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Aflubin instructions

Instructions for taking the drug Aflubin provide the patient with the necessary recommendations and instructions. Its release form and composition are described here, as well as the dosage regimen, side effects, information about overdose and contraindications.

Before taking the drug, you should carefully read these instructions or consult your doctor.

Aflubin composition, release form and packaging

Aflubin belongs to the group of homeopathic drugs that are produced in the form of tablets or drops. It is recommended for the treatment of colds.

Aflubin drops

Aflubin drops are a colorless, transparent, odorless liquid.

The drug contains 10 milliliters of gentian D1, aconite D6, bryonia dioecious D6, iron phosphate D12 and lactic acid D12. This entire complex is supplemented with the required amount of ethanol 43%.

The drug is delivered to pharmacies in cardboard boxes containing one bottle of 100, 50 or 20 milliliters with a dropper. The glass is dark.

Aflubin tablets

Aflubin tablets have white and a flat-cylindrical round shape. There is a separation risk. There is no smell. The tablets are designed to be dissolved under the tongue.

One Aflubin tablet contains equal proportions of gentian D1, aconite D6, bryonia dioecious D6, iron phosphate D12 and lactic acid D12. Additional substances are the required amounts of lactose monohydrate, potato starch and magnesium stearate.

Tablets are delivered to pharmacies in cardboard packs, where blisters are placed one, two, three or four in each pack with twelve tablets in one of them.

Storage period and conditions

If storage conditions are met, Aflubin can be used for three years from the date of manufacture for the tablet form of the drug and up to five years in the form of drops.

Acceptable storage conditions: protected from light, with an ambient temperature of no more than 25 degrees. Children are not allowed access to the drug.


Being a complex homeopathic medicine, Aflubin is capable of providing

  • Anti-inflammatory,
  • Immunomodulatory,
  • Antipyretic,
  • Detoxifying action.

Its effect is due to its high activity against viruses. Also, the effect of Aflubin has a positive effect on strengthening the immune system and reducing intoxication. Normalizes the functionality of the respiratory mucosa.


Since the totality of the actions of the components that make up the drug determines its effectiveness as a whole, it is not possible to conduct kinetic studies on it.

Aflubin tablets and drops indications for use

The drug, both in the form of tablets and in the form of drops, is indicated mainly as part of a complex treatment in the form of a remedy that alleviates the symptoms of the disease for influenza and acute respiratory infections. It is also advisable to use it for preventive purposes during epidemics.

Use of Aflubin during pregnancy

If a pregnant or lactating woman needs to take Aflubin, the question is decided by the doctor with an individual approach to the patient.

Aflubin for children

The drug is approved for use in childhood according to the dosage regimen.


There are practically no contraindications for Aflubin except for the patient’s high sensitivity to the drug.

Instructions for use of Aflubin (drops, tablets)

First days of flu or acute respiratory infection

For adults and adolescents, a tablet (1 piece) or drop (10) is prescribed three to eight times a day.

For children from one to twelve years of age, half a tablet or drop (5) is prescribed three or eight times a day.

For infants, half a tablet or drop (1) is prescribed three to eight times a day.

At an advanced stage of the disease (influenza, acute respiratory infections)

For infants, half a tablet or drop (1) is prescribed three times a day.

For children from one to twelve years of age, half a tablet or drop (5) is prescribed three times a day.

For adults and adolescents, a tablet (1 piece) or drop (10) is prescribed three times a day.

Duration of therapy is from 5 to 10 days.

For preventive measures in anticipation of an epidemic of acute respiratory infections and influenza

For children from one to twelve years of age, half a tablet or drop (5) is prescribed twice a day.

For infants, half a tablet or drop (1) is prescribed twice a day.

For adults and adolescents, a tablet (1 piece) or drops (10) is prescribed twice a day.

The course of taking the drug is about three weeks.

For emergency preventive measures

For adults and adolescents, a tablet (1 piece) or drop (10) is prescribed twice a day for two days.

For children from one to twelve years of age, half a tablet or drop (5) is prescribed twice a day for two days.

For infants, half a tablet or drop (1) is prescribed twice a day for two days of use.

Inflammatory and rheumatic diseases

For children from one to twelve years of age, half a tablet or drop (5) is prescribed three or eight times a day for two days, then three times a day for one month.

For adults and adolescents, a tablet (1 piece) or drop (10) is prescribed twice a day for two days, then three times a day for four weeks.

