of the leaves are affected. Thanks to a special method of drying and fermenting the leaves, specialists manage to preserve the unique taste and benefits of the drink.
During the brewing process, the tea emits a sweet caramel aroma. It has a rich yellow-white hue. Milk oolong (the description of the tea will allow everyone to understand in more detail the benefits of the drink) is also called oolong. The name of the tea stands for “black dragon”. This large-leaved variety becomes soft and creamy when brewed.
Milk oolong is considered a fairly young variety of tea. It was bred by Chinese breeders in the second half of the 20th century. The drink has been produced in Taiwan for over 40 years.

Beneficial and harmful properties of milk oolong

The tea leaves contain a large amount of vitamins B, K, E, D, C. If you regularly consume milk oolong, the beneficial properties of the drink will have a beneficial effect on a person’s general well-being.
This type of tea has the following features:

  • calming effect, helps reduce pain in various locations;
  • improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • increases the protective functions of the immune system, helps fight colds;
  • normalizes cholesterol in the blood, which has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system;
  • improves the condition of facial skin;
  • calming effect.
The harm from consuming milk oolong is small if you do not drink more than the recommended amount of hot drink per day. In this case, it will be possible to minimize the occurrence adverse reactions. It is recommended to drink tea no more than 1-3 r. per day. The product has a strong diuretic effect, which negatively affects the health of people with kidney problems. The tea leaves contain theine (an analogue of caffeine), which is why blood pressure sometimes increases with frequent consumption of the drink. People suffering from hypertension need to be especially careful when drinking tea.

How to brew milk oolong correctly

Promote taste qualities The drink will be easier if you understand how to brew milk oolong tea.
In the process of preparing the drink, it is recommended:

  • Take 500 ml of purified bottled or spring water;
  • Heat the liquid to 80 degrees;
  • Pour 7-9 g of tea leaves into a clay teapot;
  • Pour boiling water into the container and drain, then re-pour water and wait 3-5 minutes until the leaves open and brew;
  • Pour the hot drink into cups and enjoy the pleasant creamy taste;
  • It is recommended to use the tea leaves up to 5 times. During subsequent brewing, the duration of infusion of tea leaves is additionally increased by 3 minutes.
Advice! Those who like to experiment can use the second method. To prepare tea you will need water at a temperature of 75 degrees. The kettle is slightly heated (using boiling water), tea leaves are poured into it. Then the tea is poured with liquid for 2 minutes, after which the drink is completely ready for drinking.

Does oolong help with weight loss?

Drinking milk oolong is recommended for those who want to get rid of extra pounds. The product speeds up metabolism and also helps remove waste and toxins from the body. Oolong tea for weight loss should be drunk at least 3 times a day. per day. The duration of drinking a hot drink is several months. Drinking tea helps increase the concentration of protein in the blood, which improves the metabolism of adipose tissue.
If oolong is combined with sports and proper nutrition, then your weight loss results will improve. Tea has a diuretic effect and helps eliminate swelling and reduce hunger. Some people combine the drink with milk and honey, which allows them to suppress their appetite for a long time and enhance the taste of the tea.

Milk oolong in bags – does it retain its usefulness?

If you don’t have time to fully prepare and brew tea, then you can buy oolong in bags in the store. Tea bags are suitable for those who like to enjoy hot drinks at work and for those who are pressed for time. It is recommended to buy milk oolong in bags only from trusted manufacturers. It is important to make sure that the bags contain real tea leaves and not dust. In this case, when brewing, the leaves will open, increase in size and give the drink a delicious caramel smell and creamy taste.

The scary truth about milk oolong: video

After watching the thematic video, it will be easier to understand how to properly brew and store oolong. Many connoisseurs of Chinese teas are still misled about this variety. It is a mistake to assume that oolong leaves are watered with pineapple juice or pollinated with sugar cane. It is an incorrect hypothesis that during processing, oolong is soaked in milk, and the bushes are watered with milk. During the fermentation period, only the edges of the leaves are processed, which makes it possible to achieve unique taste qualities.
You can preserve the aroma of milk oolong if you store tea leaves correctly. The product should be kept in a dark place away from other teas. It is recommended to ensure that the leaves are stored in a tightly sealed, airtight jar. If you use it every time during brewing new way, then it won’t be difficult to reveal the taste of milk tea in a new way every time.

