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The motion sensor is used to automatically turn on the lights in the house. It detects an object moving in the room and sends a signal to turn on the light. It is very convenient to use such devices in everyday life.

What is a motion sensor and why is it needed?

The motion sensor is a special wave detector powered by electricity. It detects movements in the room. That is, any moving object entering the coverage area of ​​the motion sensor activates the sensor system, which transmits it to the mechanism attached to it.

The device will not harm your health and will significantly save energy, and therefore the money that you could pay for it.

This device has many advantages:

Installing a motion sensor in any warehouse will make your life easier. As a rule, in such rooms the switches are located quite far from the entrance. This means that if the room is creatively cluttered, you can easily get injured by tripping over an object.

Multifunctionality is one of the main advantages of motion sensors. Not only is it compact and ideal for any interior, but it can also be wireless, which is convenient. The motion sensor can be used for various purposes, be it opening a gate or signaling.

Types of motion sensors

Now there are several types of motion sensors. Before purchasing, you should understand a little about the characteristics of these devices. Their large number so that everyone can choose a device that suits their specific requirements.

Motion sensors are divided into several types, depending on the location where it is located:

  • Type internal. This type of sensor is located indoors. You can install it absolutely anywhere in your house or apartment.
  • External type. Such a device operates at a distance of 100 to 500 meters. They are usually installed in the courtyard of a house or in large areas of various industries.

The installation, like the devices, is divided into two types:

  • Ceiling installation type. This alarm device is mounted in the ceiling. Typically, it works 360 degrees.
  • Wall-mounted or, another name, corner type of installation. The advantage is considered to be a smaller opening angle, which reduces the number of false reactions.

The power supply of the alarm is divided into several types:

Wired power supply – they work well throughout the entire period of operation, almost like new. This happens because electricity is transmitted through wires. The alarm has a minus - it turns off if there is no electricity.

Autonomous or wireless power supply. It runs on one or more batteries that are pre-built. More modern models are powered by sunlight. However, such an environmentally friendly option requires control of electricity. It should not be too little or too much.


The sensors also differ in installation. There are external or overhead ones, as well as devices that are built-in. The first ones are easy to install; you only need to connect electrical wiring to them. The second type has the main advantage of being able to be manufactured to suit the interior and overall design of the room.

To better understand what it looks like, it’s worth looking at photos of such motion sensors. Thanks to this advantage, the sensor can be planned at the design stage of the entire house. Both types differ from each other in their operating principle.

Ultrasonic motion sensor

It works quite simply. The waves that come from the moving object are read by a built-in wave catcher. This type of sensor lasts a long time and is easy to use. The price of the ultrasonic sensor is reasonable and it is also environmentally friendly.

However, it has some disadvantages:

  • Often does not respond to slow moving objects.
  • It has a negative effect on animals, so if you have pets you should not choose a sensor of this type.

Infrared sensors

Such devices react to heat emanating from a moving object, then the light turns on. The implementation of this action directly depends on the number of light bulbs that are built into the system. The more lamps, the more territory the device covers.

It is not advisable to install such a sensor in the kitchen, because... there are temperature changes, and as you already know, these devices do not like temperature changes.

The sensor is harmless to animals and people. The device is customized to suit your viewing angle and sensitivity requirements. Sensors of this type work great both indoors and outdoors - this is definitely a plus. Infrared sensors include 12 volt motion sensors.

Disadvantages of infrared sensors:

  • They react to heat waves from equipment located in the room.
  • Precipitation and sun affect the infrared sensors.
  • Does not react to objects that do not emit heat.

Principles of operation of motion sensors

The principle of operation of the motion sensor is quite simple. When a moving object appears in the motion sensor's viewing area, the built-in detector will turn on the relay and, with its help, electricity will be transmitted to the light bulbs, thereby turning on the light.

The device operates for the time you specify in the settings. You can select from 5 seconds to 10 minutes. That is, for example, you set a timer for 5 minutes, if there is no movement during this entire time, the device will turn off the light.

Even before purchasing a sensor, you need to decide on its location. The type of device will depend on this. For example, an infrared sensor will not respond to a person if he has not entered the room. If you want the light to turn on when the doors are opened, install an ultrasonic type device.

How to install a motion sensor correctly?

