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Increasingly, Russian consumers on the shelves of grocery stores began to notice products with the abbreviation ZMZH - milk fat substitute. What is it? Some people are wary of new products, while others, on the contrary, prefer such products. They are especially popular among people who care about their health. Our article will discuss products containing ZMZH. Let’s try to answer the question of why milk fat substitute is harmful to the human body.


What does milk fat substitute mean? This is a mixture of several vegetable oils that are pre-purified and well processed. The production process is carried out under the influence of high temperature and using a catalyst. As a result of their interaction, olein is formed, which can replace milk fats.

For this purpose, traditional products are used: rapeseed, soybean, corn, etc. However, exotic varieties can also be used: palm, coconut, etc. Each component has an individual fatty acid composition. Therefore, the quality characteristics of the product depend on the choice of oil. That's what milk fat replacer is. The combination of components directly affects the properties of the product.

According to statistics, products containing milk fat substitute are regularly consumed by the adult population of the following countries: France - 7%, Spain - 9%, Italy - 15%, Germany - 18%.

Difference from natural product

Milk fat substitute - what is it? What are the similarities and differences between breast milk and natural milk fat? The products have different composition and quality characteristics. These indicators determine the extent of their use in certain areas food industry. The properties of products can be visually analyzed using a table.

As can be seen from the table, products have different fat-acid balances. The composition of the milk fat substitute is stable and does not contain cholesterol, which in excess quantities can cause chronic pathologies in the human body. However, it has a high proportion of fatty acids. These indicators indicate that ZMZh is more nutritious than a natural product.

The melting point of the product is higher, which makes it possible to use it for the production of ice cream. It is able to retain flavor, aroma and texture for longer under a variety of conditions. Natural products quickly deteriorate and are favorable environment for the proliferation of microbes. The shelf life of products containing PMF is longer. In addition, such products have a stable oxidative balance.

Reasons for production

Why did they start producing milk fat substitute? What is this from the point of view of a modern manufacturer? Why buy exotic polysynthetic oils to make traditional products? There are some reasons:

  1. Lactose intolerance. Some people cannot tolerate this component, which is included in dairy products. Chronic diseases of the food system are considered an additional condition in the development of such pathology. Component intolerance may develop with age. There are known cases of congenital pathology, which is associated with the absence of certain enzymes in the body.
  2. Compatibility. ZMZH is considered a product that can replace milk fats contained in natural products by 85%.
  3. High content of vitamins. Food products that contain milk fat are well supplied with vitamins A and E. According to the technical standard (GOST), the milk fat substitute contains a sufficient amount of nutrients necessary for the human body.
  4. Low calorie content. Experts allow products containing ZMZh to be used for hypertension and in cases of problems with excess weight. Healthy fats are perfectly absorbed and do not settle on the walls of blood vessels.
  5. Biological value. Food products that contain ZMZh have a positive effect on the human body.
  6. Low cost. Nutritious, rich in vitamins products at an affordable price can save the population from hunger for a long time.
  7. No contraindications. Food products containing PMF do not cause allergic reactions in consumers.

According to the latest data, lactose intolerance is observed in the adult population: CIS - 19%, Europe - 39%, Africa - 80%, Asia - 95%. The closer people live to the equator, the more they suffer from this pathology.

Harm caused

Is milk fat substitute harmful? And what is this harm? Despite a number of advantages, there are some negative aspects that expose milk fat substitute. The harm of a product depends on the factors that make it dangerous for consumption:

  1. Recently, many myths have arisen about palm oil, which in excess amounts is considered a carcinogen and clogs the body with toxins. According to the RF Land Code No. 163, this product is prohibited for use in its pure form in Russia. ZMZh does not contain palm oil, but olein, which is safe for use. However, it is better not to use products that contain it in children's diets. The product helps remove calcium from the body.
  2. Harm is observed when products containing PMF are abused. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, a restriction has been introduced on its permissible amount in products: no more than 50%. Experts recommend carefully reading the ingredients of the products. Excess fatty foods in the diet will not benefit the body. However, the same can be said about butter.

