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Almost everyone in their life has come across squeaky laminate floors, and knows how annoying it is. Especially the creak of the laminate is terrible when there are small children or a sick person in the house.

Any, even careful movement on the floor involuntarily leads to a squeak that interrupts the child's restful sleep, irritates a sick or elderly person.

Meanwhile, there are ways to lay the laminate so that it does not creak.

Well, if the floor has already been laid and started to creak, then our recommendations will help you eliminate the creak of the floors.

Why do the floors in the apartment creak

This article discusses all cases of squeaky laminate floors that prevent squeaking during operation, tips for eliminating squeak in already installed floors.

When laminate flooring creaks, the most demanded task becomes how to correct such a defect.

Let us consider in detail all the options for the appearance of a creak and establish the cause of the creak of the floors in the apartment.

Substrate irregularities

The main reason why laminate flooring creaks is the irregularity of the base on which the floor covering has been laid or is being laid.

The most common causes of squeak are depressions or pits, over which the laid laminate sags. And if you step on this place, then the material sags, which causes an annoying creak.

It is possible to exclude the appearance of a squeak, only thorough.

There are times when laminate flooring creaks after installation.
In an already installed laminate floor, creaky spots are eliminated by partially disassembling the laminate above the recess. The alignment of the groove is done with mortar and checking the flatness of the area.

Mandatory check of the floor evenness is a great rule and elimination of the main cause of the squeak.

Subfloor swings and grooves are the main cause of floor squeaks.

After the surface is completely dry, the laminate can be laid on the floor.

If the entire floor creaks, you will have to remove the entire laminate.

Attention! Before disassembling a laminate floor, be sure to number all the dies. This will greatly simplify the subsequent assembly process.

The base, freed from the laminate, is leveled by pouring the floor. After complete drying, the surface is primed, a substrate is laid on it. The thickness of the substrate cannot be more than 3 mm.

Wrong liner thickness
This is a common mistake for inexperienced parquet flooring specialists. To smooth out surface irregularities, a thick substrate is often used. And this is the reason why the floor creaks. The reason is trivial, with a large thickness of the substrate, the laminate sags in the grooves, which causes a squeak. Recommended thickness of the backing material is up to 3 mm. More and styling method.

By the way, when choosing a substrate, give preference to substrates that provide sound insulation, smoothing irregularities, and moisture resistance.

Invalid gap between walls and laminate

To eliminate the squeak of the floor from the laminate, a gap is maintained between the laid out surface and the walls, the size of which should not be less than 7 mm.

The gap is regulated by the area of ​​the laid out surface. The larger the area, the greater the gap must be maintained when laying.
To avoid squeaking laminate flooring, be sure to maintain a gap when laying around the perimeter. The presence of a gap allows the laminate to take a comfortable position, does not allow stress in the lock joints.

Since the laminate expands with increasing temperature, with a small gap, the board rests against the walls. And when walking, the coating rubs, causing a creak.

And how to get rid of the creak of the laminate if the gap is not maintained?

It is necessary to remove the skirting boards. If the laminate located against the walls rests against it or the substrates are not pulled out, then it is necessary to remove the stops and establish a gap. To form the desired gap, you will need to remove the board and cut out those places that abut against the wall. If for technological reasons it is not possible to do this, then you can do this, you can either cut out the laminate with a drimer or deepen the wall with a perforator.

After revision, we vacuum and install the skirting board.

Humidity changes

The reason for the squeakiness of the laminate may be the increased humidity in the room.
Attention! When moisture returns to its original state, as a rule, the floor stops creaking.
When installing laminate flooring, try to measure the humidity in the room and keep it constant throughout the year.
But how to eliminate the creak of the laminate if the humidity in the room is constantly changing?
In this case, you just need to withstand the time so that the laminate will get used to the differences, remember them. Squeaks and crunches will go away over time.

Sand and dust ingress

Cleaning should be done

The floors must be laid on a clean surface. Substrate, laminate boards, base are thoroughly vacuumed and wiped. They must be free of dirt and dust.

