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The task of creating home heating with your own hands, although difficult, is completely solvable. There can be many reasons why you have to choose such a heating arrangement option, ranging from the high cost of performing work by third parties to the habit of doing everything yourself. But regardless of the motives that forced you to choose this option, to successfully create heating you need to know how it works.

About home heating in general

Water heating of any private home consists of at least the following elements:

  • heating boiler;
  • expansion tank;
  • heating radiators;
  • pipelines;
  • control valves.

And here the first feature appears - the circulation pump is not mentioned among the equipment. The fact is that for some options for creating home heating, whether you do it yourself or not, a pump is not required. But in this case there are other requirements that will be discussed a little later.

Components of water heating

Therefore, when deciding on a future water heating system, you need to start work with the main points - decide what the heating scheme will be and choose the power of the heating boiler.

Which boiler should I use?

This is a rather complex task, in solving which it is necessary to take into account many different points.

1. Selecting the type of fuel. You need to focus on affordable and cheap energy resources; main gas is considered the best. If it is not available, use other types of fuel:

  • solid (coal, firewood, peat, pellets, etc.);
  • liquid (diesel);
  • electrical or any other energy. You need to choose the cheapest and most affordable fuel, given that these costs will determine your future home heating costs.

2. How will the boiler be used - only as an element of the heating system or also as a source of hot water. Depending on the purpose, you can choose a double-circuit or single-circuit boiler.

3. What area needs to be heated by creating home heating on your own, and the characteristics of the heated premises. In such a calculation, almost everything must be taken into account:

  • geographical location of the house;
  • number of floors;
  • the material from which the house is made, the thickness of the walls, the use of insulation in its construction, etc.;
  • frequency of operation of the boiler, the possibility of its operation in automatic mode;
  • location, dimensions, possibility and need for routine maintenance and maintenance;
  • the presence or possibility of creating the necessary ventilation to remove combustion products.

The above questions represent only a small part of those that you must answer before you create a home heating system with your own hands.

About choosing a heating scheme

Heating can be carried out according to a variety of schemes. In this case, for each specific case, one’s own, most suitable option. When choosing it, it is necessary to take into account the features inherent various systems heating.

1. They come with natural (gravitational) and forced circulation. A feature of gravitational circulation is the ability to heat a house without the use of additional equipment, such as a circulation pump, and the ability to operate system elements at atmospheric pressure.

This approach makes it possible to reduce costs when creating heating, however, for this it is necessary to fulfill a number of additional requirements:

  • the heating boiler should be located below the radiators, and the expansion tank above;
  • the pipelines must have a slope that creates a gravity flow of the coolant towards the radiators when hot water moves, and towards the boiler when returning;
  • pipelines must be secured to prevent the formation of backflow;
  • Pipes for supplying hot water must be larger in cross-section than for return.

A heating system with forced circulation is the most versatile, and its creation does not require fulfilling so many requirements.

2. Heating installation can be performed using a single-pipe or two-pipe method. The features of these heating schemes are shown in the photo

With a single-pipe system, water passes through the radiators one after another and then returns to the heating boiler, and with a two-pipe system, water enters each radiator separately from the main line and then returns there.

It is traditionally believed that a two-pipe heating scheme is the most effective, but a single-pipe heating scheme also has its advantages, among which it must be admitted that this is the simplest and most affordable option for heating a house, and also the cheapest.

As for the disadvantages inherent in the single-pipe circuit, its most popular type, called “Leningrad”, thanks to the efforts of numerous heating specialists, has been largely eliminated from them.

If you look at the self-made heating system being created in the house from this point of view - the simplicity and reasonable price of the entire system, then the "Leningradka" can probably be considered one of the most suitable options.

You can learn more about the intricacies and features of this system using the video

How to connect a heating radiator

An important factor ensuring the normal operation of the heating system is the radiators used. There are many varieties of such products, they are made different shapes and from different materials, achieving maximum heat transfer from them, but other factors play the main role in heating the room:

1. Number of radiator sections. Established practice recommends using one section to heat three square meters. area, while the coolant temperature should be seventy degrees.

However, the number of sections cannot be unlimited; do not forget that each element in the system creates resistance to the passage of water, and if it is too large, then the heating simply will not work.

2. How is the radiator connected to the heating system? The figure below will allow you to evaluate how different it is when in various ways connecting batteries heating efficiency:

3. Where and how the radiator is installed.

These data should force you to take a more careful approach to the task of determining where to install the radiator. And if the battery is usually placed under the window opening (in the center), and this is a completely correct decision, then the installation of any decorative screens or other decorative items (curtains, curtains) worsens the heat transfer and heating efficiency.

Although creating heating for a private home must be considered a rather complex task, it can nevertheless be solved on your own.

The existing variety of options for implementing a heating system allows anyone to choose the one that best suits their own strengths, skills and means.

If you need to create or modernize heating in a private home, then it is better to first spend an hour or two studying the issue, collecting expert opinions, and in particular, reading this material - consider the most common situations and time-tested solutions.

