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A tub for a bath on a pipe is a kind of potbelly stove, familiar from old films. Hot water when taking a bath procedure is a natural attribute, which means that in the absence of a central water supply, its heating is necessary. At the same time, the chimney in the bathhouse is designed to eject hot smoke from the furnace outside. Thus, significant thermal energy is wasted uselessly. The water tank on the bath pipe allows you to combine these two processes, and the chimney begins to perform useful and necessary work.

Bath tank on the pipe helps to save space in the bath

Process Features

The chimney is an obligatory element of the sauna stove, through which the combustion products of fuel (smoke) are discharged and the necessary draft is provided to maintain combustion in the furnace. The smoke rising through this pipe heats it up to a temperature of more than 450-500 degrees, which makes it necessary to take measures to isolate the chimney from the elements of the bath structure.

Since ancient times, the question has arisen of how to use the removed heat with benefit. When carrying out bath procedures, hot water is needed for washing after visiting the steam room. For these purposes, there is always a container (tank), which provides the required volume of water.

Nuance! Using the heat of a chimney is considered an efficient and economical way to heat it. In principle, the issue is resolved by placing the tank at the top of the chimney pipe or by heating the coolant using the heat of smoke.

A water tank mounted on a pipe effectively saves heat from smoke exhaust, thereby heating water

What is the advantage of a tank on a pipe? The following positive aspects can be distinguished:

  • heating is fast and does not require additional fuel;
  • the high temperature in the tank is automatically maintained during the entire time of the furnace heating;
  • the tank-pipe of sauna stoves can have a significant volume, because. it is possible to use the chimney along its entire length.

Chimney pipes can be of various lengths and designs

What structures can be used

You can place the tank in the bath in different ways. The following varieties are mainly used:

  1. Built-in design. In this case, the chimney pipe runs inside the tank. This design is considered stationary, non-removable and is mounted during the manufacture of the chimney. The tank can be made in the form of a pipe (cylindrical version) or have a rectangular section. It is important to securely seal the bottom entrance of the pipe so that water does not leak out of the tank. To use water, taps are made from the tank directly to the shower cabin or intermediate tank. Given the elevated location of such a tank, water flows by gravity.

  1. Hanging structure. Such a system is removable, i.e. installed on an existing chimney. The tank is placed close to the chimney and securely attached to the column. Such containers can be purchased or made by hand. Such a design is typical, when a chute is formed on the back wall, repeating the chimney in shape and diameter, which makes it possible to bring the surfaces as close as possible and ensure high-quality heating.

  1. Removable design. In principle, the water tank itself can be placed in any convenient place (for example, in a shower room). In this case, the energy of the chimney heats the coolant, which is sent to heat the water tank. When such a heat exchanger is mounted on the bath pipe, the installation height of the tank must be chosen so that the coolant flows by gravity according to the laws of physics, i.e. the warm stream rushes up, and the cooled stream down. This design provides for the presence of additional elements in the form of a heat exchanger, but it allows you to place the tank itself in the right place.

Scheme of water circulation with a remote design of the tank and furnace in the bath

Depending on the design, the tank can be placed at different levels in height. 3 options can be implemented:

  1. At oven level: the base of the tank is placed on top of the oven, which means no additional brackets are required. The main disadvantage is that the height does not allow for the gravity flow of water for taking a shower. In this case, it is scooped up manually.

  1. On the chimney. This design is located at a certain height, which eliminates the previous drawback. Mounting the tank requires special brackets, and the mass of the structure is limited.
  1. At the level of the attic. Here for the tank there is a reliable support in the form of a ceiling. The problem arises in a cold attic, where you have to think about external thermal insulation.

Attention! An important parameter that determines the choice of the tank is its volume, it must be sufficient for a full-fledged washing process.

When calculating the parameter, they usually proceed from the following need: 10 liters per person for a bath procedure and 5 liters per person when taking a shower. In addition, you should create a reserve for unforeseen circumstances.

There are various forms of water tanks for a bath on a chimney

The dimensions of the container also depend on the design and dimensions of the chimney. The most common is a typical bath tank for a 115 mm pipe. Naturally, a bath tank for a 150 mm pipe is made of a larger diameter, and regardless of the need.

