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Entropy, according to Boltzmann, is about probability. Objects with low entropy are neatly organized so they are unlikely to exist. Objects with high entropy are vague, which means that the probability of their existence is high. Entropy always increases because it is much easier for things to be disordered.

This may sound depressing, especially if you love order in your home. But give Boltzmann's ideas a chance: they seem to explain the arrow of time.

Boltzmann's approach to entropy explains why it always increases. This in turn suggests why we always experience forward temporal movements. If the Universe as a whole moves from low entropy to high entropy, we will never see anything going backwards.

We won't see how the egg is assembled because there are many ways to organize the parts of an egg, and almost all of them result in a broken egg rather than a whole one. Likewise, ice won't melt back, burns won't heal, and ankles won't tighten back after spraining.

Boltzmann's definition of entropy even explains why we remember the past but not the future. Imagine the opposite: you have a memory of an event, then it happens and the memory disappears. The chances of that happening to this brain are extremely low. According to Boltzmann, the future is different from the past simply because entropy increases. But his annoying opponents pointed out the error in his reasoning.

Boltzmann said that entropy increases as you move into the future, thanks to the probabilities that govern the behavior of small objects like atoms. But these small objects themselves obey fundamental laws of physics that do not draw a line between the past and the future. Boltzmann's argument can therefore be turned on its head. If you argue that entropy increases as you move into the future, you can argue that entropy will increase as you move into the past.

Boltzmann thought that an egg would break rather than remain intact; it would be reasonable to expect whole eggs to break. But there is another interpretation. Intact eggs are so rare and incredible that the eggs must spend most of of their time, broken, extremely rarely coming together to become whole for a moment and then break again. In short, one can use Boltzmann's ideas about entropy to argue that the future and past must be similar. But we don’t see this, so we return to our original position. Why, after all, does the arrow of time exist?

Boltzmann proposed several solutions to this problem. One of the best became known as the past hypothesis. It is very simple: at some point in the distant past, the Universe was in a state of low entropy. If so, the gap in Boltzmann's reasoning is closing. The future and past look different because the past had higher entropy than the future. Therefore, the eggs beat, but do not collect.

It seems logical, but a new question arises: why should the hypothesis of the past be true? A state of low entropy is unlikely, so why should the entropy of the Universe in the past be low? Boltzmann was never able to resolve this issue. In a state of almost constant depression, rejected by the physics community, he was confident that his life's work would be forgotten. On family holiday near Trieste in 1906, Ludwig Boltzmann hanged himself.

His suicide was especially tragic because within ten years physicists had accepted Boltzmann's ideas about atoms. Moreover, in subsequent decades, new discoveries showed that explanations for the past hypothesis could well be found.

In the 20th century, our picture of the Universe changed dramatically. We discovered that it has a beginning.

In Boltzmann's time, most physicists believed that the Universe was eternal - it had always existed. But in the 1920s, astronomers discovered that galaxies were flying apart. The universe is expanding, they guessed. This means that once upon a time everything was much closer and tighter.

Over the next few decades, physicists came to agree that the Universe began at an incredibly hot and dense point. It quickly expanded and cooled, forming everything that exists today. This rapid expansion out of the tiny hot Universe was called the Big Bang.

Everything spoke in favor of the hypothesis of the past. “People said, OK, obviously the young universe had low entropy,” says Carroll. “But why entropy was initially low, 14 billion years ago at the time of the Big Bang, no one knows.”

To be fair, a huge cosmic explosion certainly doesn't sound like something with low entropy. Explosions are usually represented by anything but order. There were many ways in which matter and energy were organized in the young Universe, which is why it was hot, tiny, and expanding. However, as it turns out, entropy is a little different when there is so much energy around.

Imagine a huge empty region of space, in the center of which there is a cloud of gas with the mass of the Sun. Gravity pulls the gas together, so the gas becomes tightly packed and eventually collapses into a star. How is this possible if entropy is constantly increasing? Gas has more ways of organizing itself as it disperses and disperses.

Privilege of the masses

The answer is that gravity affects entropy, but physicists still don’t understand exactly how. In the case of massive objects, gaining mass will mean higher entropy than being dense and homogeneous. Therefore, the Universe with galaxies, stars and planets has higher entropy than the Universe filled with hot and dense gas.

