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If a person has never had to care for a seriously ill person, he most likely does not know how a medical functional bed differs from a regular one. At best, I remember a lifting headboard and wheels. In fact, a medical bed has many accessories and functions necessary for a particular disease. They are used both in hospitals and at home when caring for an elderly or sick person.

Before purchasing a medical bed, you must consult a traumatologist or orthopedist. The fact is that in addition to the functional features of the bed, which are understandable even to a non-professional, there are such nuances as the hardness of the mattress, an anti-decubitus system, special accessories, etc. The doctor will help you understand the intricacies and give recommendations for a specific case.

Functions of modern medical beds

1. Adjustment of the head (back) section

The section on which the back and head rests rises to a certain angle (on average 75°) and is fixed in this position, allowing the patient to half sit and half lie down. In this position it is convenient to eat, watch TV, read, work on a laptop or tablet. In addition, in this position the digestive and respiratory systems function better.

The backrest angle is adjustable in three ways:

  • Using an electric drive. The backrest rises and falls when you press a button on the remote control.
  • Using a screw drive. The backrest rises and falls when a special lever at the foot of the bed is rotated.
  • Using a mechanical drive (step adjustment). The backrest rises and is fixed in special gaps, similar to those provided in sun loungers.

2. Adjustment of the foot section

The angle of the leg section can also be adjusted using a mechanical, screw or electric drive. The position of the leg section needs to be changed to avoid numbness in the legs or to move the bed into a “cardio chair” position.

3. Height adjustment

The height of the bed is adjusted using a worm, mechanical or electric drive. When the bed is in a low position, it is convenient for the patient to sit on the bed and put his feet on the floor. The high position of the bed makes it convenient for caregivers and doctors to carry out procedures.

4. Adjustment of the angle of the bed (Trendelenburg/Anti-Trendelenburg position)

A bed equipped with this function can be placed in a position where the legs are raised (Trendelenburg) or when the front is raised (Anti-Trendelenburg).

In the Trendelenburg position, the patient lies on his back and his pelvis is elevated at an angle of 45° relative to the head.

5. CPR. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation system

This function allows you to smoothly, without jerking, but in an emergency, move the bed from any position to a completely horizontal position for performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

Types of functional medical beds

According to their functional equipment, medical beds can be divided into three groups*:

  • Home medical beds
  • Hospital beds
  • Beds for resuscitation and intensive care

* - This division is conditional, since sometimes it is very difficult to draw a clear line between groups.

Home beds

Such medical beds are designed to care for bedridden patients, the elderly and patients undergoing rehabilitation after injury or surgery at home. Home medical beds do not require a radiolucent bed or CPR.

The design of such beds, as a rule, is softened and tends towards home comfort: wooden panels, carved backs, smooth lines. There are many accessories available for home medical beds, such as a bedside table with a pull-out table, an overbed table, a headrest, etc.

Hospital beds

Such beds are usually used in general hospital wards. Most often they have a mechanical or worm drive, equipped with wheels and one or two lifting sections.

Beds for resuscitation and intensive care

Medical beds for intensive care and resuscitation departments are the most functional. As a rule, they have the most large number sections (4-5), adjustable in height and other parameters. Depending on the model, such beds can be equipped with independent side rails (up to 4 pieces), a toilet device, a special bed transparent to X-rays, a Trendelenburg/Anti-Trendelenburg function, and lateral rotation (raising one side of the bed).

Types of medical bed drives

The drive of a medical bed can be mechanical, worm (screw) and electric.

Power driven beds (mechanical beds) are manually adjusted. The angle of inclination of the sections can be adjusted “like a folding bed” or a chaise lounge. If the patient weighs quite a lot, lifting the sections in this way is difficult - one person may not be able to do it.

Beds with a worm drive have handles in the foot part, by rotating which you can change the angle of inclination of the sections. In this case, every 100 kg of the patient's weight is felt as only 3 kg. When the handles are not needed, they are retracted into special holes.

