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IN love relationships Taurus and Libra have every chance of success and stability. They are somewhat similar, so you don’t have to make any special efforts for complete mutual understanding. Compatibility between Taurus and Libra in love is like a key and a lock. They suit each other one hundred percent.

Taurus Man and Libra Woman

Sympathy between a Taurus man and a Libra woman occurs instantly; it does not take much time for love to arise. Taurus appreciates everything beautiful in life; he will be charmed by the romantic and sociable Libra woman, her good taste and graceful manners. In turn, she will be attracted by the calm nature and reliability of her partner. This couple has many differences, but also a lot in common. They will find something to talk about and will enjoy spending time together.

Even though their zodiac signs are ruled by the same planet Venus, they are different in many ways. Where the Libra woman strives for balance and justice, the Taurus man strives for calm and security. Problems in relationships and marriage can cause him to be stubborn and jealous. The Libra woman loves communication, she has a need to spend a lot of time among people, which will not meet with the approval of her partner. He will try to control her and limit her, which will cause her discontent and resentment. If she finds a way to captivate her beloved with her interests, their union will strengthen.

After some time, everyone will be able to bring out the best in their partner. For a Taurus man loving heart, he will try to make his chosen one happy, so that she will feel like a princess with him. If they have strong feelings, then they can build a stable relationship and create a family, since they have similar goals, despite the difference in characters.

Such couples form quite quickly, but at the same speed the lovers begin to move away from each other. At the initial stage of a relationship, a Taurus guy gives the girl the impression of a serious and reliable person. She was not mistaken, these are the qualities nature endowed him with, but he will become a support for her if she does not put pressure on him and burden him with her problems. The young man is generous, he will not refuse the girl help, but she must know when to stop. If it seems to Taurus that the representative of the Libra sign is relaxing even where she can easily manage on her own, she will cease to be attractive to him.

The Libra girl is charming and sweet, she is easy to talk to, but she often wins over Taurus using the wrong methods. She emphasizes her love of art, her mannerisms, her ability to conduct small talk, and tries to be charmingly mysterious. A Taurus guy loves complete certainty in everything, but he will never ask her a direct question about a girl’s intentions. If she does not behave in a way that is more understandable to him, the young man is unlikely to want to spend his time on a deep search for meaning in her actions.

The pair of Taurus and Libra is beautiful - it is a union of true masculinity and true femininity. This is how an outside observer sees them. Those who know their partners closely could object: the Ox is not as firm and unshakable as he would like, and his charming partner is far from a fragile violet.

Libras are almost always happy in. They know well a simple truth, which women of other signs sadly often forget: with delicate persistence you can achieve much more than with rude demands, tears and threats. The Libra girl goes through life on soft paws, but with the determination of a fighting rhinoceros. A man for her is not a page or a master, but an equal partner, worthy of all respect, but... isn’t it the duty of every wise woman to guide her husband along the path to success that she considers the shortest and at the same time safe? Soft paws cover the Bull’s eyes, and he stomps in the indicated direction, confident that he himself chose this path...

Wait a minute, are we talking about Taurus now? Would he really allow someone to control him? No one else but her. However, he himself would put it differently: “She inspires me.” And again a paradox: why would this earthly man in all respects talk about such a subtle matter as inspiration? But what else can you call this state of spiritual elation, which instills a feeling of enormous, almost unlimited power, when his beloved is next to him?.. She is so touchingly fragile and sweet that the Ox feels an irresistible desire to break mountains and drain the seas in between her path with rose petals and intimidation of possible rivals.

However, there will probably be no rivals: for Libra women, family values ​​are sacred. And in this, they and Taurus completely agree on their views - they create a couple for life in order to protect the peace of their quiet haven, take care of each other and about their children together, and slowly but persistently move towards a common goal - stable material well-being. The shortcomings of one partner are compensated by the advantages of the other: the sluggishness, pessimism and rigidity of Taurus - the liveliness of mind, positivity and flexibility of Libra. Her anxiety and vulnerability are due to his self-confidence and insensitivity to external stimuli.

Some of the representatives of our Air sign feel the influence of the Wind in their character: it makes them, in a purely feminine way, short-sighted and frivolous, subject to the power of emotions. The Ox will certainly decide to “re-educate” such a Libra girl in his own way, and is unlikely to become pretentious if she does not learn her lesson. He himself lives by the principle “If you say it, do it, but if you don’t intend to do it, don’t promise it,” and he demands the same from those around him. Taurus is probably right, but just make sure he doesn’t overdo it: by disturbing his partner’s fragile mental balance, he can greatly offend her and deprive her of peace, sleep and appetite for a long time. They do not tolerate rudeness, and are especially sensitive when they themselves become the object of pressure. Both partners should avoid such situations and anything that could cause them.

In general, the union of the Ox and Libra is very harmonious. And the secret is not even so much in the common views on family and relationships. When they get married, they both know what they want and have no doubts. Both believe in the vow they made to each other: for richer and poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do them part. And when one of the partners gets tired of fighting for a prosperous tomorrow, the other will carefully lend him a shoulder. Maybe it will be him, maybe it will be her: fragility women's shoulders sometimes so deceiving! One way or another, it is easier to go through life feeling the support of a loved one - such a couple can conquer the most inaccessible peaks.

Passion, love, thirst for separation, truce, the most sensual confessions that can be - all this is in such a union as a Taurus woman - a Libra man. The compatibility of these two sometimes seems unrealistic. But in reality, it is unlikely that you will find people who love each other more than Taurus and Libra.

Taurus girl and the specifics of her character

Before talking about a couple like a Taurus woman and a Libra man, whose compatibility will be discussed a little further, it’s worth talking about their characters. And we should start with a representative of the fair half of humanity.

