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The situation when a user turns on a computer or laptop, and sees that instead of loading the operating system, the BIOS options configuration program opens, it does not occur very often. However, it cannot be classified as a problem that the user has no chance of encountering. Such a problem is unpleasant in that it makes it impossible to use the computer for its intended purpose.

It should be noted that automatic login to BIOS when you turn on a computer or laptop is not provided in all BIOS. In most cases, when it detects any malfunctions, the BIOS stops loading the computer or laptop. Automatic login to BIOS is intended to show the user that he must fix something in the BIOS before continuing to work.

It follows from this that the source of the problem, as a rule, is the incorrect BIOS settings. First of all, overestimated values ​​of the frequency or voltage of the memory or processor can lead to a spontaneous entry into the BIOS if the user was overclocking hardware components. In addition, many motherboards react to unexpected power outages through BIOS startup, treating them as evidence of system instability due to overclocking.

Very often, spontaneous loading of the BIOS when the computer or laptop is turned on may indicate problems with the BIOS itself. In most cases, these problems can be caused by a faulty battery in the CMOS memory battery. Also, the problem can manifest itself when the composition of the computer or laptop equipment changes, for example, when installing a new video card.

And, finally, one should not discount such a banal reason as a keyboard malfunction or even just a separate down-key. It is possible that a faulty keyboard continually emits a signal that the BIOS interprets as a signal from a key that is designed to enter the BIOS.

What needs to be done to fix the problem

If you are faced with a situation where the computer automatically loads the BIOS of a computer or laptop, then, first of all, you should try to restart the computer again. It is possible that you yourself could accidentally press the BIOS entry key when rebooting or turning on your computer or laptop. Also, the BIOS setup program may appear after restarting a computer or laptop caused by an unexpected power outage.

However, if you are convinced that the cause of the problem is not an accidental error, then you should apply other methods to fix it. First of all, you can try changing the keyboard. Then try to remember if you have made any changes in the BIOS before. If so, the options you edited should be reset to their original values. The safest thing to do is to reset the BIOS to default settings. You should also try to remove recently installed cards from the computer, if any.

If this operation does not help, then you can try replacing the BIOS battery with a new one. Practice shows that in most cases, changing the battery helps to solve the problem. However, if the problem still persists, then it is highly likely that the cause of the situation is a faulty BIOS chip or motherboard.


The reasons for the situation when the computer, instead of loading the operating system, spontaneously loads the BIOS, can be varied. This phenomenon can be caused by both incorrect BIOS settings and hardware malfunction. If the situation does not appear as a result of an accidental failure, for example, caused by a surge in external voltage, then in most cases the problem can be corrected by resetting the BIOS to default settings.

The basic I / O system is better known to everyone as the BIOS is essentially the first program that runs on your personal computer regardless of the operating system you are using (be it Windows or another).
It stores all the settings of your equipment, on the change of which the operation of the computer depends, and it starts the operation of the PC itself. What to do if, for unknown reasons, the BIOS does not start, turns on, does not work, does not load?

And so among the reasons for the failure of work may be:

Failure of the motherboard itself;
Power failure of the computer;
Damage to the firmware version of the BIOS (BIOS);

And so let's figure it out in order.

Failure of equipment, and if more specifically the motherboard.

Symptoms: At best, when you turn on the computer, you can hear the BIOS beeps, these are long and short beeps, they are repeated in the appropriate sequence, which indicate possible reason breakdowns and specific equipment.

Solution: determine the equipment and the reason by the code, check it is physically connected correctly and if there are any visual signs of damage (swollen capacitors, torn loops, peeling of the board, cracks).

Computer power failure.

Symptoms: does not start, freezes.
Solution: Checking the cable connections, checking the capacitors of the power supply, replacing the power supply. Load default power settings.

Overheat. It so happens that the computer cooling system malfunctions or is worn out or dusty, this may be the reason that the BIOS does not boot.

Symptoms: does not start, a few seconds after the start - is excluded.
Solution: cleaning the cooling system, replacing thermal paste, installing new or additional coolers.

There is an unpleasant reason if the BIOS version is buggy, or got glitches.

Solution: incorrect work, restart, exceptions, freeze

You need a BIOS flashing, installing a new BIOS version (it should be remembered that firmware is a very risky procedure and if you make it unsuccessful for the equipment without re-soldering, it cannot be returned to work so that it should only be done by experienced users or in the appropriate services).

In theory, since Windows boots after the BIOS, reinstalling the operating system or adding another OS should not affect the normal operation of the BIOS. However, it is not uncommon for an attempt to install a second operating system to result in the BIOS not loading.

In this case, we can assume that the BIOS settings are out of order and restoring the default settings can solve the problem. To reset the settings, you need to carry out the following operations.

Disconnect the PC and monitor from the mains.
Open the system unit and remove the battery from the motherboard.
Wait a few minutes.
Replace the system battery.
Connect power to the computer and monitor.
It is necessary to remove the Bios battery

After restarting, the BIOS will start to boot “as the first time”. If after this the problem disappears, it is recommended to format the boot HDD and reinstall the operating system. It is desirable that one that previously worked without problems. It is possible that the added operating system turned out to be damaged in the distribution.

Connection violations

It is highly likely that the BIOS does not load due to gaps in the power supply networks or data loops. To check this option, you first need to listen - is the cooler spinning on the motherboard. BIOS is part of the processor and therefore poor cooling of the motherboard leads to malfunctions.

Perhaps, the contact groups of the fan have moved away, so it does not work. Then carefully inspect all cable and loop connections. Check if dust has accumulated on the motherboard or in the contacts. Dust is an excellent conductor of electric current, and it also creates electrostatic fields, to which electronics are very sensitive.

Clean the device from dust with a vacuum cleaner and a brush.