You already know what a motion sensor is, their types, and how they work. Now let's talk about how to properly connect a motion sensor. When placing the device, be sure to take into account the size of the room where the windows and doors are located. All this affects the correct operation of the sensor.

Consider these factors when installing the device:

  • There should be no dirt or dust.
  • Any objects in front of the sensor, especially outdoors, can cause the device to trigger.
  • If you are installing an alarm with wiring, its insulation must be moisture resistant.
  • Mounting the sensor next to or opposite devices that emit light or electromagnetic waves is not a good idea.
  • Set the desired angle and direction, because the device will react to objects that fall within the coverage area.
  • Select lamps based on power, take with a margin of 15%.

So now you know everything there is to know about motion sensors. I hope after reading this article, you have decided for yourself which motion sensor is better to choose.

Photos of motion sensors

The first motion sensors were developed as a security tool to detect unwanted visitors. A little later they began to be used for “peaceful” purposes. It turned out that it is very convenient to let automation take care of comfort.

It is impossible to imagine a smart home without such equipment. For example, a person entering an unlit room does not have to look for a switch, since the lighting device is activated when a person appears in the doorway.

Used by those who are used to trusting technology and want to shift the responsibility of illuminating the right place at the right time to electronics. Where can you install a sensor that will allow you not to step into the darkness or make out an unexpected guest? A list of locations for installing motion sensors to turn on the lighting is proposed:

  • entrance door to the entrance
  • staircase to basement
  • the basement itself
  • passage corridors or flights of stairs located inside the house and not having natural lighting during the daytime
  • stairs and passages that are sufficiently illuminated during the day, but require safe passage at night
  • bathroom

In relation to the bathroom, the motion sensor is more likely to be turned off than on, since many people simply forget to turn off the light in the toilet or bathroom.

If necessary, the motion sensor can be configured to turn on instead of the light or along with it one or more household devices, for example, a TV or air conditioner.

The best option in most indoor spaces is to duplicate it with a regular switch. Such a diagram, as well as the installation diagram, is given in the passport or installation instructions for the purchased motion sensor to turn on the light. Be sure to read the instructions! Of course, follow her instructions.

A motion sensor for lighting is far from a superfluous device in order to save money!

Equipping your home and approaches to it with motion sensors allows you not only to feel like the ruler of the Universe, but also to significantly reduce the size of your electricity bills. Savings occur due to the fact that only those lighting fixtures that are necessary will be turned on.

The savings are easy to calculate. Even one constantly burning in the corridor due to the fact that natural light does not penetrate into it consumes at least 100-150 W per day. How much per month? And how many and what power of such lamps are there throughout the house?

Everyone can identify sources of excess energy consumption, their total power and estimate how long it will take for the money spent on installing sensors to pay off. Moreover, the average family is usually satisfied with relatively inexpensive passive sensors that operate in the zone of infrared radiation, that is, thermal ones.
There are also more advanced ones - ultrasonic and microwave. The basis of operation of all sensors is fundamentally the same, the difference is in the wavelength to which the device is tuned. Each type can be considered separately.

Operating principles of various types of sensors

It is impossible to create a motion sensor with fixed parameters that would work normally in any conditions. In certain installation locations, the sensitivity of the sensor should be very fine, in others it should be coarse.

Operating principle of infrared or passive sensors

In a rough approximation, this type of sensor can be associated with the operation of a directional thermometer, since its operation depends on the appearance of a heat source in its visibility zone. For it to work flawlessly, preliminary configuration is required, which is provided by the functionality of the device. For example, an infrared sensor is configured to detect the appearance of an adult, and a child enters the room.

The body temperature of both may be the same, but the amount of heat emitted by the body and captured by the sensor is not the same. If you adjust the sensor to the minimum, it will begin to respond to the appearance of a dog or cat, which absolutely does not require lighting. Most manufactured models of infrared sensors require, in fact, manual configuration.

How does an ultrasonic motion detector work?

The operating principle of an ultrasonic sensor is “active”, as opposed to passive infrared. It uses the recording of a reflected high-frequency signal from objects in the viewing area. The movement of one of them or the appearance of a new one disrupts the “memorized” picture, and the sensor is triggered. The work takes place in the mode of constant scanning of a given area. An ultrasonic sensor is an active device; it constantly, at specified intervals, sends a signal and analyzes the reflected one. Accordingly, the cost of this device is several times higher than infrared. Despite its reliability, such a sensor is rarely used in connection with switching on lighting devices; it is more often used for security purposes.

