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The production of mattresses is a developed industry, so domestic and foreign companies put forward many proposals, ranging from the simplest, budgetary to advanced products that can be switched to a sitting position at a distance, turn on the massage function, or program it as an alarm clock.

Consumer models are not equipped with such "smart" characteristics, but they differ significantly in orthopedic properties, pricing policy and provide different sleep comfort. A person spends more than 2300 hours a year in bed, so it is important to choose a mattress that guarantees a good rest. To determine the model, first you need to study all the properties of existing mattresses.

When choosing, the following characteristics should be taken into account:

  • The length of the product must exceed the height of the owner by 20 centimeters.
  • No harmful synthetic or allergenic materials.
  • Hygiene, ensuring sufficient air circulation.
  • Comfort and convenience are the main signs of the right choice.

By defining the criteria, you can compare different types and decide which is better - a spring or springless mattress.

Which mattress to choose spring or springless - is determined by the operating conditions, health status, weight, age of the owner, the testimony of doctors.

"Bonnel" is an obsolete type. When using it, problems with the back and joints can begin. It is better to buy a modern model.

Overweight people should choose a firm spring mattress. It will not bulge and will support the spine.

With a weight of 50 kg, it is better to choose soft springless products made of latex and with a shape memory effect, and for the rest weight categories you can buy high-quality spring and springless mattresses.

For children under 12, springless mattresses are more suitable. The vibrations of the springs have a negative impact on the fragile spine. It is recommended to use latex or coconut stuffing for children. The main thing is to avoid dependent blocks. It is desirable to use hypoallergenic impregnation.

Which orthopedic mattress is better: spring or springless - a question that should be discussed with a specialist. Experienced Orthopedist will advise you on your choice. It may be not very hard spring or latex springless.

If you make a choice among springless types, then you must remember that polyurethane foam is not harmless and can cause allergies. It is better to choose models with latex or coconut. Springless mattresses with natural stuffing, in particular, coir, are considered the most beneficial for health. But these products have increased rigidity and are less comfortable. The buyer faces a choice: softness and comfort or usefulness.

The spring block lasts 10 years, and the springless one and a half times longer.

Having understood all the variety of products on the market, you can choose the most suitable look taking into account the climate, living conditions and personal characteristics of the buyer. The choice of products is very large, the types are diverse, it is difficult to determine which one is better. The mattress, spring or springless, should serve the main purpose, provide full relief from fatigue, restful sleep and protection of the spine and joints.

Before buying a mattress for your family, you need to consider certain requirements. They come from the characteristics of each individual person. So, you need to take into account the following:

  1. Age . From birth to 3 years of age, children are strongly advised to sleep on a hard surface. Therefore, the mattress should be purchased with this indicator. Until the age of 25, it is better to buy medium hardness, since until these years the skeleton, in particular the spine, is still being formed. The older generation of people is more comfortable sleeping on soft surfaces in order to feel good every day.
  2. Human body weight also plays important role in choosing a comfortable bed. Not all mattresses are the same. Among the assortment presented in stores, you can find models that are designed for overweight people and, conversely, thin and light. And you can pick up with different sides, if there is a couple sleeping on the bed with a big difference in kilograms.
  3. Man's height . You should add 15 centimeters to your indicator. Buying a mattress less than the resulting length is not recommended. There should always be a stock.
  4. Health problems influence the final choice. In order to understand what kind of product is needed, for example, with varying degrees of scoliosis, a type of osteochondrosis, a preliminary consultation with a doctor is needed.
  5. For allergy sufferers people should buy mattresses made of hypoallergenic materials. Information about them is contained in the product descriptions. It can also be clarified with sales consultants.
  6. Not all mattresses have the same lifespan. It all depends on the manufacturer, as well as the materials from which the product is constructed. The naturalness of the components also has an impact. It is they who serve the owners longer than synthetic components.
  7. Care methods. The main feature is removable and non-removable covers. In the first case, the outer shell can be easily removed, washed, refreshed. But fixed covers are more difficult to keep clean. You need special brushes and cleaning (detergents) products. However, "deaf" covers support the shape of the mattress better.
  8. Price . The more expensive the better. Such a thought is firmly held in the head of a person. To some extent, this is true. Here you can trace the trend: natural materials last longer, are hypoallergenic and safe, therefore they are more expensive. Accordingly, a natural and expensive mattress is used longer.

In specialized stores, there are two main types:

  • spring mattresses (see the link for the full rating of spring mattresses);
  • springless (see the link for the full rating of springless mattresses).
  1. If you want to choose a particular model, then you need to compare the properties of the mattress with physical data and personal preferences.
  2. Middle-aged and elderly people should not sleep on a surface that is too hard, only on medium-hard models.
  3. Overweight is more preferable to sleep on hard.
  4. Thin fit: springless, latex; spring, only without coir.
  5. With an average build, models with independent springs are suitable, a good option is a mixture of latex and coir.
  6. If there are diseases of the spine, look for rigid models.
  7. With a hernia of the spine, only mattresses of increased softness can be used.
  1. Ascona Balance Forma.
  2. Ascona Victory.
  3. Ormatek Orma Dream.
  1. DreamLine DreamRoll Eco.
  2. DreamLine Classic Roll Slim.
  3. Ascona Compact New.

What do consumers like?

  1. Comfort and pain relief. When a mattress consists of only latex, most consumers claim that the pressure on painful areas is significantly reduced. This is especially true for the back.
  2. Natural products have no smell. Or it is very slight and eventually disappears completely. If they are made from mixed raw materials, the smell will remain in 11% of cases. If the mattress is new and made from latex, it will still smell like rubber, but the smell is not toxic.
  3. Latex has a similar characteristic to polyurethane. But more than 15% of users noticed differences and not in favor of the latter.
  4. More than 10% of buyers of latex mattresses were satisfied with their choice. It does not transmit the movements of a nearby person, does not interfere with sleep.