The choice of the volume of a metal water tank depends on the number of family members

What materials are used

The bath tank is made of metal, but the specific material is selected taking into account financial capabilities, volume and heating characteristics. The most popular designs are:

  1. Cast iron. Main advantages: high strength, durability, while the water temperature is maintained for a long time after the furnace has stopped firing. At the same time, the cast-iron container warms up slowly, and most importantly, it has a large mass, which requires reliable support when installing the structure.
  2. Steel. The cheapest and most accessible material used in economical constructions. The water in the steel tank quickly heats up, but also cools down quickly after the fire is stopped. The most important drawback is corrosion damage, which requires protective covers. One of the common options for eliminating this drawback is the use of enameled tanks. However, when choosing this material, it should be taken into account that with local damage to the enamel, accelerated corrosion begins in the center of damage.
  3. Stainless steel. A tank on a stainless steel bath pipe is considered the most common design, because. optimal combination of cost and durability. The material is more expensive than ordinary steel, but is not subject to corrosion and has a high service life. At the same time, stainless steel can be welded, and a tank from it can be made with your own hands.

The remote design of the tank is in more benign conditions. Extreme temperatures (400-500 degrees) affect only the heat exchanger located on the chimney. The walls of the tank itself do not heat up above 70-80 degrees, which means that it can be made from different materials. In addition, it is usually placed on the wall, where the risk of damage is reduced. In such conditions, decorated enameled containers become very popular. The supply pipes for a remote tank in a bath can be made of metal, composite material and heat-resistant plastic. It is important to ensure their thermal insulation.

The easiest and most affordable way to make a bath tank is the built-in version, when it is hung on the chimney. Such a system is not in vain called samovar in everyday life, because. it uses the same principle, i.e. heating water with hot smoke rising through the inner pipe. Such a tank is mounted during the construction of the furnace or installed by dismantling the chimney section.

In the selected place, a pipe is attached to the brackets, and in such a way that the gap between the outer diameter of the chimney pipe and the inner body of the tank pipe provides the required volume. A base is welded in the lower part of the tank body, and all gaps are sealed with a heat-resistant sealant. To remove water, a tap is welded with a tap (Fig. 1). The top of the tank is closed with a lid.

Figure 1 Sauna tank installation diagram

In principle, the tank body can also be made in a rectangular shape of the desired capacity. The wall thickness is selected taking into account the volume. For the manufacture of a small tank with a volume of about 50-55 liters, you can use a metal sheet with a thickness of 0.9-1.2 mm, and for a capacity of more than 70-80 liters, you will have to use metal with a thickness of at least 1.5 mm.

If the water supply is suitable for the bath, then a remote system is more suitable. It is shown in fig. 1. In this case, a coil is mounted on the chimney. Exit hot water in the direction of the remote tank is carried out from above, and the coolant is returned, respectively, from below. During installation, it is necessary to install the necessary shut-off equipment (valves, taps, gates).

Note! Special attention all joints are sealed, for which a special heat-resistant sealant should be used.

When installing a tank in a bathhouse on a chimney pipe, you will need the following tools and equipment: a welding machine and electrodes with a diameter of 2.5-3 mm, a grinder, a hacksaw, an electric drill, a puncher, a hammer, pliers, a set of keys, a caliper, a tape measure.

The bath tank on the chimney pipe allows you to have a supply of hot water without unnecessary fuel consumption.

Such a system uses the energy of uselessly escaping smoke, which has a significant economic effect. A system of different designs can be made and mounted with your own hands.

It is difficult to imagine a traditional bath without hot steam, a fragrant broom and a warm shower after bath procedures. To organize hot water in the bath, the main heat source is often used - an electric or wood-burning stove.

An alternative option is a water tank in the bath, which is mounted on a heating boiler or stove. Further on, how to correctly choose a device of a suitable volume and configuration for a private sauna or bath.

How to choose a water tank

The water tank is a special welded structure, which is made of modern materials, equipped with an inlet for cold water and fittings for shut-off and distribution type for hot water.

To choose the right tank for the bath, you should decide on the main parameters of the heater:

  • type;
  • material of manufacture;
  • volume;
  • installation method.

First, you need to provide for the principle of water intake, choose the appropriate size and method of mounting the tank, so that in the future you do not spend an additional amount on re-equipment of equipment. The thickness of the walls of the structure depends on the size of the tank, which can be from 1 to 1.5 mm.

Next, you need to choose a method of heating water - a stove or a built-in heating element. To determine which capacity would be more profitable to install, it is necessary to take into account the total number of visitors for whom the bath is designed.

If the bath accommodates no more than 2 people, then a device with a capacity of 50 liters is sufficient. For large companies, it is preferable to choose a tank with a capacity of 100 liters or more.

The material of manufacture and design features of the device should be considered when buying.

