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Preschool education is the first stage of education, at which the foundations of a social personality are laid, and the most important institution for family support. The main advantage of a kindergarten is the presence of a children's community, thanks to which a space of social experience for the child is created. Only in the conditions of a children's community does a child get to know himself in comparison with others, adopt methods of communication and interaction that are adequate various situations, overcomes its inherent egocentrism (focus on oneself, perceiving the environment exclusively from one’s own position). No one, even a very smart adult, can make up for this. Integrating oneself into the children's community is an important qualitative change in the child's development, without which his further smooth progress on the path of learning and social contacts is impossible. It is important that kindergarten acts as a measure to prevent “pedagogical neglect,” which is now often observed in children who do not attend preschool institutions. A “pedagogically neglected child” actually has no prospect of receiving a good school education.

Industry Analysis

Preschool educational institutions (PECs) are intended for children aged from 2 months to 7 years. In accordance with their focus, preschool educational institutions are divided into the following types (Table 1):

· kindergarten;

· kindergarten with priority implementation of one or several areas of development of pupils (intellectual, artistic-aesthetic, physical, etc.);

· a compensatory kindergarten with priority implementation of qualified correction of deviations in the physical and mental development of pupils;

· kindergarten for supervision and health improvement with priority implementation of sanitary and hygienic, preventive and health-improving measures and procedures;

· combined kindergarten (a combined kindergarten may include general developmental, compensatory and health groups in different combinations);

· child development center - a kindergarten with the implementation of physical and mental development, correction and health improvement of all pupils.

The main objectives of a preschool educational institution are:

· ensuring the intellectual, personal and physical development of the child;

· protecting the lives and promoting the health of children;

· implementation of the necessary correction of deviations in the child’s development;

· introducing children to universal human values;

· interaction with the family to ensure the full development of the child.

There are 47.2 thousand preschool educational institutions in Russia, where 4,423 thousand children are educated. The form of ownership of preschool educational institutions is varied (see Table 2).

Preschool educational institutions operate on the basis of the Model Regulations on an educational institution for children of preschool and primary school age dated September 19, 2006.

Table 1

Distribution of preschool institutions in Russia by purpose

Number of institutions

General development institutions

Care, supervision and health institutions

Compensating institutions

Combined-purpose institutions


Kindergartens with priority implementation of one or more areas of development of pupils

Child development centers

Compensating institutions with compensating groups

for children with hearing impairment

for children with speech impairment (with intact hearing)

for children with visual impairments

for children with intellectual disabilities (mentally retarded)

for children with musculoskeletal disorders

sanatorium type for children with tuberculosis intoxication

other profiles

By decision of the Ministry of Education of Russia from 2008 to 2011. An All-Russian experiment was carried out to create and implement new models of preschool educational institutions based on free short-term stay for pupils. These are the so-called “development groups”, where children who do not attend kindergarten are prepared for school using various methods. DOEs of new models will not constitute alternatives to existing ones. They can exist alongside them, providing parents with new opportunities to choose affordable and high-quality educational services.

Table 2. Distribution of preschool educational institutions by type of ownership

The content of preschool education continues to be improved. Today, preschool institutions can work according to any of 28 programs certified by the Russian Ministry of Education.

In March 2011, the Council for Preschool Education was created - a collegial advisory body of the Russian Ministry of Education, which will help determine priority areas public policy in the field of preschool education; develop measures to ensure conditions conducive to universal access to preschool education; ensure continuity of preschool and primary general education.

Consultation "Federal state educational standard of preschool education." Klyuka Natalia Aleksandrovna, teacher of MBDOU "Combined kindergarten No. 46 "Solnyshko", Korolev, Moscow region. The material is addressed to preschool education workers, parents of preschool children.

Preschool education- the first and, perhaps, one of the most important stages of the educational system. It is difficult to overestimate its importance, because the main task of preschool education is the harmonious all-round development of the child and the creation of a fundamental basis for his further education and personal development. Actually, this is why this level of education deserves special attention and proper organization of the educational process.
What is the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education? This is a clearly structured document of requirements for the organization of educational work in preschool educational institutions. (The document itself is attached below).

On approval of the federal state educational standard for preschool education.

In accordance with paragraph 6 of part 1 of article 6 Federal Law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On education in Russian Federation"(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, No. 53, Art. 7598; 2013, No. 19, Art. 2326; No. 30, Art. 4036), subclause 5.2.41 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, approved by a resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation Federation of June 3, 2013 No. 466 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, No. 23, Art. 2923; No. 33, Art. 4386; No. 37, Art. 4702), paragraph 7 of the Rules for the development and approval of federal state educational standards and introducing amendments to them, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 5, 2013 No. 661 (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, No. 33, Art. 4377), I order:
1. Approve the attached federal state educational standard for preschool education.
2. Recognize as invalid the orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation:
dated November 23, 2009 No. 655 “On the approval and implementation of federal state requirements for the structure of the basic general education program of preschool education” (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on February 8, 2010, registration No. 16299);
dated July 20, 2011 No. 2151 “On approval of federal state requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the basic general education program of preschool education” (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on November 14, 2011, registration No. 22303).
3. This order comes into force on January 1, 2014. Minister D.V. Livanov


by order of the Ministry of Education
and science of the Russian Federation
dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155