The drops are diluted with a small amount of water or milk. The tablets should be kept under the tongue until they are completely dissolved.

It is advisable to take Aflubin half an hour before meals or an hour after meals.

Side effects

As one of the famous side effects Increased salivation in the patient may be considered. If other side effects occur, you should consult a doctor.


There are no known cases of overdose.

Drug interactions

Not installed.

Additional instructions

Drops may become cloudy during storage, which is due to their herbal composition and is quite acceptable and does not reduce the effectiveness of Aflubin.

Aflubin analogues

Drugs capable of immunostimulating effects are considered analogues of Aflubin and can replace it in treatment. These are medications such as Kagocel, Antigrippin, Immunal, Arbidol and others.

Aflubin price

Aflubin drops price

The price for Aflubin drops differs quite a bit from the cost of the drug in tablets and is 257 rubles per package.

Aflubin tablets price

Aflubin tablets will cost 224 rubles upon purchase.

Aflubin reviews

They speak positively about the drug Aflubin and recommend its use to their friends.

Boris: The drug helps a lot and literally puts you back on your feet, but only if treatment is started in a timely manner, that is, at the very first symptoms. I recommend it.

Lyudmila: I always keep Aflubin on hand at the beginning of the cold season. My daughter often gets colds and we use it only for treatment. It helps if you take the medicine on time. We use drops.

Victoria: The whole family uses Aflubin to prevent the flu. We never got sick. Good remedy and safe. I especially like the lozenges. Convenient to take with you to work, or for children to take to school. I recommend it specifically for preventive use.

Similar instructions:


Pharmacological action:
Complex homeopathic means Aflubin has anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, analgesic, immunomodulatory, detoxification effects. Stimulates the activity of nonspecific protective factors, mainly local immunity. Reduces the severity and duration of intoxication and inflammatory manifestations.

Under the influence aflubina the protective functions of the mucous membranes of the nose and tracheobronchial tree are normalized. Aflubin helps increase the body's resistance to influenza, acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory diseases, inflammatory processes of the ENT organs and tracheobronchial tree. Used in the treatment of rheumatoid diseases of the musculoskeletal system as part of complex therapy.

Mechanism of action aflubina represents the result of the combined influence of the active ingredients, therefore the use of kinetic studies is not possible using markers or biological studies. Therefore, the final metabolites of the drug cannot be detected.

Indications for use

Complex therapy or prevention of influenza, parainfluenza, infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
Complex treatment of rheumatic and inflammatory processes that are accompanied by articular syndrome (joint pain).

Directions for use

Aflubin Apply 30 minutes before meals or 60 minutes after meals. For children under 1 year of age, use either pure or after diluting with 1 tablespoon of water or breast milk. You should hold the liquid in your mouth for a few minutes before swallowing the drug.

Children under 1 year of age are prescribed 1 drop 3-8 times a day, from one year to 12 years old - 5 drops, from 12 years old and for adults - 10 drops 3-8 times a day (for influenza and acute respiratory infections). The duration of the course of treatment is 5-10 days.

As a planned preventive therapy, children under 1 year old use 1 drop, from one year to 12 years old - 5 drops, from 12 years old and adults - 10 drops 2 times a day. The duration of the preventive course is 3 weeks.

As emergency preventive therapy, the same dosages are used, but the duration of taking the drug is 2 days.

In complex therapy of rheumatic and inflammatory processes of the musculoskeletal system, accompanied by pain in the joints, 5 drops are prescribed (children under 12 years old), 10 drops (from 12 years old and adults) 3-8 times a day in the first 1-2 days, then use the same dosages with a frequency of administration no more than 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 1 month.

Side effects

In rare cases, increased salivation may occur.


Hypersensitivity to the active ingredients of the drug.


Prescribing aflubin during pregnancy and breastfeeding is possible on an individual basis, which depends on the clinical and epidemiological situation.

Interaction with other drugs

To date, the drug aflubin has not found clinically significant interactions with other drugs.


At the moment, there is no information about cases of aflubin overdose.

Release form

Aflubin Available in drops for internal use. Bottles of 20, 30, 50 and 100 ml are equipped with a drop dispenser.

100 ml aflubina contain:
active ingredients: 1 ml Gentiana in dilution D1, 10 ml Acidum sarcolacticum in dilution D12, 10 ml Aconitum in dilution D6, 10 ml Bryonia in dilution D6, 10 ml Ferrum phosphoricum in dilution D12;
filler: ethyl alcohol (43%).