Here are some tips for choosing the right mattress:

  1. For people who have problems with the spine, it is necessary to consult an orthopedist. Perhaps a mattress with increased rigidity, or too soft, will be harmful to health.
  2. An adult healthy person should listen to their own feelings. Which mattress will be more comfortable, that one should be purchased. Well, be guided by the cost of the product, since very expensive options may simply turn out to be financially unaffordable.
  3. It makes sense for a child to buy a springless mattress with coconut coir. As an option, purchase a spring mattress with separate springs, which has a latex or coconut layer. And definitely not worth buying a dependent spring block. It can ruin the posture of a growing child.
  4. If you have the opportunity to choose a product, give preference to natural fillers. They are not capable of emitting harmful fumes, therefore they are safe for humans.

When choosing a suitable mattress, be guided by its orthopedic properties, the level of rigidity you need, the quality of the filler, your preferences regarding comfort, as well as your personal financial capabilities.

Before choosing a mattress, you need to decide on its rigidity, the size of the bed (children's, double, single), find out reviews about the manufacturer.

It is important to take into account other selection criteria: filler, type of construction, the state of health of the buyer.

A high-quality comfortable mattress will ensure the comfort of your sleep, excellent health and high spirits for the next day.

In many stores, quality mattresses are available in abundance. Knowing the differences between such products will help you not to get confused and buy the right product. All types of mattresses for beds differ in the following classification features:

  • spring and springless;
  • filling material: latex, coconut, wool, horse hair;
  • bilateral, unilateral;
  • orthopedic, anatomical.

You can find out how to choose the right mattress for a double bed, focusing on the height of the tallest of the spouses, leaving up to 15 cm of margin.

The maximum length of a double seat is 190-200 cm, the width is 160-200 cm, and the thickness depends on the content.

Modern double products come with blocks of springs dependent and independent of each other, they must be chosen taking into account the body weight of the spouses. There are mattresses without springs, filled with horsehair, latex or coir.

Great option- combined models, with coconut fiber inside and a latex layer on top. There are three types of mattresses: soft, medium and hard. The latter are useful for children, people with pain in the spine.

Soft types of mattresses for beds are suitable for older people, medium-hard ones are a universal option.

The upholstery should be well ventilated, absorb and evaporate moisture. For this purpose, jacquard is often used, which has a beautiful appearance, provides excellent ventilation due to perforation. Models with double-sided upholstery are in great demand, it provides warmth during sleep in winter time year and a comfortable stay during the summer heat.

All types of orthopedic mattresses are divided into spring and springless.

The best are models with a block of springs that are independent of each other, where each of them is placed in an individual case, compressed separately from the others, which provides the product with exceptional orthopedic properties.

Types of box spring mattresses

Mattresses with springs as a basis are divided into two groups - with dependent or independent spring blocks:

  • In products where the block is dependent, such as "bonnel", all springs are tightly attached to each other, due to which the product is equally rigid over the entire area. In the line of mattresses, this type has long been considered obsolete, due to its fragility - the springs quickly come out of a standing position, even with careful handling, they begin to deform and creak. The model is still in demand due to the budget cost.
  • Inside the mattress, where the block has an independent spring circuit, they are not fastened together, but placed, each in its own cover. Such mattresses are produced in different levels of firmness and even combine several in one product. The number of stiffness zones of one mattress can reach 9. The design is made in such a way that it effectively supports the spine, in the literal sense, envelops the body, which creates comfort during sleep. When one person makes a movement, the vibrations are not transmitted to the sleeping person nearby. Quality, price and convenience during sleep depend on the number of springs placed on one square meter. The mark starts from 256, a good mattress already contains 512 springs, and expensive, elite models consist of 1000-2000 separate springs.

Advantages and disadvantages:

  • Models of sleeping accessories with a block of independent springs have orthopedic properties, supporting the spinal column in the required position. In the morning, a person feels cheerful and rested.
  • Such mattresses are absolutely silent due to the fabric upholstery of each individual spring, which, when in contact with each other, do not create a creak.
  • High-quality mattresses are sold at a high price, which is far from accessible to everyone, but they are quite durable with careful handling.


A mattress for one bed, consisting of independent blocks of springs, will cost the buyer 10-20 thousand rubles, based on the number of springs. You need to save 20-50 thousand in national currency for a double model.

Springless mattresses, varieties and features

There are two types of spring products: with dependent and independent springs. Let's take a closer look at each of these types.


These mattresses are also called "bonnel". Springs of large cross section are interconnected in a single structure. Spring blocks, as a rule, are supplemented with polyurethane foam inserts.

The mass of the human body is perceived by the entire surface, and the deflection of the product occurs over the entire area. In addition, "bonnels" are not durable. After 5-6 years, the springs begin to sag and creak. As you can see, if you have to choose which mattress is better - spring of this type or springless, the preference will definitely be in favor of the second.


Compared to "bonnels", independent springs have a smaller diameter but a larger number of coils. Each of the springs is separated from the others by a textile cover with holes, and works autonomously.

Products are solid, durable, environmentally friendly. If desired, you can choose a mattress according to the degree of rigidity.

Which option to choose? Naturally, a mattress with independent springs is more preferable. For a double bed, this option is also desirable. When the person sleeping next to you tosses and turns in his sleep, you will not feel discomfort.

Among those who value quality sleep, there are many lovers of spring mattresses. They have their positive and negative features. Consider them in the context of a dependent and independent spring block

The advantages of "bonnel" include:

  • low cost, accessible to people with average and low incomes;
  • if it has deteriorated, it is not a pity to replace it with a new, more advanced version;
  • suitable for bulk purchase for children's camps, sanatoriums, hospitals and other government institutions that do not want to buy cotton mattresses, but want people to have a comfortable sleep.