1.1. This federal state educational standard
preschool education (hereinafter referred to as the Standard) is a set of
mandatory requirements for preschool education.
The subject of regulation of the Standard is relations in the field of education that arise during the implementation of the educational program of preschool education (hereinafter referred to as the Program).
Educational activities under the Program are carried out by organizations
carrying out educational activities, individual
entrepreneurs (hereinafter collectively referred to as Organizations).
The provisions of this Standard can be used by parents (legal representatives) when children receive preschool education in the form of family education.
1.2. The standard is developed based on Constitution of the Russian Federation
and legislation of the Russian Federation and taking into account the UN Convention on the Rights
child, which are based on the following basic principles:
1) support for the diversity of childhood; preserving the uniqueness and intrinsic value of childhood as an important stage in the overall development of a person, the intrinsic value of childhood - understanding (considering) childhood as a period of life for the most significant
on your own, without any conditions; significant because of what is happening to the child now, and not because this period is a period of preparation for the next period;
2) the personal developmental and humanistic nature of the interaction between adults (parents (legal representatives), teaching and other employees of the Organization) and children;
3) respect for the child’s personality;
4) implementation of the Program in forms specific to children of a given age group, primarily in the form of play, cognitive and research activities, in the form of creative activity that ensures the artistic and aesthetic development of the child.
1.3. The Standard takes into account:
1) the individual needs of the child related to his life situation and state of health, which determine the special conditions for his education (hereinafter referred to as special educational needs), the individual needs of certain categories of children, including those with disabilities;
2) the child’s ability to master the Program at different stages of its implementation.
1.4. Basic principles of preschool education:
1) full experience by the child of all stages of childhood (infancy, early and preschool age), enrichment (amplification) of child development;
2) building educational activities based on the individual characteristics of each child, in which the child himself becomes active in choosing the content of his education, becomes a subject of education (hereinafter referred to as individualization of preschool education);
3) assistance and cooperation of children and adults, recognition of the child as a full participant (subject) of educational relations;
4) supporting children’s initiative in various activities;
5) cooperation between the Organization and the family;
6) introducing children to sociocultural norms, traditions of the family, society and state;
7) formation of cognitive interests and cognitive actions of the child in various types of activities;
8) age adequacy of preschool education (compliance of conditions, requirements, methods with age and developmental characteristics);
9) taking into account the ethnocultural situation of children’s development.
1.5. The standard aims to achieve the following goals:
1) increasing the social status of preschool education;
2) ensuring by the state equal opportunities for every child to receive quality preschool education;
3) ensuring state guarantees of the level and quality of preschool education based on the unity of mandatory requirements for the conditions for the implementation of educational programs of preschool education, their structure and the results of their development;
4) maintaining the unity of the educational space of the Russian Federation regarding the level of preschool education.
1.6. The standard is aimed at solving the following problems:
1) protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children, including their emotional well-being;
2) ensuring equal opportunities for the full development of each child during preschool childhood, regardless of place of residence, gender, nation, language, social status, psychophysiological and other characteristics (including disabilities);
3) ensuring the continuity of the goals, objectives and content of education implemented within the framework of educational programs at various levels (hereinafter referred to as the continuity of the main educational programs of preschool and primary general education);
4) creating favorable conditions for the development of children in accordance with their age and individual characteristics and inclinations, developing the abilities and creative potential of each child as a subject of relationships with himself, other children, adults and the world;
5) combining training and education into a holistic educational process based on spiritual, moral and sociocultural values ​​and rules and norms of behavior accepted in society in the interests of the individual, family, and society;
6) formation of a general culture of children’s personality, including values healthy image life, the development of their social, moral, aesthetic, intellectual, physical qualities, initiative, independence and responsibility of the child, the formation of prerequisites for educational activities;
7) ensuring variability and diversity of the content of Programs and organizational forms of preschool education, the possibility of creating Programs of various directions, taking into account the educational needs, abilities and health status of children;
8) the formation of a sociocultural environment that corresponds to the age, individual, psychological and physiological characteristics of children;
9) providing psychological and pedagogical support to the family and increasing the competence of parents (legal representatives) in matters of development and education, protection and promotion of children’s health.
1.7. The standard is the basis for:
1) development of the Program;
2) development of variable exemplary educational programs for preschool education (hereinafter referred to as exemplary programs);
3) development of standards for financial support for the implementation of the Program and standard costs for the provision of state (municipal) services in the field of preschool education;
4) objective assessment of the compliance of the Organization’s educational activities with the requirements of the Standard;
5) forming the content of professional education and additional professional education of teaching staff, as well as conducting their certification;
6) providing assistance to parents (legal representatives) in raising children, protecting and strengthening their physical and mental health, developing individual abilities and the necessary correction of their developmental disorders.
1.8. The standard includes requirements for:
the structure of the Program and its scope;
conditions for the implementation of the Program;
results of mastering the Program.
1.9. The program is implemented in the state language of the Russian Federation.
The program may include the possibility of implementation in the native language of
number of languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation. Implementation of the Program in native language
language from among the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation should not be carried out in
damage to education in the state language of the Russian Federation.

