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What is the most important thing in government affairs? - Courage. What's in second and third place? - Also courage. And at the same time, courage is the child of ignorance and meanness.

A timid person will ask for a tenth of what he wants to get. A brave person will ask for twice as much and agree to half.

Be supportive of bold endeavors.

Often courage alone is not enough; you also need arrogance.

Courage that is not based on prudence is called recklessness, and the exploits of a reckless person are more likely to be attributed to simple luck than to his courage.

Courage gains its gains from the cowardice of others.

Only valor lives immortally, for the brave are glorious forever!

Men would behave much more boldly if they knew what was on women's minds; and women would behave much more flirtatiously if they knew men better.

Real courage rarely comes without stupidity.

For the brave and faithful, nothing is impossible.

Great courage sometimes leads to great stupidity.

Courage is the beginning of victory.

The brave are helped not only by fate, but much more by reasonable judgment.

Courage, initiative, enterprise - how much they mean, and luck on top of that.

It takes a lot of courage to be yourself every day in a world where no one loves you.

I love the brave: but it’s not enough to be a slasher, you also need to know who to slash! And often there is more courage in holding back and passing by: and thereby saving yourself for a more worthy enemy!

Happiness is always on the side of the brave.

Courage does not keep its word.

Life contracts and expands in proportion to your courage.

This is a sign of courage; it is not inherent in cowards.

Courage replaces fortress walls.

Have the courage to change your beliefs!

Courage is fear expressed in prayer.

By driving away fear, we bring courage closer to us.

Bravery occupies a middle place between arrogant courage and timidity.

It takes a very brave person to be a coward in the Red Army.

A coward will not take courage from outside.

Courage, when combined with intelligence, can be very useful to us; but she only brings people madness.

Courage is one of the most beautiful traits of our charming ladies.

He who is confident in himself is alien to the feeling of fear. And since the surrenderer also experiences fear, it follows that courage is incompatible with sadness.

Heroes are no braver than anyone else. Their bravery just lasts five minutes longer.

He who neglects his life thereby values ​​his life.

The word is one of man's greatest weapons. Anatoly Fedorovich Koni

Words are always stronger than deeds. Johann Friedrich Schiller

The word sometimes kills. Alexander Green

Words are the wind, and swear words are a draft that is harmful. William Shakespeare

A thought is a flower, a word is an ovary, an action is a fruit. Ralph Waldo Emerson

Yes, the word is the doctor of human suffering, which has the power to rescue a soul from illness. Menander

Words descend on thoughts breathing with power like pearls. Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov

Once you give your word that you won’t do something, you will certainly want to do it. Mark Twain

It is easier to say a new word than to reconcile words already spoken. Luc de Clapier Vauvenargues

Of two possible words, always choose the simplest one. Paul Valéry

The word is the shadow of the deed. Democritus

A proverb is great content expressed in a few words. Thomas Fuller

It is enough that the words express the meaning. Confucius

We are not rulers, but servants of the word. Heinrich Heine

The fewer words you say, the faster you get things done. Walter Scott

Excellent words! Curious where you stole them? Jonathan Swift

People in ancient times did not like to talk much. They considered it a shame for themselves not to keep up with their own words. Confucius (Kun Tzu)

Many words had to walk for a long time before becoming winged. Maria-Ebner Eschenbach

Words are like leaves: a tree that produces a lot of them bears very little fruit. Alexander Pop

There is nothing stronger than words. Menander

Words are always words. William Shakespeare

A thought changes depending on the words that express it. Blaise Pascal

Whatever word you say is what you will hear in response. Homer

Master the subject, and the words will appear. Quintus Horace Flaccus

When speaking to a wise man, use few words. Marcus Porcius Cato (the elder)

He who is kind only in words is doubly unworthy. Publilius Syrus

Beautiful words, an empty vibration in the air. Marcus Tullius Cicero

Words have value as a pledge of deeds. Baltasar Gracian y Morales

Where the deed speaks for itself, there is no need for words. Marcus Tullius Cicero

With gentle words and kindness you can lead an elephant by a thread. Saadi (Muslihiddin Abu Muhammad Abdallah ibn Mushrifaddin)

You are different from animals because you speak for nothing, but you are better than a beast if you speak for nothing. Saadi

You can't catch the released word. Quintus Horace Flaccus

The power of speech lies in the ability to express a lot in a few words. Plutarch

Don't feed words instead of bread. Aristophanes

All human wisdom lies in two words: wait and hope! Alexandre Dumas (Father)

Why unnecessary words? Plautus Titus Maccius

Define words correctly and you will free the world from half the misunderstandings. Rene Descartes

It's helpful to listen to what others have to say! Ancient Egypt, unknown author

Stop empty words! Persian Flaccus Aulus

Love is that which prohibits words and speech. Muhammad Azzahiri al-Samarkandi

A wise person should solve all matters with words, not with weapons. Terence Publius

