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The second month of a baby’s life is a real holiday for parents, because during this period he begins to react more actively to the environment and people’s smiles. He is not yet able to hold his head straight, but he needs energy to learn.

So, in the case of a breastfed baby, the nutritional situation is somewhat simpler. The mother's body adapts according to the baby's appetite and provides him with milk in the required quantity. One rule should be followed here: feed the baby according to his wishes. Portions may be different, but during the day he will in any case consume as much milk as his body requires. Trust nature and you won't go wrong. But don't forget to express the remaining milk from your breasts. This will create the conditions for its greater production for the next session. At two months, the baby does not yet have a specific diet, but on average there are 5-7 feedings per day. Only if signs of underweight appear, you should contact your pediatrician to decide on supplemental feeding.

As a supplement the best option will be mother's expressed milk. Often parents begin to look for a milk donor among their friends. You should be careful here, because you must be absolutely sure of the health of the person you find, since both beneficial and harmful elements can be transferred to the baby with milk.

Artificial supplementation

It is possible to supplement the baby's nutrition with special hydrolysates. Such mixtures are less tasty than mother's milk. This is done intentionally so that the baby continues to show interest in feeding from the mother. This case requires prior consultation with a specialist, since strict adherence to the regimen is required. So, the baby is first fed from each breast, and then, using a syringe or a special system, is fed with a highly adapted formula. The bottle is not used here. The benefits of mixed feeding are as follows:

➢ there is no likelihood of allergic reactions in the baby;

➢ the mother has a chance to restore lactation;

➢ milk supplies the child’s body with antibodies.

About artificial feeding

Often young “mothers” make a choice in favor of artificial feeding for completely unreasonable reasons: I don’t want to mess around with the baby, and also spoil the shape of my breasts. Let's leave these arguments to their conscience.

It is necessary to feed your baby formula only on the advice of a pediatrician, who will develop not only a diet, but also set the portion size. Do not forget that such a product is more difficult to digest than breast milk. This becomes the reason for the need to increase the intervals between meals by 3-4 hours.

The baby routine usually looks like this:

➢ number of feedings: 6-7 times a day;

➢ one serving 120-150 ml.

If your baby doesn't finish his portion, don't force him. In subsequent meals, he will make up for this deficiency at will and this will in no way affect the body in the form of regurgitation or abdominal pain. But if you notice that your child has a weak appetite, a visit to the pediatrician would be a good idea.

Calculation of mixture volume

To get the amount of formula required by the baby per day, you need to divide his weight by 5. In the case of 7-8 feedings, the daily norm will be 600-800 ml with a night's sleep of 5-6 hours. The volume of a single serving can be found out as follows: divide the daily volume by the number of meals during the day. You can use a special calculation calculator, which can be found online on thematic resources.

How do you know what your baby wants to eat?

➢ shakes his head to the sides;

➢ looks for breasts;

➢ pulls clenched fists towards his mouth;

➢ makes sucking movements with his lips, opens his mouth.

In extreme cases, the baby will simply cry, but you shouldn’t let it get to that point. Learn to see the first signs of hunger. Crying may not necessarily be the reason for the desire to eat. At this age, the baby is sensitive to the temperature in the room and is calmer only with his mother.

If you are breastfeeding your baby, you should not give him drinking water. It will only be needed if a mixture is used.

Advice from the "elders"

Quite often, disputes arise when the baby turns 2 months old and the mother begins to receive advice that “it’s time to switch to complementary feeding.” Let's entrust the solution to this issue to science, which recommends starting complementary feeding only at 6-7 months, since during this period teething will already begin.

Juices and solid foods at 2 months are fraught with:

➢ development of allergies due to poorly developed gastrointestinal tract;

➢ the baby’s muscles are not yet so developed that he can chew on his own;

➢ complementary feeding can interfere with the absorption of nutrients from mother's milk.

Each issue requires broader study, so thematic forums, or better yet, specialized literature on caring for a baby will help you successfully overcome this period.

The child is 2 months old. What might make you anxious?
Baby development at 2 months
Intestinal colic in children.
Two month old baby.
Two month old babies. Classes for a two (2) month old baby.

