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To quench our thirst during the hot season, we can make our own bread kvass without yeast. Homemade kvass, saturated with beneficial microelements and vitamins formed as a result of cooking, will refresh and invigorate.

Recipes for preparing kvass and compositions are varied, but the most best solution do not use yeast, but make it with sourdough from black bread made from rye flour. I am preparing a natural kvass drink according to my grandmother’s recipe and now I will tell you step by step how to make it.

History of kvass

Bread kvass is a popular truly Russian drink in Rus', and as written sources of history say, it came to us from Egypt and took root only among the Slavs. You could drink kvass, not only as an escape from thirst, but also cold okroshkas were made from it.

In ancient times, vigorous kvass was made by fermentation rye bread, added various berries, honey, malted barley and many other recipes that have survived to this day. But there is no better way to make sourdough kvass without adding yeast.

Homemade kvass recipe for 3 liters of water

We make kvass at home and it contains products that we always have on hand. Basis for delicious drink is a sourdough starter made from black bread baked from rye flour.

Ingredients for kvass:

  • Rye bread - 500 grams
  • Sugar-2 tablespoons
  • Boiled and cooled water - 3 liters

How to make kvass from bread

We will prepare a popular sourdough drink from rye bread without using yeast in 2 stages. Making kvass is not the fastest process, especially the first kvass, then the next and subsequent kvass are prepared all summer on this basis quickly and tasty.

We make the bread drink correctly and do not use yeast, which can turn the drink into mash rather than into kvass, because fermentation with alcohol will prevail over fermented milk and the amount of vitamins and beneficial microelements should prevail over the alcohol composition.

In any case, yeast is released when in different ways preparing kvass drinks, but according to our recipe they will not be the first to appear, but in the first place you will get lactic acid bacteria, which are useful for the human body. You can tell that rye bread also contains yeast, but it has already died during the baking process.

Preparing the starter - the first stage

The first stage is preparing the sourdough and this is a very quick process, but very simple. We prepare crackers from rye bread, some of which we need for sourdough, and the other for preparing the bread drink itself.

  1. Cut the bread into pieces and place in a preheated oven to a temperature of 160-170 degrees, so that they acquire a golden color, but do not let them become charred.
  2. While the pieces of sliced ​​rye bread are rising in the oven, in the meantime we will boil 3 liters of water and leave to cool to room temperature.
  3. We have prepared a liter jar and put 1-2 dried pieces of bread in it, add 1 teaspoon of sugar to start the fermentation process. Pour 1-2 glasses of chilled boiled water there and mix.
  4. Now cover the jar with a lid with holes or gauze, put it in a warm place and leave it to ferment for 3 days. After 3 days we had a natural starter for further preparation of kvass, but don’t be alarmed that it turned out cloudy and smells sour, that’s how it should be.

Preparing kvass - second stage

Our starter for kvass is made from rye crackers, now we’ll make a refreshing bread drink in the summer, and you can use it to make delicious okroshka, the so-called cold soup.

  1. To do this, take a 3-liter jar, pour all the starter into it, put 3-4 pieces of rye crackers and fill the starter with water, but not to the brim of the jar, as the contents will begin to swell.
  2. Cover the jar with gauze and send it to the second stage of fermentation. The kvass will infuse, acquire a bready taste, and naturally there will be a release of alcohol, although to a lesser extent than using yeast.
  3. After 2 days, the kvass is ready, add sugar to taste and pour into cold bottles and then enjoy the delicious drink made according to Russian traditions.

And now the most important point is that, while preserving the crumb from the sourdough, we leave it for the next kvass for the whole summer, thereby skipping the first stage of 3 days when it was made, and we will only need to add water, rye crackers and granulated sugar, leave Infuse for a couple of days, and the refreshing drink is ready to drink!


I told you how to make bread kvass without adding yeast with your own hands at home, which is very healthy and tasty. Grandma's recipe for making kvass from black bread is the most popular kvass drink in Rus' previously and to this day.