In electric beds, the position of the section is changed using an electric motor, which can be controlled from a remote control. In some beds, electric motors raise and lower not only the sections, but also set the bed to the Trendelenburg/Anti-Trendelenburg position and change the height of the bed. Many beds with an electric motor are equipped with a remote control with a key lock that can be removed with a special key fob or key. Such blocking is necessary when the patient suffers from mental disorders or makes involuntary movements.

Number of sections

A medical bed can have 2, 3, 4 and 5 sections. In classic hospital beds, as a rule, there are only two sections: head and foot. Both rise and fall. In more functional beds, a hip section is added to the head and foot sections. It can be stationary or lifting.

Beds with 4 sections have another section in the pelvic area. It allows you to take the Fowler position (half-lying and half-sitting) and, as it were, sitting in the corner. The fifth section is provided in traction beds when one leg needs to be fixed in a certain position.

Main functions and accessories of medical beds

Side guards

Modern medical beds are equipped with three types of side rails:

  • single aluminum crossbar with cross bars (the most common option)
  • 4 independent plastic wings (provide access to a specific part of the body)
  • single wooden crossbar on rails (gives the bed a homely look)

Aluminum fences are lowered and raised by pressing the latch. Plastic fenders and wooden rail guards are lowered and raised at the touch of a button.

Backrests (end railings)

The backs can be removable or non-removable. Most often, non-removable wooden headboards are installed on home medical beds. They are less functional, but look much more comfortable. Removable plastic backrests Installed on all types of beds. They provide full access to the patient - with the back removed it is convenient to wash your hair, adjust the sheets and carry out procedures.

Built-in battery

More expensive models of medical beds are equipped with a built-in battery. This allows the bed to work even if there is a power outage.

Arc (bar) for pulling up

An arch with a loop allows the patient to pull himself up on the bed and sit down without assistance.

Balkansky frame (double support rod)

The Balkansky frame is necessary if a person has suffered an injury and his legs must be motionless in a certain position, or if “pulling” is necessary.

Sanitary (toilet) device

In beds with a toilet device, there is a hole in a certain part of the bed, under which there is a shelf for a plastic vessel. The shelf with the vessel is installed under the hole using an electric drive (by pressing a button) or manually (by rotating a special lever). The toilet device makes it easier to care for bedridden patients who are unable to care for themselves.

Attachments for infusion pole and pull-up arc

Fastenings are located on both sides of the bed, which allows you to place an infusion stand and an arc for pulling under the patient's right or left arm. This arrangement of additional devices saves space near the bed and protects the patient from unnecessary disturbance that may cause awkward movements of people passing by.

Hooks for drainage containers and fastening straps

Hooks allow compact placement of drainage containers and belts that secure patients with uncontrolled psychomotor agitation.

Corner protective bumpers

Bumpers at the corners of the bed protect the backrests from chips, cracks and other damage that may occur in an accidental collision. They soften the blow, and the patient does not experience unpleasant sensations when the bed touches a jamb or corner when moving.

Separate leg sections

Separate leg sections allow you to immobilize one leg in the desired position. This function is vital for patients with certain injuries.

Staff call button

The personnel call button is usually built into the control panel or into a special panel on the side rails.

Double autoregression

This feature is present in some beds that can be installed in the “cardio chair” position. When double autoregression is active, the pelvic section moves forward and backward, creating a pronounced anti-bedsore effect in the area of ​​the coccyx and ischial tuberosity.

Central fifth wheel

The fifth wheel adds maneuverability to the bed when turning in tight spaces.

Lateral rotation

Lateral rotation is the tilt of the bed to the right or left. A rather rare function used to relieve swelling and reduce pain in the postoperative period.


The wheels of the medical bed can be as follows:

  • steel with a rubber shell (the most affordable option). Leave no traces, do not make noise
  • plastic. Aesthetically more attractive. They don't make noise
  • double row. Have increased load capacity


The brake system can be equipped with the following types of brakes:

  • individual brake. Installed on each wheel
  • bilateral brake. Allows the bed to move straight only
  • central brake. Locks all wheels at once

The patient's position in bed can be active, passive, or forced. In an active position, patients are able to independently turn in bed, sit down, stand up, move around, eat, and wash themselves. In a passive position, patients are inactive, cannot turn around, raise their head or arms on their own. Most often they are unconscious. Patients take a forced position to alleviate their condition and reduce painful symptoms.

