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10. Also the first section, to the right of the acceleration just before going down. Take on the third circle.

Note: The advice given to you at the beginning is very helpful. I recommend holding this button and not releasing it. On the second section of the third circle, immediately take the right and hold down the left turn key before accelerating so as not to drive into the stone ahead. In order to make it on time in the third section of the third lap, you need to drive through all the accelerations and not run into the bombs scattered in abundance around. To get parts, knock down small pillars and crystals in the cave. If you destroy a penalty/lose on any section of the track, 2,000 units are taken away from you, which you will not get back, so try to complete everything on the first try. And remember that the meter only needs to be filled once, and then you can lose details as much as you like. Alternatively, the counter can be dialed up already on the first two (or even on the first) laps, and then doesn’t care about anything.

Receivable characters: none.

Chapter 5, recapture Tiid Palace

1. In the right corner of the first location, go up as a shooter and go around the window bars.
2. To the left of the first part, break the window with shots and climb into the hole.
3. In the first hall, destroy the statue and stand on the button under it.
4. Before the next door R2 opens, turn left, deal with the enemies and climb onto the ledge. Open the doors and take the part. Attention: the door can only be opened by the dark side of the Force, therefore you must have a Sith.
5. To the right of the fountain, go up as a shooter. The part will again be behind the windows, this time they can be broken.
6. To the left of the same fountain, dive into the shaft, climb onto the mouth to the right, build a platform and jump to the part.
7. At the lift for R2 (next location), jump down and go left.
8. In the far corner of another room, place two tables on top of each other, climb up along them, up again with the shooter and along the ledge to the left.
9. In the hangar with one of the platforms where the pilots are kept, move as a shooter to the ledge with the part.
10. From another such platform (it is closest to the exit) you can climb onto the highest ledge in the hangar. Follow it to the right to the part.

Notes: sometimes a piece of furniture becomes destructible only after some forceful preparations. So, for example, in one of the halls you need to put tables and chairs in a row, move glasses and dishes from the next cabinet onto the tables, and only then you can cut them into parts.

Received characters:
Padme (fight). Features: shooter.
R2-D2. Features: Can open certain doors and hover in the air for some time.
Anakin Skywalker (boy). Features: can climb into mines.

Chapter 6, Darth Maul

1. Above the right ship, at jump height.
2. Above the left ship, but higher: Fix it first, then take the Jar-Jarom part.
3. Using the Force together, climb onto the platform above the passage and open door R2. Inside, go over all the lamps on the floor to make a part appear.
4. In pursuit of Maul, climb up as a shooter, go to the platform, lift it with the Force and jump on it with Jar-Jar. And there is a huge pile of details.
5. Go down - you will come across another detail.
6-7. On both sides of the entrance to the next location, consoles for R2 launch platforms on the sides. Both will take you to the details.
8-10. On platforms from which Maul will throw objects at you.

Notes: After you kill all the droids by deflecting blaster shots at them, Maul will throw an object at you that you need to Force send back at him. In practice, it has been noticed that it is better not to hold the Force button for interception, but to press it. When two commander droids appear, try to get through to them - they can call for reinforcements endlessly. The final battle consists of three stages. On the first, Maul is easily attacked with an area attack (press the attack button while double jumping). On the second, he will throw objects at you. Keep in mind that your Power will stop working if an object flies off the screen, so get closer to the enemy. During the third stage, Maul becomes insensitive to normal attacks and invariably successfully attacks you with something like a choke. As soon as you notice that a character has a red halo, switch to another and hit the Sith when he begins to lift his comrade into the air, at this time he is vulnerable (if you play hot-seat, then, of course, you don’t need to switch anywhere, just act together).

Receivable characters: none.

Episode II: Attack of the Clones

Chapter 1, discovery on Kamino

1. To the left of the start, repair the platform and jump up.
2. To the right of the start, just fly over the gap R2.
3-4. After you see the video with the clones, go into the corridor that opens (not the one where will he go Longneck) and open C-3PO's door. There are two parts inside: to get the first you need to press all the buttons and lower the platform on the right, the second - shoot at the target and climb into the far right shaft.
5. In the corridor where Longneck will go, turn the six things on the wall.
6. In the room opposite Fett’s room, light all the floor circles, stepping on the currently lit ones together. In addition to the details, you will receive a disco and light music.
7. In Fett's room, force the lever next to the locked piece 4 times, then put the fallen pieces back in place to open the fence.
8. Do not immediately rush into the hatch where Django escapes, but go further and step three times on the areas highlighted nearby on the wall to open access to the parts and.
9. After overcoming the bombs, go up as a shooter, lower the platform through the C-3PO console, and when it starts to rise, hit all three targets.
10. In the room where Fett's robots climb out of the hatch, on the left side there is something like a door that only a Sith can open. Inside, also use the Sith to open two valves at the same time.

Note: Django robots will climb out of hatches endlessly until the hatches are closed. Fortunately, if someone distracts them, they will not pay attention to the droid and will let everything be done in peace. Fett will first shoot at you with blasters, then also with blasters, but under the cover of his ship. Finally, use the Force to launch a couple of his missiles back. The last blow will have to be made in the back: Fett will start running in a circle from you in hysterics.

Received characters:
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Master). Features: Jedi.
R4-D17.Features: similar to R2-D2.

Chapter 2, Droid Factory

1. Walk backwards from the starting point.
2. Before the platform moves away from under your feet, jump from it to the left and dive into the shaft.
3. From the central fan, go down, climb up, attack the target and open door R2. Inside, activate those two of the three consoles, the color of which together will make up the coloring of the circle on the fourth pipe nearby.
4. From the droideka to the left.
5. Open the door near droideka R2. Inside, jump across the moving platforms to the part.
6. In the room where you met C-3PO, on the platform along the shooter's path.
7. Crumble the fence of one of the holes in the cave, make two platforms out of it and jump from the left to the hole with the part.
8. Go through this previously blocked hole. Inside, activate all four consoles one by one.
9. To the right of the door C-3PO opens.
10. Activate R2 the left console, assemble a platform from the arrived parts and take the part from it.

Note: Do not touch the bottom surface of the presses. Even when they are at the top, it will be deadly.

Received characters:
Anakin Skywalker (Padawan). Features: Jedi.
Padme. Features: shooter.
C-3PO. Features: analogue of TS-14.

Chapter 3, Jedi battles

1-2. Behind Leah's Pillar. We need someone who can jump high.
3. From the first two to the right, behind bars.
4-5. Behind Anakin's pillar. Need a shooter.
6-7. Behind Obi-Wan's pillar. We need a Jedi and a shooter.
8. To the right of Obi-Wan's pillar, through the shaft.
9. In the fourth niche, which is without a pillar. Assemble the constructor correctly.
10. To the left of the Leia pillar, behind the column.

Notes: the mess in the center of the arena is endless, don't get distracted by it. In principle, you don’t even have to go into it: the enemies coming out of the gate will slowly come to you on their own. Jango Fett is killed in a similar way to the first chapter.

Received characters:
Mace Windu. Features: Jedi.
Padme (in bell-bottoms). Features: shooter.

Chapter 4, Gunship Cavalry

1-5. According to the course of movement, they look like in the Mos Espa race, only these ones need to be shot.
6-10. In the ball location, between the turrets.

Notes: this is pure fun, let's go and shoot.

Receivable characters: none.

Chapter 5, Count Dooku

1. From the start to the left. Take part R2-D2.
2. Right there nearby, use the arrow.
3. Move both items to the light, then destroy.
4-5. On the left side of the entrance. Jump on the platforms.
6. On the right side, similar.
7. Back and to the right of Dooku, hit both targets.
8. To the right of Dooku, into the mine, then shooter.
9-10. To the left of Dooku, build a ladder with three parts, take the part, destroy the fence and jump for another part.

Notes: Dooku won’t offer you anything particularly new in terms of combat.

Received characters:
Yoda. Features: Jedi, handsome.

Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

Chapter 1, Battle of Coruscant

1-10. Well, there can be no tricks here at all, since there are not even forks. Just look around more carefully.
Note: To fill the meter, destroy ships attacking you.

Receivable characters: none.

Chapter 2, Chancellor in Danger

1. Near the start, use the arrow.
2. Before going down, the shooter again.
3. Behind the leftmost of the four doors, open R2.
4. Behind the second of the four doors from the right, open C3PO.
5. In the next location, above the entrance.
6. To the left of the same entrance.
7. In the next room after the battle with Dooku, behind the right door.

Dexter's Diner

Location, neutral territory. Here you can choose to play any of the available levels, buy tips/heroes/bonuses or open them using codes (we are honest people, so we won’t consider this option) and admire the assembled ships. You can also practice your strength on interior items and collect a small initial capital (this opportunity will be available throughout the game, but then it will be more effective to go through the old levels again).