Types of water tanks for a bath

There are three types of water tank - built-in, remote or pipe. Each one has positive and negative sides.

Embedded structures

A built-in tank is a classic version of the design, installed on the bottom of the heating furnace and combined at the top with the furnace compartment.

This ensures accelerated heating and maintaining the optimum water temperature for a long time.

In this case, the bottom of the tank is in direct contact with an open fire, and the liquid is taken from the tank from above or through a built-in tap.

External structures

An external tank is provided for a furnace equipped with a heat exchanger. Such a device is connected to the heat exchanger using copper pipes, so it can be mounted in any room of the bath - washing or dressing room.

Among the advantages of a remote type water tank is the maintenance high temperature water heating, reliability and practicality.

The principle of operation of the device is quite simple: cold water enters the heat exchanger, and the heated liquid is fed back into the tank.

Structures on the pipe

The design of the tank installed on the pipe is quite relevant in the case when the bath is used throughout the day.

Such a device provides rapid heating of water to a comfortable temperature due to the thermal energy that is released through the chimney.

Materials for the manufacture of tanks

The type of material used to make the bath tank determines the durability and reliability of the structure, the rate of heating and cooling of the liquid. Devices for heating water are made of stainless steel, cast iron and metal.

stainless steel

The most popular material for the manufacture of tanks for heating water in the bath is stainless steel. It is resistant to corrosion, fire, high humidity, deformation and damage.

In addition, stainless steel products have high thermal conductivity, hygiene and resistance to temperature extremes.

The stainless steel tank can be presented in a cylindrical and rectangular shape.

Proper care of stainless steel products ensures efficient operation and long term operation.

From cast iron

Cast iron remains the traditional material for the manufacture of water tanks. It has good performance characteristics - low thermal conductivity, resistance to corrosion, deformation, mold and overheating.

To disadvantages cast iron products can be attributed to the impressive weight and complexity of installation.

In cast iron tanks, water heats up slowly, but it also cools down for a long time. Therefore, one volume is enough to meet the needs of hot water for the whole day.


The cheapest option is metal tanks that are susceptible to corrosion, rot and deformation. Such characteristics can adversely affect the quality of water and the durability of the product.

It is strictly forbidden to paint metal devices with moisture-resistant paint, which, when heated, can release toxic substances.

Less popular are enameled tanks, which are sensitive to mechanical damage. In the presence of enamel chips, such devices are not recommended. To protect the heaters from possible corrosion, their surface is treated with a special heat-resistant compound.

External type stainless steel tanks are considered the most practical and reliable. Such designs are distinguished by an attractive appearance and safe operation.

Choosing the optimal tank volume

An equally important task is to determine the appropriate tank volume. The calculation of this parameter should be carried out taking into account the rate of water consumption per adult for bath procedures, which ranges from 18 to 26 liters of water.

For a family of 2 people, it is enough to purchase a 50-liter tank, for a vacation with a company of 4 to 6 people - a 100-liter tank.

Factory models of water heating devices are presented in a wide range of volumes - from 20 to 200 liters. Electric boilers also have a different volume - from 30 to 100 liters.

Water tank installation methods

Having decided on the type and material of manufacture, you can consider available ways installation of devices that provide fast and efficient heating of water.

A hot water tank can be installed with your own hands in the firebox, above the heater and next to the stove.

Installation in the furnace compartment

The method involves the use of a sauna stove with an overall furnace compartment for internal installation of a water tank.

The following requirements are imposed on a device for heating water: a minimum wall thickness of 0.8 mm, resistance to temperature extremes and deformations.

The heating of the structure is carried out over an open fire, therefore, it can capture its base and end elements. Often a similar method is recommended for the installation of stainless tanks.

Mounting above the stove

An equally popular option, which involves installing a heater above the compartment for heating bath stones and steam generation.

If a cast iron device is used, it must be suspended from the ceiling structure with a metal cable and hooks. The best option is a lightweight stainless steel tank.

It is economical to install a water heater above the stove around the chimney, which can provide accelerated heating of the water from the stones and the chimney.

Installation near the stove

This method involves the installation of a tank near the heating equipment. As a rule, it is used in saunas with a high air temperature and low humidity.

In this case, the hot water tank is mounted at a distance of at least 250 cm from a direct heat source, and the water itself is heated using a double-circuit heat exchanger with cold water supply and hot water output.

Cold water is supplied to the heat exchanger and heated, then it is discharged to the heater, after which the heating cycle is repeated.