A girl belonging to the zodiac sign Taurus is the true embodiment of femininity. She has excellent taste, always looks impeccable, and is courteous in communication. Seducing a man will not be difficult for her. At first glance, it seems that this is a fragile and delicate creature. But behind the angelic appearance lies simply incredible fortitude. She is smart, but never specifically demonstrates her abilities. Perhaps that is why others underestimate them. Calm, reasonable - she is always ready to listen and help with worthwhile advice. The Taurus girl is a wonderful, reliable friend and faithful wife. To win her, you only need one thing - to be sincere and honest. Because it is lies and deception that she cannot stand.

The Libra man and the characteristics of his temperament

A guy born under this zodiac sign is the real life of the party. He is sincere, cheerful, sociable, sociable - it’s hard not to fall in love with him. He charms literally from the first minutes of communication. He is able to find a common language with almost any person. This man is very courteous with girls, does not hesitate to give compliments, knows how to look after beautifully and be attentive. He has one important feature that is not inherent in all representatives of the stronger half of humanity. And this is mindfulness. He always shows it towards the girl he likes. He asks her about everything: about work, about the past day, about what’s new, about problems. Because he knows that this is important to her. The Libra guy always strives to please the people who are dear to him - and they are pleased, and he feels better for it. In general, we can say that these people are true friends, sincere, empathetic and emotional. With such people you really feel calm and good.

Power of attraction

Despite the fact that disagreements occur quite often in such couples, they still do not break up. This is the highlight of such a union as a Taurus woman - a Libra man. Their compatibility, despite the above, is still very high. It's as if they are drawn to each other by a magnet. They are united by a love for all kinds of pleasures and joys. The guy in this union is a very creative and sophisticated person, unlike his chosen one. The Taurus girl is more realistic and determined than him. But such distinctive features are not a minus at all. They successfully complement each other, helping their partner become better. But what they actually have in common is the ability to enjoy good things. Sometimes even a small trifle can make them happy.

Harmonious Union

So, now we should talk about a couple like a Taurus woman and a Libra man. Their compatibility is successful for the reason that each of them takes from this union what he needs. A guy, for example, needs understanding. And the girl - love and attention.

Of course, the leader in a couple is undoubtedly the woman. She is a born leader, and it is easy for her to take responsibility and the right to resolve issues and problems that arise. But she won’t do absolutely everything. Libra should take part in this too. The girl will simply say what needs to be done, and the guy will do it. This arrangement suits everyone - responsibilities are distributed evenly. Harmony will reign in this union - this is evidenced by the compatibility of the signs of the Taurus woman and the Libra man. The main thing is that the girl does not infringe on the rights of her chosen one, and that he, in turn, tries to help her whatever she asks for. And of course, he was a real man with whom she would feel loved and needed. Because she really needs it.

Problems and conflicts

Well, in any couple there is something that can cause a guy and a girl to quarrel. Such a union as a Libra man and a Taurus woman is no exception. Although the love compatibility of these two is very promising, there is something that sometimes hinders them happy life. And this is one of them key qualities. Stubbornness is what it's all about. They are both very stubborn. Although Libra does not seem like that at first glance. They give the impression of very soft and compliant people. But in reality they are stubborn, like Taurus. They make concessions very hard. Sometimes it’s easier for them to remain silent than to agree with their partner’s opinion. And if things have gone too far, then Libra will begin to protect their comfort by any means necessary. Often - not very good. They can use lies, prevaricate, and make excuses. Just to avoid answering. Because if they express what they really think, it could ruin everything. What to do then? Finding compromises is the only way to get along together.

Start of a relationship

Speaking about the compatibility of the zodiac signs of a Taurus woman and a Libra man, I would like to say a few words about how to start this relationship. In fact, there is nothing complicated, since usually in these couples everything starts with ordinary communication. Love feelings between Libra and Taurus arise only after some time. And, I must say, in this case it is better than any love at first sight, since such couples practically never break up. Having gotten to know each other in the process of friendly communication, they already know what to expect from their chosen one or chosen one. And all that remains is to work on the relationship to make it easier and better.

Zodiac compatibility: Libra woman and Taurus man

The love horoscope tells a lot about this couple. And it's clear why. After all, a sensual girl born under the sign of Libra and an expressive Taurus guy are a couple that sometimes seems unreal.

Their friends and relatives are sure that they are completely different people and not suitable for each other. It seems like they have nothing in common at all. Characters, temperaments, outlook on life, worldview - everything is so different! But is this true? No. In fact, they have a lot in common. They are cheerful, love to have fun, have fun, they like the same music and movies. They have the same views on relationships, any kind - business, friendly, love. In addition, both the Libra girl and the Taurus guy have excellent taste. But this is not the most important thing. There is something more important. Namely, their ability to solve problems together. Even if something bad happened due to the fault of one person, they will deal with it together. Neither the girl nor the guy in this union will leave each other in trouble. No matter how many disagreements and quarrels they have.

Libra woman, Taurus man: the path to happiness

One nuance should be noted regarding such a couple as a Libra woman and a Taurus man. Marriage compatibility is what we're talking about. In order to family life was harmonious and happy, both the guy and the girl will have to work on their relationship. Quarrels can arise between them quite often - for various reasons. Most often - at the beginning of a relationship. Sometimes they can be very rude to each other. The initiator of quarrels is usually an expressive Taurus guy. He is jealous and is not used to trusting everyone at once. In order to stop these senseless quarrels (which arise out of nowhere), the girl should tell her chosen one more, be more frank. The fact that she does not dare to say everything can be perceived by Taurus as distrust or a lie. This is the specificity of his character.

