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A balanced diet necessary for a child’s health is simply impossible without fresh vegetables and fruits. However, even fruits that have long been known and are rich in microelements can harm a child. How to avoid this?

How to choose fruits and berries so as not to harm your baby

Nursing mothers, when planning a diet, are always advised to focus on their own feelings and the well-being of the baby. Of course, there are tips to help you choose the right products:

A one-month-old baby should select fruits by elimination:

You should choose seasonal and local fruits that are more familiar and familiar to the body: in summer and autumn you should eat apples, apricots, peaches, watermelons and other local fruits.

If breastfeeding occurred during the winter season, then fruits can be replaced with dried fruits, eat winter apples and persimmons

You can eat citrus fruits (oranges, tangerines, lemon) only in winter and only in small quantities, constantly monitoring the child and noting his reaction.

There is no need to panic when a rash occurs - a calm mother is extremely important for the child, and the pediatrician will help identify the causes of the diathesis and prescribe treatment.

What fruits and berries can a nursing mother eat?

Some mothers prefer to go on a strict diet, not eating vegetables or fruits. This approach is incorrect and can be safely used:

  • Apples are a seasonal and common fruit that is safe and does not cause allergic reactions. In addition, they stimulate appetite and are rich in vitamins. It is best to start eating green varieties and baked apples;
  • pears - this fruit is extremely rich in vitamins and microelements (in particular potassium) and does not contain allergens. However, there are pear varieties that are overly rich in fiber, so you should avoid eating them for up to 3 months;
  • grapes - you can also eat them, but choose the varieties carefully. It is advisable to eat only clusters of light flowers, since wine varieties (red, blue) can cause upset or colic;
  • kiwi, as well as bananas, should be introduced gradually (preferably after 3 months) and eaten in doses; although they are rich in vitamins, they are exotic and may not be accepted by the child’s body;
  • pomegranate – this fruit is rich in microelements and vitamins, saturates the blood and prevents anemia. It should be introduced into the diet gradually.

Mothers should first of all listen to their body and eat in small quantities what they really want.

What vegetables can a nursing mother of a newborn eat?

Speaking about vegetables allowed during lactation, it is worth recalling that among them there are also prohibited and permitted options.

The same rule of seasonality applies as with fruits: you should only eat what is growing in the region right now and give preference to home-grown vegetables rather than greenhouse vegetables.

Vegetables are the best suppliers of vitamins, so you need to eat them and give preference to:

  • potatoes - you can eat them immediately after childbirth, stewed and boiled. You can eat it in soup or steam it;
  • cauliflower and broccoli - rich in vitamins, these vegetables do not cause bloating and flatulence, unlike white cabbage. They can also be eaten boiled and stewed;
  • zucchini and bell pepper are rich in vitamin C, they do not contain allergens and are well absorbed by the stomach;
  • beets - only if the baby is not allergic. Beets improve the functioning of the digestive system and enrich the body with vitamins and minerals;
  • green onions and celery are extremely necessary - onions will increase the body's defenses of the mother and child against viruses and bacteria, and celery will prevent bloating and intestinal colic in the baby.

Undesirable vegetables include:

  • white cabbage, beets, cucumbers and eggplants - they put a strong strain on digestive system child and contribute to excessive gas formation in the intestines;
  • carrots - has a laxative effect and causes allergies;
  • tomatoes are also strong allergens, so they should not be eaten for up to 6 months.

For the first couple of months, it is better to eat all vegetables boiled or stewed, and eat them raw only in salads with vegetable oil. Moreover, preference should be given to olive oil, since vegetables are better absorbed with it.