Functional position is a position that improves the function of a particular affected organ. It is easier to achieve this position by placing the patient on a functional bed. Using handles located at the foot end of the bed or on the side, you can quickly raise the head of the bed (semi-sitting position) or lower it to a horizontal level with low blood pressure, while simultaneously raising the foot end of the bed.

Change of underwear and bed linen

First option (longitudinal):

1) roll a clean sheet lengthwise with a roller;

3) turn the patient on his side, facing the wall;

4) roll up a dirty sheet to the patient’s back;

5) roll out a clean sheet, first tucking it under the mattress;

6) turn the patient on his side, facing him;

7) remove the dirty sheet;

8) straighten a clean sheet, tuck its free end under the mattress;

9) put a pillow;

10) place the patient on his back;

11) cover the patient with a blanket.

Second option (transverse):

1) roll a clean sheet transversely with a roller from both sides to the center;

2) remove the pillow from under the patient’s head;

3) roll up a dirty sheet from the side of the head and legs to the sacrum;

4) lift the patient;

5) remove the dirty sheet;

6) place a clean sheet under the patient’s sacrum;

7) straighten the sheet to your feet and head;

8) place a pillow under the patient’s head;

9) cover the patient with a blanket.

Change of underwear:

1) place your hands under the patient’s back;

2) grab the edges of the shirt;

3) pull the shirt towards your neck;

4) throw the shirt over your head;

5) remove first from the healthy hand, then from the sick one;

6) put on the shirt in reverse order.

Prevention of bedsores

Prevention of bedsores:

1) examine the patient’s body daily;

2) turn the patient over in bed;

3) remove crumbs from the bed and folds in the sheets;

4) place a rubber circle covered with a towel or pillowcase under the sacrum, cotton-gauze “donuts” under the back of the head, shoulder blades, elbows, heels;

5) wipe areas of possible formation of bedsores with disinfectant solutions (camphor alcohol, vodka, cologne, 20-degree alcohol solution); You can also rub the skin with your hands until it turns red;

Treatment of bedsores

It is necessary to prepare: a kidney-shaped tray, a spatula, hydrogen peroxide (3%), 5% potassium permanganate solution, Vishnevsky ointment, 2 beakers, cotton balls, gauze napkins, wooden sticks with cotton wool at the end, a vessel for dirty napkins, cleol.

Processing technique:

1) removal of pus using hydrogen peroxide;

2) tan the edges of the bedsore with a solution of potassium permanganate;

3) carry out irradiation quartz lamp affected areas (3 minutes);

4) apply a sterile napkin with Vishnevsky ointment;

5) put cotton wool on top of the napkin, which is covered with another napkin, fixed with cleol to the patient’s skin.

Change the aseptic dressing daily.

Washing seriously ill patients

The skin of the perineum requires daily washing. Walking patients use a bidet installed in the hygiene room for this purpose. In the bidet, warm water is supplied in a vertical stream. Seriously ill patients should be washed after each act of defecation and urination, as well as several times a day with urinary or fecal incontinence, since otherwise maceration and inflammation of the skin are possible in the area of ​​the inguinal folds and perineum. Women are washed more often. To wash, you should prepare a jug with a warm (30-35°C) weak solution of potassium permanganate or water, a forceps, a napkin, an oilcloth, a vessel.

Procedure technique:

1) help the patient lie on her back (legs should be slightly bent at the knees and apart);

2) lay down an oilcloth and place the vessel on it;

3) stand to the right of the patient and, holding a jug in his left hand, pour an antiseptic solution onto the external genitalia, and use a napkin to move from the genitals to the anus, that is, from top to bottom;

4) dry the skin of the perineum with a dry cloth in the same direction;

5) remove the vessel and oilcloth.

A person suffering from serious illnesses has to most of spend time in a lying position. They say about such patients: “Bedridden.” Prolonged immobility is not easily tolerated by the patient; in most cases, inactivity impedes recovery and interferes with normal treatment. To alleviate the patient’s condition and minimize the negative consequences of prolonged lying down, multifunctional medical beds are used in inpatient facilities.

