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“Morality teaches not how to become happy, but how to become worthy of happiness.”

Immanuel Kant

I wonder if every woman can say that she is happy? When we are asked a similar question, we immediately answer - of course, I am happy, because I have everything - a caring husband, children, a job I love.

Is this about you? Then you are on the right track. But the most important thing is not to convince yourself of this, but to really feel this way.

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Positive thinking is the first step to victory. But some women tend to succumb to other people's opinions, thinking that happiness should be the way it is written in books or shown on TV. Such women become depressed... And then, having suffered enough, they subject their loved ones to oppression.

How to learn to be happy every day

Day after day, the minutes of our lives expire, a woman strives to be in time everywhere, to be and remain, healthy, beautiful, to succeed as a mother, to be loved and, of course, to make a career. In the bustle of these days, we sometimes forget to even just look up and see how beautiful blue sky and how beautifully the birds sing.

You need to stop and look around and find beauty in the little things, because there is no “yesterday” and “tomorrow”, but only "here and now". Think about the fact that tomorrow may never come. What would you do today? Maybe you should live to the fullest, breathe deeply, do what you have long dreamed of and say “I love” to everyone you love.

But don’t forget that the advice to live every day like it’s your last does not mean that you should drink, party and do stupid things. Try to enjoy every moment! This is not easy to learn, but if you start now, you will soon learn to be happy regardless of circumstances and people.

14 golden rules of happiness:

  1. When you wake up, the first thing you do is smile at yourself and the sun (smile at your family, friends, passers-by)…
  2. Stop complaining about life, comparing yourself to others, and thinking negatively. Learn to enjoy the little things without taking failures to heart.
  3. Find your hobby.
  4. Unlearn negative thinking and “cut off” all thoughts about bad things.
  5. Enjoy food (while eating, think about food, its smell, taste, stop watching TV).
  6. Take a walk on fresh air, enjoying nature.
  7. Watch life-affirming films, listen to pleasant music (audio, song or video does not matter), choose something that pleases and warms the soul, let it be a melodrama or a thriller, a comedy series or a historical film...
  8. Forgive the offenders and let go of the past, leave only good things in the present. It's easy to learn to forgive you need to forgive yourself first, because we are human, we tend to make mistakes. Remember how in the movie “Eat, Pray, Love”? Send a ray of light to someone dear to you, so you will give a piece of yourself, starting already new life filled with happiness.
  9. Read books or essays on psychology (fortunately there are plenty of them). For example, Dale Carnegie and his “Textbook of Life”, Louise Hay “Everything a Woman Wants”, Sister Stephanie “What to Name a Child to Make Him Happy”..., Mrinal Kumar Gupta “How to Always Be Happy”, in each of the books has its own morality.
    find various trainings and affirmations (they are available online and completely free on the Internet).
  10. Do good to others for free.
  11. Take time for yourself (thinking about the meaning of life, plans for the summer, etc.).
  12. Always put “love” first in all situations.
  13. Dream.
  14. Give thanks for everything you have now.

Joy in the family

Every woman should remember that there is nothing more expensive than family. It is this that is the foundation of happiness. And your heart will tell you how to be happy in your family.

There are two options:

  1. You understand that you don’t love your husband, having clearly realized that he is not your person and you are unhappy with him - leave.
  2. You accept your spouse as he is, without wanting to change “to suit you.”

The recipe is simply simple.

Next, you should understand that it is very important to become a lover, a loving wife and a good mother in one person in the family. Dr. Torsunov, in his lectures on Ayurveda - the science of life, reveals principles that help family people improve relationships, diet, and get rid of bad habits. For example, giving lectures can help you quit smoking or get rid of cravings for alcohol if your husband or wife drinks.

In a relationship with a man

The main rules for strong and long-lasting relationships:

  • become his friend
  • take care of yourself
  • learn to cook deliciously
  • "don't blow your mind"
  • surprise him in bed
  • leave him time for personal space (going to a sports bar, drinking beer with friends)
  • say "I love you"
  • don't try to change it
  • be yourself

Such simple, but at the same time complex rules will help you not to lose your man.

If you are getting married, think about whether communicating with your lover brings you joy. Maybe you're just jealous of other married couples, or you're just tired of parental care? Then there is no need to rush into marriage.

Psychologists advise downloading the book “How to Become Loved and Desired.” It was written by modern writer Oksana Duplyakina. The author gives advice to all women. With her books, she teaches women to be more confident in themselves, to recognize their chosen one or husband from the other side, to establish relationships with him…. And here’s what Carnegie’s “Textbook of Life” tells us about the relationship between a husband and his wife:
do not criticize or find fault with your husband;
there is no reason for jealousy, do not pursue him for any reason;
show each other signs of attention, know how to listen to your interlocutor;
be proactive, that is, notify your husband in advance about your or common plans;
read a good book about sex (spouses can get to know each other better).