Knowledge of the issue is the key to success. Even if the heating in the house will not be done independently, then it is better for the owner to speak with visiting installers in their language. It will be easier to control the correctness and budget of the process; you will be able to purchase materials yourself, which means significant savings. Therefore, learning how a heating system is made is beneficial.

How does heating work?

For an ordinary residential building, in the vast majority of cases, a water system with forced circulation of liquid is used. The coolant moves through the pipes under the influence of the pump, heating the radiators, which heat the air. Energy is generated in the boiler.

Everything that does not correspond to this is called “rarity”, and experts also call it “wildness” - it will be so inferior in consumer qualities for residents of a house with a usual area of ​​70 - 500 square meters.

What does it consist of?

A number of components and assemblies are always used in heating, which are worth learning about in more detail.

  • A boiler is a heat generator that burns fuel and heats water (coolant).
  • Circulation pump - can not only be installed separately, but is also part of an automated boiler, like some other elements. The coolant moves through the pipes.
  • Pipes - modern plastic and metal-plastic products are used, selected by diameter.
  • Radiators - transfer energy to the air.
  • The expansion tank is a mandatory element; it maintains stable pressure during thermal expansion of water. Protects the system from accidents.
  • Safety group - can be part of the boiler or separately, includes a safety valve, automatic air vent, pressure gauge. Must be installed in any closed system.
  • The cleaning filter is a small required element.

This is the minimum of a conventional system. If this is installed correctly, for which fittings and taps are used, then the heating will begin to warm the house.

Additional system elements

  • Ball valves – two operating modes “open-close”.
  • Balancing valves - similar to ordinary taps - fine tuning of the system.
  • Three-way valves are automatic flow regulators.
  • Thermal heads are devices that control valves depending on temperature and manual settings.
  • Mayevsky taps are manual air vents for releasing air.

What to drown with

First of all, the owners are concerned with the question of how to heat the house. Each locality has its own priorities.

  • Many homes are now heated with natural gas from mains. It is a cheap and convenient type of fuel. If there is a gas pipe, then there is nothing to think about, you need to connect and install a gas boiler.
  • But you can also often find heating with wood in solid fuel boilers. It's cheap in most areas. But it's not convenient. To simplify the combustion process, the system is supplemented with a buffer tank, or, worse, with complex devices that are not of the best quality - long-burning boilers.
  • Coal is displacing firewood in some coal-producing regions where it is cheap.
  • Pellets are “automated firewood”, more convenient, but expensive.
  • Electricity is slowly replacing firewood, as it is very convenient, and at night tariffs it is tolerable in price. But at a daily rate it is too expensive.

It is advisable to thermally insulate the floor and organize underfloor heating.

After these measures, if they are carried out properly, the house will be warm...

Read more about how to make heating

Heating in the house is done in the following sequence.

  • A decision is made on the connection diagram of heating devices, their placement points and, accordingly, the location of the pipelines are determined. The power of the equipment and other technical parameters are determined (a project is drawn up!…)
  • A place for the boiler is selected and the boiler is installed, possibly according to a house gasification project, perhaps in connection with the connection of a natural draft chimney.
  • The boiler is plumbed, a pipeline and the necessary equipment are installed to ensure the operation of it and the entire system.
  • Radiators are distributed and installed in rooms in accordance with the required heating power for each room. You can read this question
  • A pipeline is laid, radiators and a boiler with its own piping are connected.
  • The system is filled with coolant and tested.

We tie the boiler

Automated boilers, as a rule, contain in their housing both a pump and a safety group, and sometimes an expansion tank. All their piping consists of installing shut-off valves.

For a solid fuel boiler, a pump, an expansion tank, a safety group, temperature control are installed, and automation and control units are also possible.

In complex systems, all this is supplemented by a hydraulic arrow (or a primary ring circuit) with additional pumps on each branch, and it is also possible to install a buffer tank and a DHW boiler.

In the simplest version, the solid fuel boiler needs to be properly tied -

Elements that occur in complex systems

Old systems are not used

It was mentioned that in the modern concept, the coolant should move under the influence of a pump. Everything that is gravity-fed is an anachronism, not practical, not functional, and twice as expensive.

Also, according to modern ideas, the heating system should be two-pipe, and a single-pipe one is expensive both to create and to operate, bulky and does not provide... Its price is increased due to the large diameter of the pipes and fittings, and the ring diagram creates both installation difficulties and difficulty in ensuring the same temperature radiators.

Choose a scheme - one of three

How to combine heating with design

Nowadays, more and more people are trying to remove not only the pipes under the floor, but also the radiators themselves. They install in-floor convectors, which, although more expensive, do not clutter up the interior. The presence of heating with them will be reminded by a decorative grille under the window sills, under the entrance doors...

An intermediate option is more practical in operation - hide the pipes under the floor, leave radiators on the walls with bottom connections - the pipes come out of the floor under the radiators.

In this case, the wiring under the floor can be according to any scheme, but the cheapest and most practical is a dead-end one with thinner pipes branching from the main line. Under the floor, it is allowed to install compression fittings on metal-plastic pipes. Often the connection of radiators is combined with the installation of heated floors in the same space.

