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Russian families with one child and planning children in the future are waiting with particular trepidation for information about the extension of the current one after 216. Latest news they acted on this issue literally at the very end of 2015: Federal law No. 433-FZ dated December 30, 2015, amendments were made to the legislation on maternity capital and the order of the President of the Russian Federation was carried out regarding the extension of the state program until 2018 inclusive.

General characteristics of the program

The federal program was developed and put into effect with the aim of increasing the birth rate and bridging the demographic gaps that formed after the collapse of the USSR and economic problems in the country. An analysis of the 10-year program showed positive dynamics and an increase in the birth rate in the country as a whole.

The program is aimed at supporting families raising more than one child, while maternity capital funds can be spent for the following purposes:

  • purchase of housing;
  • formation of the mother’s pension, namely its funded part;
  • children's education;
  • adaptation of children who have been diagnosed as a disabled child.

Annual allows you to protect against inflation and rising prices. Since in this year Due to economic problems, indexation was not carried out; obviously, the next increase in maternity capital should be expected only at the beginning of 2017. Experts suggest that next year the increase after indexation could be set at 6%.

Attention! The size of maternity capital for 2016 is set at 453,026 rubles, the same as in 2015.

Use of maternity capital funds in 2016

The latest innovation among the purposes of use is the ability to use maternal capital funds for social adaptation and rehabilitation of disabled children, including the purchase of necessary equipment.

Please note that the changes also affected the disposal of funds for the purposes of... Currently, it is possible to use it to pay a down payment on mortgage loans until the child turns 3 years old. This condition allows many families to improve their living conditions in a short time.

The question of the possibility of a lump sum funding from maternity capital funds is also being considered. The practice of such payment already took place in 2015. The final decision on this issue will be made on February 18, 2016 after the Government of the Russian Federation approves the Anti-Crisis Plan for the current year.

What to expect after 2016?

The extension of the program for 2 years has already taken place, so many citizens are concerned about the issue of changes in the program that could be made to it this year. All proposed and discussed changes can be divided into the following groups:

  • regarding purposes of use;
  • regarding the requirements for families participating in the program;
  • relative to the size of the capital.

Expanding the purposes of use is the most pressing and discussed issue. The areas in which maternity capital can be used, provided for by law, are not suitable for many; for example, some do not have the opportunity to purchase housing, including a mortgage. For this reason, in most cases, maternity capital remains unrealized. In this regard, legislators are considering expanding the opportunity to use maternity capital funds, for example, when purchasing a car, paying for treatment (expensive operations), opening a business, and others.

The President of Russia, when discussing the issue of extending the program, noted that its conditions might be revised. In particular, the circle of families eligible to participate in the program may be narrowed based on property, since the program was aimed primarily at supporting low-income families and families with difficult financial situations. In addition, the issue of providing state guarantee funds only to families with 3 or more children is being discussed.

Discussions regarding the size of maternity capital, unfortunately, come down only to the issue of indexation. Thus, depending on the state of the economy next year, it is planned to use an indexation coefficient equal to actual inflation. Taking into account the fact that in 2016 indexation was not used at all, the application of the declared indexation is also in question. The issue of increasing the amount of capital to 1.5 million rubles is also being discussed, but only for families with 3 or more children.

Attention! If the program providing 1,500,000 rubles for 3 children is approved, then most likely it will not apply to those families who have already used the right to maternity capital at the birth of 2 children.

Currently, all the proposals mentioned above are only at the discussion stage, and it is not yet possible to determine which of them will be approved and which will not. The adopted bill on prolongation of the program concerns the deadline itself. At the moment, it is premature to talk about any significant changes in the program itself in 2016.

Extension of the maternity capital program: video

Maternity capital in 2018: changes, latest news for 2 children. Will maternity capital be extended after 2018? Latest news, until what year will it be valid? Maternity capital for the purchase of a car, has the law been passed or not?

The family support program in Russia began in 2007, initially planned for 10 years. Its main goal was to solve the problem of low demographic growth in the country.

In 2015, by decision of the head of state, the program was extended for several more years. That is, maternity capital will be valid until December 31, 2018, and the issued certificates are not limited in terms of use.

Maternity capital in 2018: changes, latest news for 2 children.