Contains basic information about the gaming device. Easily bought up in bulk for only 360 units.

Of the 56 game heroes, 31 are available for purchase. The rest will be received for free according to the plot. The ability to purchase a specific character opens up after you defeat/meet him in one of the game levels.

1) Racing droid – 250. Features: none.
2) Droid PC – 350. Features: none.
3) Battle droid (security) – 300. Features: shoots, but slowly.
4) Battle droid – 200. Features: shoots, but slowly.
5) Battle droid (commander) – 1,000. Features: Shoots slowly and talks on the radio, which doesn't seem to do anything.
6) Droidek -10,000. Features: protective field and long deployment into a combat position.
7) Royal Guard - 800. Features: marksman.
8) Padme – 800. Features: shooter.
9) Darth Maul – 15,000. Features: Sith.
10) Clone – 2,000. Features: shooter.
11) Geonosian – 2,000. Features: shoots, but slowly, can hover.
12) Battle droid (geonosis) – 300. Features: old droid in a new coloring.
13) Super battle droid – 5,000. Features: Shoots great.
14) Jango Fett – 65,000. Features: good shooter, can hover above the ground, although he doesn’t fly anywhere, but he’s a show-off.
15) Boba Fett – 800. Features: analogue of the boy Skywalker.
16) Luminara – 20,000. Features: Jedi.
17) Ki-Adi Mundi – 25,000. Features: Still a Jedi.
18) Kit Fisto – 35,000. Features: and also a Jedi.
19) Shaak Ti – 15,000. Features: Well, finally a Jedi, and I was starting to worry...
20) Count Dooku – 45,000. Features: Sith.
21) Grievous' bodyguard - 30,000. Features: has a staff, jumps higher than others.
22) General Grievous – 200,000. Features: 4 light sabers, jumps higher than others, handsome.
23) Clone (episode III) – 600. Features: shooter.
24) Clone (episode III, pilot) – 700. Features: shooter (albeit a pilot).
25) Clone (episode III, swamp) – 800. Features: you won’t believe it, shooter.
26) Clone (episode III, walker) – 2,500. Features: that's why they are clones...
27) Mace Windu (episode III) – 30,000. Features: Jedi.
28) Cloaked clone – 2,750. Features: shooter.
29) Darth Sidious – 150,000. Features: Sith.
30) Rebel Warrior -1,000. Features: shooter.
31) Princess Leia - 50,000. Features: shooter.

Purple – 50,000. All lightsabers turn purple, like Windu's.
Large blasters - 50,000. External change in the appearance of blasters.
Classic blasters – 75,000. External change in the appearance of blasters.
Weak bulsters – 100,000. External change in the appearance of blasters.
Silhouettes – 75,000. Black solid shapes instead of textures. Gothic.
Mustache – 150,000. Mustaches are added to all characters.
Tea cups – 175,000. Universal deadly cups instead of light sabers and blasters.
Brushes – 200,000. Evil Jedi cleaners on the warpath.
Set detector – 750,000. All ship parts are marked with white arrows. Useful thing.
Indestructibility – 1,000,000. She's the one.

Jedi Counter
To receive a super set part at a level, you must fill the Jedi meter. To do this you need to collect a certain number of parts. Attack objects around you or influence them with the Force to obtain them. If you die in battle, you will receive 2,000 pieces of parts, which you can still manage to pick up. Death from falling into an abyss or into any substance not intended for life is punishable by 1,000 units, which, however, you will not pick up (although there are exceptions, say, one blue part falls out of the hero, which he immediately picks up in the fall) . In general, the characters are not particularly durable, so be careful. The meter only needs to be filled once, after which you can lose details without having to worry about running it down.

Ship parts
In addition to the main super set, each level has its own set of ten parts. These parts are well hidden and often require the efforts of several characters, that is, they can only be taken in free mode. For each completed ship you will be given 50,000 units, so, in addition to the point of completing the game to the maximum, this is also a good income. Read more about the location of the parts in the walkthrough of the levels themselves.

Types of parts and their costs
Silver part – 10 units.
Gold part – 100 units.
Blue part – 1000 units.

Episode I: The Phantom Menace

Chapter 1, negotiations

Since the passage of levels in itself is not anything complicated or incomprehensible, I will describe only noteworthy moments + obtaining ship parts.

All directional designations “left”, “right”, etc. are given relative to the camera, not the player.

1. Use the droid to open the first door on the left in the corridor. Inside, stand on the buttons with both heroes (if the second character is controlled by the computer, he will do it himself), kill the droids and take the part.
2. Switch all six blue levers. The part will appear ahead at the jump height.
3. Use the droid to open the second door on the left. As a boy Skywalker, dive into the mine and turn off protective screens. Build a column and jump from it to the part.
4. Switch the six purple levers in the same way.
5-6. Open R2-D2 the third door. Force assemble the ship in the center. Jar-Jar jump from the platform next to the screen and take the part. From the same platform, open the shaft at the top and climb into it. Use R2 hover to fly across the gap, then jump onto the ship and take another part from it.
7. Having used the Force to open a passage in a small room, climb onto the created structure and jump up.
8. Once in the hangar, jump in an arc to the next ledge, or go down, build a platform by force and Jar-Jar jump there.
9. Move the structure in the nearest corner and climb from it onto the platform. Open R2-D2's door. Inside, by manipulating the buttons, remove the cap covering the engine.
10. Build a lift to the platform next to the magnet, activate the lever on the wall to start the movement of the platform, climb onto it and wait until it reaches the part. Or simply use R2 hover to reach the target from the starting platform position.

Notes: The Jedi counter is easy and straightforward to dial up.

Received characters: TS-14. Features: Can open some doors.

Chapter 2, Naboo Invasion

1. In the small dead end on the right, use the Force to build a platform and shoot from it at the target.
2. After you remove the tree blocking the road from the path, attack it until it is completely destroyed.
3. After blowing up the ship blocking the path, jump up from its remains.
4. Remove these remains and jump into the opened niche.
5. Use the Force on the plants on the way to the stairs. Some of them will make a characteristic sound and leave behind an object. The last plant will leave the platform. Move it to the right place and take the part with Jar-Jar.
6. Climb onto the ledge from which you took the parts to build the platform.
7. After removing the parts blocking the log, go down to the ledge formed by them.
8. On the way, dive into the mine.
9. The detail behind the door guarded by three droids, right after the swamp.
10. In the last location, assemble a construction set of three parts.

Note: The droids coming from the forest are endless. Don't try to kill them all.

Received characters:
Jar Jar Binks. Features: Jumps higher than others.

Chapter 3, escape from Naboo

1. First, make three cubes from the door partitions, then place them on top of each other and take the piece with Jar-Jar.
2. At the top, before going to the next location, pull out two platforms from the wall and fly from the top R2 to the corner - there is a part hidden in the greenery.
3. In the next area, immediately go down.
4. After crushing the windows, go to the left edge and jump down. Kill the droids and go right.
5. Here, below, fly over the abyss R2, climb up as a shooter, put down the droidekas, climb up again and take the part.
6. In front of the large gate (which opens with a shot at four targets), go up the stairs behind the columns and climb up as a shooter, dive into the shaft there.
7. Move left from the mine and move to the balcony.
8. In one of the three closed cells on the left.
9. There are four trees around the central button. Destroy the crowns and build the foundations into one column, climb onto it and jump up.
10. In one of the closed cells on the right, there is also an exit from the level.

Notes: to fill the meter, destroy everything, including balcony railings.

Received characters:
Queen Amidala and Captain Panaka. Features: they can shoot at targets and climb up on fishing lines in certain places (hereinafter simply arrows).

Chapter 4, Mos Espa Race

1. At the end of the blocked rise on the right, before entering the cave.
2. Inside the cave.
3. In the gunshot canyon, on the left side.
4. At the turn-out of the canyon, between the pillars.
5. A little further under the arch on the right side. Of the two accelerations, choose the right one.
6. Straight ahead, after a series of accelerations, before the climb.
7. In the middle of the third section of the track, before one of the acceleration groups.
8. Before the finish line.
9. Between two accelerations on the straight of the first section, appears on the second lap.
10. Also the first section, to the right of the acceleration just before going down. Take on the third circle.

Note: The advice given to you at the beginning is very helpful. I recommend holding this button and not releasing it. On the second section of the third circle, immediately take the right and hold down the left turn key before accelerating so as not to drive into the stone ahead. In order to make it on time in the third section of the third lap, you need to drive through all the accelerations and not run into the bombs scattered in abundance around. To get parts, knock down small pillars and crystals in the cave. If you destroy a penalty/lose on any section of the track, 2,000 units are taken away from you, which you will not get back, so try to complete everything on the first try. And remember that the meter only needs to be filled once, and then you can lose details as much as you like. Alternatively, the counter can be dialed up already on the first two (or even on the first) laps, and then doesn’t care about anything.

