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This is our project for a private house on the river bank - the secret dream of many... In addition to the house itself, there is a spacious gazebo for summer dinners in the company of loved ones, a huge indoor pool, a sauna, a garage and a small house for staff. The house stands on the landscape and has several descents to the water, as well as a pier for a private boat and jet ski.

From this angle you can clearly see the pool. The customer indicated that he plans to organize leisure time by the pool exclusively in the summer, therefore, there is nothing wrong with the fact that the pool building is relatively far from the house. In addition, an important wish of the customer was the ability to open the windows on a hot summer day and breathe in the fresh forest air.

In the photo above we see a garage for four cars; a snowmobile and an ATV can also be placed here - the customer is a particular fan of active leisure and extreme sports. There is also a canopy for two additional parking spaces in case guests arrive. Above the garage there is a house for the staff.

Main principle architecture - to combine beauty and functionality. Following this principle, we implement all our architectural projects. Also, it is incredibly important to maintain the harmony of architecture and nature. After all, everything created by man has straight, hard and inflexible lines and angles, while nature, on the contrary, is a supporter of smooth, freely flowing and sensual curved lines. Natural materials were used to decorate the facades of the house. natural materials, such as wood, stone and metal... We tried to create perfect place unity of nature with architecture. Do you think we succeeded?

Modern family house in New Adygea. An excellent quiet plot on the river bank with a beautiful view of the high-rise buildings of the big city, a modern advanced customer and the warm sunny climate of the Krasnodar region, all these factors gave this result.

The result is an enclosed patio, a swimming pool with an overflow edge and a barbecue area. A solid fence only on the street side, a transparent mesh fence around the perimeter so as not to visually encumber the space. There are three separate areas outside: a small terrace next to the main bedroom for meditation and yoga, an area under a canopy for relaxing after the bath with an exit from the spa area and an outdoor shower, a large terrace with a swimming pool for active children and everyday relaxation.

The house has three bedrooms, a common living space, a spa area with a phyto-barrel and a steam room, and a large workshop with sewing equipment for creativity. Windows and awnings are designed so that the rooms receive as much sunlight as possible in winter, but remain in the shade in summer. An interesting technical solution was to perform flat roof from wooden I-beams, which significantly reduced the weight of the house and made it possible to reduce the size of the foundation, not to mention the economic benefits due to the reduction in the amount of work and ease of installation. The engineering support of the house is made according to high modern requirements. Non-standard solutions are the presence of artificial ventilation with heat recovery, as well as solar water heating, which is very appropriate in the southern climate.

Title: House on the river bank Kuban
Location: r. Adygea, Nst Voskhod
Total area: 202.76 m2
Living area: 109.49 m2
Auxiliary area: 80.57 m2
Construction volume: 967.24 m2
Construction area: 238.12 m2
Plot area: 0.1029 hectares

Project composition: preliminary and detailed design + interior design.

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Everyone dreams of living by the water. Just look at the morning fog over the water surface, the reflections from the sun on it during the day, the mysterious reflection of the moon at night... This is a real fisherman’s dream - the opportunity to unite with nature, and you don’t have to go far. Such construction has its own nuances - it is necessary not only to obtain a lot of permits from the responsible authorities, but also to find experienced specialists who can efficiently bring your idea to life.

Building a house near a pond - what difficulties may arise?

This kind of proximity to water can “flow out” sideways in the spring. Therefore, it is important to carefully weigh everything and resort to the services of professionals so that you can confidently talk about your home as a “fortress”.

First of all, the actual choice of a building site should be made when the groundwater level is at its maximum in the area. It is worth finding out how often such “peaks” of water spills occur. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the requirements of the Water Code, which determines the size of the water protection zone. You can build your own house near the river only if an easement is issued for the use of this site. Such a water protection zone can reach 200 meters, while the future owner does not have the right to determine “his” fragment of the river, or to build a fence near the shore that would prevent direct access to the water.

Directly when creating a house project on the river bank, it is necessary to take into account many factors, including:

  • increased air humidity;
  • close level of groundwater;
  • the likelihood of flooding during spring river floods.

All these points influence the choice of foundation, technology for building a house near a pond, and materials for construction.

Often such coastal areas have an uneven surface in the form of a slope towards the coastal line. This can not only complicate the site preparation process, but also affect the type of foundation for the building. But it is worth noting that it is precisely these terrain properties (a large slope) that are quite attractive, because the house will be protected from seasonal floods, being located on a hill.

Features of construction near the river

The geological situation on the site plays a decisive role in selecting a foundation for a residential building. Without detailed research, it is impossible to achieve the right decisions, which can lead to incorrect tactics and further destruction of the house.