Select pipes and radiators

The cheapest option and easy to do yourself is to install a system of polypropylene pipes... But I can't recommend it. He is the most unreliable. This is due to the inability to ensure standard connection quality and nominal pipe clearance in welded joints.

One can argue for a long time about the selection of radiators... but any that can be found in a store will be suitable for a private home.
Radiators must be connected and installed according to the rules...


Now all that’s left to do is to put together all the elements that were designed. By the way, of course it is better to use a ready-made heating project, if available...

And if this is known, then the heating system should work properly... Remaining

Modern materials and proven technologies make it possible to competently organize autonomous heating in a private home. And the main advantage of this is that the homeowner independently determines the beginning and duration of the heating season. The modern market offers affordable options for heating systems. At the same time right choice one of them depends on design features and dimensions of the house, the number of heating elements and types of energy carriers.

Types of heating systems

Existing systems involve the use of various types of coolant for heating rooms, so there are:

  • Mermen.
  • Steam.
  • Air.
  • Electric.
  • Underfloor heating systems.
  • Combined.

All of them are capable of providing fast and efficient heating of residential buildings of various sizes.

Water heating

One of the most common and popular types of heating for apartments and private houses. It works on the principle of a closed heating circuit, inside which the coolant circulates. Hot water from the heating boiler naturally or forcedly moves through pipes and heating radiators, evenly distributed within the system.

The body of the radiators heats up, causing heat exchange in the room. The cooled coolant is returned to the boiler equipment and the heating process is repeated.

The water heating system is equipped with special valves to regulate internal pressure. For such a scheme, use various types boilers - gas, solid fuel, electric.

Steam heating

It is rational to use hot steam heating for heating industrial premises. For heating houses, such a system is practically not used due to the large dimensions of steam boiler equipment, which requires large areas and also has high temperature heating the case, reaching 120 degrees.

Hot steam obtained by heating water to a boil is used as a coolant, after which the steam cloud is transported through a pipeline to the radiators. As the steam cools, it condenses into liquid and enters the boiler.

There are two types of steam heating:

  • Open. Equipped with a storage tank to collect condensate after cooling the steam and feeding it into the boiler.
  • Closed. Condensate enters the boiler equipment independently through pipes of larger diameter.

Air heating

A fairly popular option for organizing heating of retail and industrial areas. The advantage lies in the resistance of system elements to corrosion, temperature changes and leaks. For heating country house used extremely rarely.

The main components of an air heating system include:

  • Heat generator for heating air.
  • Air channels for the transmission of air masses.
  • Fan for uniform air distribution.

The principle of operation of air heating is simple: the heat generator provides rapid heating of the air, which is transmitted through air ducts and enters the premises through ventilation grilles. Channels can be laid in wall or ceiling surfaces. Cooled air enters the heat generator through air ducts, after which the heating process is repeated.

The system uses a heat generator using various fuels: diesel, kerosene, gas (cylinder and main).

Electric heating

A good alternative to traditional water heating is an electric heating system that is safe, convenient and easy to use.

Electric heating of a house is beneficial in cases where there is no possibility of connecting to a gas pipeline or using other energy sources.

To organize it, the following can be used: an electric boiler, electric convectors, film heaters, thermal panels, infrared ceiling-type heaters.

The most popular and easy to use are electric convectors, equipped with a thermostat to maintain a comfortable air heating temperature.

Heating under warm floors

The underfloor heating system provides uniform underfloor heating for rooms of various sizes. Installation of heated floors under porcelain stoneware and ceramic tiles most efficient, characterized by high heat transfer and low energy consumption.

There are two types of underfloor heating:

  • Vodyany. Pipes with coolant are laid on a perfectly flat heat-insulating surface and connected to the heating boiler. Next, cement screed and laying of decorative coating are performed.
  • Electric. The film is laid on the prepared surface, after which the decorative coating is installed. Another option is a heating cable on a substrate, with a screed or floor covering laid on top.

The principle of operation is the same - heat transfer is carried out through the floor covering.

Combined heating

The combined heating method involves the use of several types of heating and coolants. In damp functional rooms: kitchen, bathroom, corridor - underfloor heating. In living areas: living room, bedroom, children's room - water or electric. The main rooms of the house have water heating, and the rest - electric heating.

Schemes for organizing the heating system of a house

Choosing the most suitable scheme for organizing water heating in a house is quite difficult, so it is recommended to obtain additional advice from a specialist.

There are several common schemes for laying pipes in a private home, which allow for quick and uniform heating. According to the method of movement, heating systems are divided into:

  • Single-pipe.
  • Two-pipe.
  • Collector.
  • Leningradsky.

Single-pipe system diagram

The one-pipe system is considered simple and accessible for independent organization. It involves sequential installation of radiators to the pipeline through which the coolant moves. The full cycle consists of heating the coolant, supplying it to all heating circuits and returning it to the boiler.

Despite its practicality and low cost, single-pipe heating has some disadvantages. If the system uses large number radiators, the likelihood increases that the furthest ones will remain practically cold. In other words, the heating temperature in distant rooms will be lower than in the one where the heating boiler is located.