Method of heating water with a heating element or stove

What is more economical for heating water - heating a sauna stove or installing heating elements?

This is determined by the length of stay of visitors in the bath during the wellness procedures.

For example, if a tank of 35 to 60 liters is enough for a couple, then at least 120 liters is required for a large company.

At the same time, the wall thickness affects the rate of water heating: for devices of 50 liters - from 0.8 to 1 mm, for products over 100 liters - from 1 to 1.5 mm.

For a washing department with plumbing fixtures - a shower and a faucet - it is recommended to install a closed-type hot water supply system: the heat exchanger is mounted in the stove, a water tank is connected to it. For a small room, a design installed above the heating equipment is suitable.

Proper combination of a sauna stove and a water tank allows you to create a reliable and practical design that will provide not only quick heating of the premises, but also hot water supply. The choice of a suitable tank for heating water is carried out taking into account the design and operational features of the bath.

And with the help of gas, use centralized water supply, but, nevertheless, the "old-fashioned" way - to heat water on the stove, has not lost its relevance. Almost any model of an iron stove can be equipped with a remote, attached or mounted water tank, and there are also stoves with built-in tanks for heating it.

Currently, almost all manufacturers of bath stoves have in their assortment.

Our ancestors used cast-iron containers to heat water in the bath. They had a rounded bottom and hung on chains that were attached to the ceiling beams. Such tanks warmed up for a long time, but the water in them remained hot for a long time, and the next day after using the steam room, the housewives washed with this water.

Cast iron does not corrode and the water stays clean and does not rust, but it requires a significant amount of heat to heat it up. Its main drawback is that it is heavy even without water, and it is quite difficult to raise and lower a cast iron water tank. Today, cast-iron containers have one more drawback: no one produces them, in any case, we did not find any offers for the sale of cast-iron water tanks.

One of the budget options is a water tank in a steel bath. There are home-made or factory-made options of various sizes and configurations. But steel, even of high quality, rusts and becomes unusable over time. However, this option, despite the obvious drawback, is a good way out. But we must remember that it is impossible to paint such tanks, even with heat-resistant paints. The paint will begin to melt and burn, poisoning the air and water, and instead of a healing and beneficial procedure, you will get poisoned.

Enamelled water tanks can partially solve the problem of rusting. They are slightly more expensive than steel options, but as long as the enamel is intact, such containers do not rust. Their disadvantage: you can easily beat off a piece of enamel, which will lead to rust in this place, and eventually leaks. The problem is solved by timely sealing of chips. This can be done with heat-resistant protective enamel, but if the tank will be in direct contact with the fire, paints cannot be used.

As an enameled water tank, you can use an ordinary large-capacity kitchen pan. It is placed on top of the oven, if the design allows. This is a very good option to quickly organize yourself hot water in the bath. If you have a small bathhouse, 40 liters is enough for washing one person. If there are more people in the bath, you can put two pots, or take the heated water into another container and add cold water for heating.

Those bath lovers who often take a steam bath at a party have probably seen aluminum pots.

It should be noted that if we are talking about home-made metal stoves (), then the water in the container placed on the stove can easily boil, even if the stove is heated by gas. If the steam room and the sink are one room, then washing with water boiling in the tank becomes a test 🙂

The most reliable, and recently the most common, is a stainless steel bath tank. Stainless steel is the best option for both hot and cold water. Stainless steel tank is not subject to corrosion, durable and aesthetic. Since the walls of hot water tanks are thin, total weight capacity is relatively small. This can also be attributed to the pluses: the lower the weight of the tank, the less the load on the stove and it.

The disadvantages of a stainless steel tank include its decent price, and the fact that there are many fakes on the market that are passed off as stainless steel tanks, and which begin to rust after a while.

How to choose a stainless steel tank in the bath

In order for a stainless steel bath tank to serve for a long time and not require repair or replacement, it must be made of steel 8-12X18H10 (304) and 08X17 (430). Brands of lower grades will inevitably leak after a while due to rather harsh operating conditions.

The tank is leaking

What is the best stainless steel tank for a bath? Homemade or factory made? Factory products have special welded equipment, because the seams on their products look much neater, and, most likely, they are more reliable than hand-welded ones. But factory-made stainless steel tanks have their own drawback: they are cooked from sheets 0.8-1 mm thick. When dredging or pouring water, when warming up / cooling down, the walls of the container begin to “play”. If capacity big size, then this is especially noticeable, and since this phenomenon occurs regularly, the seams may open. In this case, it is difficult to restore the tank: scale forms on the inside, which creates problems when welding thin sheets of metal.