In general, for the relationship to become simpler and better, he needs to be more restrained and show more attention and tenderness towards his beloved (since she really needs it), and she, in turn, needs to be more relaxed and frank. Then everything will be fine.

intimate connection

And one more topic that I would like to touch upon when talking about such a beautiful couple as a Taurus man and a Libra woman. Sexual compatibility is what we're talking about. In this regard, they are ideal for each other. There is hardly another similar couple in which people are so drawn to each other not only spiritually, but also physically. They are able to satisfy all each other’s needs and are ready to do this at any time and as much as they want. The most interesting thing is that they don’t get tired of it. Each time both partners experience new sensations. In addition, they are not shy about experimenting. They never have problems in this regard, unlike other couples. Due to such a great physical attraction, the spiritual connection also increases. By the way, they will never dare to cheat. Firstly, neither Taurus nor Libra consider this a noble cause. The very word “treason” disgusts them. And secondly, they are so satisfied with what they receive from each other that there is no desire to look for something on the side. This is the love and sexual compatibility of a Taurus man and a Libra woman.

Taurus and Libra

At first, it may seem that the couple Taurus Man and Libra Woman are the standard for the relationship between spouses. Only after a while does the emotionality of the partners become dulled, and ordinary everyday difficulties begin.

Libra women have a distinctive feature from other zodiac signs - the ability to show their femininity. She feels her own femininity better than anyone, and skillfully uses everything that it gives.

Such women are always visible from afar: they dress sophisticatedly and stylishly, wear exquisite jewelry and carefully look after themselves. Moreover, there is not a single representative of the sign who could be called stupid; on the contrary, they are always witty and interesting.

Naturally, a Taurus man, who will not be satisfied with the first woman he comes across, but only with the best, will definitely pay attention to such a woman.

The tenderness, affection and softness of Taurus men fascinates sensitive Libra women, which is why when representatives of these signs meet, in most cases they come together in pairs. But how strong such a couple will be depends on how skillfully the partners will overcome the upcoming difficulties.

Advantages of the union: Taurus Man and Libra Woman

Without exaggeration, Taurus men can be called the standard of masculinity, and Libra women - femininity. Such a union has many advantages, thanks to which it has every chance of growing into a strong family with care, love, respect and friendship.

Due to their stubborn nature and firmness of intentions, reaching Taurus men can sometimes be very difficult, if not impossible. Only this does not apply to Libra women; thanks to their ability to delicately and subtly persuade people to their opinion and achieve what they need, it will not be difficult for them to convince a Taurus man. That is why this couple does not have such a problem as: the man does not want to hear me and do what I ask.

At the same time, the Libra woman does an excellent job of arranging home coziness, comfort and creating an atmosphere so that her beloved man can relax after a hard day at work.

For all her gentleness and loyalty, the Libra woman has a clear life position and established goals that she will never compromise. Even if her goals differ from the opinion of a Taurus man, with persistence she is able to overcome him.

  • A man gives a woman the necessary strength and protection;
  • The partner is hardworking and is able to provide for the material side of the couple’s life;
  • The man in this couple is affectionate, gentle, kind and caring;
  • A woman knows how to create a homely atmosphere, comfort and peace;
  • The partner is diplomatic and loyal;
  • The woman is purposeful and knows how to carefully defend her position;
  • Such a couple combines the ideal qualities of partners to create a strong union for life;
  • In such a couple, the man and woman get along well with each other;
  • These representatives of the sign perfectly coincide in their opinions about intimacy and its process;
  • A man loves to give tenderness and affection, and a woman, on the contrary, loves to accept and receive it.

Disadvantages of the union: Taurus Man and Libra Woman

The main disadvantage of such a couple is that both partners are controlled by the planet Venus. They both have strong desires, strict principles, clear and understandable goals and stubbornness. Everything would be fine, but the direction of desires of a Taurus man and a Libra woman are too different.

The Libra woman skillfully manipulates the Taurus man, carefully and subtly avoiding strong pressure on him. But if a Taurus man understands that he is being manipulated, he can rear up strongly. Now, if the situation comes to this, it will be very difficult to calm down your partner, even for a Libra woman.

Taurus belongs to the sign with the element - earth, he is more interested in material things and values: salary, property, housing, transport, etc. He devotes a lot of effort to providing himself and his beloved woman with all the things necessary in life and everyday life.

The Libra woman has a different element - air; it is more important for them in life to receive moral satisfaction and spiritual food. For them, beautiful clothes, sophisticated interiors, paintings, nature, music, films and books are a priority. They like to contemplate beauty and it is important to let it pass through their soul.

  • Partners have different life goals;
  • Both have different priorities and opinions on what is important and what is not;
  • The man and woman have a very strong character;
  • Both partners are very stubborn and will not back down from their goal;
  • Both representatives of the sign are emotional and touchy, although Taurus moves away faster than Libra;
  • Libras tend to hold grudges for a very long time;
  • It is important for a partner to be in society and prove her superiority; Taurus men are avid homebodies, it is difficult to drag them out somewhere to a social event;
  • Taurus is more sociable, which is why Libra sometimes experiences a lack of attention;
  • It is difficult to force Taurus to change their stagnant way of life, work or place of residence. Libra, on the contrary, is very mobile and tries to live in step with the times;
  • The partner has much less patience than the partner.

How to find a common language in a couple: Taurus Man and Libra Woman

A harmonious existence in this pair is quite possible. Both representatives have a lot to learn from each other. Despite their intelligence and pure mind, Libra women should pay attention to the down-to-earth nature of Taurus and learn from them to give more attention to real things.

Taurus men, on the contrary, should learn from Libra the ability to distance themselves from reality and relax. The main problem of Taurus is their excessive hard work, on which they are ready to spend all their time, energy and nerves.

