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Life is full of paradoxes. When some have to look for ways to lower the numbers on the thermometer to normal, others are trying to find out how to raise their body temperature. Perhaps someday you will also need tips on how to quickly fake a fever. It is also necessary to know about methods of raising the temperature for those whose temperature is below 36 C. Shall we engage in “anti-treatment”?

Why raise the temperature?

Usually everyone is happy if the thermometer shows 36.6. But in some cases, a person dreams that the mercury column will rise to at least 37.1. An adult is looking for workarounds if he urgently needs sick leave, needs to leave work or stay at home for a couple of days. They are often sought out by students to have a reason to skip lectures, and by schoolchildren if they have a test coming up or a lesson has not been learned.

The reasons for the rise in temperature may be more compelling. One of them is if a person has suffered from hypothermia (frozen or fallen through the ice). The reason to urgently bring the indicators back to normal is their chronic decline, which continues for at least a week.

Depending on the cause, the method of raising body temperature is also chosen. What is important is this: is it necessary for it to be high only on the thermometer, or is it really necessary to have a real fever?

Temperature without temperature. How to fool a thermometer?

If a person does not plan to really get sick, but just wants to deceive the thermometer (and someone else), then the following manipulations will help:

  • Take a few napkins and put them in hot water. Squeeze it out, put it in a plastic bag, and attach it to the body in the armpit area using a plaster. When measuring temperature, place the thermometer on warm wipes. Cons - if you have to sit in line for a long time, the napkins may wet your clothes or get cold;
  • buy a new thermometer, heat it to the required temperature and attach it in the armpit area. When the doctor gives you a thermometer, you just need to put it in your inner pocket and take out your own. Disadvantages - you will have to spend money on buying a thermometer (and it must be exactly the same), one of the thermometers may fall out;
  • In order for the thermometer to begin to show an increased temperature, it is enough to rub its head (where the mercury is located) for 10 seconds on a blanket, the surface of a sofa or other fabric. If you are too zealous, you can break the thermometer or it will show 42. In this case, it will be difficult to guide the doctor, since he can simply touch the forehead. If he believes the thermometer, he can write out a referral to a hospital instead of a sick leave;
  • You can hold the thermometer on a hot battery for a while (dip it in hot tea or coffee), and then put it under your arm. But this cannot be done in the presence of a doctor.

All these methods will make the thermometer an “accomplice” in deception. But in order to put them into practice, you will have to show ingenuity (to distract the doctor) and caution (so as not to break the thermometer).

Imaginary patient: how to raise body temperature quickly and for a long time

If you want the temperature of a healthy person to really rise, then the following methods are suitable:

  • "hot armpits" The essence of the method is to rub your armpits with salt, pepper, garlic or onion. This will lead to a local increase in temperature. Disadvantages - you can develop an allergy, you will have to endure a strong burning sensation in the armpit area, it is impossible to cover up the smell of garlic and onions with the most persistent colognes and deodorants;
  • " ". Hazardous to health, but in most cases effective way- find a domestic simple pencil, remove the rod, grind the lead, eat 2 spoons. After 15 minutes, the temperature will jump to 37.5-38 and will remain this way for 3-4 hours. Cons - you can get severe poisoning or choke;
  • "iodine sandwich" This remedy is guaranteed to help those who are looking for how to raise their body temperature in 5 minutes. Take a piece of refined sugar or a slice of bread, drop 1-2 drops of iodine on it and eat. The temperature will remain for about a day. Caution: In addition to poisoning, this method may cause heart problems or fainting;
  • coffee on an empty stomach. For those who do not suffer from high blood pressure, coffee is a good way to induce a temporary fever. Only it should not be mixed with water, but simply chew the granules. Disadvantages - disgusting taste, the method does not work on everyone;
  • hot bath. If you sit in hot water for a long time, and then put on a warm sweater, socks, wrap your neck with a scarf and lie under a warm blanket, the temperature will rise to at least 37.5%. What could go wrong? The pressure may rise sharply and arrhythmia will begin;
  • workout until you sweat. Serious physical activity can cause a short-term effect of increasing temperature.