The technical requirements for this type of furniture are especially high. The purpose of medical multifunctional beds is reduced to a comfortable and convenient stay for a completely or partially immobilized patient. Depending on the type of control, weight category and the presence of additional devices, several types of specialized furniture are distinguished. Each of them deserves special attention.

Manual control

Among multifunctional medical beds for bedridden patients, the most common are models with a mechanical drive. They are equipped with special handles, thanks to which the appropriate height, level of inclination of the lower and head parts can be adjusted. Any settings are made manually. Mechanically driven beds belong to the budget group of medical equipment. In municipal medical institutions, these are the models that are most often found, which are ideal for patients who do not need to move frequently. The advantages of beds equipped with a mechanical drive include:

  • financial benefit;
  • the presence of the same functions that more expensive analogues with electric drive have.

Among the shortcomings of the products, the first place is occupied by manual adjustment of the patient’s body position. If you believe the reviews of nurses and caregivers of bedridden patients, it is not so easy to adapt to operating the mechanism without the use of physical force.

Semi-electric drive models

Equipped with the same functions as previous options. The main difference is the presence of a motor, which allows you to easily change the position of the head of the bed, as well as lower or raise its lower segments. In addition, semi-electric beds come with a remote control remote control with whom to choose desired position patients can independently. To adjust the required height, outside help will be required - a manual mechanism is installed here. Semi-electric multifunctional medical beds are affordable.

Automated Models

The advantage of electric beds is the ability to easily adjust the position and height of the head or foot section. This type of medical furniture does not involve manual mechanisms in its design; control is carried out using a remote control. The only drawback is the high cost of such multifunctional products, which can be several times higher than the price of mechanical analogues.

Bed with toilet and table

Medical multifunctional furniture of increased comfort is equipment equipped with additional options. Wide range of possibilities and impressive technical specifications guaranteed to provide the patient with peace and optimal comfort. Beds of this class are classified as expensive.

Furniture for patients requiring special care

Low level beds are suitable for patients at risk of falling. Minimum height significantly reduces the likelihood of injury. As a rule, low-level beds are equipped with an electric drive. According to reviews from medical staff, low furniture makes it easier to care for bedridden patients.

The review of medical multifunctional beds always includes models designed for overweight patients. The bariatric couch is ideal for patients weighing more than 160 kg. These models differ from conventional medical metal beds in their more durable design and larger dimensions. The set of functions of bariatric furniture completely coincides with those of electrically driven beds.

Additional devices and accessories

First of all, it is worth noting the provision of medical functional beds with side rails, which are conventionally divided into three types:

  1. Solid aluminum crossbars with cross bars are most common.
  2. Plastic curtains with which you can gain access to any part of the torso and limbs.
  3. The wooden crossbar is made from environmentally friendly materials.

The backrests of medical multifunctional beds are either fixed or removable. The second type is considered more convenient.

Among models with electric drive, couches equipped with a special battery are popular. Autonomy from the network allows you to operate the bed even when the lights are turned off.

Depending on the severity of the patient’s well-being, the functional medical bed is equipped with other accessories and devices. The most common elements are:

  • arc for pulling up;
  • sanitary facilities;
  • hooks for drainage containers;
  • support rods;
  • fastenings for an infusion stand (tripod for a dropper);
  • protective bumpers at the corners of the bed;
  • right and left leg sections.

Both wooden and metal beds are often equipped with an anti-decubitus mattress, folding handrails and orthopedic accessories.

Special Features

When reviewing the characteristics of multifunctional medical beds, it is important to pay attention to the availability of individual options. For a bedridden patient, the ability to:

  • tilt angle adjustment - body position is fixed by raising the leg or front part;
  • bring the bed to a horizontal position without jerking, quickly and smoothly;
  • lateral rotation - this option is especially important in the postoperative period, as it allows you to tilt the patient’s torso to the right or left;
  • displacement of the pelvic section for anti-decubitus prevention.