On the one hand, this is good, because the man is engaged in ensuring the material base of the union. On the other hand, this is bad, he does not know how to rest himself, and prevents his partner from resting. You should make it a habit to at least sometimes give a damn about everything and go out with your beloved woman. And she will feel good, she will receive a portion of public attention and the man will benefit, she will take a break from everyday and work problems.

Both partners have a long way to go in understanding the deep essence of each other, what is in priority and in the soul. If they learn to hear each other and make some concessions for the sake of their soulmate, such a union can more fully become the standard of a better family.

Compatibility of a couple in bed: Taurus Man and Libra Woman

The leading role in the lives of both signs is given to the planet of love and the ancient Greek goddess of family well-being - Venus, precisely because of this, representatives of these signs have absolute mutual understanding in the intimate sphere.

Both the Taurus man and the Libra woman can guess each other’s thoughts at first sight. They understand without words the preferences of their partners, and what is required to obtain maximum pleasure in bed.

Moreover, even if they are in a couple for a long time, their marriage bed does not cool down from passion, tenderness and affection. Sexual temperament both partners have a similar one, thanks to which they can quarrel several times a day, but at night all disputes and conflicts will be resolved.

Libra women value tenderness and special caresses in intimacy. Taurus men try to bring maximum bliss to their woman, and they stop at nothing to achieve this goal.

Compatibility of a couple in marriage: Taurus Man and Libra Woman

After going through the stage of getting used to it and getting to know each other, this couple can have a great family. The Taurus man will do everything to provide his family with the maximum level of comfortable living. The Libra woman will provide a good emotional atmosphere at home.

In matters of raising children, they may have some disagreements, because each of the signs has their own priorities in life. The Taurus man will insist that the child needs to be instilled with hard work and explain that material resources are the basis for a good life, while the Libra woman, on the contrary, will do everything to instill in the child a love of refined arts and good stylistic taste.

It will be better here if both father and mother divide the areas of raising the child. If parents reach agreement on this issue, they may well grow up to be a unique, gifted and unusual child, with all the knowledge of etiquette and culture, the ability to work and achieve their life goals.

Compatibility of a couple in friendship: Taurus Man and Libra Woman

A Libra woman and a Taurus man have very poor friendship compatibility. Firstly, because of their intimate characteristics. As both wards of Venus, they will definitely be drawn to each other, and sooner or later they will cross the line of friendship.

Secondly, they do not have common interests in the public sphere. The Libra woman loves social events and having fun in public. The Taurus man, on the contrary, loves home gatherings with close people whom he trusts.

The only thing that can bring representatives of these signs closer together in friendship is heartfelt conversations. The Taurus man often lacks moral support; moreover, he never refuses to listen to other people's opinions. Such men look for advice and tips on how to act in difficult situations in conversations with loved ones.

The Libra woman can also be flattered by long heart-to-heart conversations, because for her, like any woman, sometimes it is important to receive emotional strength and support from a man who is confident in himself and stands firmly on the ground.

Compatibility of a couple in business: Taurus Man and Libra Woman

Compatibility between representatives of signs in the business sphere is very high. In matters of work, they will perfectly complement each other.

Taurus's sense of purpose sometimes prevents him from being attentive to documentation. The desire to get your way often leads to haste and rash decisions.

All this can more than cover the sharp mind and pedantry of the Libra woman. She thoroughly studies all issues, especially documents, and always notices mistakes.

Such a partnership can bring simply tremendous results, especially when it comes to public spheres, the media and the provision of any services.

The Libra woman's creative thinking will make it easy to find new clients in the most unusual places. Such a woman’s loyalty and diplomatic gift, charm and ability to manipulate men will ensure strong business alliances for the company.

What Libra Woman Needs to Know About Taurus Man

The Taurus man is a workaholic, it is impossible to try to re-educate in him the insane craving for work and achieving new heights of work, this is what is in his blood. With all this, he often forgets about himself, rest and loved ones.

Here, a woman should remember that scandals about work will not lead to anything good. Taurus men need to be periodically pulled back and slowed down so that they organize an unscheduled day off or get together somewhere.

It is better for a woman paired with a Taurus man to immediately give up her favorite habit of “dripping on brains.” The more his partner puts pressure on him, the more stubborn he will become and do evil.

Men of this sign are not categorical; they can easily be convinced to change their minds. Just don’t manipulate their feelings for this. It is enough to simply provide compelling and thorough arguments in favor of your opinion, or simply explain how important this or that decision is for you.

In a relationship with a Taurus man, it is better to immediately refuse to provoke jealousy. As long as he doesn’t have it, or as long as he doesn’t show it to you, your relationship has trust and a chance for a happy future. As soon as Taurus starts showing jealousy, you can immediately tell that the relationship will end.

What does a Taurus Man need to know about a Libra Woman?

First of all, what men need to remember about Libra women is that they are sophisticated natures and really love communication. It is extremely important for them to at least sometimes go out into the world and show themselves, look at others and find out the latest news.

Such women should absolutely not be reproached for their increased attention to themselves and their wardrobe. It would be pointless to prohibit them from going to any public events: exhibitions, ballets, classical music concerts, etc.

You shouldn’t laugh at the fact that this woman will always strive to be in the know. modern fashion, the latest art trends and everything like that. Otherwise, if this does not affect the areas that are important to her, she may become ideal wife, a reliable life partner and the best lover in the world.

A man should remember that for a Libra woman, charming other men is a natural call. Her coquetry, or flirting with other men, does not at all mean that she is already cheating or is going to cheat on her partner. Such women are very critical of those they allow into their bed. And they are not used to solving their problems as a couple by searching for lovers.