Metal is recognized by its ringing, and a person by its word. Baltasar Gracian y Morales

Deep meaning in unspoken words. Menander

Show me your laconicism, and show me your verbosity another time. Plato

Courage does not keep its word. Francis Bacon

You should choose the smaller of the two words. Paul Valéry

It's not the word, but the tone in which the word is pronounced. Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky

We have one tongue, but two ears, so that we can hear a lot, but take care of the words. Abdurrahman Jami

Caution in words is higher than eloquence. Francis Bacon

Avoid those who are frank in their words. Menander

Don't be a slave to words. Thomas Carlyle

Where there are few words, they have weight. William Shakespeare

Arrows pierce the flesh, and evil words pierce the soul. Baltasar Gracian y Morales

Words are appropriate to brighten up evil. Publius Ovid Naso

Silence is better than words. Ancient India, unknown author

If a thought cannot be expressed in simple words, which means it is insignificant and must be discarded. Luc de Clapier Vauvenargues

If one or two friendly words can make a person happy, you have to be a scoundrel to deny him this. Thomas Paine (Pan)

Greetings everyone! I propose to examine one of the themes of the final essay for the 2017-2018 academic year - “Courage and Cowardice.”

The following literary works are suitable for argumentation:
  1. V.K. Zheleznikov "Scarecrow"
  2. A.P. Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard"
  3. M.A. Sholokhov “The Fate of Man”
  4. V. Bykov “Sotnikov”
  5. F. M. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment”
  6. M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero of Our Time"
  7. K. G. Paustovsky “Telegram”
  8. A. de Saint-Exupéry “The Little Prince”
  9. A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"
  10. I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons"
  11. M. Gorky “Old Woman Izergil”
  12. O. Wilde “The Picture of Dorian Gray”
  13. G.H. Andersen "The Little Match Girl"
  14. V. G. Korolenko “Children of the Dungeon”
  15. T. Keneally "Schindler's List"
  16. J. K. Rowling "Harry Potter"
  17. M.A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita"
  18. R. Bradbury "Fahrenheit 451"
  19. E. Hemingway “A Farewell to Arms!”
  20. W. Golding "Lord of the Flies"
Approximate topics.

The beginning of each topic could be: “Confirm or refute this statement: …”

  1. “To be brave means to consider everything that is terrible as distant and everything that inspires courage as close.” Aristotle
  2. “Fate helps the brave.” Terence Publius
  3. "Courage replaces fortress walls." Sallust (Gaius Sallust Crispus)
  4. “Courage without prudence is only a special kind of cowardice.” Seneca Aucius Annaeus (Younger)
  5. "Courage is the beginning of victory." Plutarch
  6. “Courage bordering on recklessness contains more madness than fortitude.” Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
  7. “Ordinary people can be bold more than once, but not everyone is capable of doing so at the right time.” John Chrysostom
  8. “Courage does not keep its word.” Francis Bacon
  9. “True courage rarely comes without stupidity.” Francis Bacon
  10. “To be completely devoid of courage, one must be completely devoid of desires.” Claude Adrian Helvetius
  11. “With courage you can do anything, but not everything can be done.” Napoleon I (Bonaparte)
  12. “The cowardice of some is often the cause of the tragedy of others.” V. Zubkov
  13. “A coward is one who, in moments of danger, thinks with his feet.” A. Beers
  14. “There is nothing worse than fear itself.” F. Bacon
  15. “Under the influence of cowardice, no quality of a person increases so much as stupidity.” S. Witte
  16. “A coward is incapable of showing love; that is the prerogative of the brave.” I. Goethe
  17. “A coward only makes threats when he is sure of safety.” I. Goethe
  18. “In eternal fear, I will not call the living one free.” Horace
  19. “Cowardice in its prime turns into cruelty.” G. Ibsen
  20. “A word can create as much as fear can destroy.” John Chrysostom



Everything beautiful has a benefit, except beautiful words. Beautiful words are harmful.
(see “Pro domo mea, or Continuous rigmarole,” 326)

An aphorism is the last argument of fools...
(Ditto, 1908)

What the hell is this political aphorism if it didn’t spoil anyone’s blood?
(Ditto, 3796)

When we hear a clever aphorism, our first question is: “Who said that?”
(Ditto, 1907)

Any truth can be expressed in an aphorism, but, unfortunately, not every aphorism is the truth.
(Ditto, 1909)

There is nothing more detailed than an aphorism.
(Ditto, 1910)

A successful aphorism is a physiological process, so to speak, a natural function of the mind.
(Ditto, 5275)
An aphorism is not a reason for argument; an aphorism is a reason for doubt.
(Ditto, 8984)

The main thing in an aphorism, of course, is not brevity, but paradox, which is present in every ordinary fact, just as priceless inclusions of noble metal are hidden in a piece of cheap quartz. It is only necessary to extract it (the paradox) from there. How? This is no longer a question for me. Although even here, if you are lucky and God has nothing against it, you can wash up more than a dozen full-fledged grains of gold sand.
(Ditto, 9101)