Cons of a spring mattress with a dependent block:

  • are an outdated model;
  • short service life of the product;
  • do not have a clear orthopedic effect;
  • under a heavy load, all connected springs are activated in a chain reaction, so it is difficult for people with a large difference in body weight to sleep on such a surface.

The cost of "bonnel" ranges from 2,000 rubles to 10,000 rubles. The price is affected by the size of the product, as well as the material of the layer - natural or synthetic.

Reviews about such a mattress boil down to the fact that they have an attractive cost. If you choose a "bonnel" with different load zones (neck, back, legs), then it can be a great helper for a healthy and sound sleep.

Independent spring blocks are an order of magnitude higher than the "bonnel" and have their own clear advantages:

  • each spring is in its case, which, when loaded on the mattress, evenly distributes the weight and maintains the spine in the correct position;
  • the service life of such a mechanism reaches 20 years;
  • can choose the best way interlayers (coconut coir, horsehair, sisal or PPU);
  • You can choose any stiffness for your own parameters.

Disadvantages of mattresses with independent springs:

  • high cost of the product;
  • super-strong sensitivity to fast changes in loads.

The price of such products is higher than that of mattresses with dependent springs. A single bed can be bought from 10 to 20 thousand rubles. But double models will cost from 20 to 50 thousand rubles.

Reviews of orthopedic mattresses with individual spring blocks are mostly positive. Many people are satisfied with such an acquisition and do not want to sleep on other types anymore.

The second type is springless models. The name already says that there is no spring mechanism in such products. There are several varieties:

  • monolithic mattresses that contain one material as a filler, for example, natural or synthetic latex;
  • with several layers of different materials that can be combined in different ways to achieve the required functionality. All layers are approximately the same thickness. More often use latex, polyurethane foam, coconut coir;
  • mixed fillers, when the mattress is designed in such a way that there is a main material, and with the help of others the necessary rigidity of the product is achieved. Most often, this technology is used in the manufacture of double-sided mattresses.

Advantages of springless models:

  • the ability to withstand heavy loads (more than 100 kg per bed);
  • moderately elastic, you can choose the rigidity you need;
  • easy to transport, can be twisted into a roll;
  • useful in diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • does not creak, does not make other sounds distracting from sleep;
  • dust does not collect inside, since there are no voids in the mattress, so springless beds are considered hypoallergenic.
  • poor thermal conductivity, so in the hot season it is not very comfortable to sleep on them;
  • budget options are quickly deformed;
  • Poor quality mattresses can give off an unpleasant odor.

Depending on the material used, the cost of a springless mattress also changes. Horse hair and sisal are more valuable. Natural latex is also expensive. From budget materials emit: polyurethane foam, artificial latex.

Poor quality springless mattresses collect a lot of negative reviews, darkening the reputation of the whole type as a whole. Therefore, when studying the opinions of citizens, you should immediately look at the name of the model. If we take into account high-quality mattresses, then the reviews are often only positive.

In total, there are 2 types of spring mattresses, which are different in many ways. These are mattresses with a dependent spring block, and with independent springs. Let's look at each of these types.

This spring block was called "bonnel". Large-section mattress springs are interconnected in a single structure. The spring block is often supplemented with polyurethane inserts. This mattress is not orthopedic. The weight of a person perceives the entire surface, so the mattress sags over the entire area.

In an independent block called Pocket Spring, the springs are smaller, but have a large number of turns. Each spring is separated from the rest by a separate fabric cover with holes. Therefore, each spring works autonomously. The weight of a lying person is evenly distributed over the surface of the mattress.

Which mattress is better: with dependent or independent springs? The answer to this question is obvious. Of course, with independent springs. On such a mattress, the position of the body will be as comfortable as possible. If you buy a mattress for a double bed, then this option will also suit you because the person sleeping next to you will not feel your turns in a dream.


The latex material, which is the main component of the product, can be both natural and artificial. They fundamentally differ from each other. Natural latex is made from the natural sap of the rubber tree. It has a high degree of elasticity, does not sag over time. Under the weight of the body, such a mattress does not bend, but reproduces the curves of the body. Products made from natural latex are characterized by durability and high cost.

Artificial latex is obtained by pressing waste, or by foaming polymers. The pressed material does not differ in particular elasticity in comparison with natural material, and the foamed latex has a reduced strength, slightly surpassing ordinary foam rubber in its properties.

Polyurethane foam

Unlike ordinary foam rubber, such mattresses consist of a high-quality polyurethane foam base with a fine-meshed structure. They have good breathability, have good orthopedic properties. Polyurethane foam is able to repeat all the curves of the body. The disadvantage of PPU is its ability to absorb moisture well. After soaking with moisture, there may be problems with drying the mattress.

Given the relatively low cost of a foam mattress, we can talk about the expediency of purchasing it in case of a shortage of funds.

It is definitely very difficult to answer the question of which mattress is better, polyurethane foam or latex. Both considered materials have acceptable orthopedic properties, and their cost varies quite significantly, so the choice depends on the available options of the buyer.

Such material as coconut coir is used in modern mattresses of any type. This is a natural material with increased rigidity with latex impregnation. It is perfect for children's mattresses. However, coconut fiber mattresses alone are rarely used, as they need to be at least a little soft.


  • a bed of comfortable height, configuration, color and material;
  • a mattress that is ideal for a sleeping person.