But what about a man - should he do something? Of course I should.

Read A. Pushkin’s poems “Onegin’s Letter to Tatyana”, the heroes of this work are happy or maybe depressed by their feelings... think about who you are for your man, who are you next to him?

Usually the reasons for divorces or quarrels in relationships are lack of money, dissatisfaction with sexual relations or divergence of interests.

Being married is a real art that requires learning and new practices. Rimma Home’s book “Magical Women’s Things” is especially for women. She will tell you that you are a valuable prize, a godsend for a man, they will hunt you like prey. Decide on a “magic experiment” with Rimma. The writer has a wealth of experience in communicating with the opposite sex, passes it on to other women, and advises how to keep a loved one, without straining too much, how to raise your self-esteem. You can learn more about this book by reading reviews and reviews from readers.


What to do if a woman is alone?

Accept this reality as a new stage in life and enjoy your solitude. You don’t have to cook for someone in the morning or wash dirty socks, you live for yourself and can do whatever you want. Enjoy this period and you won’t notice how the one person with whom you want to wash your socks and cook breakfast will appear in your life.

Understand that successful and happy people attract others like them. If you are heartbroken and suffer, you will attract the same loser to you.

(For all those who want to change everything in their lives once and for all, we recommend Vitaly Gibert’s book “Modeling the Future”).

After reading the text on Tibetan medicine by a Tibetan doctor, you will understand that women do not have time to develop modern world, that is, their physical state - the physical does not keep up with the spiritual. Previously, it was not like this, women gave birth to 5-10 children, but did not do additional things, and were much less tired. So, you are in a period when a woman is cleansing her body (menstruation), you also need to cleanse yourself spiritually, do meditation, for example, or do something useful, simple, you can’t be nervous these days, splashing out your energy too much, you need let only good feelings into your soul. According to this theory, women are divided into 3 types: wind (lung), bile (trip), mucus (badkan). Not very pleasant names, but it’s worth studying these types of female energy, at least for general development. Moreover, each type has its own character, its own diet, which helps to cope with PMS, and as a result increase your vitality. It seems like simple recommendations that will help a woman overcome difficulties and establish contact with herself and other people.

Say in front of the mirror - I am strong, I am a person worthy of respect and love, I value myself and love myself for who I am! Despite the loneliness, as you can see, I am alive, and everything will be fine with me.

Even if it so happens that you live without your husband, or he betrayed you, know how to leave in English, because life is in full swing, thank God that you have loved ones, friends, possibly children, parents. Try to visit them every day, giving them love to everyone, you will also become happier! If you are really sad, you can get a pet; it will definitely become a source of positive emotions for you.

Love and be loved!

It just so happens that women’s happiness has long been strongly associated with having a soul mate. A successful marriage, mutual understanding and love in the family is almost the only life goal for many representatives of the fair sex. However, it is not always possible to build a relationship - perhaps the “prince” turned out to be the wrong one, or perhaps he is still on his way. What to do if your soulmate has not yet appeared on the horizon, and the state of loneliness has become familiar and commonplace? Is it possible to become happy without a man? Modern psychologists confidently say - of course!

What is happiness and how to find it?

According to medical reference books on psychology, happiness is a rather ephemeral concept that implies absolute satisfaction with one’s life. At the same time, the term itself can be deciphered in any way: for some, happiness lies in financial well-being, for others - in a successfully built career, for others - in the opportunity to develop as a person... This list can be continued endlessly, because everyone has their own happiness. Of course, receiving satisfaction from having a man in life is also a kind of happiness, but his presence cannot in any way be the only source of that blissful state in which a truly happy woman finds herself.

Modern society dictates new rules, and today it is not enough for a successful woman to have a family - she also needs to be established socially, have a decent career, do what she loves and, of course, enjoy it all. Moreover, looking for happiness only in the presence of a man nearby is quite naive and more reminiscent of addiction than a full-fledged relationship. And yet, single women are confident that the appearance of a partner will magically change their lives for the better and teach them to be happy and prosperous. In this case, the search for a husband turns into the only significant goal, and the long-awaited marriage most often becomes another disappointment: there seems to be a husband, but there is no more happiness. And all because happiness does not come on its own, and even the best and loving man cannot replace the whole world.