Table of allowed seasonal fruits, berries and vegetables

Seasonal vegetables and fruits are not only of high quality, because they ripen themselves without pesticides and are not subjected to negative impacts transportation, but also high in vitamins. The table of vegetables, fruits and berries by month of ripening looks like this:

Time of year Vegetables Berries and fruits
From January to February Red and Brussels sprouts, turnips with artichokes. The entire group of citrus fruits, including quince and persimmon.
From April to May All types of lettuce, rhubarb, spinach and asparagus crops.
June Legumes, radishes, carrots, pumpkin crops (zucchini, zucchini), nightshades (sweet peppers, chili, etc.) cauliflower. All berries (from raspberries to currants)
From July to August Potatoes, tomatoes, nightshades (zucchini, blueberry), cucumbers, bell peppers. Legumes. All types of greens. All berries. Peach, apricot and plum trees bear fruit.
August Sweet corn, red onions and onions, rutabaga, beet. Melon crops, plums, nectarines. Summer berries and sea buckthorn.
From September to October Late cucumbers and tomatoes, peppers, pumpkins and nightshades. Leeks, white cabbage, horseradish. Autumn varieties of apples and pears, figs, melon crops, cranberries and sea buckthorn.
From November to December Pumpkin with turnips. Brussels sprouts. Leeks. Citrus fruits, pomegranate.

Eating vegetables, fruits and berries according to their local ripening is the key to eating fresh food with minimal pesticide content.

What is prohibited after childbirth?

Prohibited fruits include:

Among the berries there are also undesirable variants. For the most part, these are red berries that cause diathesis - strawberries, strawberries, raspberries.

However, it is also undesirable to consume sea buckthorn, since it contains large number vitamin C and may cause an allergic reaction.

You should also not eat some vegetables: cucumbers, white cabbage, eggplants, onions, garlic, tomatoes. They are poorly digested, causing colic.

Allergy symptoms, what actions need to be taken immediately

If an allergen enters the baby’s body, the reaction to it can be different:

  • rash;
  • peeling of the skin;
  • diaper rash;
  • allergic runny nose and stuffy nose;
  • constant and profuse regurgitation;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • Quincke's edema.

  • lubricate the skin with anti-allergenic ointment for babies (fenistil, bepanten);
  • call an ambulance;
  • give the baby an antihistamine after calling an ambulance or pediatrician (diprazine, suprastin, claritin).

In any case, if a rash or other allergy symptoms occur, the child should be taken to the pediatrician immediately.

Additional information about fruits allowed for nursing mothers can be found in this video.

Absolutely every nursing mother should receive high-quality and balanced nutrition with essential vitamins and minerals. Such nutrition will help the mother quickly recover from childbirth and gain the necessary energy to care for the baby, and the baby will receive everything he needs through breast milk. Everything is consistent only with a balanced mother’s diet, which must include fruits and berries. However, information about the permission or prohibition of these fruits is so scarce that mothers, in confusion, choose only apples, and look at the rest with caution.

The diet during pregnancy and after childbirth for many women differs significantly from the menu in everyday life. Therefore, there is often a lack of essential microelements, vitamins and nutrients. Naturally, there are a huge number of different dietary supplements on sale and vitamin complexes. But they alone cannot solve the problem. The daily diet of a nursing mother must contain fruits and berries, which will benefit both mother and baby. The editors of Mamulichkam.Ru have prepared simple recommendations on choosing or refusing certain berries and fruits.

How not to cause harm - avoid provoking colic or allergies

We give preference to local fruits instead of exotic ones

During the period of breastfeeding, mothers look with great caution at exotic fruits and berries, even bananas, which seem familiar to us Russians, raise doubts. What can we say about other exotic fruits and berries.

According to experts, in the field of nutrition, those fruits that were present in the mother’s diet during pregnancy will be natural for the child. Try to eat more fruits and berries that grow in your area and are familiar and normal for your body.

In summer and autumn, these can be apples, pears, plums... In winter, you can eat dried fruits, tangerines, “winter” apples, etc.

However, mothers should not completely abandon imported berries and fruits; they simply should not abuse them.

  1. Firstly, imported products are still foreign to our body, which can cause an allergic reaction in the mother or child.
  2. Secondly, they are treated with chemicals so that they do not spoil longer.
  3. Thirdly, the baby’s acquaintance with various food components occurs through breast milk, which means that the baby will be familiar with the components during the introduction of complementary foods, which will protect against possible allergies. In addition, along with milk, the baby receives protective mechanisms secreted by the formed mother’s body from all kinds of potential allergens, and they are released just when such products enter the body. Accordingly, there is no need to completely give up exotic products, simply and in small quantities.