2.1. The program determines content and organization of educational activities at the level of preschool education.
The program ensures the development of the personality of preschool children in various types of communication and activities, taking into account their age, individual psychological and physiological characteristics and should be aimed at solving the problems specified in paragraph 1.6 of the Standard.
2.2. Structural divisions in one Organization (hereinafter referred to as Groups) can implement different Programs.
2.3. The program is formed as a program of psychological and pedagogical support for positive socialization and individualization, personality development of preschool children and defines a set of basic characteristics of preschool education (volume, content and planned results in the form of targets for preschool education).
2.4. The program is aimed at:
creating conditions for the child’s development that open up opportunities for his positive socialization, his personal development, the development of initiative and creativity based on collaboration with adults and peers and age-appropriate activities;
to create a developing educational environment, which is a system of conditions for the socialization and individualization of children.
2.5. The program is developed and approved by the Organization independently
in accordance with this Standard and taking into account the Model Programs.
When developing the Program, the Organization determines the duration of children’s stay in the Organization, the Organization’s operating mode in accordance with the volume of educational tasks to be solved, and the maximum occupancy of the Groups. The organization can develop and implement various Programs in Groups with different lengths of stay for children during the day, including Groups for short-term stays for children, Groups for full and extended days, Groups for round-the-clock stays, Groups for children of different ages from two months to eight years, including different age groups. When children stay in the Group around the clock, the program is implemented for no more than 14 hours, taking into account the daily routine and age categories of the children.
The program can be implemented during the entire period of children’s stay in the Organization.
2.6. The content of the Program must provide personality development,
children's motivation and abilities in various activities and cover
the following structural units representing certain directions
development and education of children (hereinafter referred to as educational areas):
social and communicative development; cognitive development; speech development; artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.
Social and communicative development aimed at mastering the norms and values ​​accepted in society, including moral and moral values; development of communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers; the formation of independence, purposefulness and self-regulation of one’s own actions; development of social and emotional intelligence, emotional responsiveness, empathy, formation of readiness for joint activities with peers, formation of a respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to one’s family and to the community of children and adults in the Organization; the formation of positive attitudes towards various types of work and creativity; formation of the foundations of safe behavior in everyday life, society, and nature.
Cognitive development involves the development of children's interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation; formation of cognitive actions, formation of consciousness; development of imagination and creative activity; the formation of primary ideas about oneself, other people, objects of the surrounding world, about the properties and relationships of objects of the surrounding world (shape, color, size, material, sound, rhythm, tempo, quantity, number, part and whole, space and time, movement and rest , causes and consequences, etc.), about the small homeland and Fatherland, ideas about the socio-cultural values ​​of our people, about domestic traditions and holidays, about planet Earth as the common home of people, about the peculiarities of its nature, the diversity of countries and peoples of the world.
Speech development includes mastery of speech as a means of communication and culture; enrichment of the active vocabulary; development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogical and monologue speech; development of speech creativity; development of sound and intonation culture of speech, phonemic hearing; acquaintance with book culture, children's literature, listening comprehension of texts of various genres of children's literature; formation of sound analytical-synthetic activity as a prerequisite for learning to read and write.
Artistic and aesthetic development involves the development of prerequisites for the value-semantic perception and understanding of works of art (verbal, musical, visual), the natural world; the formation of an aesthetic attitude towards the surrounding world; formation of elementary ideas about types of art; perception of music, fiction, folklore; stimulating empathy for characters in works of art; implementation of independent creative activities of children (visual, constructive-model, musical, etc.).
Physical development includes gaining experience in the following types of children’s activities: motor, including those associated with performing exercises aimed at developing such physical qualities as coordination and flexibility; promoting the correct formation of the musculoskeletal system of the body, the development of balance, coordination of movement, gross and fine motor skills of both hands, as well as the correct, non-damaging to the body, execution of basic movements (walking, running, soft jumps, turns in both directions), the formation initial ideas about some sports, mastering outdoor games with rules; formation of focus and self-regulation in the motor sphere; the formation of the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle, mastery of its elementary norms and rules (in nutrition, physical activity, hardening, in the formation of useful habits, etc.).
2.7. The specific content of these educational areas depends on the age and individual characteristics of children, is determined by the goals and objectives of the Program and can be implemented in various types of activities (communication, play, cognitive and research activities - as end-to-end mechanisms of child development):
in infancy (2 months - 1 year) - direct emotional communication with an adult, manipulation with objects and cognitive-exploratory actions, perception of music, children's songs and poems, motor activity and tactile-motor games;
at an early age (1 year - 3 years) - object-based activities and games with composite and dynamic toys; experimenting with materials and substances (sand, water, dough, etc.), communication with an adult and joint games with peers under the guidance of an adult, self-service and actions with household objects (spoon, scoop, spatula, etc.), perception of the meaning of music , fairy tales, poems, looking at pictures, physical activity;
for preschool children (3 years - 8 years) - a number of types of activities, such as gaming, including role-playing games, games with rules and other types of games, communicative (communication and interaction with adults and peers), cognitive and research (research objects of the surrounding world and experimenting with them), as well as the perception of fiction and folklore, self-service and basic household work (indoors and outdoors), construction from various materials, including construction sets, modules, paper, natural and other materials, visual arts (drawing ;, modeling, appliqué), musical (perception and understanding of the meaning of musical works, singing, musical-rhythmic movements, playing children's musical instruments) and motor (mastery of basic movements) forms of child activity.
2.8. The content of the Program should reflect the following aspects
educational environment for a preschool child:
1) subject-spatial developmental educational environment;
2) the nature of interaction with adults;
3) the nature of interaction with other children;
4) the child’s system of relationships to the world, to other people, to himself.
2.9. The program consists of a mandatory part and a part formed
participants in educational relations.
Both parts are
mutually complementary and necessary from the point of view of implementing the requirements
The mandatory part of the Program involves comprehensiveness of the approach, ensuring the development of children in all five complementary educational areas (clause 2.5 of the Standard).
The part formed by the participants in educational relations should include programs selected and/or independently developed by participants in educational relations aimed at the development of children in one or more educational areas, types of activities and/or cultural practices (hereinafter referred to as partial educational programs), methods, forms of organizing educational work.
2.10. The volume of the mandatory part of the Program is recommended to be at least 60% of its total volume; the part formed by participants in educational relations, no more than 40%.
2.11. The program includes three main sections: target, content and organizational, each of which reflects the mandatory part and the part formed by the participants in educational relations.
2.11.1. Target section includes an explanatory note
and planned results of mastering the program.
The explanatory note should disclose:
goals and objectives of the Program implementation;
principles and approaches to the formation of the Program;
characteristics significant for the development and implementation of the Program, including characteristics of the developmental characteristics of children of early and preschool age.
The planned results of mastering the Program specify the requirements of the Standard for target guidelines in the mandatory part and the part formed by participants in educational relations, taking into account the age capabilities and individual differences (individual development trajectories) of children, as well as the developmental characteristics of children with disabilities, including children disabled people (hereinafter referred to as children with disabilities).
2.11.2. Content section presents the general content of the Program,
ensuring the full development of the personality of children.
The content section of the Program should include:
a) description of educational activities according to directions
child development, presented in five educational areas, taking into account
used variable approximate basic educational programs
preschool education and teaching aids that ensure the implementation
this content;
b) description of variable forms, methods, methods and means of implementation
taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the pupils,
the specifics of their educational needs and interests;
c) description of educational activities for professional correction
child development disorders
if this work is provided for by the Program.
The content section of the Program should present:
a) features of educational activities of different types and cultural
b) ways and directions of supporting children's initiative;
c) features of interaction between the teaching staff and families
d) other characteristics of the content of the Program, the most significant
from the point of view of the authors of the Program.
Part of the Program formed by participants in educational relations, may include various directions chosen by participants in educational relations from among partial and other programs and/or created by them independently.
This part of the Program should take into account the educational needs, interests and motives of children, their family members and teachers and, in particular, can be focused on:
the specifics of national, sociocultural and other conditions in which educational activities are carried out;
selection of those partial educational programs and forms of organizing work with children that best suit the needs and interests of children, as well as the capabilities of the teaching staff; established traditions of the Organization or Group.
The content of correctional work and/or inclusive education is included in the Program if it is planned to be mastered by children with disabilities.
This section must contain special conditions for obtaining education by children with disabilities, including mechanisms for adapting the Program for these children, the use of special educational programs and methods, special teaching aids and teaching materials, conducting group and individual correctional classes and providing qualified correction of disorders their development.
Corrective work and/or inclusive education should be aimed at:
1) ensuring the correction of developmental disorders of various categories of children with disabilities, providing them with qualified assistance in mastering the Program;
2) development of the Program by children with disabilities, their diversified development, taking into account age and individual characteristics and special educational needs, social adaptation.
Correctional work and/or inclusive education of children with disabilities who are mastering the Program in Combined and Compensatory Groups (including for children with complex disabilities) must take into account the developmental characteristics and specific educational needs of each category of children.
In the case of organizing inclusive education for reasons not related to children’s health limitations, the allocation of this section is not mandatory; if it is separated, the content of this section is determined by the Organization independently.
2.11.3. The organizational section should contain description of the material and technical support of the Program, provision teaching materials and means of training and education, include routine and/or daily routine, as well as features of traditional events, holidays, events; features of the organization of a developing subject-spatial environment.
2.12. If the mandatory part of the Program corresponds to the approximate
it is presented in the form of a link to the corresponding example
program. The mandatory part must be presented in detail
in accordance with paragraph 2.11 of the Standard, if it does not correspond to one
from example programs.
The part of the Program formed by participants in educational relations can be presented in the form of links to relevant methodological literature, which allows you to familiarize yourself with the content of partial programs, methods, and forms of organization of educational work chosen by participants in educational relations.
2.13. An additional section of the Program is the text of its brief
A brief presentation of the Program should be oriented
for parents (legal representatives) of children and is available for review.
The brief presentation of the Program must indicate:
1) age and other categories of children for whom the Organization’s Program is focused, including categories of children with disabilities, if the Program provides for the specifics of its implementation for this category of children;
2) the Sample programs used;
3) characteristics of the interaction of the teaching staff with the families of children.