In addition, such a system is difficult to carry out repair work. Repairing any radiator will require stopping the entire heating system.

Diagram of a two-pipe system

A two-pipe heating scheme for a private house is more difficult to organize, but easier to maintain. It involves connecting two pipes to the boiler. In this case, one pipe is used to supply coolant to the radiators, the second is used to drain it to the boiler. Radiators can be mounted parallel to each other.

For convenient operation, the pipe for a separate radiator is mounted with an additional inlet valve. The return pipeline is laid under the floor in any room where there is a heating circuit.

Collector system diagram

In a collector heating system, the pipes for the supply and removal of coolant are laid independently of each other. Each radiator is connected to a common collector by separate pipes: for supplying hot water and for returning cooled water.

This option for laying the pipeline ensures maintaining a comfortable temperature in all rooms, and also allows you to repair or replace the heating element in any part of the system.

The disadvantages include the need to install a cabinet under the collector, the high cost of structural elements and installation.

Scheme of the Leningrad system

Leningradka is a perfect version of a single-pipe heating system. It provides more uniform heating of rooms and is easy to install and maintain. In addition, such a piping layout makes it possible to reduce heat loss when the coolant moves between heating circuits.

The system is equipped with special bypass jumpers located under the heating devices. They ensure the return of coolant through pipes, bypassing the radiators, which allows maintaining the heating temperature at the inlet and outlet without significant heat loss.

Basic elements of the heating system

A modern heating system for a private home consists of important elements, each of which performs special functions. These include: heat generators (boiler, circulation pump), distribution pipeline, expansion tank, heating radiators, thermostats and air valves.

The efficiency and safety of the heating system depends on their proper placement.

Heating boiler

The most common type of heating system used in a home is a boiler. The choice of suitable equipment depends on the type of energy carrier. Modern boilers run on gas, wood, kerosene, coal, briquettes and electricity.

Small-sized boilers with a power of up to 25 kW can be installed in utility rooms and utility rooms. It is better to move volumetric heat generators with a power of over 70 kW into special buildings with limited access.

Structurally, the boiler is divided into two compartments - fuel and heat exchanger. The first compartment is intended for combustion of fuel, the second - for heating the coolant used.

Distribution pipeline

Pipes are provided for transporting coolant from the boiler to heating devices. For piping, pipes of various diameters and materials are used.

The following types of pipes are suitable for the heating system:

  • Metal - steel, stainless steel, copper, galvanized alloy. A metal pipeline is difficult to install, susceptible to corrosion, and less practical and durable. More reliable are copper pipes, which can withstand water hammer and temperature changes. The only drawback is the high cost of the material.
  • Plastic – metal-plastic, polyethylene, polypropylene. The plastic pipeline has high performance characteristics. It is safe, durable, practical, inert to rotting and corrosion. Metal-plastic pipes are the most affordable and time-tested, easy to install and operate.

Heating radiators

To organize heating of a private house, the following types of radiators are used:

  • Cast iron radiators. They are characterized by low cost, high heat transfer, large volume and weight.
  • Aluminum and bimetallic sectional convectors. They are distinguished by rapid heating of rooms due to natural convection, compact dimensions, relatively light weight and attractive appearance.
  • Metal panel radiators. A combined type of device that highlights long term service, high inertia, attractive design and affordable cost.

Thermostatic devices

For reliable and safe operation of any heating system, a thermostat is required.

The thermostat for heating radiators allows you to correctly set a comfortable heating temperature in the room. Structurally, it consists of a thermal head and a bypass valve.

Thermostats can be direct-acting (installed in the pipeline) or electrically controlled (installed next to the manifold).

Expansion tank

An important functional element in the autonomous heating system of a private house is the expansion tank. It is intended to compensate for the thermal expansion of the coolant in order to prevent possible pipeline ruptures.

Expansion tanks are either closed or open. Open tanks can be installed at the highest point of the system, closed tanks can be installed in any convenient location.

Air release valve

The air valve is used to quickly remove air from the heating system and the devices that are used for its operation. It can also be used in the following cases:

  • During the process of filling the pipeline and radiators with coolant.
  • To suck in air from outside if there are problems with the system.
  • When air pockets form during system operation.

Features of installing a heating system in a private house

To make heating in your house with your own hands, you need to choose a suitable system. The optimal solution is to install a system with an accessible and economical coolant.

If the house is gasified, you can organize water heating with boilers: gas (as the main one), electric or solid fuel (as the auxiliary one).

The next stage is the creation of a detailed design, carrying out the appropriate calculations, preparing design documentation and a drawing of the system. Next you should purchase heating equipment And additional materials for installation.

First, a boiler for the heating system is installed. All types of boilers (except for electrical devices) are installed in a special room - a boiler room. The premises have special requirements: reliable system ventilation and separate wiring. The equipment is mounted at a safe distance from wall surfaces lined with fire-retardant material. A separate chimney is also installed.

A pipeline is drawn from the installed boiler to the installation sites of heating radiators. When laying pipes through walls or floors, gating is performed. The connection of individual pipeline elements is carried out taking into account the material from which it is made.