In what areas is it used?

ZMZh is used in the food industry to produce products that previously traditionally included milk fats. It is used in the manufacture of confectionery, dairy products and baked goods. Their list can be continued again and again. For example, the following products contain it:

  • ice cream;
  • margarine;
  • pasta;
  • condensed milk;
  • chocolate products;
  • cheese products;
  • sour cream.

Importance in the commodity market

ZMZH recently appeared on store shelves, but has already gained fame among nutritionists and people leading healthy image life. In developed European countries and the USA, the product has long been used and welcomed by ordinary people. The secret of its popularity lies in its availability, low cost and nutritional value.

The food industry is no longer directly dependent on the livestock industry. This allows you to increase the range and volume of products, which are no longer affected by seasonality and transportation conditions. The shelf life of products has increased. All this is of great importance for the Russian food industry and has a positive effect on the development of the industry.

But why is there so much talk around ZMZ? The reason is the lack of awareness of the population. Everything unknown seems dangerous. In addition, the media is creating fear. There are many unscrupulous manufacturers who deceive consumers.

Since 2011, when purchasing dairy products, our compatriots began to pay attention to a strange abbreviation - ZMZH. It means “milk fat substitute” - the appearance of this component in lactic acid products immediately caused fierce controversy: some consumers claim that these are very dangerous additives leading to serious diseases, while others claim that they have neither taste nor nutritional properties they do not suffer from the use of such substitutes.

Natural component

Milk fat of animal origin is found everywhere in cheese, as well as cottage cheese, kefir and other similar products. Let us dwell in more detail on the structure and consumer characteristics of milk fats.


MF is very well absorbed by the human body due to its special chemical composition. The structure of the component is based on unsaturated fatty acids (in particular, oleic and linoleic acid, which is similar in composition), the quantitative indicator of which largely depends on the characteristics of the animal’s diet and the time of year. So, in summer their concentration is 35-45%, and in winter it is much lower - only 25-34%.

The structure of the component also includes saturated acids that are important for the body - such as lauric, palmitic, myristic, and stearic.

MF contains low molecular weight substances that can accumulate only in milk fat, these are:

  • capric acid – 2.7%;
  • nylon – 1.9%;
  • caprylic – 1.4%.

Milk fat is rich in various useful vitamins A, E, K and B, in addition it contains minerals Mg, R, Ca and P. By the way, natural fat is rich in cholesterol and ergostyrine, which, when exposed to sunlight, are easily converted into vitamin D2, which significantly improves the absorption of calcium from milk and milk-containing products.

How is it useful?

Many people believe that if you frequently consume milk fat, a couple of unnecessary kilograms will certainly settle on your hips and sides, but this is a very common misconception. It has been proven that lactic acid products contain components that direct all biochemical processes of the adult body directly into the opposite side– These are fatty linoleic acids. They effectively resist obesity, and in addition, strengthen the immune system and help successfully fight gastrointestinal and many other dangerous diseases. In addition, milk fats are rich in calcium, and scientists have long confirmed the theory that this element promotes the removal of waste and toxins from the body, and also leads to weight loss.

Calcium, present in significant quantities in the product, strengthens bone and muscle tissue, helps normalize nervous activity, and also improves the process of protein synthesis, which is the main building material all tissues and organs of the human body.

And, of course, milk fat is the main source of energy for humans, so it is recommended for consumption by people weakened after a serious illness or due to heavy physical exertion.

Contraindications and harm

At the same time, opponents of milk fats do not stop talking, claiming that they are the main cause of high cholesterol, which leads to serious problems in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. That is why products containing breast milk are not recommended for consumption by people suffering from atherosclerosis, chronic blockage of blood vessels, as well as people prone to heart attacks.

However, it should be noted that in moderate dosages, cholesterol is not only not dangerous for the human body, but is even beneficial. It regulates metabolism, promotes the production of sex hormones, and in addition has a beneficial effect on brain activity. The substance is dangerous only if consumed in excess, so if you do not exceed the recommended dosages and maintain a balanced diet, then milk fat will not cause harm.