We have new problem. The kind of Universe that appeared immediately after the Big Bang is hot and dense, has low entropy, and therefore is unlikely. "It's not something you'd expect to come out of a bag of universes," says Carroll.

How did our Universe start from such an unlikely state? It is not even clear what answer we would like to find. “What would count as a scientific explanation for the original state of the universe?” asks Tim Maudlin, a philosopher of physics at New York University.

There is an idea that there was something before the Big Bang. Can this be considered the low entropy of the young Universe? Carroll and one of his former students proposed a model in which "infant" universes continually come into existence by breaking away from the parent universe and expanding, much like our own. These tiny universes start out with low entropy, but the entropy of " " as a whole will always be higher.

If this is true, young universes only appear to have low entropy because we don't see the big picture. The same may be true for the arrow of time. “This kind of idea suggests that the distant past of our overall picture of the universe is exactly like the distant future,” says Carroll.

There is no broad agreement on Carroll's explanation. Just suggestions, but nothing promising. Part of the problem is that our best theories of physics cannot explain the Big Bang. Without an explanation of what happened during the birth of the Universe, we cannot explain why it has low entropy.

Modern physics relies on two major theories. Quantum mechanics explains the behavior of small things like atoms, and general relativity explains large things like stars. But combine.

So if something is very small and very heavy, like the universe at the time of the Big Bang, physicists will be stumped. To explain the young universe, they need to combine the two theories into a “theory of everything.” The general theory will most likely explain the arrow of time. This theory will also explain how nature structures space and time. But for decades, no one has even come close to a theory of everything. Although there are certainly candidates.

The most promising theory of everything may be string theory, which states that everything subatomic particles. String theory also states that space has extra dimensions beyond the known three, which are collapsed to microscopic sizes, and we live in a kind of multiverse.

This all sounds rather strange. Still, most particle physicists see string theory as our best candidate for a theory of everything. However, this does not help us explain why time moves forward. Like almost every other fundamental physical theory, the equations of string theory do not draw a strict line between the past and the future. Even if string theory turns out to be correct, it may not explain the arrow of time.

Working with Lee Smolin at the Perimeter Institute in Waterloo, Canada, Marina Cortes is working on alternatives to string theory that incorporate the arrow of time at a fundamental level.

Cortes and Smolin propose that the Universe consists of a series of completely unique events that never repeat themselves. Each set of events can only influence the events in the next set, thus building the arrow of time. “We hope that if we can apply these types of equations to cosmology, we will come to the problem of the initial conditions of the universe and find that there is nothing special about them,” says Cortes.

This explanation is completely at odds with Boltzmann's, when the arrow of time follows from the laws of probability. “Time is not an illusion,” says Cortez. “It exists and it really is moving forward.”

Most physicists don't see a problem with Boltzmann's explanations. "Boltzmann pointed out right direction to find a solution, and for a very long time, says David Albert, a philosopher of physics at Columbia University in New York. “There is a real hope that if you dig deep enough, everything will turn out to be just as Boltzmann said.” Carroll agrees. “If the Big Bang has low entropy, that’s it. We will be able to explain all the differences between the past and the future."

Be that as it may, to explain the arrow of time, we need to explain the state of low entropy at the start of our Universe. For this, any theory can be useful, the theory of everything, string theory, the theory of causal series by Cortez and Smolin. People have been looking for a theory of everything for 90 years. How can we find her? ?

We can test it on something very small and dense. But we can't go back in time to the Big Bang, nor can we dive into a black hole and send information out of it. What do we need to do if we really want to explain why broken eggs don't come back together?

Our best hope lies in the largest machine in human history. is a particle accelerator that lies in a 27-kilometer ring on the border of France and Switzerland. It collides protons at almost the speed of light. The phenomenal energy of these collisions gives birth to new particles.

For the last two years, the LHC has been closed for repairs, but in the spring of 2015 it returned and started working with a vengeance. In 2012, he discovered the long-sought Higgs boson. This discovery brought Nobel Prize, but now the LHC wants to break its own records. With any luck, the LHC may shed light on new and unexpected fundamental particles, which will point us in the direction of the theory of everything.

It will be several years before scientists collect and analyze all the necessary data. And maybe then we'll finally understand why you can't just pick that stupid egg off your face.

OGE. Audio texts of presentations in the Russian language. Text 26. Target: prepare students for the State final certification in the Russian language in grade 9 (OGE) . Sound in MP3 format.