It is advisable to make a custom-made stainless steel tank (some factories provide such a service) from a stainless steel sheet 2 mm thick. Such a tank will be heavier, but even with significant dimensions, its walls will not “play”. In addition, you can make a container of any, even the most non-standard type.

There is another option: you buy a stainless steel tank at a surprisingly low price. And after two or three months, spots and corrosion stains appear on it, and after some time (about a year) leaks will appear and not only in the seams.

This suggests that we are dealing with a very low quality material, which can hardly be called stainless steel at all.

You have to pay for quality stainless steel. The fact is that to give good anti-corrosion properties, chromium and nickel are added to the alloy, and such material is not cheap. Such stainless steel is also called "food" because. it is used in the manufacture of dishes and cutlery.

How to identify stainless steel

There is one proven and fairly reliable way to determine what kind of stainless steel the bath water tank is made of: you need to bring a magnet to it.

Food grade stainless steel should not react to magnetic fields or react very weakly. Simply put, the magnet should not "stick" to the tank wall.

Usually, the magnet is attracted to food grade stainless steel at the places of folds or internal stress. To somehow learn to tell the difference, you can experiment with cutlery (they are definitely made from a food variety) and with ferrous metal products. The difference will be obvious.

Other methods are not entirely suitable when buying:

  • you can determine the content of nickel or chromium using a spectrograph (2 cm 2 of steel is needed for research);
  • you can remove the top layer with a file and apply a solution of copper sulfate on it - food grade stainless steel does not change color, other metals change;
  • draw a file across the cut of the metal - if a yellowish color appears, it is brass, which means stainless steel;
  • using a microscope, consider whether there are traces of processing on the product: they are on the stainless steel, not on the other steel;
  • determine the specific gravity of the material by immersing the product in water - determine the density of the material by the mass of displaced water;
  • in the process of use on food stainless steel, there is no delamination of the upper layer and no scalyness, and they also retain a presentable appearance for a long time.

So, when buying a stainless steel tank, either carefully check the material, or buy it from reputable companies: many of the manufacturers of sauna stoves produce water tanks. There will certainly be steel of the required parameters: use low-quality steel - harm yourself.

You can also make a stainless steel tank with your own hands, but it is worth remembering that when welding in air, alloying metals burn out and the seams begin to rust. To avoid this, a special semiautomatic device with the possibility of welding in carbon dioxide (using stainless steel wire) is required.

Heated water tanks

Many manufacturers produce heated tanks. As a rule, water is heated using a heating element (tubular electric heater). Tanks are produced, as a rule, from stainless steel.

Heated storage tank for water. Tanks are made of stainless steel 0.8-1 mm thick. Tank volume from 40 to 200 liters. Producer LLC "Resource"

According to the price list, these tanks are sold as storage tanks, although they are often called "bulk tanks".

When choosing a heated tank, do not forget that the bath is a room with an increased risk of electric shock.

If you have money and running water, it makes sense to opt for.

The most practical way to heat water in a bath is to use the heat from the stove. This can be done in several ways. One of the most obvious and simple is to install a water tank on or inside the stove. Such tanks are called mounted and built-in. There are also attached tanks - these are some containers that are placed on top of a heated oven. To heat water, you can use the heat that usually escapes into the pipe: you can also hang a tank on the chimney. And the water will be heated very efficiently: the temperature of the chimney can reach 500 ° C.

All of these methods are good, but they do not make it possible to supply hot water to the shower. And today, few people imagine a bath without a shower. This possibility is provided by portable water tanks. A heat exchanger is installed in the furnace, the tank is hung in next to the stove or in another room (in the attic, for example), they are connected to each other by pipes through which water circulates. Passing through the heat exchanger, the water is heated, enters the tank, from where it can be distributed to the shower or faucet. Simple system and effective.

Built-in tanks appeared first. These containers are installed either above the firebox or on the side of it, they can be of any shape, but rectangular ones are more common. The wall thickness (from stainless steel - it is irrational to use others in the oven) in containers up to 50 liters is 0.8-1 mm, in large ones up to 1.5 mm. To drain the water, taps (usually ball valves) are provided, water is poured into a special hole. But the built-in tanks are not always convenient - you can’t leave them empty, and boiling water is a source of “heavy” wet steam, which is not the best for a steam room. Therefore, you have to constantly drain hot water, add cold water in its place. Troublesome. The same thing can happen with mounted ones, but here the situation is somewhat different: it is quite easy to hang or remove such a tank. In any case, you can put the oven so that you can do it without much inconvenience.