Transportation of bedridden patients

Descriptions of medical multifunctional beds must indicate design features. In addition to the number of sections, which is of primary interest to buyers, we must not forget about the equipment with a wheel-braking system. Functional beds are equipped with reliable locking mechanisms. Thanks to the appropriate devices, it is possible not only to transport overweight bedridden patients, but also to fully guarantee their safety during transportation. The wheels are fixed in any required place. It doesn’t take much time and effort to take a patient to the X-ray room, take him to a dressing room, or move the bed to another corner.

Where is the best place to install a couch?

You need to choose a place to place the bed in such a way that the lighting from the windows does not interfere with the patient’s ability to fully rest during the day. At the same time, access to the patient should be comprehensive - this will greatly facilitate the process of turning a recumbent person from side to side. If you install the couch close to the wall, the patient will have to stay predominantly on one side of the body, which in itself is fraught with the development of swelling and unilateral pneumonia due to insufficient ventilation.

How to care for a functional couch

When purchasing furniture for seriously ill people, you should immediately pay close attention to the issue of maintenance and care. Basic information on this matter is indicated in the instructions for the multifunctional medical bed:

  1. After assembly, the structure must be tested for strength before positioning the patient. During subsequent operation, it is imperative to carry out regular checks of the reliability of the frame and the functioning of the mechanisms.
  2. It is not recommended to install an electric bed in a room with high humidity levels or near artificial humidifiers.
  3. Medical furniture requires daily treatment with special antibacterial and disinfectant compounds. While cleaning special attention should be given to the lumbar section. Couches, as a rule, are made of materials that can be easily processed and mechanically cleaned.
  4. When choosing a functional bed for a bedridden patient, it is necessary to take into account the limitations of the design and mechanisms in the load capacity.
  5. In the event of a breakdown of an electric or semi-electric stock, it is advisable to use the services of professionals. If repairs are carried out while the warranty is valid, the equipment will be serviced free of charge.

A simple, but at the same time practical design allows the use of medical beds not only within the walls of specialized medical institutions, but also at home. None of them modern interiors premises does not go against the current design of this medical furniture. In addition, treatment and rehabilitation in one’s own home will only benefit the patient, and loved ones will ensure optimal quality of care for the immobile patient.

If your financial capabilities do not allow you to purchase a functional couch for your home, you can take advantage of offers for renting medical beds. After all, paying impressive sums for a product that is needed only for a certain period of time is not always advisable. By the way, in order to return the investment, a used bed can be sold after the patient recovers, or rented out for a certain period. It is also convenient that most models are equipped with a folding mechanism, which allows you to easily transport the bed in a car or put it in the storage room as unnecessary.

Don't skimp on the health of your loved ones! Sectional functional beds provide the patient with a physiologically correct and comfortable position of the body, reducing the load on the spine and promoting a speedy recovery.

For many diseases, various changes in the patient’s position are observed:

· in a satisfactory condition, patients are most often observed to be in an active position, when they can freely carry out certain voluntary movements;

· in cases where active movements are impossible (for example, in an unconscious state, severe weakness), it is customary to talk about the patient’s passive position;

· forced position, characteristic of some diseases, is accepted by patients in order to reduce pain.

The need to provide a seriously ill patient with a comfortable position in bed determines a number of specific requirements for the design of the bed. They are best suited to a functional bed, the head and foot ends of which can be quickly brought into the desired position (raised or lowered). For this purpose, several sections are provided in the bed net, the position of which can be changed by turning the corresponding handle. Some models of functional beds have built-in bedside tables, IV stands, storage sockets for bedpans and a urine bag. Raising and lowering the head of the bed by pressing a special handle is done by the patient himself, without making almost any effort. If the patient is given a semi-sitting position (Fowler's), the respiratory function improves. By raising the lower extremities (Trendelenburg position), the outflow through the veins improves.

· for extensive circular burns, a functional bed “Clinetron” is used, which ensures the outflow of wound exudate from the surface of the wounds and its absorption, preventing the development of bedsores.

Application of various compresses, mustard plasters.


There are cold and warm compresses. Wet cold compresses (lotions) are used in the first hours for bruises, nosebleeds, hemorrhoids, and high fever:

a piece rolled up in several layers soft fabric, wetted cold water, apply to the corresponding area - forehead, bridge of the nose, etc.;

· since a wet cold compress quickly reaches body temperature, it must be changed every 2-3 minutes.