Let's make a reservation right away - we are talking about milk oolong, which can be bought in numerous tea shops throughout the cities and towns of our country, and not about the milk oolong that is used in China for tea ceremonies. “Our” milk oolong has a pronounced caramel-creamy aroma, which is the result of intense aromatization.

If the tea is made from high-quality raw materials that have undergone partial fermentation according to all the rules of technology, and the flavoring is done with natural oils (what natural flavoring smells like creamy ice cream?), then there will be no harm from the tea. The only question now is, how to brew milk oolong so as not to kill its taste, smell and nutritional value.

The first requirement is for water. Mountain spring water is, of course, too much for this type of milk oolong. But you definitely shouldn’t take water from the tap. Softened and purified bottled without gas is suitable.

The second important aspect is dishes. Ideal option- a teapot made of baked clay. In such a container, tea will withstand several steepings.

Milk oolong - how to brew:

  • Warm up hot water teapot (cup), wipe it dry. It is more effective to warm the kettle in the oven.
  • Place the required amount of tea leaves into the kettle. To brew oolong tea, a larger amount of tea leaves is usually taken than for other types of tea. For a standard 200 ml you need 5-7 g of dry tea leaves.
  • Let the tea leaves sit in a heated kettle without water for some time so that the tea leaves “wake up” and “breathe.”
  • Pour water heated to 80°C into the kettle and let it sit for three minutes.
  • Pour tea into cups. Sugar and sweets are not recommended; they will spoil the impression of taste and smell.

Some subtleties for brewing milk oolong:

If milk oolong is brewed in a cup or gaiwan, the number of brews is reduced to two.

The more tea leaves used to brew one volume of water, the shorter the brewing time.

If you drain the infusion all at once, the number of high-quality infusions can be more than 2-3.

The hotter the water (above 80°C), the faster the leaf releases taste and aroma, while reducing the number of infusions, and, conversely, the lower the water temperature, the greater the number of possible infusions. Although cold water(not heated enough) there is no point in pouring tea.

Before answering the question, you should find out what this product is, what properties and taste it has.

Chinese oolong (milk): what is it?

Milk oolong is a Chinese tea that is classified as an elite variety. Despite the fact that milk is never added to the finished drink, the notes and aroma of this product can still be traced in its taste. This is where the unique name of the presented drink came from.

As you know, this tea is harvested only in spring and autumn. It is the latter collection that is most valued among consumers, since the aroma and taste of such a product are more intense.

Milk oolong: beneficial properties

The peculiarity of this drink is its warming effect, as well as its ability to counteract the aging process. Before we talk about how to brew milk oolong, it should be noted that this product promotes the balanced production of sebaceous gland secretions. In addition, this tea is recommended for those representatives of the fairer sex who have too oily or, conversely, dry skin. Milk oolong helps overcome vitamin deficiency in the body, as it contains about 400 useful components.

As practice shows, drinking 1000 ml of milk oolong per day significantly lowers blood cholesterol levels. But before drinking such tea, you should find out what contraindications it has.

Contraindications for use

Milk oolong, the beneficial properties of which were presented a little higher, is not recommended to be consumed before bed. In addition, it is strictly forbidden for pregnant women to drink it, because it contains a large amount of theine. If you only want to get the benefits of this drink, it should be consumed in small doses.

Making a drink at home

How to brew milk oolong? This is done quite easily. But in order for the tea to retain all its taste and aroma, you must adhere to strict rules, namely:

  • To prepare this drink, it is best to use a clay teapot with a thick bottom and walls. This will keep the dish warm for a long time.
  • It is advisable to take purchased bottled water for milk oolong, or better yet, spring water. After all, ordinary water coming from the tap can spoil the drink.

So how to brew milk oolong? To do this, the clay teapot should be thoroughly heated by rinsing it with boiling water. Next, you need to pour about 7-10 g of the brewing component into a warm bowl (depending on the number of family members or guests who will enjoy this drink). For the specified amount of tea, you need to add about 500 ml of water to the kettle. In this case, initially the tea leaves should be filled with a small amount of boiling water at a temperature of approximately 87-90 degrees. If you immediately use the bubbling liquid, the tea will lose its taste and aroma.

In order for all the tea leaves to open, it is recommended to drain the first pour of boiling water. After this, you need to add hot water again to the clay pot, and then leave under a tightly closed lid for about 2-3 minutes.

The peculiarity of oolong is that it can be brewed more than once, or even twice. But each time the time spent on this process will increase slightly. Moreover, the taste of the tea will also change, but not for the worse.

