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The fox was too lazy to get food for herself, so she lived poorly and went hungry. One day she told her daughter:
- Let me deceive the crow. I will say that I got married and began to live richly.
Daughter says:
- Don't lie! Better ask him for food in a nice way.
The fox didn't listen. She took an old wet fish net, stuffed it into a bag, tied it, and went to the raven. Raven heard someone coming and asked:
-Who's there?
And the fox is already in the hallway answering:
— My husband and I came. Raven was surprised:
- Look! My cousin got married. Let my husband show you.
Lisa says:
— My husband can’t be in the light. His ancestors lived in the dark, and he loves the dark. It's like he's blind - he doesn't see anything.
Then the raven says:
- Well, put out the lamps. Let them come in.
When the fox came in, the raven asked:
- What will you eat? Lisa replied:
- We have a lot of food. Eat yourself. The raven's wife went to the pantry to get food, and the fox quietly sneaked behind her and began putting food into a bag. She put a full sack on it, tied it, took it out into the hallway, and put it in a corner.
And the raven is still surprised:
- Well, my cousin finally got married!
And the fox keeps bragging:
— My husband has a lot of deer. Two large herds. Don't you have any eggs? My husband really loves eggs. In exchange, I promise you deer skins. Here they are, the skins, in the bag. Feel it.
Raven touched the bag. Indeed, there is something soft there, like deer skins. The raven rejoiced: “This is wealth - enough for everyone to buy clothes.” He ordered the bag to be placed in the canopy.
Raven's wife says:
- We have a son, you have a daughter. If only I could match them!
Lisa thought and said:
- If your son wants, we'll get married. While talking like this, they drank tea. Then the fox said, as if addressing her husband:
“Let’s go home, otherwise our deer will get scared and run away.”
She said goodbye to the raven and his wife, grabbed a bag of food in the hallway, and loaded herself up so much that she barely reached the house. At home she said to her daughter, laughing:
- Look, I deceived the raven. He thinks I really got married. And he took the old net for deer skins.
The daughter said again:
- Why are you lying? I should have asked in a nice way.
Lisa answered angrily:
- Don’t teach me, otherwise I’ll leave you without food!
The daughter fell silent, and the fox ate the eggs and began to cook the meat.
Meanwhile, the raven was happy that he had gotten the deer skins so easily. Suddenly something started dripping in the canopy. The raven's wife exclaimed:
-What is this dripping?
“The fox probably got the expensive skin wet,” answered the raven.
At this time their son arrived. When they told him about the skins, he said:
- Come on, show off your wealth! The mother took out the bag, untied it, pulled out the net, and was surprised:
- Look, there’s nothing! Just old wet mesh!
The raven got angry and ordered:
— Cover the doors in the pantry with mesh. If the fox comes again, let him take the food himself. He puts his paw into the bag and gets into the trap.
And it’s true, after a while the fox came again, speaking falsely again:
- So my husband and I came again. They brought the skins.
The raven's wife pretended to be sick and said:
- Oh, today I have a headache. I can't go out.
Lisa says:
- Well, then goodbye, we're in a hurry.
And she made her way to the pantry and put her paw in the bag. The paw got stuck in the bag. The fox pulled her paw and wanted to run away, but she got entangled in the net and screamed:
- Oh, what are you doing to me? And the raven says:
- You did something bad to yourself. Why did she deceive us? Why did you give me an old net instead of skins? Why do you go into other people's storerooms?
The fox began to cry and began to ask to be released, but no one rescued her. Finally she managed to break the net and jump out into the street. And her paw is in a trap. So I ran home with him.
“Free me,” she asks her daughter.
The daughter didn’t want to help her mother because she was a liar, but she still took pity and freed her.
So the raven taught the thief and deceiver a lesson to the fox.

The cunning fox teaches a lesson to the crow, to whom God sent a piece of cheese, but she could not keep it due to her stupidity. Krylov's fable The Crow and the Fox seems to say: trust your eyes, not your ears.