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"Text 26"

Time passes, but the years of war and the greatness of our victory over German fascism do not fade in human memory. It is difficult to overestimate its significance in history; now it is already clear that the entire present, and perhaps the future of humanity, is built on its foundation. And now, when peace on earth has again become unsteady, we remember the lessons taught to people by the war, and are confirmed in the confidence that we are right - the rightness of the cause of peace. And millions of young and older people - men, boys, women - accepted death, clearly realizing that, no matter how dear life was to them, the fate of the Motherland and humanity was incomparably more valuable.

The Great Patriotic War of the Soviet people against German fascism is an entire era in the history of our country, a brilliant page of its heroic past. One of the many remarkable features of the last war was its national character, when for a common cause - at the front, in industry and agriculture, in the partisan rear - everyone, young and old, fought. The war took countless lives and destroyed hundreds of villages and cities. And now invisible traces of war still remain in the hearts and souls of people.

Then all this seemed different to us, but now it seems more and more clear: our sacrifices were not in vain, every drop of blood shed on the battlefield, one way or another, brought our victory closer. Millions of human lives are eloquent evidence of this. Perhaps that is why victory was on our side, the significance of which is eternal for humanity.


Part 1

Listen to the text and complete task C1 on a separate sheet or form. First write the task number, and then the text of the concise summary.
Time passes, but the years of war and the greatness of our victory over German fascism do not fade in human memory. It is difficult to overestimate its importance in history.

One of the many remarkable features of the last war was its national character, when everyone, young and old, fought for a common cause - at the front, in industry and agriculture, in the partisan rear. Let not everyone take risks to the same degree, not everyone was heroes, but everyone gave themselves, their skill, experience and work in the name of the coming victory, which cost us a very high price.

The colossal strain of all the physical and spiritual forces of the people, enormous material costs, twenty million human lives - this is the payment of our people for their most difficult and remarkable victory in centuries. The soldier’s payment, the fighter’s personal contribution for the sake of the future, often turned out to be his own life, parting with which was very difficult, but, as often happened, there was no other way out. And millions of young and older people - men, boys, women - accepted death, clearly realizing that, no matter how dear life was to them, the fate of the Motherland and humanity was incomparably more valuable.

Yes, the soldier died simply and resignedly, fulfilling his duty honestly and to the end. But we are obliged to remember, not to forget their names and their work in the changing years, to tell our descendants about the meaning of their lives and especially their untimely death. It has long been known how deceptive and imperfect human memory is, mercilessly eroded by time, bit by bit carrying into oblivion first the secondary, less significant and bright, and then the essential. Not recorded in

documents, the history and historical experience of people, not comprehended by art, are very quickly crowded out of memory by a string of current affairs and events and are forever lost from the spiritual treasury of the people.

The dead will not remember, but we, the living, understand how we need to know as much as possible about them. It is the duty of all living people to remember them, because they, the fallen, paid for this life of ours with their own.

(According to V. Bykov)

Part 2

Read the text and complete tasks A1-A7.

(1) At the end of a clear April day, uninvited guests came to Baba Nastasya. (2) Pushing each other and tripping over the high threshold, the guys entered the house.

(3) - Hello!

(4) Baba Nastasya asked:

(5) - What do you need?

(b) The high-cheeked boy standing in front of the others immediately responded:

(7) - Are there any war relics? (8) We are putting together a museum of the Great Patriotic War, perhaps you have photographs or awards?

(9) “I have a letter from the front, from my husband, Pyotr Vasilyevich,” she said uncertainly, at random. - (10) Is it good?

(11) The letter was short and simple, (12) This is what Baba Nastasya’s husband wrote from the front:

“(13)3hello, my wife Nastasya! (14) Greetings to you from your husband Peter. (15) I live well.

(16) The smoke is given out in a timely manner, (17) But instead of shag, there is tasteless tobacco. (18) In my haste, I lost my spare pair of foot wraps. (19) I hung it up to dry, but because of the alarm they took it off - I forgot to put it in my duffel bag.
(20) We are now digging more than shooting. (21) You dig, but the trench smells of arable land. (22) And this familiar smell makes my heart ache. (23) I don’t know how much longer we’ll fight.

(24) Bow to grandfather Ivan, all your relatives and neighbors.

(25) Greetings from the front, your husband Peter.”