Receivable characters: none.

Chapter 5, recapture Tiid Palace

1. In the right corner of the first location, go up as a shooter and go around the window bars.
2. To the left of the first part, break the window with shots and climb into the hole.
3. In the first hall, destroy the statue and stand on the button under it.
4. Before the next door R2 opens, turn left, deal with the enemies and climb onto the ledge. Open the doors and take the part. Attention: the door can only be opened by the dark side of the Force, therefore you must have a Sith.
5. To the right of the fountain, go up as a shooter. The part will again be behind the windows, this time they can be broken.
6. To the left of the same fountain, dive into the shaft, climb onto the mouth to the right, build a platform and jump to the part.
7. At the lift for R2 (next location), jump down and go left.
8. In the far corner of another room, place two tables on top of each other, climb up along them, up again with the shooter and along the ledge to the left.
9. In the hangar with one of the platforms where the pilots are kept, move as a shooter to the ledge with the part.
10. From another such platform (it is closest to the exit) you can climb onto the highest ledge in the hangar. Follow it to the right to the part.

Notes: sometimes a piece of furniture becomes destructible only after some forceful preparations. So, for example, in one of the halls you need to put tables and chairs in a row, move glasses and dishes from the next cabinet onto the tables, and only then you can cut them into parts.

Received characters:
Padme (fight). Features: shooter.
R2-D2. Features: Can open certain doors and hover in the air for some time.
Anakin Skywalker (boy). Features: can climb into mines.

Chapter 6, Darth Maul

1. Above the right ship, at jump height.
2. Above the left ship, but higher: Fix it first, then take the Jar-Jarom part.
3. Using the Force together, climb onto the platform above the passage and open door R2. Inside, go over all the lamps on the floor to make a part appear.
4. In pursuit of Maul, climb up as a shooter, go to the platform, lift it with the Force and jump on it with Jar-Jar. And there is a huge pile of details.
5. Go down - you will come across another detail.
6-7. On both sides of the entrance to the next location, consoles for R2 launch platforms on the sides. Both will take you to the details.
8-10. On platforms from which Maul will throw objects at you.

Notes: After you kill all the droids by deflecting blaster shots at them, Maul will throw an object at you that you need to Force send back at him. In practice, it has been noticed that it is better not to hold the Force button for interception, but to press it. When two commander droids appear, try to get through to them - they can call for reinforcements endlessly. The final battle consists of three stages. On the first, Maul is easily attacked with an area attack (press the attack button while double jumping). On the second, he will throw objects at you. Keep in mind that your Power will stop working if an object flies off the screen, so get closer to the enemy. During the third stage, Maul becomes insensitive to normal attacks and invariably successfully attacks you with something like a choke. As soon as you notice that a character has a red halo, switch to another and hit the Sith when he begins to lift his comrade into the air, at this time he is vulnerable (if you play hot-seat, then, of course, you don’t need to switch anywhere, just act together).

Receivable characters: none.

Dexter's Diner

Location, neutral territory. Here you can choose to play any of the available levels, buy tips/heroes/bonuses or open them using codes (we are honest people, so we won’t consider this option) and admire the assembled ships. You can also practice your strength on interior items and collect a small initial capital (this opportunity will be available throughout the game, but then it will be more effective to go through the old levels again).

Contains basic information about the gaming device. Easily bought up in bulk for only 360 units.

Of the 56 game heroes, 31 are available for purchase. The rest will be received for free according to the plot. The ability to purchase a specific character opens up after you defeat/meet him in one of the game levels.

1) Droid racing - 250. Features: none.
2) Droid PC - 350. Features: none.
3) Battle droid (security) - 300. Features: shoots, but slowly.
4) Battle droid - 200. Features: shoots, but slowly.
5) Battle droid (commander) - 1,000. Features: Shoots slowly and talks on the radio, which doesn't seem to do anything.
6) Droidek -10,000. Features: protective field and long deployment into a combat position.
7) Royal Guard - 800. Features: marksman.
8) Padme - 800. Features: shooter.
9) Darth Maul - 15,000. Features: Sith.
10) Clone - 2,000. Features: shooter.
11) Geonosian - 2,000. Features: shoots, but slowly, can hover.
12) Battle droid (geonosis) - 300. Features: old droid in a new coloring.
13) Super battle droid - 5,000. Features: Shoots great.
14) Jango Fett - 65,000. Features: good shooter, can hover above the ground, although he doesn’t fly anywhere, but he’s a show-off.
15) Boba Fett - 800. Features: analogue of the Skywalker boy.
16) Luminara - 20,000. Features: Jedi.
17) Ki-Adi Mundi - 25,000. Features: Still a Jedi.
18) Kit Fisto - 35,000. Features: and also a Jedi.
19) Shaak Ti - 15,000. Features: Well, finally a Jedi, and I was starting to worry...
20) Count Dooku - 45,000. Features: Sith.
21) Grievous' bodyguard - 30,000. Features: has a staff, jumps higher than others.
22) General Grievous - 200,000. Features: 4 light sabers, jumps higher than others, handsome.
23) Clone (episode III) - 600. Features: shooter.
24) Clone (episode III, pilot) - 700. Features: shooter (albeit a pilot).
25) Clone (episode III, swamp) - 800. Features: you won't believe it, shooter.
26) Clone (episode III, walker) - 2,500. Features: that's why they are clones...
27) Mace Windu (episode III) - 30,000. Features: Jedi.
28) Cloaked clone - 2,750. Features: shooter.
29) Darth Sidious - 150,000. Features: Sith.
30) Rebel Warrior -1,000. Features: shooter.
31) Princess Leia - 50,000. Features: shooter.

Purple - 50,000. All lightsabers turn purple, like Windu's.
Large blasters - 50,000. External change in the appearance of blasters.
Classic blasters - 75,000. External change in the appearance of blasters.
Weak bulsters - 100,000. External change in the appearance of blasters.
Silhouettes - 75,000. Black solid shapes instead of textures. Gothic.
Mustache - 150,000. Mustaches are added to all characters.
Tea cups - 175,000. Universal deadly cups instead of light sabers and blasters.
Brushes - 200,000. Evil Jedi cleaners on the warpath.
Set detector - 750,000. All ship parts are marked with white arrows. Useful thing.
Indestructibility - 1,000,000. She's the one.

Jedi Counter
To receive a super set part at a level, you must fill the Jedi meter. To do this you need to collect a certain number of parts. Attack or use the Force on objects around you to obtain them. If you die in battle, you will receive 2,000 pieces of parts, which you can still manage to pick up. Death from falling into an abyss or into any substance not intended for life is punishable by 1,000 units, which, however, you will not pick up (although there are exceptions, say, one blue part falls out of the hero, which he immediately picks up in the fall) . In general, the characters are not particularly durable, so be careful. The meter only needs to be filled once, after which you can lose details without having to worry about running it down.

Ship parts
In addition to the main super set, each level has its own set of ten parts. These parts are well hidden and often require the efforts of several characters, that is, they can only be taken in free mode. For each completed ship you will be given 50,000 units, so, in addition to the point of completing the game to the maximum, this is also a good income. Read more about the location of the parts in the walkthrough of the levels themselves.

Types of parts and their costs
Silver part - 10 units.
Gold part - 100 units.
Blue part - 1000 units.

Episode I: The Phantom Menace

Chapter 1, negotiations

Since the passage of levels in itself is not anything complicated or incomprehensible, I will describe only noteworthy moments + obtaining ship parts.

All directional designations “left”, “right”, etc. are given relative to the camera, not the player.

1. Use the droid to open the first door on the left in the corridor. Inside, stand on the buttons with both heroes (if the second character is controlled by the computer, he will do it himself), kill the droids and take the part.
2. Switch all six blue levers. The part will appear ahead at the jump height.
3. Use the droid to open the second door on the left. As the Skywalker boy, dive into the shaft and turn off the protective screens. Build a column and jump from it to the part.
4. Switch the six purple levers in the same way.
5-6. Open R2-D2 the third door. Force assemble the ship in the center. Jar-Jar jump from the platform next to the screen and take the part. From the same platform, open the shaft at the top and climb into it. Use R2 hover to fly across the gap, then jump onto the ship and take another part from it.
7. Having used the Force to open a passage in a small room, climb onto the created structure and jump up.
8. Once in the hangar, jump in an arc to the next ledge, or go down, build a platform by force and Jar-Jar jump there.
9. Move the structure in the nearest corner and climb from it onto the platform. Open R2-D2's door. Inside, by manipulating the buttons, remove the cap covering the engine.
10. Build a lift to the platform next to the magnet, activate the lever on the wall to start the movement of the platform, climb onto it and wait until it reaches the part. Or simply use R2 hover to reach the target from the starting platform position.

