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On approval of the form of notification of the start of activities of a religious group

Document with changes made:
by order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated June 29, 2018 N 141 (Official Internet portal of legal information, 07/10/2018, N 0001201807100058).

In accordance with the second paragraph of paragraph 2 of Article 7 of the Federal Law of September 26, 1997 N 125-FZ “On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Associations” (Collection of Legislation Russian Federation, 1997, N 39, art. 4465; 2000, N 14, art. 1430; 2002, N 12, art. 1093, N 30, art. 3029; 2003, N 50, art. 4855; 2004, N 27, art. 2711; 2006, N 29, art. 3122; 2008, N 9, art. 813, N 30, art. 3616; 2010, N 49, art. 6424; 2011, N 27, art. 3880; 2013, N 23, art. 2877, N 27, art. 3472, art. 3477; 2014, N 43, art. 5800; 2015, N 1, art. 58, N 14, art. 2020, N 17, art. 2478, N 29, art. 4387)

I order:

Approve the attached form of notification of the start of the activities of a religious group.


at the Ministry of Justice
Russian Federation
October 8, 2015,
registration N 39236

by order of the Russian Ministry of Justice
dated October 5, 2015 N 234
(As amended as put into effect
from July 21, 2018
by order of the Russian Ministry of Justice
dated June 29, 2018 N 141. -
See previous edition)

Form for notification of the start of activities of a religious group


(name of the territorial body of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation at the place of activity of the religious group)

Notification of the start of activities of a religious group

1. Notification submitted:

Leader of a religious group

Representative of a religious group

The governing body (center) of a centralized religious organization,

which includes a religious group

2. Information about the leader of the religious group

Last name, first name,
patronymic (if available)

Subject of the Russian Federation


(municipal entity)

House number (ownership)

Housing (structure)


Mark what you need with a “V”.

2.1. Information about the representative of the religious group:

Job title

Residence address in the Russian Federation:

Subject of the Russian Federation

Street (avenue, alley, etc.)

House number (ownership)

Housing (structure)

Apartment (room)


3. Information about the centralized religious organization, the structure of which includes the religious group

Full name of the centralized religious organization

Main state registration

Address (location):

Subject of the Russian Federation

Locality (municipal entity)

Street (avenue, alley, etc.)

House number (ownership)

Housing (structure)

Apartment (office)

4. Information about the basics of religion

To be completed if the religious group is part of a centralized religious organization.

Brief information about the basics of religion is provided. If information about the basics of religion does not fit on one page, fill out the required number of pages.


5. Information about places of worship, other religious rites and ceremonies

Subject of the Russian Federation

Locality (municipal entity)

Street (avenue, alley, etc.)

House number (ownership)

Housing (structure)

Apartment (office)

Subject of the Russian Federation

Locality (municipal entity)

Street (avenue, alley, etc.)

House number (ownership)

Housing (structure)

Apartment (office)

Subject of the Russian Federation

Locality (municipal entity)

Street (avenue, alley, etc.)

House number (ownership)

Housing (structure)

Apartment (office)

If information about places of worship, other religious rites and ceremonies does not fit on one page, the required number of pages is filled out.


6. Information about citizens belonging to a religious group

Last name, first name, patronymic (if available)

Residence address in the Russian Federation:

Subject of the Russian Federation

Locality (municipal entity)

Street (avenue, alley, etc.)

House number (ownership)

Housing (structure)


Last name, first name, patronymic (if available)

Residence address in the Russian Federation:

Subject of the Russian Federation

Locality (municipal entity)

Street (avenue, alley, etc.)

House number (ownership)

Housing (structure)


Last name, first name, patronymic (if available)

Residence address in the Russian Federation:

Subject of the Russian Federation

Locality (municipal entity)

Street (avenue, alley, etc.)

House number (ownership)

Housing (structure)


If information about citizens belonging to a religious group does not fit on one page, the required number of pages is filled out.


Revision of the document taking into account
changes and additions prepared
JSC "Kodeks"

Approved by order of the Russian Ministry of Justice


(name of the territorial body of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation at the place of activity of the religious group)

Notification of the start of activities of a religious group

(name of religious group, if available)

1. Notification submitted:

Leader of a religious group

Representative of a religious group

The governing body (center) of a centralized religious organization,

which includes a religious group

Full name of the centralized religious organization

Main state
registration number

Address (location):

Subject of the Russian Federation

(municipal entity)

House (property) number

Housing (structure)

Apartment (office)


5. Information about places of worship, other religious rites and ceremonies

Subject of the Russian Federation

Street (avenue, alley, etc.)