Compatibility of Libra Woman with other signs

Compatibility of a Taurus man with other signs

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Compatibility horoscope: compatibility of zodiac signs Libra girl Taurus guy - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Before describing the duet of Taurus and Libra, it is worth raising your gaze higher and turning to the stars, which will give such a relationship many features. So, both signs are ruled by the planet Venus, at whose disposal are love and peace. Taurus is a feminine zodiac sign, while Libra is a masculine one. And, at first glance, it may seem that everything is quite simple. But this is only the first, because the stars play a much more subtle and contradictory game. The Taurus man is not at all similar to the fairer sex: he is brave, stubborn (it’s worth remembering the expression “stubborn as a bull”), active and completely devoid of obedience and humility. Individual representatives of this sign can sometimes even surrender to the will of instincts and have practically nothing of what is traditionally considered feminine traits. However, most Taurus, despite their pronounced masculinity, are sweet, amiable and even gentle in communication - these are the traits that are bestowed by the essence of their astrological symbol.

Libra, on the contrary, male sign. But to imagine the Libra girl as a brutal lady who gets into any fight is fundamentally the wrong decision. No, the Libra woman is rather a lovely lady, charming, graceful, graceful and captivating the eyes of all men. No matter what features nature bestows on her, she is still perceived by everyone as a beauty, which is greatly facilitated by her wonderful sunny smile. Dexterous, intelligent speech, charming appearance, smooth movements - it is difficult to resist such a charming and extraordinary personality. But behind the external fragility lies the masculine principle, which is a zodiac sign: where hardships break one, this sweet creature will amaze with its strength and endurance, where another retreats, this woman will deftly and unnoticed by others achieve her goal.

Taurus man Libra woman compatibility. So, they met - a seemingly fragile and defenseless Libra girl and a seemingly unshakable Taurus man. And it seems that both of them get the first impression: she is so fickle and unpredictable that it is simply impossible to predict her next step, while he is straightforward, and his actions are easily predicted. But time goes by, and both discover so many new and amazing things in each other that the recent opinion is completely dispelled. For example, you need to solve some situation. Taurus’ strategy is as follows: to analyze everything independently and silently, then energetically and technically implement what has been considered, and then insist on their point of view until the bitter end. What does a Libra woman do? Oh, it turns out that she is no less purposeful than her chosen one, although he (and others) sees in her an indecisive nature. Simply, when solving a problem, the Libra girl enthusiastically analyzes every moment and feature, involving in the reasoning all those who happen to be nearby. She needs to highlight the pros, identify the cons, and evaluate the risks and advantages. In essence, she does almost the same thing as Taurus, but out loud and very actively. The hour has struck, and the decision has finally been made, and now she is rushing towards her goal at the speed of a train that cannot be stopped by anything. Goal achieved, problem solved. What does a Libra woman do? That's right, she stands firm on her own.

Such characteristic properties can give rise to misunderstandings and even irritation in a Taurus-Libra couple: after all, she is so accustomed to mastering the word, and Taurus’s silence depresses her, while he, a man of few words, often gets tired of her chatter.

However, the intimate side of life in this couple is more harmonious. Moreover, it is often physical interest that serves as the impetus for the emergence and development of relationships. And in the future, more often than not, this interest not only does not disappear, but additionally saturates this union. Yes, Taurus and Libra belong to different elements, he is still Earthly, and she is Airy, which sometimes makes them perceive each other with slight bewilderment, but they are both romantic and sentimental natures, giving themselves over not just to love, but to making it beautiful and erotic.

If you are far from him, then please him tonight, write him good night sms poems

They are different, the Libra woman and her Taurus companion, but this is the kind of difference that gives the best to both. Unpredictable, indecisive (although she does not admit it), the Libra woman finds in Taurus what she has been looking for for so long. Strong, stable, reliable and with common sense - it is he who will finally be able to bring the easily oscillating scales - an object that is the zodiac symbol of his companion - into the much desired balance. Who else, besides Taurus, will be able to gently and gently dispel all doubts and deftly lead you out of a hopeless situation? The Libra woman understands that there is no one but her devoted companion, who has such a warming warmth and such wonderful humor that she has always dreamed of.

Despite his outward courageous appearance, the heart of a Taurus man is vulnerable and takes a long time to heal mental trauma. He is characterized by a pessimistic view of the world, but the Libra chosen one is exactly that ray of sunshine that dispels the darkness in his eyes. Where others will take a long time to return Taurus to a good mood, Libra only needs a few warm words and an encouraging smile. The Taurus spouse is unlikely to show admiration for his partner’s sharp mind, her dexterity and ability to deal amazingly with many situations, but, undoubtedly, his Libra lover makes him both proud and respectful of her. True, a Libra woman who has connected her life with a Taurus should remember one more subtlety: with such a man you should under no circumstances demonstrate your superiority. And it is for her that there is folk wisdom that says that a man is the head, and a woman is the neck, who will turn her head wherever she wants. And Libra, who has mastered such an art unnoticed by Taurus, can count on a long-lasting union filled with love.

Taurus Man Libra Woman

The pair of Taurus and Libra is beautiful - it is a union of true masculinity and true femininity. This is how an outside observer sees them. Those who know their partners closely could object: the Ox is not as firm and unshakable as he would like, and his charming partner is far from a fragile violet.

Wait a minute, are we talking about Taurus now? Would he really allow someone to control him? No one else but her. However, he himself would put it differently: “She inspires me.” And again a paradox: why would this earthly man in all respects talk about such a subtle matter as inspiration? But what else can you call this state of spiritual elation, which instills in Taurus a feeling of enormous, almost unlimited power when his beloved is next to him? She is so touchingly fragile and sweet that the Bull feels an irresistible desire to break mountains and dry up seas in the intervals between lining her path with rose petals and intimidating possible rivals.