It’s much easier to whip out a mediocre thousand-page novel than a beautiful three-word aphorism.
(Ditto, 9600)

Aphorisms are life paradoxes that do not fit into the general coordinates of the philistine idea of ​​the world around us and the meaning of life.
(Ditto, 10598)


(Fearlessness, fearlessness, daring, audacity, valor, courage, fearlessness, courage, determination, brave, daredevil, brave man, bravery)

Only those who are familiar with the heat of battle
For whom ferocious chaos is a father's home,
Strives forward and goes with courage
Where no one else would take a single step.
Bravely grab the nettle - it will seem like a club to the enemy.
(A. Azimov)
There are as many brave people as there are courage.
(M.A. Aldanov)
A brave person usually neglects the future.
(M.A. Aldanov)
Courage is the most uncertain thing.
(M.A. Aldanov)
It is not determination if the soul does not have the strength to take a bold step.
Not death, but life is a test of courage.
(V. Alfieri)
When, why, under what circumstances does a person decide to show courage? After all, even the fact that he was subjected to a test of courage is not a sufficient incentive.
(A. Andersch)
Valor should be encouraged.
(Antara ibn Shaddad)
Bravery is patience in the hour of battle!
(Antara ibn Shaddad)
Useless courage makes smart people laugh and makes fools happy.
(A.A. Antonovskaya)
Fearlessness... is no longer courage,
But just feelings and hearts are numb.
(D.N.G. Byron)
From horror comes daring.
(D.N.G. Byron)
Where fortitude of soul was needed, now courage of thought is needed.
(O. de Balzac)
Civil courage and military courage stem from the same beginning.
(O. de Balzac)
You must dare to do everything in order to possess everything.
(O. de Balzac)
A person dies on the day when he realizes and becomes convinced that courage depends not on conviction, but on the state of the nervous system.
(P. Baroha-i-Nesi)
Chivalry and heroism are very similar to each other, but there is a big difference between them: heroism is almost always meaningless, but chivalry is driven by an idea.
(V.G. Belinsky)
With courage, people reach the consciousness of new truths; society moves with courage.
(V.G. Belinsky)
True courage is not only balloon rise, but also a parachute of fall.
(K.L. Berne)
True courage is laconic: it costs so little to show itself that it considers heroism itself to be a duty, not a feat.
(A.A. Bestuzhev-Marlinsky)
Admitting your mistakes is the highest courage.
(A.A. Bestuzhev-Marlinsky)
Bravery to defend the fatherland is a virtue, but courage in a robber is a villainy.
(A.A. Bestuzhev-Marlinsky)
Heroism devoid of practical results is ceremonial quixoticism, funny even in its grandeur. If you cannot get everything, then should you give up what you can get? if they treat us cruelly, then it does not follow that we should fold our hands and look at everything indifferently. When you find yourself in a swamp, there is nothing to do - you need to swim through the mud, and not drown so that you can get dirty with this mud. Happy is the one who did not fall into the swamp and chose a different path for himself, but even if he did, he must get out of it at all costs.
(G.E. Blagosvetlov)
Valor is moral courage.
(D.S. Blackie)
It is not so necessary to have talent if you have courage.
(P.O. Beaumarchais)
Unhappy is the country that needs heroes.
(B. Brecht)
Pen creaking
in silence on paper - fearlessness in miniature.
(I.A. Brodsky)
Courage is the strength to resist; courage - to attack evil.
(P.K. Buast)
There is nothing more disgusting than the courage that greed gives rise to.
(E.D. Bulwer-Lytton)
Heroism, as a generally widespread attitude, is not a gathering principle, but a separating one; it creates not collaborators, but rivals.
(S.N. Bulgakov)
Nothing affirms the psychology of heroism more than external persecution, persecution, struggle with its vicissitudes, danger and even death.
(S.N. Bulgakov)
Real courage rarely comes without stupidity.
(F. Bacon)
Courage is always stupid, because it does not see dangers and inconveniences - and therefore, it is bad advice and good execution.
(F. Bacon)
Courage does not keep its word.
(F. Bacon)
Courage is the child of ignorance and meanness.
(F. Bacon)
Valor is doubly sweeter if the valiant is beautiful in body.
(M.P. Virgil)
Fortune helps the brave.
(M.P. Virgil)
All rules of life should be derived only from courage.
(L. de Vauvenargues)
Courage combined with intelligence helps more than intelligence alone without courage.
(L. de Vauvenargues)
Bravery is compatible with uselessness.
(S.M. Volkonsky-grandson)
True courage is found in times of adversity.
He who grows wise late, dares early.
(D. Halifax)
Courage is higher than sorrowful patience, for courage, even if it is defeated, foresees this possibility.
(G.W.F. Hegel)
When the army is fully assembled, then the most cowardly recruits are very cheerful and brave; but true courage is revealed by those who stand alone on the battlefield.
(G. Heine)
How valiant is he who does not strive to become great!
(T.G. Huxley)
After courage, there is nothing more beautiful than admitting cowardice.