Therefore, before eating, such fruits must be thoroughly washed (you can soak them and keep them in water for a while or rinse them in soda water). Fruits for import are often picked while still green to increase their lifespan, and they ripen on their own on the road or in warehouses, which means that they contain much less vitamins and minerals than necessary.

Seasonal fruits and berries

There are so many wonders you won’t find on store shelves today throughout the year. However, regardless of the permission, a nursing mother needs to think that in February strawberries are clearly not in season and no matter how temptingly appetizing raspberries look in December, it is better not to put the little person’s health at risk. The fruits and berries themselves are edible and tasty, but non-seasonal times actively inform us about imports from other countries, and, accordingly, about the coating of fruits with something chemical. We don’t know how an unprepared organism will react to this chemistry. Yes, it will arrive already processed by the mother’s body, in a small amount with breast milk, but this amount may be more than enough for the baby to cause some kind of “unpleasant” reaction.

If we talk about seasonality, then experts around the world unanimously claim that the bulk of berries and fruits have their own ripening period. Ripe fruit contains the most useful amount of vitamins. Taste qualities also differ for the better.

An approximate list of healthy fruits and berries for nursing women for residents of Russia and the post-Soviet space:

  • White and yellow cherries(raspberry can be consumed after the child reaches three months) – season from May to August. Can be used on breastfeeding from the first day.
  • Red and black currants– contains a large amount of vitamin C, so an allergic reaction is possible. After the third month, a nursing mother can try drinking fruit drinks from this berry; if all is well, then we drink the berry itself.
  • Nectarines and peaches– their season is from July to September. The fruits are valued for improving metabolic processes, as they are rich in silicon. You can try to use it from the first days, but pay attention to the baby’s individual intolerance.
  • Figs- This is a magnificent fruit, as it has antipyretic properties and increases the body's resistance to disease, which will benefit both mother and child. Seasonality from June to September.
  • Persimmon– the fruit is quite controversial. If it is used by a mother during breastfeeding, then only after the child reaches three months. Under no circumstances should it be introduced into complementary foods in the early stages, as it may cause intestinal obstruction in the baby. But at the same time, persimmon perfectly saturates the body with iodine and increases hemoglobin.
  • Pomegranate– after the baby reaches the first month of life, the mother can try drinking freshly squeezed pomegranate juice, but in a diluted state, a single serving should not exceed 30 ml. Pomegranate season is from September to the end of December.

Keep it in moderation

A nursing mother needs to introduce new fruits or berries into her diet very carefully, gradually, taking into account the basic recommendations. So, each new product should be tried at least every 3 days. Try in small quantities in the first half of the day (if there is a reaction, it will appear in the evening). If an allergic reaction suddenly appears (the reaction can be in the form of dryness, redness, rash, peeling, spots, etc.), then the fruit or berry should definitely be excluded from the diet, but not forever - after 30 days, you should try using the product again. If there is a positive reaction to fruits or berries during breastfeeding, the mother can eat on average about 200-300 grams.

In addition, it should be noted that mommy should definitely take into account her own individual intolerance to a particular fruit. Quite often we hear stories of young mothers sharing that they read about the benefits of “something there”, but they themselves (or the child’s father) suffered a burning sensation or other allergic reactions after it, but since it’s written, the child needs it. Dear mommies, don’t do this - your body’s individual intolerance will pass it on to your baby through breast milk.

Keep in mind that a baby’s body is unique from birth and may have individual reactions to any food. So don’t worry if you love strawberries, and your baby suddenly gets sprinkled - this is his reaction. Moreover, it is not a fact that it may appear next time.

However, each product should be introduced into the diet very carefully. Even a small allergic reaction requires careful attention to the mother’s diet, because in later life this “imperceptible reaction” can manifest itself as a serious disease, such as allergic asthma, atopic dermatitis and others.

Vitamins and minerals that are of particular interest to nursing mothers are folate, protein, iodine, zinc, vitamins A and B6. The recommended daily amount of fruit consumption is up to 400 grams, they are desirable to contain vitamin C, folic acid and vitamin A, as often as possible.
Fruits and berries rich in calcium, such as apricots, figs and dates, can help increase milk supply.