3.1. Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the Program include requirements for the psychological, pedagogical, personnel, material, technical and financial conditions for the implementation of the Program, as well as for the developing subject-spatial environment.
The conditions for the implementation of the Program must ensure the full development of the personality of children in all main educational areas, namely: in the areas of socio-communicative, cognitive, speech, artistic, aesthetic and physical development of the personality of children against the background of their emotional well-being and positive attitude towards the world, towards themselves and to other people.
These requirements are aimed at creating a social development situation for participants in educational relations, including creating an educational environment that:
1) guarantees the protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children;
2) ensures the emotional well-being of children;
3) promotes the professional development of teaching staff;
4) creates conditions for developing variable preschool education;
5) ensures openness of preschool education;
6) creates conditions for the participation of parents (legal representatives) in educational activities.
3.2. Requirements for psychological and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the basic educational program of preschool education.
3.2.1. For successful implementation of the Program the following must be ensured: psychological and pedagogical conditions:
1) respect of adults for the human dignity of children, formation and support of their positive self-esteem, confidence in their own capabilities and abilities;
2) the use in educational activities of forms and methods of working with children that correspond to their age and individual characteristics (the inadmissibility of both artificial acceleration and artificial slowdown of children’s development);
3) building educational activities based on interaction between adults and children, focused on the interests and capabilities of each child and taking into account the social situation of his development;
4) support by adults for the positive, friendly attitude of children towards each other and the interaction of children with each other in different types activities;
5) support for children’s initiative and independence in activities specific to them;
6) the opportunity for children to choose materials, types of activities, participants in joint activities and communication;
7) protection of children from all forms of physical and mental violence5;
8) support for parents (legal representatives) in raising children, protecting and strengthening their health, involving families directly in educational activities.
3.2.2. In order to receive, without discrimination, a quality education for children with disabilities, the necessary conditions are created for the diagnosis and correction of developmental disorders and social adaptation, the provision of early correctional assistance based on special psychological and pedagogical approaches and the most suitable languages, methods, methods of communication and conditions for these children, contributing to the maximum extent to the receipt of preschool education, as well as the social development of these children, including through the organization of inclusive education for children with disabilities.
3.2.3. When implementing the Program, an assessment of individual
children's development.
This assessment is carried out by the teaching staff within the framework of
pedagogical diagnostics (assessment of children’s individual development
preschool age, associated with assessing the effectiveness of pedagogical actions and underlying their further planning).
The results of pedagogical diagnostics (monitoring) can be used exclusively to solve the following educational problems:
1) individualization of education (including support for the child,
building his educational trajectory or professional correction
features of its development);
2) optimization of work with a group of children.
If necessary, psychological diagnostics of children's development is used (identification and study of individual psychological characteristics of children), which is carried out by qualified specialists (educational psychologists, psychologists).
A child’s participation in psychological diagnostics is permitted only with the consent of his parents.(legal representatives).
The results of psychological diagnostics can be used to solve problems of psychological support and conduct qualified correction of children's development.
3.2.4. The occupancy of the Group is determined taking into account the age of the children, their
health status, specifics of the Program.
3.2.5. Conditions necessary to create a social situation of development
children, corresponding to the specifics of preschool age, assume:
1) ensuring emotional well-being through:
direct communication with each child;
respectful attitude towards each child, his feelings and needs;
2) support for children’s individuality and initiative through:
creating conditions for children to freely choose activities and participants in joint activities;
creating conditions for children to make decisions, express their feelings and thoughts;
non-directive assistance to children, support for children's initiative and independence in various types of activities (play, research, design, cognitive, etc.);
3) establishing rules of interaction in different situations:
creating conditions for positive, friendly relationships between children, including those belonging to different national, cultural, religious communities and social strata, as well as those with different (including limited) health capabilities;
development of children’s communication abilities, allowing them to resolve conflict situations with peers;
developing children’s ability to work in a peer group;
4) construction of variable developmental education, oriented
on the level of development manifested in the child in joint activities
with adults and more experienced peers, but not updated in his
individual activity (hereinafter referred to as the zone of proximal development of each
child), through:
creating conditions for mastering cultural means of activity;
organization of activities that promote the development of thinking, speech, communication, imagination and children's creativity, personal, physical and artistic-aesthetic development of children;
supporting spontaneous play of children, enriching it, providing play time and space;
assessment of children's individual development.
5) interaction with parents (legal representatives) on issues
education of the child, their direct involvement in educational
activities, including through the creation of educational projects
together with the family based on identification of needs and support
family educational initiatives.
3.2.6. In order to effectively implement the Program, conditions must be created for:
1) professional development of teaching and management personnel, including their additional professional education;
2) advisory support for teaching staff and parents (legal representatives) on issues of education and child health, including inclusive education (if it is organized);
3) organizational and methodological support for the implementation of the Program, including in interaction with peers and adults.
3.2.7. For correctional work with children with disabilities
mastering the Program together with other children in Groups
combined orientation, conditions must be created in accordance
with a list and plan for the implementation of individually oriented correctional
activities to ensure the satisfaction of special educational
needs of children with disabilities.
When creating conditions for working with disabled children mastering the Program, the individual rehabilitation program of the disabled child must be taken into account.
3.2.8. The organization must create opportunities:
1) to provide information about the Program to the family and all interested parties involved in educational activities, as well as the general public;
2) for adults to search and use materials that ensure the implementation of the Program, including in the information environment;
3) to discuss with parents (legal representatives) of children issues related to the implementation of the Program.
3.2.9. The maximum permissible amount of educational load should be
comply with sanitary and epidemiological rules and SanPiN standards
2.4.1. “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device,
content and organization of the work schedule of preschool educational
approved by the resolution of the Main State
sanitary doctor of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 2013 No. 26 (registered
Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation May 29, 2013, registration
Z.Z. Requirements for a developing subject-spatial environment.
3.3.1. The developing subject-spatial environment ensures maximum realization of the educational potential of the space of the Organization, Group, as well as the territory adjacent to the Organization or located at a short distance, adapted for the implementation of the Program (hereinafter referred to as the site), materials, equipment and inventory for the development of preschool children in accordance with the characteristics of each age stage, protecting and strengthening their health, taking into account the characteristics and correcting deficiencies in their development.
3.3.2. A developing subject-spatial environment should provide the opportunity for communication and joint activities of children (including children of different ages) and adults, physical activity of children, as well as opportunities for privacy.
3.3.3. The developing subject-spatial environment should provide:
implementation of various educational programs;
in the case of organizing inclusive education - the necessary conditions for it;
taking into account the national, cultural and climatic conditions in which educational activities are carried out;
taking into account the age characteristics of children.
3.3.4. A developing subject-spatial environment should be
content-rich, transformable, multifunctional,
variable, accessible and safe.
1) Saturation of the environment must correspond to the age capabilities of the children and the content of the Program.
The educational space must be equipped with teaching and educational means (including technical ones), relevant materials, including consumable gaming, sports, health equipment, inventory (in accordance with the specifics of the Program).
The organization of the educational space and the variety of materials, equipment and supplies (in the building and on the site) should ensure:
playful, educational, research and creative activity of all pupils, experimenting with materials available to children (including sand and water);
motor activity, including the development of gross and fine motor skills, participation in outdoor games and competitions;
emotional well-being of children in interaction with the subject-spatial environment;
opportunity for children to express themselves.
For infants and young children, the educational space should provide necessary and sufficient opportunities for movement, object and play activities with different materials.
2) Transformability of space assumes the possibility of changes in the subject-spatial environment depending on the educational situation, including the changing interests and capabilities of children;
3) Polyfunctionality of materials assumes:
the possibility of varied use of various components of the object environment, for example, children's furniture, mats, soft modules, screens, etc.;
the presence in the Organization or Group of multifunctional (not having a strictly fixed method of use) items, including natural materials, suitable for use in various types of children's activities (including as substitute items in children's play).
4) Variability of the environment assumes:
the presence in the Organization or Group of various spaces (for play, construction, privacy, etc.), as well as a variety of materials, games, toys and equipment that ensure free choice for children;
periodic change of play material, the emergence of new objects that stimulate the play, motor, cognitive and research activity of children.
5) Availability of the environment assumes:
accessibility for pupils, including children with disabilities and children with disabilities, of all premises where educational activities are carried out;
free access for children, including children with disabilities, to games, toys, materials, and aids that provide all basic types of children’s activities;
serviceability and safety of materials and equipment.
6) Safety of the subject-spatial environment assumes
compliance of all its elements with reliability requirements
and safety of their use.
3.3.5. The organization independently determines the teaching aids, including technical, relevant materials (including consumables), gaming, sports, recreational equipment, inventory necessary for the implementation of the Program.
3.4. Requirements for personnel conditions implementation of the Program.
3.4.1. The implementation of the Program is ensured by management,
pedagogical, educational support, administrative and economic employees of the Organization. Scientific workers of the Organization may also participate in the implementation of the Program. Other employees of the Organization, including those engaged in financial and economic activities, protecting the life and health of children, ensure the implementation of the Program.
The qualifications of teaching and educational support workers must correspond to the qualification characteristics established in the Unified Qualification Directory of Positions of Managers, Specialists and Employees, section “ Qualification characteristics positions of educational workers", approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of August 26, 2010 No. 761n (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on October 6, 2010, registration No. 18638), as amended by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated May 31, 2011 No. 448n (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on July 1, 2011, registration No. 21240).
Job composition and number of employees, necessary to implement and ensure the implementation of the Program are determined by its goals and objectives, as well as the characteristics of children’s development.
A necessary condition for the high-quality implementation of the Program is its continuous support by teaching and educational support workers throughout the entire period of its implementation in the Organization or in the Group.
3.4.2. Teaching staff implementing the Program must have
basic competencies necessary to create conditions for the development of children,
indicated in clause 3.2.5 of this Standard.
3.4.3. When working in groups for children with disabilities
health positions in the Organization may additionally be provided
teaching staff with appropriate qualifications for work
with these health limitations of children, including assistants (assistants),
providing children with the necessary assistance. It is recommended to provide
positions of relevant teaching staff for each Group for
children with disabilities.
3.4.4. When organizing inclusive education:
When children with disabilities are included in the Group, additional teaching staff who have the appropriate qualifications to work with these health limitations of children may be involved in the implementation of the Program. It is recommended to involve appropriate teaching staff for each Group in which inclusive education is organized;
When other categories of children with special educational needs are included in the Group, including those in difficult life situations6, additional teaching staff with appropriate qualifications may be involved.
3.5. Requirements for material and technical conditions implementation
basic educational program of preschool education.
3.5.1. Requirements for the material and technical conditions for the implementation of the Program include:
1) requirements determined in accordance with sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations;
2) requirements determined in accordance with fire safety rules;
3) requirements for means of training and education in accordance with the age and individual developmental characteristics of children;
4) equipping the premises with a developing subject-spatial environment;
5) requirements for the material and technical support of the program (educational and methodological kit, equipment, equipment (items).
3.6. Requirements for financial conditions implementation of the main
educational program of preschool education.
3.6.1. Financial support for state guarantees for citizens to receive public and free preschool education at the expense of the relevant budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation in state, municipal and private organizations is carried out on the basis of standards for ensuring state guarantees for the implementation of the rights to receive public and free preschool education, determined by the authorities state power subjects of the Russian Federation ensuring the implementation of the Program in accordance with the Standard.
3.6.2. The financial conditions for the implementation of the Program must:
1) ensure the ability to meet the requirements of the Standard for the conditions of implementation and structure of the Program;
2) ensure the implementation of the mandatory part of the Program and the part formed by participants in the educational process, taking into account the variability of individual development trajectories of children;
3) reflect the structure and volume of expenses necessary for the implementation of the Program, as well as the mechanism for their formation.
3.6.3. Financing of the implementation of the educational program of preschool education should be carried out in the amount of standards determined by the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to ensure state guarantees of the implementation of the rights to receive public and free preschool education. These standards are determined in accordance with the Standard, taking into account the type of Organization, special conditions for obtaining education by children with disabilities (special conditions of education - special educational programs, teaching methods and means, textbooks, teaching aids, didactic and visual materials, technical teaching aids for collective and individual use (including special ones), means of communication and communications, sign language translation in the implementation of educational programs, adaptation of educational institutions and adjacent areas for free access of all categories of persons with disabilities, as well as pedagogical, psychological-pedagogical, medical, social and other services that provide an adaptive educational environment and a barrier-free living environment, without which the development of educational programs for persons with disabilities is difficult), providing additional professional education for teaching staff, ensuring safe conditions for training and education, security children's health, the focus of the Program, categories of children, forms of education and other features of educational activities, and should be sufficient and necessary for the Organization to implement:
expenses for remuneration of employees implementing the Program;
expenses for teaching and educational means, relevant materials, including the purchase of educational publications in paper and electronic form, didactic materials, audio and video materials, including materials, equipment, clothing, games and toys, electronic educational resources necessary for organizing all types of educational activities and creating a developing subject-spatial environment, including special ones for children with disabilities. Developing subject-spatial environment is a part of the educational environment, represented by a specially organized space (rooms, area, etc.), materials, equipment and supplies for the development of preschool children in accordance with the characteristics of each age stage, the protection and promotion of their health, accounting features and correction of deficiencies in their development, acquisition of updated educational resources, including consumables, subscriptions to update electronic resources, subscriptions to technical support for the activities of educational and educational means, sports and recreational equipment, inventory, payment for communication services, including expenses, related to connecting to the information and telecommunications network Internet;
expenses associated with additional professional education of management and teaching staff in the profile of their activities;
other expenses related to the implementation and ensuring the implementation of the Program.