Disconnect the contactors in sequence and clean the terminals from dirt and oxidation. You can use a school rubber band to clean the contacts.
Check that all connectors are secure. It is likely that the vibration caused the contacts to disperse, and therefore the equipment stopped working correctly.
After preventive maintenance, you can try to restart the computer. Is the screen black again and the BIOS won't load? Then it can be assumed that one of the internal modules is faulty. Including the motherboard itself could fail or it needs to be reflashed.

Black screen

You can download the new firmware for the motherboard on the manufacturer's official website. Updating the firmware is a difficult and rather risky task. Therefore, if you do not know exactly what and how to do it, it is better not to risk it, otherwise you can ditch the entire computer, in a place with hard drives. Better contact the service center.

Faulty blocks in the computer

None of the above helped? Then the probability of hardware malfunction increases and you can start checking the blocks.
Unplug and remove anything from the device that is not required to start the computer. Leave only the motherboard, power supply and one of the brackets random access memory... The computer will not work in this state, but it is possible to check the health of the motherboard itself.

A common reason for the inability to start the computer is insufficient power supply unit. For example - you replaced the motherboard with a more advanced one, which requires more electricity. At the same time, the power supply remains old. Or so - additional hard drives or some other functional components. Energy consumption can rise quite dramatically. Installing a more powerful PSU will solve the problem. If the question, of course, is the lack of energy.

Often a malfunction in the video card interferes with loading BIOS. If possible, you need to check the video card by replacing it with another similar one. Or install the video card in another computer. Here you need to look at the compatibility of the equipment. Otherwise, you will not find the problem, but you can create new faults.

Computer components

If in the minimum configuration - a motherboard, a power supply, a socket of RAM - the system unit is working and the BIOS is loading, then the problem is in one of the removed modules. After installing and connecting the next unit, try turning on the computer again and see what happens. As soon as the BIOS stops starting again, it can be assumed that you have found a faulty unit. Now all that remains is to find a similar one and replace it.

In reality, things often turn out to be much more complicated. For example, the computer sometimes boots up and works quite normally, and then, for no apparent reason, starts to glitch. The problem can be either a software malfunction or a component malfunction.

These periods of normal operation, alternating with failure to boot the BIOS, are common for three types of problems.

The presence of microcracks on the motherboard. Because of this, the contact periodically disappears.
The electrolytic capacitors on the motherboard or power supply are dry. This malfunction mainly applies to old system units that have been in operation for a long time. Sometimes defective capacitors can be identified by the characteristic bulging of the case.

Poor contact in the connected wires. As already mentioned - the presence of dust, oxidation of contacts, insufficient pressure. If the contactors have fixing screws, they must be tightened to the end. The opposite situation also happens - too tightly clamped locking screws lead to deformation of the connectors and disruption of contact in the connection.

Component problems

If, when you turn on the PC, the machine either does not show any signs of life at all, or only the indicators on the case are on, but there are no sounds and / or messages on the screen, then in most cases this means that the problem lies in the components.
Inspect these components:

Check your power supply unit for functionality. Fortunately, many modern power supplies can be run separately from a computer. If it does not work at startup, then this means that it needs to be changed. Sometimes, if there is a malfunction in this element, the computer may try to start some components, but since it does not have enough energy, the signs of life soon fade away.

If everything is in order with the power supply, then there is a possibility that the cables and / or contacts that are connected from it to the motherboard are damaged. Inspect them for defects. If any are found, then the power supply will have to be handed over for repair, or completely replaced. This kind of defect can explain why when you turn on the PC, you hear the power supply work, but the computer itself does not start.

If nothing happens when you press the power button, then this may mean that the button is broken and needs to be replaced, but you should also not exclude the option with a breakdown of the power supply. On some cases, the performance of the power button can be determined by the indicator, if it is lit, then everything is fine with it.

Physical damage to important components of the computer does occur, but the main reason the impossibility of normal start-up of the PC is a strong dust pollution of its insides. Dust can build up in fans and contacts, disrupting the supply of voltage from one component to another.

Dusty computer

When disassembling a system unit or laptop case, pay attention to the amount of dust. If there is too much of it, then do the "cleaning". Large volumes can be removed with a low power vacuum cleaner. If you use a vacuum cleaner while cleaning, be careful as you can accidentally damage the inside of your PC.

When the main layer of dust has been removed, arm yourself with a brush and dry cloths to remove any remaining dirt. Contamination may have entered the power supply. In this case, it will have to be disassembled and cleaned from the inside. Also check the contacts and connectors for dust.

Compatibility issues

In rare cases, the computer and BIOS may stop working due to incompatibility of any component that is connected to the motherboard. Usually, it is quite easy to calculate the problematic object, for example, if you have recently added / changed the RAM bar, then most likely the new bar is incompatible with the rest of the PC components. In this case, try starting the computer with old RAM.

Less commonly, it happens when one of the components of the computer fails and is no longer supported by the system. In this case, it is rather difficult to identify the problem, since the computer does not start. Various sound signals or special messages on the screen, which are given by the BIOS, can be very helpful. For example, by the error code or beep, you can find out which component of the problem is.

BIOS encountered an error

In the case of incompatibility of certain components on the motherboard, the computer often shows signs of life. The user can hear the operation of hard drives, coolers, start of other components, but nothing appears on the screen. Most often, in addition to the startup sounds of computer components, you can hear any extraneous signals that are played by the BIOS or any important PC component, thus informing about the problem.

If there is no signal / message or they are illegible, then you will have to use this instruction to find out what the problem is:

Disconnect the computer from the power supply and disassemble the system unit. Be sure to disconnect various extraneous devices from it. Ideally, only the keyboard and monitor should remain connected.

Then disconnect all components from the motherboard, leaving only the power supply, hard drive, RAM and video card. The latter must be disabled if any graphics adapter is already soldered into the processor. Never remove the processor!

Now connect your computer to an electrical outlet and try turning it on. If the BIOS starts loading, and then Windows, then this means that everything is in order with the main components. If the download did not follow, then it is recommended to listen carefully to the BIOS signals or look for an error code if it is displayed on the monitor. In some cases, the signal may not be generated by the BIOS, but by the broken element. This rule is more often applied to hard drives - depending on the breakdown, they begin to play slightly different sounds when the PC boots. If this is your case, then the HDD or SSD will need to be replaced.