Taurus Man and Libra Woman Compatibility

The Taurus man and the Libra woman are under the influence of the planet Venus, and can perfectly complement each other, forming a strong and harmonious couple. Each partner has something to learn from the other, and they will both enjoy growing toward a better quality of life. As a rule, Taurus is fascinated by a romantic and mysterious partner at first sight, and the desire to unravel her secret will become the main task and meaning of his entire life.

The Libra woman will be captivated by the strength and courage of this calm and slightly slow man. More than anything else, she values ​​balance, balance, stability in life, because she herself is sometimes subject to serious fluctuations in mood. The charm of his partner, her charm and charm will move the Taurus man to such feats that he would never dare to do in his life. Such a feat, for example, could be a partner’s desire to change, to get rid of stubbornness and pedantic conservatism.

Virgo, in turn, is able to get rid of her eternal anxiety and worry next to such a monumental person. A Taurus man's healthy sense of humor and peace-loving nature will defuse tension in a relationship if it arises. The partner will feel responsible for such a fragile and vulnerable creature as the Libra woman, and at all costs, will try to serve her as reliable protection and support in life. If this couple chooses one global goal in life, then they will act together as a single whole, actively complementing each other in the process of achieving it. This tandem, united by a common idea, will be so strong that no obstacles or human gossip will be able to interfere with their path. No one promises, however, a Taurus man and a Libra woman a calm and cloudless life together.

Problems will invariably arise, and the first of them will happen on the basis of completely different attitudes towards their obligations. If the Taurus man pedantically does everything he has to do, then the Libra woman, in doubts and worries, may deviate from the rules or promises due to new circumstances. The partner in this union most often sins with empty dreams and head in the clouds; she tends to give words that she never intends to fulfill. The pedantic Taurus will not like this, and he may make comments to the Libra woman, reproaching her for being unobligatory and frivolous.

The partnership of a Taurus man and a Libra woman always requires very intense spiritual efforts of each, as well as changes in behavior and worldview, which can be very difficult and painful. The Libra woman may finally not be able to withstand the constant guardianship of her partner, and simply disappear from his horizon. The couple will withstand all tests if the Taurus man takes upon himself the responsibility of making decisions for both, and the Libra woman will be a diplomat in the relationship - both in the family and in society. This union is simply doomed to success if the partners moderate their ambitions in favor of healthy cooperation with each other.

The pair of Taurus and Libra is beautiful - it is a union of true masculinity and true femininity. This is how an outside observer sees them. Those who know their partners closely could object: the Ox is not as firm and unshakable as he would like, and his charming partner is far from a fragile violet.

Libras are almost always happy in love and marriage. They know well a simple truth, which women of other signs sadly often forget: with delicate persistence you can achieve much more than with rude demands, tears and threats. The Libra girl goes through life on soft paws, but with the determination of a fighting rhinoceros. A man for her is not a page or a master, but an equal partner, worthy of all respect, but... isn’t it the duty of every wise woman to guide her husband along the path to success that she considers the shortest and at the same time safe? Soft paws cover the Bull’s eyes, and he stomps in the indicated direction, confident that he himself chose this path...

Wait a minute, are we talking about Taurus now? Would he really allow someone to control him? No one else but her. However, he himself would put it differently: “She inspires me.” And again a paradox: why would this earthly man in all respects talk about such a subtle matter as inspiration? But what else can you call this state of spiritual elation, which instills in Taurus a feeling of enormous, almost unlimited power when his beloved is next to him. She is so touchingly fragile and sweet that the Bull feels an irresistible desire to break mountains and dry up seas in the intervals between lining her path with rose petals and intimidating possible rivals.

However, there will probably be no rivals: for Libra women, family values ​​are sacred. And in this, they and Taurus completely agree on their views - they create a couple for life in order to protect the peace of their quiet haven, take care of each other and about their children together, and slowly but persistently move towards a common goal - stable material well-being. The shortcomings of one partner are compensated by the advantages of the other: the sluggishness, pessimism and rigidity of Taurus - the liveliness of mind, positivity and flexibility of Libra. Her anxiety and vulnerability are due to his self-confidence and insensitivity to external stimuli.

Some of the representatives of our Air sign feel the influence of the Wind in their character: it makes them, in a purely feminine way, short-sighted and frivolous, subject to the power of emotions. The Ox will certainly decide to “re-educate” such a Libra girl in his own way, and is unlikely to become pretentious if she does not learn her lesson. He himself lives by the principle “If you say it, do it, but if you don’t intend to do it, don’t promise it,” and he demands the same from those around him. Taurus is probably right, but just make sure he doesn’t overdo it: by disturbing his partner’s fragile mental balance, he can greatly offend her and deprive her of peace, sleep and appetite for a long time. Libras cannot stand rudeness, and are especially sensitive when they themselves become the object of pressure. Both partners should avoid such situations and anything that could cause them.

In general, the union of the Ox and Libra is very harmonious. And the secret is not even so much in the common views on family and relationships. When they get married, they both know what they want and have no doubts. Both believe in the vow they made to each other: for richer and poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do them part. And when one of the partners gets tired of fighting for a prosperous tomorrow, the other will carefully lend him a shoulder. Perhaps it will be he, or maybe she: the fragility of a woman’s shoulders is sometimes so deceptive! One way or another, it is easier to go through life feeling the support of a loved one - such a couple can conquer the most inaccessible peaks.

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Responses (42) to Taurus man and Libra woman: compatibility

Well, it’s written right about a man’s dream. Maybe you should really look for one of the Taurus people as your life partner? But as with others, everything turns out very badly. In the description of Libra, I definitely see myself, but I constantly have to adapt to someone and be different, and this is difficult and does not last long. Over time, all relationships collapse, and Libra drags on in hopes of change.

