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Yesterday I wrote an article about the program The Norkin List. And today a friend told me who the fierce patriot Olesya Yakhno has

Yesterday, on a program, a man forced to flee Ukraine asked her a question: have you already sent your husband to fight? She somehow hesitated, then began to avoid answering. Well, I thought that she was avoiding answering that her husband was not in the “ATO zone.”

But, as is now clear, the situation is even more interesting! The husband of this most shameless Olesya is the Russian national traitor Stanislav Belkovsky!

The same one. Wanting to tear several regions away from Russia. Reducer. Well, two pairs of boots, that's understandable. Although not, of course, to such an extent as to go to fight for the Nazis) From the outside, talking about patriotism is much more profitable.

In the context of the conversation that took place on the program, Olesya’s position looks, to put it mildly, ugly. Married to a representative of the aggressor country. It turns out that he lives in two houses, the second one in the aggressor country. He constantly flies across the border, and without consequences. There is housing in the aggressor country. And for participating in programs on which she goes around in circles, she probably gets something. That is, it is also a kind of business.

The question arises: if you are so patriotic, if you are so dissatisfied with Russia’s policies, isn’t it time to break off relations with the terrible, aggressive, oppressive Russia?

Maybe we should get a divorce, stop coming to Russia and work as migrant workers here? Although something tells me that the ardent nationalist Olesya may “suddenly” be found to have a Russian passport. How the Russian husband was discovered.

We often meet in social network with new people. Often we would never be able to meet people in real life, even geographically. Thousands of kilometers, borders, languages, views...
Sometimes, communication with new people breaks off almost immediately - we turn out to be too different - we get offended, we break up. It's easy on the Internet. Much easier than in real life.
We are happy to communicate with other acquaintances and already daily keep track of what new has happened in their lives and how their day or evening went.
What do we know about our new friends? Sometimes, only what a person said about himself on his page, sometimes even less.
Tell me, how often do you turn to the Worldwide Intelligence of the Network, which remembers and stores a lot of different information in order to find out more about your friends?

Today, I invite you to do just that and find out a little more about our friends.

She is a Petersburger (I can’t even dare to say “former”. Are there former Petersburgers?) and my story will be about a person who is known, remembered and loved in the city on the Neva.
About a man who saves and gives life to little people.
When Zemfira left St. Petersburg and moved to Italy, she already had her studies at FINEK under her belt.

"... I left the USSR in 1984 (married an Italian) - I became a defector, although they left me a Soviet passport."

England, Italy. Generally speaking, calm and interesting life. Two children. Boy and girl. Beloved Brodsky - with whom Zemfira’s every day and breath seems to be saturated. And suddenly life changed. Not that it’s radical, but it has acquired a completely different meaning.
What could happen in a person’s life?


I love him more than my own children
The story of one child adopted by a foreign family.

Three years ago, Zemfira de Virgiliis, a citizen of the Russian Federation and Italy, took a three-year-old boy diagnosed with cerebral palsy from a Moscow home. She adopted him and immediately took him to Italy. Until this moment, Felix could not walk, today he runs and plays football.


This story began in June 2009. I went to the website of the prefecture of the South-Western Administrative District of Moscow (I have an apartment here) to write a complaint against the director of our management company. Her employee ripped me off like crazy for some cheap service. And then I see a banner: “Looking for mom.” I clicked on it and ended up on the website of a specialized children's home in our district. There are photographs of children who were abandoned by their parents for various reasons... She called her children, 19-year-old Ilaria and 13-year-old Alan, to the screen: “Look at these kids.” And she left with her husband on business.
When I returned, my son and daughter, who had printed out all the photographs, handed me one and said: “Mom, let’s take this boy.” It was our joint decision to take the child. And I began to draw up documents for adoption, went through doctors, received a certificate stating that I had no criminal record, consulted with the guardianship authorities... In general, a whole novel could be written about this epic. I won’t open America, our entire adoption system is riddled from top to bottom with corruption, but I didn’t give a penny to anyone - that was my fundamental decision. >>>

You can find out more about the story of Zemfira and the baby
here >>>

“When I brought him to Italy, the Doctors were shocked by what they were doing with ORPHANS in Russia, I am ashamed of my country, a country that treats its GENE POOL this way has no future.”
Zemfira De Virgiliis (2010)

Today Zemfira De Virgiliis is considered the main researcher of Brodsky and the poets of the Silver Age! People turn to her for help when they publish books about them. Maria Brodsky’s widow was amazed at the amount of material and photos collected.