Milk fat substitutes

IN recent years a healthy lifestyle has become a real trend. Young and old people flocked to gyms en masse and were puzzled by questions proper nutrition, which is why many have removed fat-rich milk from their diet.

Taking up this trend, manufacturers began to use fat substitutes en masse., which not only make products “lighter”, but also significantly reduce their cost. Substitutes contain up to 50% oils; most often they use corn, as well as rapeseed, sunflower, cottonseed or soybean. At the same time, the concentration of the saturated component balances with the unsaturated fat-containing components. The relevance of the production of dairy products with substitutes is great. According to statistics, about 30% of our population globe suffer from milk intolerance due to their inability to digest lactose. This pathology has been formed for more than one century and is directly related to the specific food preferences of a particular people. Thus, in the CIS countries this problem occurs in 19% of the population, in Europe the figure is higher - 39%, in African and Asian countries it is extremely high and amounts to 80 and 95%, respectively. Moreover, the closer people are to the equatorial belt, the more often they encounter a similar problem.

And, of course, the absence of cholesterol, which tends to be deposited in blood vessels, also to a large extent led to the creation of milk fat substitutes.

Thanks to new technology, ZMZh is a product that has properties and features completely similar to the natural component. Moreover, the component does not contain lactose, so it can be safely consumed by allergy sufferers.

The calorie content of products based on substitutes is much lower than those containing natural milk fat, and therefore it is recommended to include it in the diet of those who are trying to get rid of excess weight.

Well, in addition, the structure of the substitutes includes polyunsaturated acids, which have the most beneficial effect on the functioning of all vital human organs and tissues.

What are they made of?

Perhaps the most controversial oil in the structure of ZMZ is palm oil. It is rich in saturated fatty acids, includes vitamin A and all B vitamins, but in large doses it has a carcinogenic effect, and in addition, under the influence high temperatures begins to release waste and toxins that clog the human body. That is why, since 2014, the use of natural palm oil for the production of dairy products has been prohibited in Russia.

Soybean oil is also quite often used as a substitute for milk fat. It includes vitamins A and E, as well as various healthy fats, which significantly minimize the risk of developing atherosclerosis and also improve brain activity.

At the same time, some consumers have a severe allergy to a specific soy protein; it is not recommended for pregnant women, and if consumed in significant quantities, it can provoke a severe headache.

Rapeseed oil has a light taste and fresh aroma, therefore it significantly improves the consumer characteristics of the dairy product. It contains oleic, as well as linoleic and linolenic acids, which are considered essential for the body. It contains vitamins A, B and D, thanks to which the product optimizes heart function and even has antitumor properties.

At the same time individual species rapeseed oil includes high doses of erucic acid, which has an adverse effect on the hormonal levels of adolescents, and in addition, in significant quantities leads to an exacerbation of cholelithiasis and often causes allergies.

The use of sunflower, flaxseed, coconut and corn oils, as a rule, has no contraindications. In addition, these substances are well known and familiar to our compatriots, and therefore, the organisms of people living on our territory are familiar with this component.

Advantages and Disadvantages

ZMZh can replace natural fats that are part of dairy products by 85%. They contain large number vitamins and nutrients, but at the same time have minimal calorie content.

The advantages of the substitute are obvious:

  • they do not contain “bad” cholesterol, which means they do not pose a threat to the health of the heart and blood vessels;
  • contain high concentrations of unsaturated fatty acids, due to which they have a beneficial effect on the body;
  • substitute has creamy taste and pleasant consistency.

Products based on milk fat substitutes can be safely consumed by patients suffering from any form of diabetes, lactose intolerance and hypertension.

However, nutritionists are confident that everything beneficial properties of the product appear only with moderate use. Excessive intake of such substitutes can quickly lead to slagging in the body and the deposition of harmful substances on the walls of blood vessels.

Eating products made from milk fat analogues is contraindicated for children, since the olein present in it can leach calcium from the growing body. For the same reason, its use should be minimized for people with musculoskeletal problems.