Feeding your baby in the second month of life


A breastfeeding mother can start bottle-feeding her baby if she intends to return to work or school earlier, or if she plans to wean her baby before he learns to drink milk from a cup on his own (usually this happens at 8-9 months) or wants to be able to sometimes spend time without the child.

Women who breastfeed their babies naturally have less freedom than those who bottle-feed their babies, but many still find opportunities to go out between feedings or go out to the movies in the evening after they put the baby to bed. Here are some reasons why women refuse to bottle feed their baby:

fear that the child will develop dependence on the bottle and then he will have to be weaned twice from the usual methods of feeding: first from the breast, then from the bottle. Such mothers usually begin to drink from a cup immediately after the child learns to sit independently, and use the cup for additional feeding with both formula and breast milk;
reluctance to influence production in any way breast milk;
the child refuses to eat from a bottle; mothers who do not feel an urgent need for this usually decide not to insist.


When to start
Some babies make the transition from breast to bottle and back easily from the start, but most do better on both if they are given a bottle after 6 weeks. Early supplementary feeding can interfere with normal breastfeeding, and some babies refuse to take the nipple after a bottle because the breast and bottle require different sucking techniques. For the same reason, many older children refuse rubber pacifiers.

What to use
Because cow's milk is not suitable for a small baby, mothers who choose to use a bottle can use breast milk or formula.

Breast milk
One of its advantages is that once you purchase a breast pump (the cost of which can range from almost symbolic for most manual pumps to quite high for electric models), it will be given to you for free. But expressing milk often requires large number time (45 minutes to 1 hour at first and 15 to 30 minutes later, although some women manage to empty both breasts in 10 minutes once they gain enough experience). Of course, breast milk provides optimal nutrition and protection against disease, and occasional use of formula will not diminish its beneficial effects.

Artificial mixture
The time and cost involved will vary depending on which mixture you choose. Ready-made mixtures are expensive, but they require almost no time to prepare, so they are preferred by those women who use mixtures only occasionally. Mixtures that need to be diluted are cheaper, but they require more time to prepare. In terms of nutritional composition, artificial formula is not as perfect as breast milk, but nevertheless can serve as a good substitute (in very rare cases, a child who has developed increased sensitivity to milk in the womb or after being inadvertently given it in the nursery ward at the maternity hospital, may have a very strong reaction to the first few sips of milk (formulated or whole). If your child cries in pain or you notice that their lips, tongue, or mouth lining are swollen, call the doctor immediately. If you feed the mixture only occasionally, do not use varieties with iron supplements).

Regardless of whether you decide to use breast milk or formula for complementary feeding, you must remember that in any case you should express milk if you are away from your baby for more than 3 hours to prevent clogged milk ducts, leaks and a decrease in lactation . If you plan to use formula all the time, start giving it early so that your baby gets used to the new taste.

What quantity to use
One of the most amazing benefits breastfeeding is that you don't have to monitor how much your child has eaten. Once you start using a bottle, it is very easy to fall into the power of the magic of numbers. Ask the person who will be caring for the child in your absence not to let the child eat more than he wants, not to force him to eat a certain amount. An average baby weighing about 4 kg can take 170 g of food at one feeding, and the other is 60g, and there is no need to overfeed the baby as this may lead to excess weight or he will refuse to breastfeed when the opportunity arises.

Teach your child
Before you try to give your baby a bottle for the first time, wait until he is hungry (but not overly hungry) and in a good mood. The first few bottles will be accepted with great pleasure if you first warm the nipple to body temperature under running warm water, and if someone else offers them, it is advisable that you are in another room in case the baby begins to act up. But if your baby gently takes the pacifier and then spits it out with obvious displeasure, try a different type of pacifier next time. If your baby is a pacifier sucker, a similar shaped pacifier may be to his liking.

Transition to a regular feeding regimen
If your personal routine requires you to regularly skip two feedings a day, then start with one feeding at least 2 weeks before you plan to return to work or school. Give your baby a week to get used to one bottle feeding before moving on to two. This will help you gradually get used to new form feeding not only your baby, but also you, if you intend to feed him with an artificial formula rather than breast milk. Biological mechanism will automatically adjust your milk supply to your new needs, so you will feel more comfortable when you return to work.