But Zemfira’s beautiful children, passion for the life history of such people as Joseph Brodsky, Anna Akhmatova, the Romanovs, Nabokov are far from a complete list of what makes a person alive.

On the pages of her blog on the Internet you can find quite critical assessments of what is happening in Russia, which goes personally to the “lifters from their knees” and the helmsmen who are always sorting out something and busy looking for enemies in the galleys.

As you understand, this is just one of the attempts to briefly talk about interesting person whose fate is connected with St. Petersburg, inseparable from the name of Brodsky, and who came to the aid of a guardian angel for a baby for whom it seemed fate had not prepared best choice in life, about a Woman who gave a second life to a little man, without whose help and participation the world would remain gray and cruel.

Thank you that such people exist. And of course, thanks to Mark Zuckerberg for giving us the opportunity to communicate on the wonderful Facebook network!

Dear friends, take a closer look at your communication friends and you will see a huge number of kind and sympathetic people! You can tell a lot of kind and good words about each of them, and sometimes just unique stories and facts from life. Be attentive to people!
Sincerely yours, Alexander

Also about Zemfira De Virgiliis


His Polish father is a worker, his Jewish mother is a teacher. Not married.


Stanislav Belkovsky was born in 1971 in Riga (according to other sources - in Moscow). Studied in the same school as Maxim Shevchenko.

Graduated from the Faculty of Economic Cybernetics of the Moscow Institute of Management (now State University management). He worked as a system programmer at the State Oil Product Committee of the RSFSR, an economic cyberneticist, and a specialist in EU machines.

He began to engage in political consulting in the early 90s, collaborating with Konstantin Borov, Lev Weinberg and Irina Khakamada.

Worked at the foundation "Interprivatization"(the president of the fund is Vladimir Shcherbakov), was allegedly involved in financial fraud in the organization. However, the criminal case was hushed up.

From February 1999 to 2004, he was editor-in-chief of the Internet agency "Political News Agency" ( APN). Since 1999 - Chairman of the public editorial board of APN.

In 1999, he applied for the post of editor-in-chief of Boris Berezovsky newspaper "Kommersant", which however received Andrey Vasiliev.

In 2002, he founded the non-profit organization “National Strategy Council”.

Conducted a campaign to discredit in the media the deputy director of the FSB - head of the economic security department, first deputy chairman of the board of Vnesheconombank Yuri Zaostrovtsev.

Encouraged Berezovsky to sponsor the Union party. According to some evidence, the funds allocated to finance the party ended up in Belkovsky’s pockets. In order to convince Berezovsky that the money was not spent in vain, he periodically misinformed Nezavisimaya that he headed the Union party.

During the Duma period election campaign Since 1999, he was a member of the writing team of the Vremya program. Sergei Dorenko. He is considered the author of a scandalous TV story about “Primakov’s tibia.” Later, Belkovsky suggested that Dorenko run for election to the Moscow City Duma under the slogan “for.”

From 2002 to January 2004 - general manager Council for National Strategy (SNS; co-chairs - Joseph Diskin and Valery Khomyakov).

In 2003, he published a number of reports: “State and Oligarchy” (June 9), “New Vertical of Power” (September 22). The publication of the report “State and Oligarchy,” which spoke of a coup d’état allegedly being prepared by Russian oligarchs, coincided with the beginning of the criminal prosecution of the YUKOS company and its leaders (the head of YUKOS was named by the authors of the report as one of the conspirators). On this basis, Belkovsky was considered the author of “harassment.”

Since January 2004 - founder Institute of National Strategy(INS), which brought together a group of Russian political scientists.

In April 2004, he stated that the 2003 Duma elections were won (in the person of Putin's supporters) by the patriotic " opposition to the 1990s and Yeltsin, that is, the American project". (Kommersant, 04/03/2004).

Since 2004-2005 began to oppose the state regime as “comprador, corrupt and anti-democratic.” At the same time, in criticizing the president, according to experts, Belkovsky made both imperial-patriotic and some liberal claims.