How to become happy? Psychological educational program

To become happy, having a man is not at all necessary, the main thing is to sincerely believe in it. Real, deep and fulfilling happiness is a complex of emotions and feelings that you need to bring into your life:

  1. Learn to see the beauty in what you have. Yes, now you don’t have a man, but you have a job you love, friends, the opportunity to travel and build your life the way you want. It’s not for nothing that the phrase of their cult Soviet film “Girls” has become almost an aphorism: today “eat halva”, tomorrow - “gingerbread”, the day after tomorrow - go conquer new horizons, in a word, do what brings you pleasure - you have every right to do so , since they are not bound by any obligations.

  1. Don't pay attention to intrusive advice. Do girlfriends who have managed to start a family often try to arrange your life by “matchmaking” with all the men they know, even if they don’t evoke any pleasant emotions in you? Are those around you trying their best to convince you that this is the notorious “last carriage” into which you need to jump without looking back? Do your parents remind you at every family dinner that they don’t mind babysitting their grandchildren? Don’t take their words to heart, don’t get irritated and don’t feel inferior in any way - just because they see your happiness in starting a family doesn’t mean that it is so. Explain to your friends and acquaintances that your personal life is personal, that you will build it yourself, stop inappropriate advice and comments, avoid such conversations, or simply change the topic.
  2. Stop pseudo-sympathy. Another unpleasant side of communicating with married girlfriends is the so-called “sympathy”. Phrases like “poor thing, I’m still alone,” “it’s probably lonely in the evenings,” etc., are extremely rarely truly sincere, and therefore it’s better to nip them in the bud. Firstly, constant disparagement of your life from the outside will in no way help you become happy, and secondly, the fact that they are trying to instill in you a feeling of your own inferiority is not the best best foundation for friendship.
  3. Look for positive emotions. To feel happy, you don’t have to have a man, the main thing is to experience bright emotions, which sometimes replace falling in love. Jump with a parachute or bungee, race go-karts, join a mountaineering club and go conquer Everest - in a word, do what causes real drive, a surge of emotions and adrenaline, and you won’t even notice how you will stop feeling unhappy and lonely.

  1. Bring love into your life. No matter how trivial it may sound, in order to be happy, you need to give your love and receive a charge of positive emotions in return. However, love can be completely different, and therefore it will not be difficult to bring it into your everyday life. Get a pet, take care of it, love it sincerely - and in return it will joyfully greet you from work and miss you during your absence.

How to fill your life in the absence of a man? 10 practical tips

Today, organizing everyday life without the help of men is quite simple - any problem can be solved by the appropriate service: plumbers, furniture assemblers, repair teams, in extreme cases, “a husband for an hour.” It is much more difficult not to feel lonely and unhappy. However, it is enough to fill your life with really interesting and positive activities - and there will simply be no time left for sadness and thoughts of “what if”:

  1. Build a career. As a rule, women who are not burdened with relationships with the opposite sex are more successful and productive at work. Their daily routine is much more predictable, and their emotional background does not depend on external factors. Focus on your work (of course, only if it brings you pleasure), consider opportunities for career growth and, if there are none, feel free to change your job, because you need to grow professionally and strive for new heights. Don’t be afraid of new responsibilities and difficult to achieve goals - everything is possible, you just have to want it!

  1. Travel. Do not deny yourself the pleasure of visiting new places at least once or twice a year, and it is not at all necessary to go to Goa or the Maldives - if funds do not yet allow, you can study the geography of your own country. Just get on the bus and go to a new place, walk along unknown streets, see the sights, get to know local cuisine and color - this will help you take your mind off the everyday hustle and bustle and fill your life with new emotions and impressions.
  2. Play sports. Yoga, Pilates, fitness or cardio training allow you not only to keep your body in shape, but also to expend unspent energy, lead an active lifestyle and effectively distract from current problems. Find a sport that you like and that suits your physical fitness: you shouldn’t start with mountaineering or a marathon, otherwise you can quickly “burn out” both mentally and physically, but moderate exercise 2-3 times a week will come in handy.

  1. Find a hobby. Start embroidering a huge picture, sign up for a cooking class, knit socks for all your family, or take up clay modeling - it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that the new hobby brings pleasure and arouses genuine interest. Be open to new things, constantly improving - and you can feel happy much faster than you think.
  2. Chat with friends. The principle “less social networks - more live communication” works 100%. Call your girlfriends, invite them to a cafe, a picnic or shopping, have fun and don’t refuse invitations yourself, even if the company doesn’t seem very suitable for you. Try to surround yourself with like-minded people with whom you will have fun and interest, but do not ignore new acquaintances - who knows how many happy moments such communication can bring?

  1. Engage in self-development. Complete the professional courses that you have long dreamed of, get a second (third, fifth, etc.) education, constantly study and improve your skills - this way you can not only add another significant point to your resume, but also become truly successful woman. But success and recognition can make everyone who strives for it happy!
  2. Read more. Even if it’s difficult to classify you as a book lover, just try it. Unimaginable aroma printed publications creates a special atmosphere, and the fascinating stories bring much more pleasure than it might seem at first glance. Plus, it's a good way to top up. vocabulary, become a more interesting, versatile and well-read person, with whom there is always something to talk about.