How to Organize Occasional Bottle Feeding
If you're only going to give your baby a bottle occasionally, feeding him from both breasts until he's completely empty before leaving the house will help prevent overfilling and leaks. It is important that your baby is not fed before you return so that you can breastfeed as soon as you return home.


In some cases, formula feeding is recommended if the mother does not have enough breast milk. In such a situation, the mother is often at a loss: on the one hand, she has heard that bottle feeding can further reduce milk production; on the other hand, the doctor says that if you do not immediately start giving an artificial formula, the consequences for the child’s health can be very serious. The best way out of this situation is to give the child an artificial formula, while simultaneously stimulating lactation.

Even if you don't plan to bottle feed your baby, you can still pump and freeze enough breast milk to fill 6 bottles. This way, o you will have a reserve supply in case you get sick and start taking a medicine that may pass into your milk, or you have to leave unexpectedly. Even if your baby has never fed from a bottle, it will be easier for him to come to terms with this need, because it will be filled with familiar breast milk, and not artificial formula.

In the second month of life, the child begins to explore the world. The variety of surrounding objects, the voices of mom and dad, and the smiles of people begin to attract a two-month-old baby. He will have to gain about 800 g of weight, grow 3 cm, learn to hold his head upright and move his arms and legs more actively. All this requires a large amount of energy. The nutrition of a child at 2 months is aimed at receiving it.

But how much can your baby eat in one feeding now? Here you need to consider whether he is breastfed, mixed or bottle-fed.

Breastfeeding is the easiest option. After all, nature itself made sure that the amount of milk in the mother increased as the baby’s needs increased.

Pediatricians talk about the need to feed the child “on demand.” In this case, you should not worry about the amount of milk consumed. The volume may change during the day, but the baby will take “his” and will not eat more than he needs, because at 2 months the natural instinct to control nutrition is still present.

This is true if the baby does not cry between feedings, falls asleep and stays awake at approximately equal intervals, and gains weight well. When a malfunction occurs in a mother’s body and not enough milk is produced, it is necessary to seek advice from a breastfeeding specialist.

Try to empty your breasts in a timely manner. If the child has not drunk, express everything to the last drop. The reflex will work, and by the next feeding there will be a little more milk. Just don't panic. Excitement, anxiety, stress are bad allies for a mother.

Breastfeeding a 2-month-old is chaotic, since the regimen has not yet had time to take hold. To improve the child’s psychological state, they are applied to the breast as often as possible: being close to the mother, the baby will feel the necessary warmth and care.

The regimen for a two-month-old baby, as a rule, includes from 5 to 7 feedings per day at various intervals. But deviations are possible, and there is nothing to worry about.

Mixed feeding

If a specialist determines that a mother does not have enough milk for a 2-month-old baby, the baby is transferred to mixed feeding. Preliminarily, control feeding is carried out during the day, the baby is weighed on an empty stomach and the current weight gain is analyzed. Only after an objective medical assessment of the collected data can we talk about the need for supplementary feeding (a specialist will have to determine its norm).

It may happen that you will have to supplement the feeding with expressed mother's milk. This is the safest option for the child, although it adds trouble to parents. Doctors recommend creating your own home bank by freezing expressed milk.

Supplementation with donor milk

A worthy alternative to the previous method is to supplement the baby with the nurse's milk. For many reasons, this option is better than using infant formula. There are donor milk banks in Russia, but the network is not well developed.

This milk is stored:

  • 8 hours at room temperature;
  • 5 days in the refrigerator;
  • 3 months in the freezer.

Sometimes moms and dads, posting information in social networks, asking friends, they come to an agreement without intermediaries. But here you need to remember that not only useful, but also harmful things are transmitted with milk. Therefore, searching for a wet nurse on your own is extremely dangerous.

Supplementation with infant formula

For supplementary feeding of a 2-month-old baby, highly adapted mixtures - hydrolysates - are used. They are specially made less tasty than breast milk so that the child does not give up breastfeeding completely. A specialist should help with choosing such a mixture.