Read also:

Fever on demand: 2 ways to get really sick

If you need a long vacation and have a question, how to raise body temperature to 38 degrees for two weeks, then you will have to get sick. We warn you right away: the consequences can be very sad!

If you don’t mind your health and don’t have chronic diseases, then abuse your body in the following ways:

  • Buy Rondo or Hol's at the pharmacy, put it under your tongue, open the window and breathe frosty air through your mouth. 10 minutes are enough for an inflammatory process to begin in the throat, and a temperature of 38.2 will not take long to occur;
  • pour ice from the refrigerator into a glass, add 1/6 part cold water and drink (the effect is guaranteed even if you swallow a glass of ice-cold milk in one gulp).

Other ways to get sick have been invented, but we strongly do not recommend using them.

Serious problem: low body temperature. How to lift?

If a decrease in temperature is associated with overwork, lack of sleep or hypothermia, then the most in a safe way To bring it back to normal will be a visit to the bathhouse. Bathing procedures can raise the temperature by 2 degrees. After steaming, drink herbal tea with honey.

To improve your condition, you can drink hot tea with sugar, lie down under a blanket and get a good night's sleep.

A massage or contrast shower will help restore strength and raise the temperature to 36.6.

Most quick method, the decisive question of how to raise body temperature at home (if it has dropped to dangerous levels) is to artificially warm the body by surrounding the person with bottles or heating pads with hot water. Then wrap him well and give him hot tea with raspberries or honey or a decoction of St. John's wort (1 tbsp per 1 tbsp boiling water).

To warm up while still, you need to take 4 deep breaths, tense your diaphragm and hold your breath for 40 seconds.

Why body temperature rises: mechanism

For a person, a temperature of 36 to 37 is considered normal. If an infection enters the body or inflammation begins, it actively reacts to this danger and turns on special mechanisms: it increases blood circulation, stimulates the production of red blood cells, and increases body temperature.

It is known that many pathogenic microorganisms die already at 38. Therefore, interfering with the activities of your body and artificially increasing or decreasing your temperature, especially unless absolutely necessary, is extremely undesirable and dangerous.

Read also:

  • How to bring down a fever without medication?

If you are thinking about how to independently raise the temperature to 38 C or other indicators, then remember that none of the listed methods is safe. It's better not to joke with your health. Benefit from such dangerous games may turn out to be disproportionately small compared to the possible consequences!

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Important test, unstudied homework or simply the desire to relax at home sometimes forces you to take extreme measures. To increase normal temperature body, you will have to risk your health.

Give up the idea if you don’t want to get caught or go to the doctor with a real illness.

Important! All the described methods have a temporary effect and are not suitable as a treatment for low body temperature.

If the decision has already been made, there is no need to scour the entire Internet in search of the ideal product. All best methods and methods are collected in this article.

Way Description
Iodine treat To get hot, you only need 1 drop of iodine. Apply the drug to cookies or bread, you can dilute it with water.
Eat the product and go to the doctor in an hour. The effect lasts 2-3 hours. In this way you can raise the mercury to 39 degrees
PVA glue Buy regular paper glue from the stationery department; it is better to choose transparent glue to hide traces of the crime.
Apply the mixture onto your nose in a thick layer. The thermometer will show a figure of more than 37 degrees, in addition to a runny nose, red eyes and other temporary cold symptoms
Pencil lead Be careful when trying this method, as this method can poison the body. Cut a simple pencil and eat the contents.
Pencil lead will raise body temperature to 38 degrees in just 5 minutes
Sharp armpits A safer method, but with other unpleasant effects - rubbing your armpits may leave an unpleasant odor.
You should thoroughly rub your armpits with onion and garlic juice and go to the doctor with a pungent aroma
Instant coffee Natural product not suitable for experimentation. The drink should not be drunk, but eaten.
In order for the temperature to exceed the norm, you need to eat 2-3 tablespoons of coffee. The effect does not last long

Keep in mind that each method has unpleasant consequences. Unpleasant smell, irritation and nausea are nothing compared to food poisoning and an attack of gastritis.