House (property) number

Housing (structure)

Apartment (office)

Subject of the Russian Federation

Locality (municipal entity)

Street (avenue, alley, etc.)

House number (ownership)

Housing (structure)

Apartment (office)

Subject of the Russian Federation

Locality (municipal entity)

Street (avenue, alley, etc.)

House (property) number

Housing (structure)

Apartment (office)


6. Information about citizens belonging to a religious group

Subject of the Russian Federation

Locality (municipal entity)

Street (avenue, alley, etc.)

House (property) number

Housing (structure)


Last name, first name, patronymic (if available)

Residence address in the Russian Federation:

Subject of the Russian Federation

Locality (municipal entity)

Street (avenue, alley, etc.)

House (property) number

Housing (structure)


To be completed if the religious group is part of a centralized religious organization.

Brief information about the basics of religion is provided. If information about the basics of religion does not fit on one page, fill out the required number of pages.

If information about places of worship, other religious rites and ceremonies does not fit on one page, the required number of pages is filled out.

If information about citizens belonging to a religious group does not fit on one page, the required number of pages is filled out.

Last name, first name, patronymic (if available)

Residence address in the Russian Federation:

Subject of the Russian Federation

Locality (municipal entity)

Street (avenue, alley, etc.)

House number (ownership)

3. Information about the centralized religious organization, the structure of which includes the religious group

4. Information about the basics of religion

about the basics of religious doctrine and the practice corresponding to it, including the history of the emergence of religion and a given religious group - Oryol community of the Slavic Faith "Ancestral Heritage", about the forms and methods of its activities, about the attitude towards family and marriage, towards education, the peculiarities of the attitude towards the health of followers of a given religion, restrictions for members and servants of the organization in relation to their civil rights and responsibilities.

Basics of doctrine, its history

Proto-Slavs and Perun worshipers

From the surviving information we know that our ancestors, while still Proto-Slavs (i.e., the predecessors of those who acquired and began to live according to the Slavic faith), were Perun worshipers and worshiped the God of the elements of nature - Perun.

Perun is originally the element itself. He personified the elements of nature. For this reason, during the formation of the Slavic faith, Perun was left by the Slavs as a particularly revered God (if, of course, one can say so), for all the Gods of the Slavs have their own unique appearance and are revered.

The Slavic faith was formed on the basis of the wisdom and knowledge obtained by our ancestors through the contemplation of natural phenomena and all that exists, accessible to the senses and understanding of man in the process of his development. The level of understanding of the observed phenomena and the amount of knowledge were constantly growing, which objectively led to the need to explain and interpret these phenomena, their generalization and understanding. Heterogeneous and disparate concepts about the phenomena of the surrounding world were continuously systematized and streamlined, which made it possible to preserve this knowledge and thoughts in certain images for posterity.

Our ancestors were presented with faith main image, arose from deification Creator of the One, Creator in total, One God, Creator- among the Slavs it is Svarog(“bungled” this world). In the understanding of our ancestors, the Creator (Svarog) existed before them, and did not emerge from among humanity! That is Svarog is a supermundane reality. In the Slavic faith, this supermundane reality is also expressed by the Triglav “Rule - Reveal and Nav”, and the veneration and deification of his creations and manifestations (manifestations of the Creator in various forms) were also presented through certain images and deified.

Now we can move on to revealing the very essence of the origin of this faith.

Slavic Gods

All of them, as noted above, personify individual images that are identical to phenomena existing in nature and our consciousness. Here are their names: Belobog, Veles, Vyshen, Dazhbo (Svarog), Zarebog, Kupalo, Lada, Lelya, Ognebog Semargl, Perun, Svendovid, Stryb, Chislobog, Chernobog, Yar. Belobog and Chernobog. These two Gods must be considered together, because they personify images of two opposites. Belobog and Chernobog always oppose each other and, “fighting” among themselves, maintain balance in nature. Veles (Vles). God of wisdom and knowledge accumulated by our ancestors and passed on to us.

Vyshen. God, symbolizing the vastness and pinnacle of both natural and human phenomena. It can personify the highest level of happiness and misfortune, knowledge and mediocrity, strength, dexterity and many other phenomena of our life. They respectfully call him the Most High God. It is sometimes confused with the Christian concept of “the Most High,” believing that he is the Supreme God. This is wrong.