With mixed feeding, the baby’s “on demand” diet is maintained. Both breasts are given at the beginning of feeding, and only then - hydrolyzate. The mixture is fed strictly according to the regimen: by the hour, during the daytime, with mandatory control of urination. Supplementary feeding is given from a syringe, spoon or special system, but not from a bottle.

Mom still has the opportunity to restore or. A lactation consultant or pediatrician who is an advocate for breastfeeding can help you establish supplemental feeding and remove it when the opportunity arises.

Advantages of mixed feeding:

  • protecting the child from allergies;
  • The baby receives antibodies along with mother's milk;
  • the mother has a chance to restore lactation.

The complex science of bottle feeding

Artificial feeding is introduced when the mother cannot feed the baby herself due to objective reasons (reluctance to “spoil” the shape of the breast or “mess around” with the baby is not one of these). A complete transition to formula feeding should be justified, and the arguments should be weighty.

Even a newborn can drink from a bottle. In an emergency situation, the child is given whole cow's milk, but it is necessary to select an adapted formula on the advice of a specialist as soon as possible. Your pediatrician will help you calculate the number of servings and determine the feeding schedule. But parents themselves should collect information on this issue.

Initially, it is better to feed the baby when he asks for food. Gradually, a clear and understandable feeding schedule will be formed. Even the most expensive and high-quality formula is absorbed worse than breast milk and takes longer to digest. Therefore, when switching to artificial nutrition, breaks between feedings may increase to 3-4 hours.

An approximate regimen for a 2 month old baby is as follows:

  • from 6 to 7 feedings per day;
  • The norm for a single serving is 120-150 ml.

Don't worry if your baby doesn't eat everything during a feeding. Most likely, he will receive his quota in 1-2 days. And don’t force anyone to eat. This can lead to excessive regurgitation and tummy pain. But don’t hesitate to consult a doctor if you think your baby isn’t eating enough.

Adherents of the principles of free artificial feeding recommend not reducing the intervals between feedings, but offering the amount of formula at the child’s request. As a rule, this regimen ensures weight gain and good digestion of food. At each feeding, about 20 ml more than normal is poured into the bottle, allowing the baby to independently determine his needs.

How to determine the amount of mixture?

There are many formulas for determining the amount of formula during artificial feeding.

Simplified calculation for a child under 2 months of age. Divide your baby's current weight by five. This will be approximately 600-800 ml with 7-8 feedings per day with a night break of 5-6 hours. How many milliliters should I give at a time? Divide the daily amount of formula by the number of planned feedings.

Avoid the temptation to give solid foods and juices for the following reasons:

  • the baby’s gastrointestinal tract is not yet fully formed, so early introduction of complementary foods can contribute to the development of allergies;
  • the muscles are not yet able to coordinate the sucking and chewing movements necessary for eating solid food, which the baby is not yet able to swallow;
  • Early introduction of complementary foods interferes with obtaining necessary nutrients from milk or adapted formula.

Here is what Dr. Komarovsky writes about this:

“If a nursing mother can afford nutritious food, or if parents are able to purchase high-quality adapted milk formula, there is no need to feed the child anything until the age of 5-6 months.”

Read books about child development, look for answers to your questions on the Internet, discuss your problems with friends and family. Brick by brick, you create the foundation on which the full development and health of your child will be based. But you will learn the most useful things from communicating with your baby. And let love and care be the main criterion for the correctness of your actions.

Undoubtedly, breastfeeding is the gold standard for infant nutrition. But what to do when a mother cannot breastfeed? Let's say she is sick, she has no or little milk, or there are other reasons. Artificial feeding with milk formulas is called for help. For it to be beneficial, it is important to know all the nuances - how often to feed a newborn with formula, how much formula can be given, which one is better to choose, etc.

What is artificial feeding

This is the replacement (full or partial - 2/3 of the diet) of mother's milk with artificial dairy products.

BY THE WAY: Ideal solution for twins, triplets, etc.

Selection rules

It must be done in favor of a quality product. We are talking not only about the date of manufacture, the duration of storage after opening the package. First of all, it must be correct recommendations pediatrician based on:

  • nutritional composition,
  • baby age,
  • his weight,
  • characteristics of the body,
  • reactions to food.
  • his weight,
  • characteristics of the body,
  • reactions to food.