(26) When they finished reading the letter, the freckled girl shook her head:

(27) - No, this is not a relic. (28) All about tobacco, about foot wraps. (29) But there is no oath.

(30) - What oath? - Baba Nastasya asked dully.

(31) - “We will die, but we will not retreat!” - the elder said as written.

(32) Baba Nastasya looked at the guys in amazement.

(33) “He didn’t want to die,” she said.

(34) “That’s why it’s not a relic,” the freckled one said quietly.

(Zb) The guys left, and the house became emphatically quiet. (36) And Baba Nastasya slowly returned to the table and sat down heavily on the bench. (37) In front of her lay a letter that she had re-read countless times and which she knew by heart.

(38) When many years ago the letter arrived from the front, all the women were jealous of her. (ZE) Because no one has received letters that would warm the soul for a long time.

(40) There was a war of its own at the front, and in the village there was a war of its own: the women suffered when they harnessed themselves to the plow instead of a horse. (41) It was such plowing that at the end of the strip it became dark in the eyes, and heavy blood began to ring in the ears, and the women fell to the ground, like soldiers under fire.

(42) And then they demanded from Nastasya:

(43) - Read the letter!

(44) Nastasya - once again! - started reading:

(45) - “Hello, my wife Nastasya!,.” (4b) And the women imagined that the letter said: “Hello, my wife Nyusha!” or: “Hello, my wife Olga!” (47) It’s their husbands who greet them. (48) It was their husbands who were alive and well. (49) And it was their husbands who didn’t like tobacco, their husbands were unlucky with their foot wraps: they took off in an emergency and forgot to put them in a duffel bag. (50) Nastasya’s letter warmed the grey-faced, haggard friends and added strength to them. (51) And, again harnessing themselves to the plow, they said:

(52) - Their trench smells like arable land, but our arable land smells like a trench.

(53) The letter seemed to become common and belonged to the entire village...

(54) And this went on for a long time. (55) People from other villages came to read Nastasya’s letter. (56) And Pyotr Vasilyevich’s husband was no longer alive...

(57) Now this letter lay on the table in front of Baba Nastasya, as if it had just come from her husband. (58) And since the letter arrived, it means he is alive.

(59) And he writes, alive, about ordinary everyday things: bad tobacco and foot wraps forgotten in a hurry...

(60) But the children do not realize that those who did not write: “We will die, but we will not retreat!” stood firm and died in battle!

(61) Baba Nastasya sighed.

(According to Yu. Yakovlev)

Complete tasks A1-A7 based on an analysis of the content of the text you read. For each task A1-A7 there are 4 possible answers, of which only one is correct. Circle the answers to tasks A1-A7.

A1. Which statement corresponds to the main idea of ​​the text?

  1. Only he can be considered a hero who, while defending his homeland, swears his love for it.

  2. The guys are right when they consider only military awards and front-line photographs to be relics.

  3. True love for the Motherland does not need big words: it is tested by deeds.
    her good.

  4. It is necessary to create museums of military glory.
A2. Why does the narrator claim that “the letter seemed to become common, it belonged to the whole village”?

  1. Baba Nastasya read this letter to all the residents of the village.

  2. Each listener rested while reading the letter.

  3. The letter from Baba Nastasya’s husband is very interesting.

  4. The letter consoled the women, instilled faith in victory, and added strength to them.
AZ. How do Baba Nastasya’s memories of events related to the war characterize (sentences 38-60)?

  1. She was glad that everyone in the village envied her.

  2. She came to terms with the idea that her husband had died long ago.

  3. She was always upset when she read her husband's letter.

  4. She worked tirelessly and supported others.
A4. IN direct meaning the word “relic” means an object of religious worship associated with the attributes of the everyday “worldly” life of saints, prophets or even deities, which in the minds of believers has extraordinary, mysterious power.

Indicate the correct figurative meaning of this word in the title of the text.

  1. Memoirs of Baba Nastasya

  1. the harsh everyday life of the home front during the Great Patriotic War

  1. an ordinary everyday thing

  1. a letter from her husband, sacredly preserved as a memory of the past
A5. Based on the context, determine the meaning of the word seemed. Choose a stylistically neutral synonym and write it.

A6. In which of the pairs of these sentences do contextual synonyms help to understand the hardships of the rear?