Differences between spring and springless mattresses

  1. The service life of a good spring mattress is 10 years, and a latex one will retain its original qualities for up to 15 years.
  2. Lying on a spring mattress is always more comfortable, it is much softer than a springless one.
  3. Static electricity does not have a positive effect on the body and is present only in spring mattresses, which contain metal parts. It also occurs because of mattress covers made from synthetic materials.
  4. In models with dependent and independent springs, dust gradually accumulates in technical voids, and leads to the appearance of linen mites, which can subsequently cause serious allergic reactions. Springless mattresses do not have this problem. Microorganisms and insects do not live in natural latex and coir.
  5. Getting on the surface of a springless mattress, moisture gradually evaporates without harming it. What can not be said about models with springs. Moisture getting inside leads to corrosion of the elements, their further deformation and an unpleasant creak that interferes with sleep.
  6. On a spring mattress, not the entire surface area is involved, a person during sleep, as it turns out, I am a hole, or a hammock, formed under the weight of the body. On a springless mattress, the entire canvas is fully used.

Let's list them:

  • The springless block system has absolutely no voids where dust will accumulate over time. The role of the dust filter was taken over by the heat-regulating filler.
  • For a spring, the internal void will play the role of a pump. Which will attract dust through the cover, aerators.
  • The springless mattress has no metal components. And the cover is made of natural materials. If synthetic fabric is used, then only one that does not accumulate static.
  • In a spring mattress, static electricity will accumulate due to metal springs. And it is not harmless, especially for children.

When a person is resting, on average, from 40 gr. moisture. She gets on the cover and inside. The cover evaporates up to 30% of moisture. The rest is brought out. And all thanks quality material, and its breathability. With a spring mattress, the situation is somewhat different. Some unscrupulous manufacturers save.

When making ferrous metal springs, they do not make a stainless coating. And the moisture that got inside will contribute to the occurrence of rust. So over time, the springs will begin to creak.

  • On a springless mattress there will be no oscillatory movements from a change in partner's position. When a person sleeps on a spring block, oscillatory movements will be felt over the entire area, there is a “wave” effect.
  • A high-quality springless mattress distributes the load evenly to different parts of the body. Creates an ideal anatomical support for the body. Weight does not play any role here. There is no anatomical support. A person will not be able to completely relax, and will get up in the morning broken.
  • The springless mattress will provide an individual sleeping place, even on a double mattress. If two people lie on a double mattress, then the effect of a hammock will be inevitable. A certain group of springs will work and the mattress in the middle will sag a little.
  • A springless mattress has the effect of "thousands of springs". The homogeneity of the material makes it possible to use the entire area at the same time, even the edges.
  • The spring block is either reinforced around the entire perimeter, or a "euro frame" is used. This means that a metal bar will be laid around the entire perimeter. And this will make the edge of the bed either too soft or too hard. If you sleep or sit on the edge of the bed, you will feel uncomfortable. Reinforcing material and springs will also gradually break down.

Each mattress has its own degree of firmness.

Springless will differ:

  • height;
  • the number of layers;
  • sizes;
  • filling.

Some will be softer, others will be harder. If it is based on a spring block, then the stiffness should be different in each zone. There are only seven of them. This is achieved by the fact that the performance of independent springs are different.

Varieties, pros and cons of spring models

Askona Balance Smart (read review) is the most popular model among those bought. It is based on a block of dependent springs of the “bonnel” type. To protect against damage, there is an outer shell made of a material such as snapbond. It perfectly isolates the springs so that a person is comfortable. There is a layer of anatomical foam of 2 cm. And the cover is made of jacquard quilted together with synthetic winterizer.

Other characteristics:

  • the mattress has a large size range: from 80 cm by 186 cm to a square with a side of 2 meters. Thus, you can choose products for any bed;
  • hardness: below average;
  • mattress height 18 centimeters;
  • cost from 6000 to 15000 rubles (depending on size).

Ormatek Flex Standart (read review) is a bestseller among springless mattresses. It is sold rolled up. Without harm to the product in this form, it can be stored for only six months, so you should check the production time with the seller. The cover is made of jacquard. Has an orthopedic effect. Characteristics:

  • filler: high quality artificial latex;
  • stiffness: above average on both sides;
  • dimensions: from 80 cmx190 cm to 200 by 220 cm;
  • depending on the size, the price varies from 6 to 17 thousand rubles.

The mattress does not have a "winter-summer" function. It does not have handles for turning. However, such minor disadvantages do not affect the demand for this model.

Spring mattresses have been known for a long time. Modern principle their work is somewhat different from the original, so they are in the spotlight and are no less popular than their springless counterparts.

The disadvantage of the models is the extensibility of steel elements. Such structures are sensitive to instantaneous loads. You can’t jump on them, stretching the springs, because this will affect the life of the unit.

Tips from experts to help you make the right choice:

  • If you have problems with the spine, you should consult with an orthopedic specialist before buying. It is possible that a product that is too hard or soft can harm you.
  • A healthy person can be guided only by considerations of convenience. Whichever mattress seems more comfortable is the one to buy. And, of course, do not forget about the financial component. Which mattresses are better - spring or polyurethane foam, you decide.
  • Springless mattresses on coconut coir are suitable for children. A variant with a mattress with independent springs is also possible. Bonnels are definitely not suitable for a child!
  • If financial possibilities allow, then a mattress made of natural materials is the best option. This model is not only functional, but also environmentally friendly.

Each line of mattresses has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, when choosing the right model, it is worth considering the weight, height, condition of the vertebral bones:

  • For overweight people weighing more than 100 kg, it is preferable to choose hard fillers, they will not sag much and will more effectively support posture.
  • For adults less than 50 kg, soft mattresses are suitable, regardless of type.
  • Children are advised to purchase rigid models for two reasons. The baby's bone formation is not yet complete, so proper placement during rest is required, which a firm mattress can provide. Children are mobile, they like to play, jump, and a mattress of medium or soft hardness may simply not withstand the stress.
  • Mattresses with springs in independent blocks of medium hardness are suitable for older people.
  • It is even more difficult for young and healthy people to make a choice - any average type of mattress will be equally good for them.

Before such an expensive purchase, it is better to consult and get recommendations from an orthopedic doctor. Based on the specific case, he will point to the most suitable model and the money will not be thrown away. This is especially true for those who have problems with the musculoskeletal system or the cardiovascular system.