Thus, to the complex question of whether a milk fat substitute is dangerous, a simple answer can be given - no, the product itself is not harmful, however, in its use, as in everything else, moderation is needed.

Most nutritionists and nutritionists speak unequivocally in defense of various milk fat substitutes, arguing that the benefits of consuming them are great. Products based on it are rich in nutritious fatty acids, vitamins, macro- and microelements that are important for health.

In addition, the components included in these products resist fat deposition, so doctors recommend them to consolidate the effect of diets.

Phosphorus and calcium in the structure of the product reduce the need for sweets.

However, it is very important not to rush from one extreme to another - and completely replace natural products with their analogues. You should not throw cottage cheese out of the refrigerator, buy a cottage cheese product, or buy low-fat yogurt - in this case, you will not be able to get the dose of calcium necessary for normal growth and development, which is responsible for the strength of teeth, bones, hair and nails.

The list of products in which ZMZh is used today is very impressive. The component is found in margarine, cheeses, condensed products, as well as ice cream, pasta, fermented milk products and sour cream.

You should not be afraid of foods produced with milk fat substitutes. Moreover, for those who are on diets, vegetable oils are much healthier than animal oils. However, this only applies to oils of the highest quality, which are manufactured without any violations of established standards. Therefore, when purchasing a dairy product, you should definitely study the composition of the product and its compliance with GOST.

See the following video about the benefits and harms of milk fat.

Are milk fat and dairy products necessary for health and longevity, what are their benefits and harms, in what quantities can you consume butter and cottage cheese, cheese and milk? But for many years we have been taught to limit the amount of saturated fat in our diet, which includes milk fat.

According to nutritionists, to maintain and prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases, our daily diet should contain no more than 30% fat, about 15% protein and 50-60% carbohydrates.

How much saturated fat can you consume per day without harm?

For the normal functioning of the body, all its organs and systems are necessary, because they take part in the construction of cells, including cells of the cerebral cortex and the immune system, participate in the synthesis of enzymes and hormones, and are a source of fat-soluble vitamins. Cholesterol, found only in saturated fats, ensures normal functioning nervous system, intestines, liver and gall bladder.

Of the total amount of fats entering the body with food, saturated fats should make up 1/3, the remaining fatty acids should be unsaturated (). Let's calculate how many grams of saturated fat (including milk fat) it is advisable to eat for health benefits.

If the daily caloric content of the diet is, for example, 2000 kcal, then fats will account for 600 kcal (that is, 30%). Considering that the combustion of one gram of fat releases 9 kcal, you can consume approximately 67 g of fat per day without harm. Now we divide this figure into three parts and the result is 22 g of saturated fat, 22 of monounsaturated and 22 of polyunsaturated fatty acids.

22 grams of saturated fat per day - what foods contain this amount? In 100-200 g of meat or sausage or in 40-50 g butter or in 150 g of fatty cottage cheese or in 120-150 g of sour cream or in 70-100 g of hard cheese.

It turns out that to fully meet the body's needs for saturated fats, it is enough to eat a small piece of meat or fish or one egg + a piece of cheese and 5-10 g of butter or a teaspoon of sour cream during the day. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that milk fat is not only saturated fatty acids (they contain about 40-60%), but also trans fats (5-8%) and unsaturated fatty acids (20-30%).
Do not forget that in addition to this, we should also consume approximately 1 tablespoon per day of olive or flaxseed or rapeseed oil.

Which is better - full-fat or low-fat dairy products?

By consuming only low-fat dairy products, we do not receive the beneficial substances contained in milk fat - phospholipids, monounsaturated (oleic acid) and polyunsaturated (linoleic and linolenic) fatty acids, vitamins A, E, D... Instead, manufacturers, as a rule, replace milk fat starch and sugar, as well as palm oil.

Therefore, if you want to stay healthy, choose the golden mean, that is, dairy products of medium fat content: milk and kefir at least 2%, cottage cheese - 3-5%, sour cream - 20%, cheese - preferably soft cheese such as mozzarella. It is better to limit the amount of these products according to the criterion proposed above, but milk fat must be supplied to the body.