Advantages and disadvantages of microwave sensors

Microwave sensors are the most versatile due to the fact that they constantly scan the entire area allocated for their control, which allows you to completely trust the technology: the sensor will not ignore any movement and will turn on a signal or another device. Due to the high cost of devices, the use of microwave sensors in everyday life is not yet very common.

Selecting a sensor and location for its installation

After determining the places that it is desirable to equip with motion sensors to turn on the lights, you can proceed to selecting the sensors themselves. Please note that the design options can be designed for installation indoors or outdoors. Sensors designed for outdoor use can withstand significant climatic loads (humidity, temperature environment), and indoor, indoor ones will not be able to work normally outdoors.

Before placing a motion sensor in a room, you need to determine what action should cause the light to turn on. For example, the opening of a door or the appearance of a person in the viewing area of ​​the device requires installation different types sensors Infrared for simply opening the door will not work until a person crosses the threshold, by definition: it reacts to the heat emitted by a body or object. Automatic switching on of the light when the door is simply opened can be ensured by an ultrasonic or microwave motion sensor.

The sensors differ in design and viewing angle. For example, ceiling motion sensors for turning on lights can cover up to 360 degrees of space, wall ones from 90 to 240 degrees.

The sensor is installed in place in strict accordance with the instructions supplied with it. While voltage is being connected to the sensor, the network must be de-energized. It is wiser to entrust the installation of the sensor and, if necessary, the backup switch to a professional electrician.

What do you need to know about the setup?

After connecting, adjustments are made by trial and error. The sequence of this process is also given in the instructions for the device.

In most motion sensors, two parameters can be adjusted to turn on the light: the response time and the dependence of the response on the level of general illumination. Lighting adjustment is necessary when installing in rooms where natural light penetrates during the day. In other cases, you can set the minimum.

Based on the response time, the sensor is adjusted so that the duration of illumination is sufficient for a certain action. Most manufactured devices allow you to set this time ranging from a few seconds to 10 minutes.

Immediately equipping the entire house with “smart” assistants, one of which are motion sensors, is problematic and expensive. But equipping the most problematic corner with such a sensor and forgetting about the inconvenience forever is simple, quick and inexpensive. After it, very soon sensors will appear in other rooms, and, possibly, in the yard! You easily get used to the comfort.

Video about connecting motion sensors

It's better to see once than to hear a hundred times! Therefore, look at the overview of the most common types of equipment and connection methods.

Connecting lighting through a motion sensor allows you not only to save energy, but also to add comfort and convenience to our homes. Selecting the installation location, connection diagrams and testing do not require a high level of qualifications, so almost every home craftsman can do this.

Ceiling sensors with all-round visibility are usually mounted in the center of the room, or at its highest point. There are many more installation options for wall-mounted units.

For staircase lighting

In an apartment building, it is best to agree with all residents of the entrance and install common system lighting for all its spans. If such agreement cannot be achieved, personal lighting can be done front door into the apartment, installing a sensor above it and setting it to minimum sensitivity, only upon direct approach.

IN country house or a cottage, you can install a staircase lighting system that turns on the lamps sequentially as you move along it. In the minimum version, only two devices are required: below and above.

In the utility room

In the technical room of the house, in the garage, storage room or other similar places, it is most advisable to install a light switch combined with a motion sensor, which is best mounted opposite the front door so that it is triggered when it opens.
When entering the room, the lighting will turn on for a time sufficient to switch it to constant mode. It is possible to organize separate systems: a low-power duty lamp is turned on from the sensor, and the main lighting is turned on independently with its own switch.

For street lighting

Outside, sensors and lighting devices can be installed above the entrance gate, entrance to the house, garage, bathhouse, gazebo or other premises. You can install separate sensors for each street lamp in the garden or on the path near the house. For street lighting purposes, sensors with an external brightness analyzer should be used, operating only at dusk.

Now on the lighting market you can find options LED lamps for outdoor lighting combined with solar panels and motion sensors. They do not require external power supply lines. There are also cordless models that run on batteries or rechargeable batteries. For the same purpose, rational use of electricity at home is installed.