4.1. The Standard's requirements for the results of mastering the Program are presented in the form of targets preschool education, which represent social and normative age characteristics of the child’s possible achievements at the stage of completing the level of preschool education. The specifics of preschool childhood (flexibility, plasticity of the child’s development, the wide range of options for its development, its spontaneity and involuntary nature), as well as the systemic features of preschool education (the optional level of preschool education in the Russian Federation, the absence of the possibility of holding the child any responsibility for the result) make it unlawful The requirements for specific educational achievements from a preschool child determine the need to determine the results of mastering the educational program in the form of targets.
4.2. Target guidelines for preschool education are determined regardless of the forms of implementation of the Program, as well as on its nature, the developmental characteristics of children and the Organization implementing the Program.
4.3. Targets are not subject to direct assessment, including in the form of pedagogical diagnostics (monitoring), and are not the basis for their formal comparison with the real achievements of children. They are not the basis for an objective assessment of compliance with the established requirements of educational activities and training of children. Mastering the Program is not accompanied by intermediate certifications and final certification of students8.
4.4. These requirements provide guidelines for:
a) building educational policy at appropriate levels
taking into account the goals of preschool education, common to all educational
space of the Russian Federation;
b) solving problems:
formation of the Program;
analysis of professional activities; interactions with families;
c) studying the characteristics of education of children aged 2 months to 8 years;
d) informing parents (legal representatives) and the public
regarding the goals of preschool education, common to all educational
space of the Russian Federation.
4.5. Targets cannot serve direct basis for
solving management problems, including:
certification of teaching staff;
assessment of the quality of education;
assessment of both the final and intermediate levels of children’s development, including through monitoring (including in the form of testing, using methods based on observation, or other methods of measuring children’s performance);
assessment of the implementation of municipal (state) tasks through their inclusion in the quality indicators of the task;
distribution of the incentive payroll fund for the Organization's employees.
4.6. The targets of preschool education include the following
social-normative age characteristics of possible achievements
Educational targets in infancy and early childhood:
the child is interested in surrounding objects and actively interacts with them; emotionally involved in actions with toys and other objects, strives to be persistent in achieving the result of his actions;
uses specific, culturally fixed object actions, knows the purpose of everyday objects (spoon, comb, pencil, etc.) and knows how to use them. Possesses basic self-service skills; strives to demonstrate independence in everyday and play behavior; has active speech included in communication; can make questions and requests, understands adult speech; knows the names of surrounding objects and toys;
strives to communicate with adults and actively imitates them in movements and actions; games appear in which the child reproduces the actions of an adult;
shows interest in peers; observes their actions and imitates them;
shows interest in poems, songs and fairy tales, looking at pictures,
strives to move to the music;
responds emotionally to various works of culture and art;
The child has developed gross motor skills, he strives to master various types of movement (running, climbing, stepping, etc.).
Targets at the stage of completion of preschool education:
the child masters the basic cultural methods of activity, shows initiative and independence in various types of activities - play, communication, cognitive and research activities, design, etc.; is able to choose his occupation and participants in joint activities;
the child has a positive attitude towards the world, towards different types of work, other people and himself, has a sense of self-esteem; actively interacts with peers and adults, participates in joint games. Able to negotiate, take into account the interests and feelings of others, empathize with failures and rejoice in the successes of others, adequately expresses his feelings, including a sense of self-confidence, tries to resolve conflicts;
the child has a developed imagination, which is realized in various types of activities, and above all in play; the child owns in different forms and types of games, distinguishes between conventional and real situations, knows how to obey different rules and social norms;
the child has a fairly good command of oral speech, can express his thoughts and desires, can use speech to express his thoughts, feelings and desires, construct a speech utterance in a communication situation, can identify sounds in words, the child develops the prerequisites for literacy;
the child has developed gross and fine motor skills; he is mobile, resilient, masters basic movements, can control and manage his movements;
the child is capable of volitional efforts, can follow social norms of behavior and rules in various types of activities, in relationships with adults and peers, can follow the rules of safe behavior and personal hygiene;
the child shows curiosity, asks questions to adults and peers, is interested in cause-and-effect relationships, and tries to independently come up with explanations for natural phenomena and people’s actions; inclined to observe and experiment. Has basic knowledge about himself, about the natural and social world in which he lives; is familiar with works of children's literature, has basic understanding of wildlife, natural science, mathematics, history, etc.; the child is capable of making his own decisions, relying on his knowledge and skills in various activities.
4.7. The Program's targets serve as the basis for the continuity of preschool and primary general education. Subject to compliance with the requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the Program, these targets assume the formation of prerequisites for educational activities in preschool children at the stage of completing their preschool education.
4.8. If the Program does not cover senior preschool age, then these Requirements should be considered as long-term guidelines, and the immediate targets for mastering the Program by pupils - as creating the prerequisites for their implementation.