On September 25, 2006, at a coalition meeting, he called on the opposition to boycott the 2007 Duma elections. In his opinion, overcoming the seven percent barrier for the opposition party is “not a victory, but a defeat,” since thereby it will be forced to “ recognize the legitimacy of the illegally formed Duma majority". As a measure to "delegitimize" the Duma elections, Belkovsky considered it necessary to convince people to boycott the elections and.

On November 12, 2007, Belkovsky’s interview with the German newspaper Die Welt was published, in which he expressed his assumptions about the size of the president’s fortune Vladimir Putin(“Putin is also a big businessman. He controls 37% of the shares of Surgutneftegaz,” market value which amounts to 20 billion dollars. In addition, he controls 4.5% of Gazprom shares. In the oil trading company Gunvor, Putin, through his representative, has 50%. Last year, its turnover was 40 billion dollars, and its profit was 8 billion."

In October 2009, he resigned from the founders of the Institute of National Strategy (INS) and the Political News Agency (APN).

Belkovsky became the prototype of the main character in Alexander Prokhanov’s novel “Political Scientist” (2005). At the presentation of the novel at the Ultra.Kultura publishing house, Belkovsky was brought into the hall and, placed on a pile of garbage, covered with scraps of newspapers (in the finale of the work, the hero is killed and buried in a garbage dump).

In 2005, under the leadership of Belkovsky, a project was developed New Constitution of Russia. According to this project, the president became an “uncrowned monarch” and could be elected an unlimited number of times. It was proposed to create Supreme Council National Unity, which will include representatives of the church and the army. The Council must ensure that morality and freedom of speech are respected.

In 2009, Belkovsky left the Institute of National Strategy. It is currently managed by Mikhail Remizov.

During Crimean crisis declared his intention to apply for Ukrainian citizenship. Participant of the congress "Ukraine - Russia: Dialogue", held on April 24-25, 2014 in Kyiv. Also on the air of Euroradio (and, by his own admission, at a reception at the American Embassy) he called for a tactical nuclear strike on the Russian Black Sea Fleet by the US 5th Fleet.

April 9, 2014, in an interview with the “Minority Opinion” program on the radio "Echo of Moscow" Belkovsky actually recognized the annexation of Crimea to Russia and Russia's interests in the southeast of Ukraine (2014): ". seemed that everything would end with the annexation of Crimea. And then it suddenly became clear that, in general, an invasion of south-eastern Ukraine is not an excluded option. Well, because otherwise why proclaim the Donetsk Republic? After all, "A" must be followed by "B"".

Stanislav Belkovsky promotes the idea of ​​Russia's transition from a presidential republic to a constitutional monarchy, having previously initiated the convocation Constituent Assembly. Belkovsky first considered Michael of Kent and later Prince Harry as a likely contender for the Russian throne.

He also considers it necessary to separate the North Caucasus from Russia and carry out transformation Russian economy from raw materials to transit.

In July 2015, Belkovsky said on the Dozhd TV channel:

"The Americans meddled a lot in Russian affairs, in particular, by transferring to Russia all the nuclear weapons remaining from Soviet Union, guaranteeing our country a seat as a permanent member of the UN Security Council, which was not obvious after the collapse of the USSR, since other post-Soviet countries could lay claim to this sweet fate".

Belkovsky periodically criticizes Patriarch Kirill and ROC MP. He believes that the Russian Orthodox Church should be reformed by moving from patriarchal government to a Confederation of parishes. In this regard, many deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation considered his statements extremist and demanded that a criminal case be opened against Belkovsky.

I interviewed Khodorkovsky after the latter was released. Subsequently he admitted: " I'm in love with Khodorkovsky..."

Wrote the book: “The Business of Vladimir Putin” (2007, ISBN 5-9681-0103-2) (together with Vladimir Golyshev). Stanislav Belkovsky also wrote a satirical play dedicated to a man behind whose face one can clearly discern Yegor Gaidar.

Boris Berezovsky characterized Belkovsky as follows: " He is well educated. He is creative, that is, creative when it comes to black PR... and at the same time he does not overestimate himself".