List of fruits allowed during breastfeeding

  • Apples– this is the ideal fruit for our country. It grows in almost all regions, in stores all year round and at affordable prices. Apples are rich in fiber, iron, calcium, magnesium and iodine. They perfectly restore strength and fill you with energy, and also have a slight laxative effect. As a rule, doctors or breastfeeding consultants warn and recommend eating only green apples, giving preference to the sweet and sour taste. However, it has been noted that any color can be consumed, you just need to remove the peel. But you need to be careful, pay attention to individual intolerance, there are strong allergens to this fruit. A nursing mother can eat both raw and baked apples, the latter protect against gas formation.
  • Pears– as a rule, the fruit does not cause any inconvenience to either mother or child. However, there is an individual reaction in the form of colic or severe gas, which will have to be dealt with. Pears are rich in folic acid, fiber, pectin, potassium, vitamins A, B9 and C. Be sure to eat without the peel.
  • Peaches– despite the fact that they grow in a small number of regions of our country, nevertheless, they are allowed for consumption from the first days. Peaches are famous for their extraordinary richness in magnesium, which is a great antidepressant. You've probably heard about postpartum depression. So, peaches improve mood, balance the psyche, strengthen resistance to stress, and also help in the development of the baby’s brain.
  • Apricots– perfectly strengthen the immune system of mother and baby, as they are rich in various vitamins and microelements, beta-carotene.
  • Watermelon– this is a great berry, which, having a unique wateriness, increases lactation and, naturally, improves metabolism. However, be careful, quite often a huge amount of nitrates predominates in watermelons, which the child’s body naturally will not like and instead of benefit, you can get exactly the opposite situation.
  • Plums– we have already talked about their beneficial laxative effect. However, you should not get carried away with this fruit, as there is a risk of irritation of the children's intestinal mucosa and resulting in loose stools. Doctors often recommend replacing plums with prunes.
  • Bananas– it turns out that this same overseas fruit can be consumed immediately after the birth of the baby. Bananas contain a large amount of potassium and stimulate energy replenishment. Banana is also useful for nursing mothers for the production of serotonin (the same hormone of joy).
  • Berries– these are cherries, cherries, currants, gooseberries and others. All berries are rich in vitamins and rarely cause any allergic reactions. Helps improve immunity and protect against colds.

During lactation, the mother’s body gives all that is most valuable to the child. The mother’s diet at this time should be rational and nutritious. Proteins, vitamins, minerals - she should regularly receive all this from meat, cereals, dairy and, of course, fresh vegetables. Fruits are also invaluable during breastfeeding. But it’s unlikely that you can eat all of them. After all, most of them cause allergies and intestinal upset. So how can we enrich the menu in order to replenish the body with vitamins?

Your own fruits or distant ones

Many mothers do not know which fruits are best to choose. What if overseas papaya or pineapple turns out to be much healthier than an ordinary green apple, and even improves lactation? After all, they eat Indian women oranges during breastfeeding and their children do not suffer from allergies!

Any neonatologist will advise in the first months to eat exactly those fruits and vegetables that grew in the region where the mother lives. The body genetically adapts to such fruits and assimilates them well. Moreover, mom knows her reaction to an eaten apple well, but not to an unusual exotic fruit. There is no need to experiment, endangering your health and the health of your baby. Bananas are considered an exception from overseas fruits. They have long been introduced into the diet by residents of the temperate zone, and they are not allergenic.

An important fact– distant fruits for better transportation and storage are treated with chemicals that can harm the newborn.

List of allowed fruits while breastfeeding

To ensure normal breastfeeding, a nursing mother should eat at least 300 g of fruit per day, including natural juices. So she will provide herself daily dose microelements and vitamins.

Healthy fruits allowed during breastfeeding are:

Apples are the best fruit during breastfeeding

  1. Apples . The most common, safe and accessible fruits for residents middle zone. It is a storehouse of vitamins, organic acids, carbohydrates and fiber. They cleanse the intestines of toxins, improve blood composition, prevent oxidative processes, protect against urolithiasis, and promote normal heart function. When breastfeeding, green fruits that do not contain a coloring pigment that causes allergies will be useful. And such fruits contain much more iron, the lack of which has been experienced by nursing mothers since pregnancy. In addition, green varieties of apples help break down and digest heavy foods more easily. And if a nursing woman has eaten too much, the green fruit will come in handy.
    A young mother can include them in her diet from the age of three months, baked or steamed without the skin.
  2. Bananas. A delicious exotic fruit that has become traditional on the table of residents of the temperate zone. They contain a lot of carbohydrates - sources of energy, vitamins and minerals. They are perfectly absorbed by the body, having a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract and cardiac system. They fill the body with iron, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium without causing an allergic reaction. They are introduced at three months of age in small pieces, giving preference to mid-ripening fruits.

