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For a hunter, sooner or later the question arises of how to lure wild forest boars to a tower or blind. After all, not everyone has the desire and opportunity to participate in collective round-ups. To lure wild boars, you can use natural plant baits, specially designed artificial baits, and even regular diesel fuel.

Food baits for wild boar

For regular hunting in a certain place, hunters or rangers sow a plot of land forage plants. Favorite foods are millet, Jerusalem artichoke, and potatoes. These crops are not very demanding on agricultural technology. Part of the harvest can be harvested in the fall and the wild boars can be fed in winter. And leave some in the ground. Wild boars love to rummage in the ground and dig up treats themselves. You also need to take care of the availability of water. You can dig a small pond nearby.

If there is no time for gardening, they organize feeders or simply places where food is constantly added. Boars are omnivores, so in addition to the usual beets, Jerusalem artichoke, small potatoes, and corn, any fragrant food will do. You can lure wild boars with crackers, chips, dog and cat food. To determine what local wild boars like, you can add a bunch of vegetable food and a bunch of dry food without mixing. Whatever the animals are more willing to eat, then add it later. The effectiveness of food bait depends on the regularity of complementary feeding.

Artificial bait for wild boar

Flavoring of female wild boar secretions in the form of plates, spray. A synthetic product that imitates the smell of an excited female wild boar. Very effective for luring male boar. Imitates the aroma of musk, secretions, pheromones. Even a boar’s sensitive sense of smell does not distinguish a 100% synthetic product from a real female. The flavoring is safe for the animals themselves. The bait is simply hung on tree branches near the hunting site. For better results, you can use semolina.

An interesting gel has the scent of an excited female wild boar. The flavor “works” even in extreme weather conditions (snowfall, thunderstorm, rain) for several hours. The gel is applied along the path leading to the hunting site in the form of a dotted line. Biologically safe.

Flavoring of male wild boar secretions in the form of a spray, lozenges. A synthetic product, comparable in effectiveness and method of action to the previous product. Attracts both females looking for a partner and males looking for a competitor.

Smoking sticks with the scent of female and male boar are also sold. The stick is set on fire and rotated at an angle of 45º. Fire occurs within 10-20 seconds. If you use the stick in a vertical position, the odors spread according to the diameter and length of the stick. In snow and rain, it is recommended to use it in an inclined position, then odors spread only according to its length. This position is more effective and increases the amount of smoke attractive to wild boars. Strong wind increases the area where the odor spreads. The sticks must be placed against the wind. If you use the shelves in the evening, the wild boars will most likely appear in the morning.

Flavors with the smell of a dominant male boar, with the smell of female boar urine, and with natural boar semen are effective. These baits can attract very large fish. For their “work”, shoes are sprayed 2-3 times on the way to the hunting site. This creates an aromatic trail. Then, in the selected clearing, lozenges with the same smell are hung within a radius of 20 meters.

Chemical baits for wild boar

The technique of feeding a wild boar from simple to complex and more effective with examples and specific recommendations.

Step 1. Find resting, feeding or trail areas for the wild boar.

Wild pigs love to wallow in puddles to cool off in hot weather, so tracks near large puddles and large flat pieces of mud indicate the presence of wild boars in the area. Wild pigs love to rub against trees, so traces of fur are easy to spot. Paths leading to fields or to water are also clearly visible in the forest. Finding such places gives you a serious advantage. Now you need to find a place where you can feed the wild boars. Having started feeding the wild boar in the place where it often walks, you can, by moving the bait, shift the place of bait to a place convenient for you, for example, to the edge of the forest (if you started from a path along the edge of the forest).

Step 2. Simple bait, in order to decide whether you have found a boar or only it seems to you.

Minimum costs and simplicity. Soak 2-3 kg of corn in water until the water smells sour. Gently mix the corn with the soil along the boar path and pour generously with the water in which the grain was soaked. To enhance the effect, you can use attractants like Hog Wild. If the boars have found the bait, you can start moving the bait to a place convenient for you. If we haven’t found it, we continue searching or just wait.

Step 3.

If you were able to lure the wild boar to a place convenient for you, in other words, he began to visit your bait, but not regularly yet, move on to the next step. Most likely, you do not have the opportunity to feed him daily, and the amount of food is small. We move on to measures to increase feeding time in order to keep the boar on the bait for a longer time. The least expensive way to keep a boar on bait for several hours is to make several holes in the ground about 1 m deep at a distance of 2-3 meters from each other; corn is poured into the holes; it is better to use pre-soaked corn on top (see Step 1) and attractants like Hog Wild.