Igor Bunin characterized Belkovsky as follows: " Belkovsky is an unknown person, about whom they only know that he worked for Berezovsky for a long time. On his Internet resource, he posted not very competent political science articles. Then he organized the National Strategy Council, which was formed according to the principle “let’s take the top places in the rankings, displacing the current opinion leaders.” This is done through attacks and provocations".


There is evidence that the first significant jackpot that Belkovsky hit in Berezovsky’s political field was interest from the Orange Revolution in Ukraine. Berezovsky gave 45 million dollars for the Orange Revolution, part of which ended up in Belkovsky’s pocket. Inspired by money and success, in November 2006, on the eve of the second Russian March, Belkovsky gives free rein to his orange fantasies on Russian soil.

In the article "National Orangeism as a strategy for Russian revival", he pointed to the Potkin brothers - Belova And Basmanova as the executors of this idea. However, "Russian March", having scored 3200-3500 according to calculations, burst like the bubble of a Belkov PR company. Raised by the participants, the Norwegian and American flags at the tail of the column, although they were quickly folded at the insistence of the police, as well as an abundance of other provocative slogans, raised reasonable doubts about the Russian national essence of this march.

During his time of exile, eager to return to big politics, Berezovsky gave birth to the “brilliant” idea of ​​purchasing the “opposition” CPSU. The implementation of the idea was entrusted to Belkovsky.

Belkov’s project failed and he came up with a story about how, on instructions from the Kremlin, M. Khodorkovsky decided to “outbid” Berezovsky for as much as 70 million dollars. Which was posted on and went for a walk further. Such a huge sum was invented to explain to Berezovsky why the project was failing and at the same time, in order to extract some more money from BAB for another “creative” project.

Meanwhile, Belkovsky had the idea to create some kind of super-patriotic union, next to which even the “Union of the Archangel Michael” would look no cooler than a synagogue choir. Belkovsky saw Alexander Prokhanov as the head of the new patriotic force, who would attract patriots there.

We held a meeting at the Marriott Hotel, which is insanely expensive for true patriots, but just right to report to London. True, Prokhanov did not join the newly formed Soyuz. And besides Alksnis, no one more or less noticeable joined in. Even Andrei Brezhnev and the party of “new communists” only laughed at the proposal to unite...

After a series of marches of dissent, and on the eve of the procedure for nominating a “single candidate” from the “Other Russia”, the National Russian Liberation Movement was created in 2007 - "People". Stanislav Belkovsky was declared the ideologist of “The People,” and activists with a rather cunning position arose among the leaders, including.

According to one version that was heard at the time, the appearance of “The People” was sanctioned by Boris Berezovsky. The goal is for Navalny and Belkovsky to seize control of the “Other Russia”, of course, in the interests of the disgraced oligarch. There was also an argument in favor of absorbing the budget and other murky financial flows of the “Other Russia”. In fact, the Belkovsky-Navalny movement severely impacted the plans of the latter, who had outlined the role of a “unifier”.

Stanislav Belkovsky has repeatedly said that two or three regions should “fall away” from Russia.

In April 2015, correspondence from Mikhail Khodorkovsky’s press secretary was published on the website “Anonymous group “Fifth Power” - Olga Pispanen- with Belkovsky, who, as it turned out, advised the ex-head YUKOS according to his image.

It turns out that in 2014, Khodorkovsky, who had previously promised “not to engage in politics,” resorted to the image services of Stanislav Belkovsky.

The poet Dmitry Bykov could not live without poetry. They ate them. I caught poems and ate them. He hung traps everywhere, thin as cobwebs, and waited for the verse to fly into them. When the verse flew in and began to flutter in these cobwebs, Dmitry Bykov would sneak up on the verse and glue it together with his thin, durable saliva , so that the verse stops fluttering. After that, Dmitry Bykov plunged his sharp proboscis into the verse, drank the juicy, nutritious core from it, and threw the remaining husk of the verse into the wind. He has already enjoyed the poem “Goodbye, my friend, goodbye”, he has enjoyed the poem “I remember a wonderful moment”, he has enjoyed the poem “The giraffe wanders exquisitely”, as well as the poem “The gray-eyed king died yesterday” and the poem “Already the second. You must have gone to bed." He did the same with the verse “Christmas trees burn in the forest with gold leaf.” He feasted on all these verses, they were nutritious, and therefore he became fat.