Natural rye kvass with a bready taste, rich in microelements and vitamins, cannot be compared with store-bought kvass full of preservatives. The benefits of kvass prepared at home are undeniable for human health.

I will be glad if you offer your recipes for making kvass and I will try to make it.

Kvass prepared at home will be an excellent alternative to store-bought drinks, which contain many harmful substances. It will help you cool down in the summer heat, as well as improve your health at any time of the year. It is not necessary to use yeast in recipes, since the drink will be tasty and healthy even without it.

How to make bread kvass - a simple recipe

Let's start with the most common recipe, which does not require many ingredients. You can simply drink the drink, or use it, for example, to make okroshka.


  • 285 g rye bread;
  • 1.6 liters of warm water;
  • 1.5 tbsp. spoons of sugar.

Cooking method:

Recipe for bread kvass without yeast at home with raisins

The prepared drink is popular with people who are watching their weight or want to lose weight, since it has very few calories. Use it for dough, for various dishes and drinks.


  • Rye flour;
  • boiled water;
  • a few highlights;
  • 2.5 tbsp. spoons of granulated sugar.

Cooking method:

  1. Combine water and flour in such an amount that you end up with 0.5 liters of mixture, the consistency of which should be like thick sour cream.
  2. Add granulated sugar and raisins.
  3. Leave the jar at room temperature for 3 days.
  4. During this time, the mass should begin to ferment.
  5. Then add another 2 tbsp. spoons of flour and sugar and pour in 3 liters of water.
  6. Leave the container at room temperature for 5 days.
  7. After time, strain the drink and cool.
  8. The grounds that remain in the bottle can be used for a new portion, just add another 2 tbsp. spoons of flour and sugar.

How to make homemade beet kvass without yeast?

Using this recipe, you can make a Slavic drink that can be drunk separately and also used for various first courses. It is very beneficial for health, which is why it is used in traditional medicine recipes.


  • Large beets;
  • boiled water;
  • 4.5 tbsp. spoons of sugar;
  • a piece of black bread.

Cooking method:

How to make homemade kvass with mint?

Thanks to the use of mint, the drink is refreshing and very tasty. It can not only be drunk separately, but also used in the preparation of various cocktails. In addition, one cannot but rejoice at the minimal list of ingredients.


  • 325 g mint;
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of granulated sugar;
  • boiling water.

Cooking method:

  1. Take a 2-liter jar and put mint in it, which you need to tear with your hands so that the juices come out.
  2. Greens should fill approximately 1/4 of the volume.
  3. Send granulated sugar and boiling water there.
  4. Cover the top of the jar with gauze and leave for 3 days.
  5. After the time has passed, remove the foam and strain the drink, and then put it in the refrigerator for a while.

Homemade oat kvass recipe

Making a drink is quick and easy. Kvass is not only very tasty, but also healthy, since oats contain many substances beneficial to the body. IN folk medicine It is recommended to drink it when you feel weak, tired, or have problems with appetite. The drink is almost white in color.


  • 2 tbsp. oats;
  • 4 tbsp. boiled water;
  • 4 teaspoons of granulated sugar.

Cooking method:

Homemade kvass recipe without yeast

It is believed that the drink prepared according to this recipe is as similar as possible to the kvass that was sold on the streets in Soviet times. The difference lies in the enormous benefits of the homemade option. You need to use a 5 liter bottle.


  • 3 tbsp. wheat;
  • 4 liters of boiled water;
  • 8 tbsp. spoons of kvass wort;
  • 1.5 tbsp. granulated sugar.

Cooking method:

How to make homemade kvass with honey?

This drink combines the sweetness of honey, the freshness of mint and the acidity of lemon. Kvass turns out very tasty and refreshing.


  • 12 tbsp. spoons of honey;
  • rhubarb;
  • granulated sugar;
  • mint;
  • 2 lemons;
  • currant leaves.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour 4 liters of water into a saucepan, bring it to a boil and add chopped rhubarb.
  2. Turn off the heat and cool.
  3. Add honey, chopped lemon zest and juice.
  4. Send mint and currant leaves there too.
  5. Mix everything well until the honey dissolves.
  6. Leave to infuse for a day.
  7. After the time has passed, strain, pour into jars, close the lids and refrigerate for 7 days.