Attention! It is not recommended to lay the laminate without a vacuum cleaner.

If dust gets into the locks, over time, it will certainly lead to a squeak and the destruction of the locks.
By the way, a poorly made surface screed can crumble over time, causing a creak. Under load, the laminate touches the base, frays the screed components.

Such a technological technique will reliably protect the base from destruction.

If the laminate squeaks after laying, and the reason is in sand and dust, then you cannot do without disassembly.

Each die is numbered, the floors are disassembled, dust is removed with a vacuum cleaner.

The surface is carefully primed in several layers. The next layer of primer is applied only after the previous layer has completely dried.

A new substrate of the required thickness is laid on the base, on top, according to the numbering, the laminate is laid.

Poor board quality

One of the reasons for the squeakiness of laminate floors may be the poor quality of the material. Even a high-quality substrate, cleanliness during assembly, the correct gap, the right underlay will create a squeak if you are installing low quality laminate flooring. Low-quality laminate flooring has a weak point in locks that are not kept in size. This is what causes the squeak.

The squeak is eliminated only by a complete change of the coating. ...

Tension in locks

This reason is the most common. Moreover, such a defect can also be observed in a high-quality laminate, but only in the first weeks or months. Professional laminate flooring has one quality, it can adapt to the geometry of the room, taking the optimal position.

It is only necessary to provide the laminate with gaps so that it can take a comfortable position. The squeaks will disappear by themselves after a few weeks.

And how to eliminate the creak of the laminate without disassembling?

Here are a few useful tips, the implementation of which saves the day, eliminates the creak of a parquet or laminate floor.

  1. Elimination of local squeak. To eliminate the local creak, it is necessary to warm up a paraffin candle. It is necessary to pour hot wax and wipe the seams of the laminate boards in the places of the squeak. Grouting is best done with a thin plastic trowel. Good results are obtained by grouting with an old plastic card that has already gone out of circulation.
  2. If your laminate creaks, what to do indiscriminately? The floor creaks against the walls, then, after removing the skirting boards, foam the joints with polyurethane foam or fill them with PVA glue.
  3. In the middle of the room, the problem is solved by drilling holes with a diameter of 0.6 mm and pumping PVA glue with a syringe and not stepping for 48 hours.
  4. If the thresholds are walking, then they can be glued to transparent silicone.
  5. Fill with oil as a means of eliminating squeak.
  6. Use polyurethane foam in the floor hollows.


  1. The reason for the squeakiness of laminate floors affects the difficulty of fixing the problem.
  2. To avoid squeaking, you need to make an even base, choose a substrate of the required thickness, work in a clean room with clean materials, and use a high-quality laminate.
  3. To permanently eliminate the creak of the laminate flooring, it is recommended to make the perfect floor screed.
  4. Monitor the humidity of the room.

But the decision is always yours and

It would seem that the laminate creaks and crunches are synonyms, and the transfer through "I" is casuistry and there is no difference here. But it is not so. There are several differences: a screed poorly removed from grains of sand, a squeezed substrate and a completely broken, with an uneven base, a lock connection can crunch. And a creak is formed with an untreated lock, both on an even base, and when the coating sags on irregularities. An experienced master, in most cases, will understand the situation and will be able to tell you what to do and how to fix it. If possible.

Some types of modern laminate have a new generation of locks with plastic inserts. These fasteners can click until they are locked into place. And the well-known brand Berry Alloc has an aluminum clutch type in the design. After installation, this type of expensive laminate flooring can click.

The Scandinavian god Thor had a chariot with two harnessed goats. One was called "Teeth Grinding", the second "Teeth Grinding". It seems the same thing, but the goats are different. Such is the moral.

During installation, a professional craftsman can already assume what will happen next with the floor covering. Sometimes, when laying a floating floor, light creaks are immediately heard - this is the surface of the coating that is pressed through when walking, forming a creak.