One day, the verse “Winter, the peasant, triumphant, renews the path on the firewood,” fell into his web. Dmitry Bykov, as usual, wrapped the caught verse in his web, adjusted his proboscis to stick it into the verse and start feeding, but the proboscis did not stick. Dmitry Bykov pierced his proboscis, first on one side, then on the other, but the verse did not pierce. There was someone inside the verse, and he was singing the song “Oh, frost, frost.” It was a peasant who was triumphant and using firewood to renew the snowy road. Dmitry Bykov prevented him from updating the road with his proboscis. Finally, the peasant jumped out of the verse and hit Dmitry Bykov with his shafts. He became quiet. And the peasant was the writer Prokhanov, who never missed an opportunity to harness a horse to a log and renew the path, because he was an explorer and polar explorer and usually rode in the snow. But the horse was all over the place, and the peasant, who is also the writer Prokhanov, was very dissatisfied with it. And the writer Prokhanov loved to triumph, because he was a peasant and watched everything. He noticed that Dmitry Bykov, whom he had hit with the shaft, was sniffing the snow, as if he smelled the snow and as if he were a horse. The writer Prokhanov unharnessed his horse, harnessed Dmitry Bykov to the shafts and began to urge him to ride and update the trail.

Dmitry Bykov had not eaten poetry for several days and became weak. He could not move the wood from its place and only shook his spleen. Then the writer Prokhanov, who is also a peasant, who is also a polar explorer, decided to make a sled and harness sled dogs to his logs. But there were no dogs nearby, but there were the presenters of the radio station “Echos Mundis” Olga Bychkova, Olga Zhuravleva, Oksana Chizh, Ksenia Larina, Maya Peshkova, Natella Boltyanskaya, Nargiz Asadova and Evgenia Markovna Albats. The writer harnessed them all, and made Dmitry Bykov the leader. And off they went. The writer Prokhanov, who is also a polar explorer, who is also a peasant, loved folk signs and began to write them down.

He noticed that if Olga Bychkova refused to feed, then this meant abundant mowing. If Olga Zhuravleva stopped howling at the moon at night, it meant a good flax harvest. If Ksenia Larina chewed off the legs of chairs, it was a sign of a flood. If Maya Peshkova’s hair began to fall out and she experienced early molting, this meant that there would be a loss of livestock. And if Evgenia Markovna Albats met on the road with an empty bucket, it meant there was war. So they traveled, updated the path, and the writer Prokhanov triumphed and wrote down folk signs. And when he began to observe Dmitry Bykov in order to write down his signs, nothing happened. When Dmitry Bykov began hunting for gophers, and everyone thought that this would end civil strife, there were unrest. And when Dmitry Bykov poured soaked grain on Yevgeny Yasin’s head, everyone thought that this would lead to a change of power. But the power did not change. Then the writer Prokhanov no longer began to write down signs for Dmitry Bykov and assigned him to the weather forecast.

Meanwhile, Ksenia Larina stopped chewing off chair legs. This meant that Stanislav Aleksandrovich Belkovsky decided to get married. And indeed, it turned out that Stanislav Aleksandrovich Belkovsky left his former wife, a beautiful village woman, but without a good pedigree. He took as his wife a bride from the Beloselsky-Belozersky family, whom he fell in love with madly and, while still a groom, lost three fortunes at cards for her sake.

He went with his new wife to honeymoon to Venice, because he loved Venice very much. He hosted the Venetian doges in his house, was friends with Michelangelo, and met with the papal nuncio at night. During the day, together with his wife, he fed pigeons near St. Mark's Cathedral. After feeding the pigeons, he decided to take a trip along the Grand Canal with his young wife. The gondola was long and beautiful. The gondolier was wearing a hat and wrapped in a cloak; he took the young people along the large canal, wielding an oar and singing a Neapolitan song. When they swam to the middle of the large canal, the gondolier looked back, and Stanislav Aleksandrovich Belkovsky recognized him as the writer Prokhanov.

