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April will bring a wind of change and a sea of ​​new impressions that will bring revitalization to the life of conservative Taurus. You will need to think about what is more important and significant, and leave the past in the past. The Taurus horoscope for April 2018 will force lovers of a cozy sofa and a warm fireplace to look at life from a different angle, and they will need to come to terms with this. What awaits the wards of Venus in mid-spring?

A month will pass under the sign of inevitable change. You will need to get rid of past memories, relationships and attachments. Fate will present you with the choice of standing up for the interests of your loved ones or staying on the sidelines. At the beginning of the month, the behind-the-scenes intrigues of enemies can completely throw you off balance, but you just need to wait out this period - and everything will come to its senses.

Also at the beginning of the month there may be exorbitant spending and even robbery. Therefore, do not rush to buy expensive things - it is better to postpone the purchase until the end of the month. In early and mid-April, it is better to take stock and rethink life priorities. Peace and privacy will come in handy. Close people will be able to support you in the crazy rhythm of spring chaos, even just with warm, kind words.

In April, you should not plan long trips: they can lead to danger.

At the end of April, things will slowly go uphill, April Taurus will begin to celebrate birthdays. A new round of life begins, which will bring renewal and a charge of vigor for the whole next year. Missing friends and even former loved ones will return. Taurus will bask in the attention of people around them and enjoy spiritual communication. The attraction of the pets of Venus will be so strong that no one will be able to resist it.

Love horoscope

Taurus's ability to be categorical and not listen to other people's opinions always leads them to small and big troubles. The stars advise becoming a little softer and more compliant, then Taurus will be able to make many useful contacts and get a lot of pleasure. Men of other zodiac signs are fascinated by the beauty of Venus's favorites, but they are scared off by the aggressive pressure of brilliant beauties. Try to slow down and don’t dot the i’s when it’s not necessary.

Taurus girls may not wait for their prince on a white horse - youth and beauty will fly into the distance on the horse. Don’t waste time finding fault with men, learn to turn a blind eye to shortcomings and imperfections. There is no such thing as perfection in this world, so there is no need to strive for it.

Lucky days in April are 3, 7, 17, 24, 25, 29. Unlucky days are 1, 5, 8, 9, 12, 15, 23, 30.


How will Taurus feel in April 2018? Closer to the full moon on April 30, skin diseases due to nervous conditions may worsen. Try to control yourself and not take troubles to heart, otherwise you may fall into a prolonged depression about the injustice of life and in general. Try to find pleasure in the little things. During this difficult period, walks in the park will help, enjoying the beauty of blossoming nature will restore peace of mind and balance. Taurus women can buy beautiful flower in a flowerpot and admire its appearance.

The issue of nutrition should be approached very thoroughly - exclude all fatty and smoked foods from the diet. This is especially true for women who are concerned about their figure. In April, you need to give preference to fresh vegetables and fruits. However, you should not get carried away with exotic fruits, as this period is dangerous due to various poisonings.

Astrologers strongly recommend not to self-medicate, but to consult a doctor. The spring period is characterized by a deficiency of vitamins in the body, so there is a danger of exacerbation of chronic ailments. Remember that the treatment regimen for the same illness is different for all people, so you should not be treated on the advice of friends. Do not wait until the last minute to visit a doctor - a timely course of treatment will cost much less.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

In April 2018, Taurus will still have nothing to worry about. And although it will turn out to be quite stressful, all the troubles will turn out to be completely ordinary, and overall this month will be favorable for you. The horoscope advises you to relax a little, go about your daily routine, based on your past experience and relying on your existing achievements.

Main tasks of the month of the sign Taurus

For almost the entire month, Taurus will have the Sun in the 12th house - the area of ​​restrictions and secret ill-wishers. Under its blessed rays in April 2018, Taurus will intuitively recognize how people treat them and feel their emotional mood. And even if someone wants to deceive you, they are unlikely to succeed. The Taurus horoscope for April 2018 predicts that there will be quite a lot of different plans this month, but the main problem will be a chronic lack of time to accomplish everything that was planned. It is possible that, in parallel with old projects, you will have to take on something new, and try to do everything at the same time. According to the Taurus horoscope, April 2018 is the time when in personal relationships you need to be the first to take the initiative, and not wait for the person you like to do it. Business will also progress successfully, and you can expect a significant takeoff in April. The most important thing is to notice the opening opportunity in time and be persistent in concluding a profitable contract.