Notes: The Jedi counter is easy and straightforward to dial up.

Received characters: TS-14. Features: Can open some doors.

Chapter 2, Naboo Invasion

1. In the small dead end on the right, use the Force to build a platform and shoot from it at the target.
2. After you remove the tree blocking the road from the path, attack it until it is completely destroyed.
3. After blowing up the ship blocking the path, jump up from its remains.
4. Remove these remains and jump into the opened niche.
5. Use the Force on the plants on the way to the stairs. Some of them will make a characteristic sound and leave behind an object. The last plant will leave the platform. Move it to the right place and take the part with Jar-Jar.
6. Climb onto the ledge from which you took the parts to build the platform.
7. After removing the parts blocking the log, go down to the ledge formed by them.
8. On the way, dive into the mine.
9. The detail behind the door guarded by three droids, right after the swamp.
10. In the last location, assemble a construction set of three parts.
Note: The droids coming from the forest are endless. Don't try to kill them all.

Received characters:
Jar Jar Binks. Features: Jumps higher than others.

Chapter 3, escape from Naboo

1. First, make three cubes from the door partitions, then place them on top of each other and take the piece with Jar-Jar.
2. At the top, before going to the next location, pull out two platforms from the wall and fly from the top R2 to the corner - there is a part hidden in the greenery.
3. In the next area, immediately go down.
4. After crushing the windows, go to the left edge and jump down. Kill the droids and go right.
5. Here, below, fly over the abyss R2, climb up as a shooter, put down the droidekas, climb up again and take the part.
6. In front of the large gate (which opens with a shot at four targets), go up the stairs behind the columns and climb up as a shooter, dive into the shaft there.
7. Move left from the mine and move to the balcony.
8. In one of the three closed cells on the left.
9. There are four trees around the central button. Destroy the crowns and build the foundations into one column, climb onto it and jump up.
10. In one of the closed cells on the right, there is also an exit from the level.

Notes: to fill the meter, destroy everything, including balcony railings.

Received characters:
Queen Amidala and Captain Panaka. Features: they can shoot at targets and climb up on fishing lines in certain places (hereinafter simply arrows).

Chapter 4, Mos Espa Race

1. At the end of the blocked rise on the right, before entering the cave.
2. Inside the cave.
3. In the gunshot canyon, on the left side.
4. At the turn-out of the canyon, between the pillars.
5. A little further under the arch on the right side. Of the two accelerations, choose the right one.
6. Straight ahead, after a series of accelerations, before the climb.
7. In the middle of the third section of the track, before one of the acceleration groups.
8. Before the finish line.
9. Between two accelerations on the straight of the first section, appears on the second lap.
10. Also the first section, to the right of the acceleration just before going down. Take on the third circle.

Note: The advice given to you at the beginning is very helpful. I recommend holding this button and not releasing it. On the second section of the third circle, immediately take the right and hold down the left turn key before accelerating so as not to drive into the stone ahead. In order to make it on time in the third section of the third lap, you need to drive through all the accelerations and not run into the bombs scattered in abundance around. To get parts, knock down small pillars and crystals in the cave. If you destroy the car/lose on any section of the track, 2,000 units are taken away from you, which you will not get back, so try to complete everything on the first try. And remember that the meter only needs to be filled once, and then you can lose details as much as you like. Alternatively, the counter can be dialed up already on the first two (or even on the first) laps, and then doesn’t care about anything.

Receivable characters: none.

Chapter 5, recapture Tiid Palace

1. In the right corner of the first location, go up as a shooter and go around the window bars.
2. To the left of the first part, break the window with shots and climb into the hole.
3. In the first hall, destroy the statue and stand on the button under it.
4. Before the next door R2 opens, turn left, deal with the enemies and climb onto the ledge. Open the doors and take the part. Attention: the door can only be opened by the dark side of the Force, therefore you must have a Sith.
5. To the right of the fountain, go up as a shooter. The part will again be behind the windows, this time they can be broken.
6. To the left of the same fountain, dive into the shaft, climb onto the ledge to the right, build a platform and jump to the part.
7. At the lift for R2 (next location), jump down and go left.
8. In the far corner of another room, place two tables on top of each other, climb up along them, up again with the shooter and along the ledge to the left.
9. In the hangar with one of the platforms where the pilots are kept, move as a shooter to the ledge with the part.
10. From another such platform (it is closest to the exit) you can climb onto the highest ledge in the hangar. Follow it to the right to the part.

Notes: sometimes a piece of furniture becomes destructible only after some forceful preparations. So, for example, in one of the halls you need to put tables and chairs in a row, move glasses and dishes from the next cabinet onto the tables, and only then you can cut them into parts.

Received characters:
Padme (fight). Features: shooter.
R2-D2. Features: Can open certain doors and hover in the air for some time.
Anakin Skywalker (boy). Features: can climb into mines.

Chapter 6, Darth Maul

1. Above the right ship, at jump height.
2. Above the left ship, but higher: Fix it first, then take the Jar-Jarom part.
3. Using the Force together, climb onto the platform above the passage and open door R2. Inside, go over all the lamps on the floor to make a part appear.
4. In pursuit of Maul, climb up as a shooter, go to the platform, lift it with the Force and jump on it with Jar-Jar. And there is a huge pile of details.
5. Go down - you will come across another detail.
6-7. On both sides of the entrance to the next location, consoles for R2 launch platforms on the sides. Both will take you to the details.
8-10. On platforms from which Maul will throw objects at you.

Notes: After you kill all the droids by deflecting blaster shots at them, Maul will throw an object at you that you need to Force send back at him. In practice, it has been noticed that it is better not to hold the Force button for interception, but to press it. When two commander droids appear, try to get through to them - they can call for reinforcements endlessly. The final battle consists of three stages. On the first, Maul is easily attacked with an area attack (press the attack button while double jumping). On the second, he will throw objects at you. Keep in mind that your Power will stop working if an object flies off the screen, so get closer to the enemy. During the third stage, Maul becomes insensitive to normal attacks and invariably successfully attacks you with something like a choke. As soon as you notice that a character has a red halo, switch to another and hit the Sith when he begins to lift his comrade into the air, at this time he is vulnerable (if you play hot-seat, then, of course, you don’t need to switch anywhere, just act together).

Receivable characters: none.
Episode II: Attack of the Clones

Chapter 1, discovery on Kamino

1. To the left of the start, repair the platform and jump up.
2. To the right of the start, just fly over the gap R2.
3-4. After you see the video with the clones, go into the corridor that opens (not the one where Longneck will go) and open the door of C-3PO. There are two parts inside: to get the first you need to press all the buttons and lower the platform on the right, the second - shoot at the target and climb into the far right shaft.
5. In the corridor where Longneck will go, turn the six things on the wall.
6. In the room opposite Fett’s room, light all the floor circles, stepping on the currently lit ones together. In addition to the details, you will receive a disco and light music.
7. In Fett's room, force the lever next to the locked piece 4 times, then put the fallen pieces back in place to open the fence.
8. Do not immediately rush into the hatch where Django escapes, but go further and step three times on the areas highlighted nearby on the wall to open access to the part.
9. After overcoming the bombs, go up as a shooter, lower the platform through the C-3PO console, and when it starts to rise, hit all three targets.
10. In the room where Fett's robots climb out of the hatch, on the left side there is something like a door that only a Sith can open. Inside, also use the Sith to open two valves at the same time.

Note: Django robots will climb out of hatches endlessly until the hatches are closed. Fortunately, if someone distracts them, they will not pay attention to the droid and will let everything be done in peace. Fett will first shoot at you with blasters, then also with blasters, but under the cover of his ship. Finally, use the Force to launch a couple of his missiles back. The last blow will have to be made in the back: Fett will start running in a circle from you in hysterics.

Received characters:
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Master). Features: Jedi.
R4-D17.Features: similar to R2-D2.

Chapter 2, Droid Factory

1. Walk backwards from the starting point.
2. Before the platform moves away from under your feet, jump from it to the left and dive into the shaft.
3. From the central fan, go down, climb up, attack the target and open door R2. Inside, activate those two of the three consoles, the color of which together will make up the coloring of the circle on the fourth pipe nearby.
4. From the droideka to the left.
5. Open the door near droideka R2. Inside, jump across the moving platforms to the part.
6. In the room where you met C-3PO, on the platform along the shooter's path.
7. Crumble the fence of one of the holes in the cave, make two platforms out of it and jump from the left to the hole with the part.
8. Go through this previously blocked hole. Inside, activate all four consoles one by one.
9. To the right of the door C-3PO opens.
10. Activate R2 the left console, assemble a platform from the arrived parts and take the part from it.

Note: Do not touch the bottom surface of the presses. Even when they are at the top, it will be deadly.