The sensors have plastic housings that must be protected from shock or other damage. Particular care should be taken when handling the plastic Fresnel lens, which is an important component of the optical system of the device.

When installed outdoors, care must be taken to ensure that the devices are not exposed to direct sunlight or precipitation. In such cases, it is better to provide for the installation of protective visors for them. It should also be taken into account that in windy weather the sensors can be triggered by the movement of branches located near trees.

Indoors, these devices are not recommended to be placed near heating devices. It is advisable that hot radiators or stoves also do not fall into their field of vision. To do this, you can adjust the height and vertical angle tilt the device.

When performing any work with mains voltage, safety regulations must be strictly observed. When connecting the power wires to the devices, it is necessary to de-energize them using the switch on the power panel or by unscrewing the fuse plugs. If you are not completely confident in the correct, accurate and safe implementation of all procedures for installing devices, it is better to entrust this to professional craftsmen.

How to connect an infrared motion sensor - detailed instructions

To mount the device, it is necessary to choose a location that provides the best viewing angles both horizontally and vertically with a maximum coverage area. Most infrared motion sensors have a dead zone, the location of which should be taken into account when choosing their height and angle of inclination. If the sensor is made in a fixed housing and does not have positioning adjustment, then it is necessary to check the technical data sheet for correct placement of the device. Mounting the device on the wall must be reliable, allowing for its subsequent orientation in space.
Before connecting the motion sensor to the light, you should unscrew the back cover and carefully study the attached connection diagram. Unlike a conventional light bulb, this device usually requires not only a phase, but also a neutral wire.

Did you know that the answer to the question is not so clear-cut.
And the seemingly simple process of connecting a switch to a regular light bulb requires taking into account many different nuances - from installing electrical wiring to installing the light bulb in the wall. All details can be studied.

And if there is a protective ground connection terminal inside, then it is necessary to ensure its presence at the installation site. Therefore, conventional lighting network wiring is not suitable for connecting the device. It is necessary to reconnect the wires in the distribution box or connect an additional wire from the box or socket.

Deciding on a suitable motion sensor installation scheme

Inside the device there is usually a terminal block with standard colored and labeled contacts:

    • L, brown or black - phase wire.
    • N, blue - neutral wire.
    • A, Ls or L’, red - phase return to the lighting lamps.
    • ⊥, yellow-green - protective grounding.

Lighting devices should be connected between contacts A and N. The electrical network power should be supplied to L and N, strictly observing the phase connection.

One sensor

Classical standard scheme inclusions.

With switch

Allows you to bypass the sensor by applying voltage directly to the lighting fixture.

Multiple sensors

Typically used for rooms with complex configurations, long corridors and passages, staircases.

In addition to connection contacts, many models of infrared sensors have adjustment controls:

  • DAY LIGHT or LUX - sensitivity threshold for illumination.
  • TIME - trigger timer.
  • SENSE - sensitivity.

How to check whether devices are connected correctly

It is best to check the functionality of these devices before installing them by connecting them according to a temporary circuit. This is especially true for simple models that do not have any adjustment controls. If after installation they do not work as expected, it is most likely due to incorrect installation.

More complex samples of devices can also be checked for their serviceability by assembling a temporary connection diagram and setting the light threshold control to the maximum position and the timer to the minimum.
If the device has an indicator LED, then there is no need to even connect the load; turning it on when motion is detected by the sensor will indicate that the device is working. If the switch in the device is an electromagnetic relay, then its clicking will also indicate the serviceability of the device. After execution installation work It is imperative to carry out the procedure for adjusting the motion sensor for lighting.

Setting up and adjusting motion sensors for lighting

All customizable parameters are set strictly individually in each specific room. As a rule, after the initial installation, more precise adjustments of the parameters are required during operation until the most suitable values ​​are determined.

The usual limits for adjusting the timer response time are set in most devices from a few seconds to ten minutes. The photosensitivity threshold can only be set in devices that have an appropriate light sensor. It determines the brightness daylight, in which the device stops supplying voltage to the lighting fixtures.

Setting the sensitivity of the sensor is the most subtle and capricious setting. In any case, the sensor should respond to the appearance of a person in the room, and not pets. When changing the viewing angle of a device, it is often necessary to also adjust its sensitivity.