InnovaStroy specialists will take care of everything necessary work, will carefully study the land plot (relief, climate, determine the level of groundwater). Based on the data obtained, design and construction will be carried out.

The construction of a house on the river bank must be done at the maximum elevation. And as additional protection for the structure, it is necessary to erect elements that prevent the movement of water along the path from the reservoir. These can also be those that have a decorative function (retaining walls, etc.). The type of soil in the area near the river also plays an important role. Often in such an area the composition of the soil is heterogeneous; soil layers may not be located in a certain sequence, but rather chaotically. Here “what the river washed up” lingers.

Even if you are not tied specifically to any particular area, we can say that the foundation in the form of driven piles evokes the greatest confidence. It becomes a reliable support for the house, regardless of the processes occurring in the soil (subsidence, heaving, changes in water level). Such a base is fixed quite deeply (the supports are placed in the ground until the most stable and dense layer is found), is resistant to moisture, and is more difficult to move than a monolithic slab.

Application pile foundation in Moscow eliminates the need to level the surface before construction, which would cost not only a lot of effort, but also time and money. Of course, construction on such a foundation sets certain limits regarding constructive solutions: it is impossible to erect heavy brick, monolithic houses several floors. But in this case, you shouldn’t stop at wood either, because high humidity can deteriorate the performance of a house near a river.

We are building a house on the river bank: installing a pile foundation in stages

The foundation structure of screwed piles is particularly technologically advanced. If, for example, we consider columnar foundation, for which it is necessary to prepare pits with slopes and formwork, then in pile everything is clear:

  • you need to drill a well of a certain diameter;
  • install reinforcing bars;
  • fill everything with concrete.

The number of bored piles is determined depending on the expected load; the parameters of the supports themselves are related to the characteristics of floors, partitions, roofing, etc. Next, pipes are prepared from roofing material corresponding to the diameter of the hole in the soil, and their length should be 300 mm longer than the existing hole.

The upper part of each of the elements should be a little thicker; they are tied together with a special steel wire, which will serve as the formwork. Once everything is prepared, the piles are carefully placed in the holes.

  • To build a stable, strong foundation, it is important to accurately follow the concrete preparation technique. This “concrete mass” requires the presence of so-called “milk”. If there are no such roofing felt pipes, this liquid will quickly be absorbed into the soil and you will not get the strength and stability that was thought out according to the design.
  • Under conditions of severe soil freezing, heaving processes will significantly affect the walls of the piles. The pipe in this case becomes another obstacle to such processes.

For the reinforcement frame, 3 rods, which are fastened transversely with a pitch of 500 mm, will be sufficient. Need to take care of reliable connection grillages and other pillars among themselves. If the soils are heaving, then the grillage should be placed in such a way that it “hangs” above the soil surface by about 150 mm. This is due to the fact that in humid areas, heaving can affect the rise of the soil up to 15 cm.

When the frame is installed, concrete is poured in layers with alternating compaction using vibrators. When assembling all grillage elements, it is necessary to focus on their fixation on the pile heads. To do this, a reinforcing element in the shape of the letter “T” is initially filled with concrete, after which the same one is laid horizontally (its length must be the same as the width of the piles) on the heads. When installation is complete, all joints should be filled with fine-grained concrete or cement mortar. All marks on the upper parts of the grillage must be carefully checked using a level or a regular water level.

Features of construction near a river on a flat surface

When the coast is flat, the approach to construction is, in principle, not very different from the usual tactics for planning the construction of a residential structure. The following options are also discussed here:

  • groundwater flow level;
  • features of soil freezing;
  • floodability of the existing site;
  • detected soil type.

In this case, it is also worth finding out about the spring floods of the river, asking your neighbors about the features of their existing drainage system. INconstruction of a cottage foundation will look like this:

  • If you decide to build frame structure, then to build a house on the river bank on a flat area, you can use a strip or columnar foundation.
  • For a brick, concrete or stone house, only a monolithic foundation will provide a safe and stable support.
  • If you plan to build a cottage of 2 or more floors, only screw or driven piles are suitable here.

The final influence on the decisions of specialists will be exerted by the results of research on the ground near the reservoir - the foundation base should not be below the level of groundwater level and soil freezing. In this case, attention to shallow types of strip and monolithic foundations.

Design of houses on difficult sites from professionals

When designing, it is worth taking into account a significant decrease in temperature near the water during the cold season, as well as frequent winds. InnovaStroy specialists, creating individual turnkey projects, pay due attention to the heat and moisture insulation of residential buildings.