  1. (40) There was a war of its own at the front, and in the village there was a war of its own: the women struggled when instead of a horse
    harnessed to the plow. (41) It was such plowing that at the end of the strip it became clear in the eyes
    It was dark, and the heavy blood began to ring in the ears, and the women fell to the ground, like soldiers under fire.

  2. (54) And this went on for a long time. (55) People from other villages came to read Nastasino

  3. (38) When many years ago the letter arrived from the front, all the women were jealous of her. (39) Because
    that no one has received letters that would warm the soul for a long time.

  4. (49) And it was their husbands who didn’t like tobacco, their husbands were unlucky with foot wraps: they took off
    Out of alarm, they forgot to put it in the duffel bag.
    (bO) Nastasya’s letter warmed the grey-faced, haggard friends and added strength to them.
A7. Which answer option indicates the means of verbal expression used by the author in sentences 47-49?

  1. inversion

  2. gradation

  3. syntactic parallelism

  4. epiphora
Complete tasks B1-B14 based on the text you read. Write down answers to tasks B1-B14 in words or numbers. When using forms, write words and numbers without separating them with punctuation marks and spaces (empty cells).

Q1. Replace the phraseological unit AS SAID IN WRITTEN (sentence 31) with synonymous words

mami. Write these synonyms.

Q2. From sentences 4-7, write down the word with an unverified unstressed vowel at the root.

Q3. From sentences 50-55, write down the word, the spelling of the prefix in which the right is determined
fork: “The prefix PRI- is written if it is used to mean approaching something.”

Q4. From sentences 36-40, write down a word in which the spelling of the suffix is ​​determined by the rule:

“Beli in the 1st person singular of the present or future tense, the verb ends in
-YU(-YUYU), then the suffix is ​​written -OVA-("EVA-)".

B5. In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. you

write numbers indicating occupancy in a separate application.

  • We are putting together a museum of the Great Patriotic War, (1) do you have photographs, (2) do you have any awards?

  • I have a letter from the front, (3) from my husband, (4) Pyotr Vasilyevich" (5)- said
    she is uncertain, (6) at random.
B6. . Indicate the number of the sentence in which a comma is between the parts of the compound sentence

(35) The guys left, and the house became emphatically quiet. (36) And Baba Nastasya returned to the table and sat down on the bench. (37) In front of her lay a letter that she knew by heart.

B7. In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. you

write numbers indicating commas between parts of a complex sentence.

When many years ago the letter arrived from the front, (1) all the women were jealous of her. Because no one has received letters that would warm the soul for a long time.

There was a war of its own at the front, (2) and in the village- their own: the women were straining” (3) when instead of a horse they were harnessed to a plow. It was such plowing, (4) that at the end of the strip it became dark in the eyes, (5) and heavy blood began to ring in the ears, (6) and the women fell to the ground, (7) like soldiers under fire.

B8. From sentence 18, select a dependent word for the word LOST to get a phrase built on the basis of the connection CONNECTION. Write the resulting phrase.

Q9. Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 48.

B10. Among sentences 57-60, find a sentence with a generalizing word with homogeneous members of the sentence. Write the number of this offer.

B11. Among sentences 6-13, find a sentence with introductory words. Write the number of this offer.

B12. Indicate the number of grammatical bases in sentence 21.

B13. Among sentences 46-50, find a complex non-union sentence. Write the number of this

B14. Among sentences 35-40, find a complex sentence with homogeneous clauses -

accurate. Write the number of this offer.

Lesson - preparation for a concise presentation.

Lesson objectives:

Teach to isolate the main thing in information, to shorten the text in different ways, correctly, logically and concisely express your thoughts, be able to find and appropriately, accurately use linguistic means of generalized transmission of content.

Prepare students to write a concise statement in a journalistic style;

Continue to instill in students a love of reading, literature, and books;

Equipment: didactic material (text of presentation - 1 copy for each student), reminders “How to write a concise presentation”, “How to check what you have written”.

Consolidating skills in assessing different levels of speech development;

Create an environment conducive to cultivating a sense of patriotism, a sense of pride in the heroic past of the country.

Equipment: computer, multimedia projector, interactive whiteboard, cards, assessment sheets, A3 sheets, markers. (the lesson is held in the computer science room).

Progress of the lesson.

1. Revisiting the concept of concise presentation.

In class we will prepare to write a concise summary. Remember what is special about this type of presentation?

In a concise presentation, we will retell individual fragments of the text briefly, leaving only the most important and essential.