Video on how to properly connect a motion sensor


It is unwise to turn on lighting in some rooms or outdoors for the entire dark period. To ensure that the light turns on only when needed, a motion sensor is installed in the lamp’s power circuit. In the “normal” state, it breaks the power circuit. When a moving object appears in its coverage area, the contacts close and the lighting turns on. After the object disappears from the coverage area, the light turns off. This operating algorithm has proven itself excellent in street lighting, in lighting utility rooms, corridors, basements, entrances and stairs. In general, in those places where people appear only periodically. So, for savings and convenience, it is better to install a motion sensor to turn on the light.

Types and varieties

Motion sensors to turn on the lights can be different types, designed for various operating conditions. First of all, you need to look at where the device can be installed.

Outdoor motion sensors have a high degree of housing protection. For normal use outdoors, take sensors with an IP of at least 55, but better - higher. For installation in a home, you can take IP 22 and higher.

Power type

The largest group is wired for connecting to 220 V. There are fewer wireless ones, but there are also enough of them. They are good if you need to turn on lighting powered by low-voltage power sources - battery or solar panels, For example.

Method for determining the presence of motion

The motion sensor for turning on the light can detect moving objects using various detection principles:

Most often, infrared motion sensors are used to turn on lights on the street or at home. They have a low price, a large range of action, and a large number of adjustments that will help you customize it. On stairs and in long corridors it is better to install a sensor with ultrasound or microwave. They are able to turn on the lighting even if you are still far from the light source. Microwaves are recommended for installation in security systems - they detect movement even behind partitions.


Once you have decided which motion sensor you will install to turn on the lights, you need to select its technical characteristics.

Viewing angle

The motion sensor for turning on the light can have a different viewing angle in the horizontal plane - from 90° to 360°. If an object can be approached from any direction, sensors with a radius of 180-360° are installed, depending on its location. If the device is mounted on a wall, 180° is enough, if on a pole, 360° is already needed. Indoors, you can use those that track movement in a narrow sector.

If there is only one door (a utility room, for example), a narrowband sensor may be sufficient. If the room can be entered from two or three sides, the model should be able to see at least 180°, and better yet, in all directions. The wider the coverage, the better, but the cost of wide-angle models is much higher, so you should proceed from the principle of reasonable sufficiency.

There is also a vertical viewing angle. In ordinary inexpensive models it is 15-20°, but there are models that can cover up to 180°. Wide-angle motion detectors are usually installed in security systems, and not in lighting systems, since their cost is considerable. In this regard, it is worth choosing the right height for installing the device: so that the “dead zone”, in which the detector simply does not see anything, is not in the place where the movement is most intense.


Here again, you should choose taking into account whether a motion sensor will be installed indoors to turn on the lights or outdoors. For indoor environments, a range of 5-7 meters is sufficient.

For the street, it is desirable to install more “long-range” ones. But look here too: with a large coverage radius, false positives can be very frequent. So having too much coverage can even be a disadvantage.

Power of connected luminaires

Each motion sensor for turning on the light is designed to connect a certain load - it can pass a current of a certain rating through itself. Therefore, when choosing, you need to know the total power of the lamps that the device will connect.

In order not to overpay for the increased capacity of the motion sensor, and even save on electricity bills, use not incandescent lamps, but more economical ones - gas discharge, fluorescent or.

Installation method and location

In addition to the obvious division into street and “home”, there is another type of division according to the location of installation of motion sensors:

If the lighting is turned on only to increase comfort, cabinet models are chosen, since they are cheaper with equal characteristics. Built-in ones are installed in security systems. They are miniature, but more expensive.

Additional features

Some motion detectors have additional features. Some of them are obvious overkill, others, in certain situations, can be useful.

These are all features that may be useful. Pay special attention to animal protection and shutdown delay. These are really useful options.

Where to place

You need to install the motion sensor correctly to turn on the lighting - for it to work correctly, follow certain rules:

IN large rooms It is better to install the device on the ceiling. Its viewing radius should be 360°. If the sensor must turn on the lighting from any movement in the room, it is installed in the center; if only some part is monitored, the distance is selected so that the “dead zone” of the ball is minimal.

Motion sensor to turn on the light: installation diagrams

In the simplest case, the motion sensor is connected to the break in the phase wire that goes to the lamp. If we are talking about a dark room without windows, this scheme is workable and optimal.