Milk fat prevents diabetes

Morbidity diabetes mellitus is growing every year; now, according to WHO, there are about 422 million people living with diabetes on our planet. So, a recent study conducted by scientists from Tufts University (USA) showed that increased consumption of milk fat and avoidance of low-fat foods reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 46%. Similar data were obtained by Swedish scientists from the city of Malmo (diabetes center).

Milk fat and atherosclerosis

We have been told about the negative role of saturated fats and the direct connection between their increased consumption and the development of atherosclerosis for many years. True, in recent years, more and more studies have been accumulating, casting doubt on previous recommendations. It turned out that the greatest contribution to the increase in cases of coronary heart disease, hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases is not fat, but fast carbohydrates, excess weight, low physical activity, stress, smoking and alcohol abuse.

Cardiologist from the UK Aseem Malhorta generally urges men to completely abandon low-fat dairy products and safely consume butter and sour cream, cream and eggs. According to an English doctor, low cholesterol levels in the body significantly increases the risk of early death from various diseases, including heart attack and stroke.
Let us remember, by the way, that about 30% of milk fat consists of unsaturated fatty acids, which help prevent atherosclerosis and the deposition of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels.

Full-fat dairy products and obesity

Three studies conducted in different years in the USA and Sweden (Tufts University, Harvard University, Karolinska Institutet) showed that the consumption of products containing increased content milk fat contributed, but low-fat dairy products did not have such an effect. What is the reason for this paradox, since everything should be the other way around? This is explained simply.

As mentioned earlier, carbohydrates in the form of sugar and starch are often added to low-fat foods, which does not contribute to weight loss at all, causing a rapid increase in blood glucose and an attack of hunger.
But consuming dairy products that retain milk fat ensures faster satiety and the feeling of hunger does not occur for a long time.
Certainly positive effect fatty dairy products are preserved only if they are consumed in moderation within the limits recommended for this person daily calorie content.

What harm can dairy products cause and is fat to blame?

There is no direct evidence that dairy products are harmful when consumed in moderation. However, the results of individual studies warn us of an increased risk of developing cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, autism and even schizophrenia when consuming dairy products in large quantities over a long period of time.

At the same time, milk fat is actually not to blame for anything here. The main negative effects are attributed to casein (milk) and hormone-like substances contained in milk and dairy products.
In particular, there is an opinion that giving up casein can significantly improve the condition of a child with autism and other developmental disorders in children, as well as with mental disorders, in particular schizophrenia. Some scientists argue that the culprit is an opioid-like substance released when casein is broken down in the body and has a negative effect on brain cells.

But estrogen-like substances contained in cow's milk can increase the risk of developing malignant neoplasms of the genital organs in women (uterine and ovarian cancer) and men (prostate cancer).
I would like to note that such studies are few and need further confirmation.
In any case, in this situation it is better to follow the well-known saying - “Forewarned is forearmed.”

Dairy products with health benefits

The safest and healthiest dairy products are butter (especially ghee), sour cream and cream (they contain milk fat and practically no casein).
It is worth limiting the amount of whole milk and kefir consumed per day (up to 200-300 ml), as well as (up to 30-50 g).
Cottage cheese and soft cheese can be consumed 3-4 times a week in an amount of about 100 g per day
In general, in any situation you need to remember the need for moderation in the use of any food products, including those containing milk fat and casein. In this case, any products will only bring benefits.

Whether extra centimeters will grow or not depends on the amount of fat consumed and the correct combination with other ingredients of the diet.

Due to its biochemical composition and relatively low melting point, it is easily absorbed by the body and, unlike others, is pleasant to the taste.

Nutritionists recommend consuming milk, curd and cheese fats to absorb vitamins. Eat dairy products, then your nails and teeth will become strong. By refusing to take them, women face the problem of hair loss and deterioration of skin condition.