Tea is a universal remedy for improving mood, raising vitality and generally getting pleasure. If you want to cheer up, drink black tea, relax - green tea, mate will provide the body with vitamins and minerals, and for new experiences, it is best to brew Chinese oolong. This exotic hour is not yet very well known in our country, but it is becoming increasingly common in tea shops and specialized establishments. In the teahouse experienced master He will not only brew the drink in compliance with all the rules, but will also tell you about the peculiarities of its effects on the body and soul. And if you have never seen a real tea ceremony before, then you should take part in this mysterious ritual.

When choosing a type of tea for tasting, you will probably pay attention to the unusual and “tasty” name “milk oolong” just by its sound. This is not a mistake or a joke, this drink really has distinct milky or even creamy notes in its taste, but it has nothing to do with the English traditional tea drinking, which involves adding boiled milk to black tea. Why then is it called milk, you ask. The fact is that the variety of leaves used to prepare this brew actually has a light aroma that reminds Europeans of creamy. It is enhanced by the processing process that the tea leaves undergo. But the association with dairy products is exclusively the prerogative of Westerners. And in order to feel the real taste and aftertaste of Chinese milk oolong, you need to be able to brew and taste it correctly.

Milk oolong: features and quality
Milk oolong, as you might guess, belongs to the category of Chinese traditional oolong teas. Erroneous translation, mainly incorrect transliteration, made another name common: oolong. If you see it on the packaging or price tag, know that it is the same tea, but still oolong is its correct name, closer to the authentic version. This word can be translated from Chinese as “turquoise”, that is, a simple name meaning that this tea is not black (red) and not green, but occupies an intermediate position between them. This classification is subject to the so-called semi-fermented tea, the corresponding processes in the leaves of which occurred approximately 50% and affected only the edges and part of the surface of each leaf. This is not negligence or incomplete processing, but a special method that allows you to preserve certain taste qualities of the leaf, combining the properties of both green and red varieties, and giving the brew a special, bright aroma and taste.

The raw materials for preparing dry tea leaves of milk oolong are obtained from tea bushes, which are quite unpretentious compared to their other relatives. The harvest is harvested once a year, in the fall, and then subjected to processing standard for this variety. Moreover, a light milky aroma is inherent even in fresh leaves, but after successive drying, oxidation, drying, and frying, it intensifies and becomes more pronounced, similar to what we are accustomed to associate with condensed milk or sweet cream. Of course, there can be no trace of either one or the other in original Chinese tea. But this is both the plus and minus of milk oolong for Western consumers. Unlike some other types of traditional Chinese tea, its taste turned out to be the most pleasant and therefore in demand. This provoked great activity from unscrupulous manufacturers trying to pass off a flavored counterfeit as a real milk oolong. Moreover, not only Europeans, but also the Chinese themselves are guilty of making such counterfeits. In their opinion, for the most part, Europeans know little about genuine tea, and therefore sell the West oolong of the lowest quality, generously flavored with strong artificial flavors.

By by and large, such tea will not do much harm, but it will not allow you to feel and understand the real taste of milk oolong. The only rather controversial advantage of low-grade flavored oolong is its low price. But everyone who purchases it must understand that they are not even receiving an imitation, but some ghostly hint of tea with its real beneficial properties. Therefore, before learning how to properly brew milk oolong, you should make sure that you choose and buy a real, natural and pure product. You can distinguish it from a fake by price (high-quality Chinese tea cannot be cheap), place of sale (only professionals supply genuine teas, and sell them in small specialized shops and tea bars, and not hypermarkets) and organoleptic qualities (do not go after the pronounced , a clear smell, real oolong has a light aroma, hinting rather than clearly conveying milky notes).

Undoubtedly, you will have to look for such a brew, and even a symbolic 10 grams of Chinese milk oolong will cost the same as a supply of tea for your entire family for a couple of months. But the properties of such oolong are difficult to compare with a regular drink and/or overestimate. Firstly, among more than 400 of its known components, the lion's share consists of amino acids, vitamins, and microelements with antioxidant properties. In this regard, black tea lags far behind milk oolong - almost twice, and even then only if we are talking about real large-leaf Chinese black tea. Milk oolong is traditionally considered a warming and tonic drink; it activates digestive processes and relieves excess stress on the liver and spleen. With regular consumption of even small portions of milk oolong, you will notice that the immune system has become stronger, and vitality increased. In addition, it will gradually strengthen the walls of blood vessels, making the skin more elastic and smooth. But pregnant women and nursing mothers need to be careful with milk oolong due to its high content of the alkaloid theine. Otherwise the only one side effect Milk oolong can be considered to have an invigorating property no worse than coffee, and try to avoid drinking it before bed.