Finally, radiators are installed. Brackets are used for secure fixation. When installing radiators, it is important to maintain the following distances to the radiator: from the floor - 12 cm, from the walls - 4 cm, from the window sill - 11 cm.

Valves (shut-off and control) are installed at the output and input of each, as well as thermal sensors to regulate the heating temperature of the coolant.

After completing the installation of the main and auxiliary elements, pressure testing of the heating system should be carried out. A test run of boiler equipment should be carried out by specialists.

Frequent errors when installing the system

Making mistakes during installation work may lead to a decrease in the efficiency of the finished heating system. The following errors are common:

  • Wrong choice of energy carrier.
  • Incorrect boiler power calculations.
  • Irrational choice of heating system.
  • Incorrect selection of the appropriate pipe diameter.
  • Poorly made slopes when laying pipes.
  • Incorrect choice of shut-off valves and control devices.
  • General violation of installation technology.

An effective heating system for a private home requires the correct choice of cheap and accessible energy sources and proper installation of all functional elements.


  1. What you need to install a working water heating system?

Here's the full list:

  • Boiler. It should provide minimal operating costs and, if possible, require minimal attention from the owner;
  • Boiler piping— safety group (air vent, pressure gauge and safety valve), circulation pump and expansion tank, compensating for the increase in volume when heated;

I deliberately excluded from consideration open gravity systems, in which the functions of the entire piping are performed by an open expansion tank. They are extremely simple in design, but differ from closed systems with forced circulation, long heating, large temperature spread between heating devices and scale formation in the boiler heat exchanger.

  • Pipes— bottling, connections to radiators and (optional) heating risers;
  • Actually heating devices and their piping— shut-off taps or throttles for separate adjustment.


  1. How to choose a boiler for water heating?

If you have gas in your house or area, great. A cheaper source of heat cannot be found: the thermal energy obtained by burning natural gas costs only 50-70 kopecks per kilowatt-hour.

The most economical type of gas boilers is with electric ignition.

What are the savings?

  • The absence of a pilot burner saves up to 25% of the gas that burns when the boiler is idle, when the coolant is heated to a sufficiently high temperature;
  • Another 10 - 12% savings are provided by the utilization of the heat of condensation of water vapor, which in traditional boilers leaves the house along with the rest of the combustion products.

In the absence of a gas pipeline near the house, the remaining heat sources are arranged according to efficiency in the following order:

A few nuances:

  • The power source for a gas boiler can be not only main gas, but also cylinders or its own gas tank. But in this case, the cost of a kilowatt-hour will increase to 3 and 2.3 rubles, respectively;
  • I gave average prices at the time of writing (beginning of 2017), relevant for the central regions of the country at a short distance from the capital. However, regional energy prices and local utility tariffs may make their own adjustments.
    Let's say, in Moscow, a kilowatt-hour of electricity costs 5 rubles, not 4, at a single-rate tariff. In Sevastopol, where I live, pellets are twice as expensive as in the Moscow region - 15,000 rubles per ton versus 7,000;
  • To light a solid fuel boiler using coal, firewood is needed, which will further increase operating costs and time;

  • Gas, diesel and electric boilers can operate without maintenance as long as electricity, gas or oil is supplied. A pellet boiler with a hopper and a pellet feeding mechanism is capable of autonomous operation within a week. The solid fuel boiler will have to be melted and cleaned of ash several times a day;

Some types of boilers are designed for longer autonomous operation. For example, pyrolysis (smoldering of wood with limited access of air followed by afterburning of combustion products in a separate chamber) increases autonomy to 10-12 hours. Top combustion boilers with a telescopic air duct are even capable of operating on one burner for up to a day.

  • Replacing diesel fuel with waste fuel will reduce operating costs by 5-6 times. However, waste boilers are not very popular, since only car service workers have a permanent supply channel for used motor oil.

Another source of cheap heat is an exhaust boiler.

For a private house with high-quality insulation of walls and ceilings, located in the central regions of the country, the boiler power is selected at the rate of 100 watts per square meter of area.

For houses in the northern or southern regions, buildings with poor quality or, conversely, very effective insulation and with great height for ceilings, it is better to use the formula Q=V*Dt*k/860.

Variables in this formula (from left to right):

  • Heat requirement of the room in kilowatts;
  • Its volume in cubic meters;
  • The temperature difference between the street and the house (it is usually taken equal to the difference between the sanitary norm -18 - 22 degrees - and the temperature of the coldest five-day period in your locality);
  • Insulation coefficient. It can be selected from the table:

For example, for a house measuring 10x10x6 meters with brick walls 50 cm thick and double-glazed windows, located in Surgut (the temperature of the coldest five days of winter is -43), the heat demand will be (10*10*6)*(22 - -43)*1.9/860=86 kilowatts.

  1. Is there an inexpensive alternative solid fuel boilers in the absence of gas?

Heat pumps operate on electricity, but do not use it to directly heat the air in the house, but to pump heat from a low-potential source - soil, water or air.

Since electricity is consumed only by the compressor, for every kilowatt-hour of electricity the owner receives from three to six kilowatt-hours of heat, which reduces heating costs to comparable with solid fuel heating and even gas.