Built-in water tanks - not the best solution

Mounted water tanks in the bath

The hinged tank is a sealed container with a lid (removable or hinged) and a tap for draining hot water. It is mounted on one of the side or on the back wall. Fasteners are usually metal hooks. Most often they are made of stainless steel, since only stainless steel successfully endures difficult conditions for a long time. You can find enameled water tanks, but they only serve without problems until the enamel chips and cracks appear. These defects can be covered with special enamel for some time, but anyway, sooner or later they will manifest themselves. Other methods of corrosion protection are either unacceptable due to high temperatures (paint or polymer coatings can burn or melt) or are too expensive and, as a result, their cost is higher than stainless steel, and quality indicators are worse.

Mounted water tanks - stainless steel is more reliable and durable

Most manufacturers offer optionally mounted tanks for their furnaces (for a fee), but no one bothers to make such a container with your own hands. However, how profitable it is, you need to calculate. Consider the cost of material and labor. If you do it yourself, this is one thing, but if you order from someone, you need to count.

Important! The quality of welding must be very high, and the seams must be sealed.

There is a very interesting version of the water tank. You can't call it sloppy. He is more of an attachment. The figure shows the principle of heating water in this variant. An inclined pipe sealed at the end is welded into the furnace. Its open end is placed in the lower part of the water tank, installed above the furnace. How does heating take place? Cold water from the bottom enters an inclined pipe, where it is heated to a boil. The hot air bubbles released during heating rise through the pipe and burst into a colder environment, thus transferring a significant part of the heat. The same bubbles stimulate convection (mixing) of water layers.

Not everyone likes mounted or built-in tanks: they take away part of the heat for heating water, thereby slowing down the preparation of the steam room. And this process is almost constant, because so that the water does not boil and the raw steam does not go, you need to regularly drain the hot water and add cold water.

Tank on the pipe

Heating water with heat from a chimney is beneficial for three reasons:

  • you use the heat that was previously just brought out into the street;
  • the heating process does not affect the preparation time of the steam room;
  • the chimney pipes burn out more slowly: it takes most of heat, and the operating mode becomes softer.

A similar method of heating - from hot air passing through a pipe located in the middle - is used in samovars. Therefore, such devices are also called samovar-type water tanks. In cross section, the geometry of such containers can be different: square, rectangular, triangular, round, oval. You choose what you like best, or what “gets up” better, is easier to fix, etc.

For all its attractiveness, it has this method of heating water and disadvantages:

  • In almost no device, there is no way to control the water level in the tank. How much is left there is not clear. The same is true for temperature control. It is undesirable to allow water to boil if you want “dry” steam, and there is nothing to control its condition.
  • It is difficult to mount a large tank on a pipe: the weight with water is around 100 kg or more, and you need to invent reliable system fastenings, and so that the weight does not fall on the furnace, but on some other elements. An exception is furnaces with a tank on a pipe directly from the manufacturer. In this case, everything is calculated and provided.
  • If the tank is not located immediately above the stove, it is inconvenient to pour water into it - the filler hole is high.

People have already figured out how to get around the inability to control the water level in the tank. This video describes several features and demonstrates one.

It is difficult to organize a shower with this method of heating water: you need to lead a hose from the water tap to the mixer. But in order to ensure enough water in the tank for heating, it is necessary to organize automatic replenishment of water in the tank, and this requires a level control system more complicated than in the video. You can make something similar to the float system in the toilet bowl, but you need to choose materials that can withstand high temperatures.

It is more convenient to install and use tanks on a pipe, to which an external tank is connected. A small container with two welded pipes for cold and hot water is mounted on the pipe. A larger container is installed nearby, connected to this tank on a pipe using pipes (metal, metal-plastic, flexible hoses). Water is poured into the system, which is heated by circulating through the pipes.

A small tank on a pipe is also called a heat exchanger or a water jacket. This method is devoid of almost all the disadvantages of the previous version:

  • The volume of the tank on the pipe is small and its weight, even with water, allows you to simply install it without any additional supporting structures.
  • Topping up, draining water is easy - the second tank can be installed anywhere and anywhere, you can connect it to the water supply system (if there is one).
  • The situation is similar with level control - place an external tank so that you can see the water level or build in the "system" shown in the video above.
  • Since the tank may not be in the steam room, but in the soaked compartment or even in the attic, in the dressing room, etc., there is no extraneous steam in the steam room and you can easily control the air conditions in it.
  • You can organize the supply of water to the shower. This is also associated with certain difficulties, but is implemented somewhat easier than in the previous version.