There was such a case. We came to order for the installation of Megafloor laminate. In principle, this is a good brand at a price of about 600 rubles / m2 and I often recommended it. But in the period two or three years ago, this brand experienced some difficulties with quality and from time to time various jambs surfaced.

When installing the second row, the laminate creaked when walking. The base was flat and the backing was rigid. Having opened the second package, we heard the same unpleasant sound. We outlined the situation to the customers and offered two options. Either hand over the entire batch back to the store, or continue to lay. People have opted for the latter option.

What could be done in this case? To remedy the situation, it was possible to treat the locks with paraffin sealant. Now, of course, I don’t remember whether the grooves at Megaflor were lubricated with a wax composition at that time. I guess not.

Laminate squeaks due to uneven subfloors

According to the instructions of the laminate manufacturers, the difference in the base should be no more than 2-3 mm per one linear meter. Some unevenness is compensated by the spread underlay. Over time, the laminate floor takes the form of a screed, but gradually there is a divergence at the ends of the lock connection and a fracture is formed. The panels no longer adhere to each other and friction appears. We can hear clicks, creaks, crunching, depending on which parts and "how" cling and rub.

In such cases, there is nothing to be done about this problem. Correcting the deficiency is possible only by leveling the base and laying a new laminate.

But this is not a matter of one day, years may pass, and you won't even think of paying attention to a couple of squeaks. I had a case, they laid a laminate in a house of the Khrushchev era. The customers did not need to align anything, because they planned to live in this apartment for 2-3 years and then sell.

The ground was very uneven. Therefore, I recommended buying an Art Floor laminate with a UniClic lock. When assembling, the cracks were practically not observed and the person was satisfied. I wrote to him on VKontakte a few months later, he said that everything was fine.

Laminate squeaks due to thick, soft backing

When the furniture is placed, the laminate is loaded. Partially, due to the adhesion of the slats to each other, weight is redistributed. But the main pressure is created by the legs of heavy sofas, cabinets directly on the locks. If the leg of a two-hundred-kilogram sofa hits the corner of the laminated board, over time, the edge will inevitably be pushed through. The result will be a broken latch joint followed by a squeak.

It doesn't matter what kind of insulation lies in this case, cork or foam. Although the cork will last longer.

For a longer service life of the laminate locks, I recommend laying a solid substrate, but the floors under it must be properly leveled. If the base is not very even, it is better to lay soft insulation: but no more than 3 mm - foamed and 5 mm made of polystyrene. But keep in mind that manufacturers of laminated coverings do not provide a guarantee for a 5 mm lining.

Laminate creaks and crunches, what to do and how to fix it

1) Actually, if the laminate began to creak after laying after a year or more, you can do nothing. Most likely, the locks began to break or the substrate was pressed through. The manufacturer's warranty does not apply to this marriage.

Today, July 15, 2018, before the article was published for publication, we were faced with a crisp Egger laminate at once. The lock connection is classic. When selling, the woman was told that the products were made in Germany. This turned out not to be the case.

During the laying of several rows, we heard the crunch of boards, it was small. The customer was informed about this, but it was decided to lay it further, since furniture is being delivered in the near future.

The floor was not perfectly flat, there was a hard linoleum underneath, and Profitex was laid on top. However, the degree of unevenness in the subfloor never immediately affects the crunch of the floor covering.

2) And here is the case with the creak of the laminate in a room of 12 m2. At the request of the customer, although we actively opposed this, we laid the floating laminate floor on two layers of foam insulation. During operation, the latch joint was pushed through and, as a result, broke. A creak of rubbing panels formed.

Upon arrival for post-warranty service, they asked how many panels were left to replace the marriage. Indeed, during dismantling, still defective elements may be found, on which the same situation can occur with a creak. But it turned out that the wife had already taken care of the extra details and took them out into the street.

In the end, they decided not to change anything, since the place with the creak of the laminate still turned out to be under the sliding sofa.