Reasons for replacement

Are you experiencing diarrhea or constipation, drowsiness, or increased gas production? Perhaps the dairy product is not suitable. Is feeding done in a mode of tears and spitting? Something went wrong, I didn’t like the taste or something else. This means you need to consult a doctor for advice and consultation. Because there are more serious reasons that force a pediatric specialist to replace one formula for artificial feeding with another:

  1. Allergy to the composition (severe rashes).
  2. Another age appropriate one is required.
  3. Due to illness (requires a special composition with medicinal properties).
  4. Stopping weight gain.

BY THE WAY: You cannot use several different mixtures, give food intended for a different age, or feed the child against his will.

How often can artificial formulas be changed?

No, it is not recommended to do this often and, especially, arbitrarily without talking with a pediatrician. It is difficult for a child’s body to adapt quickly or, worse, to do it constantly. Try to carefully observe your child’s absorption of new food:

  1. The rash may go away the next day.
  2. The dysfunctional stool improved in the evening.
  3. My tummy doesn't hurt the next morning.
  4. No spitting up or anything like that.

ATTENTION: If something is wrong, pay a visit to the children's clinic. Research which types of dairy products are ideal.

Formulas for artificial feeding - types and varieties

Manufacturers make products for artificial feeding of newborns, which are based on milk (goat or cow). It happens:

  • dry, liquid,
  • fresh and fermented milk substitutes for human milk,
  • regular (the composition is a bit like mother’s milk) and adapted (as similar as possible).

Types of formulas for artificial feeding of newborns

ATTENTION: Medicinal and special mixtures are prescribed by a doctor according to indications!

How often to feed a newborn with formula - feeding regimen

Is it possible to feed a baby at will and requirement? No, it's better not to do this.

Firstly, this is not mother’s milk, which arrives in proportion to what he sucked in the previous feeding.

Secondly, the baby’s body needs time to digest artificial food. Otherwise, if the break is not maintained, nothing good will come from adding fresh food to undigested food.

When a baby is bottle-fed, he must eat the prescribed amount of food, and strictly according to the clock.

How to properly introduce the mixture - preparation rules

If this is the first time you are introducing dairy products (or new ones) into your diet, then carry out the process for 5-7 days. At first, a small volume is offered (no more than one third of the prescribed portion). If everything went well, the amount of food increases throughout the week.

Rules for preparing formula and feeding

The first thing to do is to carefully read the cooking instructions dairy product and stick to it. A larger or smaller amount of the contents of a pack or jar is fraught with belching, regurgitation, unstable stool and other consequences that are dangerous for the liver, kidneys, pancreas and other organs. When preparing a mass that a tiny artificial child will certainly like, consider:

It is prepared exclusively before feeding and in no case for future use.

Water (boiled) and the product are quickly mixed in the required proportion until completely dissolved. Then he shakes himself.

Cook only in well-sterilized containers.

For breeding, specialized water without harmful substances is used.

The feeding nipple must be suitable for the baby.

REMEMBER: The temperature of the cooked food should be 36-37° (by dropping a drop on your wrist, check - the liquid should not be felt).

How to calculate the required amount of formula for feeding

The norm is calculated based on the baby’s age, weight and appetite. In principle, the so-called "volumetric method". For example, the main food per day should be:

Example. The weight of a 3.5 month old baby is 5700. Give him 950 ml of the adapted formula per day. But the approximate amount of food, as well as how many hours later to feed, is clarified in each case separately with the doctor, and not “by eye.”

REMEMBER: Your little baby can eat different amounts of food at a time. The determining factor may be well-being, appetite and other factors.

How much food do you need in one feeding?

To do this, the daily volume is divided by the number of doses. Those. From the formula 950:6=158 we see that at a time, after the required period of time (with six feedings), the little one should be given about 160 g.

BY THE WAY: The volume of an artificial product does not include juice, water, decoctions of fruits and vegetables. If the menu includes complementary foods (vegetable puree, yolk, cottage cheese), this fact should be taken into account when determining the required volume of the mixture.