(K.A. Helvetius)
And courage seeks the shortest paths.
(J.-W. Goethe)
Courage cannot be unlearned, just as it cannot be learned.
(J.-W. Goethe)
Before the gods
A person's resolve will endure.
(J.-W. Goethe)
Courage and love are not wings
For glorious deeds?
(J.-W. Goethe)
Courage gives a person strength and even magical power.
(J.-W. Goethe)
Bold thoughts play the role of advanced checkers in the game; they die, but ensure victory.
(J.-W. Goethe)
Happiness gives courage!
(J.-W. Goethe)
In our world you cannot be brave. Courage destroys people.
(D. Galsworthy)
Courage does not prove that you are right. A coward may proclaim truths that are very useful objectively or subjectively, but the fear of death forces him to abandon them. On the contrary, the deceiver may turn out to be a courageous person, whose vanity will force him to stubbornly, to the death, defend his opinions, the falsity of which he recognizes.
(P.A. Golbach)
It is quite obvious that a very courageous person can often reason very poorly, while a cowardly person can reason very correctly.
(P.A. Golbach)
Heroism began where politics ended.
(G. Green)
When the job is over, a person becomes brave.
(G.D. Gulia)
Dare! Progress is achieved at the cost of daring. All brilliant victories are, to a greater or lesser extent, a reward for courage.
(V. Hugo)
There are two types of courage: courage and fortitude; the first is inherent in the soldier, the second in the citizen.
(V. Hugo)
Courage is always worthy of respect, even when displayed by our opponents.
(V. Hugo)
Be brave! This call is the same fiat lux! To move forward, humanity must constantly have glorious examples of courage in front of it at the heights. Deeds of courage fill history with dazzling brilliance, and this is one of the brightest lights of people. Zarya is daring when she studies. To try, to persist, not to submit, to be true to oneself, to enter into combat with fate, to disarm danger with fearlessness, to strike at unjust power, to brand a drunken victory, to stand strong, to hold on steadfastly; These are the lessons that people need, this is the light that inspires them.
(V. Hugo)
Status quo - against daring.
(V. Hugo)
Prudence is considered the last military virtue, enterprise and courage the first.
(D.V. Davydov)
There is no valor except accidental.
(V.I. Dal)
Courage makes the blows of fate insignificant.
Courage is the beginning of a thing, but chance is the master of the end.
Excessive courage is the same vice as excessive timidity.
(B. Johnson)
Courage, as a work of art, is a thing in itself; until it has taken place, it is impossible to foresee what it will be like. In any case, unexpected, like all true art. Everything that is genuine is unpredictable.
(P. Georgescu)
Not being afraid is not courage. Courage means experiencing and overcoming it.
(P. Georgescu)
You can’t abuse courage, otherwise it, poor thing, will dry up, it’s important to use it on time.
(P. Georgescu)
It is dangerous to tempt your courage too often.
(P. Georgescu)
Courage - I'm not talking about some people with an innate inclination or talent - it must be cultivated, cared for, strengthened, it is not a gift that you received once in your entire life, this quality can be lost precisely because you are convinced - You have it, you are completely calm about this, you don’t need to test it, harden it, you’re like a champion who stopped training.
(P. Georgescu)
It takes great courage not to be afraid of being perceived as afraid.
(D. Dill)
Courage is necessary not only for courageous actions, but also for productive activities and thoughts.
(A.F. Disterweg)
Courage never thinks about itself.
(V.D. Dudintsev)
Heroism, which is talked about a lot and which I truly admire, is accomplished out of naivety, out of ignorance.
(J. Duhamel)
Courage is not rage.
(J. Duhamel)
True courage does not exclude caution.
(A. Dumas)
Nothing gives us more courage than luck.
(A. Dumas)
The brave one is the one who has nothing. He who despises wealth has nothing.
(A. Dumas)
Without heroism, life will be reduced to everyday life.
(E.A. Evtushenko)
The basis of heroism is supervision.
(E.A. Evtushenko)
The best heroism is forced, not invented.
(E.A. Evtushenko)
Courage for rewards is cowardice pretending to be courage.
(E.A. Evtushenko)
Valor does not stand out from the crowd, is not greedy, does not fuss, and allows one to forget about oneself.
(Catherine II)
Courage is not about facing danger boldly, but about facing it with open eyes.
(Jean Paul)
Do you really think that a person can know for himself whether he is brave or not?
(E. Zola)
Sometimes valor consists in coming to terms with a lesser evil in order to avoid a greater one.
(E. Zola)
The bravest troops are recruited from desperate people who are ready to do anything because they have nothing to lose.
(E. Zola)
The greatest test of a man's courage is to be defeated and not lose heart.
(R.G. Ingersoll)
Courage is limited by purpose, purpose is dictated by conscience.
(F.A. Iskander)
Courage is too often the result of a sense of the worthlessness of life, while cowardice is always the consequence of a false exaggeration of its value.