According to user reviews and the opinions of orthopedic doctors, the best performance have springless mattresses consisting of combined layers. The alternation of different fillers helps to achieve optimal stiffness. Universal types combine several zones of rigidity, for example, they are hard in the middle and soft at the edges, which makes the product as efficient as possible and provides complete comfort of sleep and rest.

Summing up

There is an opinion that a properly selected mattress is already 70% of good sleep. If you buy a product from trusted manufacturers with a good reputation, in stores that have viewing models and experts are competent in choosing the best option, a healthy and good rest will be provided.

Let's consider this issue in the following context:

  1. For children from birth to 12 years old, it is better not to buy spring mattresses. Best suited with coconut coir or natural latex filler. It is better to talk to an orthopedist beforehand in order to take into account all the nuances and subtleties.
  2. Healthy people can afford to choose a spring or springless mattress according to their own feelings of comfort.
  3. Those who are diagnosed with diseases of the heart and respiratory tract are recommended mattresses without springs. They are better suited to overweight people over 100 kg.
  4. Those who like to sleep on a soft bed should take a closer look at spring mattresses with independent blocks.
  5. With a limited budget, you should not strive to choose mattresses without springs and with artificial filler. For example, foam rubber can cause allergic reactions. It is better to give preference to latex materials or coconut coir.

The main differences between mattresses: a comparison of qualities and indicators

spring Springless
Price With dependent springs, it is cheaper than the Multipocket. The cost depends on the type of filler: natural or synthetic material.
Convenience Independent springs are whiter than bonnel springs. Dependent springs are not so comfortable for sleeping. Rigidity depends on the material, so you can choose a product for any person.
Benefit for health For those who have problems with the spine, dependent springs are not suitable. Reduced stiffness is not recommended for children under 12 years of age. After consultation with an orthopedist, you can buy a suitable bed.
Not recommended over 90 kg. Can be over 110kg
Ease of transport It is difficult to transport from place to place, as it requires a lot of space in transport. Some models can be easily rolled up and transported compactly.
Service life From 10 to 12 years old. From 7 to 8 years.
Noise Sometimes a creak is heard, especially if it is a “bonnel” from a budget series. Noiseless.

Healthy sleep- a guarantee of excellent health and high efficiency during the day. The sleeping place should be comfortable so that you can relax and fully recuperate. The choice must be approached thoroughly and guided by your own needs.
There are two main types of mattresses on the market - and. Each of them has its own characteristics, which you should pay attention to when buying. In this article, we will try to answer the question of which mattress is better - with springs or springless.

Design features:
Spring mattresses use blocks with dependent or independent springs. The design also includes a filler and a cover. Dependent spring blocks can only be found in the cheapest models. This option is called "Bonnel" and consists of springs interconnected. For one square meter there are about 120 springs. A mattress with such a block does not have orthopedic properties.
In most cases, independent spring blocks are used. They are systems of coil springs, each of which is in a separate case. Due to this, under physical pressure, only part of the springs is deformed, the rest remain motionless. This mattress supports the body during sleep.
Among springless models, there are also expensive and cheap ones - it depends on the quality of the material. Old wadded mattresses belong to this group, but are practically not used anymore. More expensive materials have "memory" and, accordingly, anatomical properties.

Advantages and disadvantages of spring mattresses

To the pluses

  • High orthopedic characteristics.
  • Durability: The average service life is 10 years.
  • The ability to withstand high loads - up to 240 kg per bed.
  • Virtually unlimited bed height. This option is suitable for lovers of high beds.
To determine what suits you best - a spring or springless mattress, it is important to pay attention to the disadvantages.

The disadvantages include the following factors:

  • Over time, a characteristic creak may appear during operation.
  • Spring mattresses usually weigh more than springless mattresses. This makes them a little difficult to transport.
  • The design is not always protected from dust and microbes.
  • If metal without anti-corrosion properties was used for springs, rust may appear.
  • Due to the metal inside the structure, static electricity appears
The main advantage of spring mattresses with dependent blocks is their low cost. In terms of orthopedic characteristics and wear resistance, they are inferior to more advanced independent springs.

Advantages and disadvantages of springless mattresses

Let's list the pros first:

  • Strength. In a block without springs, there is simply nothing to break.
  • Noiselessness. During operation, there is no creaking, since there are no metal elements in the mattress design.
  • Benefit for health. A high-quality filler has high orthopedic properties.
  • High hypoallergenic. Springless models accumulate less dust than spring models.
  • Higher service life - up to 15 years.
  • When choosing the type of mattress, it is also important to take into account the disadvantages of springless structures. These include:
  • Height and load restrictions. A mattress without springs cannot be too high and can usually support up to 150 kg.
  • Higher price than spring mattresses with similar characteristics.
  • Lack of softness in comparison with the softest models on springs.
What to look for when choosing?

Which mattress is better - or without - is up to you. In both segments, you can find first-class quality options, so the choice depends on individual preferences.

Here are the main characteristics that are important to consider before buying.

1. The size. For a comfortable sleep, the length of the bed should be 20 cm longer than the height of a person. The width depends on your build. A double mattress can be from 160 to 200, and in some cases up to 220 cm wide. The size must be taken into account already when choosing a bed.
2. Rigidity. Someone prefers soft featherbeds, while others from sleeping on a bed that is not hard enough start to hurt their back. If you have diseases of the bones and spine, we recommend that you consult a doctor before choosing a spring or springless mattress. General recommendations such: for older people it is better to give preference to options of medium hardness, those suffering from back pain - soft, in the upper back - rigid structures. Everyone else can focus on their own comfort during and after sleep.
3. Security . Trust only trusted manufacturers who use certified high quality materials. The mattress must be hygienic, i.e. pass air. Otherwise, in a few years it will turn into a breeding ground for bacteria. If you are prone to allergic reactions, it is also important to test materials for hypoallergenicity.
Which mattress is better for a child: spring or springless
When it comes to children, I want to get a definite answer. And he is! Spring vibrations can negatively affect the process of spinal formation, so children should only buy springless models.