Now you know how to prepare bread, beet and other options homemade kvass. The drink is quick and easy to prepare, and as a result you get huge benefits in a small glass.

You can experiment with the composition of the ingredients, using, for example, cranberries, hawthorn and other berries. In general, enjoy cooking.

What could be more pleasant than a sip of refreshing brewed kvass in the summer heat? And if it is also prepared with your own hands, then it’s just a fairy tale! Do you want to learn how to make kvass starter at home? Then come to us! Let's cook and experiment together.

All starters used to prepare kvass can be divided into yeast and yeast-free - with the addition of yeast and without the use of yeast, respectively. Yeast-free starters take longer to mature than yeast starters, but the kvass obtained from them does not have the specific smell of baker's yeast. The basis for sourdoughs is usually flour (rye or wheat) or bread, while rye or wheat malt and hops can also be used as additional ingredients. Raisins, honey, apple peels or grape skins can also be added to the starter - these ingredients help activate the fermentation process and make the kvass more flavorful. Despite the fact that the most delicious kvass is believed to be made from rye bread, it is not forbidden to use wheat crackers as a base for sourdough - they should be thoroughly dried in the oven so that the resulting kvass has a beautiful color. But you can take rye bread with the addition of caraway seeds - it will add spicy flavor notes to the drink.

High-quality starter is the key to successful preparation of tasty and healthy kvass. The secrets here are extremely simple. Firstly, prepare the starter only with the addition of boiled water, since the use raw water alters the fermentation process and may cause stomach upset. Secondly, practice good hygiene. This means that the container in which the starter will ferment should be thoroughly washed hot water, and even better, sterilize it to get rid of unnecessary microorganisms. It is best to make sourdough in glass or enamel containers, but not in plastic or aluminum. You should not use containers that previously contained dairy products to prepare the starter. Thirdly, there is no need to rush - let the sourdough ferment completely, since unripe raw materials may contain compounds hazardous to health. Also remember that only fresh yeast is suitable for making sourdough; otherwise, don’t expect a tasty drink.

The prepared starter can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time and used as needed. If you keep the starter in the refrigerator, do not forget to “feed” it once a week - this is done, for example, by adding rye flour, raisins or hop cones. The starter can also be frozen, but it may take 2 to 4 days to “revitalize” it before use.

Bread leaven with yeast

2 tablespoons dried bread crumbs,
100 g sugar,
50 g pressed yeast,
1 glass of boiled water.

Dissolve sugar in warm water, heated to about 40 degrees. Pour the resulting liquid over the bread crumbs and leave for an hour. Dissolve the yeast in a small amount of warm water and add to the soaked bread crumbs. Keep the starter in a warm place for two days.

Yeast starter for kvass

10 g dry baker's yeast,
2 tablespoons rye or wheat flour,
1 tablespoon sugar,
100 ml boiled water.

In a bowl, combine flour with yeast and pour in warm water heated to 30 degrees. Stir the mixture well, cover the bowl with a towel and put it in a warm place for half an hour. The starter is ready.

Yeast-free starter for kvass from rye bread

2 glasses of boiled water,
a slice of rye bread,
1 teaspoon sugar.

Pour water into a 0.5 liter jar. Add bread and sugar, stir. Cover the jar with gauze and place in a warm place to ferment. The starter will be ready in 1-2 days, and you can determine its readiness by taste and appearance- the starter should be cloudy and have a strong taste.

Sourdough for kvass made from rye flour without yeast

10 tablespoons rye flour,
200 ml boiled water,
1 teaspoon sugar.

Pour 100 ml of water into a bowl, add sugar and 4 tablespoons of flour. Stir until you obtain a homogeneous consistency reminiscent of sour cream. Cover the bowl with a slightly damp towel or gauze and leave overnight at room temperature. After this, add another 2 tablespoons of flour and 50 ml of water to the starter. Mix well, cover the bowl again and leave to ferment for another day. On the third day, repeat the previous step, adding the remaining ingredients. On the fourth day, the starter will be ready - it will bubble slightly and acquire the characteristic smell of rye bread. This starter can be stored in the refrigerator, once a week “feeding” it with 2 teaspoons of rye flour.