Storage conditions:
The product is stored at a temperature of no more than 25°C in a dark place, inaccessible to children and away from electromagnetic radiation. Sedimentation may occur as the product contains plant components. This does not change the effectiveness of the drug. Shelf life is no more than 5 years. Dispensed without a prescription from a doctor.


It is necessary to take into account that planned preventive measures for influenza and acute respiratory infections should begin 1 month before a likely epidemiological surge in incidence. Emergency prevention is possible in case of contact with a sick person immediately after contact (especially in the presence of risk factors - for example, hypothermia).

Basic parameters

ATX code: R05X -

Aflubin is the most common anti-cold drug, which is not only highly effective, but also does not have any serious contraindications or side effects.

Aflubin is one of the modern drugs included in the range of complex homeopathic medicines.

Aflubin can be in tablet form and in the form of drops. It belongs to the clinical and pharmacological group of drugs that are used to treat colds.

The drops have a transparent, slightly yellowish color. Produced in dark glass bottles of 20, 50 and 100 ml. The packaging of the drops is made of light cardboard.

The tablets are white, have a flat-cylindrical, round shape. Available in blisters of 12 pieces. Packing made of thick cardboard.

The main components of the presented drug are the following components:

  • iron phosphate
  • dioecious bryonia;
  • aconite;
  • lactic acid;
  • gentian.

Additional substances include ethanol (43%), magnesium stearate and lactose.

What is it used for?

Aflubin is prescribed for various colds for treatment and prevention.

It is mainly used for:

  • parainfluenza;
  • flu;
  • inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system;
  • rheumatic processes accompanied by joint pain;
  • inflammatory processes of joints and tissues.

Pharmacological action

The main feature of Aflubin is its complex effect on the body. It has antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, detoxification and immunomodulatory properties. Has an antiviral effect on the body.

It has a pronounced ability to reduce the duration and intensity of catarrhal and intoxication syndromes, and also increases the activity of immune factors (non-specific) and restores the functioning of the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs.

Taking Aflubin helps the body fight microorganisms and infections in pathologies such as influenza, acute respiratory infections (ARI), acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI), as well as inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract.

Aflubin is often used as a therapeutic agent against rheumatoid diseases of the musculoskeletal system (musculoskeletal system).

The mechanism of action of the drug is the joint beneficial effect on the body of all the main active substances. In this regard, it is impossible to detect the final metabolism.

Instructions for use

Before starting treatment with Aflubin, you should carefully study the instructions for use and follow all its points. To achieve a greater effect from taking the drug, it must be taken before meals (20 minutes before) or after (after 40 minutes).


The tablets should be taken before meals with a glass of warm water. The tablet must be completely dissolved, which will give a more positive result. On the first day of illness, you should take one tablet up to six times a day. After a week, the number of doses should be reduced to three times a day.

If the drug is used as a prophylactic agent, then you need to take one tablet in the morning and before bed for three weeks.

In emergency cases, when contacting someone with the flu, for prevention it is recommended to drink Aflubin several times a day, 1 tablet for two days.


The presented medicine in the form of drops should be used in diluted or pure form.

In the first case, the required dose of drops must be diluted in one spoon of warm water and drunk 30-40 minutes after eating.

The dose is selected by the attending physician based on the patient’s age and individual characteristics of the body.

To quickly reduce the severity of symptoms of the disease, it is recommended to drink the drug every few hours, but no more than seven times a day. When the patient's condition improves, the frequency of taking the medication is reduced to three times a day.

To prevent infectious diseases, Aflubin drops must be taken several times a day for one month. In case of contact with an infected person, for emergency prophylaxis, it is recommended to take the drug in the morning and evening for three days.

Contraindications and side effects

Aflubin does not cause allergic reactions, like most antiviral drugs. As prescribed by the doctor, this drug is allowed to be taken even by small children, pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Aflubin is contraindicated in rare cases.

  • alcohol addiction;
  • liver or kidney diseases;
  • hyperthyroidism (thyroid disease);
  • hypersensitivity to the drug;
  • acute skin allergies.

Also, the drug should be used with caution by women who are in the first months of pregnancy.

As a rule, most patients tolerate Aflubin well. There are no special side effects after taking it. But in extremely rare cases, a person may experience excessive salivation and sweating.