To do this, you need a Taurus to love you madly

All signs have non-ideals) I doubt that you can adapt to Taurus; for many, the truth fades into the background. There are a lot of excuses and fantasies... children have to answer for the nonsense in their heads. Compatibility fails if it is false).

I decided to read about my couple, but in reverse. And now there’s a completely different situation. Such a union can last a long time, but the union of a Taurus woman and a Libra man is doomed to collapse. Although one planet patronizes these signs (Venus), it has always been difficult for me, as a Taurus, to understand Libra.

I am Libra, my husband is Taurus. Of course, I knew that he was amazing, but after this article I was convinced of it)) Written by us! That's how it is! He is tough, stubborn, constantly striving to solve problems himself. I am vulnerable, positive, but persistent. We quarrel because he is harsh in his statements about me. And I have a very hard time withstanding criticism addressed to me.

Teach me what you are doing, is your husband amazing?

We have the same couple. everything is exactly like ours. I agree with you. but my husband stopped helping me with the children and around the house. became a goat. This is why we fight. and everything is fine. I'm not complaining. In the morning we fight, in the evening we fight.

What are you measuring against, if it’s not a secret?

This is a very bad union, judging by the parents. They lived together for the sake of their children all their lives, and divorced only now, at 65, and with relief. Dad, a Taurus, said that he wanted to live in peace at least before he died, and moved in with me, also a Taurus. My husband is Virgo. So we live in psychological comfort, completely earthly elements in the house. And our airy children Libra and Gemini flew out of the house at the first breeze. Libra and Taurus are very uncomfortable together.

It just so happens that I am partial to Libra women and have never regretted it until now. I know my main shortcoming - the lack of bullish stubbornness. I’d rather make a reasonable compromise than stupidly stand my ground, especially knowing that I’m wrong. And the Libra woman, in her desire for harmony and perfection, suits me perfectly, since a compromise suits her too. The main thing is to be stubborn in achieving your goals.

What nonsense is written! In fact, it’s the other way around! It’s impossible to live in such a union! I’m a Libra, my Taurus husband is so lazy, immoral, selfish, not a drop of affection or care, no attention... and I try to give him everything, but there’s no reciprocity !

You should always take into account the year, not just the month of birth...

u vas muj nekchemni

I agree with Maria's opinion. In general, the masculinity of Taurus is attractive, but the truth is written in horoscopes that the Libra-Taurus relationship is a relationship between a rabbit and a boa constrictor, where the boa constrictor is Taurus. In short, there are common points, a good marriage is possible PROVIDED FOR HIGH MORAL QUALITIES OF TAURUS, MAKE SURE THAT HE IS FROM A GOOD FAMILY, SO THAT HIS FATHER RESPECTS HIS MOTHER AND IS EXEMPLARY, TAURUS COPIES HIS FATHER’S MODEL, AND THIS SIGN IS CONSERVATIVE, SO DON’T WAIT, THAT HE WILL CHANGE QUICKLY AND BECOME GOOD. You need to have powerful leverage over him in order to call him to order if he becomes insolent. He understands perfectly well how to behave with whom, so do not become dependent on him, have an alternate airfield, where to go and what to live on. But psychologically everything is normal, feelings do not disappear for decades (tested) as long as there is something to restrain Taurus’ selfishness.

Oh come on, as if for other zodiac signs it doesn’t matter what family a person is from... nonsense. Even among seemingly harmonious unions such as Libra-Gemini or Pisces-Scorpio, there are plenty of divorces. There are cattle among all zodiac signs.

I have been living in a civil marriage with a Taurus man for two years and I no longer have any desire to continue to endure him! He is a selfish rude man, he quarrels with everyone like a market woman! You won’t get tenderness, affection, or compliments from him. And the worst thing is that he never keeps his promises! In general, no common interests! And in sex he is also an egoist, with all the ensuing consequences. So Taurus and Libra are incompatible! Dolphin and Mermaid, to be honest, they are not a couple, not a couple, not a couple!

I live with a Taurus man and am very happy. I have never had such a man. The horoscope is simply about us.

There was a young man Taurus, after that I can’t stand them. He depressed me with his overly boring whining about how worthless he was, and how I was so beautiful and turned my attention to him. Pfff we need a man and not a whiner! Sorry for being harsh

No matter what a person is, if he is loved, it means everything. The understanding that all people are NOT perfect should always be present. And when a person is not confident in himself, it’s not like that global problem. The main thing is mutual respect, to know that you have a loved one.

The signs are not very compatible. Taurus - doesn’t like to wander around idly, and Libra is a walker

This article is written directly about us. I am a Libra and my husband is a Taurus. A very good father and husband. We have complete mutual understanding with him. He can be stubborn, but I’ve learned to put up with it and not pay attention to it. In all other respects: a good owner, a man of his word, loves children very much (we have three). In general, I adore my Taurus. And I am very happy that I once met him on my way!

I'm a Libra, he's a Taurus, jealous and worthless, just a phony, lies at every turn, there's nothing to talk about with him, he's stupid and doesn't know how to behave with me, his lack of tact and inability to behave irritates me.

Well, guys, I’ll say this. I’m a Taurus, I’m mutually grateful when I’m loved, respected and appreciated! That’s it in a nutshell. And of course I’ll move mountains for my beloved and it doesn’t matter Libra, Leo, or Cancer. Appreciate the love of a Taurus, there are no limits to gratitude! I don’t love not open, withdrawn people! Bitches too, although they are so sticky.(((

I live with a Taurus. Lord, God give me patience so as not to kill him. If it weren’t for the child, she would have left a long time ago.