Provided that everything started normally at step 3, turn off the computer again and try to connect some other element to the motherboard, and then turn on the computer.

Repeat the previous step until you identify the problematic component. If the latter is identified, it will either have to be replaced or returned for repair.

If you completely assembled the computer (without finding the problematic element), connected all the devices to it and it began to turn on normally, then there can be two explanations for this behavior:

Perhaps due to vibration and / or other physical impact on the PC, the contact from some important component came out of the connector. In the actual disassembly and reassembly, you simply rewired an important component;
A system failure has occurred due to which the computer has problems reading a component. Reconnecting each item to the motherboard or resetting the BIOS will fix this problem.

System crash

In this case, the OS boots without any complications, work in it also proceeds normally, but if you need to enter the BIOS, you cannot do anything. This scenario is extremely rare, but it does take place.

The solution to the problem that has arisen is effective only if your operating system boots normally, but at the same time you cannot enter the BIOS. Here you can also recommend trying all the keys for entering - F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, F12, Delete, Esc. Alternatively, you can use each of these keys in combination with Shift or fn (the latter is relevant only for laptops).

This method will be applicable only for Windows 8 and higher, since this system allows you to reboot the PC and then turn on the BIOS. Use this instruction to reboot and then start the basic input and output system:

First you need to go to "Options". This can be done by clicking on the "Start" icon, in the drop-down menu or in the tiled interface (depending on the OS version), find the gear icon.

In the "Settings" find the item "Update and Security". In the main menu, it is marked with a corresponding icon.
Parameter selection

In it, go to "Recovery", which is located in the left menu.
Find a separate section "Special Boot Options" where there should be a "Restart Now" button. Click it.

After that, the computer will load a window with a choice of actions. Go to "Diagnostics".

Now you need to select "Advanced Options".

Find the item "Firmware and UEFI Settings" in them. When you select this item, the BIOS is loaded.
In case you have an operating room Windows system 7 and older, and if you do not find the "Firmware and UEFI Settings" item in the "Advanced Settings", you can use the "Command Prompt". Open it using the cmd command in the Run line (called by the Win + R key combination).

cmd command

You need to enter the following value in it:

shutdown.exe / r / o

After pressing Enter, the computer will reboot and enter the BIOS or offer boot options with the entrance to the BIOS.

As a rule, after such a login, the basic I / O system boots without any problems and in the future, if you are already using key combinations. If re-entering the BIOS using the keys is not possible, then a serious failure has occurred in the settings.

Incorrect settings

Due to a failure in the settings, the hotkeys for entering may change, so if such a failure occurs, then it would be wise to reset all settings to the factory settings. In most cases, everything returns to normal. This method is recommended only in cases where the computer boots without problems, but you cannot enter the BIOS.

Invalid key (combination)

First of all, you should question the correct hotkey you are using to enter BIOS. Unfortunately, you can only find out which key in your case is by experience, that is, it was not possible to enter the BIOS using one button, next time you should try another.

The process of entering BIOS looks like this: you send the computer to reboot or just turn it on and at the very first stage of turning it on, you start repeatedly and quickly press hotkey for BIOS.

There are a huge number of options for entering the BIOS (this is especially observed in laptops), but in most cases one of the following keys is found: F1, F2 and Del. If none of the keys helped to enter the BIOS, try googling your motherboard model (for a stationary PC) or laptop model on the Internet in order to find out how your device is entered into BIOS.

Broken or unsupported keyboard

And although in rare cases the user has the opportunity to enter the BIOS without a keyboard, in 95% of cases it is indispensable.

Needless to say, a computer keyboard must be in good working order? Be sure to test your keyboard by logging into Windows or by connecting it to another computer.

If everything is in order with the performance of the keyboard, then, perhaps, the problem lies in the unsupported BIOS keyboard. As a rule, a similar problem is observed in users of old computers (laptops), and if you use a wired or USB keyboard, then this possibility may well be.

If you have a wireless keyboard, accordingly, we will need to use a wired one to eliminate the possibility of such a cause. Especially older BIOS versions may lack support for the USB keyboard interface, but to check this, you will need to either connect an old keyboard with a PS / 2 connector or purchase a PS / 2 adapter for a USB keyboard.

Inoperative USB port

The port to which the keyboard is connected must be sure to work. Try plugging your keyboard into a different port and try entering BIOS again.

Conflicting devices

One of the devices on the computer may have malfunctioned, resulting in a conflict, which is why you cannot enter the BIOS.

Try disconnecting everything you can from your computer: drives, hard drives, or solid state drives, all USB devices connected to the motherboard, PCI boards. If there is an integrated video card, then disable the discrete one, and then try to enter the BIOS again. If the attempt is successful, connect one device at a time to the computer to find out what is conflicting. Having identified the problematic device, it is with it that you need to deal with it (it is better to take it to the service center for diagnostics).

Malfunction of the computer

If when you turn on computer BIOS starts making sounds, but does not want to start, you should listen to the signals and fix them. Often, the BIOS uses such signals to make it clear what went wrong. There are a lot of tables on the Internet that decode sound signals for different versions of BIOS, using which you can quickly understand the cause of the problem and start fixing it.

Problematic BIOS settings

As a rule, a similar cause of the problem occurs when the user makes changes to the operation of the BIOS. In this case, you should try to reset the BIOS to factory settings. As a rule, in most cases you will need to look under the case of the system unit, where on the motherboard you can find a special switch (CMOS jumper), which is set to 1-2. To perform a reset, it is enough to move the switch to position 3-4 for 15-30 seconds, after which you can return it to its previous position.

Motherboard problems

The most unfortunate cause of this problem is that the motherboard is practically the entire computer. If you suspect a problem in its work, you can carry out a small diagnostic procedure.