3) Still there are often cases, in the area of ​​the door block there is regularly a small difference in height. When installing the metal docking step, the front edge of the laminated board is pressed against the base. But the clamp is uneven and when walking on this place tension is created and, as a result, squeak.

This problem can be solved in this way. In general, there are several options. One way is to try tightening the door sill tighter. The product will press against the base and when pressure is applied to the floor element, no voids will remain. In this way, the creak of the laminate will go away. Or vice versa - slightly loosen the fastener, the tension on the lock can be leveled. There are several options to try.

Alternatively, such a defect can be corrected by removing the sill and placing a piece of substrate at the point of sag for alignment. And, accordingly, pull the decorative strip back.

Remember, laminate flooring isn't the only thing that can squeak. If the laminate floor was laid on an old creaky parquet, then the disgusting sounds will not go anywhere. I often see cases when plywood sheets were incorrectly fixed. Plywood installation should be carried out with small gaps - about 2 mm. This is due to the fact that plywood, like any wood, breathes. And when the heating is off, in the absence of an expansion joint, it expands and rub against each other, forming a creak.

The screws securing the sheets can also creak. Any wood dries out over time and the screws in the holes begin to play. When walking on such a floor, sounds are generated. That is why the floor in villages, and indeed any staircase made of wood in country houses makes groans.

You can also confuse the sound of rubbing plastic skirting with the creak of the laminate. When installing the skirting board, everyone tries to press the molding to the floor to avoid a gap under the decorative element. And this is absolutely true, but if the base is not even enough, then the plastic element rubs against the coating when walking. As a result of the tension created and in the combined interaction, the parts emit a characteristic unpleasant sound.

What to do, how to fix it if the laminate was laid recently and it starts to creak or crunch?

A short guide to the causes of laminate squeak and crunch. Recommendations and advice, what can be done and how to fix it.

  1. Remember if you cleaned the base well of construction sand. It is clear that this question is pertinent if the base is a cement-sand screed.
  2. If the laminate was laid with modern type Locking (4G, 5G) - Listen carefully again when stepping on the end connections. Probably, it is plastic inserts rubbing and clicking. Buy Rico wax sealant and pour into the ends. Typically, laminate floors with this type of adhesion are chamfered. The beveled edge joint will serve as a reservoir for the sealant. It should be absorbed and work like a lubricant. An outcome is likely in which, after some time, the joints stop clicking.
  3. A squeak can occur if, for example, the laminate was laid in the winter with the heating turned on. And with the end of the heating season, late spring - early summer, the coating began to expand imperceptibly to the eye. Leaning against the walls creates a load on the castle. This situation can be seen by removing the skirting board. If further expansion is prevented by cutting through the buried edge, possible breakage of the locks can be saved and the creak eliminated.
  4. Damage to the lock also happens when improperly performed self-laying or installation of the laminate by amateurs. Incorrectly mounted boards threaten to instantly break the locking part. This happens if there is no assembly experience and ignoring the factory instructions.
  5. Check if the interior sills and door bumpers are installed correctly. It is necessary to unscrew the screws and inspect the place of fasteners. The hole should be enlarged when the screw passes through the laminated panel so that there is a gap for movement.
  6. Wet cleaning of the room can help for a short time. This is especially true for parquet boards, but it can also affect the laminate floor. To improve the microclimate inside the apartment, if it is dry, put air humidifiers. I heard about it for a long time that it can eliminate squeaks by saturating the material with moisture.
  7. If none of the above is violated, and the floor was installed recently, try contacting the seller of the product. But most likely, you will be told that the installation technology has been violated. And if the craftsmen were sent from the store, that the apartment was too dry.

Why does the parquet board creak or crunch? How to fix

Personally, I have repeatedly come across that the parquet board makes a creak or crunch already on the first day of installation. As if sand is scattered from below or you are walking on the first snow. Moreover, expensive brands of parquet boards, such as Tarkett, Scheucher, also suffer from this problem.