The list of allowed foods on a nursing mother’s table includes:

  1. Pears. They are not allergens. They are low in calories and nutritious. They have a positive effect on blood vessels, reduce cholesterol, and have an antimicrobial effect. It is an excellent antioxidant that helps fight depression. Pears are good for preventing constipation, improving appetite and overall well-being. Like other fruits, they are included in the menu carefully, gradually increasing the volume.
  2. Peaches. Contains vitamins and microelements. They are well absorbed and prevent anemia. They improve mood and stress resistance. It is recommended to introduce it into the diet with extreme caution and eat no more than 1 fruit per day, since peaches in large quantities can cause allergies in a newborn.
  3. Apricots. Dietary and nutritious fruit, rich in vitamins. If your baby suffers from constipation, apricot fruits will gently help restore intestinal function.
  4. Plums. By vitamin composition The plum is ahead of the apple. Low in calories, it is rich in microelements: silicon, chromium, potassium, sodium, zinc, iodine. Has a laxative, decongestant, sedative, diuretic effect. The natural sugar contained in the fruit helps fight depression, improves mood and gives energy. Plum is introduced from the 4th month of the baby. First, try a small piece of dried or boiled plum and monitor the baby’s reaction. The optimal volume is 2 pcs. per day. Drink no more than a glass of plum compote per day. It is absorbed much easier and can hardly do any harm.

When breastfeeding, it is good to consume fortified fruits and berries in the form of compotes and fruit drinks. They retain their beneficial properties when properly prepared and have a gentle effect on the baby. Compotes made from dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes, figs) are considered the healthiest.

Which fruits are best to avoid during lactation?

It cannot be said that there are fruits that are strictly prohibited during breastfeeding. Slowly you need to introduce any fruit that the baby will try sooner or later. In order for him to develop antibodies to harmful microorganisms, and then he can eat whatever he wants without any problems, mommy should not completely avoid certain foods. But what fruits should you limit for a while? In the first months, it is recommended to limit bright red fruits, citrus fruits, and those that can cause bloating.

  • Exotic fruits. Kiwi, avocado, pineapple, coconut can cause allergies, bloating, and diarrhea;
  • Citrus fruits contain strong allergens;
  • Watermelon. A product that is good for the kidneys, contains a lot of fluid and promotes lactation. But should be avoided overuse. The red pigment can cause allergies and if it is not a fruit grown in the country or in the village, nitrate poisoning is possible;
  • Grape . Difficult to digest, contains strong allergens. It can cause bloating and colic in infants due to wine sugars, which are fermented in the intestines to the state of carbon dioxide. If mom can't resist a tasty treat, she can afford 5-6 green or pink berries per day.

Is it possible to have berries?

If you eat berries during breastfeeding, then only from your garden!

Juicy, delicious, tender berries will saturate a nursing mother’s body with simple natural sugars and will not spoil her figure. They contain a lot of vitamin C, K, PP and folacin. They will improve the absorption of iron, enrich it with minerals and microelements that she needs so much during lactation. The aromatic pulp will regulate intestinal function, promote digestion, strengthen the immune system, and cleanse the body of poisons and toxins.

Many people are afraid to eat berries while breastfeeding because of their brightness, but most of these fruits are harmless and do not cause allergies. The main thing is to consume them strictly in season, do not buy early berries, which contain a lot of nitrates. There is no need to pounce on a whole plate of fresh, aromatic fruits after a long abstinence from fresh foods. They are eaten little by little, monitoring the baby’s reaction.

The introduction begins with yellow, green or white fruits (yellow raspberries, white currants, gooseberries, green grapes) no more than 5 pieces. per day.