  1. Smile more often. A happy person cannot stop smiling. This simple truth has a better effect on the subconscious than antidepressants, so try to smile as often and sincerely as possible. Start your day with a smile, even if you’re in a bad mood, so you can feel a little happier.
  2. Change. It’s trite, but changes in appearance can make absolutely any woman happy. Update your wardrobe, make fashionable haircut or, conversely, grow stylish curls, change your usual stiletto heels for comfortable sneakers - the main thing is that new image you liked it!
  3. Have a great holiday. If gray everyday life seems too bland, and there is neither time, nor energy, nor desire for entertainment, shake yourself up and arrange a mind-blowing feast yourself. The occasion can be anything, from the birthday of your beloved dog to a self-proclaimed day of independence from everyday obligations - gather your friends, order pizza, decorate your apartment, turn up the music louder, or go together to the nearest karaoke, solemnly promising yourself not to be sad for a second!

As you can see, becoming happy is not at all difficult, and for this you do not need anything other than your own desire. It is not necessary to wait for happiness, look for it or invent it - there are enough reasons for joy in the life of every person. Make your life rich and bright, don’t be afraid of new emotions and interesting acquaintances, and then you will certainly be able to become happy, with or without a man!

How to become happy without the help of men (R.A. Narushevich)

A strong woman means a happy woman.

A woman who does not have lunar (feminine) energy is unattractive and has nothing to build a relationship on.

There is a solar type of happiness - this is the male type, and if a woman cultivates it, she will destroy the family.

The nature of lunar (female) energy is different, it cools. So even in the rays of the Moon, objects are cooler than in the shadow.

According to the Vedas, we live in Kali Yuga - the age of strife and divorce. Therefore, there is no point in hoping that marriages will survive on their own.

They say that “hope dies last.” And that's right. The one who hopes dies first. We need to do something. It remains to understand what exactly. We live in very high tension and stress. There is more than enough stress. Our body is adapted to experience stress only for a short time - the whole body is mobilized, becomes active, we are better oriented and ultimately save ourselves. But if you are in a state of stress for several years, the body can no longer stand it. Women often try to reduce stress male species activities - for example, going to work, to business. But lunar energy is found only in informal relationships.

Only if a woman has internal sources of happiness, she is able to relieve stress from her husband, even from the entire family at critical moments, with her calmness, light, simply by her presence, and restore a man’s faith in himself. But for this to happen, by the time of “hard times” she must already be “charged” with happiness, so that she can “cool” the man’s psyche, relieve him of exhaustion and overheating.

A woman's strength is that she is happy. And during periods of calm, she should use every opportunity to charge herself with happiness. And no matter how much happiness a woman accumulates, she will not be able to spend it entirely on herself. It is in her nature to be happy to serve. And if she serves from an exhausted state, then nothing good will come of it. She must share the excess of happiness. If she is unhappy, then she begins to beat her happiness out of her close people and, first of all, from her husband and children.

For a man, the more stress, the more efficiency he feels from his activities (of course, there is a limit to everything, but to a certain extent this is true).
A man is energized in action when he feels valuable, important, needed.

Therefore, what will be written below may seem like complete selfishness to you, but this is the only way to save the family. This knowledge may be difficult to perceive, since the upbringing that hammered and crushed the woman has already been ingrained into the bone marrow. But if you practice this knowledge, it can really make you happy. A woman should know what can make her happy, but often she simply forgets about her desires. How can other people find out about this if she herself doesn’t know?

A woman just needs to experiment herself, try what she likes best.

Sometimes she may start going to yoga and suddenly realize that she has vocal abilities. There are women whose self-esteem has fallen so low, her dissatisfaction is so high that she cannot even fulfill any of the points listed below.

A woman cannot be made happy from being unhappy. She must know what she wants in order to become happy and be sure to express it in an adequate form to her man. And if her wishes come true, thank her and let her know that she has become happier. Thus, cooperate with a man.

A man cannot resist the fact that his woman becomes happy, he will support her in every possible way. It is not enough for a woman to receive love only from children (this means “drinking their blood”) if she herself lacks love. She then, with her care, simply obliges the child to give her his love. Before starting a partnership, you need to “fill the honeycomb of love” with honey, receive and store love.

Until the age of 7, this is the unconditional love of parents, when they love for nothing, even if the child makes mistakes.

From 7 to 14 - a person receives the love of friends, loved ones, chatting about nothing, sometimes doing complete nonsense, playing games - just to be together, to communicate.