(F.A. Iskander)
We have had and still have heroic individuals, but we have not had and do not have good citizens. If a country has enough good citizens, it can exist without heroic individuals. A heroic personality is a bitter reproach to all of us. The heroic personality does not call for heroism, as we usually understand, but for the norm, then heroism will not be needed.
(F.A. Iskander)
There are situations when a bold decision is much less dangerous than excessive caution.
(K.B. Cavour)
Yes, the brave will not speak.
You have chosen aimless, blind heroism for yourself - the only value that has circulation in a world that has lost its meaning.
(A. Camus)
Heroism costs absolutely nothing - happiness is much more difficult to achieve.
(A. Camus)
Thus, everyone gets theirs: truth is what is rightfully due to it, two multiplied by two is its eternal four, and heroism is a secondary one and has been given its due place from time to time, just “for”; and never “before” the demand for general happiness.
(A. Camus)
This is not heroism, but ordinary honesty.
(A. Camus)
I don't believe in heroism, I know that being a hero is easy, and I know now that this heroism is destructive. The only thing that is valuable to me is to die or live what you love.
(A. Camus)
Calling for courage is already half the same as instilling it.
(I. Kant)
Courage is justified only by success; untimely, unsuccessful ruins powers; and often the gratitude of the Fatherland belongs to those who, without extremes, did not dare to risk and did not seek the name of the great.
(N.M. Karamzin)
To the extent that a person overcomes fear, he is a person.
(T. Carlyle)
A courageous person does not depend on the gods, but knows how to live and die according to his own will.
(M.P. Cato Sr.)
Before you do, make up your mind; When you decide, hurry up and do it.
(M.F. Quintilian)
An interesting question: can physical courage balance a lack of moral courage?
(A.C. Clark)
A smart person knows his limits. And the brave use their capabilities.
(T. Clancy)
Courage gains its gains from the cowardice of others.
(Ya.B. Knyazhnin)
The tact of courage is to know how far you can go too far.
(J. Cocteau)
Every human determination has its limits.
(W.W. Collins)
He who despises fear is too proud!
(P. Corneille)
A brave person is always truthful and straightforward.
(P. Corneille)
Although mental courage is not at all a guarantee of practical courage, mental fear of thoughts is probably already a measure of practical fear of thoughts.
(P.A. Kropotkin)
Be brave, like the wind, like the will itself!
Know that neither falsehood nor darkness will touch the brave!
(I. Kupala)
Courage is a special attitude of mind and heart.
(J. de Labruyère)
A man's courage is like a bicycle: if you don't ride it, it falls.
(M. Larney)
Fearlessness is an extraordinary strength of the soul that lifts it above the confusion, anxiety and confusion generated by a meeting with serious danger. This power keeps the heroes calm and helps them maintain clarity of mind in the most unexpected and terrible circumstances.
(F. de La Rochefoucauld)
The highest virtue is to do in solitude what people usually dare to do only in the presence of many witnesses.
(F. de La Rochefoucauld)
The thirst for glory, the fear of shame, the pursuit of wealth, the desire to make life comfortable and pleasant, the desire to humiliate others - this is what often underlies the valor so extolled by people.
(F. de La Rochefoucauld)
A man who has never been in danger cannot be held accountable for his bravery.
(F. de La Rochefoucauld)
The bravest and most intelligent people are those who, under any plausible pretext, try not to think about death.
(F. de La Rochefoucauld)
Vanity, shame, and most importantly, temperament - this is what usually underlies male valor and female virtue.
(F. de La Rochefoucauld)
The whole earth is a homeland for the brave.
(Latin saying)
He who is not afraid often finds himself at great loss and often repents.
(Leonardo da Vinci)
Courage is acquired with time and experience!..
(M.Yu. Lermontov)
Courage is when you know in advance that you have lost, and yet you get down to business, and despite everything in the world, you go to the end. You win very rarely, but sometimes you do win.
(H. Lee)
What does it mean to be incredibly brave these days?
Call black black, and call white white,
Do not compose excessively loud odes to murder,
Lie only when necessary, and do not lie unless necessary.
(F. von Logau)
True courage is expressed in calm self-control and in the calm performance of one's duty, regardless of any calamity or danger.
(D. Locke)
True courage is ready to face any danger and remains steadfast no matter what disaster threatens.
(D. Locke)
Courage is the guardian and support of all other virtues, and one who lacks courage can hardly be firm in the performance of duty and demonstrate all the qualities of a truly worthy person.
(D. Locke)
You are not brave according to the rules.
(Lope de Vega)
Determination is our creation,
With time, everything can be achieved.
(Lope de Vega)
Often daring courage