Vyshen, in combination with other gods and phenomena, can carry both powerful creative and destructive forces.

Svarog is the only creator. Zarebog is one of the most beautiful Gods, personifying the sun's rays (glow) during sunrise and sunset. Zarebog appears and communicates with us due to the fact that we each live on our own earth and can see his radiant beauty, which is always different. Zarebog walks mainly around the edges of our land. Therefore, we admire its beauty twice a day. And so every day. In the morning he wakes us up, and in the evening he invites us to sleep. God bathed - rules the Mytnitsa, all kinds of washings of our body and spirit. Our fathers washed themselves, glorifying Kupala, cleansing their bodies and souls. Svarog bequeathed this to them by his Charter and said that God would indicate this to Kupalo. Lado God rules all kinds of joy and goodness, wherever he is. If life in our house is going well and peacefully, we say that Lado God has settled in the house. If he left us, then expect trouble and Diva Moroka will quickly take his place. Lelya - Goddess of girlish love and beauty, women in labor, lovers. By honoring a woman in glory, we strengthen our clans and glorify Lelya for this. This is how our clans and the land are strengthened, which must be carefully preserved, as our fathers did. With Lelya we celebrate Slavic weddings, we arrange celebrations, we have fun, when a new family is formed in husband and wife, which means there will be children, successors of Slavic families. Wishing the newlyweds health, happiness and many children, we thereby glorify the Goddess Lelya. Fire God Semargl - The God of Fire is called Semargl (Seven Headed) because light is decomposed into seven spectra visible to human vision. It is distinguished especially from other elements of nature, controlled by Perun, for its unpredictable character. Perun - God of the elements of nature. Represents volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, floods, rain with thunder and lightning, winds, frosts, fires and many other natural phenomena. The unpredictability of Perun's actions, contrary to people's expectations, plunges a person into fear and horror if he is not in harmony with these elements, which require an attentive and observant attitude. During the formation of the Slavic faith, Perun was left by the Slavs as an old and especially revered God. Svendovid - Bringer of Light. Through it, light becomes visible. Therefore, he is the God of Reveal, separating us from Navi. Thanks to Svendovid, the Light not only holds, but also strengthens. Chislobog - takes into account our days. Thanks to the available divine numbers, an annual calendar (colendo) and chronology (letitsa) are maintained. He determines and names God's numbers with great accuracy, showing when "to be the day accomplished", and when it is night, establishing invisible boundaries between them. Yar - God of the sun. Gives people, animals, plants warmth, light and life. At different times of the year and different times behaves differently during the day. It can be ardent, but it can also be affectionate. Yar is associated not only with the lives and passions of people, but also with agriculture, fertility, military strength and valor.

Divas and Churas

Often we have to deal with the fact that the Slavic gods begin to be confused with divas. Their essence is the same: both are manifested images, but the difference between them is that we glorify gods, but never wonders, for these are our misfortunes. But both of them have an impact on a person and the world around him. In fact, if the original source did not have many gods, then there were even fewer divas. All of them create separate images that are identical to the phenomena of nature and our consciousness.

Slavic divas: Zhalya, Mor, Maya, Mara, Moroka, Marmora, Stryb. Diva Zhala personifies human pity, grief, sadness, everything that a person must get rid of first of all, so as not to harm himself and others. Anyone who doesn’t understand this will have Zhalya live in his house (as they say).

Pestilence is the personification of death and disease, primarily (as it seems to us) associated with the loss of livestock, which is the basis for human survival in the off-season and lean years.

Diva May personifies the unnecessary vices of confusion and uncertainty in one’s actions. Any uncertainty makes a person fussy and unsure of himself and the future.

Mara personifies, just like Pestilence, death and disease, only not of cattle, but of humans. She is very closely tied to the spirit of winter, Marena, but these are two different concepts. Madder puts to sleep, and Mara destroys. This is their difference. Therefore Mara is a Diva, Madder in spirit. Trouble also represents human weaknesses. When quarrels, swearing, and arguments appear in the house, they say that Moroka settled in it because Lada left the house. When everything went hopelessly awry, they say that Marmora appeared and the Gods left this house. Stryb, as noted above, is a Div, personifying mediocrity, awkwardness, clumsiness in a person’s actions and deeds, and inability to do the simplest things.