The love of like-minded people is when a person feels that his ideas are valued, they are important, and they listen to him with interest.

The 4th type of love is self-sufficiency. And only when these honeycombs are filled is a person able to fully enter into partnerships. When he (s) is filled with love, he (s) does not expect anything in return for his love. Otherwise, the family simply turns into a business.

A woman must be independent of a man (independent in the sense that a woman is able to give her love to her husband even when she does not receive love from him. That is, not depend on whether a man gives her love or not).

If a woman lives only as a man, gives her whole life to him, and God forbid he gets another woman, then her psyche cannot stand it. It is very rare for families to survive such an ordeal. But if a wife is charged with happiness, then she can easily overcome crises.

It often happens that a woman still has enough psychic energy for crises, but after the “end of the war” she realizes that she has nothing left to give, because the energy has not been replenished - and this is where everything collapses. So while there are no tests, a woman needs to replenish herself with lunar energies.

The point is not what a woman makes of these points, but what she considers herself worthy of. Start at least small, gradually appetites begin to grow. It is important to realize the importance and necessity of doing these things. We need to get into this. If a girl believes that she is engaged in spiritual practice, but at the same time she has neglected herself, then this is not spiritual practice.

True spiritual practice makes a woman worthy of all these wonderful things. An increase in lunar energy increases a woman's loyalty and honesty. What keeps a woman married is the belief that this man can make her happy. The man’s “bank of trust” increases - that is, if a man makes any mistakes, then the higher the deposit in this bank, the easier he can make them. Lunar beauty increases with age; a woman becomes more attractive by storing up this energy.

For comparison:

List of qualities that increase stress resistance in men: (Resistance to stress - this means that we can tolerate all sorts of troubles)

1. Setting goals

2. Healthy competition

3. Opportunities, time, privacy to solve the problem

4. The mood of the “rely on me” type, that is, when someone simply unconditionally relies on him, trusts him

5. Risk

6. Danger

7. Inclination, the right to dominate (if a woman gives a man such a right)

8. Success, efficiency

9. Money. Having money as a means of solving problems.

10. A clear understanding of the start and end time of the project being dealt with. Achieving some result in a certain time, seeing where the finish line is (women can do something endlessly)

11. Power or influence. That is, there are factors that strengthen a man’s resistance to stress in business and at work.

And now the Qualities that increase a woman’s resistance to stress (not what makes her persistent and ascetic, but happy, what increases her lunar energy, strengthens the family)

1. The ability is shared with others. This is a practice of asceticism for a woman. Share warmth, time, happiness, food

2. Communicate, communicate

3. Security “charges the battery” of a woman’s patience. Even talking about danger can reduce lunar energy

4. Cleanliness. Cleanliness of clothes, apartment, dishes, etc. Clean where there is nothing superfluous. Otherwise, beautiful things will not be visible behind old unnecessary ones. Clothes should match the entire range of a woman’s moods. But often there are those that no longer reflect, or remind of the difficult, burden

5. Beauty. Beautiful things, but in such a way that they themselves do not become the cause of uncleanliness in the apartment. A man needs to surround a woman with beautiful things so that when he has a difficult period, he himself does not go crazy.

6. Trust. The ability to trust yourself and know that you are trusted too. Spiritual friendship between women, the presence of a man who will never betray a woman.

7. Cooperation (for men – competition). Collaborative activities, feeling cared for. Women are not tied to getting results; for her, “friendship wins” is more important so that they can enjoy the results of the process together. If a woman receives a “laurel wreath” for something, then she happily distributes it piece by piece to all participants, to all those who helped

8. The ability to share responsibility, delegate one’s responsibility (a man takes full responsibility for everything). Even if a woman alone is capable of doing something, she is more willing to share. Doesn't want to take responsibility for the end result. That is, only when they are responsible for her, a woman does not feel the fear of making a mistake, and can calmly do something

9. Praises and compliments (previously there was a prejudice that children should not be praised, otherwise the child would become arrogant. But there are no measures in compliments for a woman, especially a girl.) On the one hand, this pleases her, on the other, her mind becomes worried, because a woman becomes attached to a man who subtly compliments her and may worry that her husband is not so generous with compliments. Therefore, women need to learn to compliment each other. You don’t have to wait for your husband to compliment a woman, but get ahead of him and do it yourself. This will get rid of unnecessary jealousy

10. Expression of love. In any form

11. Various types skills, mastery. The more a woman can do, the more resilient she is. A woman must own different types skills, for example, embroidery, knitting, making a candlestick out of nothing, playing several instruments, staging theatrical performances where there is not even any scenery, composing fairy tales for children, etc. The Vedas talk about 64 skills that a woman should master. These are beautiful, elegant and completely useless (from the point of view of men) things. For example, the ability to finish a quatrain, or juggling

12. Ability to feed. A healthy female body in itself is already a source of nutrition. The Vedas call milk “liquid religion.” The very factor of feeding, treating someone, preparing delicious food greatly increases lunar energy.