When asked which berries are best for a nursing woman to consume, pediatricians will answer – those that the body requires. The mother's intuition and desire are the main factors to pay attention to. If grandmother and husband say that mommy should eat an apple, but she cannot look at it, dreaming of strawberries, the choice is obvious. Two fragrant berries will be much more beneficial for her than the most fortified apple.

Caution of a nursing mother

Fruits and berries are indispensable on the table during breastfeeding. But what is important here is not the choice of the fruit itself, what color and size it is, but when it is ripe and where it is grown. Ideal option there will be fruits grown in your own garden and in your own garden. Then we can confidently say that they will bring 100% benefit to both mommy and baby. And if a mother buys strawberries in December, she is unlikely to be able to provide her child and herself with vitamins and minerals without being endangered.

Important! Fruits and berries should be consumed in season and purchased only from trusted sellers.

New foods, including juices and compotes, should be introduced into the diet gradually and not in the first month after birth. At the beginning of the day, eat a small piece or 2-3 berries, then carefully monitor the baby’s condition. If the fruit is well absorbed by the baby, you can safely increase the dose. But if the mother herself does not tolerate any fruit, and relatives say that it is very healthy, you should not forcefully eat it.

Each organism is individual, and if one baby tolerates strawberries and persimmons well, another may even be overwhelmed by a green apple. Therefore, the mother herself must figure out which fruits will be useful for her and the baby, and which ones will not.

Both myself and other authors have written a lot of information about the nutritional characteristics of lactating women, sometimes the data is very contradictory and incomprehensible. If we analyze most of the recommendations, especially from the older generation, then for the most part, nursing nutrition seems to many women to be a very strict diet with a fairly extensive list of restrictions. There are especially many prohibitions and restrictions regarding forest and garden berries, but spring is coming and the most berry season will follow, and during this period a nursing mother also wants to treat herself to delicious and ripe berries straight from the garden - especially strawberries, raspberries and cherries. This issue will be very acute if you live in a country house or in a village. So is it possible for nursing mothers to eat berries, how much can they eat and what kind of berries can they afford?

Let's figure out what belongs to berries

Many parents usually do not know exactly which of the gifts of nature exactly belongs to berries, since their size and color are not always an accurate sign for classifying fruits as berries. Let's figure out what we call berries and decide whether they can be eaten by a mother who is breastfeeding her baby. The berries are widespread in Russia and neighboring countries; they can be cultivated, grown on personal plots, or growing wild, but eaten. Berries can be used either fresh or frozen, dried, or canned.

A characteristic feature of almost all berries is the juicy and tender pulp of the fruit, which contains one or more seeds located on the surface of the skin or in the thickness of the fruit pulp. Sometimes seeds may be absent in selectively, artificially bred berries. According to the characteristics of their structure or formation of berries, they are divided:
- real berries (currants, grapes, blueberries, blueberries, gooseberries, lingonberries, persimmons, sea buckthorn and cranberries), that is, such a fruit has a skin, the pulp is juicy, and the seeds are usually without a hard shell and they are located inside the pulp.
- complex berries(blackberry, raspberry, stone fruit, cloudberry), this is a conglomerate, a formation of numerous fused fruits, covered with skin, inside which a seed is enclosed; the berries have the shape of a cone or cylinder.
- false berries (strawberries, watermelon, wild strawberries). They have juicy pulp, which is formed from an overgrown receptacle, and the seeds themselves are located in the thickness of the berry or on its surface.

What are the benefits of berries for a nursing mother?

Berries, of course, give a woman, including a nursing woman, pleasure in taste and full saturation due to the simple sugars contained in the fruits. But besides the taste, which will not leave almost anyone indifferent, the berries are also healthy - since berries contain a lot of substances that are beneficial to health - vitamins, especially essential vitamin WITH ( ascorbic acid), vitamin K, B vitamins and folacin. Vitamin C improves the absorption of iron in the body, which nursing mothers often lack. In addition, berries contain a lot minerals, so necessary female body during times of increased spending.