Yeast-free starter made from crackers with raisins

250 g rye bread,
4 tablespoons sugar,
2 tablespoons raisins,
boiled water.

Cut the bread into small pieces and dry in the oven until a crust appears on the cut. Place the resulting crackers in a liter jar and pour boiling water over them until they are completely covered with water. Add sugar, stir and let cool to a temperature of 35-37 degrees. Then add raisins, mix and place in a warm place to ferment. After 2-3 days, when the starter starts to foam and has a sour smell, it can be considered ready.

Yeast-free rye sourdough with added hops

500 g rye flour,
4 tablespoons hops,
2 tablespoons sugar,
500 ml water.

Pour flour into a saucepan and add enough water to form a dough when stirred, as for pancakes. Add crushed hop cones, 500 ml of water and put the pan on the fire. Bring to a boil and simmer gently for 15 minutes. Cool to warm temperature and stir in sugar. Cover and place in a warm place for 10-12 hours.

The following recipe allows you to “kill two birds with one stone” at once - prepare kvass and obtain a starter from the remaining sediment, in order to later use it to prepare a new portion of kvass.

Yeast starter made from crackers with hops

300 g rye bread crackers,
10 g pressed yeast,
2 tablespoons sugar,
2 tablespoons hop cones,
1 tablespoon rye flour,
1 tablespoon raisins,
3 liters of water.

Add flour and sugar to the yeast diluted in a small amount of warm water and mix until smooth. Place the crackers in a 3-liter jar and fill with hot water, not reaching the hangers. Add hop cones and raisins, stir and let cool to a temperature of 30-35 degrees. Pour the yeast mixture into a jar, stir, cover with a towel or gauze, and then put it in a warm place for 2-3 days. Using cheesecloth, drain the finished kvass, and add 3 tablespoons of sugar and some crackers to the remaining starter. Pour in water and place in a warm place to ferment again. After the kvass has been drained, part of the starter can be put into the refrigerator for storage, and the remaining starter can be used for the next preparation of kvass, adding sugar, crackers and water. The starter stored in the refrigerator must be “fed” from time to time with hop cones and a small amount of raisins.

Now, having learned how to make kvass starter at home, you can always prepare live natural kvass yourself and delight your loved ones and friends with it. Bon appetit and the most delicious homemade kvass!

Kvass without yeast is considered one of the most traditional drinks. In the old days, not a single feast could take place without it. This drink appeared among the Slavs more than a thousand years ago, even before Kievan Rus was founded. He was revered by all classes. In addition, already at that time kvass was used in many hospitals, as well as in hospitals. This was done to restore the strength of the sick. Nowadays this drink is used a little less by people. However, anyone can make it at home.

Properties of the drink

Yeast-free kvass is a fairly healthy and ancient drink that is considered low-alcohol. It is made through the fermentation of sourdough, be it dairy or bread. The finished drink has a low strength, up to two and a half percent. In most countries, kvass is a subtype of beer, but in Slavic countries it is considered an independent drink.

This pleasant drink is made both in factories and at home. However, at factories, kvass is also enriched with carbon dioxide to make the shelf life much longer. At home, kvass is prepared without various chemical additions, and its benefits will be enormous.

Benefits of kvass

What distinguishes kvass from other drinks is large number positive qualities.

  • Among them, the most famous is low calorie content. So, per hundred grams of product there are only thirty kilocalories. Therefore, many people use it for different methods of losing weight.
  • This drink will help refresh you in hot weather and quench your thirst. It has a wonderful aroma and an interesting aftertaste.
  • In addition, drinking even a glass of aromatic drink can relieve fatigue and significantly increase a person’s ability to work.
  • It makes the intestines work much more efficiently, speeding up, in addition, metabolism. In addition, it prevents cholesterol from remaining in the body and harming it.
  • Kvass improves immunity.
  • Even diabetics need to take it.
  • Even doctors recommend consuming kvass if you have a sore throat or cold.
  • By drinking kvass, you can significantly improve your nail plate.