The harm and benefits of milk and products made from it is a popular topic of discussion among nutritionists. From one point of view, such fat is a source of energy and strength for the human body, and from another, it is the cause of increased cholesterol levels in the blood, which leads to heart disease. Therefore, milk fat is prohibited for people who suffer from atherosclerosis, blockage of blood vessels, or are prone to heart attacks.

Causes harm to the body overuse product, resulting in an increase in “bad” cholesterol. Another negative factor in the influence of milk fat is the stimulation of the body’s formation of bile.

Fat from store-bought milk, which has been processed to kill bacteria and extend shelf life, is harmful to humans. The product is dangerous due to viruses transmitted by cows.

The presence of an allergic reaction to the product causes unpredictable consequences (rash, itching and even bronchial asthma).

Milk fat substitute

Today on the labels we see the inscription: “based on milk fat replacer (MFS).” Such inscriptions are found on packages of ice cream, sour cream, cottage cheese and other products.

Manufacturers have only recently been supplying substitutes to retail chains, but the product has quickly gained popularity. The reason for this was widespread concern about obesity problems. People who want to lose weight and those who prefer healthy eating, come up with new diets, and urge you to carefully look at the composition of the product from the supermarket.

The choice is considered correct if the composition of the product is balanced. A milk fat substitute meets the requirement, since the fats in the content of substitute products are concentrated in equal proportions, which cannot be said about natural milk fat.

The substitute is obtained by processing tropical oils, mainly palm oil. Manufacturers convince opponents of the use of palm oil that it is used exclusively as a raw material for the extraction of olein. It turns out that the substitute is safe for the body, since it is a combination of two oils.

Mass panic among the people arose when manufacturers indicated tropical oils instead of ZMZ on ice cream labels.

Advantages of the substitute:

  • The composition does not include cholesterol, which does not increase the risk of heart disease;
  • Contains unsaturated fatty acids that are beneficial to the consumer;
  • The smell of the substitute is similar to that of;
  • When adding a substitute, the consistency of the product improves;
  • The substitute is cheaper, resulting in the final product being more affordable.
  • Substitute-based products are not prohibited for people suffering from diabetes, hypertension or lactose intolerance.

Eating products with fat substitutes also causes negative consequences in the form of metabolic disorders and excess weight. Harm to the body comes from exceeding the mass fraction in products containing a palmitic acid substitute.

Methods of application

Since dairy products contain elements that prevent fat deposits, consumption is recommended to consolidate the results of the chosen diet. Thanks to phosphorus and calcium, cravings for sweets are reduced.

Milk fat is allowed for women during pregnancy and lactation, the elderly and adolescents for the absorption of calcium.

Dairy diets are recognized as healthy and low-calorie. Nutritionists advise buying medium-fat dairy products. It is not at all necessary to replace natural cottage cheese with the appropriate product and drink low-fat yogurt, since this way you will not get the required dose of calcium for the beauty and strength of your teeth and nails. Nutritionists say that when losing weight, it is not fats that are excluded from the daily diet, but carbohydrates. To obtain a weight loss effect, milk is drunk warm from before 7 am and after 7 pm.

Milk fat is valuable when applied to the skin, as it cares for it no worse. There are 10 million small fat globules in a drop of milk, so it is digested and absorbed by the skin. Regular washing with milk will ensure elasticity, youthfulness of the skin and smooth out wrinkles.

Few people know about the property of dairy products - lightening age spots and freckles. For such procedures, kefir or sour milk is used.

Face masks prepared with the addition of sour cream or cream make the skin soft and velvety and improve metabolism in the skin. You can prepare such a mask at home by combining sour cream with products that you can find in the kitchen: carrots, or vegetable oil, lemon juice, oatmeal and others. The exposure time of the masks is up to 20–30 minutes. Then the mask is washed off with warm water, after which the skin is rinsed.

The secret to losing weight is to find a middle ground between healthy and unhealthy fats.

Solution: it’s better to get what we need daily norm animal fats together with dairy products than when eating fatty sausages or sausages.


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Let's talk about fats of animal origin, i.e. those fats that animals provide us. These are the most common beef, pork, lamb fat and milk fat found in milk.