First of all, you need to inspect the motherboard itself: are there any oxidations, are the capacitors swollen. Any external changes indicate its malfunction, which means that all this must be eliminated. If there is oxidation, it must be carefully erased with an eraser. If the capacitors are swollen, they should be re-soldered to new ones.

If visually everything is fine with the motherboard, you should try the following:

Disconnect the computer from the network, and also remove all unnecessary devices: mouse, speakers, keyboard, any additional devices and cables. As a result, only a network cable and a monitor should be connected to the system unit.

Clear CMOS. To do this, you must remove the battery from the motherboard for a few seconds and then reinstall it.

Remove all boards from all slots on the motherboard, leaving only the processor and speaker connected.

Start the computer and pay attention to the sound: if it is, then it tells you that the motherboard is working. If not, then everything is much sadder - she does not respond.

Let's get down to specifics, because the “won't start” situation may look different:

When you press the "on" button, nothing happens - a black screen and silence.

The computer turns on, the screen flickers with a black void (not active) - you hear the noise of the fans and the system speaker (BIOS speaker) beeps.
The computing device starts, some message is displayed on the screen - the buttons do not react, except perhaps ... the restart works.
The system loads too quickly (and, safely!), But you cannot get into the BIOS.
There is another interpretation of the voiced problem, when a novice user does not correctly understand what exactly is happening and at the same time asks the question, but how to enter BIOS at all? Let's start with the last one ...

How to enter basic computer settings

Depending on the BIOS version (s), as well as on the design features of the computer, access to the basic settings may be radically different from the methods that are considered standard.

For example, in most PC modifications, the entrance to the BIOS is made by pressing the function button "F2" or "Delete". Moreover, activation of one of these buttons is carried out directly at the time of starting the computer system on its initial stage... By the way, there is a special technique for invoking the main BIOS menu - repeatedly pressing the corresponding button with an interval of two presses per second.

There are other "tactile schemes" for entering the BIOS - some manufacturers supply their devices with special mechanisms, push-button or lever type, when activated, the user enters the service menu of the basic microsystem. However, there are also more exotic buttons - touch. However, the essence of the listed keys and service gadgets is the same - calling the BIOS Setup menu.

As for the "high-speed resistance" to the moment of entering the basic menu of computer settings, there are several options for solutions:

Enter the BIOS menu via Windows OS - use this link to read how this is done.
Try calling BIOS using other service keys, for example, "F8".
Finally, you can get into the basic settings using the rescue disk "System Restore" or a distribution kit with Windows.

Black Screen and Silence: Causes and Solutions

This "electronic opportunity" has a rather long list of "causes and effects", nevertheless, it is possible to single out the main symptoms of a malfunction, namely, in as soon as possible to identify the real culprit of the "silent celebration".

With a probability of 99.9%, the power supply has failed. Naturally, replacing a component with a known good power supply unit will correct the situation in the direction of "The problem is resolved!"

The power button is out of order
- replacement of the switching element or checking the wire for mechanical damage (obvious breakage, deformation of the wire, oxidation of contacts, etc.), of course, with its subsequent restoration (soldering, cleaning).

Dust contamination of the inside of the computer case (especially important for portable computer equipment - laptop) - it is necessary to clean all the components of the motherboard from dust, as well as the supplied modules and strapping equipment. Do not forget to clean the air intake grilles and other structural elements of the enclosure.

The computer turns on, but the monitor screen is "full of black secrets"

As a rule, problems with starting a computer system are always accompanied by a specific sound signal, the tonality and sound sequence of which has its own decryption code.

To solve the described problem, you can also try to change the computer's power supply, but to a greater degree such "PC behavior" indicates that the BIOS has detected a faulty component in the system: one of the memory sticks (RAM) is out of order, the hard drive has broken or the processor temperature has reached a critical level. In the latter case, it is necessary to replace the thermal paste and check the cooler of the cooling system for serviceability.

Otherwise, user actions should be as follows:

Disconnect all peripheral devices (printer, fax, webcam, external storage devices, etc.).
Remove all RAM modules.
Disconnect hard drives.
Switch to another graphics mode - change the video circuit from integrated to discrete, or switch to an integrated video chip if you used an external video card.
If the empty mainland starts up, throw one at a time from the previously disconnected components and carefully monitor the reaction of the microsystem as a whole. In any case, if the BIOS starts up, then you have already achieved a positive result!

By the way, do not forget that a black screen can be the result of a failed monitor. Laptops are often damaged by the integrity of the connecting cable, which is constantly subjected to dynamic stress when opening / closing the display cover. In the latter case, it is better to contact a laptop repair service center. Both in the first and in the second case, to check the truth of the assumption, you can always try to connect an external monitor to the VGA connector.

Varieties of the situation:

1. Black screen

The first and most unpleasant situation is that you press the power button on a computer or laptop, but the computer does not boot, the BIOS does not start loading, and you see a black screen in front of you. You wait further, but in vain, because nothing else happens. In this case, to determine the reason why the computer or laptop does not boot, you need to listen to the sounds that the BIOS produces during boot. One short beep usually means that the BIOS has successfully completed a hardware check.

1.1. Black screen and one beep

In this case, the monitor is most often the cause of the problem (of course, if we are talking about a desktop computer). Therefore, it is best in such a situation to check the connection between the monitor and the computer or the monitor's power cable. If the computer does not start even after that, and the black screen remains, then the problem is not in the monitor.

1.2. Black screen and multiple signals

The presence of several signals at the moment when the computer turns on and the system boots, usually means some kind of malfunction. As a rule, the meaning of these signals is different for different BIOS models. But most likely, if you do not see anything on the screen, then the problem is again related to the video system, but this time, most likely, with the video card. However, in order to be completely sure about this issue, it is best to refer to the list of conditional beeps for the version of BIOS that is installed on your computer or laptop.