Disadvantages of kvass

Kvass prepared without the use of yeast is contraindicated for some people. Therefore, before using it, you should consult with your doctors, or at least be partially familiar with some of the information presented below.

  1. It is not recommended to drink kvass for people with stomach problems, especially with ulcers or gastritis.
  2. It should not be taken by children under three years of age, pregnant women, or those who are breastfeeding. After all, it contains a certain percentage of alcohol.

Cooking features

To prepare yeast-free kvass at home, you need to take only the best products. It would be correct to use bread that was prepared in the same way without the use of yeast or at least without artificial additives. After all, they will largely prevent the kvass from fermenting. It is better to take water from a well or purchased, since the liquid from wells is not always of high quality.

When drying bread, you should not use any vegetable oil, nor any seasonings. There is also no need to wash dried fruits, because in this way you can wash off the natural yeast present on them. Another very important component for such a drink is sugar. It gives it malt and also helps to form gases in kvass.

The dishes in which kvass will be prepared can be either made of glass or enameled, but in no case metal.

To make a kvass drink, you can use various ancient recipes, as well as various ingredients, among which any bread is practically the main component.

Popular recipes

There are many recipes for such a unique drink made without yeast. And they are all quite simple in their own way, and the drinks created in this way are aromatic and incredibly tasty. Therefore, it is necessary to consider those that are in greatest demand. To make kvass without using yeast, you need to make any starter that can be stretched more than once. It is made in different ways, using different additives. Bread or hops are suitable for this.

Fragrant sourdough based on black bread

Required components:

  • four hundred grams of water;
  • three slices of rye aromatic black bread;
  • two teaspoons of regular sugar.

The cooking process is simple. First of all, the malt is prepared. It's not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Place pre-toasted pieces of bread in a glass container, add granulated sugar and add a little chilled water.

After this, the jar must be covered with a thin cloth and placed in a place where it is warm. The fermentation process should take two days.

As a result, the leaven will turn out to be of a cloudy color. This additive is enough to make about three liters of drink.

Hop starter

To make a hop starter, you need to use the following components:

  • three tablespoons of hops;
  • half a liter of water;
  • one and a half tablespoons of flour;
  • one and a half tablespoons of honey.

You need to pour all the water into the hops and place the vessel on the stove. It should boil for about fifteen minutes. Next, the composition must be cooled and strained. After this, honey and flour are added and everything mixes very well. This mixture is then kept warm for two or three days.

Raisin sourdough

This starter is considered an ideal replacement for yeast. To make it, you will need the following components:

  • fifteen grams of large raisins;
  • one hundred and fifty grams of purified water;
  • two teaspoons of sugar.

Granulated sugar is combined in a container with raisins, after which everything is filled with clean water. The resulting cocktail should be quickly covered with a thin cloth and placed in a warm place.

Bread kvass from grandma

The drink prepared in this way is reminiscent of drinks from childhood.

Required ingredients:

  • one loaf of bread (rye);
  • nine liters of water;
  • three hundred grams of white sugar;
  • one hundred or one hundred twenty grams of raisins.

To make bread kvass, you need to grind the bread into breadcrumbs and put it in a frying pan. Next, you need to cook them, being careful not to overcook them.

Afterwards, these pieces should be placed in a large container and filled with boiling water.

These ingredients should stand for three and a half hours. Then everything is filtered through translucent gauze or ordinary light cloth, and everything else is added to the container.

This drink is covered and placed for a couple of hours where it is darker and warmer.

When foam appears, you need to strain it again and then transfer it to a glass container. In order for the fermentation process to continue, several large raisins must be thrown into the vessel and again taken to a cool and very dark place.

When a few days have passed, you can taste the drink.

Kvass made from honey and wheat

Very interesting and unusual is kvass prepared without the use of yeast.