In 2018, the program within which maternity capital operates will not change. The certificate can only be obtained once at the birth of a second or subsequent child. Since 2015, the amount has not been indexed and in 2018 will be 453,026 rubles. Directions for spending from maternity capital will remain the same.

A significant change coming next year is due to the end of the program. It is not yet known whether it will end its existence in its current form or will be extended with significant changes.

Maternity capital in 2018. Size and latest changes

Several years ago, the country was hit by a wave of crises that led to a budget revision. The government decided to reduce spending on many social programs, including the payment of maternity capital. Despite this, the initial amount has almost doubled and currently amounts to 453,026 rubles. In 2018, maternity capital will not be indexed.

The program was introduced at a favorable time for the country. During the economic crisis, it became more difficult to make payments, which led the Government to decide to stop indexing maternity capital until 2020.

Maternity capital in 2018. Table - Indexation of maternity capital (2007-2018)

Year Indexation, % Amount of maternity capital, rub. Annual inflation

250 000



276 250


312 162


343 378


365 698


387 640


408 960


429 408


453 026


453 026


453 026


453 026

Compared to 2007, in 2017 the maternity capital certificate increased by 81%. If the Government had not resorted to freezing funds in 2015, the amount would now exceed 500,000 rubles. But due to the economic crisis, indexation of funds had to be suspended. The next indexation is planned only in 2020.

The Government is currently considering extending the program until 2023. But most officials believe that this will only worsen the demographic situation in the country, since there will be no more incentive to have a second or subsequent child before the end of the program. The Ministry of Finance, in turn, proposes to extend the program until 2019, and then make significant changes.

Additional payment of 250 thousand to maternity capital in 2018

There was a rumor about the supplement back in April of this year. An article was published on the website of Life that the Government had decided to pay monetary compensation in the amount of 250,000 rubles to mothers whose age has not reached 35 years. The money received can be spent on any needs, without focusing on the directions of the maternity capital program.

The publication noted that these changes will be introduced in 2018, which raised a lot of questions among young families. This news has never received official confirmation from the Government, but the information has already spread all over the Internet.

In June of this year, the Government discussed issues of increasing the demographics of our country. Options for extending the program and introducing new social activities to support young families were considered. In the same month, the head of the country outlined directions related to demographic policy.

  1. The fate of maternity capital at the end of the program: is it worth extending the program, what changes need to be made, which categories of citizens will fall under the new conditions - the question remains open.
  2. Increase in regional and federal child benefits:
  • for pregnancy and childbirth;
  • when registering for pregnancy in the early stages;
  • at the birth or adoption of a child;
  • monthly care payments for up to 1.5 years;
  • lump sum payments to the wife of a serviceman.
  1. Solving problems with places in kindergarten for children under 3 years old. Expansion of nursery groups.
  2. Providing housing for large families.

Maternity capital in 2018. Cash payments in 2018

In 2016, the Government passed a law stating that families who own a maternity capital certificate can receive 25,000 rubles in cash from it for personal needs. The decision was made in order to increase the social protection of families during the economic crisis.

Payments were made to all families who wished, without taking into account the criteria of need, who had an unspent balance on the certificate. The event was one-time and exceptional. The social measure did not provide for any extension.

This year you cannot withdraw cash from maternity capital. Most likely, lump sum payments will also not be paid in 2018. But no final decision was made on this issue.

Money from maternity capital can only be received by bank transfer. Attempting to withdraw funds in cash is illegal and may result in criminal acts of misuse of public funds.

Matkapital: obtaining a certificate and what you can spend it on

You can receive maternity capital:

  • a citizen of the Russian Federation who gave birth to or adopted a second child;
  • a citizen of the Russian Federation, being the sole adoptive parent of the second (subsequent) child;
  • a man who is the father or adoptive parent of a child whose mother was deprived of parental rights, died or was convicted of a crime against her child;
  • a minor child or student under 23 years of age in full-time education in the event of termination of the right to additional measures of state support for the father or woman, being the only parent.

The birth or adoption of a child must be recorded after January 1, 2007.