End of document

Preschool education is an integral part and the first link in a unified system of lifelong education and is aimed at developing the foundations of personality.

Preschool childhood covers the period from birth to 6 years, when the active formation of the child’s motor, sensory and intellectual spheres, the development of his speech and basic mental processes, abilities and socially significant qualities occurs.

The high intensity of the process of personality formation during preschool childhood makes it possible to especially effectively carry out pedagogical interaction with the child and solve the problems of his development, education and training.

It is this circumstance, according to V.A. Sitarov, that gives grounds to consider the problems of targeted education of preschoolers in accordance with their specific age characteristics as the most relevant for the current stage of development of both general and preschool didactics.

In domestic didactics, two opposing points of view have emerged regarding the content of preschool education.

Supporters of the first argued that a preschool child can only learn ideas about individual objects of the surrounding reality, but not their interrelation.

The so-called “objective” or “subject-based” principle was the basis for the construction of the “Program for the upbringing and training of children in kindergarten” in 1938.

The second point of view was associated with the research of L.S. Vygotsky (1896-1934), who revealed the ability of preschool children to establish cause-and-effect relationships and master systemic knowledge.

The logical development of his views is the modern direction in preschool didactics - the formation of systematic knowledge among preschoolers (V.I. Loginova, P.G. Samorukova).

This conceptual position formed the basis for the creation of unified, standard state educational programs that provide for children’s mastery of two categories of knowledge and skills:

1) knowledge acquired in the course of everyday communication with the outside world;

2) knowledge acquired during a specially organized learning process in the classroom.

In modern preschool education, its content is focused on children’s mastery of various knowledge about the surrounding reality in their interrelation and interpenetration, which contributes to the child’s transition from the “zone of proximal development” to the “level of actual development” (L.S. Vygotsky).

According to modern research T.I.Babaeva, M.V.Krulekht, V.I.Loginova, Z.I.Mikhailova, the content of knowledge about the world around us should include three sections (blocks): the world of nature, the world of people, the world of objects.

The most complex and less developed question is the introduction of a child to the social world in connection with a significant revaluation of values ​​in modern society.

In the process of familiarizing preschool children with the world around them, it is assumed solving the following problems:

Enriching sensory-emotional experience by children mastering systemic knowledge and developing interest on this basis;

Development of the child’s thinking - awareness of himself and his place in the world of nature and people;

Development of the child’s general culture, including language culture, as well as a culture of communication in different conditions.

As a result of solving these problems, the child acquires value attitudes that influence the development of personality and the formation of his attitude to knowledge and the means of knowledge as a value and an important personal asset.

The condition for solving these problems is the organization of a complex of those types of activities that are characteristic of preschool age.

One of the most promising areas in preschool didactics is currently recognized as establishing the relationship between various types of children's activities - cognitive, educational, playful, visual, constructive, labor.

At the same time, the urgent need for organizing the learning process of preschool children based on the integrity of their cognitive activity is emphasized.

In modern Russian preschool education, various educational programs for preschool institutions are being created, with the right to independently choose them from those recommended by education authorities.

These programs determine the content characteristics of the holistic pedagogical process in institutions.

The basis is a certain view of the child, the characteristics and patterns of his development, the creation of conditions conducive to the formation of personality in the unity of its individual and social qualities.

T.I. Erofeeva offers a classification of modern preschool education programs:

Variable and alternative (according to their philosophical and conceptual foundations);

Complex and partial (in terms of volume and areas of their content);

Basic, federal, regional, municipal (according to the degree of their territorial distribution).

Program developers offer various approaches to implementing the principle of person-oriented interaction between adults and children by ensuring:

Protecting and strengthening the physical and mental health of children;

The emotional well-being of each child;

Intellectual development of the child;

Conditions for the development of the child’s personality and creative abilities;

Introducing children to universal human values;

Interactions with family.

Modern preschool education programs provide for the organization of the pedagogical process, both in special classes and in unregulated activities in free time, based on the optimal combination of their individual and collective forms.

The program becomes the leading and necessary document for institutions. It defines general principles, specific directions of their functioning, as well as features of the content characteristics of the pedagogical process, indicating the possibilities of using variable technologies for their practical implementation.

Currently, the comprehensive educational programs presented by large teaching teams and recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation are “Childhood”, “Rainbow”, “Development”, “Origins”, etc.

In addition, in modern domestic preschool education, comprehensive programs have become widespread - “Kindergarten - a house of joy” (N.M. Krylova), “Gifted Child” (L.A. Wenger, O.M. Dyachenko) and partial programs - “TRIZ”, “Young Ecologist”, “We” (N.N. Kondratieva), “Rostock”, etc.


Sections: Working with preschoolers

Preschool age– the most important period in the formation of personality, when the prerequisites for civic qualities are laid, the child’s responsibility and ability to make free choice, respect and understanding of other people are formed, regardless of their social origin. The purpose of preschool education at the present stage is not only to form a certain amount of knowledge, but also to develop the basic abilities of the individual, his social and cultural skills, and a healthy lifestyle.

A preschool institution today is considered as a socio-educational system that can solve the problems of creating conditions for the full development of the personality of each child, cooperation of different ages, social and pedagogical work with families, medical education, and the provision of psychological assistance.
Revealing the essence of preschool education, we first of all talk about its content.

The content of education is the priority area on which the development of a person who is capable of independently and consciously building his life in the spirit of universal human values, taking into account the traditions of his people, depends. Of particular interest in this regard is preschool childhood, as the first stage of the system of continuous education, the initial stage of mastering cultural and historical values.

  • Federal State Requirements,
  • general educational programs of preschool education (comprehensive, correctional and partial),
  • system additional education,
  • the level and quality of educational services provided,
  • formation of a healthy lifestyle;
  • system of working with society.
  • formation of the foundations of social adaptation and life competence of the child;
  • nurturing elements of a scientific worldview, developing a positive attitude towards the environment;
  • affirmation of a positive emotional and value attitude towards the practical and spiritual activities of a person;
  • development of the need to realize one’s own creative abilities.

Preschool education within the basic component is carried out according to the state basic program and teaching aids. Preschool education for children who need developmental correction is carried out according to separate programs and methods developed on the basis of the state basic program. Additional educational services that are not defined by the basic component of preschool education are introduced with the consent of parents (legal representatives) within the child’s maximum permissible load.