Cost: grain, drill and your suffering when drilling holes. Having prepared all this during the day, in the evening you can climb into the storage shed and wait for dusk, when the wild boars come out. Issues of organizing a warehouse are not discussed in this material; everyone has their own path.

The second option, also very simple and effective, is to use PVC pipe with holes and corn inside. A metal stake is hammered at the intended feeding site and a PVC pipe with corn is attached to it on a metal chain. How to make such a pipe (here), and where to buy a ready-made one (). The option with a pipe is more effective because it allows you to use not only the aromatic component of the bait, but also the acoustic one, which works much better (). Then everything is the same as with pits.

Step 4.

This is a development of step 3. You were able to lure the wild boars to a place convenient for you, you do not have the opportunity to feed the wild boars every day, but you want to increase the likelihood of a successful hunt to the maximum. In this case, automatic boar feeders are used.

These devices allow you to distribute feed in the amount you specify at a regular interval. You can put grain in the feeder before you leave, come back a week later, hunt, top up the feed, and leave until the next weekend. Pros: The wild boar receives food very regularly, gets used to the place and time of feeding and begins to visit the feeder every day. Three people know the time and place: you, the boar and God. Cons: a feeder costs more than PVC pipe, is easier to spot and can be stolen. Options and prices for such feeders can be viewed (). How to hide a feeder (section is being written), there is a lot of room for creativity.

Feeders can be hung on a tree, they can be installed on tripods, the size of the barrel is also determined by you. For greater efficiency, it is good to use attractants like Hog Wild. And most importantly, in the case of using an automatic boar feeder, you can use remotely controlled illumination (IR or regular) very effectively, which significantly increases the likelihood of a good shot in the dark.

Step 5. You are deservedly lucky and you have caught a wild boar.

Congratulations from the bottom of my heart. In order to butcher a wild boar, there are also convenient devices: your favorite hunting knife and a block hanger, which will significantly simplify the procedure. I also recommend using gloves; they will keep your clothes clean and your hands protected from infections that may occur in the wild.

Some types of hunting require the hunter to organize feeding for the animal, for example, hunting a wild boar. Baits force the boar to stay in place. This can achieve a livestock increase of approximately 30% compared to last year’s winter count. But most the increase will be killed by hunters and poachers, so the total number of wild boars, in general, will not increase. Please note that if the wild boar density is below 3 individuals per 1000 hectares of area, hunting cannot be done; such a low density means that there are no wild boars.

In such situations, you can use the “vacuum cleaner” method, which consists of constant moderate feeding of the wild boar at the borders of hunting grounds or excessive feeding in the center of the territory. Then all the wild boars living within a radius of 50 km and beyond will gather on the farm. You will be able to shoot them, as new herds will come and replenish the number of wild boars.

It is not possible to make a good feeding that will not be detected by strangers. Therefore, the place for organizing feeding should be chosen not only according to the habitat of the wild boar, but for ease of control.

In order for the wild boar to remain in the field area, it is better to equip a feeding area next to the field itself. This is a shed where potatoes, grain, corn, apples, etc. are scattered. In the summer, a bath with diesel fuel or waste is made in this place, in the winter - a salt lick.

Near the places where there will be a feeding field, it is worth thinking in advance and providing places for hiding and feeding during the hunting period, when there will be no more fields. It is better to organize feeding and fields away from places accessible to auto hunters (farers). In no case do not forget that you need to constantly monitor their access to feeding areas.

In order for wild boars to gain weight and produce hardy and healthy offspring, it is necessary to arrange special fodder fields on the hunting farm, sowing them with cereals. In the forest belt, special troughs (feeders) are installed, into which grain, bakery products and, of course, salt are poured.

Salt is an essential component in the diet of animals. It is needed for the normal occurrence of biochemical reactions in any organism. Wild animals often suffer from a lack of salt, as it is difficult to find in the forest. In order to solve this problem, special salt licks are installed in places where wild boars constantly feed.

Feeding the wild boar in the hunting area is organized not only to increase the population size, but also to accustom the animal to one place. This makes hunting it much easier, because it becomes obvious to the huntsman when and where the boar will appear.

Feeders for wild boars do not have any special device. The boar only picks up food from the ground, so the food is simply placed on the ground or placed in a dug hole. There is no need to arrange any kind of shed if we are talking about ordinary feed, and not those that are easily washed away by precipitation.

As a rule, on a bypass area of ​​12-15 thousand hectares, 3, sometimes 4 feedings are organized. If there is a desire and funds allow, then the number of sites can be increased, this will only benefit the wild boars. To do this in the summer, you need to clear the area for fertilizing, dig a silo, and make a normal entrance. Feed is delivered in September-October. If you do this earlier, they will begin to sprout and quickly become unusable. Until February-March you need to constantly replenish the food.