Received characters:
Anakin Skywalker (Padawan). Features: Jedi.
Padme. Features: shooter.
C-3PO. Features: analogue of TS-14.

Chapter 3, Jedi battles

1-2. Behind Leah's Pillar. We need someone who can jump high.
3. From the first two to the right, behind bars.
4-5. Behind Anakin's pillar. Need a shooter.
6-7. Behind Obi-Wan's pillar. We need a Jedi and a shooter.
8. To the right of Obi-Wan's pillar, through the shaft.
9. In the fourth niche, which is without a pillar. Assemble the constructor correctly.
10. To the left of the Leia pillar, behind the column.

Notes: the mess in the center of the arena is endless, don't get distracted by it. In principle, you don’t even have to go into it: the enemies coming out of the gate will slowly come to you on their own. Jango Fett is killed in a similar way to the first chapter.

Received characters:
Mace Windu. Features: Jedi.
Padme (in bell-bottoms). Features: shooter.

Chapter 4, Gunship Cavalry

1-5. According to the course of movement, they look like in the Mos Espa race, only these ones need to be shot.
6-10. In the ball location, between the turrets.

Notes: this is pure fun, let's go and shoot.

Receivable characters: none.

Chapter 5, Count Dooku

1. From the start to the left. Take part R2-D2.
2. Right there nearby, use the arrow.
3. Move both items to the light, then destroy.
4-5. On the left side of the entrance. Jump on the platforms.
6. On the right side, similar.
7. Back and to the right of Dooku, hit both targets.
8. To the right of Dooku, into the mine, then shooter.
9-10. To the left of Dooku, build a ladder with three parts, take the part, destroy the fence and jump for another part.

Notes: Dooku won’t offer you anything particularly new in terms of combat.

Received characters:
Yoda. Features: Jedi, handsome.

Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

Chapter 1, Battle of Coruscant

1-10. Well, there can be no tricks here at all, since there are not even forks. Just look around more carefully.
Note: To fill the meter, destroy ships attacking you.

Receivable characters: none.

Chapter 2, Chancellor in Danger

1. Near the start, use the arrow.
2. Before going down, the shooter again.
3. Behind the leftmost of the four doors, open R2.
4. Behind the second of the four doors from the right, open C3PO.
5. In the next location, above the entrance.
6. To the left of the same entrance.
7. In the next room after the battle with Dooku, behind the right door.
8. After overcoming the steam, turn the valve to blow up the damper that closes the part.
9-10. On both sides of the entrance to the command bridge.

Notes: the duel with Dooku will be complicated by the fact that droids will attack you almost all the time. Don't pay too much attention to them and focus on the Sith.

Received characters:
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Episode III). Features: Jedi.
Anakin Skywalker (Jedi). Features: clear.
Chancellor Palpatine. Features: none.

Chapter 3, General Grievous

1. On the ledge to the right of the bridge you built.
2-3. On the ledge to the left of the bridge. Fly there R2.
4-5. Two pieces in a row above the ledge behind the bridge. Build a platform for them with the Force.
6. Under Grievous' second place. Shoot the pieces to reveal a niche with the part.
7. On the third platform, where Grievous runs away.
8. To the right of the previous one, on the lower ledge.
9.Another platform to the right.
10. From the ninth part across the bridge. In the hall, lower the four levers. Beware of mines.

Notes: As the battle progresses, Grievous will run away to platforms out of your reach. You will have to smoke it out of there with a close explosion of the barrel. To hit it on the second one, you need to build a platform with the Force and shoot while jumping from it, but to the third one you will have to drag the barrel yourself (it is located in the niche behind the parts).

Received characters:
Commander Cody. Features: shooter.

Chapter 4, Defense of Kashyyyk

1. First turn to the right. Destroy all the pipes and move the bolts with the Force.
2. From the first saved Wookiee further along the platforms.
3. At the next fork, turn left.
4. Of all the plants on the beach, three hide carrots. Pull them out, and then a part will appear on the stone in the corner. The process of pulling out is very complicated by constantly attacking enemies. If there are two players playing, let one of them distract attention to himself. From the computer, the distraction is not important: try to choose places where shots will not reach you, although this does not always work, and do not try to kill everyone to gain time - reinforcements come too quickly.
5. On one of the two platforms that you connected with a bridge (you still need to shoot at targets from it).
6. In the center of the beach, go up the two platforms with Grievous, then to the right R2.
7. Raise the sunken ship and jump up from it.
8. Having come across a dry dark bush, act on it with a Sith.
9. On the path with rolling stones, go up with the shooter.
10. Above the exit capsule from the level.

Notes: a record level for the number of endless enemies. Firstly, the beach. Secondly, the swamp after the beach (two commander droids on the ledges are responsible for the disgrace there). And thirdly, the last zone with the capsule. Do not forget about the good tradition of hitting everything that comes to hand - many inconspicuous landscape objects will provide details.

Received characters:
Chewbacca. Features: shooter.
Wookiee. Features: shooter.

Chapter 5, Jedi Failure

1. Behind the first column.
2. Three of the abundant parts sticking out at the edges of the cliff can be placed on top of each other and along them you can get to the part.
3. At the right end of the hall, use the arrow, get to the window along the platforms and break it.
4. After climbing the assembled stairs, enter the door nearby.
5. From the broken ball down the stairs and into the room, there assemble a structure from chairs and take the part.
6. To the left of the entrance to this room.
7-8. In a room with six niches, the left and right are open.
9. After activating the three switches, jump onto the open gate, cross the platforms to the other end of the room and jump over the protective screen.
10. By pressing three more switches, take the part from the platform that has changed its position.

Receivable characters: none.

Chapter 6, Darth Vader

1. Along the running course, on the left side.
2. In a collapsing room, on a flat area with a bunch of parts.
3. In the far left corner, behind the partition.
4. Nearby, behind the grille that opens with the valve.
5. On the left side, behind door R2.
6. At the beginning of the next location.
7. In the niche, after pressing two buttons.
8-9. On small platforms sticking out of the lava.
10. On the platform to the right of the last battle. Fly there R2.

Notes: last Stand will be with your partner. If you play alone, it doesn’t matter whether you win or lose, the level will still count.

Receivable characters: none.

Episode IV: A New Hope

A bonus level that will open to you after filling all the Jedi meters. There are no ship parts here, but there are many, many parts (it’s easy to collect more than 100,000 at a time) and Darth Vader himself. In the first room on the right you need to assemble the word LEGO from blocks, on the left you need to crush the caps with a blow from above and go through all the buttons. In the second room on the left, assemble the mechanism and spin it, and then climb up on the fans.

Received characters:
Anakin Skywalker (Darth Vader). Features: Sith, signature breath.
Stormtrooper. Features: shooter.

LEGO Star Wars 2 Walkthrough

Table of contents
I. Cantina
1. Characters
2. Vehicles
3. Extra
II. Story levels
1. Episode IV A New Hope
2. Episode V The Empire Strikes Back
3. Episode VI Return of the Jedi
III. Bonus levels
1. Bounty Hunter Missions
2. Episode Bonuses
3. Lego City
4. Fountain of details
IV. Additionally
1. Activating an old save
2. Gold cubes
3. 100% completion
4. x3840
5. Little things


Today, all the plastic heroes of the galaxy gather at the famous Mos Eisley Cantina. As in the first part, here you can get to any game level, purchase useful goods at the bar, collect initial capital (it is better to do this on the street, breaking bins against the walls) or invite other cantina visitors to a friendly duel (visitors, as a rule, accept the challenge with enthusiasm and begin large-scale fighting). In this section I will describe the characters vehicles and additional options.


Each plastic hero has a certain set of abilities that distinguish him from others and make him worthy of attention. As a rule, these abilities are repeated, which makes it possible to divide all game characters into several conventional classes.

1) Wield a lightsaber, which, in turn, allows them to:

  • crush all infidels to pieces in close combat. Just approach the offender and press the attack key. They hit carefully, but hard and with combinations, sometimes beautiful. The auto-aim seems to be included, but to be sure, it’s better to help them with the direction keys.

  • from a jump, attack the enemy with a sweeping blow. Press the jump key once, then attack. Clears the road quite quickly. If you hang in the air for a long time, there is a real danger of getting shot in the chest, so try to make small jumps. This will be safer and even faster.

  • Dive down from the height of a double jump and shake the ground with your sword. Jump key twice, then attack. Deals area damage. Effective and safe, recommended for use in close, unfriendly companies.

  • reflect shots. In order for the blaster beam to fly at the person who sent it, you need to press attack right before the reflection. You can simply hold down the strike button, but then the shots will fly away in a random direction.
2) They have power that is very useful for:

  • effects on sensitive objects. Use the special action button. Sensitivity is determined by small luminous dots hovering above the object and a colored halo that appears only if the target is within range of the enforcer. The effect of application can be very different, but it always takes time for it to take effect. If during the session you are hit by a shot or a sword, the connection will stop, so in rich areas, be careful and choose the right moment.