This is due to the overdried material and the curvature of the panel itself. Parquet board is a multi-layer construction. Below is a thick coniferous veneer. In the middle, across the fibers, coniferous plots are glued, which are the hinge part. Above are parquet floors of valuable wood, for example, oak.

Since moisture absorption differs between these breeds, the board often bows. It remains stable on the hardwood side, and bends it on the back.

During installation, the coating is smoothed, but the tension in the wood remains. When walking, the board is pressed through, the contacting parts rub and a creak or crunch is heard.

I believe that the lock connection can also rub, and the glued plots creak inside the structure.

I will tell you a few cases from a personal example, when it was possible to partially remove the crunch and creak of a parquet board.

Case 1

About 4 years ago I was invited to try to remove the crunch of the laid parquet board. We decided to use paraffin candles for this business.

Having disassembled the parquet, I do not remember which brand, I began to rub the candles into the groove part of the castle, simultaneously collecting the rows back. As a result of several days of work, the floor was re-laid. The crunch went 90 percent.

Which contributed to the strong crunch of the board. South side, there was a room with a balcony, on the balcony when I entered it, it was 50 degrees. Can you imagine how hot it was? The material dried out.

By the way, a few months later I called the person and asked how the floor was. He spoke when he creaked hot, but everything is fine.

Case 2

For some reason, Tarkett parquet board often crunches. The first notes are usually heard right away, later the sound is only amplified. As it was on this order. I was invited again, they also worked with candles. Defect for the most part eliminated.

Case 3

I already laid the Shokher board, there were no comments on the creak. A call came in, a man asked why the board could crunch. He thought from behind the substrate. I outlined the situation and how you can fix it. But, first of all, I recommended contacting the seller. Such things in the board for 5000 rubles / m2 ... They simply should not be. Based on the results of the lawsuit, he asked the person to tell how the case ended. Moreover, he was going to use my services.

When assembling several rows of parquet boards yourself, listen for a slight crunch. If you have one, you can use Rico wax sealant, or rub in the candles. But it is better to call the store from the store with the provision of a guarantee, asking about it directly in the forehead. Still, you don't want to scribble the new floor by any means.

Rico sealant - new packaging

Rico Joint Wax Sealant - Old Form

Most likely, when asking a question about a squeak in a parquet board, you are faced with exactly this situation. Nevertheless, with an uneven base, both customers and craftsmen are usually in the know and will not look for an answer to the question of how to eliminate the creak.

Laminate is considered one of the most best materials of all designed for floor cladding. This coating looks very impressive and solid, and besides, it serves for a long time. The advantages of laminate flooring include ease of installation. Often, the owners of apartments and country houses mount this material even with their own hands.

Usually, there are no problems with the laminate after installation. However, it sometimes happens that such a coating begins to creak. What could be the causes of such a problem and what is the easiest way to eliminate them? Further in the article, we will figure out why the laminate creaks. What to do (indiscriminately and with analysis of coverage) in this case, you will learn in full detail from the article.

The main causes of the problem

Laminate is a material, unfortunately, rather capricious. The coating of this variety can lie on the floor, without giving its owners any problems, for decades. Or it can manifest itself within a few days after styling. If, when walking on, annoying sounds began to be emitted, first of all, of course, you should find out why the laminate is creaking. What to do indiscriminately or with parsing the coverage in this case? The answer to this question just depends on what exactly caused such an unpleasant phenomenon.

Laminate flooring in a room can creak due to:

  • violations of the established technology during the preparation of the foundation;
  • too thick or thin substrate;
  • the absence of a temperature gap between the coating and the walls;
  • poor quality of the material itself;
  • aging

Violation of the foundation preparation technology

It often happens that the laminate creaks in only one place in the room. What to do indiscriminately or with parsing the coverage in this case - we will talk about this a little below. First, let's find out what could be the reasons for just such a creak. The appearance of annoying sounds in only one place most often means that during the installation of the coating, the technology for preparing the base was not followed.