Horoscope for April 2018 Taurus: study, business and contacts

Mercury is in the 12th house for Taurus, which in April 2018 will contribute to the development of your intellect and the perception of all kinds of information, which you will understand literally at the level of intuition. The horoscope promises that those around you will treat you very favorably, and your authority in the team will grow. Many colleagues will turn to you for advice if they don’t understand something. This month should be devoted to establishing new business contacts, which will be very useful in the future. If, for some reason, your current job does not suit you, according to the horoscope, in April 2018 you will be able to think about changing it, but do not quit yet, but just start looking for a more promising place. And although you are not yet internally ready for radical changes, sometimes they are really necessary in order for new prospects to open up before you.

Love and money of the Taurus sign in April 2018

If you don’t sit back and expect the money to come to you, you will be able to significantly improve your financial situation in April 2018. The next large revenues can be expected in the first half of the month. When signing financial documents, the horoscope advises you to pay attention so as not to make a mistake, which could be quite costly in the future.

Venus in April 2018 will be in Taurus’s 1st house - the house of human personality. This will give you a special charm and the ability to easily communicate with people around you. The horoscope says that thanks to this position of the planet, you will become a real magnet for representatives of the opposite sex. In April 2018, single Taurus will finally have every chance to build their personal life in the best possible way. Do not be afraid to be the first to take the initiative in courtship - the horoscope says that she will be received quite favorably, and the actively begun romance will develop into a long and lasting relationship.

Horoscope for April 2018 Taurus: activity and health

As the horoscope for April 2018 predicts, Taurus will be full of strength and energy at the beginning of the month, he will readily take on any work, however, according to the horoscope, this is the danger - already in the second half of April 2018, overwork may occur, which will bring with corresponding problems, in particular headaches. We should not forget that the capabilities of your body are not limitless. Mars continues to be in the 9th house for Taurus, which means that the main activity of April may be associated with some long-distance trips and business trips.

For Taurus, April 2019 will be an ambiguous period. To catch luck by the tail, they will have to let go of the experiences and problems of the past.

Boring and monotonous everyday life will be filled with bright moments and changes. Representatives of this zodiac sign will be energetic and ready for new achievements. They will remember their old dreams and begin to fulfill them. If difficulties arise on the way to achieving their goals, close people will help them.

The weekend will fly by quickly and leave behind positive emotions and a charge of inspiration.

Taurus woman. Women of this sign will feel internal discomfort and self-doubt. They will doubt their abilities and talents. This will bring them a feeling of fear of problems and complex decisions. A positive attitude will help them gain confidence in the future. Tell yourself every day that you are smart, beautiful and gifted. Take time to develop yourself and look for new opportunities to realize your talents.

Taurus man. Men of this sign are characterized by energy, increased ability to work and enthusiasm. They will be able to cope with any tasks and difficulties. They will get carried away with work and financial issues, which is why other areas of life will fade into the background. This will negatively affect relationships with loved ones and loved ones. Think about whether career growth is really worth such sacrifices.

Love horoscope

In April, Taurus will become more active and proactive in the love sphere. Thanks to this, free representatives of this zodiac sign will have the opportunity to arrange their personal lives. The horoscope advises not to be shy about taking the first step. The attention shown will be reciprocated.

Those who have found their other half will be unrestrained and emotional. This behavior will hurt your partner. To maintain harmony in your relationship, learn to respect the opinion of your loved one.

Married couples will feel that they are immersed in routine and household chores. Spouses will benefit from a short vacation together.

Business horoscope

In April 2019, Taurus will seriously think about the professional sphere. They will realize that their job is not the activity they would like to do. Don't be afraid of change. Take a risk and do something that will bring you pleasure and a solid income.

This month it is better for employees to give up initiative and direct their efforts to fulfilling their direct responsibilities. The bosses will appreciate the results of their efforts.

Leaders will have to learn to admit their mistakes and develop practical problem-solving skills. To avoid troubles in the future, you need to carefully study the documents you sign.

Financial horoscope

April will be a profitable period for Taurus. This month's income will be stable. At work, a bonus is expected for past achievements. Despite your favorable financial situation, you need to rationally plan your expenses. It is better to avoid expensive and unplanned purchases.