1.3. Black screen and no beeps

If the computer turns on, but the "black screen" is not accompanied by any beeps, then you can assume that something is wrong with the power system. For example, the power supply has failed and for this reason does not supply the required voltage to the system board. Or there is simply no contact between the motherboard and the power cable. Also, the cause of the problem may be a malfunction of the BIOS itself, the motherboard, the processor, memory, and even the hard drive. In addition, sometimes the reason that the computer does not boot may be insufficient cooling of the electronic components of the motherboard.

2. There is no black screen, the computer displays boot messages, but the user cannot enter the BIOS

Separately, it should be said about the variant of the situation when the computer turns on, but there is no "black screen" and the system boots normally, but does not enter the BIOS setup program for the computer parameters - BIOS Setup.

2.1. BIOS Enter Key Incorrectly Pressed

However, there is one nuance here. Some users may immediately panic “I can’t get into the BIOS”, although they simply do not know how to enter the BIOS correctly. To enter the BIOS, you simply need to press the appropriate key after the computer turns on. But many users press the wrong key or do it at the wrong moment in time, and this is the only reason why they cannot enter the BIOS. We wrote about what to do in order to enter the BIOS setup program after the computer is turned on in the corresponding article.

2.2. Correctly pressed the enter BIOS key, but still cannot enter the BIOS

But it can also happen that BIOS Setup does not start, and you cannot enter it even though the correct key seems to be pressed. Most often, if you press the desired key and cannot enter the BIOS, the keyboard is the culprit. For example, if you are using a USB keyboard and the BIOS does not have support for USB devices, then you will not be able to enter BIOS Setup. It is also worth checking the keyboard on a different computer. If the BIOS does not open even after excluding the keyboard factor, then the matter is in another component of the computer.

3. Stop by BIOS information messages

Also, it is not uncommon for the computer to start up, but does not load the operating system, but displays a text message about a specific error on the screen when the BIOS boots. Continued download depends on the nature of the error. For example, a BIOS checksum error message may indicate that the CMOS battery is low, and usually the user in this case can continue his work further after pressing a certain key.

Ways to solve problems

First of all, in order to solve the problem and eliminate the reason why the black screen appears, and the computer does not load the BIOS and the operating system, you should remember what you did before the problem occurred? Did you install new devices in your computer just before the black screen appeared? Have you made any changes to your BIOS settings?

If you have actually made changes to the hardware, then it is recommended that you revert the system to its previous state by removing the newly installed hardware. If after that the computer works normally and loads the BIOS, then this means that the problem was precisely in the remote hardware.

In the event that you made your own BIOS settings, then the BIOS can be returned to safe factory settings. To do this, as a rule, it is enough to install a special CMOS memory jumper on the motherboard or remove the CMOS battery. As a rule, this operation often helps when the computer does not load the BIOS.

If you know for sure that you did not perform any actions with the BIOS or hardware, but the computer or laptop still gives you a black screen and does not load the BIOS, then you will have to check all the hardware yourself.

Sometimes the cause of a malfunction may be the dustiness of the "insides" of the computer. Therefore, the very first procedure for any user trying to revive the computer is to clean the internal space of the system unit. Only after that it will be possible to move on and check the performance of all systems.

Also, a temporary system failure is possible due to overheating of the processor or motherboard. Therefore, it is worth checking the coolers of the system unit and processor. Then, one by one, it is worth checking the main components of the computer - the processor, RAM, motherboard, video card, power supply. Hard drive failure can rarely cause the BIOS to fail to boot, however, this option should also not be discarded.

Signs of errors

You can worry about a system malfunction when one of the following occurs when your computer starts up:

when the power button is activated, there is no reaction (it is also worth checking how it is connected);
the computer starts, but the screen does not react in any way, and the BIOS itself emits error signals;
an error message appears when the device starts; keyboard buttons do not respond;
the computer starts up without errors, but too quickly; without the ability to load the BIOS.

Key entry error

The first thing worth noting is that the hotkeys for launching the program are different on each motherboard. And sometimes, the combination required to start the BIOS may not be displayed at all on the screen when the device starts up. This complicates the task considerably. Therefore, in order to select the necessary key combinations to enter the BIOS, you will have to choose from:

Del (on some keyboards - Delete).
In the event that none of them fit, it is worth searching the Internet for the motherboard model. Most often, this characteristic can be found in the description on the manufacturer's website or on various thematic forums.

Ports problem

This may be the simplest reason why BIOS does not boot. The problem may be that the USB port to which the keyboard was connected stopped working correctly, and, therefore, the device itself stopped responding to any interaction with it.

The solution is extremely simple and obvious - change the keyboard connection port to one that works stably. If we are talking about a stationary computer, you should use the USB located on the motherboard. Unlike those installed in the case, they last longer and more stable.

Now you can restart your computer and boot the BIOS again.

Input device problem or error

Before you start working with this program, you should definitely make sure that the input device is working properly. And it doesn't matter whether you need to check some data on the system or install a new BIOS firmware (this will be discussed a little later). If suddenly nothing happens when you press the correct key, it is worth performing several actions:

check the functionality of the USB ports (described above);
make sure that the keyboard itself, as well as the necessary keys, work stably.
There are also various ways on how to enter BIOS without a keyboard. It is also worth noting that it is not advisable to use a wireless keyboard when working with BIOS. Only if there is no wired device, although this is not so critical.

PS / 2 connector

There are situations when the BIOS firmware is too old and does not support the USB interface for the input device. To fix this, you will have to use a keyboard with a PS / 2 connector. You can also purchase a matching adapter for a modern port.


In a specific case, the problem is that some of the devices connected to the computer does not work correctly and leads to errors. Because of the latter, the BIOS is not loaded.

To check for a startup error, you should do the following:

turn off all drives, solid state drives and hard drives;
remove all devices connected to the motherboard;
disable the discrete graphics card.
In the event that the problem is solved, it is worth starting to connect all the devices one by one. This will help determine why the BIOS is not loading. Once the defective part is identified, you can contact the repair service to find out if it needs to be fixed or not.