Before the rough floor, they must be leveled. In this case, either cement mortar, or a special mixture. Defects in the base under the laminate must not be left. If you step on the lamella located above the pit in the subfloor, it will bend slightly. As a result, the elements of the lock connection will move relative to each other. And, as a result, a creak will be heard. Measures in this case must be taken immediately. Otherwise, after a while, the lock connection will become unusable and a very noticeable gap will appear in the coating.

How to level the base as usual

It would seem that in order to get rid of the creak caused by technology violations preparatory work, you just need to remove a few lamellas, eliminate the existing defects and install the material in place. But in practice, unfortunately, everything is far from so simple. The fact is that the dismantling of a part of the boards not from the edge of the covering, but directly on its area is impossible. This is explained primarily by the design features of the lamellas themselves. Therefore, when annoying sounds appear, even in only one place, the coating usually has to be dismantled almost completely (from the wall to the most problematic board).

Laminate creaks: what to do and how to solve the problem without parsing the coating

Dismantling such a floor is a technologically complex and costly operation. The fact is that the laminate (and especially the Lock system) has very weak locks. And therefore, it is almost never possible to carry out disassembly without loss of material.

That is why the owners of apartments and houses often have almost panic if the laminate creaks. "What to do without parsing the coverage?" - almost all property owners are beginning to ask this question. In any case, you can hear it quite often on specialized forums. And the answer to it, of course, exists.

So how do you avoid unnecessary expenses if your laminate floor creaks? What to do indiscriminately (irregularities will have to be eliminated not somewhere, but under the boards) of the coating? It turns out that you can get rid of the squeak in one place of the laminate floor just with the help of PVA glue and a large medical syringe.

A hole is pre-drilled in the problem board using a drill. Next, glue is pumped into it with a syringe. As soon as the substrate is impregnated and the PVA begins to protrude out of the hole, the operation stops.

How to drill a coating

So, you need to drill a hole in the problem board and fill it with glue if the laminate creaks. What to do without parsing the coverage and how to fix the problem of an uneven base in this way, we have figured out with you. Now let's take a closer look at how to perform this procedure according to all the rules. And let's start by finding out what technology exists in the laminate.

Unfortunately, it often happens that during this seemingly very simple operation, a large and ugly chip appears on the board, which is difficult to disguise in the future. Or the board simply cracks. In order to avoid such troubles, before you start drilling, you should take care of choosing the right tool. That is, the drill must be properly equipped. Hardened steel twist drills are best suited for laminate flooring, as with wood. Moreover, you should not choose their standard version with a sharpening angle of 118 °, but a sharper one. Otherwise, during operation, the drill will certainly begin to deviate to the side, and in this case the risk of a chip or crack will increase significantly.

Than to close the hole

At the next stage, PVA glue is squeezed out into the hole made with a sharp drill from the syringe if the laminate creaks. What to do and how to fix this problem indiscriminately is thus clear. However, after such a not too complicated procedure, the apartment owners have another quite natural question: "How to disguise a hole drilled in the floor?" This can be done using:

  • putty or sealant;
  • special;
  • epoxy resin;
  • self-adhesive film;
  • with mastic.

On the final stage from the laminate, you need to carefully remove the excess masking material with a clean rag and very carefully process the area to be repaired with fine sandpaper. Then the part of the board with a closed hole should be polished with a cloth and covered with one layer of colorless matte varnish.

Creak due to thermal gap

So, we found out, if only in one place the laminate creaks, what to do indiscriminately. However, annoying sounds can be caused by more than an uneven base. Sometimes the creak occurs not in one place of the coating, but immediately over its entire area. Such a problem appears among the owners of apartments and houses most often due to the fact that when laying the laminate, a too narrow gap was left between the extreme boards and the walls.