To do this you will need the following ingredients:

  • eight to ten tablespoons of sourdough made according to any of the recipes described above;
  • one and a half glasses of honey;
  • three glasses of wheat;
  • four liters of water.

Step by step recipe:

  1. the wheat must be washed very well and then poured cold water, after which this ingredient must be infused for fifteen minutes;
  2. Next, you need to drain the water from the wheat, cover it with any cloth and leave it to germinate; the grain must be washed regularly so that it does not turn sour;
  3. when the wheat sprouts grow to three millimeters, you need to grind them in a meat grinder and mix with all the other ingredients;
  4. the pan with all the ingredients must be covered with gauze or a napkin, after which everything must be placed in a warm place;
  5. when bubbles appear over the entire surface, this will mean that the kvass is ready.

Rye kvass based on flour

Making kvass based on flour at home is not difficult.

Required ingredients:

  • two handfuls of fresh rye flour;
  • five hundred grams of any starter;
  • two hundred and fifty grams of sugar;
  • three liters of water.

The cooking recipe includes several steps.

  1. Granulated sugar and flour should be poured into the prepared bowl and stirred in a liter of water. Then you need to add the prepared preparation and the water that remains.
  2. Then all this is wrapped up and placed in a fairly warm place. After two days, the contents must be strained and poured into the container that was prepared in advance.
  3. The grounds that remain can be used to prepare another portion of kvass.

Kvass made from birch sap

The birch drink itself has a large number of useful substances. But when preparing this drink, you need to be careful, because if you boil it even a little, it will lose all its benefits. Therefore, many people prepare delicious kvass from it.

Ingredients required for this:

  • three liters of birch sap;
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • ten grams of raisins.

Step by step recipe:

  1. the juice must be filtered through a layer of gauze;
  2. then you need to add the components prepared in advance and stir everything;
  3. then you need to put the juice in a cool place, leaving it there for several days;
  4. then the aromatic drink is poured into jars.

Rye kvass

This option is ideal for the base of a delicious okroshka. To prepare it, you will need very few ingredients:

  • three and a half liters of water;
  • three hundred grams of rye flour.

Add flour to one liter of just boiled water. Then this mass must be mixed very well to avoid the appearance of lumps. After this, everything needs to be wrapped in something warm and left to ferment for three days.

When the dough has fermented, you need to pour in the remaining water and place it in a warm place for another three days.

Beetroot drink

To prepare such an unusual kvass, you need to select the following components:

  • one kilogram of red beets;
  • one piece yeast-free bread, it is better if it is rye;
  • four and a half tablespoons of sugar;
  • two liters of water.

Step by step recipe:

  1. the beets need to be washed, peeled and chopped on a coarse or medium grater;
  2. a few crusts of bread need to be toasted;
  3. then you need to combine the beets with breadcrumbs, add water to them;
  4. This drink needs to be infused for about four days, after which it must be strained and poured into prepared jars.

Kvass from oats

Without using yeast, you can also make kvass based on oats.


  • half a kilogram of oats;
  • six tablespoons of sugar;
  • three and a half liters of water.

Oats must be washed well and placed in a jar. Then you need to pour half of the taken sugar there and fill it with water. Afterwards you need to mix everything well and cover with a thin cloth.

The contents of the jar should be infused for two days. Then you need to drain the water and fill the mixture with other, clean water, and also add the sugar that remains. Afterwards, the drink should brew for another fifteen hours. Then it must be strained and the bottles closed.

Lemon kvass

In the summer, you can quench your thirst with lemon kvass. For this you need the following ingredients:

  • one and a half liters of water;
  • ten raisins;
  • three and a half tablespoons of honey;
  • one medium lemon;
  • six tablespoons of sugar.

Step by step recipe:

  1. water needs to be boiled and cooled;
  2. you need to wash the lemon and squeeze the juice out of it, and chop the zest quite finely;
  3. when the preparation is completed, all the components must be mixed in a container prepared in advance and covered with gauze, then you need to put it in a dark place for one or two days;
  4. after this, the finished mixture must be filtered and poured into a glass container;
  5. Add two or three raisins to each jar and close with a lid;
  6. The kvass should steep for about two weeks in a cool place.