Wiser than a deliberate step;
And it might turn out like this
What is the most merciless enemy,
Wishing evil, brings good.
(Lope de Vega)
Courage seems to me a curious and natural consequence of a sense of invulnerability.
(A. Malraux)
The great art of making a man courageous is to first force him to recognize this valiant principle within himself, and then to instill in him the same horror of shame that nature has instilled in him regarding death; and that there are things to which a person feels or can feel a greater aversion than death is evident from cases of suicide. He who chooses death must consider it less terrible than the thing from which he is saved by it.
Do nothing but inflate a man's pride, and his fear of disgrace will always be in proportion to it; for what more people values ​​himself, the more efforts he will make and the more hardships he will endure in order to avoid shame.
(B. Mandeville)
Courage, like virtue, is rarely rewarded.
(E. Manet)
There is nothing baser than permitted courage.
(K. Marx)
We must make the people horrified at themselves in order to inspire courage in them.
(K. Marx, F. Engels)
Determination is the justification of the goal.
(K. Marlowe)
Where there is no fun, there is no heroism; there is only courage.
(R. Martin du Gard)
Real courage does not lie in fearlessly waiting for the beginning of some events, but in rushing towards them, quickly finding out everything and taking note.
(R. Martin du Gard)
It is rare whose courage can withstand prolonged reflection.
(G. Melville)
The most reliable and useful courage comes from a sober assessment of the impending danger.
(G. Melville)
A completely fearless person is a much more dangerous comrade in business than a coward.
(G. Melville)
Courage, like other abilities, requires constant training.
(D. Meredith)
You will be brave when you don't have a penny in your pocket.
(P. Merimee)
Courage comes with the difficulty of the situation.
(P. Merimee)
In a brave man, pallor is a sign of wild anger.
(P. Merimee)
Slavic, disadvantaged people!
How sorry for you, how sorry I am for your share!
Your heroism is only the heroism of captivity.
(A. Mickiewicz)
Courage always brings success to lovers, shy ones lose.
(J.B. Moliere)
Of all the virtues, military valor spreads the most rapidly.
(M. Montaigne)
The most powerful, selfless and brilliant virtue is courage.
(M. Montaigne)
The most valiant are sometimes the most unlucky.
(M. Montaigne)
He who dared ate.
(A. Moreto i Cabagna)
God helps the brave.
(A. Moreto i Cabagna)
It is impossible to pretend to be poor, as well as to pretend to be brave.
(A. Maurois)
The heroic dulls the taste.
(W.S. Maugham)
Don't be too fearless, but don't be too desperate either.
("The Wisdom of Balavar")
There is a kind of fearlessness that dares to do anything, and it is not difficult to achieve; This is the courage of poorly educated people.
(A. de Musset)
Determination is only good when it is supported by law.
(V.V. Nabokov)
The highest virtue is not to exchange blows.
(Yu.M. Nagibin)
With courage you can do anything, but not everything can be done.
Bravery cannot be imitated.
Courage in these times is a risky business.
(N.A. Nekrasov)
Where there is heroism, there is no crime. With heroism there is a belief in something good.
(F. Nietzsche)
Goodness is being brave.
(F. Nietzsche)
Courage, that, in my understanding, is human prehistory.
(F. Nietzsche)
Courage is the best killer: it also kills compassion.
(F. Nietzsche)
Determination! Real, solid, feasible! We would become good people if we had it in us!
(V.A. Obruchev)
Real, courageous people are those who have a spark of living fire in them and who do not allow it to be extinguished within themselves; those who know that true values ​​are living and vital values, and not pounds, shillings and pence, profitable service...
(R. Aldington)
It is absurd to divide people into brave men and cowards. Not everyone is equally receptive, not everyone has equal self-control.
(R. Aldington)
Humanity and courage do not exist by the grace of war, but in spite of it.
(R. Aldington)
The insolence and frivolity of man prevail over History.
(B. Perez Galdos)
The brave always want to look at the brave.
("Song of the Nibelungs")
Everyone thinks of themselves as daredevils, but not everyone is brave.
("Song of the Nibelungs")
Where, without knowing fear, a friend stands for each other,
The weapon falls out of the enemy's hands.
So that the villains renounce their evil intentions,
Sometimes it’s enough to show that you’re not afraid of them.
("Song of the Nibelungs")
A person knows no limit to the courage of which he is capable!
(V.S. Pikul)
The brave are always damn lucky - this is an old truth.
(V.S. Pikul)
The job of the smart is to foresee trouble before it comes, the job of the brave is to deal with trouble when it comes.
(Pittacus from Metilene)
A courageous person is one who is willing to lose something. Not necessarily your head, but something to lose!
(V.M. Pomerantsev)
Courage deserves our respect only if it is used to defend a just cause.
(Ya. Pototsky)
There is the highest courage: the courage of invention, creation, where a vast plan is embraced by creative thought.