The berries are low in calories, which prevents them from spoiling the figure of a nursing mother. At the same time, there is a lot of juicy pulp and contains bones that regulate digestion and irritate the intestinal wall. Berries are excellent regulators of digestion, this is especially important if nursing women are prone to constipation. They are excellent healers and help with many diseases, increase immunity, and also cleanse the body of waste and toxins. Sea buckthorn, raspberries, currants or cranberries are especially useful in this regard.

But can nursing mothers eat berries?

Contrary to the strong belief that berries are highly allergenic due to their bright color, this statement is completely untrue. Most berries have a low allergenic potential and their consumption is quite acceptable in the diet of nursing women. The most basic rules for eating berries:

Usually, following these simple rules allows a nursing mother to safely consume berries without any harm to the baby or causing any reaction.

Where should you start getting acquainted?

In summer and autumn, the variety of berries amazes the eye of a young mother; in late autumn and fierce winter, the choice of fresh berries is already very limited, however, a nursing mother always has at least a minimal selection of tasty fruits. The most important question for nursing mothers, especially those with babies in their first year of life, is what berries should you start with? It is best to start with dim and light-colored fruits:

These can be white currants, juicy sea buckthorn, yellow raspberries, gooseberries, persimmons (this is a berry!), grapes, but only light varieties. Then you can gradually add red fruits to your diet - currants, cranberries, strawberries and wild strawberries, raspberries,
- as your diet expands, you can try dark and rich fruits - black currants, blackberries, blueberries.
Berries are useful both in fresh, unprocessed form and thermally processed - in pies, desserts, compotes and jelly, fruit drinks, all these dishes are quite possible on the menu of a nursing woman.

Question of the day – about strawberries and raspberries

These are the two most traditional berries, which ripen in early summer, and which many women, including nursing mothers, love very much. These berries are useful for many of their properties:

Strawberries stimulate digestion and are an excellent prevention of constipation, have a delicate and pleasant taste, a unique aroma, cleanse the liver of toxins, and help with liver function. You can start the strawberry season with one or two small berries, thoroughly washed. hot water. Carefully monitor the reaction during the day; if the baby reacted quite normally, his stool and skin are fine, you can increase the number of strawberries to 10-15 pieces. However, remember - strawberries weaken you, and if you eat a large number of berries, this can affect the child, and the mother herself too.

Raspberries are useful for their antimicrobial and immune-stimulating properties; they help heal small skin wounds, saturate, activate digestion and blood renewal. Today there are different varieties of raspberries from white to very dark red; yellow and white raspberries are especially good for nursing mothers - they are less allergenic and almost never cause a reaction in the baby. If yellow raspberries are well tolerated by the woman and baby, you can try red varieties. But remember, you shouldn’t eat a lot of raspberries, they also have a laxative effect. Raspberries are prohibited for those nursing women who are allergic to salicylates (aspirin). Both raspberries and strawberries should not be eaten more than a glass a day; in addition, these berries need to be washed thoroughly, especially strawberries, since they come into contact with the ground.

What is the situation with wild berries?

Cloudberries or cranberries, blackberries or lingonberries are excellent sources of vitamins and minerals; they strengthen a woman’s immunity and expand her range of taste. These berries are excellently used in fruit drinks, compotes, pies and other dishes; cloudberries and cranberries are prepared for the winter by grinding with sugar. For a nursing woman, these berries are an excellent way to diversify the diet, improve health during colds and strengthen the vascular wall due to the vitamin PP they contain. You need to start taking these berries with a maximum of one tablespoon, monitoring the reaction over the course of a day. If the baby responded well to this portion, you can increase the number of berries, but you should still limit yourself to a small volume of no more than half a glass.

On the issue of grapes

Many breastfeeding women are afraid to eat grapes because of their ability to cause bloating. This occurs due to great content it contains wine sugar, which is fermented by microbes in the intestines to carbon dioxide and water. These fears are not without meaning, but you should not completely give up eating grapes - they are good for a woman’s body, and very tasty. Just allow yourself 5-6 peas of green or pale pink grapes per day, and eat them in the morning.

What should you pay attention to?

Berries are undoubtedly healthy and tasty, but for a nursing mother, the main thing when choosing berries is the health and safety of the baby. Therefore, eat either berries from your garden or purchased from trusted sellers. Berries of dubious origin, especially early ones, may contain nitrates, pesticides and harmful substances. It can harm the baby through breast milk.