  • fogging the brain of a living target. It can be different, but almost never damaging or fatal. It just gives you time to really attack without any interference.
For the most part similar to the Jedi. The main difference is the dark side of the force, which allows them to influence objects taken only by it. There are quite a few of these, and mostly they hide behind them parts of the set or energy cubes, so the Sith is an extremely useful companion in the household. By the way, the opposite is not observed in the game - there is not a single item for which the light side of the force would be necessary. In fact, the Sith is universal and can use force on anything that is intended for it.
In addition, their power attack against living targets is more sensitive and can easily lead to death.

1) Possess firearms:

  • and can methodically shoot opponents from a distance. Just press the attack key. The auto-aim corrects the direction of the shot well, but you have to turn towards the target yourself.

  • and theoretically can shoot while jumping. In practice, this makes no sense.
2) with the help of magnetic hooks they can climb onto high platforms. Look for red circles on the ground that look like targets, stand on them and press the special action key.
3) They do not disdain close combat. Switches from firearms automatically if you press attack near an enemy. Varies from slaps to karate, from slow and sad action that leaves no chance for the character to survive, to effective way clear the path clogged with ill-wishers. For more information about the most prominent representatives of contact combat, see their personal descriptions.

Advanced shooters:
The pride of the plastic nation. They have all the shooter abilities described above and one additional one that will change your ideas about the importance of those who use firearms in a distant galaxy. Automatic dodging will only require you to keep pressing the attack key. The character will independently dodge shots flying at him and aim at those who dared to launch a blaster beam in his direction, even if the insolent person is behind him. Take one of these, don't get too close to your enemies, and you'll have a versatile tool for winning the fight.

Master shooters:
1) Advanced shooters.
2) Have a double jump. True, it is double in length rather than in height, and cannot be compared with the Jedi, but sometimes it allows you to fly to the desired platform. Upon landing, they do a somersault.
3) They can fire quick bursts of three shots. To do this, just perform the above-mentioned somersault and immediately after it press the attack key three times.
4) More effective in close combat and quick to dodge than representatives of other shooting classes.
5) Wildly cool guys and best characters in the game.

1) Advanced shooters.
2) Activate personalized control panels.
3) They know how to throw thermal detonators that demolish shiny metal objects. You probably already realized that they hide a lot of delicious goodies behind them. Detonators can also cause damage to regular characters, but trying to kill an enemy with them is not the most fun. The main thing is not to get into its hot radius of action.

1) Activate the droid control panels.
2) DO NOT know how to build, CANNOT shift levers, DO NOT ride vehicles, DO NOT operate a crane. Accordingly, it is assumed that all non-droids are capable of performing the above actions.

Little characters:
They know how to crawl into mines.

A reduced to one melee version of the shooters.

Ghost Jedi:
1) They have all the abilities of the Jedi.
2) Invisible and invulnerable.
3) They are completely devoid of auto-aim, so hitting someone becomes a difficult task.

Battle droids:
They are not found among the characters of the second part and are separated into a separate class for the sake of a friendly party from the Trade Federation, arriving from the original along with the old save. Like droids, they do not know how to build, switch levers or ride vehicles; like shooters, they wield weapons. Unlike droids, they do not operate control panels; Unlike shooters, they do not have a magnetic hook and are not trained in hand-to-hand combat. In general, something between these two classes.

There are a total of 116 characters in the game. Of these, 29 are story-based, 39 are purchased, 2 are created with your own hands, and 46 come with an old save.

Story characters
Obtained by completing story missions in story mode.

1) Princess Leia.
Class: advanced shooter.
Opens after: available initially.
Peculiarities: spreads slaps. It's a shame it's slow.
2) Captain Antilles.
Class: shooter
Opens after: available initially.
3) Rebel friend.
Class: shooter
Opens after: chapter 1 of episode IV (hereinafter simply 1 - IV).
4) R2-D2.
Class: droid.
Opens after: 1 - IV.
Peculiarities: activates personalized control panels (with its own image). Can disable other droids for a while by pressing a special action. Capable of floating in the air for some time (press and hold the jump key), which allows him to climb small elevations and fly over cliffs. The latter is often used when assembling parts.
5) C3PO.
Class: droid.
Opens after: 1 – IV.
Peculiarities: activates personalized control panels (with its own image). He cannot jump at all, so even the lowest ledge becomes an insurmountable obstacle for him. In history, in such cases, it is usually necessary to assemble a small bridge or otherwise help him with the rest of the heroes.
6) Luke Skywalker (Tatooine).
Class: master marksman.
Opens after: 2 – IV.
7) Ben Kenobi.
Class: Jedi.
Opens after: 2 – IV.
8) Han Solo.
Class: master marksman.
Opens after: 3 – IV.
Peculiarities: he wields a pistol quickly and dodges perfectly even for a master class. Recommended for general use. Applies to all other versions of the brave smuggler.
9) Chewbacca.
Class: shooter
Opens after: 3 – IV.
10) Han Solo (stormtrooper).
Class: master marksman.
Opens after: 4 – IV.
11) Luke Skywalker (stormtrooper).
Class: master marksman.
Opens after: 4 – IV.
12) Han Solo (Hoth).
Class: master marksman.
Opens after: 2 – V.
13) Princess Leia (Hoth).
Class: advanced shooter.
Opens after: 2 – V.
14) Luke Skywalker (pilot).
Class: master marksman.
Opens after: 4 – V.
15) Luke Skywalker (Dagobah).
Class: Jedi.
Opens after: 4 – V.
Peculiarities: harbors a personal grudge against the Gammoreans and is the only one of all the Jedi to attack them with force strangulation. This is also true for other Jedi variations of the hero.
16) Luke Skywalker (Jedi).
Class: You'll never guess.
Opens after: 1 – VI.
17) Yoda.
Class: Jedi.
Opens after: 4 – V.
Peculiarities: During the difficult years of exile, he lost some of his former enthusiasm and jumping ability, and in the activated sword mode he now hobbles only a little faster than his usual snail’s speed. Beautiful fighting techniques remained untouched, but jumping through the levels is like mountain goat it won't be possible anymore. It's a shame.
18) Lando Calrissian.
Class: master marksman.
Opens after: 6 – V.
Peculiarities: chief karate specialist. Beautiful and effective.
19) Princess Leia (Bespin).
Class: advanced shooter.
Opens after: 6 – V.
20) Luke Skywalker (Bespin).
Class: Jedi.
Opens after: 5 – V.
21) Princess Leia (in helmet).
Class: What's most interesting is that he's a bounty hunter. I would guess that their strength is in the head, but that in the helmet is a surprise.
Opens after: 1 – VI.
22) Lando (palace guard).
Class: master marksman.
Opens after: 2 – VI.
Peculiarities: similar to its regular version.
23) Han Solo (Scythian).
Class: master marksman.
Opens after: 1 – VI.
24) Princess Leia (slave).
Class: advanced shooter.
Opens after: 2 – VI.
25) Princess Leia (Endor).
Class: advanced shooter.
Opens after: 3 – VI.
26) Luke Skywalker (Endor).
Class: Jedi.
Opens after: 3 – VI.
27) Han Solo (Endor).
Class: master marksman.
Opens after: 4 – VI.
28) Wicket.
Class: shooter, small character.
Opens after: 4 – VI.
Peculiarities: original guy, wields a slingshot. For those who are tired of blasters.
29) Darth Vader.
Class: Sith.
Opens after: 5 – VI.
Peculiarities: finally!

Purchasable characters
Sold at the cantina bar, they become available for purchase as you progress through the story.