How to feed your baby formula correctly

How many times to feed - feeding regimen

How to find out after what time and how many times to feed the “artificial” ones? Their feeding schedule is usually traditional. So, in the first month of life you should be given food 6-7 times, i.e. There is a break of about 3-3.5 hours. (At night the interval can be about 6 hours). Afterwards the interval increases.

ATTENTION: If you notice that the “artificial” baby is not getting enough, he is not eating enough, consult your doctor about increasing the number of feedings.

In a word, everything is determined, and then, if necessary, the doctor will correct it. For example, a baby cannot cope with the recommended volume at a time. This means feed more often, but in smaller portions.

One way or another, it is advisable to more closely monitor the behavior of the little one. He should not be apathetic and inactive. Should be gaining weight well. Otherwise, go to the clinic!

BY THE WAY: Include water in your diet when bottle-feeding! But do not take it into account when calculating the total volume daily norm children's meal.

The advantages of artificial feeding

So, there is no breast milk or there are other good reasons to stop breastfeeding? Don't rush to get upset! Yes, the artificial nutrition recommended to you does not contain such unique elements of human milk. But still, this feeding system also has its advantages.

  1. Maximally adapted: with the greatest degree of similarity to mother’s milk.
  2. Highly adaptable: thanks to the presence of tauric acid, the nutrition is ideal for premature babies.
  3. With less adaptation: from powdered cow's milk, without whey, but in compliance with other adaptation parameters.
  4. With partial adaptation: without whey, with incomplete adaptation of carbohydrates and fats, starch and sucrose; unacceptable for newborns.
  5. Special: for special cases when special nutrition is required (immunocompromised babies, premature babies).
  6. Medicinal (lactose-free, soy, semi-elementary, with thickeners - for allergies, impaired absorption of food in the intestines, low weight, disorders of the intestinal flora, etc.).
    • in the first two months of life - 1/5 body weight,
    • at 2-4 months - 1/6,
    • at 4-6 months - 1/7,
    • after six months - 1/8-1/9.
    1. Before feeding a powder or liquid product mixed with baby water, the temperature of the resulting mass is checked (should not be higher than 36.6-37 degrees).
    2. It is important to ensure that the baby does not swallow air while sucking.
    3. Do not re-give any mixture that has not already been used.
    4. The child should be in a semi-upright position.
    5. After eating, dishes and pacifiers need to be thoroughly sterilized.
    1. When preparing food, use a clean measuring spoon to scoop out the mixture.
    2. In the first days, prepare the required volume, adding 10-20 ml. When the diet of the artificial baby improves, it will be easier to select the amount.
    3. Yes, milk stays in the stomach longer during artificial feeding, which is why a regimen is established. But if the baby gets very worried 15-20 minutes before feeding, don’t torment him - feed him.
    4. The nipple should have a normal, not a large hole - the milk does not flow in streams, but drips.
    5. Hold in such a way that the milk fills the neck. Otherwise, after swallowing air with milk, the baby will burp.
    6. Do not leave him alone with the horn - if he burps, he may choke.
    7. Do not feed while sleeping.
    8. Go to the clinic if you notice frequent regurgitation, insufficient weight and height gain, frequent (more than three times a day) stools with undigested lumps, any anxiety before or after meals.
    1. You can entrust feeding to your husband or someone from your family, and go away on business.
    2. By feeding the child in this way, the mother knows how much food he needs. Therefore, he will immediately notice health problems.
    3. You can, unlike breastfeeding mothers, continue to eat as before.
    4. You are not at risk of mastitis and other problems that arise during breastfeeding.
    5. Due to the longer digestion of the mixture, the number of meals is reduced. This means you can devote much more time to yourself, your family and your favorite business!

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Here is your 2-month-old baby, who has changed so much in such a short period of time that you can no longer imagine what will happen next. From this article you will learn how to care for your toddler, how the baby should develop correctly, and which one will suit him best.

How much should a 2 month old baby eat?