The porch of a house on stilts is located quite high above ground level, which is quite impractical and unaesthetic. Here, for example, it is better to pay attention to the arrangement of a wide veranda, which would be an intermediate element between the low porch and the direct entrance to the building.

But regarding the arrangement, nothing could be better. The coastal zone offers ample opportunities for improvement local area, creating a small beach area, a comfortable place for a family vacation.

You can with confidence order the construction of a house on a problem area, while being confident in the high quality of the services provided, reasonable prices, cost-effective solutions, 100% quickly received permits from the responsible services for construction work.

You can get beautiful, reliable, comfortable housing at a profit and without bureaucratic hassles!

Time to call and ask InnovaStroy specialists.

With gratitude to the entire team of the Zodchiy company! Having decided to build a house, it didn’t take long to choose a construction company; we immediately turned to Zodchy (25 years on the market!!!). Manager Andrey Salikov helped us a lot in choosing a project, who patiently and scrupulously took into account all our wishes and competently explained technical features construction, offered additional services (taking into account our budget). He gave us hope that everything would be fine. (Later, at all stages of construction, he kept his “finger on the pulse”). We concluded Agreement No. P0104840-IK in November 2017. Construction is scheduled for the end of April. For half a year we were worried about what would happen and how. As it turned out later, the worries were in vain; construction began on the same day, as per the contract. We delivered, stage by stage, the material (all of excellent quality!). I would like to acknowledge all the working teams for their efforts, professionalism and knowledge of their work. These are the foundation workers: foreman Alexey, foreman Artem. Carpenters: foreman Nikolay Kustov, foreman Ivan Skryabin (special thanks for professional skill and organizational skills), Sergey Oleg, Alexey. The house was built in a week ahead of schedule. Beautiful, big, bright, warm, cozy. How we dreamed! From the whole family with respect! Alexander, Lyudmila.

We spent a long time looking at house designs for ourselves, and for a long time there wasn’t much clarity. They rushed between houses made of aerated concrete, frame and even brick. But we obviously wouldn’t be able to do the last option, and in general money is becoming more and more difficult now. So we decided to settle on a frame cottage, especially since now, in my opinion, more and more people are starting to build them. Our particular house is called Karelia-2, and we immediately liked its good layout. Plus there are bay windows and a balcony - and all this not only gives beauty, but is also convenient in practice. Besides, if necessary, it will be easy to add something else to the house later. The frame allows this with minimal effort. We immediately discussed the details of the order with the managers. For example, he advised to further strengthen the foundation due to difficult soils and additionally insulate the floors. That's exactly what we did. The cost, of course, has increased, but we easily fit into the target 2 million. But the construction itself took place without unnecessary red tape. Periodically I came to watch the work, but even without this everything went fine. They handed over the house to us on time, and signed everything then necessary documents

Good afternoon I would like to express my HUGE gratitude to the team that built us the Karelia-2BK cottage (laminated veneer lumber). - Sarenkov Ivan Alekseevich - Sarenkov Vasily Alekseevich - Losev Alexander Vladimirovich You can definitely say they are masters of their craft! Firstly, all the work was completed on time and, most importantly, QUALITY! Secondly, all issues that arose during the construction process were resolved and agreed upon competently and quickly! They built it very carefully, there was no garbage or clutter on the site. Thank you very much for your competent explanations and recommendations during the construction process. And in general, the whole team is just very good, kind, conscientious and decent people! It was a pleasure to come to the dacha even during construction! I wish everyone that your future home will be built by such professionals!!! THANK YOU! Best regards, Andrey Nikolaevich

The further you travel from St. Petersburg, the greater the chances of finding a secluded, sparsely populated corner with a picturesque landscape. The owner of this house - an expert and connoisseur of country life - got a stunningly beautiful plot of 20 acres on the banks of the Vuoksa, moreover, relatively close to the metropolis.

The proximity of water is the main, but not the only advantage of this place. Sandy soil, tall pine trees and distance from the highway, silence and clean air make it even more attractive. The site has a slight slope towards the water. Initially, trees grew densely on it. Having decided to build a house here, the owner thinned out the lower tier of plantings, leaving only pine trees, the bare trunks of which do not obscure the view of the pond, and fenced off his own territory with a wooden fence, painted to match the pine trunks.

The house project was developed by St. Petersburg architects Tatyana Demina and Denis Romanov. The main idea of ​​the project is in tune with the task set by the customer: this is a house for rest and stay of the owner, his family and friends, comfortable, environmentally friendly and open towards the water. At the same time quite economical.