When using a cold compress As a result of local cooling, a spasm of the blood vessels of the skin occurs, which is accompanied by a limitation of inflammation and traumatic swelling of the tissues, and a decrease in bleeding.

Applying a warm compress accompanied by local dilation of blood vessels and increased blood circulation in the tissues, which has an analgesic and absorbable effect. Warming compresses are used in the treatment of various local infiltrates, for example, post-injection, some diseases of muscles and joints. The warming compress can be dry or wet:

· a dry warming compress is most often intended to protect certain parts of the body or head, for example, the neck, ear, from the effects of cold;

· a wet warming compress is prepared from three layers of gauze;

First, apply a piece of soft cloth moistened with water to the skin room temperature and well pressed;

· then it is covered with a piece of oilcloth. Lastly, apply a layer of cotton wool;

Each subsequent layer should be slightly larger than the previous one;

· the compress is fixed on top with a bandage;

· the duration of use of a warming compress should not exceed 12 hours, and after 6-8 hours. change it.

When removing the compress, the skin underneath is wiped with water or alcohol, followed by drying with a towel to prevent maceration of the skin.

A semi-alcoholic warming compress is also used, the inner layer of which is moistened with ethyl alcohol diluted with water. Instead of ethyl alcohol, you can use salicylic or camphor alcohol, a weak solution of vinegar.

Contraindications for applying warm compresses are various skin diseases (dermatitis, boils) and violations of the integrity of the skin.

Mustard plasters.

The use of mustard powder is based on what is released when it comes into contact with water essential oil, causing irritation of skin receptors, leads to a reflex expansion of blood vessels, which achieves an analgesic effect and resorption of some inflammatory processes.

You can prepare mustard plaster yourself:

· to do this, mustard powder is mixed in equal proportions with potato or wheat flour and water is added until a homogeneous mass of dough-like consistency is obtained, which is then applied in an even layer to a piece of thick fabric and covered with gauze or thin paper;

· Apply mustard plasters to the skin, after moistening them with water, and remove them after 10-15 minutes.

At hypersensitivity skin and children, mustard plasters are placed through tissue paper or gauze. Mustard plasters are used in the treatment of neurological, colds, with angina pectoris. After removing the mustard plasters, the skin is wiped with a warm, damp cloth and the patient is recommended to lie down for 10-15 minutes. well wrapped in a blanket.

To care for bedridden or seriously ill people, there are many devices that make life easier for the infirm and those caring for them. One of these devices is a functional bed, designed for a sick person to stay on permanently. With her making the right choice can make life much easier for a paralyzed person. Caring for a patient who is in such a device becomes much easier.

The main difference between a medical bed and a regular one is the presence of movable sections. They provide the ability to set the most comfortable position for patients. At the same time, different types furniture can be movable in different sections. Depending on the number of adjustable sections, there are 4 types of functional bed:

  • single-section - in such a device only the head section is movable. The tilt level, which is adjustable and fixed, allows you to raise and lower the patient's head and shoulders. There is no possibility of adjusting the tilt of other parts of the furniture;
  • two-section - in addition to the head, the foot part also functions. The system is designed to adjust the elevation of the patient's head and upper shoulders, as well as to adjust the level of inclination of the foot of the bed. Used to care for patients who have foot diseases or need special foot care. The leg section regulates the level of inclination of the legs from the feet to the knees;
  • three-section - in addition to the ability to adjust the level of lifting and tilting of different ends of the bed, the three-section care item has the ability to adjust the level of tilt of the hip part;
  • four-section - has the ability to adjust the head, leg, hip and intermediate parts. The intermediate part is located between the hip and head. Thanks to 4 movable sections, the multifunctional home system simplifies the process of caring for bedridden and paralyzed patients. The four-section system allows you to adjust your body position.


Single section

The ability to raise the head and shoulders, which is available in any device, allows the patient to eat comfortably, and also regulates the correct position of the vertebrae in the cervical region. This will help avoid pain in the spine due to prolonged lying. The tilt angle of the section is determined by the type of drive. Taking into account which drive provides movement to the sections, the amount of time and effort used to change the position of the body depends.