Many potential buyers are put off by the high cost of heat pumps and the expensive installation of a heating system. Suffice it to say that the installation geothermal pump requires drilling wells several tens of meters deep or laying a horizontal collector in a pit with an area three times the area of ​​the house.

However, in warm regions, an “air-to-air” heating scheme can be implemented: a heat pump takes energy from the air outside the house and heats it without the mediation of a coolant, simply by blowing on the internal heat exchanger.

Doesn't remind you of anything?

That's right, that's how everyone works household air conditioner in heating mode.

A household split system is a special case of a heat pump.

I use air conditioners as the main source of heat for my home.

Here is a brief report on their operation:

  • Four inverters constantly working in winter, together with the installation, cost me about 110 thousand rubles;
  • The heated area of ​​the house is 154 m2. It maintains a temperature of 20-22 degrees;
  • Air conditioners continue to operate for heating even during the rare frosts in Sevastopol (the minimum temperature with which the heating system was tested was -21 degrees);
  • Electricity consumption for heating in the winter months is approximately 1500 kWh. The reader can calculate how much this is in money using local tariffs.

The photo shows external units of air conditioners heating the bedroom and children's room on the first floor.

Boiler piping

  1. How to choose a boiler piping?

I have already listed its main elements. However, there are subtleties here too.

When choosing circulation pump look first at its performance. A minimum pressure of 2 meters (0.2 kgf/cm2) is quite enough to make the heating system of an apartment building work.

The pump capacity is selected using the formula Q=0.86R/Dt.

In it:

  • Q is the desired value in cubic meters per hour;
  • R is the power of the boiler or the circuit served by a pump with forced circulation of coolant;
  • Dt is the temperature difference between supply and return (usually it is approximately 20 degrees).

So, for our freezing house in Surgut we will need a pump with a capacity of 0.86*86/20=3.7 m3/h.

The safety valve must be set to the maximum permissible pressure for the heating system (usually 2.5 kgf/cm2.

Membrane volume expansion tank Usually, with a small margin, it is taken equal to 1/10 of the volume of coolant in the circuit. To find out the last parameter with maximum accuracy, just fill the circuit with water and pour it into a container of known volume.

In a balanced heating system with aluminum or bimetallic radiators, the volume of coolant is approximately 15 liters per kilowatt of boiler power.

The standard charging pressure for the expansion tank is 1.5 kgf/cm2. Approximately the same operating pressure should be maintained in the heating system during operation. It can be increased using a tap connecting the heating circuit to the cold water system, or by simply pumping air into the expansion tank through the spool.


  1. What pipes should be used for heating in the house??

In my opinion, best material for an autonomous water heating system - polypropylene reinforced with aluminum foil.

Why him?

  • These pipes are among the cheapest. So, with an outer diameter of 20 mm, a linear meter of pipe costs only 70 rubles. Compare this cost with corrugated stainless steel (from 290 rubles per meter) and copper (from 400 rubles);
  • Their connections are maintenance-free and are as durable as a solid pipe. The fitting can be hidden in a groove or screed;
  • The strength and heat resistance of polypropylene is quite sufficient for the modest operating parameters of an autonomous system (up to +75C at a pressure of no more than 2.5 atmospheres).

Why do I recommend reinforced pipes and specifically aluminum?

The point is not in resistance to hydrostatic pressure - it is already excessive. Keywords- “elongation when heated.” In this parameter, polypropylene without reinforcement is ahead of the rest: a meter-long pipe heated by 50 degrees becomes 6.5 mm longer. Reinforcement with glass fiber reduces elongation to 3.1 mm, and with aluminum to 1.5 mm/meter.

For comparison, a steel pipe under the same conditions will lengthen by 0.5 mm.

When installing long straight bottling sections, the pipes are opened with expansion joints - ring or U-shaped bends, which avoid deformation of the pipeline.

  1. What should the diameter of the pipes be??

The internal diameter is selected depending on the thermal load on the corresponding section of the circuit. For bottling, the heat load is equal to the power of the boiler, for connections - the power of the heating device, for the riser - the total heat transfer of all devices connected to it.

The internal diameter values ​​are selected from another table.

The diameter can be reduced by increasing the coolant speed (read: pump performance). However, a trap awaits us here: as the flow speed increases, hydraulic noise will appear - first at the throttling valves, and then at all fitting connections. Therefore, it is better to select the speed from the range 0.4 - 0.6 m/s (blue columns in the table).

In a natural circulation system, the filling diameter increases by at least one step. The instruction is related to the minimum hydraulic pressure that ensures the movement of the coolant: as the diameter increases, the hydraulic resistance of the pipeline decreases.

Heating devices

  1. Which batteries are best to buy??

Our choice is aluminum sectional radiators. Cheap and cheerful: maximum heat transfer (with standard size batteries - approximately 200 watts per section) and a minimum price (from 300 rubles).

  1. How to choose the number of sections?

The power of a heating device for a separate room is calculated according to the same scheme as the heat demand of the house. To convert the power into the number of sections, it is enough to divide it by the heat flow from one section. It is always indicated by the manufacturer in the technical documentation for the device.