The Federal State Requirements (FGT) for preschool educational institutions imply a model of a preschool graduate as a component of the FGT. The regional conference-panorama, held on the basis of our kindergarten, made it possible to determine the highest priority areas in the formation of certain personality traits of a graduate, namely:

  • worldview
  • intellectual development
  • attitude to work, activities, responsibilities
  • personal qualities
  • attitude towards others
  • culture of behavior
  • health and healthy lifestyle, attitude towards nature
  • aesthetic culture
  • man is his own creator

For example, intellectual development, what does it mean?

The ability to demonstrate intellectual competence, analyze, compare, generalize, classify, and draw conclusions. Fluency in speech, the ability to build linguistic communication with other people, taking into account intuitively or consciously the speech canons of phonetics, semantics, and grammar. Showing creativity
Curiosity, desire to know new things, ask questions, experiment.
An intellectually developed child masters the elements of educational activity: he is able to accept a learning task, subordinate his activity to its achievement, complete the work and adequately evaluate the result.

It was these qualities that the conference participants spoke about: educators and specialized specialists of preschool educational institutions, specialists from educational institutions and the information and methodological center, teachers of the Murmansk State Pedagogical University and MOIPKROiK, students - future educators, psychologists and speech therapists of preschool educational institutions.
The content of preschool education is implemented in programs: comprehensive, correctional and partial, which include all the main areas of child development.

The programs used by the preschool institution provide optimal workload for the child; they comply with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” and the Model Regulations on a Preschool Educational Institution, FGT.
Preschool education programs belong to general education programs of preschool education and most of them are continuous with school ones.

The educational process in our institution is built on the basis of comprehensive and partial programs:
Program of education and training in kindergarten, edited by Vasilyeva;
Development and education program in kindergarten “Childhood”, author Babaeva;
Program for training and education of children with phonetic-phonemic speech underdevelopment, authors Filicheva, Chirkina.

Partial programs with the implementation of individual areas of development of pupils complement the content of sections of complex programs in accordance with the priority areas of development of preschool educational institutions. I would like to note that the implementation of partial programs takes place within the framework of the joint activities of educators and children through various forms of unregulated activities. One of these types is circle work.

Today, the preschool educational institution has 14 circles in the following areas:
artistic and aesthetic; social and personal; cognitive-speech and physical.
In the conditions of modernization and development of preschool education, changes have occurred both in the organization and in the content of the activities of the teaching staff: the educational space implies variability. Therefore, there was a need to develop the basic general educational program of preschool education of the institution, reflecting the structure of the educational process.

The main general educational program of preschool education is a specific model of the educational process of the institution and covers all types of children’s activities, taking into account their priority in each age period and is subject to constant adjustment based on annual monitoring of the quality of educational services provided.

It is by satisfying parents’ requests for the development, training and education of their child that the quality of preschool education is improved:

  • the preschool educational institution constantly monitors the quality of education and identifies the priorities for the development of the institution;
  • the programs and technologies used are included in the system;
  • Teachers have their own developments, experiments are being conducted to test them and implement them in work with children.

At the preschool educational institution there was a city experimental site: “Psychological, medical and pedagogical support of the child in the preschool educational institution.” The result of the work was methods and techniques that ensure more complete development of the child, his psychological well-being and security, and the release of the brochure “Kindergarten: from diagnosis to optimization of the development, upbringing and education of preschool children.” As part of the experiment, a new form of cooperation with the Murmansk State Humanitarian University (MSGU) in Murmansk emerged: “Student’s Day”. These are one-day seminars and conferences based in kindergartens, at which important issues related to preschool education are discussed. Students and teachers of Moscow State Humanitarian University, as well as preschool teachers of the municipal formation of ZATO Aleksandrovsk are invited to such meetings. This academic year, this event is timed to coincide with the pedagogical excellence competition “Sparks of Pedagogical Search”.

Forms of providing educational services for the purpose of socializing young children: in the 2009/2010 academic year, a child play support center was opened for children aged 1 to 2 years. Specialists from the institution work with children: a teacher, a teacher-psychologist, a physical education instructor, and a music director. For work at CIPR, an educational program “Tots” has been developed, which has been reviewed by specialists from the Department of Preschool Education of the Moscow State University of Education and Science. This service is in demand by the population, the number of people wishing to attend CIPR is growing, if in the last academic year there were 28 children, in 2010/2011 the number increased to 38.

The formation of a healthy lifestyle, protection and promotion of the health of preschool children is one of the main tasks of the institution. In accordance with the existing license for the right to conduct medical activities, recreational, medical, developmental and organizational activities are carried out. In preschool educational institutions there are compensatory groups (speech therapy). Individual educational routes have been compiled for children with disabilities, which are aimed at correcting the mental and physical development of each child.
For a number of years, biofeedback rooms have been operating in the preschool educational institution: logotherapy and ophthalmology.

An important role is given to the system of work with society - this is, first of all, work with the parents of students. Without well-organized work, it is impossible to ensure high quality education for preschool children. In this direction, the kindergarten took the path of creating a club system of work. A family club is the most effective form of parental education and cooperation. In the 2010/2011 educational year, the institution has 9 family clubs for different age preschool groups, a total of groups in preschool educational institution-14.

In May 2008, a collegial self-government body was formed in the institution - the Preschool Education Council. Planning the joint work of the administration, teachers, representatives of the Founder, parents and the public guarantees the institution the transparency of its activities and the possibility of joint cooperation to create optimal conditions and forms of organizing the educational process.

Thus, the content of education, including its initial preschool level, is unthinkable without relying on existing traditions and mastering radically new forms.

Activities, methods, directions and other parameters that characterize the targeted impact on the child’s personality. This takes into account the influence of external factors, as well as the individual characteristics of the child’s character.

Definition of the concept

  • reality of goals (development of a person in accordance with his abilities and inclinations);
  • joint activities (development of lesson programs, search for topics and methods by teachers is carried out in close cooperation with students);
  • self-determination (the child should be given a certain freedom of action in the field of finding hobbies, as well as establishing a position in life);
  • personal orientation (the child, his feelings and interests should be at the center of the educational process);
  • voluntariness (work with children should be organized in such a way that they themselves express a desire to acquire certain knowledge and skills);
  • collectivity (in the process of upbringing, children must be prepared for life in society).

Main types of education

  • According to object:
    • economic (explanation of the basic laws of financial relations);
    • civil (teaching the basic norms of life in society);
    • intellectual (laws of logical thinking);
    • international (knowledge of the peculiarities of the culture and life of different peoples, as well as the development of respect and tolerance for them);
    • legal (main aspects of legislation);
    • spiritual and moral (teaching standards of behavior and morality);
    • aesthetic (education implies instilling a love of beauty);
    • patriotic (developing a sense of responsibility to the Motherland).
  • According to the content:
    • labor (training in basic work techniques and providing information about the most common professions);
    • mental education (development of thinking abilities, broadening one’s horizons);
    • physical (developing endurance and teaching the basics of a healthy lifestyle).
  • According to the form:
    • school;
    • family;
    • confessional (religious).
  • In relation to the teacher:
    • democratic (the teacher respects the students’ point of view);
    • free (the actions of pupils are not limited);
    • authoritarian (rigid teaching style, strict compliance with the program).