During breastfeeding, a woman must follow certain rules in her diet, especially if the baby has a tendency to allergies and diathesis. But fruits and berries in a certain amount must be present in the diet of a nursing mother. After all, they contain vitamins necessary to strengthen the immune system and are sources of water, which removes unnecessary toxins from the body. It is necessary to start eating berries with a small amount, introducing them gradually, one after another, that is, it is better not to include two new products on the same day - this makes it easier to track the baby’s reaction and understand which product he is allergic to. Mom can safely eat berries such as cherries, cherries, gooseberries, and currants. What about the rest?

Raspberries during breastfeeding

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Of course, the body of an infant is still very weak, but this is mainly the first three weeks from the day of his birth. After all, the child is constantly and rapidly growing, and all his systems are developing. Therefore, any dietary restrictions do not necessarily apply to the entire period of breastfeeding.

Raspberries are not contraindicated during feeding, but naturally within reasonable limits. This berry consists of approximately 85% water, but despite this it is rich in vitamins and microelements. It has excellent properties to improve metabolism. In addition, it contains a large amount of vitamin C, folic acid and potassium, which has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. When eating raspberries, a nursing mother should be sure to observe how the baby reacts to it. This berry contains a large amount of fruit acid and can cause allergies, but if the mother does eat a few berries, then this should not harm the child.

Blackberries during breastfeeding

This berry has beneficial and medicinal properties. It is rich in fructose, vitamin C, glucose, and organic acids. Blackberries are often used in the treatment of kidney diseases, bladder diseases and joint inflammation. Even blackberry leaves have mass beneficial properties, and eating berries improves blood composition. This berry has no strict restrictions as such when breastfeeding, but due to its high content of fruit acid it can be irritating. delicate skin baby and cause diathesis. If a woman has concerns about an allergy to this product, then she can drink tea with this berry.

Strawberries while breastfeeding

By the way, this berry contains more vitamin C than an orange. In addition, it contains a lot of other useful substances: folic acid, vitamin K, iron. It is believed that if strawberries are grown in your own garden and not bought in a store, then you can eat them without fear of consequences. Of course, when using it you need to know when to stop; overeating any fruits and berries can be harmful to both the mother and her baby. You need to start with a few berries a day, gradually increasing this amount, of course, if the baby does not have an allergic reaction. If a woman overdoes it with this berry, it will immediately affect the child, usually the consequences are expressed in skin rashes. In general, this is a wonderful berry for a nursing mother and her child.

We often hear that these berries are not recommended for consumption during lactation, but we should not forget that breast-feeding- This is a process that is inherent in nature itself. It would be strange if it directly depended on what the mother eats. Of course, berries can cause allergies in some people, but this does not mean that such a reaction is natural.

It is better to eat berries only fresh; you can eat them in the form of salads. IN winter time You can eat frozen berries, but without sugar. By the way, the list of fruits and berries for a nursing mother is quite extensive, so if she wants to avoid risk for herself and her baby, you can safely consume the following: apples, pears, plums, bananas, cherries, currants, cherries, apricots.

By the way, young mothers can use the grocery traffic light rule, so she definitely won’t get confused:

Red color - no road!

  1. These include red fruits, which are believed to be the ones that most often cause allergies.
  2. Any alcohol, including red wine.
  3. All spicy foods and vegetables - onions, garlic, mayonnaise, sauces.
  4. Products that can cause milk to taste bitter are mustard, horseradish, blue cheeses, dark chocolate and coffee, and various spices.

Yellow color is possible, but be careful!

Previously, these products were completely prohibited, but now they can be introduced with caution into the diet of a nursing mother.

  1. Products that lead to stool disturbances and bloating - fresh kefir, melon, beans, vegetable oil, beet.
  2. Persimmons, pears, fresh bread, rice, pomegranate - on the contrary, can cause constipation.
  3. Citrus fruits, some berries, eggs, cow's milk - can cause allergies.

Green color – no contraindications!

  1. These products will be useful for both mother and baby - carrots, parsley, dill.
  2. Lettuce, black currant - increase immunity.
  3. Cod, pumpkin, zucchini - help the child grow and develop quickly.


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