Care and maintenance

Regardless of which mattress you use - or - it is important to follow these rules:
Store only in a horizontal position. It is not recommended to put the mattress on the end.
Move to the bottom. Side handles are needed for turning and moving along the surface of the bed. If they are used when carrying, they can tear and damage the complex structure of the mattress. This is especially important in models with spring blocks.
Vacuum regularly.
At least once a year it is desirable to arrange drying. Even the most perfect materials can absorb moisture.
Place the mattress only on flat surface. Its size must fully correspond to the size of the bed. This will preserve the orthopedic properties and not damage the structure.
Do not exceed the permitted load on the bed.
Do not roll or bend spring mattresses. This can only be done with springless models based on polyurethane foam and latex.
Use a special case. It will protect the surface of the mattress from unnecessary dirt and extend its life.
Change the bottom and top sides every 3-6 months. It is necessary to turn the mattress over so that the soft layers restore their original properties. During operation, they are compacted and can give uneven shrinkage if no flips are made.
Use the bed only for sleeping. If you like to sit on the bed, choose different places for this, otherwise the wear will be uneven, and the orthopedic properties will be lost over time.

Anatomic mattresses ESTETICA
In our catalog you will find expensive exclusive models made from first-class materials of the highest quality. We use , which consist of 500 springs per square meter. Such mattresses can withstand loads up to 130 kg and are recommended for couples with a weight difference of no more than 30 kg.

Only you can answer the question which of our mattresses is best for you - spring or without springs. Each model is designed specifically for a comfortable and healthy sleep and has hypoallergenic properties.

In ESTETICA you will also find elite mattresses with zonal box springs. They are made of wire of different thicknesses, and the design includes 7 zones of different stiffness. Such mattresses are created taking into account the characteristics of the human body.

For the production of springless structures, we use hypoallergenic natural latex and latexized coconut coir. We can order models that vary in rigidity depending on the side.

If you need personal assistance with choosing a mattress, you can consult our room specialist. 8 800 500 54 35.
For a healthy sleep, choose high-quality mattresses, and which one is better - spring or springless - a matter of individual preference. Focus on your own comfort and the declared quality, which is guaranteed by the manufacturer.

Kirill Sysoev

Calloused hands do not know boredom!


Before choosing a mattress, you need to decide on its rigidity, the size of the bed (children's, double, single), find out reviews about the manufacturer. It is important to take into account other selection criteria: filler, type of construction, the state of health of the buyer. A high-quality comfortable mattress will ensure the comfort of your sleep, excellent health and high spirits for the next day.

What are mattresses for beds

In many stores, quality mattresses are available in abundance. Knowing the differences between such products will help you not to get confused and buy the right product. All types of mattresses for beds differ in the following classification features:

  • spring and springless;
  • filling material: latex, coconut, wool, horse hair;
  • bilateral, unilateral;
  • orthopedic, anatomical.

Mattresses for a double bed

You can find out how to choose the right mattress for a double bed, focusing on the height of the tallest of the spouses, leaving up to 15 cm of margin. The maximum length of a double seat is 190-200 cm, the width is 160-200 cm, and the thickness depends on the content. Modern double products come with blocks of springs dependent and independent of each other, they must be chosen taking into account the body weight of the spouses. There are mattresses without springs, filled with horsehair, latex or coir.

Striped cotton mattresses of Soviet times are a thing of the past, today mattresses with a natural layer are considered high-quality. A great option is combined models, with coconut fiber inside and a latex layer on top. There are three types of mattresses: soft, medium and hard. The latter are useful for children, people with pain in the spine. Soft types of mattresses for beds are suitable for older people, medium-hard ones are a universal option.

The upholstery should be well ventilated, absorb and evaporate moisture. For this purpose, jacquard is often used, which has a beautiful appearance, provides excellent ventilation due to perforation. Models with double-sided upholstery are in great demand, it provides warmth during sleep in the winter season and comfortable rest during the summer heat.

Types of orthopedic mattresses

All types of orthopedic mattresses are divided into spring and springless. The best are models with a block of springs that are independent of each other, where each of them is placed in an individual case, compressed separately from the others, which provides the product with exceptional orthopedic properties. Thanks to this quality, the product takes the shape of the body of the sleeping person. Models in which there are no springs have high orthopedic properties due to high-quality bedding: coir and latex.

Bed mattress brands

Explore best brands mattresses for beds before making a purchase, in order to choose a model with an advantageous quality-price ratio. The following companies are considered brands among the manufacturers of such goods:

  • Ascona;
  • Ormatek;
  • Dormeo;
  • Dreamline;
  • Donson.

In the online stores of leading manufacturers, you will find an overview of the products offered, information about their cost, sales, discounts, you can see how the product looks, get advice and advice from a specialist, order delivery of goods by mail. Often in such stores promotions are held, during which you can buy a mattress at a price slightly higher than the purchase price.

What mattresses are considered the best

Provided in specialized stores huge selection products for the bed, so it can be difficult to understand, for example, which mattress to buy. Based on the opinions of experts in this field, user reviews and to simplify the choice of the buyer, a rating of the best mattresses was compiled. The top five included the following models:

  • Ascona Victory;
  • Ascona Fitness Arena;
  • Askona Balans Smart;
  • Ormatec Optima Light Bonnel;
  • Dreamline Eco Strong.