The formation of a child’s personality occurs under the influence of teachers, parents and other entities. The content of education can be expressed in its basic principles, which are as follows:

  • The social orientation of education implies that children must understand the importance of work in the life of a person and society. From an early age, a child must learn to respect the work of others, as well as perform a number of actions independently. In addition, the content of social education should be structured in such a way as to develop in children intolerance towards irresponsibility, idleness and other negative phenomena.
  • In the process of interacting with a child, the teacher must rely on positive emotions, as well as examples, on the basis of which children should develop certain traits and qualities. Here it is extremely important to show interest in the child’s future, and not just formal fulfillment of duties.
  • The humanization of education consists, first of all, in the humane and sympathetic attitude of the teacher towards his pupils. It is also necessary to show respect for the opinions of children, even if they differ from the generally accepted ones. During the learning process, a child should not be humiliated or forced to do anything. For the educational process to be effective, it is important to create a friendly and trusting atmosphere.
  • The personal principle of education is that the teacher must take into account, respect and develop the individual characteristics of each individual student. To do this, you should be well acquainted with the level of education, as well as the preferences and tastes of children.
  • The principle of unity of educational influences is that society, family, and educational institutions should work in the same direction and not contradict each other. At the same time, the proper level of culture can only be instilled in a child by a teacher who himself has the appropriate characteristics.

It is worth noting that the complex of these principles is the content of education. They are mandatory and must be applied equally in the educational process. There is no point in singling out individual principles or neglecting them.

At the moment, a certain practice has developed that is actively used by educators in the process of working with children. So, the contents and can be classified as follows:

  • Aimed at forming consciousness:
    • convincing students of the correctness of a particular position;
    • an emotionally charged story that helps children acquire the skills of moral assessment of norms of behavior;
    • clarification is used when it is necessary to influence the consciousness of an individual child or group;
    • ethical conversation unobtrusively shapes a person’s personality;
    • suggestion gives the actions and thoughts of students a certain attitude;
    • briefing implies a detailed explanation of the algorithm of actions in a particular situation;
    • debate-competition of opposing opinions on a certain issue;
    • report - presentation of information unilaterally;
    • An example helps to more clearly present the norms of behavior.
  • Aimed at shaping social behavior:
    • exercise is the repeated repetition of certain actions in order to form stable beliefs and skills;
    • Accustoming makes it possible to instill in the pupil certain qualities in the shortest possible time through intensive training;
    • pedagogical requirements demonstrate the student’s subordination to the teacher;
    • the assignment helps to develop a sense of responsibility in the student;
    • educational situations are created artificially in order to clearly explain certain rules.
  • Aimed at stimulating activities:
    • competition makes the student want to stand out from the group and show the best results;
    • encouragement motivates further success;
    • punishment acts as a certain limiter, which causes fear of committing illegal actions.


To achieve goals, certain tasks are allocated. The content of education does not fundamentally change depending on how detailed they are. Most often, tasks are compiled separately for each type. So, for mental education this will be the assimilation of information, the formation of horizons and the constant expansion of the sphere of interests. As for physical education, this can be the development of endurance, strengthening health, as well as achieving success in a certain sports field. Regarding common tasks, defined at the legislative level, it is worth noting the following:

  • formation of ideas about one’s own abilities and position in society;
  • harmonious and comprehensive development of personality;
  • mastery of basic moral values ​​that are generally accepted in society;
  • formation of a civic position that will allow the child to become an active member of society in the future;
  • development of initiative and interest in solving labor and collective problems;
  • formation of a wide range of communication and communication skills.

Educational program

  • the formation of a respectful and thrifty attitude towards nature in all its manifestations;
  • drawing up a general picture of ideas about cultural norms operating in society;
  • developing an understanding that human life belongs to the category of the highest values;
  • understanding the basics of social structure;
  • formation of ideas about the lifestyle that a worthy member of society should lead;
  • preparation for choosing your own life path.

It is important to understand that these provisions are binding. In this case, additional points may be introduced.

Preschool education

It is worth noting that in kindergartens the content of preschool education is strictly regulated and meets established standards. If we talk about homeschooling, here parents can make a number of mistakes. So, in no case should you cancel the “quiet hour” in the afternoon. The child must take a break from stress. It is also unacceptable to imitate the school regime with bells, lessons and breaks. You should not prematurely involve your child in “adult” life, trying to master the first or second grade curriculum with him.

Preschool education is based on the following principles:

  • personality formation occurs in the process of active activity;
  • requirements for the child should not outweigh respect for him;
  • in a strict pedagogical process there should always be a place for creativity and children's initiative;
  • The content and means of education must fully correspond not only to the age of the child, but also to his individual abilities and level of development.

Preschool is considered to be the age from 3 to 7 years. This is a rather difficult and responsible period when the child must be prepared for a strict regime and the perception of significant amounts of information.

Features of physical education

The content of physical education is a pedagogical process that is aimed at developing and improving various functions of the body, as well as the formation of various kinds of skills. It is worth noting that this phenomenon originated in the earliest historical stages, and was constantly improved. This direction should not be underestimated, because it is the basis for the full development of the individual.

During schooling, the content of physical education is reduced to the following provisions:

  • formation of motor skills and abilities;
  • promoting health, as well as ensuring normal physical development corresponding to age parameters;
  • developing a philosophy of a healthy lifestyle among students;
  • formation of interest in regular physical activity, as well as interest in certain sports.

Features of moral education

  • formation of consciousness corresponding to moral standards;
  • education of appropriate feelings;
  • development of behavior skills consistent with ideas about morality and morality.

Methods of this type of education can be divided into three main groups:

  • formation (achieved through stories, lectures, conversations, suggestions, explanations, examples, and so on);
  • formation of behavioral experience (exercises, modeling situations, as well as teaching from teachers can be used);
  • stimulating further development (can be achieved through rewards and punishments, as well as creating conditions for competition).

In the process of moral education, the following goals must be achieved:

  • understanding the need to observe moral principles in all areas of life;
  • developing a sense of conscience;
  • stimulation of further moral development and self-improvement;
  • persistence and resistance to immoral phenomena, their public condemnation;
  • tolerance and mercy towards others.


The content of raising a child is a combination of types and methods of activity that are aimed at developing personality. His goals must be realistic, because it is impossible to achieve more than his physiological and mental abilities currently allow. It is also important to understand that education is a mutual process, and therefore it should be carried out in close cooperation with the child, and not through authoritarian influence. There should always be room for self-determination. It is worth noting that in the process of upbringing it is always worth taking into account the feelings and interests of the child. There should be no place for coercion. It is better if the child is in a group during the upbringing process.

Education is divided into several classification characteristics. So, in accordance with the object, it can be economic, intellectual, civil, legal, international, patriotic, and so on. As for the content, labor, physical and mental education may take place. If we talk about uniforms - school, religious and family. As for the teacher’s style of activity, education can be free, democratic or authoritarian.

In the process of education, it is worth adhering to a number of principles. First of all, there must be a social orientation in order to instill in the child from an early age an understanding of the importance of work in public life. It is always worth relying on positive examples and emotions, as well as communicating with the child as a full-fledged person, showing him full respect. It is worth noting that all children have individual characteristics that should definitely be taken into account. It is also important to understand that the educational process in the family, society and educational institutions must have a single direction.

Goals are formulated individually, depending on the situation. Nevertheless, there is a generally accepted list according to which educational processes. Thus, the child must gain a clear understanding of the structure of society and his role in it. Harmonious all-round development must also be ensured. Children should receive basic ideas about morality and morality, as well as form a clear civic position. It is worth developing in the child a sense of interest in solving collective problems, as well as developing communication skills.

Particular attention should be paid to preschool education, especially if it is carried out at home. Thus, parents often make the mistake of trying to accustom their child to a strict school regime or trying to master a complex primary school curriculum with them. It is important to pay sufficient attention to physical, mental and moral development in accordance with the characteristics of a particular age period.


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