Remote water tank

Such a system for heating water in a bath is possible only when using stoves with heat exchangers. Many manufacturers of bath stoves design their stoves so that they can be installed in a firebox, they also offer ready-made heat exchangers. Almost all leading domestic manufacturers have furnaces with heat exchangers:

  • Vesuvius
  • Volcano
  • Termofor
  • Ermak
  • Teklar
  • Teplodar
  • barbarian
  • Feringer

If you are going to buy a finished furnace, it would be more rational to buy a heat exchanger from the same manufacturer: it was designed for this system and should work well. There will be no problems with connecting the heat exchanger to the sauna stove: outlets from the stove are provided, equipped with taps. Connect pipes and a remote tank to them.

Have furnaces with heat exchangers features of use:

  • The system must be filled with cold water. If cold water is poured into a red-hot furnace, a large temperature difference occurs in the heat exchanger, which leads to a different amount of thermal expansion and can break it.
  • When connecting the heat exchanger to the water tank and choosing a place for their installation, remember that for normal water circulation, the length of the pipes should not exceed 3 meters. This length is sufficient to install the tank behind the wall in the adjacent room. If this option does not suit you, you will need to build in a pump that will provide the required water flow rate.

Remote tank and heat exchanger connection

Any pipes that can withstand high temperatures can be used to connect the heat exchanger and the tank. For example, half a meter from the stove, you can put metal (preferably stainless steel or copper), and from them through the fittings you can already put either metal-plastic for hot water or, maybe, a braid. Seal the joints of the pipes leaving the furnace with a special winding, which is used for high-temperature units (tangit), it is advisable to replace the gaskets with home-made ones made of paronite.

Pipe diameter: usually take 3/4 inch or inch. Less is not recommended, because due to the high resistance, water may move too slowly, which will cause it to be poorly heated in the external tank, and it will boil in the heat exchanger. When connecting, do not forget to make all horizontal sections with a slight slope towards the furnace. It also improves circulation.

Also, for a more active movement of water in the system, it is desirable to raise the remote tank above the level of the furnace. The greater the elevation difference, the greater the difference in pressure and the rate at which the fluid will circulate in the system.

Of course, you can try to save money and make a heat exchanger with your own hands, but you will need to take into account enough a large number of nuances.

And finally, watch the video and think carefully about whether you need a water tank, or is it better to put a boiler.

A boiler is not required to heat the water in the bath, since traditionally the temperature is raised using an ordinary stove, burning wood and a specially equipped heat exchanger. However, it is better for each homeowner to decide on the choice of a suitable container used as a bath tank. This article provides basic guidelines for choosing a suitable container and describes several acceptable options for their location. There is always a choice: to purchase a finished product or to order a sauna tank made according to individual technical requirements.

  • Remote;
  • built-in;
  • Tanks on the pipe.

Until recently, water containers were always built into the furnace in such a way that the bottom of the boiler was placed on top of the furnace. Thus, the bottom of the tank is in direct contact with the fire from the stove. Water from such containers is collected independently or poured out using specially equipped taps.

Thanks to the heat exchangers built into the oven, the water tank can be installed wherever it is convenient. In this case, cold water will descend into the heat exchanger, and hot water will rise into the tank.

In some cases, the tank is installed on the chimney. This is necessary for the possibility of prolonged use of the bath after the firewood in the firebox burns out. In such devices, water is constantly heated to the required temperature. The temperature of the pipe from which the smoke comes out can even reach 500 degrees. Because the heating area is large enough, the liquid will be heated evenly. An additional advantage of such structures is the impossibility of smoke leakage through a crack in the pipe itself. A water tank in such a situation will act as a fuse.

Remote tank

Similar fluid heating systems are used if the furnace is equipped with a heat exchanger. Some manufacturers create ovens in such a way that you can install your own heat exchanger. They also offer customers a choice of several options for such devices. Almost every domestic manufacturer manufactures furnaces with built-in heat exchangers.

When buying a finished furnace, it would be better to purchase a heat exchanger from the same manufacturer. However, there should not be any difficulties with connecting your device to the sauna stove. Pipes with an external tank are attached to the heat exchanger.

Features of operation of furnaces with heat exchangers:

  • Water should only be poured into a cold system before starting a fire. If the heat exchanger is hot, when water is added there, a difference in temperature expansion will occur. As a result, the heat exchanger may break;
  • When connecting the heat exchanger to the storage tank, it must be remembered that the length of the pipe structure between them should not exceed 3 m. This length is enough to install the tank behind a wall in another room. If the length of the pipe from the tank to the heat exchanger is longer, a pump will have to be installed to ensure normal circulation.