Rhubarb kvass

To prepare this drink, you need the following components:

  • two stalks of rhubarb;
  • one and a half glasses of water;
  • ten grams of raisins;
  • seventy-five grams of sugar;
  • ten grams of freshly picked mint;
  • one teaspoon of cinnamon;
  • two carnations;
  • juice from one lemon.

First you need to prepare the starter. You need to throw raisins into a jar and fill it with one hundred milliliters of water. Add one teaspoon of sugar to it and cover with a thin cloth. After four days of fermentation, the product will be ready.

Rhubarb should be washed well, cut into small pieces and boiled for five minutes.

Add spices, as well as granulated sugar, and cook for another five minutes. When the broth has cooled, you need to strain it and add fresh mint and the prepared preparation. The drink should be placed in a dark place for fifteen hours. Then you need to add granulated sugar and pour it into pre-prepared jars or bottles, but do not top it up completely.

Berry-honey kvass

This drink is especially useful in hot weather. It will help cool down a hot body, as well as fill the body with healthy vitamins.

Required ingredients:

  • half a kilogram of strawberries;
  • four tablespoons of sugar;
  • half or even one fourth of a teaspoon of citric acid;
  • two tablespoons of honey.

Strawberries need to be peeled and washed. Then put it in water and wait until it boils. Next, the strawberry broth must be removed from the heat and allowed to stand for about one hour.

Immediately strain it and add all the other ingredients. Then stir again and pour into prepared jars or glass bottles. You can also add a few small raisins to each vessel.

Then you need to put the kvass in a warm place for two days. After this period, you can start tasting the healthy drink.

How to store?

If we talk about sourdough, it can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two months. It should be stored in tightly closed glass jars.

Homemade kvass will not last that long. It is healthy and tasty in the first three days from the time it is ready.

If you store it longer, fermentation will stop, and it will lose all its benefits. It will simply turn into a low-alcohol drink.

Making kvass without yeast at home is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. This kvass will be prepared without the addition of preservatives and carbon dioxide, which is very beneficial for the body.

To learn how to make kvass without yeast at home, see the following video.

Almost every national cuisine is replete with truly folk dishes that you will find both at a family dinner and at a celebration. Our traditional bread kvass with yeast-free sourdough is just such a national dish, and its recipe for preparing it at home is simple and easy! Culinary experts highly value its excellent refreshing taste, impressive nutritional and medicinal properties, as well as many variations in ingredients.

Yeast-free kvass is prepared using wort, and wort is a fermented mixture of crackers with crusts, a small amount of sugar and water. The wort can also be prepared with rye flour - simply replace the crackers with flour. Sourdough kvass without yeast is the most natural and medicinal drink, which in its effect on all the main systems of the body is similar to the products of lactic acid fermentation - kefir, kumiss, yogurt, fermented baked milk, etc.

Let's take a closer look classic recipe homemade bread kvass from crackers, and we’ll also supplement your culinary repertoire with a recipe for Petrovsky kvass, which has an outstanding anti-inflammatory effect on the body and excellent thirst-quenching properties.

Homemade kvass recipe without yeast

The entire process of preparing delicious homemade kvass from black bread with yeast-free sourdough consists of two stages: preparing the wort, and then using it to easily ferment the drink itself. Those. The role of “starter” of the fermentation process is assigned to properly prepared bread leaven (wort).

Stage I: preparing a starter for kvass without yeast

For the starter we will need: 2 slices of black bread with crusts, 1 teaspoon of sugar, 2 cups of slightly warm boiled water.

Before making the wort, cut the pieces of bread into small cubes and dry them in the oven until crispy. Cool and pour into a half-liter jar. Add sugar and water there. Cover the jar with a towel and place it in a warm corner for fermentation. The wort ferments for about a day or two (depending on the room temperature). The finished starter is sharply sour in taste and cloudy.