As is known, physical activity, and also require quite a lot of energy. In order for the baby to receive it during this period in the quantity that he needs for proper development, he must eat well. In general, pediatricians indicate that a child should eat about 900 ml of milk per day. That is, one feeding should cover 150 ml. If we talk about classic scheme proper feeding, then you need to divide the meals into 6 equal sessions. That is, this is essentially every 3-3.5 hours. no longer need night feeding, so at this time of day the break may be longer. For example, if you fed your baby for the last time at 11 p.m., you can safely wait until 6 a.m. for the next session.

Correct daily routine

As a rule, a 2-month-old baby has already adjusted his behavior quite well. He gets used to sleeping and eating at certain hours. At the same time, he doesn’t sleep that much anymore, so don’t worry if the total number of “sleepy” hours is reduced to 16-18. At night, a baby at this age already sleeps much more soundly and better. A rather big problem for both parents and the child himself is the fact when the baby confuses day and night. In this case, it is necessary to “retrain” him to sleep correctly. Remember that it will be very difficult to “turn” the situation. Walking becomes a very important part of a child’s life. A 2-month-old child whose routine is set up correctly should go for walks at least 2-3 times a day. Gradually increase the time spent outside, bringing it to 1.5 hours at an air temperature of at least 10 degrees. In the evening, when preparing your baby for bed, it is important to bathe. It can already be made longer (up to about 10 minutes). A 2-month-old child should bathe in water whose temperature is not lower than 37 degrees. Don't forget that he really needs a massage. Just like special gymnastics. You can read how to carry them out below.

Your baby's daily routine by the hour (approximate)

If we talk about how a 2-month-old baby should spend his day, his regime can be roughly divided as follows:

  1. 6 o'clock in the morning. Waking up and first feeding.
  2. Until 7.30 best time in order to do a little gymnastics, wash the child and play with him.
  3. 7.30 - 9.30: Your baby should sleep a little more. During this time, you can go about your business.
  4. At 9.30 am we wake up again and have a second breakfast.
  5. From 9.30 to 11.00 the child will not sleep. Therefore, you can safely get ready for a walk.
  6. From 11.00 to 13.00 the baby should rest. Ideal option will sleep in the fresh air.
  7. From one to two o'clock in the afternoon you need to return home, feed the baby and play with him a little.
  8. From 14.30 to 16.30 - time for daytime sleep.
  9. 16.30 - 18.30 the baby wakes up and is ready to play again.
  10. 18.00 - 20.00 time for evening sleep. Do not worry that a 2-month-old baby will not sleep at night in this case. This definitely won't happen.
  11. 20.00: the baby will wake up and begin to be awake again. You can play with him a little, then give him a bath.
  12. 22.00 - getting ready for bed.
  13. 24.00 last feeding.

What nuances of the daily routine are worth remembering?

Of course, you should understand that 2-month-old babies do not always follow the above routine. It often happens that they set for themselves the sleep and play schedule that they like best. It should be remembered that there is no problem with this. Even if the baby wakes up at 7 am, and not at 6, or falls asleep at 24.00, and not at 22.00. But, as mentioned above, if there are more serious problems with the regime, then it should be gradually changed to the correct one. How to do this? Get used to it first. If you consistently do the same activities every day, your child will get used to them.

How to do gymnastics and swimming?

It is important to bathe your baby at the same time every day. Most mothers choose evening time for this procedure. You can hold the baby with your hands in the bath while dad washes him, or use a special supporting hammock. As a rule, a half-hour bath helps the child “work up” an appetite and sleep well throughout the night. If water procedures, on the contrary, invigorate the baby, it is better to do them in the morning.

Special gymnastics includes extension and bending of the legs, spreading the arms to the sides, gentle stroking and a pleasant massage. A 2-month-old baby will especially like the latter. But remember that it is better not to do such exercises after meals. Also pay attention to the baby’s mood.

Many people believe that a 2-month-old baby is still too small to have a special sleep schedule. But, as periatricians say, it’s never too early to do this. If you want to help your baby make sleep more pleasant, then you should remember these recommendations:

  1. Try to follow the signals that the child himself gives you. Two months is still too much early date so that discipline forms a routine, because the baby adapts to the needs of his body.
  2. It is very important to accurately follow all stages of the routine: walk, eat and play games at the time allocated for this. Then the child’s sleep will come faster and be deeper.
  3. To prevent your baby from developing a negative attitude towards sleep, try not to forcefully rock him to sleep or leave him alone in the room, hoping that this will stop him crying and fall asleep.