Indeed, the task of a detailed presentation is to reproduce the source text as completely as possible while preserving the author’s style. A concise presentation requires skills in selecting essential information, briefly conveying the content of the text, provided that the author’s main thoughts, the sequence of events, and the characters of the characters are conveyed without distortion.

2. Setting lesson goals. Repetition of the lexical meaning of terms that will be encountered throughout the lesson.

The goal of our lesson is for each of you to learn to perceive and correctly interpret the content of the source text, identify micro-themes and reproduce the content of each micro-theme of the source text in your own written work.

What is a microtheme?

A microtheme is the theme of a fragment of text, part of it. The sum of microthemes conveys the main content of the text.

3. Getting to know the text.

You listen to the text, perceive the text as a whole, highlight the main and secondary in the content, assimilate the storyline and ultimately get an emotional mood, which will help you write a concise summary.

Slide number 2. Phonochrestomathy, audio recording.


Time goes by I, but the years of war and the greatness of our victory over German fascism do not fade in human memory. It is difficult to overestimate its significance in history; now it is already clear that the entire present, and perhaps the future of humanity, is built on its foundation. And now, when peace on earth has again become unsteady, we remember the lessons taught to people by the war, and are confirmed in the confidence that we are right - the rightness of the cause of peace. And millions of young and older people - men, boys, women - accepted death, clearly realizing that, no matter how dear life was to them, the fate of the Motherland and humanity was incomparably more valuable.

The Great Patriotic War of the Soviet people against German fascism is an entire era in the history of our country, a brilliant page of its heroic past. One of the many remarkable features of the last war was its national character, when everyone, young and old, fought for a common cause - at the front, in industry and agriculture, in the partisan rear. The war took countless lives and destroyed hundreds of villages and cities. And now invisible traces of war still remain in the hearts and souls of people.
Then all this seemed different to us, but now it seems more and more clear: our sacrifices were not in vain, every drop of blood shed on the battlefield, one way or another, brought our victory closer. Millions of human lives are eloquent evidence of this. Perhaps that is why victory was on our side, the significance of which is eternal for humanity. (According to V. Bykov) 213 words

For this text, you must write a concise summary, and for this we will work on the content of the text.

4. Text analysis. Slide No. 3 Working with markers

Name the features of the text.

1. Sentences are united by one topic. Words of the same theme were used (War, victory, fascism, front, partisan rear, drop of blood, battlefield, millions of lives...)

2. The text has an idea.

The idea of ​​the text is...

3.The text can be titled.

(In this case the name is given)

4.The text is divided into 3 paragraphs.

For what purpose is this done?

Each paragraph contains a micro-topic that reflects the main topic.

We will determine the micro-topic of each paragraph and write it down in plan form.

Teacher: Make a plan for the text.

Text outline.

1. Time goes by I, but the years of war do not fade in human memory

2. The national character of the Great Patriotic War.

3. Victory, the significance of which is eternal for humanity

Determine the type of this text. Prove it.

The type of this text is reasoning, because the author of the text argues and proves that time passes I, but the years of war and the greatness of our victory over German fascism do not fade in human memory. Usually the text of the argument consists of three parts - thesis, evidence and conclusion.

In this text we clearly see:

thesis - Time passes I, but the years of war do not fade in human memory, the greatness of our victory over German fascism. Further in the text there is evidence: 1 One of the many remarkable features of the last war was its national character, when everyone, young and old, fought for a common cause 2. The war took away countless human lives, destroyed hundreds of villages and cities

and conclusion - The sacrifices were not in vain, victory was on our side, the significance of which is eternal for humanity.

Teacher. It is very important to correctly determine the type, since functional-semantic types of speech are constructed differently, reasoning is structured as follows:

1) main position (thesis);

2) evidence using arguments;

When writing a presentation, you must ensure that the content of the source text is conveyed without distortion, important episodes are preserved, and disparate facts are not generalized.

Determine the style of this text.

The style of the text is journalistic. It influences the reader and introduces certain information. Addresses current issues of our time that are of interest to society. The author of the text calls to remember the victory in the Great Patriotic War, the significance of which is eternal for humanity..

Working with markers

Pay attention to the vocabulary of journalistic style. The words humanity, nationality.

5. Working on text compression.

We must write a concise summary of this text.

In what ways can we compress text?