The covering of this variety, like wood, can expand or contract when the room fluctuates in humidity or air temperature. Therefore, a small gap is made around the perimeter of the walls when laying the laminate. Its width directly depends on the area of ​​the room. If the gap is too small, as the coating expands, stress builds up in its thickness. As a result, the elements of the locks begin to press against each other, which becomes the cause of the squeak.

Fixing the problem in this case is also quite simple. To do this, you need to remove all the skirting boards. You can increase the actual temperature gap itself to the required width using a grinder. Of course, this work must be done correctly.

How to cut the cover

Next, let's take a closer look at what to do if the laminate creaks due to the insufficiently wide temperature gap. What to do indiscriminately (the problem is solved by sawing off the "extra" part of the boards) - in this case it is clear. But how can you reduce the coverage area by a few centimeters and not spoil the boards?

Laminate is a material consisting of several layers. Therefore, a disc with the smallest cutting structure should be put on the grinder. In this case, the cut line will turn out to be very even.

Instead of a grinder, you can also use a jigsaw. For this tool, of course, you also need to find a suitable file. Otherwise, the cut will turn out to be sloppy. In this case, you can use both a narrow metal file with fine teeth, and a special one designed specifically for working with laminate.

Eliminate other causes of squeak

Thus, you now know, if the laminate creaks, what to do indiscriminately (irregularities in the base can be eliminated with PVA glue, and the temperature gap can be expanded with a grinder) of the coating. But, of course, annoying sounds can appear not only due to violations of the technology for preparing the subfloor or laying the boards themselves. The reasons for this phenomenon are often: poor quality laminate, improperly selected substrate, or aging of the subfloor.

In all these cases, of course, it will not be possible to do without dismantling the coating. Poor laminate flooring or an unsuitable underlay will have to be replaced. If the reason for the squeak is the aging of the finished floor, an even more complex operation will need to be performed. In this case, it will be necessary not only to remove the laminate, but also to dismantle the leveling screed. Squeaks in the subfloor appear mainly due to the departure of the boards from the logs. Therefore, in order to get rid of annoying sounds, they will need to be nailed or screwed tightly with self-tapping screws.

One of the unpleasant consequences that can lead to improper installation of laminate flooring is the creak of the laminate panels when walking. And the question of what to do if the laminate creaks arises quite often.

In this article, we will analyze the main reasons why this squeak occurs and consider how to fix it.

Reasons why laminate flooring creaks

In fact, there may be several reasons why the laminate creaks after installation:

  • The most common reason is laying laminate flooring on an uneven base.... If the laminate panels were installed on an insufficiently level base, for example, on concrete floor with differences along the plane, then the creak of the laminate will appear pretty soon.
    Here's the thing: immediately after the unevenness is compensated by the lining under the laminate. But over time, the lining is compressed, and the load on the laminate locks increases. It is under these conditions that a creak occurs.

  • Another reason for squeaking is debris, sand or small stones under the laminate.... This situation arises if the base has not been thoroughly cleaned before.
    As in the previous case, at first the creak does not appear, since the substrate reliably protects it from it. But as soon as the substrate loses its shape and elasticity, you immediately begin to hear a characteristic sound.

A telltale sign that sand or debris is causing the squeak is that the laminate squeaks when walking barefoot, not just walking with shoes.

  • Also, the laminate can squeak if there is no necessary gap between the laminate and the baseboard.... Indeed, the skirting board should not be tightly pressed against the laminate - otherwise the laminate, which is a sufficiently "mobile" floor covering, will not be able to freely deform under loads, but will "rub" against the edge of the skirting board.
  • In addition to the gap between the plane of the laminate and the skirting board, a gap of at least 10 mm is also required between the edge of the laminate and the wall.
    The absence of this gap also results in unnecessary compression of the laminate panels. As a result, there is an increased load on the locks and squeak under load.

  • Well, and finally - one more reason. Even on flat surface laminate laid in accordance with all the rules will creak if it is a low-quality laminate.
    That is why you should not buy the cheapest laminate flooring models (although their price seems rather tempting).
    Otherwise, we will no longer have to look for the cause of the creak, but to find out why the laminate is cracking and where the cracks come from.