There is one subtlety here. As a rule, the manufacturer indicates the heat flow for a very specific temperature difference between the coolant and the air in the room - 70 degrees (90C/20C).

As the coolant cools or the air heats up, the power of the section will drop in proportion to the temperature delta: say, at 60C in the battery and 25C in the room, the section will deliver half the rated power.

Heating appliances

  1. What fittings are needed to disconnect and adjust batteries?

If you only plan to turn off the radiators (if there is excess heat or for repairs), install ball valves on both connections to the battery. They are durable, fail-safe and always seal in the closed position.

For throttling (adjusting the flow rate) it is customary to use needle throttles, or valves for radiators. The inside is a typical screw valve with a metal valve.

If you want the passage of the connections to be adjusted automatically, your choice is valves with thermal heads. After rough adjustment, they will change their capacity depending on the air temperature in the room.


  1. How to heat the house?

The simplest and most fault-tolerant scheme is a single-pipe Leningrad, a filling ring around the perimeter of the house with heating devices connected parallel to it. Its main drawback is the large temperature difference between the first and last radiators.

If the house has several heated floors, a two-pipe heating system is usually installed. It can be dead-end (when the coolant, when flowing from supply to return, turns 180 degrees) and passing (the direction of movement of the coolant is maintained).

A dead-end circuit requires mandatory balancing - limiting the passage of the radiators closest to the boiler with chokes. Without balancing, the main volume of the coolant circulates through these radiators, and distant devices practically do not heat. In my memory, this at least once led to a serious accident - defrosting of the circuit in extreme cold.

The associated circuit (Tichelman loop) forms several parallel circuits of the same length. In it, the temperature of the radiators is always approximately the same without balancing.

A dead-end two-pipe scheme is used in cases where some obstacle (high opening, load-bearing wall, etc.) prevents the Tichelman loop from looping.


  1. How to solder polypropylene pipes yourself?

For this you will need:

  • Shaver (stripping) to remove reinforcement from the soldering area;

The shaver also removes the outer chamfer on the pipe, simplifying installation of the fitting.

  • Scissors - pipe cutter;
  • Soldering iron with nozzles of the appropriate diameter and operating temperature of 260 degrees.

The connection is installed as follows:

  • The shaver is placed on the pipe and made several turns, removing the aluminum foil;

If left, the foil in contact with water will gradually deteriorate. This will lead to delamination of the pipe and a decrease in the strength of the connection.

  • The pipe is inserted into the socket of the nozzle heated to operating temperature. At the same time, a fitting is put on the second side of the nozzle;
  • The melted parts are combined in a translational (without rotation) motion and held motionless for several seconds. After the melted plastic has set, you can proceed to installing the next connection.

  1. Where to install the security group?

At the outlet of the boiler. This is where the pressure begins to increase when the filling capacity is insufficient or the circulation rate is low.

  1. Where is the expansion tank installed??

At any point in the circuit, but no closer than two filling diameters from the pump when installed in front of it and no closer than ten filling diameters when installed after the pump. Otherwise, the turbulence that occurs during rotation of the impeller will sharply reduce the service life of the tank membrane.

  1. Can a gravity heating system be converted to forced circulation?

Quite: the pump can be installed in both a closed and an open circuit.

Typically, installation of heating with the ability to work with both natural and forced circulation is performed as follows:

  • The diameter and configuration of the filling (slope, accelerating manifold, height difference between the boiler and heating devices) are made typical for a gravity system;
  • In front of the boiler, two outlets are welded parallel to the filling, between which a pump is connected;
  • A ball check valve is installed between the taps.

When the pump is running, the valve is activated and closes the bypass. The coolant circulates at high speed forcibly. As soon as the pump turns off due to a power outage, the system automatically switches to natural circulation mode: the valve opens and water moves freely through the filling.

Instead of check valve Sometimes a regular valve or ball valve is installed. In this case, the system must be switched to natural circulation mode with your own hands.


Of course, in a small volume of material it is difficult to answer all the questions related to autonomous heating. You will find more information in the video in this article. Feel free to leave your comments on the portal. Good luck, comrades!

Every home in the Russian climate requires an efficient heating system. For a private home, which, as a rule, is absent, there are quite a few options for its arrangement. Differing from each other in design, types of wiring and coolants, all these systems have their advantages and disadvantages.

Classification of heating systems for a private home

First of all, heating systems differ in the type of coolant and are:

  • water, the most common and practical;
  • air, a type of which is an open fire system (i.e. a classic fireplace);
  • electric, the most convenient to use.

In turn, in a private house they are classified according to the type of wiring and are single-pipe, collector and two-pipe. In addition, there is also a classification for them according to the energy carrier required to operate the heating device (gas, solid or liquid fuel, electricity), and according to the number of circuits (1 or 2). These systems are also divided by pipe material (copper, steel, polymers).

Water heating of a private house

Water heating in a private house is carried out using a closed circuit filled with hot water circulating through it. In this case, the heating device is a boiler, from which it is necessary to run pipes throughout the house to each radiator. The water passes through the radiators, gives off heat to the rooms and returns to the boiler. There it heats up again and enters the system. Antifreeze can also be used as a coolant.