Fable of the Crow and the Fox read

How many times have they told the world,

Somewhere God sent a piece of cheese to a crow;
Raven perched on the spruce tree,
I was just about ready to have breakfast,
Yes, I thought about it, but I held the cheese in my mouth.
To that misfortune, the Fox ran quickly;
Suddenly the cheese spirit stopped the Fox:
The fox sees the cheese -
The fox was captivated by the cheese,
The cheat approaches the tree on tiptoe;
He twirls his tail and doesn’t take his eyes off Crow.
And he says so sweetly, barely breathing:
"My dear, how beautiful!
What a neck, what eyes!
Telling fairy tales, really!
What feathers! what a sock!
And, truly, there must be an angelic voice!
Sing, little light, don’t be ashamed!
What if, sister,
With such beauty, you are a master at singing,
After all, you would be our king bird!”
Veshunin's head was spinning with praise,
The breath stole from my throat with joy, -
And Lisitsyn’s friendly words
The crow croaked at the top of her lungs:
The cheese fell out - such was the trick with it.

Moral of the fable The Crow and the Fox

How many times have they told the world,
That flattery is vile and harmful; but everything is not for the future,
And a flatterer will always find a corner in the heart.

Fable of the Crow and the Fox - analysis

Guys, the fox in the fable is flattering and very cunning, but not bad at all; you can’t call her simple either. She is not lacking in intelligence and resourcefulness. But the crow, on the contrary, was a little stupid that she believed in the fox’s persuasion and croaked at the top of her lungs, because she actually didn’t know how to sing and couldn’t boast of an angelic voice, but how pleased she was to listen to the fox’s praise. She missed her piece of cheese, and the fox was like that. I wonder which side are you on?

The main contradiction in the fable of the Raven and the Fox lies in the inconsistency between the text and morality. Morality says that flattery is bad, but the fox who behaves exactly like this turns out to be the winner! The text of the fable demonstrates how playfully and witty the fox behaves, but far from condemning its behavior. What's the secret? But in reality there is no secret, it’s just that at every age and position, a person has a different attitude towards flattery and flatterers, sometimes the fox’s behavior will seem ideal to someone, and at other times it will seem like an ugly act. The only thing that remains unchanged is the stupidity of the fooled crow - everything here remains unchanged.

Two characters familiar to us are the Crow and the Fox: the Crow is narrow-minded, stupid, loving flattery; The fox is a big lover of cheese, cunning, insidious. There is no cheese in the forest - everyone knows this. Where did Crow get it? And she pulled him out of the window and snatched him away from the peasant. The fox does not fly; this method of obtaining cheese is not suitable for it. But she knows how to sing flattering songs to the Crow, who opens her mouth - and the treasured piece of cheese flies to the Fox. Maybe you shouldn’t always open your mouth, sometimes you should remain silent?

"The Crow and the Fox"
Russian folk tale

Voronushka saw
At the peasant's house
There is cheese on the window;
Crow grabbed it
This cheese from the window,
Dragged to the Christmas tree
Fox saw
Her secret miracles
She also wanted
“Oh, you overseas bird,
Oh, what a sock you have,
Let me listen to your voice!” —
"Karrr!" — The crow cried,
And I didn’t notice that
That there was no cheese.

Questions for the fairy tale “The Crow and the Fox”

What other works with the title “The Crow and the Fox” do you know?

How did the Fox decide to take a piece of cheese from the Crow?

Which character did you like better - Crow or Fox? Why?

What is flattery?

Have you ever met flattering people?