Rules for preparing and consuming milk oolong
The technology for brewing milk oolong should not frighten those who have already dealt with any other type of Chinese tea. The approach and principle can be compared for all varieties; it underlies the classical tea ceremony: the temperature of the water and the duration of brewing are directly proportional to the degree of fermentation of the tea. That is, if milk oolong is a semi-fermented tea, then, accordingly, it needs to be brewed longer than red, but less than green. We hasten to reassure beginners who are yet to master the intricacies of a tea ceremony performed by themselves: it is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. The main thing is not to rush, not to be nervous and strictly adhere to these fairly logical and understandable recommendations:

  1. Dishes for brewing milk oolong - porcelain or clay. Only these materials will allow you to maintain the correct temperature, will not spoil the taste of the drink with extraneous odors and tastes, and in general will create the atmosphere necessary for the tea ceremony. But it is not at all necessary to immediately purchase an expensive tea set decorated with decorative paintings. Please note that the tea ceremony master performing the tea ceremony for you will most likely use fairly simple-looking utensils. Because the main thing in it is not the external gloss, but the quality of the material and the so-called workmanship acquired over time. You will need a ceramic teapot and portion bowls. Many tea sets also include a cup of justice, but this is a desirable rather than required element of the ceremony.
  2. Water To brew milk oolong, you need to heat it to a temperature of 75-85 ° C or cool it to this level, but it is still better not to bring the water intended for the tea ceremony to a boil. No one expects you to get it from a crystal clear mountain spring, but it’s also better not to take it from the tap: bottled still table water is fine. But not mineral with a pronounced salty taste, which will inevitably affect the taste of the finished drink. We advise you to bring the water to the desired state on the stove or in electric kettle, and then pour it into a thermos to keep the temperature longer. But as the water cools down during the ceremony, it will have to be heated.
  3. Infusion quantity Take milk oolong at the rate of about 8-9 grams per 500 ml of water. You can measure with a teaspoon or using a scale, and over time you will be guided by eye. Place dry rolled tea leaves in a saucer or dry, clean bowl and let those present smell their aroma. You can let the tea brew in a circle - this will set the beginning of the ceremony and set the guests in the right mood. Just in case, we note that neither sugar nor any other additives are added to Chinese tea; snacks and sweets are also not consumed at the same time as drinking tea. There is also no question of real milk in milk oolong.
  4. Kettle To brew milk oolong, rinse the inside with hot water and/or heat it over steam so that it is ready to accept the brew and help it open. Then place the tea leaves in a warm kettle and fill it with the prepared tea (warmed up to desired temperature) water. After 5 seconds, drain the water from the kettle, leaving the steamed tea leaves inside. You have just awakened the tea, cleaned it of possible foreign impurities and dust particles. Make sure there is no water left in the kettle. This “zero brew” is not drunk, but it is a necessary stage of the tea ceremony. After this, you can proceed directly to brewing tea.
  5. Fill in milk oolong in a teapot with water and wait 1 minute. Then pour the tea into the cup of justice or immediately divide it between the bowls of the ceremony participants present at the table. The Cup of Justice, despite its loud and solemn name, does not actually have a purely practical meaning. This vessel, comparable in volume to the teapot itself, allows you to completely empty the teapot of water and helps to evenly distribute the brewed tea among portioned cups. When pouring tea into bowls directly from the kettle, the last portions will inevitably be brewed stronger than the first.
  6. Brew You can make milk oolong from the same portion of brew up to eight times. Each of them will seem a little different from the previous one - in taste and aroma. The main thing is to remember to control the temperature of the water used and gradually increase the brewing time by about half a minute each time. But this remark is only true if the tea ceremony is carried out according to all the rules. Sometimes milk oolong is simply brewed in a cup or gaiwan for personal use. Then one portion of tea leaves can be used only two, maximum three times.
  7. Drink Milk oolong is recommended in the first half of the day, best in the morning, before work or school. Then it will help you wake up, drive away any remaining drowsiness and give you the necessary boost of energy until lunchtime. True, Western perception gives milk oolong the ability to create a feeling of warmth and comfort, more appropriate in the evening at home. Of course, drinking a cup of milk oolong at the end of the day is not prohibited, but it is better to do it at least a couple of hours before going to bed. But after a heavy lunch, milk oolong helps relieve heaviness in the stomach and activates digestion, so it can be used as an excellent dessert for anyone who cares about their health and figure.
  8. Stored milk oolong is good and over time almost does not lose its taste, aroma and therapeutic qualities. But to do this, it is better to place the dry tea leaves in a clean container with a hermetically sealed lid - glass, ceramic or, in extreme cases, tin. Even the subtle delicate aroma of milky oolong in concentrated form is quite noticeable. Therefore, if you do not want it to be transferred to other teas and/or groceries, store milk oolong separately from other products.
Finally, to conclude our brief tutorial on how to brew milk oolong, this tea is often referred to as tea happy people. Why? Perhaps because its taste, soft and gentle, really puts you in a peaceful, complacent mood. You can believe it or not, but there are stories when, under the influence of milk oolong, people stopped drinking alcoholic beverages and generally became indifferent to harmful, heavy food that clogs the body. Perhaps in these situations it was only the notorious placebo effect that worked. But if the taste and/or aroma of milk oolong, at least in some cases, can inspire such positive changes in life, then you will agree that this is already a good enough reason to try it and make own opinion about this legendary drink. Be careful when choosing tea, careful when brewing and grateful when drinking - and then it will definitely give you health, longevity and beauty.