Sound prompts

The following often happens: the computer starts up, the BIOS is called, but signals are emitted instead, and the program does not work. In this case, you need to record the type of signal and contact the Internet for help.

There you can find tables that list all the signals that the system can emit in such a situation. Next, you just need to find your signals among the rest and find out what problem they are reporting and how else to solve.

Problem with program settings

A similar error occurs when the user of the device makes any changes to the BIOS itself. One of the solutions to the problem may be to return the program to the factory settings. This can be done as follows:

Open the system unit or unscrew the bottom cover of the laptop.
Find the CMOS button on the motherboard (located next to the battery). By default it is in position 1-2.
Switch it to position 3-4. Hold this for about 30 seconds.
Return to the previous state.
Reset button

Errors with the motherboard

This part is the most important part in any device. In fact, she is a computer. In the event that there are suspicions that the BIOS is not loaded precisely because of her, it is worth performing several important operations:

Examine the motherboard. Various physical injuries may appear on it. It is also worth checking it for oxidation and changes in capacitors.
If no changes were found in the structure of the part, it is necessary to carry out diagnostics. For this, all devices that were connected to it are turned off. Only the processor and speakers need to be left to control the audio signals. Connect only the monitor and the power cable from the system to the system unit.
Now you need to reset the settings. To do this, you need to remove the battery. After about 10 seconds, reinsert it.
You can start the device. If at the same time sound signals appear, the motherboard is functioning. Otherwise, it is worth considering a replacement.

Battery on motherboard

In the event of a breakdown of such an important part, it is worth contacting the service center. Perhaps it can be brought into working order.

Can I update BIOS from a USB flash drive?

The BIOS installation procedure itself is necessary when the computer has an outdated version that requires an update. Also, the reason may be a conflict in the connected device, or the system data has been damaged by a virus.

Now let's look at the algorithm for how to update BIOS from a USB flash drive.

Defining the board model

It is worth noting that this is not so much a BIOS update as the installation of new drivers on the motherboard. You can define a model in the following ways:

if an expensive and professional part was purchased, then its full name will be indicated on the package, as well as in the accompanying instructions;
the same goes for mid-range motherboards; their type is indicated on the front of the box;
in the event that the part came in a simple cardboard box or was installed in advance, you should turn to the software:
to find out the model of the motherboard and the BIOS version on Windows 10, call the "Run" command window by pressing the Win and R keys;
enter "msinfo32" in the line;
click "OK";
in the window that appears, find a line that will contain information about the system, as well as the BIOS version.
You can also use the "AIDA64 Extreme" program. It is paid, but has a trial period of 30 days. Can you find out the model of the board with its help? by going to the "Summary Information" section. It will be in the list on the left. After that, you need to select the item with information about the motherboard.

Where can I get the firmware?

Just google
To update an outdated BIOS version on Windows 10, follow the sequence below:

enter the model of the mother card in the search engine and go to the manufacturer's resource;
find the download section and select the required software;
in the new section, select the newest firmware that has the "Instant Flash" mark; download;
unzip the downloaded file to a formatted USB flash drive;
insert it into the device to be reinstalled and restart it.

The process of installing BIOS from a USB flash drive

Now you need to carefully follow the further sequence of actions in order to install the new firmware without any problems:

As soon as the computer starts to start, press the BIOS activation button. It could be (F1, F2, Del (Delete)).
Now you need to go to the "Instant Flash" section. The firmware version and the source of its storage (flash drive) will be recognized by the system automatically.
Next, the drive with the recorded BIOS source is selected, as well as the firmware file itself.
Press the enter key and wait for the installation of the program.
It is also worth noting that sometimes it becomes necessary to boot from the drive that stores the installer. To do this, you must:

when starting the device, press the keys to activate the BIOS;
find the BOOT tab;
find Boot Device Priority in it; This menu sets the boot priority for devices connected to the computer. According to the standard, the first is always the hard disk on which the operating system is installed;
now you need to select this line;
then the flash drive with the installed file is selected and the enter button is activated;
now you need to press the F10 key and leave the program menu, while saving the settings.
after the computer restarts, the installer written to the USB flash drive will be launched.

Important points
Danger sign
There are several rather serious remarks regarding the work with the parameters of the BIOS program. They are listed below:

It is undesirable to engage in reinstallation if the computer is stable. There is always a risk of harming the system, and therefore, you should not resort to such serious actions if you are not sure that you can do everything correctly. Or that it is really necessary.

When downloading BIOS firmware, pay attention only to full versions rather than alpha or beta.
During installation or fixing errors, do not disconnect the computer from the power supply. Failure to do so may result in irreparable problems. It is also worth getting an uninterruptible power supply.

Before installing a new version of the program, read the instructions for the firmware of the motherboard. It often comes with a part.

Without exaggeration, BIOS can be called the heart of a computer, without which other elements of this system simply cannot work normally. Many may not notice these processes or even not know about them, but when the computer is turned on, it is the BIOS that starts up first, and only then the operating system is loaded. From time to time, various problems may arise due to which the BIOS does not start on the computer and, accordingly, the user cannot turn it on.

OS problems

Despite the fact that the operating system is loaded only later, in some cases an attempt to install an additional OS becomes the reason that the BIOS does not load on the computer (black screen). This is mainly due to the occurrence of a failure in the settings, so it is enough to simply restore them to their default value to fix the problem. This is done as follows:

  • disconnect the monitor and computer from the network;
  • open the system unit and take out the battery from the motherboard (often it looks like a 5 kopeck coin);
  • wait a few minutes;
  • put the battery back in place and turn on the computer.

After performing this procedure, the BIOS will start to start with the standard settings, as if no adjustments were ever made to them.

If your BIOS still does not load, you will need to check the connections.

Connection Failure

There is also a high probability that the computer does not boot beyond the BIOS due to some kind of breaks in the data loops or power supply networks. To test this option, first hear if your motherboard cooler is working. In many systems, the BIOS runs on the processor, so it can malfunction if there is insufficient cooling.