Which mattress to choose - spring or springless

To help you choose a spring or springless mattress, you can compare the characteristics of such products with each other:

  1. Dust accumulates in spring-type goods, dust mites appear. In models without springs, filled with coconut fiber, they do not live with latex.
  2. The upholstery of springless models is perforated, the moisture from the mattress evaporates. Springs in other products rust over time from moisture.
  3. The period of use of spring products is up to 10 years, springless products - up to 15 years.

How firm should the mattress be?

Knowing the main characteristics of mattresses, you can easily choose an inexpensive suitable model for yourself. One of the important factors when buying such a product is the stiffness indicator. How to choose a mattress based on this criterion? The main thing you should rely on is your weight, age and the presence of problems with the spine. For children and adolescents under 18, it is better to choose a hard springless mattress filled with coconut fiber.

People with a large body weight or pain in the cervical vertebrae should also pay attention to products with increased rigidity. Buyers with pain in thoracic region the spine and those who are in the middle weight range (60-90 kg), you should give preference to models of medium rigidity. Soft mattresses are more suitable for elderly and thin people.

The best mattresses for sleeping

It is believed that the best mattresses for sleeping are orthopedic. High quality in this category are springless models that have hair filler (horsehair), coir, latex, wool or cotton inside. The advantage of such products is also the absence of metal structures, which become unusable over the years, they are often chosen for a children's bed.

Anatomical products are almost no different from orthopedic ones. They follow the contours of the human body, help maintain the correct position of the spine. The only difference between them is the degree of rigidity, anatomical beds are softer and more comfortable. Their best representative is a water mattress, the service life of which can be short, because it is easy to perforate.

How to choose a mattress for a double bed

The right choice of mattress for the bed will ensure a full, comfortable sleep. The most common model of such products is called Bonnel, it happens with dependent and independent spring blocks. The first type of design involves connecting the springs to each other, which makes the product strong and durable. And yes, they are relatively cheap.

The only negative is that they are not suitable for people whose weight is very different. The heavier spouse will tilt the product, and the one that is easier will roll towards the middle. How to choose a mattress for such a family? They can be advised products with independent springs, when one gets up or rolls over, the second will not feel anything. They are expensive, but will last for many years and provide a comfortable sleep.

How to choose an orthopedic mattress

The right choice of an orthopedic mattress will depend on the physique, health status and age of the buyer. Thin and elderly people should pay attention to soft mattress models that can easily follow the curves of the body. For people with average weight and pain in the lumbar region, models with independent springs and a combined filler are more suitable. For those who are overweight, people under 25 years old and those who suffer from pain in the spine, it is better to buy products with high rigidity, a block of springs that are independent of each other.

Which company to choose a mattress

When deciding which company to choose a mattress, start not only from the rating of well-known brands. Study reviews about the company, prices and warranty periods for the offered goods, read information about materials, production technology. Keep in mind that baby crib companies provide a larger range of products in this range. Having determined your needs and wishes, you will narrow down the circle of potential companies, and you can easily decide which mattress is better to buy.

Mattress price

The final price for mattresses is formed depending on the size, internal filling, upholstery material, quality of materials used in production, type of construction. It affects the cost of the product and the sales region, so the price in St. Petersburg and, for example, Lipetsk, may differ. In Moscow, the price of mattresses for beds is as follows:

Video: how to choose the right mattress

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In choosing bedroom products, initially pay attention to their type. To understand which mattress is better to choose spring or springless, the information provided in the article will help. An alternative to a dependent and independent spring block is a high-quality filler. Each model has certain advantages and disadvantages.

What's the Difference

Spring mattresses are made from trend fillers. Products differ in the number and placement of shock absorbers. This affects hardness.

What is it, a block of independent springs is useful for buyers to know. At the assembly stage, Pocket Spring technology is used. It provides an even distribution of loads, which creates a full-fledged orthopedic effect. Models are considered comfortable, safe. Provide healthy, restful sleep.

There are two main types:

  • with the dependent block "Bonnel";
  • with independent.

In the first version, the springs are interconnected. The same stiffness is distributed over the entire area. In the second - hiding a large number of these shock absorbers, which are not interconnected.

Springless mattresses are:

  • from natural materials, for example, wool, cotton wool, horsehair, coconut fiber;
  • with synthetic fillers.

The modern version consists of natural latex, coconut fiber, memory foam. Such fabrics are hypoallergenic. An alternative to natural latex is polyurethane foam. They have good thermal insulation properties, do not interfere with ventilation.

The goal is to create the right conditions for recreation. They differ in characteristics, individual properties. The price depends on the filler, size, density, thickness.


Orthopedic models without springs are made on the basis of different materials. The maintenance of the body is due to the combination of several fillers. They are soft, medium and hard.

Models with springs are divided into several types. They are chosen based on their health benefits. Suitable for adults and the elderly. Provide accurate load distribution.


Regardless of the content, you can order a model of the required dimensions from the manufacturer. In the forehead, a quality product remains comfortable.


A mattress without springs is recommended for older people. Comfortable sleep with pain in the upper back will provide a hard product. For back pain, it is recommended to choose a soft model. Each option will be comfortable in an individual case.


An allergic reaction can be caused by any model with a natural filler. Modern mattresses with and without independent springs are hypoallergenic.


Both options have good hygroscopicity. This provides ventilation, the passage of moisture. In such species, mold, fungus, and other harmful microorganisms will not appear.

Some spring options do not have such features. For example, these are thin or old products. They collect moisture, which leads to corrosion.

Life time

The average life of springless types is 15 years. And spring - 10 years.

Individual characteristics - an indicator for selection. Each person should choose a sleep accessory that suits their personal needs. When choosing double products, you should also take into account the features and needs of the partner. An important criterion is the state of health, the ratio of weight, height, age.

When choosing, it is very important to take into account the weight of the user. For people weighing more than 100 kg, manufacturers recommend paying attention to hard mattresses. They support the spine well, do not lose their appearance.

Adults weighing up to 50 kg can look at any models. Children will be comfortable without additional cushioning. Elderly people can choose soft, comfortable products.