(A.S. Pushkin)
Fearlessness in a moment of obvious danger is a sign of stupidity, or even stupidity.
(F. Rabelais)
Heroism begins where reason gives up: when you put life at nothing. Heroism is built on recklessness, intoxication, risk; remember this. He has nothing in common with reasoning. “Why?.. Why?.. For what?..”. Whoever poses such questions understands nothing about heroism.
(E.M. Remarque)
Heroism is needed for difficult times. But we live in an era of despair. Only a sense of humor is appropriate here.
(E.M. Remarque)
For the heroism of a few, the suffering of millions is too high a price to pay.
(E.M. Remarque)
There is no courage without fear.
(E.M. Remarque)
Brave is the one who has the ability to defend himself. Everything else is bragging.
(E.M. Remarque)
There is also this kind of courage - telling the hairdresser: “I don’t need cologne!”
(J. Renard)
And your heroism is only enough to suppress a yawn.
(R. Rolland)
What is the use of valor that knows no risk and is kept in a safe place?
(R. Rolland)
Without courage, strength falls into the hands of pitchforks.
(Russian proverb)
In our playful age, when nothing can escape ridicule except power, people dare to talk about heroism only in large states, although it can only be found in small ones.
(J.J. Rousseau)
National heroism is a momentary impulse, followed by weakness and loss of strength.
(J.J. Rousseau)
For thirty years in a row I have been trying to distinguish Russian plagues from Russian virtues - and, God forbid, I cannot understand anything!
(M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin)
What obstacles does human courage not overcome!
(J. Sand)
The best of people are at the same time the most vain, and heroism is a chimera!
(J. Sand)
The most honest person is the one who thinks and acts better than others, but the most courageous is the one who knows how to write and speak better than others.
(J. Sand)
In the most insignificant act lies unheard of heroism.
(J.P. Sartre)
Valor craves danger.
(L.A. Seneca)
Courage is the contempt of fear. It ignores the dangers that threaten us. Challenges them to battle and crushes them.
(L.A. Seneca)
With courage and arrogance you can impress a person to match yourself.
(G. Senkevich)
The stomach feeds courage, not courage the stomach.
(M. de Cervantes)
When a person is on the verge of death, he should express selfless courage, but not recklessness.
(M. de Cervantes)
In the middle between the two extremes, cowardice and recklessness, lies courage.
(M. de Cervantes)
Courage, bordering on recklessness, contains more madness than fortitude.
(M. de Cervantes)
Courage that is not based on prudence is called recklessness, and the exploits of a reckless person are more likely to be attributed to simple luck than to his courage.
(M. de Cervantes)
Does a bold decision really need advice?
(M. de Cervantes)
Rivalry will give birth to heroes!
(M.D. Skobelev)
Courage is tested when we are in the minority, tolerance when we are in the majority.
(R. Sokman)
Not all courage, but only courage that measures the danger and chances of victory ahead, has its justification.
He who is brave in action will not be afraid of words.
By courage I mean that desire by virtue of which someone strives to maintain his existence according to the dictates of reason alone.
(B. Spinoza)
He who is bold does not hesitate.
("Elder Edda")
Courage is better
sword powers.
("Elder Edda")
Courage is choosing the least evil, no matter how terrible it is.
By alternating affection and severity, it is possible to tame the most rebellious horses. Act boldly and steadily.
Courage is based on physical and mental strength.
(Yu.A. Strindberg)
So this is what courage is - a complete bag for a cruel ambitious man, a harvest for machine guns?
(D. Stewart)
Courage has its useless moment, and then, unless it is noticed and described, it is forgotten, like rifle smoke. It is useless as a basis for strategy.
(D. Stewart)
Brave, but without passion.
(A.V. Suvorov)
Bravery is patience in a dangerous situation.
For many people, fearlessness and goodness are the same brothers as cowardice and evil.
(K. Tahir)
Courage breeds courage.
(M. Twain)
The courage of a handful of daredevils can only be used if there is at least some hope for a favorable outcome.
(W.M. Thackeray)
Bravery never goes out of style.
(W.M. Thackeray)
Bravery was not important.
It's important to be brave now.
(Tirso di Molina)
Doesn't enter
Into a futile and aimless battle,
Someone who is truly courageous.
(Tirso de Molina)
The brave are judged by clever words.
(Tirso di Molina)
Determination is wealth given forever.
Other wealth will disappear without a trace.
In every danger there is a choice, and a choice made under the influence of, for example, a sense of duty is courage, and a choice made under the influence of a low feeling is cowardice; therefore, a person who, out of vanity, or out of curiosity, or out of greed, risks his life cannot be called brave, and, conversely, a person who, under the influence of an honest sense of family duty or simply conviction, refuses danger cannot be called a coward.