From time to time, contact groups can leave the fan, so the board does not provide the necessary cooling and the BIOS does not start. It is also worth carefully checking all the daisy chain and cable connections, and then check if the motherboard and contacts have been dusty. Few people know that dust is a source of electrostatic fields and an excellent conductor, so its excessive accumulation has a detrimental effect on the operation of the computer. If there is really a lot of dust, then clean the device from it with a low-power vacuum cleaner and a brush.


The computer turns on but DOES NOT BOOT!
only black screen ... What to do? ...

Where to start troubleshooting if the computer won't boot the BIOS POST?
There is not even a sound signal, but the power supply is working, the fans are spinning ...


If the computer turns on, but DOES NOT BOOT (DO NOT START), then there can be quite a few reasons.

Sometimes inexperienced people describe this situation like this: "... the computer boots up, the fans are spinning, but the screen is black." - as if for a computer the rotation of the fans is more important than anything else ...

FIRST OF ALL you need to pay attention -
is it audible at the start one short squeak from the system unit?
Or this squeak not one, but several.
Then what exactly are these squeaks(for example, 3 short + 1 long or in some other sequence) - these are the error codes of the motherboard, which should be output at the start BIOS POST (Power-On-Self-Test= power-on self-test).

One short squeak is a message that everything OK.
And if there is no squeak at all, or vice versa, if they are several different in duration or one long - this indicates that there are some malfunctions.
There are special guides (for example, " - BIOS beeps") describing which malfunction certain sequences of sounds correspond to. Some of the most important options from this list, specific to your motherboard, can be found in manual(user instructions).

If you have heard a certain sequence of sounds, then usually, according to the description, you can immediately understand (unfortunately, not always with great accuracy) which of the devices connected to the "motherboard" is to blame for the problem.

If there are no sounds, or the guide did not help,
then the sequence of actions is as follows:

We will act according to the principle of a comic saying:
"Electronics is the science of contacts!"

As you can imagine, this joke contains (only) a grain of joke ...

1. Open the system unit.
It is enough to take off left side cover if you look "From the face".
That is, it is convenient to put the system unit on the right side
and remove the cover that turned out to be above.

Let's see if there is a lot of dust in the case and on the motherboard.
First, clean it slightly with a vacuum cleaner. A paintbrush from a hardware store, which is used to paint windows, helps a lot - choose a flat, rather than a round brush with the longest bristle. We sweep with a brush, especially in the gaps of the radiator grilles, and suck with a vacuum cleaner (in the other hand).

Be careful! Do not break any parts soldered to the motherboard with the brush or the bell of the vacuum cleaner!

If you unscrew the fans from the case and from the processor cooler, then the picture is depressing:

Cooler(from english COOLER= cooler) is a radiator (such an aluminum or copper lattice "brick") with a fan installed on it.

What kind of cooling is there if the cooler's radiator is dullly clogged with a dust coat!

This is what a new or cleaned up standard CPU cooler looks like (somewhat outdated):

And here are the options for modern more advanced models:

2. Next, you need to snap out (remove) / click (insert) the RAM modules. To do this, pay attention to the plastic (usually black) levers at the ends of the module. If you bend these levers to the sides with a little effort, the RAM module "jumps out" of the slot by itself.
When removed, we clean the knife contact with the same brush (the slot where the modules are inserted).
On the modules themselves, look at the state of the gold-plated contacts -
whether everything is in place, whether some contaminated one.
It does not interfere with gently wiping with a soft cloth dipped in alcohol.
Vodka will do too - just not a cologne !!!

You need to insert the module into the slot very neat... Insert the knife contacts into the slot, it is possible under a slight slope, as it turns out. And then lightly press your fingers first on the edge of the module, which was higher, then on the other edge, so that the module snaps into the slot. In this case, the levers along the edges of the module will themselves stand in a vertical position.

If the video card has a cooler (heatsink with a fan), check its condition.
You can use a small screwdriver to unscrew the fan and clean it from dust along with the radiator.

If the cooler is noisy, then you can drop a little machine oil into its bearing (at least from a sewing machine) - for this, temporarily remove the sticker covering the bearing.
Oil should be VERY LITTLE - do not overdo it !!!
Dip a small screwdriver in oil and transfer to the bearing SMALL DROP with this screwdriver. Then spin the fan, gently pushing the blades with your finger to disperse the oil through the bearing.

After that, you can try to "start".

4. If it does not start, disconnect all hard drives, optical drives and other peripherals from the "motherboard".

Remember to disconnect the wires USB leading from the motherboard to the front of the case (to the USB connector or a card reader built into the front panel, if any) - because of them, there is often a problem, such as yours.

5. Trying to "start".
If it does not start in this position, set to zero. BIOS
(Basic Input-Output System= basic I / O system)

This is done by permutation jumper(from English JUMPER = jumper), i.e. jumper, usually located near the battery (see photo below). It says something like "Clear RTC"(erase real time = REAL TIME CLOCK) or "Clear CMOS".

For reference:

CMOS = Complementary-symmetry / metal-oxide semiconductor- technology for constructing semiconductor electronic boards.
This abbreviation is purely historical - once BIOS CMOS was the only microcircuit on the motherboard ( SYSTEM BOARD= SYSTEM BOARD WITH CONNECTORS)

Usually a group of 3 contacts is provided on the board for installing a jumper. The jumper is installed so that the middle and one of the extreme ones are closed. Shifting to the position where it closes the middle and OTHER EXTREME resets BIOS settings to default (from English DEFAULT= default).

One of these three contacts is usually signed - look for a white number near it 1 or some kind of icon in the form of a small arrow (or just a wide white strip, as in the photo below). And next to it there is a small sign on which something like
(may differ exactly the opposite):


This means that in position 2-3 custom settings will be erased BIOS.
Move the jumper to position CLEAR CMOS and wait 10-15 seconds.
After that DO NOT FORGET return to position NORMAL.