Carefully approach the choice in the presence of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, of cardio-vascular system. An orthopedist can also advise which mattress is better spring or springless.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of spring products:

  1. Benefit for health. Species with any cushioning block are orthopedic. They support the spine and are good for health. Helps relieve back pain.
  2. Noiseless. Modern models contain components that are packed in separate fabric bags. This prevents them from rubbing against each other. There is no characteristic annoying creaking that interferes with a comfortable sleep.


  1. Price. Quality models are expensive.
  2. Sensitivity. The product responds to any load. Over time, it may lose its appearance and properties.

Advantages of products without additional depreciation.

  1. Strength. There are no elements in the mattress that break quickly. The fabric is dense, does not crumble and does not get enough sleep over time. The service life lasts about 15 years.
  2. Noiselessness. There are no elements that cause a creak.
  3. The benefits are due to quality and orthopedic properties. Sleep will be full, healthy. There is cheerfulness in the morning.

Their shortcomings.

  1. Weight restrictions. The option can withstand no more than 120 kg.
  2. Such natural models as cotton or can provoke an allergic reaction in the wearer.

The pros and cons of springless mattresses are obvious. Bedroom accessories are chosen according to different criteria and needs. Do not pay attention to cheap options - they quickly lose their original qualities.

Each species has certain characteristics. Healthy sleep is possible when choosing the right filler.

The accessory must correspond to the state of human health, personal needs. Much depends on the height, weight, age of the consumer. Having carefully studied the characteristics, the user will determine which mattress is better to choose spring or springless.

For normal life, everyone needs a good rest, one of the types of which is sleep. However, in order for it to be beneficial, and a person woke up in the morning cheerful and full of strength, it is necessary to properly arrange a sleeping place. It is very important what we sleep on. A folding sofa or a narrow couch is clearly not suitable for this. The most suitable option is a bed with a good mattress. But how to determine the degree of its suitability? Convenience is a bright indicator, but not objective. In addition, even with apparent comfort, the body can take the wrong position, which does not have the best effect on the condition of the spine and internal organs.

According to official statistics, the right mattress is the key not only to excellent sleep, but also to good health and even long life. A person who sleeps in an unsuccessful position sooner or later is guaranteed to develop various diseases, including osteochondrosis, which leads to headaches. Waking up in a depressed, tired state with swollen body parts becomes a common thing for him. Naturally, many seek to avoid this, so they opt for mattresses with a pronounced orthopedic effect. Sleeping on a bed with such an addition can increase life by at least 10 years. It is worth seriously thinking about such tempting prospects and updating your interior.

The most popular today are spring and springless mattresses. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages, which are worth learning more about.

Benefits of models with springs

Spring mattresses- a classic, time-tested option. Such products have been produced for more than 100 years and are in constant demand due to their affordability in terms of price. Their design includes many interconnected springs made of metal. The compression of one of them entails the deformation of all the others. Therefore, often these mattresses are called dependent spring blocks.

Spring mattresses on the bed have the following advantages:

 attractive price- such models are the cheapest;

 ability to withstand heavy loads- on such a product, you can even jump without the risk of damaging it;

 ease of operation- such blocks do not require any specific care and especially careful handling.

These models also have their drawbacks. First of all, it is the absence of any orthopedic effect. On such a mattress it is soft to sleep, but that's all. In addition, over time, dust accumulates inside the textile cover, and the springs begin to rust, creak and squeeze through.

What is an independent box spring mattress?

A modern variation are models with springs, each of which is equipped with an individual fabric cover. When pressed against the surface, all elements work independently of each other, which ensures optimal point elasticity. A mattress with an independent spring block is able to adapt to the contours of the human body, due to which the load on the spine and limbs is evenly distributed. Thus, there is an orthopedic effect that carries health benefits.

Such models are becoming more and more popular today. Sleeping on them is more comfortable and pleasant than on mattresses with conventional springs. Such products last longer on average by 3-5 years and can withstand a weight of more than 100 kg, and enhanced variations - up to 200 kg.

Benefits of models without springs

Even more advanced and the most innovative option are springless mattresses. Their prototype is products stuffed with cotton wool or foam rubber, but today they are used in this capacity. modern materials– natural and artificial latex, coconut fiber, etc. The high elasticity of such models provides a pronounced orthopedic effect - they easily take the shape of the body, but at the same time they do not push through and do not sag. Mattresses with a latex layer are softer, those with a coconut fiber filler are firmer and are great for shaping the correct posture. Combined products are also produced, combining both materials.

Benefits of springless mattresses include:

 reliability- there is nothing to break in their design;

 long service life– 15 years or more;

 high strength- able to withstand a weight of 120-150 kg;

 no creaking;

 dust does not accumulate inside and mites won't start.

There is only one significant drawback of such products: their cost is much higher than that of spring variations, although it is quite commensurate with the advantages.

Which one to choose - spring or springless mattress?

Before you give preference to a particular model, you should read the recommendations of experts. Buy spring mattress with independent blocks, it is possible for those who value comfort above all else and like to sleep on an elastic surface. It is also the best option for people who have spinal problems, because of which they cannot sleep on a hard surface. For a crib, on the contrary, you should choose a springless type product filled with coconut fiber. The child's posture is still being formed, so it is not recommended for babies to sleep on a very soft surface.

Adults with significant excess weight, problems with the heart and breathing, it is worth purchasing a model without springs with an elastic latex or polymer layer. Young and active, leading healthy lifestyle life and just taking care of your body, it is recommended to pay attention to products made of combined materials - they have two different sides: hard from coconut fiber and elastic from latex. You can regularly turn the mattress, correcting the orthopedic effect. In the presence of serious diseases of the musculoskeletal system and internal organs, before buying a particular model, if possible, you should consult with an orthopedist.


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