I almost agree with the horoscope about Taurus husbands, I’m a Libra. a little stubborn, but I'm happy with him!!

Taurus men are good! and Libra women need to listen to them a little and then everything will be fine!

I am a Taurus, my wife is a Libra. 1975 and 1980 respectively. It’s strange, I don’t believe in all this nonsense, but I understand what is written about us. I’m interested in her because she’s a restless person, and I’m a boring workaholic. Typical Taurus, in general. She constantly pushes me to develop. I am happy with such a wife. About sexual relationships, I will say that for Taurus it is important to be slow, long, comfortable and mutual. But most of all we like to bring our partners to ecstasy. This is how we indulge our alter ego))) (oops, I discovered the secret).

Although in essence all these forecasts, etc. - complete nonsense. My wife sent me to work with the words “look, there’s an article about us.” Burdock. I really thought about us))). But it amused me and distracted me from my heavy managerial thoughts.

I'm a Taurus, and my fiancee is a Libra. There is something similar in the description, but not all of it. But the fact is that I’m happy and so is she:)

I'm a Libra, my fiance is a Taurus. Everything fits his description very well, I’m with him like behind a stone wall, I don’t need anything, and for now there’s even no doubt about not marrying him! He loves children very much and values ​​family.

And as many Taurus men as I know, they are very good husbands and partners.

Here I am Taurus. And I love Libra.

Moreover, everyone - without exception Sveta

But it seemed like Verasa’s group sang:

All tickets to Malinovka are sold out

I’m a Libra, my boyfriend is a Taurus, and I just physically feel his pressure on me, the desire to change me, and it just infuriates me. He’s not interested in my opinion at all, everything should be as he said, a different point of view is wrong.

Vot toje samoe, na etom u nas vse i razvalivaetsya.

Hmmm... Everything, of course, coincides, but not always so smoothly. My Taurus is very unpunctual, forgetful. A lot of excuses for myself. Yes, and it seems they are all different. But. Our marriage lasts primarily thanks to him! He is a wonderful father, we have a son! And I love him very much! And my tongue is my enemy! And my enemy! We have a lot of complaints about each other, but he says that these are just grinding things in. I really want to become completely the way I am, Libra, described in the article! I’ll try)) And... girls, don’t complain about your husbands, you’re on the same page with them! After all, no one forces us to live with them! These are not the times. This is self-respect! And also, My beloved Taurus, my man, my Bulat! I love you very much! I will try to make our relationship the best! In the evening I will let you read the article too))))

There was no relationship with Taurus. All my acquaintances of this sign are louts, rude and ill-mannered, I don’t believe that they can be gentle. No nobility. Also greedy. They'll strangle you for a penny. Most don't even have a permanent girlfriend. It’s not needed, you have to spend money on it. There are a lot of gigolos, everyone is looking for benefits. I had a fight with an acquaintance about this, he was so rude that he wasn’t worthy, I laughed and... I brought such universal hatred upon myself, no matter what a fairy tale can say... Taurus men hate me, because I am used to pissing them off, and this is as easy as shelling pears. So it’s fun for them to be angry, they are preparing a plan for revenge, it consists in fucking me later and leaving me. There are no emotions other than laughter and pity.

Not all Taurus are bad.. Do not forget about the upbringing given to them by their parents.

I'm a Taurus! They are different Taurus, there are rude people and normal ones who are ready to give tenderness and love... to their beloved! My girl is a Libra! But we need to re-educate the scales a little.

I came across someone who is not ready to live in growth and change. - it moved from the neck to the head, and this critical gesture and the actions themselves are destructive for me, as for a person. I don’t pretend to be someone else’s place in the world and I’m not ready to go head-to-head by being aggressive. When he doesn’t hear, he has to raise his voice, which is not typical for me. Doesn't want to listen and discuss difficulties and life in real terms. Your plan for 1 day and crackers under your pillow :))). Not a very healthy perception of the world. - everything is limited to the kitchen and the child, like a dog on a chain. 10 years of my patience and zilch! Self-esteem is inflated - from the world of a king, vindictive, proud... but after a year or two, the memory and voice of the wise princess fade away. The years have passed, but there’s no point in waiting for the ice to thaw. In a word - kindergarten at 37... I have a unique case.))) But I don’t regret it! I landed - what I could have become and what I am - I now understand 100%. The warmth remains, but I avoid people who fish for gold at the weight of life - tranquility, comfort, communication and affection, romance in the end. Money is great! but they are of no use in the safe and at 60 they will only be needed for the coffin, but it was not possible to spend them on our world... the ex still has her own world. So - here it is. For the first time I thought about compatibility. Just my case!

A Libra girl and a Taurus guy are a wonderful couple if you value each other, I’m telling you as a person who loved and love a Taurus guy very much;)) There is definitely passion, attraction and real feelings between these people!!

What should you do if a Taurus began to abuse alcohol when he fell in love with a Libra woman? Explaining this by saying that he himself does not understand what is happening to him. The relationship was very stormy for 3 months, although he started drinking once a month for 7 days. I can’t find an explanation for this. .

Everything fits! Especially...they will cover the scales with their paws, and the Taurus will stomp along the path and think that they have chosen it themselves.

I don’t know, one positive thing is always money. I am a Libra and my husband is a Taurus... for me it is suicide to tolerate his secrecy, silence, calmness. He is so poor in words that I am starting to think about his vocabulary.. of course, there are women of earth signs who are just as spiritually aesthetically retarded and they don’t need it , just give me the money.. but we, airy Libra girls, need admiration, compliments and communication as if in the air. It’s very difficult to break through his consciousness like through a stone mountain.. nothing can break it.. there are, of course, positive points of contact - this is the bed and absolutely identical taste for music.) I guess that’s what we’re holding on to)


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