Try safer methods of external influence:

  • Sports loads. You should run to the doctor and squat along the way. From excessive physical activity the body will become hot.
    The only side effect is tachycardia and rapid breathing.
  • Breathing exercises. This method is often used by climbers to keep warm in the mountains.
    Take a few deep breaths, try to tense all your muscles, especially your abdominal muscles, and hold your breath for 30 seconds.
    Repeat the manipulations in front of the doctor’s office 5-10 times. Side effect– dizziness, fainting.

Advice! To get a sick leave from a doctor, it is better to pretend not to have a fever, but to pretend to have an attack of gastritis.

Other safe ways

The cunning of lazy people has no limits. To rid your body of the unpleasant consequences of the influence of slate pencils and iodine, you can try to artificially increase your body temperature with additional devices.

Important! When heating the thermometer, do not set the temperature above 39 degrees.

Know when to stop experiments and bouts of laziness. To prevent the doctor from guessing that your illness is just an acting game, do not overact. Try rehearsing at home to deceive medical personnel.

The most popular methods:

  1. Contact of the thermometer with hot objects. While the doctor is writing something on the form, you can go to the kitchen and apply the device to the kettle, radiator, or simply hold it over a stream of hot water.
    This method can be used if you call a doctor at home. Disadvantages of the enterprise - it is not always possible to leave and you can overstay the device.
  2. Apply the laws of physics. Schoolchildren often use this method to convince their parents to stay home tomorrow and skip school.
    You can raise the mercury column using friction. Take the tip of the device and rub it on a sofa or other fluffy surface. Cons: you can break the thermometer; manipulation requires skill.

Most methods are described for mercury thermometers. It is more difficult to deceive an electronic device. You can't beat a non-contact infrared thermometer with tricks.

There are two more simple methods, which do not pose a health hazard, but you risk being exposed:

  1. Sleight of hand. If you know how meter lies in the doctor’s office, then buy the same one, enter the required number and take it with you to the appointment.
    Hide your own device under your sweater and replace the thermometer with your own. But there is a risk of dropping the meter on the floor and blushing with shame.
  2. Heating device. You can attach a small heating pad to the armpit area.
    In the store you can buy a pillow that heats up upon contact with the human body.
    Think of a way to discreetly hide an item under clothing using tape or even a specially sewn pocket. Do not overdo it so that your body temperature does not rise to 50 degrees.

All the described methods will help you stay at home “sick” for one or several days. But you shouldn’t deceive your loved ones and parents.

After all, for a mother’s heart, even small problems with the child’s health cause mental pain. Don't risk your health for an extra day of idleness!

Useful video

How to quickly get really sick at home?

A similar need arises in an adult or schoolchild for the following reasons:

  • It is necessary to rest, but being busy at work or school does not allow this.
  • There is an urgent need to complete an urgent matter, which is impossible due to being busy at work.
  • You need to avoid an unpleasant test at work or a test at school.
Way Description
Freezer Inhale intensely cold air from the freezer
Cold shower Take a shower under cold water
Air conditioner This household appliance will help cause a cold. You need to set the adjustment to cold mode and sit under the air conditioner for a while
Draft For people with low immunity, sleeping in a draft all night is enough to get sick
Eating ice cream with cold water The above is used together or separately, sore throat is provided
By infection from a sick person If someone you know is already sick, you can chat with them to get infected yourself
Light clothing Go outside in the cold season, lightly dressed
Wet head The previous method is combined with a wet head. The result is more likely to be obtained
Contrast After a hot shower, steamed, go outside, not too dressed
Allergy If you know that you are exposed to any allergen, you should interact with it, which will result in a cough and runny nose. But this method will not cause an increase in temperature

The choice of method is up to you. But you should remember: when causing a disease, it is important not to overdo it so that the disease does not pose a threat to life.

Ways to artificially raise the temperature on a thermometer using iodine or pencil lead

To diagnose a cold, the temperature must rise above 37 degrees. But you don’t have to try to actually get sick.