The first method is called an exception. When excluding, from the point of view of the main idea of ​​the text, we omit details and unnecessary details.

The second way is generalization. When generalizing, individual facts are first isolated and then combined using special linguistic means.

You can replace a group of homogeneous members with one word or phrase.

We will compress the text using the elimination method.

Remember what techniques we can use for this?

The main language techniques for compressing text include the following.

1. Replacements:

Replacement of homogeneous members with a general name;

Replacing a sentence fragment with a synonymous expression;

Replacing a sentence or part of it demonstrative pronoun;

Replacing a sentence or part of it with a defining or negative pronoun with a general meaning;

Replacing a complex sentence with a simple sentence;

Replacing direct speech with indirect speech.

2. Exceptions:

Exclusion of individual members of the sentence, some homogeneous members;

Elimination of repetitions;

Excluding a sentence fragment that has less significant meaning;

Exclusion of sentences containing descriptions or arguments that are presented too broadly and completely.

3. Mergers:

Education complex sentence by merging two simple ones that talk about the same subject of speech.

Teacher. Read the leaflet and try to take its advice.

Memo “How to write a concise summary”

1. Highlight important (essential, necessary) thoughts (micro-topics) in the text.

2. Find the main idea among them.

3. Break the text into parts, grouping it around significant ideas.

4. Make an outline with a title for each micro-topic.

5. Think about what can be excluded in each part, what details to refuse.

6. What facts (examples, cases) can be combined and generalized in adjacent parts of the text?

7. Consider means of communication between parts.

8. Translate the selected information into “your” language.

Let's reread the text paragraph by paragraph, think about what can be excluded in each part, what details to refuse.

First compressed text.

(Reads his version)

1.replacement of homogeneous members with a general name;

2. replacing a sentence fragment with a synonymous expression

4. exclusion of sentences containing descriptions or reasoning, presented too broadly and completely.

Second text compression.

(The student reads his answer)

What text compression techniques did you use?

1. the formation of a complex sentence by merging two simple ones, telling about the same subject of speech.

2. exclusion of repetitions;

3. exclusion of a sentence fragment that has a less significant meaning;

Do the third compression yourself, I want to warn you and remind you of logical errors.

Example text:

Time passes, but the years of war and greatness do not fade in human memory
our victory over German fascism. It is difficult to overestimate its importance in
history. We remember the lessons taught to us by the war. Millions of young and older people accepted death, clearly realizing that the fate of the Motherland and humanity is incomparably more valuable. One of the positive features of the war is nationality. When everyone fought, from young to old. Our sacrifices were not in vain. The soldiers died doing their duty , and we must remember their names. It is the duty of all living people to remember them, because the fallen paid for this life of ours with their own.

Logical errors

1. Bringing together relatively distant thoughts in one sentence.

2. Lack of consistency in thoughts; incoherence and violation of sentence order.

3. The use of sentences of different types in structure, leading to difficulty understanding the meaning and incoherence.

4. Unsuccessful ending (duplication of output).

6. Independent work.

7. Summing up.

Check your writing using the checklist and assessment criteria.

How to check what you have written

1.After writing the text for a draft, read it at least 3 times.

2. Read for the first time to check the content.

Answer the questions:

Is the main content of the source text conveyed?

Are thoughts being repeated or important information being missed?

Can the written text be called summary original?

Are all the micro-themes of the source text reflected in the presentation?

3.Read it a second time to correct the text.

Answer the questions:

*Can the text be called coherent?

*Are the paragraphs highlighted correctly?

*Are there any grammatical errors?

*Are there any speech errors?

*Is your speech expressive?

4. Read for the third time to check spelling and punctuation. Use a dictionary!

5.After rewriting the text into a clean copy, also check the clean version.

IKZ Semantic integrity, speech coherence and consistency of presentation

The work of the examinee is characterized by semantic integrity, speech coherence and the sequence of presentation:

There are no logical errors, the sequence of presentation is not broken;

There are no violations of paragraph division of the text in the work. 2

The work of the examinee is characterized by semantic integrity, coherence and consistency of presentation,

but there was 1 logical error,

and/or there is 1 violation of paragraph division of the text in the work. 1

The examinee’s work reveals a communicative intent,

but more than 1 logical error was made,

and/or there are 2 cases of violation of text division 0

Maximum quantity points for concise presentation according to criteria IR1-IR3


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