To register family capital you must:

  1. Registration of a birth or adoption certificate for a child.
  2. Registration of a certificate for maternity capital. Issued once at the birth (adoption) of a second or subsequent child. There are no deadlines for registration. To receive maternity capital, you must have a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, SNILS, a birth certificate of a child (two or more children) and an application according to the sample. Documents are provided at the place of residence to the branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.
  3. Receiving notification of the issuance or refusal of a certificate.
  4. Receive a certificate in person or by mail. This point is discussed in advance during registration.

In 2018, the list of opportunities for disposing of maternity capital will remain unchanged. These still include:

  • changing living conditions for the better: buying a new home or reconstructing existing real estate;
  • payment educational services: paid education of the child in higher educational institutions;
  • repayment of mortgage payments: a new direction that plans to develop in 2018;
  • adaptation of disabled children;
  • pension accumulation: among all applications, only 1% prefer to use this opportunity.

Will it be extended after 2018

On June 1, 2015, a law on extending maternity capital for 5 years (until 2023) in the form in which it currently exists was submitted to the Government. The proposal was supported, but doubts arose about its profitability from an economic point of view. By extending the bill, there is a possibility of a drop in the birth rate.

There will be quite a lot of time before the end of the program, so its participants will not rush to have a second child. But the question of reforming the program remains open, namely:

  • issue maternity capital at the end of 2018 only in regions with low birth rates or to families whose living wage will be less than 2.5.
  • issue maternity capital to improve housing conditions for low-income families.

So far there is no specific answer about the completion or extension of the program. Most likely, this issue will be considered in the coming year and the decision will be made personally by the country’s leadership, as happened in 2015.

What will happen to maternity capital after 2018

At the end of the program, there are several assumptions about possible events in relation to maternity capital:

  1. Extension of the program as it is currently used. The Ministry of Labor has already proposed extending the programs until 2023. It is difficult to say that the country has reached the desired level of childbearing; the situation is still unstable. Therefore, to motivate families to have at least two children, demographic measures will be necessary.
  2. Cancellation of maternity capital. For now, this is the decision that the Government adheres to. Several reasons led to this conclusion:
  • the social objectives of maternity capital will be fully achieved by the end of 2018;
  • in the form in which the program exists now, it will be ineffective in the new conditions;
  • The country's budget will be reduced, so it will not be possible to allocate money to support families.
  1. Extension of the program, making significant changes:
  • it is possible to redistribute the funds used for other or additional needs;
  • changing the payment format (for example, monthly cash compensation for large families);
  • the program operates in certain regions where the birth rate is significantly lower than the national average;
  • indicate the circle of people who need maternity capital more than others.

It is worth noting that if the program is completed, the certificate will continue to be valid. The terms for using funds are not limited. But the amount of maternity capital will not be indexed until 2020 and will amount to 453,026 rubles. The only thing to be wary of is that the amount will be eaten up by inflation. Therefore, the sooner the certificate is used, the more benefits program participants can receive.

Vladimir Putin, speaking on December 3, 2015 in the Kremlin with his annual message to the Federal Assembly, instructed the Government and the State Duma to work on the issue of:

Let us recall how the long-term demographic program “On additional measures of state support for families with children” mat. capital was initially planned for 10 years - from 01/01/2007 to 12/31/2016. Now, in accordance with the instructions of the President, the expiration date will be postponed by at least another 2 years - until December 31, 2018

Already on December 5, the Minister of Labor and Social Protection Maxim Topilin reported that a bill on extending the program for 2 years, agreed with other relevant ministries, had been prepared and submitted to the Government.

At the same time, in accordance with the text of the draft law, already approved at the Government meeting on December 10, 2015, the implementation of the program for 2017 and 2018. will be characterized the following features:

  • a state certificate confirming the right of families with children to maternity capital will be issued by branches of the Pension Fund (PFR) upon the birth or adoption of a second or subsequent child on time until December 31, 2018 inclusive;
  • extension of the maternity capital program for 2 years will entail additional expenses from the federal budget in the amount of 807.4 billion rubles;
  • in two additional years they will be able to obtain a state certificate more than 1.5 million families at the birth or adoption of a second or subsequent child: 829.86 thousand new certificates are planned to be issued in 2017 and another 810.14 thousand in 2018;
  • The government plans to return the mechanism for indexing the amount of payments starting in 2017, but now it will carried out according to actual inflation(based on the results of the year), in connection with which the amount of the certificate may be:
    • in 2017 - 480 thousand rubles.(increase by 6%);
    • in 2018 - 505 thousand rubles.(another 5.2%).