If we talk specifically about connecting the wires, then phase and zero are connected to the input of the motion sensor (usually labeled L for phase and N for neutral). From the output of the sensor, the phase is supplied to the lamp, and we take the zero and ground to it from the panel or from the nearest junction box.

If we are talking about street lighting or turning on the light in a room with windows, you will need to either install a light sensor (photo relay) or install a switch on the line. Both devices prevent the lights from turning on during daylight hours. It’s just that one (photo relay) operates in automatic mode, and the second is turned on forcibly by a person.

They are also placed in the break of the phase wire. Only when using a light sensor, it must be placed in front of the motion relay. In this case, it will receive power only after it gets dark and will not work “idle” during the day. Since any electrical appliance is designed for a certain number of operations, this will extend the life of the motion sensor.

All the schemes described above have one drawback: the lighting cannot be turned on for a long time. If you need to do some work on the stairs in the evening, you will have to move all the time, otherwise the light will periodically turn off.

To make it possible to turn on the lighting for a long time, a switch is installed in parallel with the detector. While it is turned off, the sensor is in operation, the light turns on when it is triggered. If you need to turn on the lamp for a long period, flip the switch. The lamp stays on until the switch is turned to the off position again.

Adjustment (setting)

After installation, the motion sensor must be configured to turn on the light. There are small rotary controls on the body to adjust almost all parameters. They can be turned by inserting your fingernail into the slot, but it is better to use a small screwdriver. Let us describe the adjustment of a DD-type motion sensor with a built-in light sensor, since they are most often installed in private homes for automation.

Tilt angle

For those sensors that are mounted on walls, you first need to set the angle of inclination. They are mounted on rotating brackets, with the help of which their position changes. It must be selected so that the controlled area is the largest. It is impossible to give exact recommendations, since it depends on the vertical viewing angle of the model and on the height at which you hung it.

The optimal installation height for the motion sensor is about 2.4 meters. In this case, even those models that can cover only 15-20° vertically control sufficient space. Adjusting the incline is a very rough name for what you'll be doing. You will gradually change the angle of inclination, check how the sensor works in this position from different possible entry points. It's not difficult, but it's tedious.


On the body this adjustment is labeled SEN (from English sensitive - sensitivity). The position can be changed from minimum (min/low) to maximum (max/hight).

This is one of the most difficult settings, since it determines whether the sensor will work on small animals (cats and dogs). If the dog is large, it will not be possible to avoid false alarms. With medium and small animals this is quite possible. The setup procedure is as follows: set it to minimum, check how it works for you and for inhabitants of smaller stature. If necessary, increase the sensitivity little by little.

Delay time

Different models have different shutdown delay ranges - from 3 seconds to 15 minutes. You need to insert it the same way - by turning the adjusting wheel. It is usually signed Time (translated from English as “time”).

Glow time or delay time - choose what you like best

Everything is relatively easy here - knowing the minimum and maximum of your model, you can approximately choose a position. After turning on the flashlight, freeze and note the time after which it will turn off. Next, change the position of the regulator in the desired direction.

Light level

This adjustment relates to the photo relay, which, as we agreed, is built into our motion sensor to turn on the light. If there is no built-in photo relay, it simply will not exist. This adjustment is labeled LUX, the extreme positions are labeled min and max.

When connecting, set the regulator to the maximum position. And in the evening, at the level of illumination when you think the light should already turn on, turn the regulator slowly to the min position until the lamp/lantern turns on.

Every evening you have to turn it on, and every morning you have to turn it off. And if in good weather you can somehow put up with this, then in rain or snow... Therefore, the idea arises to automate the switching on and off of lamps. This is what a photo relay for street lighting does.

This device has a lot of names. In the literature you will find the name light-control switch or light-sensitive machine, and when communicating you can hear it as an illumination or light sensor, photosensor, twilight/twilight sensor or day/night. Perhaps there are others. But all this is about one device that turns on the lighting at dusk and turns it off at dawn.

Photo relays are made on the basis of a photoresistor or phototransistor, which change their parameters when the illumination changes. As long as enough light falls on them, the power circuit remains open. As darkness falls, the parameters of the photoresistor/transistor change and, at a certain value (set by settings), the circuit closes. In the morning, the process is exactly the opposite: when the illumination reaches a certain level, the power circuit is broken.