People around you will want to take advantage of your kindness and financial situation representatives of this zodiac sign. The horoscope recommends learning to refuse.

Health horoscope

The health of Taurus in April will depend on their lifestyle. Lack of sleep, fatigue, frequent stress, indiscriminate eating will lead to exacerbation of skin diseases and pathologies digestive system. The best prevention such states will become healthy image life and proper nutrition. Do not get carried away with exotic fruits and ingredients: they can cause allergic reactions and toxic poisoning. In case of illness, do not treat yourself. This is fraught with exacerbations and the occurrence of chronic processes in the body.

Beware of envious people in your team

There are many envious people lurking in your work team. Do not share your achievements, plans and details of your personal life with them. This will give rise to gossip and discussions behind your back.

Be prepared for difficulties

This month you will encounter many difficulties and obstacles on your way. In difficult moments, emotions take over you. To achieve success, you will need to curb impulsiveness, show endurance and patience.

Taurus. Horoscope for Taurus for April 2019

As the April horoscope promises, Taurus will be able to enjoy a period of harmony. Patron 2019Pig will help Taurus this month, consider the true values ​​in life, push everything unnecessary into the background. Perhaps new talents will be discovered or some opportunities will appear that will change life in general.

Favorable days in April 2019 for Taurus – 3, 5, 7, 17, 21, 25
Unfavorable days of April 2019 for Taurus – 9, 12, 15, 18, 27, 29

Career and finances of Taurus in April 2019
In mid-April some Taurus management may be sent abroad, which will be the beginning of advancement up the career ladder. Be careful, don't miss the opportunity. Don't be afraid to trust your intuition - in April she is more active than ever and will help you make the right choice. Your organizational skills will come into play at this time. Both work colleagues and loved ones will feel this.
The financial side of life in April is going quite well for Taurus. The results of intellectual activity will delight you with long-awaited bonuses.

Personal life of Taurus in April 2019
The April love horoscope advises Taurus to start a relationship this month. If Taurus They will not stick their heads in controversial situations; perhaps a romantic relationship will develop into a reliable union. The stars recommend to beware of romances with employees; this can cause envy and gossip among colleagues.

Taurus health in April 2019
In April, Taurus may experience an exacerbation of chronic diseases: joints, heart, liver. Therefore, it is worth taking all necessary measures and carrying out therapy to avoid exacerbation. In addition, attention should be paid to the condition of the oral cavity. Prerequisites for periodontal disease and poor dental condition need to be treated now.

Soon - April, the second month of spring. And we will tell you how it will turn out for representatives of the zodiac sign Taurus! Read all the details of what the horoscope for Taurus will be like for the month of April on

Horoscope for Taurus for the month of April – calm, only calm

Taurus's motto for April should be caution, calm and restraint. Of course, there is nothing scary, but it is better to postpone important matters, fortunately there is patience. Stop, study what’s going on with you, try to strengthen your rear. You can make long-term plans, but only after the seventeenth of April and only together with smart business partners. By the way, about partners - Taurus can easily defend other people's ideals. Maybe you will change your priorities according to other people's needs.

Horoscope for Taurus for the month of April - second half of the month

The first half of April can lead to waste, quarrels with friends, even losses and thefts... Spend more time alone with yourself during this period. We need to take stock! After all, you really want to go home to your family - so that they will support you, help you solve all the necessary issues... So you know what to do. Moreover, relationships with people will help you feel much more confident!

Horoscope for Taurus for the month April – third decade

But the third ten days of April will go with a bang! Taurus will be able to return himself to the souls of the bodies he once loved - they will come to him with confessions and expressions of feelings. The sympathy that people around you will begin to feel for you will be simply unimaginable! But no long trips, otherwise there will be a high probability of ending up in a rather dangerous situation.

In April, Taurus will be extremely pleased to catch the most admiring glances. He will successfully use his attractiveness! And he will also take care of pleasant household chores - family Taurus will try, together with their partner, to enliven the interior of their home. Just don’t manipulate your partner, don’t abuse his trust! Your loved one already does the best for you. And don’t trust secrets even to close friends. You are very vulnerable during this period, and gossip can hurt you very much.


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