    However, these plans to index maternal capital based on actual inflation may be hindered by the difficult situation in the economy.

    For example, according to estimates of the Ministry of Economic Development, announced on December 7 by the head of the department Alexey Ulyukaev According to the results of 2015, inflation in Russia may reach 12.5%. If we index maternity capital by this amount, then only in 2016 the amount of payments under the certificate would exceed 500 thousand rubles, amounting to 509 thousand 654 rub. 25 kopecks- in current situations this amounts to an unaffordable amount for the budget.

    Earlier, Vladimir Putin noted that there were reasonable doubts about the spending of such "large, serious funds". However, after necessary calculations it became obvious that the state would be able to “reliably guarantee and pay for these payments, despite any problems” - only the appropriate political will.

    Maternity capital - changes in 2016

    However, the possibility of implementing the program on the same terms as early as 2016 may be hampered by a number of unfavorable internal and external economic factors.

    Speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko that the decision was finally made not to index, leaving it at the current level - 453 thousand 026 rubles. This was done with the aim of reducing the budget deficit by reducing social spending (the state's priority is war, internal security, bureaucracy and social protection of the least protected categories of the population - pensioners, low-income families, etc.).

    Now this norm will be fixed at the legislative level - on December 4, the law was adopted in the third final reading “On the federal budget for 2016”, which does not provide for a clause on the next indexation of the amount of funds under the maternal certificate:

    It should be noted that in the future, due to the difficult economic situation and the decision taken on the extension of the program, this practice can be consolidated on a permanent basis, and therefore families with children have an economic advantage in earlier: without waiting 3 years from the date of birth or adoption of the child;

  • provide for from 2016 a fundamentally new direction of spending funds -

Many families in Russia decided to have a second child thanks to maternal capital. After all, several hundred thousand rubles will never be superfluous in the family budget. Especially if a young family has no housing and rich parents.

Maternity capital has been issued in our country since 2007. Then young mothers received 250 thousand rubles. And, unfortunately, mothers of second children next year will be the last to receive maternity capital. Because the program will most likely be closed in 2017. Those who want to get more than 450 thousand rubles need to give birth to a baby doll before the end of next year.

This is due to the fact that the Ministry of Finance decided to reduce budget expenditures due to the crisis. In addition, the government is thinking of canceling the program altogether, without waiting for 2017. Or change the principle of providing assistance: they will issue maternity capital only to those in need. Another proposal is not to index maternity capital in the next 3 years. Most likely, the Ministry of Finance will choose the third option - not to index maternity capital.

The final decision will be made literally in the next few days - November-December - when the new budget is approved.

However, next year maternity capital will still be issued. In addition, its size will increase by 22 thousand rubles. That is, young mothers will receive a certificate worth 475 thousand rubles starting from January. This year, families received 453 thousand rubles, and in 2014 - 429 thousand.

For those who do not yet know, a certificate for maternity capital can be presented when purchasing a home, when receiving an education, and also transfer money to the mother’s pension. This, by the way, is the most unclaimed point. According to statistics, Russians mainly spend their capital on buying housing. And by the way, there are rumors that next year they may be allowed to use the certificate only for improving living conditions. The remaining items will be removed as unnecessary.

There is an innovation: the government has approved the use of maternal capital for special goods for children with disabilities. These are, for example, ramps, lifting devices, special beds and tables, displays and keyboards with a special font.

In addition, as the media write, perhaps families will be allowed to spend maternity capital on paying for private kindergartens. Of course, only those will pay preschool institutions who are licensed.

Another innovation: control over the use of maternal capital will be strengthened in 2016 due to large quantity cash-out fraud. Not all parents are honest and spend money on what is allowed.

Will maternity capital be left behind after 2016?

The fact that this program is needed is beyond doubt among ordinary Russians and deputies. But there is still no decision on whether to leave the program or not after 2016. Everything will depend on the economic situation in the country.


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