13. Unity, meetings, group joint activities.

14. Measured life, without unnecessary improvisations. Of course, there should be surprises, but a woman should know about them in advance

Any of the following activities reveals a woman’s other abilities and desires to do something interesting.

Perhaps some things may seem unrealistic to you, but this is exactly the case when dreaming is not only not harmful, but very useful


1. Massage. At least once a week. You can, of course, do it to yourself, but this does not equate to what if someone else did it, since in this case care is important so that the woman can relax

2. Visiting hairdressers

3. Manicure. The beauty of a woman's body is a factor that strengthens the family. A weak woman in a strong skirt inherited from her mother strengthens the family

4. Bachelorette parties where you can do complete nonsense (from the point of view of men)

5. Talk to a friend on the phone for a long time. It is important for a woman to talk out her problems with loved ones, to share her emotions, otherwise it will all come down on the man.

6. Just invite each other to dinners, feed each other, help yourself

7. Walks. At least half an hour alone

8. Listen to music.

9. Taking a bath. Beautiful, fragrant. At least for half an hour.

10. Singing. It's even better to take singing lessons

11. Go shopping, shopping. You don't even have to buy anything. It is important to abandon the paranoidly practical idea that if I have nothing to buy, then I don’t need to go there.

12. Visit to a psychological mentor. It is important for a woman to be a woman, preferably a happy one.

13. Dancing, attending dance lessons. Or yoga classes, it is better if it is led by a happy female instructor.

14. Regularly arrange walks and conversations with friends.

15. Buy yourself freshly cut flowers (without fear that they won’t understand, don’t consider it humiliation). Flowers have lunar energy, they make a woman instantly happy. Buy from the state of “I am so worthy of this that I should have flowers anyway.” Plus the flowers are still being taken away negative energy. The presence of flowers in the house charges it with lunar energy.

16. Talk to your beloved friend on the phone.

17. Spend time (or even a weekend) with your friends at the SPA center.

18. Yoga classes, a visit to the pool, a dance class - in any case, a woman is pleased when someone explains something to her, watches her, takes care of her

19. Make your own small garden, or at least grow some edible plants on the windowsill. Since everything related to nutrition and feeding is directly related to feminine energy. If you manage to get the seeds of a real Tulsi tree, then this is generally wonderful. It is believed that the level of consciousness of this tree is higher than human.

20. Communicate with other beloved, happy family women - if the woman is lonely. And if she’s married, then organize bachelorette parties.

21. Ask a man on the street to carry heavy bags. You can just make “training” bags, don’t wait for a crisis situation, train in “peacetime,” now. Just don’t think under any circumstances that, God forbid, this person might think that I’m flirting with him. Or something like what if I were 20 years old, but at my age...

22. Wander around a bookstore, look at books

24. Invite someone into your home who can help you. At least as an experiment. One of the factors that increases a woman’s stress is “Who else, if not me.” It’s not so much the care of children and home that is burdensome, but this emotional pressure - “if I suddenly get sick, then how will everything be here without me?!” - this feeling of round-the-clock responsibility consumes a lot of energy and exhausts you. “I can’t even afford to feel bad.” Therefore, if a woman knows that they can help her, her life becomes much calmer and more joyful. This does not mean at all that she is a bad housewife, or that she cannot cope on her own - we need to get rid of this paranoia

25. Cooking courses. Even if you cook very well, then learn from another tradition. Even if you do not achieve high results, even if you are not a fan of cooking, it is connected with the feeding process, which increases feminine energy

26. If there are deficiencies in the house (something creaks, doesn’t work very well). These shortcomings have a bad effect on a woman’s health; she feels them like her own sores. Sometimes it seems that a man does not pay attention to her request, but this is not so - a man does not pay attention to the little things, he waits for everything to break down so that he can immediately fix everything “in bulk.” But if a woman endured a creaky door for many months, and when in the 8th year it completely broke down and the man repaired it, then he may not hear praise addressed to her, but ridicule.

27. Make a plan. Confidence that everything happens as planned, as it should. For example, make a family entertainment plan in advance

28. Give your friend a visit to a beauty salon or fashion store, pay for several classes at a dance school

29. Arrange a dinner for some special occasion, arrange everything very beautifully, invite guests.

30. Very good for family women participate in events related to communication between teachers and children’s educators. The main thing is to do it on your own schedule, so that it’s a joy, maybe come up with something yourself

31. Enroll in a theater studio. The secret of drama therapy is to experience in a safe environment those emotions that are difficult in real life.