1) Rebel - 10,000.
Class: shooter
2) Stormtrooper – 10,000.
Class: shooter
Peculiarities: does not have hand-to-hand combat (like all other versions of him).
3) Imperial shuttle pilot – 29,000.
Class: advanced shooter.
4) Tusken Raider – 23,000.
Class: shooter
Peculiarities: runs around with an impressive Berdanka, which differs from a regular blaster only in that it is actively used in close combat. Great animated character.
5) Java – 24,000.
Class: small character.
Peculiarities: knocks out droids with its cannon if you shoot at them close. An ability of questionable value.
6) Stormtrooper (sands) – 14,000.
Class: shooter
7) Greedo – 60,000.
Class: bounty hunter.
8) Imperial spy – 13,500.
Class: absent.
Peculiarities: completely non-combatant comrade. He can talk on the walkie-talkie, but no matter how much he wanted, no benefit was noticed from this.
9) Stormtrooper (beach) – 20,000.
Class: shooter
10) Death Star Soldier – 19,000.
Class: shooter
11) TIE Fighter Pilot – 21,000.
Class: shooter
Peculiarities: completely similar to an attack aircraft.
12) Imperial officer – 28,000.
Class: advanced shooter.
13) Grand Moff Tarkin – 38,000.
Class: advanced shooter.
Peculiarities: completely similar to an imperial officer.
14) Han Solo (hooded) – 20,000.
Class: master marksman.
Peculiarities: you know this guy. The hood doesn't bother him.
15) Rebel (Hoth) – 16,000.
Class: shooter
16) Rebel pilot – 15,000.
Class: shooter
17) Stormtrooper (snow) – 16,000.
Class: shooter
18) Luke Skywalker (Hoth) – 14,000.
Class: master marksman.
19) Lobot – 11,000.
Class: fighter.
Peculiarities: fights slowly and sadly.
20) Ugnaught – 36,000.
Class: small character.
Peculiarities: similar to java.
21) Bespin Guardian – 15,000.
Class: master marksman.
Peculiarities: and in the cloud city, it turns out, serious guys work. Surprisingly cool.
22) Princess Leia (prisoner) – 22,000.
Class: advanced shooter.
23) Gammorean Guardian – 40,000.
Class: fighter.
Peculiarities: runs slowly, but wields an ax in an interesting way. The basic three-hit combo ends with a long pause during which he doesn't react to any key presses; can attack from a jump in an area, similar to the Jedi attack; knows how to deflect shots with an axe, but does not know how to send them back to opponents; Finally, when you press the special action, it plays like a guitar. An original, but still unplayable character.
24) Bib Fortuna – 16,000.
Class: fighter.
Peculiarities: activates bounty hunter control panels.
25) Palace Guard – 14,000.
Class: shooter
Peculiarities: does not have close combat skills.
26) Boat Guardian – 12,000.
Class: shooter
Peculiarities: does not have close combat skills.
27) Boba Fett – 175,000.
Class: bounty hunter.
Peculiarities: It’s valuable not even for its class abilities and its cannon that deals double damage (which is also very slow), but for its ability to soar. In it, it is similar to R2 with one significant but: the flight can be started from a jump, that is, at a higher point, and therefore fly a little longer. Many cliffs are designed specifically for the R2 resource, so where the droid has to plan everything exactly, Boba can cross easily and without worrying about anything. Recommended for active use.
28) Ewok – 34,000.
Class: shooter, small character.
Peculiarities: shoots from a slingshot.
29) Imperial Guard – 45,000.
Class: fighter.
Peculiarities: knows how to reflect shots at opponents.
30) Emperor – 275,000.
Class: Sith.
Peculiarities: uses lightning to attack characters with force, and constantly giggles, which soon becomes annoying.
31) Admiral Akbar – 33,000.
Class: left master gunner.
Peculiarities: I forgot the main point of my outstanding class - quick dodges and good close combat. In the first he does not exceed the average level, in the second he is not trained at all. Although he can shoot in bursts.
32) Droid Gonk – 1,550.
Class: absent.
Peculiarities: the most mysterious character, migrated from the first part. He walks at a speed that makes Yoda seem like a mega-speed car, does not irritate surrounding opponents with his presence, and does absolutely nothing else. Not otherwise, part of a special ritual or the key to the most important secret.
33) Ben Kenobi (ghost) – 1,100,000.
Class: Ghost Jedi.
34) Anakin Skywalker (ghost) – 1,000,000.
Class: Ghost Jedi.
35) Yoda (ghost) – 1,200,000.
Class: Ghost Jedi.
Peculiarities: the abilities of a Jedi ghost plus everything Yoda had.
36)IG-88 – 100,000.
Class: bounty hunter, droid.
37) Bossk – 75,000.
38) Dengar – 70,000.
Class: bounty hunter, master marksman.
39) 4-LOM – 45,000.
Class: bounty hunter, droid.
Peculiarities: can activate the control panels of both C3PO and R2-D2.

Characters of the first part
By simply moving the folders (see the “Advanced” section), they appear in the free game if you buy and enable the appropriate extra option.

1) Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Class: Jedi.
2) Obi-Wan Kenobi (episode III).
Class: Jedi.
3) Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Master).
Class: Jedi.
4) Jango Fett.
Class: stripped down bounty hunter.
Peculiarities: He doesn’t know how to dodge, wields two pistols, and flies no worse than his son.
5) General Grievous.
Class: fighter.
Peculiarities: or even more likely a cut-down Jedi, since he excelled in close combat more than others. He still doesn’t have the power, but he retained 4 lightsabers and remained an unsurpassed handsome man. Similar to droids, he cannot build, switch levers or ride vehicles.
6) Darth Maul.
Class: Sith.
Peculiarities: For some reason, he attacks characters with force like a Jedi, without causing damage, but only distracting them.
7) Mace Windu.
Class: Jedi.
8) Mace Windu (episode III).
Class: Jedi.
9) Grievous's bodyguard.
Class: fighter.
Peculiarities: great fighter. Fast, jumps high, can deflect shots at enemies. Similar to droids, he cannot build, switch levers or ride vehicles.
10) Droideka.
Class: battle droid.
Peculiarities: rolls briskly on the floor, automatically reflects enemy shots with a protective field, and theoretically takes a long time to turn into a combat position, but in practice very quickly: press attack while moving, and the animation will simply be skipped. In view of the latter, he becomes a very useful and effective character.
11) R4-P17.
Class: droid.
Peculiarities: completely similar to R2-D2.
12) Battle droid.
Class: consonant with the name.
Peculiarities: with such slow fire, he and his brothers deserve a place only in the galactic museum of technology.
13) Battle droid (commander).
Class: battle droid.
Peculiarities: still carries the walkie-talkie with him, now completely useless.
14) Battle droid (Geonosis).
Class: battle droid.
15) Battle droid (guard).
Class: battle droid.
16) TC-14.
Class: droid.
Peculiarities: completely similar to C3PO.
17) Wookiee.
Class: shooter
18) Chancellor Palpatine.
Class: absent.
Peculiarities: he just walks around and catches shots. He clearly got into character.
19) Padme.
Class: shooter
Peculiarities: does not have close combat skills (true for all versions).
20) Padme (fight).
Class: shooter
21) Padme (scratched).
Class: shooter
22) Padme (Geonosis).
Class: shooter
23) Queen Amidala.
Class: shooter
Peculiarities: does not have close combat skills.
24) Super battle droid.
Class: battle droid.
Peculiarities: still a serious striking force.
25) Ki-Adi Mundi.
Class: Jedi.
26) Kit Fisto.
Class: Jedi.
27) Luminara.
Class: Jedi.
28) Shaak Ti.
Class: Jedi.
29) Clone.
Class: shooter
Peculiarities: like all other clones, he shoots a fancy blue beam and is not trained in hand-to-hand combat.
30) Clone (episode III).
Class: shooter
31) Clone (episode III, pilot).
Class: shooter
32) Commander Cody.
Class: shooter
33) Clone (episode III, swamp).
Class: shooter
34) Clone (episode III, runner).
Class: shooter
35) Cloaked clone.
Class: shooter
36) Anakin Skywalker (boy).
Class: small character.
37) Boba Fett (boy).
Class: small character.
38) Geonosian.
Class: not very similar in appearance, but in terms of characteristics it is a battle droid.
Peculiarities: walks slowly. It can fly a couple of meters from the ground as much as it likes, but over the abyss it immediately gets lost and falls down.
39) Anakin Skywalker (Jedi).
Class: Jedi.
40) Anakin Skywalker (Padawan).
Class: Jedi.
41) Captain Panaka.
Class: shooter
Peculiarities: does not have hand-to-hand combat skills.
42) Jar Jar Binks.
Class: absent.
Peculiarities: Jumps high, but not higher than a Jedi double jump. And he doesn’t do anything else.
43) PC droid.
Class: absent.
Peculiarities: at least it moves faster than a race droid.
44) Royal guard.
Class: shooter
Peculiarities: It was hard with hand-to-hand combat before the formation of the empire...
45) Count Dooku.
Class: Sith.
Peculiarities: Same problem as Maul.
46) Qui-Gon Jinn.
Class: Jedi.

Character Creation
You can collect the pieces of your own character in the life support tanks next to the bar. The hero's class is affected by weapons and some heads/helmets. All weapons are available at first, the number of other parts will increase as characters are obtained.

Pistols, blasters and a bowcaster will make the hero a master marksman.
The red lightsaber will turn him into a Sith.
Swords of other colors are Jedi.
The stormtrooper helmet will make it possible to open the corresponding doors.
The helmet of Boba Fett, the heads of Bossk, Greedo, IG-88 and 4-LOM will allow you to throw thermal detonators and activate bounty hunter consoles.

Conventional technique
Used in flight story levels. In many ways, it is similar to the characters: it opens as you progress and is either purchased at the bar, or given directly on the spot and free of charge.