Today, milk oolong tea is becoming more and more popular. Many people associate this name with soaking the leaves in milk, and therefore it is especially life-giving, but this is not true.

Milk oolong (Nai Xiang oolong, Nai Xiang Jin Xuan - “Oolong with milk aroma”, “Golden flower with milk aroma”) is an unusual type of tea that grows in the mountainous regions of Taiwan and China.

It differs from the usual black and green in that:

  • its processing stops at the “golden mean”: it is weaker than black, but stronger than green;
  • the leaves have a more or less pronounced smell of milk and caramel, but this has nothing to do with milk: this is a feature of the fermentation of oolong (also called oolong), during which the leaves are partially oxidized and withered, acquiring milky notes naturally;
  • brewed tea acquires a golden color and spreads the aroma of cream and caramel, sometimes with a slight honey tint;
  • The leaves of this tea, when dry, are semi-rolled and unfurl when brewed in hot water and may not be the same color.

Natural milk oolong is not often found on store shelves. And it is very expensive. This is large-leaf tea, fermented, as already mentioned, in a non-standard way. Most often, the cheaper ordinary one goes under the name “Milk Oolong”. green tea with artificially imparted milky taste and smell.

Vitamin-mineral composition and calorie content

Milk oolong is a product with an extremely rich composition, numbering more than four hundred components.


  • polyphenols;
  • catechins;
  • essential oils;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • pyridoxine;
  • tocopherols;
  • calciferol;
  • theine (analogue of caffeine).

The drink is truly rich in micro- and macroelements and vitamins.

From it the body receives:

  • vitamins P, PP, A, E, B, D and C;
  • minerals magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc.

This type of tea is often included in diets designed to get rid of excess weight. Despite the variety of elements it contains and a significant amount of protein - 68.8%, milk oolong is a low-calorie product. One hundred grams of dry leaves contains only 140 kcal - 7 percent of daily value consumption, or 1.4 kcal in one teaspoon.

What types of tea are there?

The plant comes in two types: Chinese oolong tea and Taiwanese oolong tea. Drinks from the first have a more subtle taste and aroma, while the second has both much more pronounced. The Thais say this is due to the sharp fluctuations in day and night temperatures in the high mountain tea plantations. It is from Taiwanese that elite tea varieties are produced.

There are highly fermented, almost black, teas. Like, for example, very expensive and loved by true connoisseurs of Tak Hong Pao. There are varieties with weaker fermentation. And also artificially flavored - with the addition of ginseng, rose petals, cinnamon flowers and more.

To buy a truly high-quality product, you need to remember several of its characteristic qualities.

  1. Good tea has a fairly strong, pleasant aroma.
  2. Its dry leaves are curled and resemble compressed bags.
  3. The “bags” should not differ in size.
  4. The color of all elements must be the same - green.
  5. In expensive varieties of the highest quality, the color of the dried leaves is different: in the center they are green, as if they had not been subjected to fermentation. And around the edges they look like brewing large-leaf black tea.
  6. If some other additives are visible in the package, any, this means only one thing: such tea is not of high quality.