32. Have a small picnic with friends and family. This is due to nature. Nature itself is a source of lunar energy, plus eating in nature.

33. Join the young mothers club. little child lives her own life, so mom doesn’t live her own life. But heroism in this case is to take care of yourself. Discuss time management secrets with other mothers, how to find time for yourself. Maybe even organize such a community yourself.

34. Take care of other children. The advantage is that these relationships are not burdened with karmic ties. And the woman can give this child as much as she wants and can, no more, and therefore does not get tired. For mothers who are ready to experiment, you can swap children with a friend for a few hours. There is no burden around my neck that only I am responsible for this child (as is the case with mine). Arrange unloading hours for each other, “oxygen baths” - when friends take turns taking on all the children. The most important effect of this is the realization that I am not the only one responsible for this child, they can help me

35. Feed the hungry. Either in special centers, or buy some old lady delicious food that she cannot afford

37. Attend meetings or events that are spiritually inspiring, where people are doing something light.

38. Stay up to date with the events of your friends and relatives. But again, not out of a mood of gossip or envy. And from the mood of community, unity, empathy.

39. Watch your favorite TV program or movie, it’s good if with a friend. Not to be confused with when a person loses his personality on TV and replaces his life with someone else's.

40. Talk to your psychotherapist, mentor

41. Learn something from another culture about cooking or interior design or decor. Apply this in life

42. Spend some time on the coast of the sea, lake, river, reservoir.

43. Unite with other women, organize some kind of actions, rallies like “defending women’s rights to manicures” or protecting women from carrying heavy loads. It shouldn't be heavily political - otherwise it's already solar energy. Here we are not talking about protecting your career, but about simply stating your desires, making them noticeable

44. Organizing beautiful parades

45. Ask someone to help take out old things. Carry out an inventory, for example, make 4 boxes with the inscription “throw away”, “give away”, “put aside” (which are used seasonally), “I don’t know yet”

46. ​​Take some courses on proper nutrition, healthy image life

48. Set up a bird feeder.

49. Visit a museum, better an art museum, and not one with all sorts of bones and remains

50. Go to the cinema in the middle of the day

51. Attend a meeting with some writer, poet

52. Keep a diary of feelings and experiences. Many women consider their feelings unnecessary and priceless. And the diary allows you to realize them, so that you can later express them and convey them to your loved ones.

53. Keep a photo album for children

54. Create an email list to which you can send photos of family events so that they can also keep abreast of your life.

55. Offer help to some friend of yours

56. Enroll in modeling, sculpture, art clubs. Learn to perceive beauty from these people

57. Make a donation to a charitable organization or somehow participate in its activities. It’s good if this organization is involved in feeding. But you can’t carry heavy things - it kills lunar energy

58. Change hair color

59. Buy yourself a new outfit. Any new thing, something that has never been worn before, helps to increase lunar energy

60. Look at your friends’ photo albums, show yours

61. Daily rhythmic regular activity. A man is happier when he is given a “mission”; a man cannot stand regular responsibilities

62. Send someone a birthday card

63. Sign up for a floristry club. Even if you don’t learn how to compose compositions well, you will communicate with fresh flowers. And they take away negative energy

64. Invite a friend to babysit her child for at least half an hour (of course, if she doesn’t live far away, so as not to worry about traveling)

65. Married women help the unmarried. Unmarried people should ask married people for help. Each subsequent level must be filled in provided the previous one is full Part 4 35 minutes

1. Approval of others

Who cares what they think of you? If you are happy with the decisions you made, then you did right choice, and it doesn't matter what others say. Imagine how much effort you spend trying to read other people's thoughts, and still don't guess.

Listen to advice - please, but don't let others decide how to live.

2. Anger and resentment

The next time you catch yourself feeling this way, think about this: “Would I like to be the person I envy?” Surely not, you love yourself (even if somewhere very deep inside).

You are looking at someone else's life that you don't know. You have no idea what this person is thinking. Maybe when he dives into the pool of his private home, he hates himself or is wildly afraid of something? Maybe you, walking through the forest on a sunny day, experience much more pleasure than he does, basking on the snow-white sand in the Maldives?

Stop looking at others. If you feel good now, then everything is right. If not, make it good.

16. Uncertainty

U happy people, as a rule, there is a sense of self-esteem (just do not confuse it with an inflated ego). They are happy with themselves and exude confidence.

There is no reason to doubt yourself. If you have traits that you hate, there are two ways: accept them or change them. Every person is everything at once: a libertine, a puritan, a lying bastard, and a gentleman. You choose who you want to be.