One possibility is to artificially cause an increase in temperature readings on the thermometer; this can be achieved in 5 minutes:

  • Iodine intake. A drop of this liquid is placed on a piece of bread or refined sugar. If you eat it, after a few minutes the temperature will quickly rise to 38 degrees.
  • Using pencil lead. You can achieve what you want if you eat a little stylus. But in this case, the increase in temperature will be short-lived - up to four hours.
  • Heat the thermometer inconspicuously with a heating pad or from a radiator.
  • Salt or garlic. If you rub them on your armpits, the effect will be similar to that mentioned above.
  • Stationery glue. Ordinary PVA, if used to lubricate the nasal sinuses, will cause a runny nose and sneezing in addition to an increased temperature.

Do not forget that when raising the temperature with iodine or a stylus, there is a high risk of poisoning.

Also, this method is not suitable for people suffering from heart disease, because it can cause serious complications.

Many people are interested in what the features of the listed methods for an electronic thermometer are. There are no difficulties here.

Considering that this device uses a thermal sensor to determine indicators, all of the above methods will work in the same way as with mercury.

An electronic thermometer is more sensitive to changes in temperature conditions, so it will warm up well enough to adjust the readings.

Sometimes the opposite situation occurs due to low body temperature.

This is caused by the following reasons:

  • Failures in immunity if severe illnesses have been suffered.
  • Intoxication of the body is the reaction of the human immune system to a toxin.
  • A lack of necessary components often occurs with various forms of anemia or the use of fasting or improper diets.
  • Some diseases are individual ailments associated with disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine, cardiovascular vascular systems, the occurrence of cancer, can reduce temperature indicator.
  • Stress or overfatigue - if there is increased stress on the body, this is sometimes accompanied by a decrease in temperature.
  • Pregnancy - sometimes this phenomenon occurs when carrying a child.
  • Taking certain medications - some medications have such side effects.
  • Severe hypothermia - if you stay in the cold for a long time.
  • A period of accelerated development is not uncommon in adolescence, when the body is intensively rebuilt.

This phenomenon poses a serious danger to health: metabolism slows down, malfunctions in the functioning of organs and systems occur.

There is a high probability of fainting, and if the reading drops to twenty-five degrees, falling into a coma.

To normalize a low temperature, it is necessary to establish the cause that caused it. In such a situation, it is recommended to consult a doctor to avoid negative and dangerous consequences.

The methods of struggle are as follows:

  • If this is due to stress or overwork, you need to give yourself a break, a break from urgent matters.
  • If medications are affecting you, avoid taking them or replace them with more suitable ones, as prescribed by your doctor.
  • visit more often fresh air, eat normally, stop dieting or fasting.

You should not try to solve the problem yourself; it is recommended to seek the help of a doctor.

Is it safe for a child to use the methods?

Many people wonder how safe it is for a child to use the listed methods of raising the temperature. The fears are justified.

The children's body is especially susceptible to adverse factors. The danger of poisoning when using iodine or pencil lead for children is more serious than for adults.

When deciding what is more important - to survive some troubles or to avoid them by artificially inducing illness, it is important to remember the existence of a real threat to health.

There should be no reason to become ill if doing so would pose a serious risk of negative health consequences.

You don’t want to go to school and are wondering how to convince your parents of your illness? Or do you want to take a week off on sick leave from tedious and hard work? The best way beliefs in illness – fever. But on the thermometer it should be elevated, although in reality the temperature is normal. There is no need to get carried away with this matter. But if there are important reasons for missing classes or work, try reading the temperature on the thermometer yourself.

How to increase the temperature - mechanical methods

These methods are suitable for schoolchildren and students who do not want to go to school or college. You quickly raise the temperature on the thermometer and show it to your parents. It is clear that a sick child will not be allowed to attend classes. But do everything carefully so that your parents do not suspect you of deception. Use simple methods:

  • Hold the thermometer in the bathroom under running hot water. Look at the thermometer scale and hold it under water until the required mark is reached;
  • attach the thermometer to the battery or hot light bulb;
  • Rub the thermometer on a warm blanket or carpet. Perform these actions quickly and with some force;
  • hold the thermometer on the cat's body if you have a pet. Cats have a body temperature higher than human and the thermometer will heat up.