To connect the tank in the bath and the heat exchanger in the furnace, you can use any pipes that can withstand high temperature effects. A metal pipe can be installed if the tank is at a distance of about 50 cm from the oven. The connection areas of the nozzles can be sealed with a special winding used for high temperature fixtures. It is advisable to replace the gaskets with homemade ones made of paronite.

Tank on the pipe

It is very convenient to heat water with the heat generated from the chimney. Such devices are also called samovar-type tanks. If we consider the devices in cross section, their geometry may differ in a certain way. Everyone can choose for themselves a suitable product in terms of volume and design features.

However, this method of heating has certain disadvantages:

  • In such devices it is difficult to control the water level. Similarly, it is impossible to control the heating temperature. It is better not to bring the water to a boil if you need to get dry steam, but it is almost impossible to control the condition of the water in such a tank;
  • Installing a tank on a pipe involves certain difficulties. The mass of such containers can be about 100 kg;
  • When the tank is located above the stove, the filler hole is located too high.

However, some craftsmen find ways to control the level of liquid in the tank.

Built-in tank

A built-in or hinged tank is a conventional sealed steel container with a lid, equipped with a special tap to drain hot water. Such a tank can be fixed on the back wall or on the side. Metal hooks are often used as fasteners. In most cases, such products are made of stainless steel, which can interact with the liquid without damage. Since such a tank is exposed to high temperatures, some methods of corrosion protection cannot be used.

Material for manufacturing

Stainless steel is considered one of the most common materials for the manufacture of water tanks in the bath. We list the main arguments in favor of this particular material:

  • Due to the structural features of the metal, the water in the stainless steel heats up faster and cools down longer;
  • Under the influence of high temperature, stainless steel will not be deformed;
  • The material is quite light, retains aesthetic appeal for a long time, allows you to slightly decorate the interior of the room.

Custom-made or mass-produced metal tanks are installed almost everywhere today. However, their aesthetic qualities and practicality are significantly inferior to stainless steel. The container can be closed with some kind of heat-resistant facing material or immured into the wall, but it is unlikely that anyone will be able to protect the metal tank from rust. The metal can deform over time as a result of a regular increase in the temperature of the environment. It is difficult to understand why many homeowners prefer metal tanks, despite their obvious disadvantages. However, in many new baths, such products are not even covered by anything.

Enamelled tanks slightly increase the quality of metal containers. Treatment with a special substance does not contribute to the development of corrosion, the water in such products will remain clean for a long time. However, such containers are unstable to various mechanical influences. The chipped enamel will not protect the metal product from rust. When the container is exposed to corrosion, in one place, over time it will rust completely.

Cast iron products are also commercially available today. Thick metal will not rust due to the properties of its structure. However, the water in it will warm up much longer, and cool down more slowly. Cast iron containers are quite massive. It is better not to install such products on small ovens.

How to choose

In addition to volume, the main selection criteria also include the design features of products. Ordinary stainless steel containers, in which the water temperature rises after heating the stove, can be produced in a semicircular, rectangular, square shape. This takes into account the available free space, pouring the foundation under the stove, the type of tank used. The container should be placed in such a way that the free space is not shy. It must be remembered that when touching a hot container in a bath, you can get burned. Tanks can be completely empty in winter, because after freezing, water can break the integrity of any metal container. After icing, the entire protective layer will fall off the enamelled product.

For determining right size capacity, you need to determine the number of people who will use such a bath. More than 50 liters of water is not needed where one person is steamed. For relax big company in the steam room, it is desirable to equip a bath with a capacity of at least 70 liters.

The wall thickness will always be determined by the selected dimensions of the container. If stainless steel with a volume of more than 50 liters is selected, the optimum material thickness will be 1 mm. Uniform heating of water, as well as heat accumulation in the tank, is determined by the thickness of the metal walls. However, one should not forget that a tank with thick walls will be more expensive. The container must have at least one place for output and for filling cold water.

To select a suitable device, it is advisable to first consult with a specialist in this field. On the domestic market there is a huge number of containers suitable for the size of the equipped bath room. It is advisable to buy a tank with a heat exchanger in a situation where the volume of the heated liquid must correspond to at least 200 liters. In addition to such tanks, you can install storage tanks that are connected to electricity and plumbing.


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