Today it is very fashionable to talk about the dangers of solid animal fats in the diet. They got such a reputation in connection with the struggle started by doctors and nutritionists with overweight, various types of heart disease, vascular disease, diabetes, fatty acids, and so on. However, not everything is so simple, and animal fats are moderately useful and necessary for the body.

The beneficial role of fats in the body

Fats Along with proteins and carbohydrates, the most important organic compounds, they carry out all kinds of vital processes in the body, ensuring its functioning. So they are responsible for the energetic, plastic, protective functions:

  • Fats serve as the basis for the formation of elements of cellular structures.
  • Biologically active substances, for example, hormones.
  • Without fats, the intake and activity of vitamins A, E and D is impossible.
  • The protective function of fats is to nourish the skin and protect it from drying out and protection from harmful influences.
  • Protecting the body from mechanical stress and hypothermia.
  • Fats provide a reserve of energy and water. When 100 g of fat is oxidized, 110 g of water is formed and 930 kcal of energy is released.

Harm of fats to the body

It is recognized that animal fats are suppliers, especially in this regard, beef fat is recognized as the hardest and therefore the most harmful to health. Fats are deposited on the walls of blood vessels and form so-called cholesterol plaques. Most often this occurs in the body, where metabolism is disrupted and harmful substances are formed.

An excess of fat leads to weight gain, obesity, and, consequently, to the emergence of a whole bunch of diseases.

About the benefits of milk fats

Milk fat - fat contained in the milk of animals, in particular cows, goats, sheep, camels. From a chemical point of view, milk fat is an ester of the trihydric alcohol glycerol, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, free fatty acids and vitamins.
The butterfat concentration in cow's milk ranges from 2.5 to 6% fat, depending on the breed of the cow and the feed.

If animal fats contained in meat, the same ones that doctors so actively scold, have the structure of saturated fat, then milk fat contains, in addition to saturated fat, healthy unsaturated fatty acids with a short chemical bond, which are easily absorbed in the body without forming. During the metabolic process, milk fats break down into simpler compounds, releasing large number energy needed by the body.

Dairy products are truly valuable for their composition and should be included in the diet of all categories of people. In Russia, instead of the consumption rate of dairy products recommended by the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences of 330 kg per year per person, only 240 kg are consumed. But milk is, first of all, a source that almost every citizen of our country often lacks. Which in itself is critical for everyone, but especially for children, pregnant and lactating women.

However, it has recently been established that just sugar in combination with milk fat, for example cocoa butter, absolutely harmless. This is another reason to include it in your diet.

Contraindications for fats

  • Of course, it is necessary to observe the amount of fat in the diet; it is important that in addition to fats and proteins, the diet contains plant foods rich in fiber and microelements.
  • For people who are obese or overweight, it is worth limiting their fat intake.
  • Those who are allergic to lactose or other types of fats are advised to refrain from taking them.

Remember that variety in diet including fats, especially dairy, and compliance with it in moderation will ensure health and joy in life.

Perhaps you will be interested in information about the benefits of ghee, its use for medicinal purposes and its preparation at home:

The attitude towards fat of animal origin, be it milk fat, meat fat, causes fear among nutritionists and calls to abandon them or at least reduce the proportion of consumption. However, not everything is clear; animal and vegetable fats should be present in our diet, in compliance with their measures. A special role is given to it as a source of omega 3 unsaturated fatty acids. And most of all fish oil found in fatty and semi-fat: mackerel, salmon, capelin and herring, recognized as the most useful.

Be healthy!

PS. New research results in favor of milk:

Scientists from McMaster University (Canada) found that consuming three servings of dairy products per day is associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and premature death. Scientists spent nine years studying the performance of 137 thousand people aged 35 to 70 years from different countries.

As it turned out, the highest mortality rate is in people who do not consume dairy products. Moreover, people who drank milk more than twice a day lived longer. In particular, they had a noticeably reduced mortality rate as a result of problems with the heart and blood vessels. Researchers have concluded that dairy products have health benefits.


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