All of these methods will require you to be careful; if the thermometer overheats, it will burst. This is dangerous because it contains harmful mercury.

How to get the temperature up - rub the area under the arms

This is a safe way to raise the temperature, because you do not carry out any manipulations with the thermometer. Apply red pepper, salt, onion or garlic juice to the area under your arms. Rub the selected product for about five minutes, but do not overdo it, otherwise your delicate skin will get burned. If there are unhealed wounds, moles and any skin irritation in this area of ​​the body, the method is no longer necessary.

In this case, the temperature will rise to 38 degrees, but the garlic and onions will give off a persistent and not very pleasant odor from the body. Red pepper and salt can cause skin irritation. You can rub warming ointment under your arms – the effect will be similar.

How to raise the temperature - radical methods

These methods of raising the temperature are not very pleasant. But if necessary, proceed:

  • Apply glue to the inside of the nostrils in your nose. It's unpleasant, but you will get cold symptoms - runny nose and sneezing. Geranium leaves will give a similar result. Crush the leaves to release the juice and apply it to your nose;
  • Wear wet socks and pajamas at night. Sleep in them until the morning, and the temperature will rise on its own;
  • take an ordinary pencil, take the lead out of it and eat it. Chew thoroughly. The temperature will rise quickly, reaching 40 degrees and lasting up to four hours.

How to raise the temperature - safe and effective ways

These methods of increasing the temperature will give good results:

  • eat 2-3 spoons of dry coffee. Heat exchange will increase and the temperature will creep up;
  • Place 2 drops of iodine on a piece of sugar or bread. Eat and get a fever for up to two hours;
  • eat raw egg and drink it with raw milk. The temperature will creep up;
  • Place your feet in a bowl of hot water in which you dissolve dry mustard. Keep your feet for 20 minutes. Temperature will temporarily rise to 38 degrees;
  • put orange peel in your socks. Wear them for several hours. Incredibly, the temperature will rise;
  • Prepare for the doctor the same thermometer as in the hospital. At home, heat it using the above methods and in the treatment room simply replace the hospital thermometer with your own. Practice your manual dexterity first. It is important that no one sees your actions.

Before using the above methods, consider whether you need it. You will deceive your parents and other people. Some methods may adversely affect your health. You cannot hide from problems behind the screen of a false illness. They will still have to be resolved. Such manipulations require compelling reasons.

You can increase both the overall body temperature and its individual areas, for example, the armpits, so that the thermometer reflects the “necessary” ones.

A general increase in body temperature as a reaction of the body to the introduction of various substances

1. Take a piece of refined sugar and drop 1 drop of iodine on it - no more is needed. Swallow with water. After 15 minutes, the temperature will rise to approximately 37 - 38 degrees and will remain for about a day. Be careful! Health problems may arise: poisoning, increased blood pressure, fainting.

2. Take a simple pencil and remove the lead from it. He will have It is better to break it into small pieces and swallow without chewing. The temperature, having increased by 1-2 degrees, will last about 4 hours. This method should also be used with great caution: poisoning is possible.

3. Some people use office glue, lubricating the nasal mucosa with it. This not only causes swelling of the mucous membrane, which means you will also have “cold” symptoms: nasal discharge, sneezing.

4. The most gentle and safest way, perhaps, would be the following: you need to eat 2 - 3 tablespoons of insoluble ground natural coffee.

Increased body temperature due to increased blood flow

1. Physical activity makes the heart work more intensely, resulting in increased body weight. Do some squats, push-ups, go for a run. You can simply hold your breath for 15 - 20 counts - and the temperature will rise by a degree - one and a half.

2. If you need to create the appearance of an increased temperature, you can drink a couple of mugs of hot tea with honey or raspberries. However, a real increase in body temperature may not occur when using this method.