Height and weight of a two month old baby

In general, with normal nutrition and no health problems, such a baby should gain up to 900 grams, and also grow another 2.5 cm. At the same time, pediatricians indicate that on average the baby’s height should be 62 cm by this time , and weight is about 5600 grams. There is also a gradual increase in the circumference of the chest and head. The first is almost catching up with the second, although it is still a little less.

Diseases, doctors and vaccinations

If your baby was born in the cold season, then by the end of the second month of life he may have problems with a small amount of vitamin D in the body. This can lead to the development of D-deficiency rickets. If a 2-month-old baby's temperature constantly rises, he sweats a lot, the back of his head begins to go bald, and he urinates too often, then you should consult a pediatrician. He may prescribe an increase in the dose of vitamin D, a change in the daily diet, or some special medication.

It also very often happens that 2-month-old children who previously had no signs of disorders nervous system, but suffered oxygen deprivation in the prenatal period, show symptoms of nervous disorders. This manifests itself in tearfulness, high excitability, trembling of the hands and chin while screaming or crying. In that case the best solution will be an appeal to a professional pediatric neurologist.

Of course, a common cold can also appear, because not a single 2-month-old child is immune from it. Runny nose, elevated temperature bodies, fever and crying are often warning signs. If you notice them in your baby, consult a pediatrician for help. Under no circumstances should you try to cure it yourself, especially if a 2-month-old baby’s temperature rises too quickly.

Games for your baby's development

Of course, this is a very important part in the life of any child. What does a 2 month old baby do besides eat and sleep? Of course he plays. Since its activity time increases, you can spend more time in educational games, but no longer than 25 minutes in a row. What games do experts recommend at this age? Great option There will be a game of “magpie-white-sided”, when mom or dad takes turns fingering the baby’s fingers, pronouncing the words of the rhyme. Thus, the child’s speech apparatus will develop better. Start having a little conversation with your little one. He will answer you, watching his lips move. Since at this time the child likes to wave his legs and arms in the air, sometimes touching hanging toys with them, a pendant with bright animals that also ring after being hit will be an excellent choice. Rocking in a rocking chair is suitable for calm children. For those who are more emotional, it is better to choose light “dancing” around the house.

Exercise and massage for the baby

At this time, you just need to start doing simple exercises with your baby. To begin with, the usual bending and extension of the legs and arms will do, but later you can bend the legs at the knees when the child is in a lying position (on his tummy or back). This massage for a 2-month-old baby is considered the most common. If your baby suffers from improper digestion, then you can easily help him get rid of gases if you lay him on his back, bend his knees and do a light circular tummy massage for a few minutes. Also, to improve your baby’s digestion a little, place him on his tummy at least 3 times a day for a few minutes. At the same time, make sure that in this position the 2-month-old baby holds his head up. If you also combine this process with gentle and light stroking on the back, arms and legs, and buttocks, then the baby will like it even more. Stroking should be done clockwise. To harden your child, you can start air baths from the first months of life. They can be safely combined with laying on the tummy. When you wash the baby, do not use too warm water; if you add a little cool water, this will also become a kind of piercing.

What can a 2 month old baby do?

Your little one is gradually developing and growing. Therefore, already at the age of two months he can do much more than just after birth. So, for example, the child already partially controls his neck muscles. If you lift him by the arms, he will try to hold his head. If earlier the baby could very tightly grab his mother’s hand with his hand, then at this age this often disappears. Don't worry, this is completely normal. The child begins to better monitor the movement of different objects. He listens more often to the sounds coming, reacts to them in his own way. Can be scared or happy. Main feature A baby's ability to focus his gaze on someone's face begins at 2 months of age. He starts smiling at his mom and dad. While lying on his tummy, the baby can hold his head for a short time. If at this moment you put a bright toy in front of him, he will most likely become interested in it and will focus his eyes on it. During this period of development, it is very important to show the baby to a doctor who will check the tone of his muscles and how correctly his joints are developing. It is also very important to check the correct development of the neck muscles on your first visit to a pediatrician.


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