(L.N. Tolstoy)
Civil courage is higher than military courage.
(L.N. Tolstoy)
You can take courage where there is an enemy, where there is danger; and where there is a struggle of lies and pretense, in my opinion, one must submit.
(L.N. Tolstoy)
Don't give in to anyone, don't be afraid of anyone - then everything will be fine...
(L.N. Tolstoy)
Brave is the one who fears only that which does not need to be feared.
(L.N. Tolstoy)
In life, lightness and courage are the first thing.
(I.S. Turgenev)
A daredevil in love is always timid in friendship.
(T. Wilder)
Geniuses are a dime a dozen these days. And courage is rare.
(O. Wilde)
It is not the one who is courageous who climbs into danger without feeling fear, but the one who can suppress the strongest fear and think about danger without submitting to fear.
(K.F. Ushinsky)
Courage not tempered by fear produces disastrous insolence and violence.
(K.F. Ushinsky)
Very brave people can be very deceitful.
(D. Fowles)
Valor does not reside in outward appearance.
(G. Fielding)
Valor is the property of those striving for a high goal.
(A. Ferdowsi)
Let everything else leave me, if only my courage does not leave me.
(I.G. Fichte)
There are no greater virtues than courage, honesty, courtesy and a natural attraction to goodness.
(F.S. Fitzgerald)
Physical courage largely depends on how physically fit a person is.
(F.S. Fitzgerald)
Glory and valor will exist as long as people live for them.
(W. Faulkner)
Destroy military valor and the entire civil society collapses.
(A. France)
Death is simpler than we think, and heroism has no radiant halo.
(Yu. Fuchik)
There is no harm to the brave.
(E. Hemingway)
You can't look into the soul of a brave man.
(E. Hemingway)
The word “courage” has the deepest meaning. If you lack courage at the dangerous turns of life and the potholes of the world's paths, you will certainly get stuck in some hole overgrown with weeds.
(Hong Zichen)
Courage is born the minute a person overcomes fear.
(R. Hughes)
Only those who do not understand danger are fearless.
(S. Zweig)
There is always madness inherent in heroism.
(S. Zweig)
The heroic is always irrational and anti-rational; when an individual or a people dares to take on a task that exceeds its strength, these forces increase to unheard-of proportions.
(S. Zweig)
When the masses enter the political arena, courage is the decisive denominator in all calculations.
(S. Zweig)
Nature has endowed even dumb beasts with freedom; valor is a blessing given only to man.
(S. Zweig)
The one who is courageous in spirit will not be taught anything by past trials, but will only be provoked.
(S. Zweig)
Anyone who thinks heroically must inevitably act contrary to reason.
(S. Zweig)
A person, if he is unbending, if he is determined, in the end always turns out to be stronger than any system.
(S. Zweig)
True courage is almost a contradiction: a very strong love of life is expressed in a readiness to die.
(G.K. Chesterton)
How shy is Russian heroism!
(K.I. Chukovsky)
Heroism is no more permanent a state than happiness.
(Z.A. Shakhovskaya)
Prudence will not overpower his courage.
(W. Shakespeare)
In a difficult task, courage grows stronger.
(W. Shakespeare)
There is no real courage in an unfair quarrel.
(W. Shakespeare)
The main virtue of courage is prudence.
(W. Shakespeare)
His courage does not overpower his prudence.
(W. Shakespeare)
If courage is without reason, then the sword is powerless.
(W. Shakespeare)
When we hide our valor -
It doesn't matter if they don't exist.
(W. Shakespeare)
Valor is learned only in the storms of life.
(W. Shakespeare)
But there is a leak in the boat.
Start a conversation about it
No courage.
(W. Shakespeare)
Brave - stands still.
(W. Shakespeare)
Courage usually goes hand in hand with gentleness of character, and a courageous person is more capable of generosity than others.
(N.V. Shelgunov)
Our heroism stumbles not in deeds of military valor, but only in deeds of civil courage.
(N.V. Shelgunov)
Courage grows with danger: the harder it is, the more strength you have.
(F. Schiller)
Bravery is more valuable the more effort it costs.
(D.B. Shaw)
This is the secret of heroism: never let the fear of death rule your life.
(D.B. Shaw)
Courage, when combined with intelligence, can be very useful to us;
But without a mind, she only brings harm to people.
(Even Parossky)
Courage must be graceful and discreet.
(M. Eme)
The courage required to gather one's courage at a critical moment and make a bold decision is completely different from the courage that allows a person to brilliantly command a division under fire.
(F. Engels)
Everything that we call heroic valor and admire as greatness and sublimity of spirit is nothing more than calm and firmly founded pride and self-respect.
(D. Hume)
If courage and ambition are not regulated by benevolence, they can only make a man a tyrant or a robber.
(D. Hume)
Nothing inspires us with greater courage than having a good opinion of ourselves.
(D. Hume)
The best adornment of a person is perfect valor.
(Japanese wisdom)


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