The gondolier began to reproach Stanislav Aleksandrovich Belkovsky for leaving a simple village commoner and taking a wife from an aristocratic family, and this meant treachery. Stanislav Aleksandrovich Belkovsky began to make excuses and say that a simple village woman and his new wife from the Beloselsky-Belozersky family were the same person, the village wife had simply been given makeup. The writer Prokhanov believed Stanislav Aleksandrovich Belkovsky and stopped reproaching him. At this time, a herd of horses was floating along the large canal. Evgenia Markovna Albats swam ahead, followed by a quadriga: Olga Bychkova, Olga Zhuravleva, Oksana Chizh and Natella Boltyanskaya. The rest swam further: Ksenia Larina, Nargiz Asadova and Maya Peshkova. They all floated away into the distance. The writer Prokhanov saw them and said to Belkovsky: “You see, my dogs are swimming.” But Stanislav Aleksandrovich Belkovsky delicately noted that these were not dogs, but horses.

The poet Dmitry Bykov sat on the back of Evgenia Markovna Albats. He sailed from Europe to America on the back of Evgenia Markovna Albats, and this was called the “kidnapping of Europe.”

The writer Prokhanov, who is also a peasant, who is also a gondolier, who is also a polar explorer, ordered the swimming horses to turn around and follow the gondola.

He began to observe signs. Maya Peshkova's breasts began to grow, which meant the end of the cabbage season. Nargiz Asadova stopped eating cake, which meant that the Minsk agreements had reached a dead end. Evgenia Markovna Albats quickly threw Dmitry Bykov off her back, and he fell into the canal. This meant that Dmitry Bykov would soon have poetry. Writer Prokhanov caught Dmitry Bykov from the canal and took him into the gondola. They all sailed along the large canal: the writer Prokhanov, who was also a gondolier and a peasant, Stanislav Aleksandrovich Belkovsky with his new wife, who was old, and Dmitry Bykov, who at that time was composing the words for a new Neapolitan song. Following them floated a herd, which used to be a dog sled. They all sailed past the Venetian palaces, singing a Neapolitan song, for which Dmitry Bykov wrote the words: “Stalin raised us to be loyal to the people, he raised us to work and to heroism.”

popular internet

Stanislav Belkovsky is a famous Russian journalist, political scientist, and publicist. His biography is full of secrets, each fact has many variations. So, according to some sources, he was born in 71 in Moscow into a family of a Polish father and a Jewish mother, while according to others, he was born in Riga. Belkovsky studied at the Faculty of Economic Cybernetics, although this is according to him, he worked as a programmer at Goskomnefteprodukt, after which he became a political consultant and founder of the National Council. strategy, was the editor-in-chief of an online political news agency, but has already left this post.

While working as a consultant, he collaborated with such political figures as I. Khakamada, K. Borovoy, L. Weinberg. Today, in addition to political science activities, Stanislav Belkovsky is a columnist for the Moskovsky Komsomolets publication and a writer. He has already written 7 books, the main figure of which is the personality of Vladimir Putin. Belkovsky’s well-known reports about him are called “Putin’s Loneliness.”

Olesya Yakhno - wife of Stanislav Belkovsky

Belkovsky is known not only for his work, but also for the scandals and outrageousness with which he draws attention to his figure. Everything he says and writes causes controversy, and sometimes even serious scandals. He loves bright and spectacular performances. So, for example, at the presentation of the book “Political Scientist” by A. Prokhanov, for which he became the prototype, the final scene of the novel, in which Belkovsky’s hero is buried in a landfill, was acted out with his participation. Belkovsky criticizes not only the existing government, but also the Russian Orthodox Church, oligarchs and many other aspects political life countries.

Very little is known about the personal life of Stanislav Belkovsky. According to some sources, he is not married and never has been. However, the press calls the famous Ukrainian political scientist Olesya Yakhno his wife, although when and where their marriage took place is not known for certain. The wife of Stanislav Belkovsky was born in 78 in the Vinnitsa region in Ukraine. She is a political strategist by training. Since 2005, Olesya has headed the Institute of National Strategy in Ukraine. Even less is known about Olesya’s personal life than about her husband. Perhaps the only thing is that she is interested in martial arts. Today Olesya, like her husband, is a frequent guest of various political and cultural programs and talk shows. She often comments on the situation in Ukraine, participates in election campaigns in her homeland, and is engaged in political science consulting.


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