Taking the drug by children

Very often Aflubin is prescribed to children. This is due to its powerful immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effects, which in acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections help reduce inflammatory processes and swelling of the mucous membrane of the ENT organs.

If a child is treated with Aflubin immediately after the first symptoms of the disease appear, the medicine helps reduce the severity of the disease. In some cases on initial stage Diseases with the help of Aflubin can stop its further development.

When taking the drug at the middle stage of the disease, when the symptoms are more developed, improvements in the child are observed just a few days after the start of treatment. The only drawback of children's Aflubin is the presence of alcohol in its composition.

When treating children, the doctor chooses the form of the drug depending on age. For children under one year of age, Aflubin is prescribed in the form of drops. You need to take the medicine several times a day, diluting it breast milk. The duration of treatment is up to ten days.

As for tablets, it is better not to take them for children under one year of age. Children after one year are recommended to take drops up to three times a day until complete recovery. Tablet Aflubin is taken no more than five times a day for a week.

For routine prevention of infectious and viral diseases, children's Aflubin should be taken for three weeks. The average daily dosage of the drug should not exceed one tablet, that is, you need to drink half of it twice a day.

Emergency prevention involves taking the drug in the morning and evening, half a tablet, for three days.

Special instructions

Before starting treatment with Aflubin, it is strongly recommended to study some recommendations:

  1. Self-medication for pregnant and nursing mothers is strictly prohibited. Reception of this medicine must be prescribed by a doctor.
  2. The drug can be taken by small children under three years of age, but it is better to use drops taken as an oral remedy.
  3. The dosage of the drug must be agreed with the attending physician. It is forbidden to independently select the dose in order to avoid adverse consequences in the form of acute overdose.
  4. Aflubin can be purchased at any pharmacy. The medicine is available to everyone, without exception, without a doctor’s prescription. If any doubts or questions arise before or while taking the drug, it is recommended to seek help from the appropriate doctor, who will conduct a consultation and help draw up a treatment plan with Aflubin.

Drug interactions

To date, the interaction of the drug with other medications does not cause any adverse effects. It can be taken in combination with any other medicine. But if Aflubin is part of a complex treatment where other drugs predominate, then the patient is advised to take a pause (at least 30 minutes) between taking them.

An excellent homeopathic remedy used for therapy colds and prevention is the drug "Aflubin" for children. Reviews characterize it as a unique panacea that can relieve a child from painful symptoms.

Brief description

This medicine has been used in medicine for more than 15 years. So long term made it possible to comprehensively study the pharmacological properties of the drug “Aflubin” for children. Consumer reviews also contributed to the improvement of the product.

This amazing drug is the development of the Austrian pharmaceutical company Bittner Pharma. She has been specializing in the production of homeopathic remedies for many years. His brainchildren are the world famous medicines “Pumpan”, “Gentos”, “Bittner’s Balm”.

The drug has undergone clinical trials in leading medical centers. The therapeutic effectiveness of the drug has been fully confirmed. As a result of the study, the drug was recommended for the prevention and treatment of inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract and viral infections during an epidemic.

Composition of the drug

The medicine consists of herbal and mineral ingredients. These components have small dosages. This allows you to successfully avoid side effects and allergic reactions.

The effective use of Aflubin for children is due to the following composition:

  1. Lactic acid. The ingredient relieves unproductive dry cough. Has a detoxifying effect.
  2. Aconite. It has analgesic and antipyretic properties.
  3. Gentian root. Eliminates symptoms of intoxication due to influenza and ARVI. Has an antipyretic effect.
  4. Step over. Reduces the severity of joint and muscle pain. A good antitussive substance.
  5. Iron phosphate. It acts on the body in case of ailments of the respiratory organs as an anti-inflammatory agent.
  6. Ethanol. Contained in drops.

The medicine "Aflubin Forte" (drug in capsules) is prescribed to children from 7 to 12 years old, 1 capsule twice a day. The duration of therapy can be 5-10 days.

Chewable tablets can be given to children over 14 years of age. For such patients, 1 to 2 pieces are recommended three times a day. The average duration of treatment is one to two weeks.

Sometimes another form of the drug “Aflubin” may be prescribed - syrup for children. The instructions warn that the product is intended for children over 6 years old. It should be consumed 1 teaspoon three times a day. The syrup perfectly strengthens the respiratory system and effectively relieves cough.