Slavic Churams, or as they are also called - spirits, include animate natural phenomena: Mermaids and Mermaids, Kikimoras, Leshy and Brownies. What do they give people? Confidence that they exist and that they can be addressed. Nothing more. A person in trouble is left alone with himself. The confidence that Chury can help and warn him from imminent troubles gives a person additional energy strength. It should be noted that if it is useless to ask the Gods and one can only glorify their greatness, then, unlike the Gods, one can turn to (call upon) the Churs for help, because human life is priceless, we most often begin to comprehend this in difficult times.

Slavic shrines

Slavic shrines, as well as gods, divas, and churs, are not as numerous as they are presented today. The true Slavic shrines are springs, groves, oak groves, fields, pastures, camps - everything that allows a person to live with dignity on our land.

The spring is holy for the Slav because you can quench your thirst with pure spring water, which, unfortunately, we practically don’t drink today. The grove is holy in that it not only shelters a person from the heat, but also brings joy to him, giving him fruits, berries, and mushrooms. Oak groves are strong with their energy, feeding strength. Fields feed humans, pastures feed domestic animals, which in turn also feed us. There is a cycle in nature called Svarga.

Glorification of Veles.

Veles came from the most pure Svarga,

Their palaces.

Glory to him!

Now we praise Veles and the mansion of his knowledge,

Which sparkle with many lights.

Veles taught our ancestors to plow the land,

To sow grains, to reap, to entwine crowns in the suffering fields,

Place the sheaves in the sun.

We honor him for his wisdom and knowledge as our father.

Glory to mothers,

Who raised us up

Taught the righteous path.

Let's not become parasites

We are Slavs - Russians,

Who sing Glory to the Gods.

Veles taught our ancestors to plow the land,

We also do this in our native land.

We praise Veles.

Bent Rus' will rise!

Appreciate his wisdom

Otherwise the past will become like a vegetable

without Veles.

Xin goes to God Svargoy.

Veles rules through wisdom and knowledge.

There are no slaves on earth today,

If we ourselves do not bow our heads into slavery.

Let us proclaim Glory to Veles,

We will be worthy in bodily purity

And our soul, which never dies.

Glory to Veles!

Glory to Mothers!

Glory to the family!

Praise bathed God.

Glory to our fathers!

They purified the prayer with ablution.

They washed themselves, making prayers, cleansing their souls and bodies.

Svarog was purified in the Charter, Kupalets points to this.

We don’t dare disobey him.

We all wash our bodies and wash our spirits

Alive in clean water.

So let's go to work,

Making prayers every day

And we drink surya to their glory.

We praise our Gods in that joy,

Because everyone's milk is ours.

Our life is on the red field.

Mother Swa, Glory, beats her wings!

Encourages us to live in joy

And bodily purity.

Kupala comes before us and tells us,

How can we become proud,

Our pure bodies and souls,

Then we bow down to his feet,

So that everyone is equal to us.

Bathhouse knows how to rule Mytnitsa

And all kinds of ablutions.

Glory to Kupala!

Glory to our fathers!

Glory to the family!

Sanctuaries. Temples and storages.

The place for carrying out Slavic rituals, holidays, offering services and joint glorification of the gods were sanctuaries: temples and storehouses located in places sacred to the Slavs: near springs, in groves, oak groves, and other places significant for life. The storages contained images of gods and the Vedas, sacred to the Slavs. All that is known about the first treasuries today is that the treasuries for the Gods were built and built from oak. Behind the main oak walls, often on another wall, the likeness of our gods was kept there. They had many treasuries in Novgorod, on the Volkhov River, in Kievgrad, in God's forests, in Volyn Dulebskaya, in Surozh, on the Surozh and Siny seas.

The temple initially consisted of a stone structure, surrounded by a clearing of stones, a stone platform for the location of the services, krada (sacrificial fire) and a platform for holding holidays and rituals. Later, all this was simplified, and the temples began to take on slightly different shapes and outlines. They began to be based on Chury, a sacrificial stone, a krada (a place for lighting a ritual fire) and a plow, which was built in different regions from different available materials and of different sizes.

Slavic holidays.

Slavic holidays, as a rule, are not similar to one another. Holidays constitute a chain of gaming events that explain to the children participating in them the meaning of the Slavic faith, the images of the gods, the attitude towards oneself, the World, nature, etc., including birth and death, and the eternity of the Path. They were constantly diversified, and various additions were introduced into them. There were holidays dedicated to our Gods, the harvest, weddings, holidays dedicated to the Veche, at which pressing problems and issues were resolved. They organized games that day in front of the elders. The youth showed their youthful strength and competed with each other. Choral singing and dancing took place.