1) X-wing.
Opens after: 6 – IV.
Price: given according to the plot.
Peculiarities: very fast.
2) Y-wing.
Opens after: 6 – IV.
Price: given according to the plot.
3) Snowspeeder.
Opens after: 1–V.
Price: given according to the plot.
Peculiarities: has a cable that can be used to drag round bombs behind you and drop all unstable ones to the ground.
4) Millennium Falcon.
Opens after: 3 – V.
Price: given according to the plot.
5) TIE fighter.
Opens after: 6 – IV.
Price: 30,000.
6) TIE interceptor.
Opens after: 6 – IV.
Price: 40,000.
Peculiarities: very powerful shooter. Just fly it through the tunnels of the Death Star and feel the difference.
7) Darth Vader's TIE fighter.
Opens after: 6 – IV.
Price: 50,000.
8) TIE bomber.
Opens after: 3 – V.
Price: 60,000.
Peculiarities: capable of carrying five torpedoes at a time, while most are limited to three.
9) Imperial shuttle.
Opens after: 3 – V.
Price: 25,000.
10) Slave 1.
Opens after: finding all the sets in the game.
Price: for free.
Peculiarities: its firing power is similar to that of a TIE interceptor.

Results of finding all 10 parts in story levels. You can admire the collected specimens outside the cantina. In practice, they are used only in technique bonuses (bonus episode levels).

1) Star Destroyer (1 – IV).
2) Sandcrawler (2 – IV).
3) Landspeeder (3 – IV).
4) Millennium Falcon (4 – IV).
5) Y-wing (5 – IV).
6) TIE-improved (6 – IV).
7) AT-AT (1 – V).
8) Snowspeeder (2 - V).
9) TIE fighter (3 - V).
10) X-wing (4 - V).
11) Slave 1 (6 - V).
12) Cloud car (5 - V).
13) Desert boat (1 - VI).
14) Sailing barge (2 - VI).
15) TIE bomber (3 - VI).
16) AT-ST (4 - VI).
17) TIE interceptor (6 - VI).
18) Imperial shuttle (5 - VI).

Vehicles numbered 2,3,7,16 are unplayable and are present only for the sake of beauty.

Part 1 sets
They appear in the same equipment bonuses (and quietly: they will not be in the ship selection menu, but you can switch to them during the game), if the old save is in the desired folder (purchase and enabling the option is not necessary).

1) Republican cruiser.
2) Bongo Gungans.
3) Royal ship.
4) Under Sebulba.
5) Naboo fighter.
6) Sith Infiltrator.
7) Jedi Fighter.
8) Droideka.
9) Republican weapons ship.
10) AT-TE.
11) Sunny sailor.
12) Landing ship.
13) Emergency ship.
14) Jedi Starfighter (Episode III).
15) Wookiee cat.
16) ARC fighter.
17) V-wing.

Vehicles numbered 2,4,8,10,11,13 are unplayable and were added for extra surprise.

A variety of additional options that can be activated in the menu after receipt. All of them are sold in the bar, some are available initially, others are opened by finding the corresponding energy cube. The effects of the options are varied and range from useless little things to seriously helpful improvements.

0) Automatic difficulty correction– enabled by default.
If it works, it is very weak and imperceptible.
1) Use old save – 250,000.
Unlocks 46 characters and 17 vehicle sets from the first part. Definitely worthy of a purchase.
2) Extra characters – 30,000.
Depending on the chapter, it adds several different additional characters that you can switch to in free mode. You may encounter:
Rebel engineer.
Imperial engineer.
AT-AT driver.
Yellow rat.
Droid 1, droid 2, droid 3, droid 4.
Mouse droid.
Han Solo (frozen in carbonite).
The above can hardly be considered full-fledged characters, so there is no point in describing their features, but everyone should have fun with them.
3) Fertilizer – 10,000.
Enable this option, sit on the Bantha and press the special action.
4) Camouflage – 10,000.
The faces of all characters are decorated with glasses, eyebrows and thick mustaches.
5) Chains of flowers – 5,000.
The line on which the shooters climb onto the platforms using a magnetic hook is decorated with a dense row of flowers.
6) Chewbacca with C3PO on his back – 10,000.
Just changes Chewbacca's playable model.
7) Toy Death Star – 5,000.
All the bombs for the snowspeeder become small models of a terrible space station.
8) Super blasters – 30,000.
Requires: energy cube No. 1 (1 - IV).
Doubles damage from firearms and adds a spark effect.
9) Fast force – 25,000.
Requires: energy cube No. 2 (2 - IV).
Doubles the speed of peaceful strength sessions. Mind fogging, strangulation, electrical procedures and other combat techniques are not covered.
10) Super lightsabers – 26,000.
Requires: energy cube No. 3 (3 - IV).
Doubles the damage dealt by swords and turns them purple.
11) Tractor beam – 40,000.
Requires: energy cube No. 4 (4 - IV).
Attracts and destroys all enemy ships within range. Valuable.
12) Invulnerability – 900,000.
Requires: energy cube No. 5 (5 - IV).
As you can see, it has been reduced to an ordinary bonus. In fact, the death of a character is not the worst event in this plastic world.
13) Score x2 – 2,000,000.
Requires: energy cube No. 6 (6 - IV).
Multiplies each point scored by 2. Applies not only to personally collected parts, but also to post-level bonuses (except for 100,000 points for gold cubes). Most useful look bonus, since it directly allows you to buy even more bonuses. It costs accordingly.
14) Self-destruction – 20,000.
Requires: energy cube No. 7 (1 - V).
Activated by the special action key, only works with all droids except IG-88 and 4-LOM. There was no loss of detail as with normal death, so it can be used as an original attack.
15) Fast construction – 40,000.
Requires: energy cube No. 8 (2 - V).
Significantly speeds up the pace of construction.
16) Score x4 – 6,000,000.
Requires: energy cube No. 9 (3 - V).
17) Heart regeneration – 290,000.
Requires: energy cube No. 10 (4 - V).
Pretty fast.
18) Set detector – 500,000.
Requires: energy cube No. 11 (5 - V).
Highlights all the details of the sets with arrows that can be seen even through the walls. If additional actions need to be performed for a part to appear, the detector will simply point to the empty space where it will eventually appear. An extremely useful thing, especially if you, on principle, do not plan to use this walkthrough.
19) Score x6 – 12,000,000.
Requires: energy cube No. 12 (6 - V).
20) Super eraser – 15,000.
Requires: energy cube No. 13 (1 - VI).
The Jawa's blue cannon, which under normal conditions only temporarily disables droids, begins to do the same to living characters. It even works on ghosts.
21) Bounty Hunter Missiles – 75,000.
Requires: energy cube No. 14 (2 - VI).
The Fett family is trained to fire rockets (K key by default).
22) Score x8 – 20,000,000.
Requires: energy cube No. 15 (3 - VI).
23) Super Ewok Slingshot – 50,000.
Requires: energy cube No. 16 (4 - VI).
Instead of harmless stones, Ewoks fire mini-versions of ship torpedoes from their slingshots.
24) Endless torpedoes – 90,000.
Requires: energy cube No. 17 (5 - VI).
They don’t even need to be selected; they are generated themselves immediately after the start of the level or activation of the option.
25) Score x10 – 30,000,000.
Requires: energy cube No. 18 (6 - VI).

Story levels

18 story missions can be played in two modes: story mode and free mode. In the first, they show hilarious videos on the engine and you need to control the characters who should be here according to the events. At the beginning of the second, you select any (any two in a two-player game) from open heroes, and then the AI ​​randomly adds several more characters to those indicated, at least one of each main (required for collecting parts) class. The resulting amount is who you can switch between directly while passing the level by simply pressing a key.

To complete the level you must:
1) Just complete it once in story mode.
2) Collect the real Jedi counter in story mode. This bar at the top of the screen will fill as you collect parts and increase your score. Each level has its own set bar, which you only need to reach once, after which you no longer have to worry about maintaining it.
3) Collect the Jedi counter in free mode. No different from the previous one, except for a higher level.
4) Find 10 ship kit parts (rewarded with an additional 50,000).
5) Find the energy cube.

For completing each of the first four points, one gold cube is given, that is, a total of four pieces per mission.

The levels aren't intricate enough to require a walkthrough, so I'll only mention the main points and focus on getting the parts for the ship sets and power cubes. Some of them can be taken in history, but most of them require free mode and a combination of special skills of the main classes. In addition, you will often have to activate control panels with images of heroes. Different characters open different panels, and the connections are usually obvious. The only thing worth mentioning is that the stormtrooper control panel, despite the hint given by the game, can be opened by any Imperial, including Vader and the Emperor.

All directions are given relative to the camera.

Episode IV
New Hope


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