The fox was too lazy to get food for herself, so she lived poorly and went hungry. One day she told her daughter:
- Let me deceive the crow. I will say that I got married and began to live richly.
Daughter says:
- Don't lie! Better ask him for food in a nice way.
The fox didn't listen. She took an old wet fish net, stuffed it into a bag, tied it, and went to the raven. Raven heard someone coming and asked:
-Who's there?
And the fox is already in the hallway answering:
- My husband and I came. Raven was surprised:
- Look! My cousin got married. Let my husband show you.
Lisa says:
- The husband cannot be in the light. His ancestors lived in the dark, and he loves the dark. It's like he's blind - he doesn't see anything.
Then the raven says:
- Well, put out the lamps. Let them come in.
When the fox came in, the raven asked:
- What will you eat? Lisa replied:
- We have a lot of food. Eat yourself. The raven's wife went to the pantry to get food, and the fox quietly sneaked behind her and began putting food into a bag. She put a full sack on it, tied it, took it out into the hallway, and put it in a corner.
And the raven is still surprised:
- Well, my cousin finally got married!
And the fox keeps bragging:
- My husband has a lot of deer. Two large herds. Don't you have any eggs? My husband really loves eggs. In exchange, I promise you deer skins. Here they are, the skins, in the bag. Feel it.
Raven touched the bag. Indeed, there is something soft there, like deer skins. The raven rejoiced: “This is wealth - enough for everyone to buy clothes.” He ordered the bag to be placed in the canopy.
Raven's wife says:
- We have a son, you have a daughter. If only I could match them!
Lisa thought and said:
- If your son wants, we'll get married. While talking like this, they drank tea. Then the fox said, as if addressing her husband:
- Let's go home, otherwise our deer will get scared and run away.
She said goodbye to the raven and his wife, grabbed a bag of food in the hallway, and loaded herself up so much that she barely reached the house. At home she said to her daughter, laughing:
- Look, I deceived the raven. He thinks I really got married. And he took the old net for deer skins.
The daughter said again:
- Why are you lying? I should have asked in a nice way.
Lisa answered angrily:
- Don’t teach me, otherwise I’ll leave you without food!
The daughter fell silent, and the fox ate the eggs and began to cook the meat.
Meanwhile, the raven was happy that he had gotten the deer skins so easily. Suddenly something started dripping in the canopy. The raven's wife exclaimed:
- What is this dripping?
“Probably the fox got the expensive skin wet,” answered the raven.
At this time their son arrived. When they told him about the skins, he said:
- Come on, show off your wealth! The mother took out the bag, untied it, pulled out the net, and was surprised:
- Look, there’s nothing! Just old wet mesh!
The raven got angry and ordered:
- Cover the doors in the pantry with mesh. If the fox comes again, let him take the food himself. He puts his paw into the bag and gets into the trap.
And it’s true, after a while the fox came again, speaking falsely again:
- So my husband and I came again. They brought the skins.
The raven's wife pretended to be sick and said:
- Oh, today I have a headache. I can't go out.
Lisa says:
- Well, then goodbye, we're in a hurry.
And she made her way to the pantry and put her paw in the bag. The paw got stuck in the bag. The fox pulled her paw and wanted to run away, but she got entangled in the net and screamed:
- Oh, what are you doing to me? And the raven says:
- You did something bad to yourself. Why did she deceive us? Why did you give me an old net instead of skins? Why do you go into other people's storerooms?
The fox began to cry and began to ask to be released, but no one rescued her. Finally she managed to break the net and jump out into the street. And her paw is in a trap. So I ran home with him.
“Free me,” she asks her daughter.
The daughter didn’t want to help her mother because she was a liar, but she still took pity and freed her.
So the raven taught the thief and deceiver a lesson to the fox...

Fable by Ivan Andreevich Krylov "The Crow and the Fox" was created no later than the end of 1807, and was published for the first time in the Dramatic Bulletin magazine in 1908. The plot of this fable has been known since ancient times and has traveled across countries and centuries to this day. We meet him at Aesop* ( Ancient Greece), Phaedra (Ancient Rome), Lafontaine (France, XVII century), Lessing* (Germany, XVIII century), Russian poets A.P. Sumarokov (XVIII century), V.K. Trediakovsky (XVIII century)


How many times have they told the world,
That flattery is vile and harmful; but everything is not for the future,
And a flatterer will always find a corner in the heart.