If you did not find such a jumper, remove the battery for 30 seconds and insert it back.
On company boards Gigabyte there is no jumper, but this is exactly what is written in the manual (user manual):

I am translating the explanatory text for this manual:


If you want to erase CMOS values

1. Turn off your computer and unplug the power cord from the outlet
2. Remove the battery and wait 30 seconds (highlighted in the picture)
3. Reinstall the battery
4. Connect the power cable and start the computer

[It is written to the right:]


RISK OF EXPLOSION if battery is incorrectly replaced
- Replace only with the same model recommended by the manufacturer
- Dispose (throw away) used batteries only in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations

When taking out the battery, be VERY CAREFUL !!!

There have been cases when careless handling caused BATTERY BREAK -
very unpleasant "VESCH", I will report to you!
(there is a warning about this in the manual above)

This, of course, is not an explosion (as it is written there), but ...
a small (Thank God!) amount is poured out of the battery CORROSIVE ALKALI!
Which, as you know, immediately corrodes any clothing and is very

Please note that all this must be done
(That is, it is necessary, as written in the manual, to disconnect the power cable from the outlet!)

Some motherboards have a special indicator light, which just by its glow reminds that it is necessary to de-energize the board before turning on or off something on it.
For example, look at the photos above - at the bottom left there is such a green light.

6. If it still does not start, check how the processor is installed, the memory itself, etc.
This is already, as they say - "AEROBATICS", so with no experience, don't poke your nose!

However, disassembly cpu cooling systems and replacing thermal paste, which may have already dried up and instead of accelerating the removal of excess heat, works like a "fur coat", is not so difficult - read the step-by-step description of the procedure in the topic about laptops:

BIOS is the Basic Input-Output System, the heart of the computer, without which the normal operation of other components and software is impossible. When you turn on the computer, the BIOS starts up first, and only after turning it on, the operating system starts loading.

In theory, since Windows boots after the BIOS, reinstalling the operating system or adding another OS should not affect the normal operation of the BIOS. However, it is not uncommon for an attempt to install a second operating system to result in the BIOS not loading.

In this case, we can assume that the BIOS settings are out of order and restoring the default settings can solve the problem. To reset the settings, you need to carry out the following operations.

  1. Disconnect the PC and monitor from the mains.
  2. Open the system unit and remove the battery from the motherboard.
  3. Wait a few minutes.
  4. Replace the system battery.
  5. Connect power to the computer and monitor.

After restarting, the BIOS will start to boot “as the first time”. If the problem disappears after doing this, we recommend formatting the bootable hard drive and reinstalling the operating system. It is desirable that one that previously worked without problems. It is possible that the added operating system was damaged in the distribution.

Connection violations

It is highly likely that the BIOS does not load due to gaps in the power supply networks or data loops. To check this option, you first need to listen - is the cooler spinning on the motherboard. BIOS is part of the processor and therefore poor cooling of the motherboard leads to malfunctions.

Perhaps, the contact groups of the fan have moved away, so it does not work. Then carefully inspect all cable and loop connections. Check if dust has accumulated on the motherboard or in the contacts. Dust is an excellent conductor of electric current, and it also creates electrostatic fields, to which electronics are very sensitive.

  • Clean the device from dust with a vacuum cleaner and a brush.
  • Disconnect the contactors in sequence and clean the terminals from dirt and oxidation. You can use a school rubber band to clean the contacts.
  • Check that all connectors are secure. It is likely that the vibration caused the contacts to disperse, and therefore the equipment stopped working correctly.

After preventive maintenance, you can try to restart the computer. Is the screen black again and the BIOS won't load? Then it can be assumed that one of the internal modules is faulty. Including the motherboard itself could fail or it needs to be reflashed.

You can download the new firmware for the motherboard on the manufacturer's official website. Updating the firmware is a difficult and rather risky task. Therefore, if you do not know exactly what and how to do it, it is better not to risk it, otherwise you can ditch the entire computer, in a place with hard drives. Better contact the service center.

Faulty blocks in the computer

None of the above helped? Then the probability of hardware malfunction increases and you can start checking the blocks.
Unplug and remove anything from the device that is not required to start the computer. Leave only the motherboard, power supply, and one of the RAM sticks. The computer will not work in this state, but it is possible to check the health of the motherboard itself.
A common reason for the inability to start the computer is insufficient power supply unit. For example - you replaced the motherboard with a more advanced one, which requires more electricity. At the same time, the power supply remains old. Or so - additional hard drives or some other functional components were installed in the system unit. Energy consumption can rise quite dramatically. Installing a more powerful PSU will solve the problem. If the question, of course, is the lack of energy.

Often a malfunction in the video card interferes with loading BIOS. If possible, you need to check the video card by replacing it with another similar one. Or install the video card in another computer. Here you need to look at the compatibility of the equipment. Otherwise, you will not find the problem, but you can create new faults.

If in the minimum configuration - a motherboard, a power supply, a socket of RAM - the system unit is working and the BIOS is loading, then the problem is in one of the removed modules. After installing and connecting the next unit, try turning on the computer again and see what happens. As soon as the BIOS stops starting again, it can be assumed that you have found a faulty unit. Now all that remains is to find a similar one and replace it.

In reality, things often turn out to be much more complicated. For example, the computer sometimes boots up and works quite normally, and then, for no apparent reason, starts to glitch. The problem can be either a software malfunction or a component malfunction.

These periods of normal operation, alternating with failure to boot the BIOS, are common for three types of problems.

  1. The presence of microcracks on the motherboard. Because of this, the contact periodically disappears.
  2. The electrolytic capacitors on the motherboard or power supply are dry. This malfunction mainly applies to old system units that have been in operation for a long time. Sometimes defective capacitors can be identified by the characteristic bulging of the case.

Poor contact in the connected wires. As already mentioned - the presence of dust, oxidation of contacts, insufficient pressure. If the contactors have fixing screws, they must be tightened to the end. The opposite situation also happens - too tightly clamped locking screws lead to deformation of the connectors and disruption of contact in the connection.


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