Most often, the heating system consists of copper pipes, the most reliable, however, and the most expensive.

Steel is used less often, and water heating is almost never made from polymer materials that do not tolerate temperature changes well.

In addition to pipes, the circuits must be equipped with additional elements:

  • an expansion tank that collects excess liquid;
  • thermostats that control the temperature in front of the radiators;
  • a circulation pump that ensures forced movement of liquid through pipelines;
  • shut-off and safety valves.


A system of this type can be:

  • single-circuit, providing only air heating;
  • double-circuit, which also allows you to get hot water.

Based on the principle of fluid movement in pipes, one-pipe, two-pipe and manifold systems are distinguished. The first involves a sequential transfer of coolant from one battery to another. Its advantages include ease of wiring, while its disadvantages include low efficiency, impossibility of regulation and difficulty in replacing individual elements.


A two-pipe system is better, as it is more maintainable and ensures minimal heat loss.

But the most convenient and effective way The design of a water heating circuit will be obtained if carried out, providing both quick replacement of a worn-out element and simple temperature regulation, however, it also costs more.

Pros and cons

The main advantage of all water heating systems in a private home is the efficient transfer of heat throughout all serviced rooms. Among the disadvantages are:

  • complexity and labor intensity of installation;
  • the need for regular maintenance of pipes and the boiler, which can be carried out either by yourself or using the services of specialists.

Application of gas boilers

Boilers used in a water system can use various types fuel. The most common and convenient to use is gas equipment - although it can only be installed if a central gas supply is connected to the house. In addition, among the disadvantages of gas boilers is the need for their regular monitoring by the relevant utility services.

But such a system has the following advantages over others:

  1. Easy to install and operate.
  2. High efficiency in the use of energy resources. On average, gas costs are 30–40% lower than using liquid fuel or electricity.
  3. Fast heating of rooms with coolant. Within an hour, the temperature in rooms with a water heating system, in which the heat source is a gas boiler, will increase noticeably.
  4. Environmentally friendly use of gas.
  5. The ability to automate the process, including programming the required temperature and heating of hot water.

If there is no gas supply in a private home, it is necessary to use boilers that run on other types of fuel. For example, on wood, pellets or coal. Such a solid fuel boiler will be completely autonomous and independent of the supply of electricity or gas.

However, its environmental friendliness is significantly less compared to other options. And to store energy, you will need an additional storage device protected from moisture.

Heating using liquid fuel

Liquid fuel equipment should be installed correctly in buildings where the use of both gas and electricity is impossible or simply impractical (for example, the electrical network will not support such a powerful boiler). Its advantage can also be called independence from electricity and gas supplies. Although the disadvantages of such boilers usually outweigh the advantages:

  • for fuel it is necessary to install a special fireproof tank;
  • the energy carrier is very expensive, and this option turns out to be the most unprofitable;
  • large volumes of fuel combustion products are released.

Electric boilers

Using electric boilers in water heating systems is convenient and quite profitable. And at the same time, high automation of the process is ensured.

However, the rate of heating of the coolant by most electric boilers is not too high - and if more powerful equipment is installed, the electrical network may be overloaded.

In addition, electricity is best used as both an energy carrier and a coolant, without the intermediary role of water.

Air system

The principle of operation of the air system is to heat the air directly near the unit (usually a stove, boiler or fireplace). Next, hot air currents are forced (using a ventilation system) or under the influence of gravity to spread throughout the house, providing it with heat. The disadvantages of the forced method are the cost of electricity, while the gravitational method has the possibility of disrupting the air movement pattern due to open doors and drafts.

A wood, gas or liquid fuel unit can be installed as a heat generator in a private home. The advantages of the system include relatively simple maintenance and maximum energy independence (especially in the case of gravitational heat distribution). At the same time, it also has disadvantages:

  • the need to correctly design and install air ducts at the construction stage of the building. It is almost impossible to integrate them into already built housing;
  • mandatory thermal insulation of air ducts;
  • high cost of installation, even if you do the work yourself.

Electric heating

You can heat your home with electricity not only by installing a water system. Using electricity to directly heat rooms will be more correct and profitable. There are two device options:

  • electric convectors;
  • underfloor heating system;
  • infrared long-wave heaters.

Heating with electric convectors

Electric convectors are less profitable compared to water heating, which uses gas as an energy carrier. However, compared to other options, their use will be cost-effective.

In addition, installing such devices is much faster than water radiators, and no pipes are required - only wires and an electrical network capable of withstanding the required power.

"Warm floors"

The use of heated floors will allow you not to use indoor shoes even in the coldest time of the year. Their advantage compared to convectors is more uniform heating of rooms.

However, “warm floors” cannot be used as the main source of heat - but as additional heating better option can't be found.

Using infrared heaters

Almost the only disadvantages of using infrared radiation to heat a private home are the discomfort caused by the luminous panel and the low accuracy of power control. At the same time, among its advantages are:

  • high heating rate;
  • an increase in the temperature not of the air, but of the interior items;
  • complete automation of the equipment operation process.


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