Suitable feed materials include waste from grain crops, root crops, special feed, and corn. The latter is consumed by wild boars both in the form of grain and in the form of cobs.

The amount of feed should be calculated based on the number of livestock. As a rule, at least a carload of feed is imported at a time to start the biochemical ensiling reaction.

In the case of grain waste, they are laid out on the ground with the turf removed. This creates a “cushion” for the wild boars to tear apart.

It's impossible to feed a wild boar, but you can support them winter time: once a week, two bags of oats and 2-3 buckets of potatoes are enough.

The oats should not be poured out in a heap, but divided into portions and placed at a distance of 5-8 meters from each other. This will allow both young and adults to feed at the same time. If there are three fields in a detour, then wild boar hunting should be carried out only on two of them, the third field is a reserved field.

Using bait on wild boar is considered a difficult task.
Baits always have their own expiration dates, as well as a “blend” of effective components
(according to the manufacturer), with one name it is different for everyone
manufacturer. This all affects efficiency in the conditions where and how you
hunt. There are differences between hunts in the “blanket” and “corral”, where the use
baits also take place, and,
quite effective.

Boar baits and
their use

The main attraction of hogs is that
hunters want to do. To lure means to attract the animal to where the hogs are
do not roam at all using scent-based baits. Lures that
based on the aroma of only “food”, with some exceptions, is a waste
time and money when it comes to attracting a boar! They don't work except
cases when you succeeded in times of hunger with the help of food baits
designate a habitat. In this case, the associative experience of the boar can
lead the animal to a new place where complementary food has been provided, but only when these are animals
from the halo you designated.

The boar is being hunted for food after the fact when it comes across
at him, and not because he smelled him from afar. This is why many hunters
believe that the location chosen to attract the boar is
Very important point, since boars are not attracted by the smell. Location
They must determine the bait by chance! There have been cases when food attractants,
and the bait was placed just a few meters from the trail (trail) and the boars
she was not found. The bait should be placed in the trail before
the boar would have found her. These facts are very important and must be taken into account when baiting wild boars.

Besides this, when it comes to luring a new
terrain, wild boars require constant feeding with new food until the given
place will not be deposited in their “head”. Hogs always want to eat fresh food. Why
we spend money and time using feed baits based on grains and other

"Seasoned" grain or similar feed has
actually there is good use to block other outsiders
odors as a fragrant covering.

When you are hunting in a blind spot, and wild boars are not frequent guests,
the use of feed attractants with sufficiently strong aromas is unlikely to
will "bring it" to you. This will require patience and time. However, as for some hunters,
they are not ready to wait long for a wild pig when it comes to hunting, which
they gather where they spend money to buy bait. More famous
We have “inexpensive” attractants based on grains “CRACK” and “HOG”. After all, neither
one of them does not give quick results, so don't expect a miracle.

Boar baits are essentially artificial
flavoring of male secretions, including
including urine or the smell of an excited female. Some of them work in any
weather. Proven to be excellent: a mixture of fruit and corn oil with aromas
mushrooms, as well as a brown resinous liquid that smells like smoke. And the usual one
the set of baits includes: simulators of female and male urine, sexual secretions
an excited female, fermented fruit, smoldering sticks and a drug,
the overwhelming smell of a person.

The concentration of the odor determines the attitude of animals towards it,
Excessive repels, respectively, small attracts. It doesn't smell like food
As for the opposite, here everything is the opposite: greater concentration attracts more. Also
a lot depends on weather conditions. It is worth considering that with warming,
An increase in humidity increases the evaporation of odorous substances. Special role
Wind speed also plays a role, reducing or increasing the boar’s sensitivity to

Now there are special gels that are designed for
luring a wild boar. They spread a smell that is so real that wild boars are unable to pass by. At
In the production of gels, natural substances are used, and the bait does not harm animals.
apply. Grass, stumps, earth, trees, snow can be used as impregnation.
near the hunter's hideout, reliably masking his scent. It is worth noting that the oldest
The bait for this animal is resin, moisture-resistant, long-lasting, highly effective,
with an intense odor. Also, many hunters use
kerosene, and very effective.

Until recently, all this was the lot of only professionals,
Hunting enthusiasts have only recently acquired the opportunity to have bait. Hunting with
they make it much easier and more effective and interesting. Huge
assortment, as well as skillful use of baits makes it possible to regulate
movement of the boar in the desired direction.