Beneficial properties of milk oolong tea for men and women

Like any other product, This tea should be consumed wisely. Only then can you experience the benefits of milk oolong and improve both your mental and physiological state.

  1. It is indispensable for the cardiovascular system, as it strengthens the walls of veins and arteries, making the heart muscle stronger and more resilient. If you drink oolong milk regularly, you can reduce age-related heart problems.
  2. A large amount of theine in tea improves tone and mood, with it a person remains cheerful and productive all day long.
  3. On the contrary, when overexcited, milk oolong can calm the nervous system.
  4. 2-3 cups of drink a day very noticeably improve the condition of the skin with dermatic problems, even with eczema.
  5. Minerals and antioxidants in tea protect teeth from caries and strengthen bone structure.
  6. For diabetes, especially type 2, milk oolong helps normalize blood glucose levels. It is also useful for insulin-dependent patients to drink it.
  7. Many note among beneficial properties tea has the ability to calm headache attacks.

If a woman drinks milk oolong, it significantly reduces the risk of developing breast cancer - thanks to an element with an intricate name - epigallocatechin gallate. In addition, on cellular level with the help of L-theanine and a record amount of antioxidants, the aging process of the body is inhibited, which appearance wins: skin looks flawless and eyes sparkle.

The help of oolong tea is also invaluable during menopause, when after hormonal changes it is necessary to regulate the functioning of the genitourinary system.

The drink will protect men from prostate cancer. It will also clear your mind after yesterday's wild party - polyphenols will ease your hangover.

Milk oolong for weight loss

The ability to help with weight loss is also one of the very good characteristics, which is used by many admirers of this tea.

The culture of proper drink consumption is as follows.

  1. Just two cups a day - and the body’s metabolism will be 10 percent more active, burning excess fat.
  2. Milk oolong will “stimulate” the pancreas, causing it to more actively produce insulin, lowering the amount of sugar in the blood. This means that he will not linger, turning into body fat. And to maintain energy, new carbohydrates will enter the body with food.
  3. They have a positive effect on fat metabolism and tanning components in tea.

In general, three cups of milk oolong per day - minus 5 percent of weight in three months. Interestingly, women lose weight faster than men.

How to brew and drink black tea correctly

To feel and appreciate the taste and aroma of any tea, you need to know how to brew the drink correctly. In general, the basis of any tea ceremony is the main classical requirement: The water temperature and brewing time depend on the degree of fermentation of the leaves. This means that for black oolong they should be larger than for green.

At what temperature should you brew black tea?

It is better to take porcelain, ceramic or clay dishes for brewing. Such vessels will ensure the required temperature conditions, will not allow foreign odors to interfere, and will not spoil the tea with an alien taste.

The water should be heated to 75-850C. Or cooled to this level if it has already boiled. But still, you shouldn’t bring the water to a boil. This will prevent you from getting a perfectly balanced taste and smell.

Of course, it is unlikely that you will be able to draw water from a crystal mountain spring. However, it won't work from the tap. Best option– non-carbonated bottled canteen.

How long does it take to brew tea?

The prepared teapot should be rinsed with hot water. Why is this being done? The heated walls of the dish will help the tea leaves to open more fully. It is filled with water at the desired temperature for literally five seconds. The water is immediately drained, the steamed tea leaves inside. As experts in tea ceremonies say, this procedure “wakes up” the tea and rids it of possible dust and foreign odors.

After making sure that there is no water left in the teapot, it is filled again so that the prepared portion is immediately drunk. After a minute you can pour into cups or bowls.

You can brew tea from the same portion up to eight times. But each time the brewing time is extended by half a minute. And each time a different drink comes out, with a different taste and aroma.

It is recommended to drink tea in the first half of the day. Ideally, in the morning, before going to school or work.

Contraindications and harm from use

Despite the wonderful taste, color and smell, as well as the obvious benefits of consumption, Chinese oolong tea has some contraindications.

You shouldn't drink it:

  • pregnant women (there is a risk due to large quantities theine to provoke miscarriage or premature birth);
  • mothers who are breastfeeding;
  • people with problems gastrointestinal tract like gastritis and ulcers;
  • with urolithiasis.

It’s also better not to indulge in this tea at night, so as not to count elephants or sheep until the morning in a useless attempt to fall asleep.


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