Taking into account the type of drive, there are the following types of functional beds:

  • with worm drive;
  • with a pneumatic spring;
  • mechanics;
  • with electric drive.

The table below shows their characteristics.

Drive Characteristic
Mechanical A functional mechanical bed is made with any number of sections, from 1 to 4. Their position is adjusted manually, thanks to the installed sliding stops. Mechanical devices have folding (sometimes removable) guards to provide patient comfort. They also provide the ability to remove the end sides.
Electric The functional electric bed is the most popular. The ability to control sections does not depend on physical effort. The position of the sections is adjustable thanks to the remote control. Such beds are the most comfortable for patients, as they have the opportunity to change the position of their body without assistance. In some models with an electric drive, it is possible to mechanically adjust the movement of the section in the event of a system failure. An electric bed is convenient for caring for bedridden patients, especially if they are able to partially care for themselves and can independently move their upper limbs.
Air spring Thanks to the hydraulic drive, the entire bed can be tilted longitudinally in the Trendelenburg position. In this case, the head and shoulders of the bedridden patient will be located below the pelvic region. This system makes it possible to quickly return to the reverse position.
Worm The angle of inclination of the sections is adjusted using screw levers. This drive is driven manually, but it makes it possible to regulate the movement of the section slowly and smoothly. This provides additional comfort to the patient.


With air spring

Worm driven

Electrically driven

Additional features and functions

Additional functions of such devices include the addition of an orthopedic mattress to the frame. Its purpose is to create comfortable conditions for staying in bed. Its presence prevents the occurrence of bedsores.

A multifunctional bed, in which it is possible to remove the side and end rails, allows for the fastest access to any part of the body of the person lying down. Some models are equipped with a bedside table - it makes eating more comfortable. Some devices also have a pull-up arc. If the patient can support himself on his hands, he can sit up without assistance.

The functionality of a bed for recumbents is undeniable, especially if it is equipped with a pull-out section in which you can place a duck. Electric beds sometimes have a battery that allows you to control the position of the sections when there is no power. The devices can also be equipped with straps for fixation and mounts for droppers.

Additional functions include the so-called “reanimation”. When you press the corresponding button, the lock is released. All sections instantly move to a horizontal position. Such devices are necessary to care for patients who may suffer from seizures. Some devices allow you to adjust the height of the bed above the floor, change the angle of the mattress, and also lower the foot section down, thereby simulating a “sitting” position.

There are also beds designed for patients whose body weight exceeds 160 kg. The base of which devices is much stronger, and the structure is stronger. Such a device can withstand large, long-term loads without danger to the patient.


There are several major manufacturers of medical functional beds for disabled and infirm people. Their names and brief description are presented in the table below. There are also devices from other companies on the market for care products for sick people, but the ones described below are the most popular, recommended and functional.

Manufacturer Country Characteristics
Orthosanit Diffusion SpA Italy This Italian company, founded in 1995, is engaged in research activities, thanks to which they come up with new products that meet the needs of patients. This company has its own technical developments, including a device for the rehabilitation of operated patients.
Armed Russia Types of adjustments: electrical and mechanical. Frame material: metal, coated with paint. Manufacturer's features: production of medical furniture for home and hospital use, each device equipped with a mattress.
Pro Medic Germany Functional beds meet international standards, the company pays attention to the design of the device. Management is as convenient as possible, easy, practical and simple. Types of adjustments: electrical and mechanical.
Belva Russia The company produces devices for the elderly, infirm, and postoperative patients undergoing rehabilitation. The quality of the products is close to European. The company has awards.
Invacare USA The products are designed taking into account the needs of bedridden patients; every element in the models is thought out. The product features a large number of additional functions. Type of control: electric drive. The company has been awarded for research activities and progressive developments.

Caring for seriously ill people is simplified with the presence of a medical bed. Taking into account the type of drive, the presence of adjustable sections and additional features, the most comfortable stay for a person in such a device is ensured. When choosing such an instrument for a person, you should be guided by the needs of the patient.




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