The following can be said about well-chosen places. On
each trail has "bases" where wild pigs somehow
stop, and this is not caused by the amount of food per square meter. If
If you are planning to “pave” a path for the animal and create a base along it, then at least study these places.

In general, the practice of using a complex of baits is completely justified.
Hormonal and food-musk baits
the boar is brought to the right place and forced to stop in search of food,
and in this case, fodder and salt licks complete the picture we need.

We already had a similar publication, but now everything is exactly the opposite. Now our task is to attract wild boars as quickly as possible. In principle, knowing the habitat of this animal, it will not be difficult for you to bring it to a place convenient for you. It doesn’t matter what time of year, no matter what month on the calendar.... Knowing the habits of a given animal, you will definitely meet it, of course, with a certain approach.

Well, for example, now is the end of May, the easiest and effective method attracting a boar looks something like this. We visit any car service center and purchase, beg for, and take 5 liters of “waste oil,” the waste oil remaining in the car’s engine after replacement. Next we buy 5 liters diesel fuel, diesel fuel. Mix this mixture and we get 10 liters of the best “boar spirits”. We move into the forest, find a low spot, a never-drying puddle with traces of the presence of a wild boar, and pour out 2.5 liters of our perfume. Having moved 1-1.5 km away, we look for a similar place and repeat the procedure. Thus, we get 4 bathing suits that emit a solarium aroma. Solar baths work very well in spruce forests! The main thing is, when taking a bath, look around and see where you will sit while waiting for the beast to come out. First we choose a place to hang out, and only then for swimming. In the next 3-5 days at least one bathing suit will start working. Wild boars will appear on it, they will walk densely while the weather is hot. The interval is 1 night, when the temperature drops, the interval is 3-4 nights. All this will continue until late autumn. The beast comes out at nightfall. All this is due to the appearance of a huge number of stinging, biting insects. May and June are the most visited months of the year. And your swimsuit, like a magnet, will collect wild boars from all over the area. The wild boar can smell diesel fuel from great distances.

Next, we select one or two bathing suits for our subsequent hunts. Now our task is to “slow down” the beast in the place we need. The boar is omnivorous, this creature will eat everything you offer it, but even it has its own priorities. From my experience I can say - apples, but they have a drawback - they are noticeable to other hunters. So mask them up, don't forget to cut them up or crush them one or two for scent. And compound feed! The best compound feed, compound feed for fish. It is the most fragrant, and the pile of brown balls is almost invisible. In the absence of such delights, he used ordinary grains - oats, wheat. But the area is full of the same oat feeders and pork lovers. I had to make sure that my feeders were visited first. Next was a trip to the store or market. Through simple negotiations, I received brine from the herring; it is usually poured from buckets and barrels - and it is our secret weapon! How many times have I heard that wild boars don’t go to feeders? The lazy don't go to the feeders! Eat dry grain yourself when everything around you is growing and sprouting. All this works all year round. If there is no brine, I always add salt to the grain and pour unrefined, smelly sunflower oil. In general, smell plays a dominant role in boar hunts. Finding this pile of dry grain in the forest is not easy, but if it smells or there is a swimming pool nearby, then everything is different.

I was told about the following method - they put grain and burn the top layer of grain or grains of the pile with a burner. The smell of burnt grain attracts wild boars. Unfortunately, I haven’t tried it myself yet, but the logic is there.

The next bait is freshly baked bread. Usually a couple of loaves of this aromatic product do not leave our friends indifferent. I experimented a lot with scented baits from hunting stores. Lures, scents, smoking sticks to attract animals...... I did not observe any particular effect. I burned money for a couple of years - then I quit.

Well, if you want to pamper the wild boars, before leaving for the “land of eternal hunting,” treat them with herring. It will be an act of goodwill, they will appreciate it.

There is no need to pile up huge piles of bait, just 5-6 apples, a 1.5 kg pile of feed and the beast is yours. The system is important here - not a lot, but every day! During the summer months, the wild boar moves 4-6 km per night, and it will definitely look at your feeder.

Another important aspect. By placing the feeder next to the bathing area you camouflage your presence. This will be especially useful if a single cleaver or an old seasoned pig starts visiting the feeder. In 80 cases out of 100, she will “buy you out” instantly. In this case, I recommend that before landing at a hideout, storage shed, or tristand, take a 0.33 bottle of diesel fuel and walk around, periodically splashing the diesel fuel, a circle with a diameter of 20-25 meters. In the center of the circle is your seat. The smell is familiar to the beast, but now there is a twenty-meter barrier between you and the boar. The beast, as a rule, has no chance.

This is something like this, we hunt, try it works.


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