Stage II: preparation of bread kvass using yeast-free sourdough

Pour the entire volume of wort into a 3-liter jar, add a couple of handfuls of rye bread crackers toasted in the oven, 2 tablespoons of sugar and fill with water at room temperature almost to the neck of the jar. Before putting the kvass on the bread for fermentation, cover the jar with a towel and leave it at room temperature, preferably on the sunny side of the room, for one or two days.

We determine the readiness of the bread elixir by taste - it should have sourness, a recognizable color and smell. Strain the upper volume of liquid into a clean bowl through cheesecloth, if desired, add a little sugar (2 tbsp) or honey (1 tbsp).

Pour into plastic bottles, put 2-3 raisins in each bottle and leave the finished product at room conditions to release carbon dioxide. As soon as the bottles become hard, we immediately move them to the refrigerator. After cooling, enjoy the taste!

We leave a third of the grounds that remain after straining as a starter for the next portion of the drink. We offer the rest of the leaven to friends or neighbors, and tell them how to make homemade kvass without yeast - a recipe for a true elixir.

Add water to the rest of the leaven again, replenish the container with a handful of toasted crackers or bread crusts, add sugar and make a new portion of refreshing kvass!

Yeast-free sourdough on bread can be stored in the refrigerator, in a tightly closed jar, for several months.

Petrovsky kvass - recipe


Petrovsky kvass variety is an old recipe for kvass made with black bread, horseradish and honey. This unusual combination of ingredients gives the drink a piquant and original taste.

  1. Cut the rye bread into small slices and fry in the oven until dark crusts. This will give the drink a beautiful color and aftertaste. For the recipe you will need 800 g of crackers with crusts.
  2. We take a capacious enamel pan with a capacity of 5 liters, put our crackers in it and pour 4 liters of boiling water. Let the breadcrumbs sit for about 2 hours.
  3. Strain the almost cooled bread infusion through cheesecloth or a fine sieve into another container, pour in the yeast diluted in half a glass of warm water, add sugar and stir thoroughly. wooden spoon or a spatula.
  4. Let the kvass mixture ferment for several hours until a large foam appears. Usually 5-6 hours is enough.
  5. Grind the horseradish root on a fine grater or (which is much better) chop it in a closed blender bowl. Mix with honey and add to the prepared kvass base. Stir thoroughly, pour into jars and put a few mint leaves and a few raisins in each jar.
  6. We close the containers with lids and put them in the refrigerator. The drink is infused for 2-3 hours.
  7. Serve strained and cold.

In conclusion, we are happy to share with you a few subtleties of making delicious homemade kvass that will help you prepare a fancy version of your favorite drink.

Secrets of delicious homemade kvass

  • The base for kvass can be: bread or flour, berries, fruits and vegetables, malt. In fact, you can use any bread, even a white loaf. But the classic drink is prepared, of course, on black (rye) bread.
  • If you decide to make berry or vegetable kvass (for example, from beets), then you should take into account that the berries must have sufficient potential for fermentation - they must contain sugars and acids.
  • Delicious kvass made with bad water is nonsense! The most best water for filling the starter - forest spring. Springs within large towns and cities can be polluted, although visually they appear crystal clear. Choose bottled filtered water. If you doubt the quality of the water, boil it.
  • The sweetness of kvass is added by dissolving sugar or honey in it. With honey, the kvass turns out more aromatic and rich, and beneficial properties is increasing!
    If the drink is still fermenting in the refrigerator, then do not put sweeteners into bottles before packing - otherwise the fermentation process will be active and you will not be able to carefully open the bottle. It would be wiser to add honey or sugar before serving - this way you will take into account the taste of the guests.
  • You can improve the taste characteristics of kvass elixirs using all kinds of additives. The most popular of them are mint, raisins and horseradish root. All additives are mixed with the liquid base before putting it in the refrigerator for slow fermentation and maturation of the kvass.

Each of the recipes for bread kvass at home will delight you with its aroma and taste - without yeast or with yeast. In any case, you will prepare these drinks from natural ingredients, transferring the warmth of your hands to them and wishing everyone a long and healthy life!


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