In our time, the holidays held by the Magi at the temples are divided into three components. The beginning at which the glorification of the gods is carried out, the bringing of demands to them and the performance of rituals. After this, games and chants are announced. Every holiday usually ends with a common feast.

We will not describe the holidays themselves, because they are sufficiently described in many books available to readers on the study of Slavic culture of ancient times. Many songs, tales, and epics, preserved in oral tradition and surviving to this day, speak of the same thing.

Sacredness and ritualism.

Rituals in the Slavic faith have an educational or auxiliary meaning, which is not always fully understood by people who have not realized themselves and who are not initiated into the secret meaning of these rituals. Sometimes it seems that the Magi are doing this deliberately in secret. A natural question arises: does a person in faith need these rituals performed by the Magi? Yes they are needed. They are full of deep meaning, and each action has a specific meaning that helps a person achieve a certain goal. For example, to become aware of oneself, to gain confidence in one’s own abilities, to help realize additional source internal energy, get rid of illness, find a way out of a difficult situation, avoid deception, the rooting of human vices, show true and not false values, etc. Each ritual as a whole and all its parts separately allow the sorcerer to concentrate on completing the task assigned to him.

For example, we can consider the ritual of lighting amulets. Many people believe in the power of their own amulets, which can be objects made of various types of materials: wood, metal, clay, stone, etc., which include countless pendants, amulets, bracelets, rings, a handful of native land, etc. They can be worn as jewelry, or can be used as a talisman to protect a person at the right time.

To the extent of his weakness, it is common for a person to often shift his own responsibility onto the external environment and look for a stable point of support not within himself, but outside himself, somewhere nearby. This is where the amulet comes to the rescue, giving a person strength and confidence in its influence. And this confidence begins to really work for the person himself, making him more secure and confident. So, in order for an ordinary thing or some favorite object of a person to become a talisman, a ritual such as its illumination and purification is required. This is done by a sorcerer who has protective knowledge to carry out this ritual. After which the sorcerer gives the amulet to its owner.

We looked at one of the simplest rituals. But there are also complex rituals. Such rituals should be performed only by people who have a sufficient level of training, that is, magicians who have the necessary degree of initiation and have themselves undergone the ceremony of initiation into certain knowledge.

The list of basic ritual actions includes:

About the Magi

There are legends about them; conceivable and inconceivable knowledge, actions and deeds are attributed to them. Some say that these are magicians, others believe that these are people who sacrificed their lives for the sake of learning something supernatural. Still others believe that if a person walks barefoot on the ground or over coals and everything he needs fits on him and in his knapsack, and his home is often just a forest, he eats only bread and water, then he will certainly be a sorcerer.

All these are superficial concepts that have a very distant idea of ​​what and who a sorcerer is. Magi, like all people on earth, are different. They differ in character, level of knowledge, and even faith. They are simple and living people, like everyone else, with their own pains, characters, quirks and even whims. What actually unites them among themselves and gives them the right to be called Magi?

First of all, this is the special knowledge that they possess and to the improvement of which they devote their lives. Different wise men come to this knowledge in different ways: some, going independently and improving themselves by comprehending the mysteries of the world around us, contemplating natural phenomena and gradually comprehending the reality around us, some by receiving knowledge from their mentors who have already comprehended this knowledge, someone through other practices and human capabilities, which we will not focus on now. The main thing is that there comes a moment when this Volkhov knowledge becomes available to a specific person. That’s when the moment comes for a person to be recognized as a sorcerer who has some knowledge in a certain area. This knowledge must be recognized and reinforced by the initiation rite by the Magi themselves, so that misunderstandings and speculations that could harm people are excluded.

A sorcerer is a person who has the necessary knowledge on self-knowledge, self-improvement of a person, on the management of power, who is a spiritual mentor in the community, recognized as a sorcerer, who has passed the rite of one or another degree of sorcerer initiation, who brings benefit and help to people, and is also ready, if necessary, to get rid of from everything that prevents him from living and improving himself. Knowledge primarily includes spiritual knowledge of the directed action of carrying out certain rituals by a sorcerer (spiritual mentor) and his internal spiritual improvement.

About the history of the emergence of the religious organization Kirov (Vyatka) community of the Slavic Faith "Ancestral Heritage on Vyatka",

Form for notification of the start of activities of a religious group

Form No. R G

To the Office of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for the Oryol Region

(name of the territorial body of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation
at the place where the religious group operates)


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