Increased heat transfer in the armpits

1. Rub your armpits with moistened salt - and after a couple of minutes the readings will become higher by a degree or two.

2. Some people try to rub their armpits with onions or garlic. This method will also help increase heat transfer in the armpit area, the smell will give away the deceiver.

3. Another substance that is used for these purposes is pepper. It also has an effect, but you should use this product with caution: you can get a serious skin burn.

Before you give preference to one method or another, you can experiment and find the one that suits you best. However, in any case, you should not get carried away with any of the techniques described above - the body does not “like” too much when such experiments are carried out on it, and can react in a very unexpected way.

Anyone who has experienced this knows how to raise low body temperature, which is a consequence of chronic pathology.

But not every person knows how to increase normal temperature without harming their own body.

An indicator of the thermal state of the human body, or simply body temperature, is directly related to metabolism and the body’s ability to maintain its own temperature within the required limits.

As a rule, more often a person encounters increased performance as a consequence of inflammatory processes or viruses. But when the body’s thermal state is below normal levels, this is alarming. There are many reasons for this pathology and they include:

  1. Natural (physiological) decrease in temperature exchange. This is a feature of the human body and the functioning of its brain. In this case, the indicator 35.0 - 35.5 is the norm.
  2. An unnatural (abnormal) decrease in the body, which is a consequence of chronic processes in the human body.

The reasons are various:

  • hematological diseases;
  • liver problems;
  • low level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • thyroid problems;
  • pathology of the pituitary gland;
  • improper production of insulin and pathology of the pancreas;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia syndrome;
  • discircular encephalopathy;
  • dysmetabolic encephalopathy;
  • intracranial injuries;
  • cancerous tumors of the hypothalamus;
  • drug-induced hypothermia or persistent decrease as a result of the use of a certain number of drugs that lower it.
  • pregnancy.

Signs of low temperature

As a rule, the need to measure with a thermometer arises when signs of a cold appear, and this is usually accompanied by an increase in readings.

What can cause low performance:

  • morning weakness, even if you slept well;
  • nervousness, irritability;
  • the ability to bring any undertaking to completion is lost;
  • slowing down situational reactions;
  • absentmindedness;
  • impossible to concentrate;
  • constant desire to lie down and fall asleep;
  • chills, as a result of hypothermia;
  • apathy;
  • not in a very good mood, for no apparent reason;
  • headache;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • dizziness;
  • bradycardia;
  • violation of movement coordination.

All these conditions may be the result of a pathological decrease in temperature, which requires seeing a doctor and additional examinations.

How to increase it to normal

In order to start raising the temperature, you need to know the reason that causes it, since the remedies in different situations will be different.

Hypothermia when freezing:

  • you need to lie down in bed, carefully wrap your body - especially your arms and legs;
  • Dry heat should be placed on the chest (warm water bottles, thermal sheets);
  • you need to drink a hot, but not scalding drink - a heated compote or weak tea with lemon and honey;
  • It is strictly forbidden to use any types of alcoholic beverages to raise the temperature and even simply add them to hot non-alcoholic drinks;
  • without signs of frostbite on the body, you can take a warming shower or bath, but the water should not be hot - no more than 38 degrees Celsius.

Low rate due to unbalanced diet. Since the body loses strength, vitamins and macro/microelements when there is a lack of food, and there is a general decrease in immunity, the strategy of action will be as follows:

  • first of all, balance your diet, but do not pounce on everything that comes to hand;
  • use immunostimulants;
  • use complex preparations containing vitamins - C, B, A, E;
  • if an unbalanced diet is a sign of anorexia, consultation with a psychologist is necessary.

Decrease as a consequence of chronic pathologies in the body:

  • doctor consultation;
  • identifying the cause;
  • prescribing adequate treatment for the underlying cause;

In this case, only a thorough medical examination with a correct diagnosis and adequate treatment can help regulate the body’s thermal state. At the same time, it does not harm the body, but rather helps get rid of chronic pathology.