Somewhere God sent a piece of cheese to a crow;
Raven perched on the spruce tree,
I was just about ready to have breakfast,
Yes, I thought about it, but I held the cheese in my mouth.
To that misfortune, the Fox ran quickly;
Suddenly the cheese spirit stopped the Fox:
The fox sees the cheese, the fox is captivated by the cheese.
The cheat approaches the tree on tiptoe;
He twirls his tail and doesn’t take his eyes off Crow.
And he says so sweetly, barely breathing:
"My dear, how beautiful!
What a neck, what eyes!
Telling fairy tales, really!
What feathers! what a sock!
And, truly, there must be an angelic voice!
Sing, little light, don’t be ashamed! What if, sister,
With such beauty, you are a master at singing, -
After all, you would be our king bird!”
Veshunin's head was spinning with praise,
The breath stole from my throat with joy, -
And Lisitsyn’s friendly words
The crow croaked at the top of her lungs:
The cheese fell out - such was the trick with it.

Our modern Russian language has changed somewhat since the time the fable was written, and we rarely use some words and expressions. To better understand the meaning of some words from the fable, look up their meaning:

"God Sent"- this means it came from unknown where.
Perched- having climbed up.
Spirit- here means smell.
Captivated- attracted attention, delighted.
Cheat- a liar.
King Bird- this is the most important, most important bird in the forest, which has beautiful plumage and a wonderful voice, in a word, it surpasses everyone in everything.
Pythoness- this comes from the word “to know”, to know. A soothsayer is a sorceress who knows everything in advance. It is believed that crows can predict fate, which is why in the fable the Crow is called a soothsayer.
Goiter- the throat of a bird.


Check out the prototypes of Krylov's fable:

Aesop (VI-V centuries BC)
Raven and Fox

The raven took away a piece of meat and sat down on a tree. The fox saw it and wanted to get this meat. She stood in front of the Raven and began to praise him: he was great and handsome, and could become a king over the birds better than others, and he would, of course, if he also had a voice. The Raven wanted to show her that he had a voice; He released the meat and croaked in a loud voice. And the fox ran up, grabbed the meat and said: “Eh, raven, if you also had a mind in your head, you wouldn’t need anything else to reign.”
The fable is appropriate against an unreasonable person.

Gotthold Ephraim Lessing (1729-1781)
Crow and Fox

The crow was carrying in its claws a piece of poisoned meat that an angry gardener had planted for his neighbor's cats.
And as soon as she sat down on an old oak tree to eat her prey, a fox crept up and exclaimed, turning to her:
- Glory to you, O bird of Jupiter!
-Who do you take me for? - asked the crow.
-Who do I take you for? - the fox objected. “Aren’t you that noble eagle that every day descends from the hand of Zeus onto this oak tree and brings me, poor thing, food?” Why are you pretending? Or do I not see in your victorious claws the alms I begged for, which your master still sends me with you?
The crow was surprised and sincerely delighted that it was mistaken for an eagle.
“There is no need to bring the fox out of this delusion,” she thought.
And, filled with stupid generosity, she threw her prey to the fox and proudly flew away.
The fox, laughing, picked up the meat and ate it with gloating. But soon her joy turned into a painful feeling; the poison began to take effect, and she died.
Let you, damned hypocrites, get nothing but poison as a reward for your praises.

marmalade, 150 grams
peeled walnuts, 200 grams
sweet corn sticks, 140 grams
butter, 175 grams
can of boiled condensed milk, 1 cup

Pour the corn sticks into a deep bowl. Add melted water there butter and boiled condensed milk.
Mix well, kneading a little and breaking the sticks with your hands.
Cut the marmalade into arbitrary strips or cubes.
Add the marmalade to the bowl with the sticks and stir gently.
Chop the walnuts.
Form an oblong loaf from the resulting mass. Roll it in nut crumbs.
Wrap in cellophane or foil and place in the freezer for half an hour.
Then remove and cut into slices crosswise.

(If there are no nuts, then you can roll the resulting sausage in finely crushed cookies)


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