First of all, you need to decide whether you want a photo relay for street lighting with an external or built-in light sensor. The remote sensor is small in size and is easier to protect from backlighting; the device itself can be placed in the house, for example, in a panel. There are even models for DIN rail. A photo relay with a built-in light sensor can be placed near the lamp. It is only important to choose a place so that the light from the lamp does not affect the photosensor. This option is more convenient, for example, for .

Performance characteristics

Having decided on the type of sensor, we move on to the technical parameters:

To select a photo relay for street lighting, these characteristics are required. Their correct choice determines the performance of the device. But there are still some parameters that affect the correct operation of the device.

Customization options

There are several adjustments that allow you to customize the operation of the photo relay in each specific case. The problem is that the settings are made manually by turning the desired knob, and it is impossible to achieve absolutely identical parameters for several devices. There are always some differences in their work.

Using these settings, you can make the operation of the photo relay to automatically turn on the lighting of the area comfortable and eliminate false alarms.

Where to put

Choosing the right place to install a photo relay for street lighting is quite a quest. Several requirements must be taken into account:

With all this, the installation height of the photo relay is at the level of 1.8-2 m. This will make it possible to adjust the parameters “from the ground”. You can go higher, but you will need a stepladder/ladder or a chair/stool.

As you can imagine, finding such a place is not easy. There are several tricks that make the solution easier:

And another piece of advice from practice: it’s easier to adjust the operating parameters if the light sensor of the photo relay is located on the east or western wall. But only if there are no brightly glowing objects there. In this case, it is best to choose the side where the “exposure” is least.

Types of photo relay

As already mentioned, there is a photo relay with a built-in and remote light sensor. In addition, you can find the following varieties:

If you need one of the functions described above, it is not at all necessary to buy a photo relay with a motion sensor or timer. You can install a regular sensor and connect it in series with it required device(motion sensor or timer). The functions will be the same, and repairs and replacement will cost less. If one of the parts in a photo relay with additional functions fails, you will have to change the device completely, and this option costs more than its “no frills” counterpart.

Connection diagrams for photo relays for street lighting

The purpose of a photo relay for street lighting is to supply power at nightfall and turn it off at dawn. That is, it is a kind of switch, only instead of a key there is a photosensitive element installed in it. Therefore, its connection diagram is similar: a phase is supplied to the photo relay, removed from its outputs and supplied to lamps or a group of lamps.

The simplest case is a diagram for connecting a photo relay to a lantern

Since the photo relay also requires power to operate, a zero is applied to the corresponding contacts; it is advisable to also connect the ground.

As we said earlier, you need to select a photo relay based on the power of the connected load. But one pattern is observed: with increasing power, prices increase significantly. To save money, you can supply power not through a photo relay, but through. It is designed for frequent power on/off, and can also be used to connect power using a light-sensitive element with a small connected load. In fact, it only turns on the magnetic starter, so only its power consumption is taken into account. And to the conclusions magnetic starter You can also connect a powerful load.

If, in addition to the day/night sensor, you also need to connect a timer or motion sensor, they are placed in series after the lighting relay. The order in which the movement/timer is set is not important.

If a motion sensor or timer is not needed, simply remove them from the circuit. She remains operational.

Installation and configuration

A photo relay with a built-in photosensor has three wires coming out of the housing. They are always connected the same way:

  • Red goes to the load - a lantern, light bulbs, lamps.
  • The brown or black wire is connected to the phase taken from the panel.
  • The neutral from the bus with the “working zero” from the panel is connected to the blue one.

It is also advisable to ground the device by connecting it to the appropriate terminal on the housing. The wire cross-section is selected depending on the power of the connected load.

The relay is configured after it is installed and connected. When twilight sets in, wait until you are in a state where you would like the lighting to turn on. Take a small screwdriver and turn the adjustment wheel until the light comes on.

The procedure for connecting a photo relay with an external sensor is slightly different:

  • connect the phase to terminal A1 (L) (at the top of the device);
  • set zero to terminal A2 (N);
  • from the output (depending on the model, it may be located in the upper part of the housing, then designated L’ or in the lower part of the housing), the phase is supplied to the lighting devices.

One of the connection options is in video. A circuit with a magnetic starter is implemented here.


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