17. Dependence on others

No one will fill the emptiness inside of you. No one will make you positive and self-sufficient if you are unhappy with your fate. To share your happiness with someone else, you must first become happy yourself. So don’t even hope that your success is in someone else’s hands. Only in yours.

18. Past

Living in the past means burying your present. There were mistakes - okay, who didn't? Give your memories a magnificent funeral, remember only the lessons and...

19. Total control

Sometimes you just need to relax and let life take its course. You can't control everything, and you have to accept that. Otherwise, you will be constantly nervous, but in the end you will still not change anything. There are simply things that are beyond your control. They must be accepted as they are.

20. Expectations

People think that others should live up to their expectations. This is nonsense. Nobody owes you anything, just like you don’t owe anything. No one should be polite, attentive, neat, honest, pleasant to talk to, clean, in the end. Nothing has to be perfect, amazing, unforgettable, but it can be. If it happens, great; if not, you won’t be upset. Be willing to accept whatever life throws at you and you will find happiness.

Start now to live the life you would like to see in the end.

Marcus Aurelius

How to be happy without a man, what is needed for this, today’s article will be about this. First we need to understand why a woman should be and preferably without a man, why more and more women are trying to become independent, more and more men's positions are occupied by women.

Isn't a male tribe emerging? What's really going on? Where is the world heading? Women have always been stronger than men both energetically and often in our lives emotionally; women live longer than men, by 10-15 years. It turns out that a woman is apparently a fragile creature, but inside she is a raging hurricane of energies that can sweep away in her path, if that is her will. The simple reason is that a woman uses all her potential inherent in nature for only one thing - to achieve a feeling of happiness. The whole meaning of her life is the search for happiness, the whole philosophy. But modern woman Unfortunately, I replaced these concepts with modern attitudes of society.

  1. that the main happiness is to become an accomplished woman, and family and everything else can wait.
  2. become independent from men both in material and other areas.
  3. take as high a position as possible to command over men

All these points turn a woman into what is called a woman in a man’s guise. A woman is the mother of future children, for this, by nature, she has more energy than a man, she needs to bear and give birth to children, of course, if a woman puts all this energy into realizing some of her ideas, she will achieve her goals faster than the man who plays everywhere the role of energy, The more energy, the faster goals are achieved.

A woman can even become happy without a man; such is the potential of a woman; if a man is left alone, he often becomes an alcoholic, breaks down under the weight of loneliness and other factors. In order for a woman to become happy without a man, she needs to become a self-sufficient and harmonious woman, to balance the energies in herself, in a man and in a woman there are opposite energies; in a woman there is male energy and vice versa, when they come into conflict in a person then disharmony and imbalance occurs, man becomes unhappy and doesn’t know how to continue living!

Working on yourself and your feminine energies is the basis of a woman’s happiness when she is alone. When a woman knows what she wants from life, what motivates her when performing certain actions, then such a woman radiates confidence and self-sufficiency, she knows how to be happy, such a woman is called a woman who takes care of her happiness. A woman who radiates harmony and happiness, it is impossible not to see this woman in the crowd, as she radiates harmony and goodness.

What motivates a woman who dooms herself to loneliness?

A woman who does not want or cannot unite her destiny with anyone is the woman who may have become disillusioned with men, or has not met someone worthy for herself, but most importantly! But she doesn’t want to just tie her fate with anyone, because she understands what it’s like and she wouldn’t want to tie it up with just anyone, she’s waiting for the one who will win her heart at first sight, time takes its toll and there is a risk that the woman may remain in alone.

Don't cross oceans for people who wouldn't cross puddles for you.

Fyodor Dostoevsky

But of course this does not threaten you if a woman works on herself, on her content, on her spiritual potential, on her energy, after that men see such a woman from afar, now men are not interested in cold beauty, a figure of 90-60-90 or vice versa, men are not even interested in intelligence. what interests modern men.Men miss those women who shine with happiness, in whom there is a lot of energy, in whom feminine who have a developed sense of beauty, such women will be in fashion for the next millennium, I’m exaggerating this, of course, believe me, women like these will occupy leadership position in humanity. Even such a woman may be ugly, but the light coming from her soul will block the beauty of all fashion models of our time because they do not have a female ego, and men increasingly follow energy and not cold beauty, which quickly becomes boring. Such a woman, even without a man alone, feels happy and self-sufficient. But I will say that it is very difficult for such a woman to remain alone, because men, like moths, flock to the light and will flock to such a woman.

I have only seen such women a few times in my life, I want to look at such a woman without blinking, they bring such light, such hormony in the soul, a man will not and will not change such a woman. And even if he cheats, he will understand that his woman is the best.

I have told and will tell you how to become such a woman in other articles, so follow the publication.

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