Having determined the location of the building - in a part of the site far from the water, the architects decided to plant the house on strip foundation small depth. Both the soil conditions and the frame construction technology that was used here made it possible to implement such a solution. A wooden frame filled with insulation, cladding made of lining and OSB boards - this is the list of the main materials used for the construction of this house. An easy, fast and relatively cheap way to build cottages, which, by the way, allows you to create original architecture.

The architects took as a basis an approach popular in the West, in which the rear facade of the house is simple in shape and closed, and the front facade has a large glazing area, verandas, terraces, and canopies. The house faces the reservoir with two wings, the sharpness of which the architects reinforced with the form of a scaffold, thanks to which the structure was raised above the ground. The feeling of lightness of the building, almost floating in the air, is also created thanks to the wooden supports that surround the house in a colonnade, supporting the balconies and roof. To protect the tree from prolonged exposure to moisture, the pillars rest against the ceramic surface of the scaffold with metal screws, which creates the impression that they are hanging in the air.

The house fits so well into the place and is so organic, as if it was not built, but grew up here. Admiring the harmony of nature and architecture, the gaze moves from the high crowns of pine trees to the metal tiles of the roof of the house, matched to the tone of evergreen pine needles, descends along the wooden verticals of the pillars and stops at the gray “rock” of the stage - exactly the same color as the local stones. . The decoration of the house outside was a fireplace made of brick. Having a fireplace with a barbecue area was the customer’s dream.

The interior space of the house corresponds to the impression made by its architecture. First of all, it is a feeling of spaciousness and naturalness. The walls of the first floor are covered with wooden paneling, and the walls of the second floor are covered with OSB boards. (For reference: OSB (Oriented Strand Board) - a board with oriented flat chips - is a product of deep processing of wood by pressing rectangular flat chips under high pressure and temperature conditions, using adhesive phenol-formaldehyde resin. It has high strength, is easy to install, imparts rigidity structures, can be easily sawed and processed with any tool designed for working with wood.)

Need I say that along the facade with a large area of ​​glazing, facing Vuoksa, there is a day zone? Indeed, such a view from the windows can decorate any room, even one that, it would seem, does not need additional decoration.

“Second light” is a common solution in the living room of a country house. May we lose a few square meters usable area, but we gain a space permeated with light and filled with air, ideal for the location of the living room.

The authors of the project dressed the fireplace in a metallic, high-tech outfit, thanks to which it is not only spectacular in itself, but also, together with large-format floor tiles, glass and colored plastic, emphasizes the beauty of wooden walls.

Opposite the fireplace there is a sofa area with its indispensable attribute - a television panel. The kitchen is located along the side wall in the letter “L”. A glass dining table and wicker chairs found their place nearby - between the kitchen and living room.

Once in the front part of this house, you involuntarily exclaim “Ah!” when a view of the pool unexpectedly opens up in front of you. Maybe we are just accustomed to the fact that swimming pools are traditionally located in the back of the house, in extensions separated from the living room by many doors? But here the architects were not afraid to make these zones closer by placing them side by side, moreover, by combining them with a wide opening with transparent rolling doors and tinted glass windows.

Along the rear facade there are auxiliary rooms: a sauna, showers, a locker room, a laundry room, a boiler room, two bathrooms, as well as a bathroom and a dressing room in the master bedroom. The architects placed this room in a room with corner glazing, from which the entire site and the descent to the water are visible. In addition to this one, the house has three more bedrooms located on the second level, where wooden staircase With metal fences. For the needs of their inhabitants, two bathrooms were created and a linen room was organized.

Original ideas were also implemented in the design of the second floor. The orange light illuminates the plastic used to “glaze” the hatches located under the windows, which allow you to see what is happening in the pool. Another idea is a cabinet lantern with a glass surface. Located in the ceiling between the levels, it looks like a lantern on the first floor, and like a cabinet-table on the second. Tatyana Demina spotted this idea at the Salvador Dali Museum: there, through a similar (but round) structure, light is shed on the sculpture.

Due to the fact that the owner already had construction experience country house, it was not difficult for the architects to guide him in the competent distribution of the limited budget. Engineering support, water and heat supply in this facility were approached with the utmost seriousness. Water is supplied from a well, which provides both the household needs of the inhabitants and the volume of the pool. The house is heated by a boiler running on diesel fuel, for the storage of which special containers were built on the site. Inside the house, the heating system is organized as follows: on the first floor there is a water-heated floor, and on the second floor there are radiators.

The main savings came from furniture and accessories. However, even in the setting, coming up with inexpensive solutions, the authors of the project selected everything with taste, so that the items emphasized the bright image of the country house and did not distract from the excellent views of the water surface of Vuoksa.

Text by Adriana Morar

Photo by Georgy Shablovsky


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