Analogues of the drug

Pharmaceutical industry offer huge selection drugs intended for the treatment and prevention of viral infections. The homeopathic analogue of Aflubin for children, the drug Antigrippin Agri, has a similar mechanism of action on the body. The product is produced in the form of granules. It provides the body with treatment and prevention during seasonal epidemics.

The antiviral analogue of Aflubin for children, the medicine Anaferon, is in high demand. This also includes the drugs “Kagocel”, “Arbidol”. These medications have an immunomodulatory effect. They limit the spread of viruses in the body. The drugs "Kagocel" and "Arbidol" stimulate the body's production of interferon. This helps strengthen the immune system.

In addition to the above-mentioned drugs, analogues include the following drugs:

  • "Aconite";
  • "Artrophone";
  • "Atma";
  • "Incena";
  • "Memoria".


Under no circumstances should the product be used by adults and adolescents who are alcohol dependent. After all, even a minimal dose of an alcohol-containing substance is enough to cause a “breakdown” in such a person. And the drug “Aflubin” contains 43% ethyl alcohol.

Again, due to the alcohol it contains, it may become dangerous for individuals diagnosed with diabetes mellitus insulin dependent." The drug is contraindicated for patients suffering from severe renal, and especially liver, failure.

"Aflubin" - drops that stimulate the formation of interferon, which allows its use at various stages of the infectious process. It is used for both prevention and treatment. It has an anti-inflammatory effect on mucous membranes, which helps reduce exudation and inflammation. It also has detoxifying antipyretic effects.

Physico-chemical features: transparent, colorless to yellowish liquid without a specific odor;

"Aflubin" is a complex homeopathic medicine, which is available in drops and is administered orally.

Pharmacological features.

The dual mechanism of action is triggered both through the improvement of local immunity and the direct antiviral effect of this drug.

According to clinical studies, when used prophylactically, Aflubin reduces the risk of viral respiratory diseases or influenza several times. During treatment, it accelerates recovery and prevents complications.

The drug is indicated for the prevention and treatment of influenza and any other respiratory viral diseases, as well as in the complex treatment of rheumatic and inflammatory diseases.

"Aflubin" drops. Instructions for use.

How to take aflubin drops for treatment?

On first - second sick day:

Adults - 11 drops. 3-8 r/day

To quickly improve your well-being, take the drug every hour (but not more than eight times a day).

5 - 13 years: 6-9 k.

1 - 5 years: 2-4 k.

third to seventh day of illness (or until recovery):

Adults - 11 k. 3 r/day

5 - 13 years: 6-9 k. 3 rubles / day

1 - 5 years: 3-5 k. 3 r/day

Newborns and children up to one year: 1 k. 3 r/day

"Aflubin" drops. Instructions for use for prevention

Planned prevention is carried out a month before the incidence increases viral infections or during an epidemic

Adults: 11 k. 2 r/day (2-3 weeks)

1 - 13 years: 3-8 k.

Newborns and children up to one year: 1 k.

Emergency prevention is carried out immediately after contact with a viral patient or after exposure to factors such as hypothermia or climate change.

Adults: 11 k. 2 r/day (2-3 days)

1 - 13 years: 3-8 k.

Newborns and children up to one year: 1 k.

To achieve the best effect, Aflubin is taken in between meals. To enhance effectiveness, hold the drug in your mouth for a few minutes before swallowing. For children, it is recommended to dilute the drug in a spoon of water.

"Aflubin" drops. Instructions for use about features of use

No side effects of the drug were identified.

There are no contraindications.

There are no known cases of overdose.

Features of use. Information about the risk to the fetus and child during use of this drug during pregnancy and beyond. breastfeeding absent.

Interaction with others medicinal products. There are no contraindications for combination with other pharmacological drugs. When taking Aflubin, it is recommended to keep a pause between doses - at least twenty minutes.

Terms and conditions of storage of the drug.

"Aflubin" - drops instructions for use recommend storing for no more than 5 years. Under no circumstances should the drug be used after this time has expired. The date of manufacture of the drug will be indicated on the packaging box.

Since the medicine contains natural plant substances, its taste, transparency or color may change during storage, but this does not at all affect the effectiveness of Aflubin. Therefore, do not be afraid to use this drug before it expires.

The medicine must be stored tightly closed, in the original packaging at temperatures up to 30 degrees (Celsius), always out of the reach of children.

Beware of fakes, buy medicinal product"Aflubin" only in city pharmacies.


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