How to quickly raise the temperature above normal at home

Quite often situations arise when you need to be in the wrong place. In this case, a sick leave or medical certificate can help. But in order to receive them, there must be good reasons, and this is precisely an increase in temperature. For a sick leave or medical certificate, indicators within 37.0 + degrees Celsius are sufficient. There are many ways to do this.

The most proven way to get sick leave is to call a doctor at home (clinics do not refuse this) and prepare. When the doctor rings your doorbell, you need to place a well-heated piece of cloth under your arm. When a doctor checks the indicators, a thermometer placed in the right place will show an increased body temperature. Sick leave will most likely be provided. The tissue in the armpit area tends to retain heat for a long time.

Before the doctor arrives, an ordinary hot water. Taking a hot enough shower or sitting in the bath can cause not only a rise in blood pressure. That in itself will help in achieving your goal.

For thrill-seekers, there is a way to increase your performance with a large dose of instant coffee. It should not be consumed in a drink, but rather eat a couple of spoons of dry coffee. This will cause the indicator on the thermometer to rise.

With the help of iodine. This method will give you the opportunity to leave the house and go to the clinic. Consumption of iodine helps to quickly raise the reading on the thermometer and is maintained for several hours:

  1. Up to 10 drops of this chemical substance, or rather, drop its alcohol solution onto a piece of refined sugar. Place in the mouth and wait until the sugar dissolves. It is better to put the product under the tongue - the effect will be faster. In about twenty minutes it will jump to 38.0-39.0 degrees Celsius. Maybe higher, it all depends on the characteristics of the organism.
  2. You can also use this method, but instead of refined sugar, take a piece of bread. Place up to 10 drops of an alcohol solution of iodine onto the palate and chew thoroughly and swallow. The effect will be the same.
  3. Can be used alcohol solution iodine and water. Add up to 10 drops of iodine to a small amount of liquid (100 ml) and drink.

Using a stylus. For this method of lifting, an ordinary “simple” pencil is suitable, or rather its contents - a lead. You need to take the non-colored inside of a pencil, grind it, pour it into your mouth and drink it with plenty of water. The scale on the thermometer will rise, but not to critical heights. Within the range of low-grade fever.

Rubbing my armpits. There are several methods for this method:

  1. Using salt. You need to take table salt and wet it. Rub the armpits with this product. The procedure must be done extremely carefully so as not to injure the salt particles. delicate skin. After this, you can measure: the result will be higher than normal values.
  2. Using pepper. It is necessary to rub the armpit area using ground red pepper for about 15 minutes. The procedure is very unpleasant. But the end justifies the means – temperament. after the procedure it will rise more than enough.
  3. Using mustard powder. Take the dry powder and rub it on your slightly moistened armpits for 10-15 minutes. Then cover with a napkin. Works well as a local remedy.
  4. Using garlic or onions. By rubbing the armpits with this product, a local rise in temperature is guaranteed, but it will be very difficult to get rid of the smell.

Using glue. You need to take not ordinary glue, but office glue, designed for gluing paper and cardboard. There is no need to eat or drink it. This product must be applied to the area inside the nose 15 minutes before visiting the doctor.

This method will not only raise the indicator to low-grade levels, but will also create a complete picture of a cold, acute respiratory infection, or acute respiratory viral infection. In this case, obvious symptoms of the disease will be present - red eyes, runny nose, lacrimation, but there will be no pain.

How not to harm your health

There are many ways to raise your body temperature. But there is important point, what goals are pursued for this. If the goal is simply to cure hypothermia, then a hot drink with honey and lemon will not harm your health. When the goal is to simulate temperature, it is better to use local remedies such as baths, glue, and rub the armpits. These methods will not cause serious harm to health. The use of chemicals (stylus pencil, iodine and others) can lead to poisoning of the body and burns of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, esophagus, and stomach. What will need to be seriously treated in the future. You just need to make the right choice.

It is possible to raise body temperature for those who need it for health reasons, and to raise it for those who “urgently” need it. It is necessary to approach this issue very carefully and thoughtfully. To avoid reaping the fruits of wrong actions.


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