Anti-creak laminate flooring

Cutting the laminate

When we have figured out why the laminate floor creaks - it's time to move on to the steps to eliminate the creak.

If the laminate makes a creak due to the lack of a gap between it and the wall, the problem is solved the easiest way.

To eliminate the squeak, we proceed as follows:

  • Dismantle the skirting board covering the gap between the laminate and the wall.
  • We disassemble the laminate panels adjacent to the wall (you can learn how to disassemble and assemble the laminate using the video instructions).
  • Using a circular or reciprocating saw, we cut the edges of the panels so that the gap is the 10 mm we need.
  • We mount the panels in place.

In this case, it will not be superfluous to check whether the skirting board is also involved in the creak. If it seems to you that the gap between the skirting board and the plane of the laminate is not enough, it is better to fix the skirting board a little higher.

How to eliminate the creak of the laminate in this situation, we hope, figured out. Moreover, it is not difficult to do this even with your own hands, without involving the masters of laminate flooring.

But what if the gap between the laminate and the wall is sufficient, and the laminate still creaks?

Most likely - the matter is either in the uneven floor, or in the garbage, as we noted earlier.

Cleaning the floor under the laminate

If the reason for the squeak, in your opinion, is dust and sand under the laminate, then The best way get rid of squeak - remove dust and sand.

Of course, if you have laid a very high-quality laminate flooring, then you can just wait - over time, the grains of sand will grind between the concrete base and the laminate panels, and the creak will go away. But it is better not to risk it, because the laminate during this time can seriously wear out on the inside.

We do the cleaning of the floor under the laminate as follows:

  • We disassemble the laminate throughout the room... If the laminate creaks only in one place - you can limit yourself, so to speak, to "local destruction".
  • We shoot. After dedusting the base, by the way, it is better to replace it - and not lay the worn-out one in its old place.
  • We clean the base under the laminate with a vacuum cleaner. In some cases, you can first walk on the floor with a damp cloth.
  • Before laying the laminate back, wipe the locks and the underside of the panels with a damp, clean cloth.

By the way, before removing the creak of the laminate in this way, you can try a compromise solution: insert a sheet of cardboard into the gap between the wall and the laminate under the creaking area. It should help - but, however, only if the area near the wall creaks.

Leveling the floor

But what if your laminate floor creaks due to being installed on an uneven floor?

Here you will have to prepare for major repairs.

The instruction in this case is as follows:

  • Dismantle the laminate, remove the backing from the base.
  • We put a leveling cement-sand screed on the concrete base.
  • Apply a self-leveling coating on top of the dried screed.
  • We cycle the wooden base, and if the scraping did not help, we level it by laying sheets of thick plywood or chipboard on it.

  • We check the plane of the resulting base using a level.
  • As a safety net, we remove dust from the base using a sufficiently powerful vacuum cleaner.
  • We put the substrate on the base.
  • We mount laminate panels, making sure that construction dust does not get into the locks.

As a rule, after all this, the creak of the laminate "goes away" forever.

We hope these tips will be useful to you, because you can implement them even without special skills. So if you or someone you know has a squeaky laminate - you already know what to do!

Laminate flooring is one of the most popular floor coverings found in many homes and apartments. Any trouble, especially with a freshly laid laminate, is perceived negatively.

One of these troubles can be considered the creak of the coating when walking. There may be several reasons for this and, accordingly, ways to eliminate them too. A squeak often occurs due to unscrupulous laying and improper preparation of the base.

The reasons for the squeak

Let's deal with this issue.

Here are some of the main reasons the floor squeaks:

  1. When preparing the foundation, mistakes were made (it can take a lot of time and effort to fix this defect).
  2. Low-quality or thin laminate (when trying to save on flooring unforeseen circumstances may arise that will lead to significant expenses).
  3. The algorithm and rules for laying the floor have been violated (to eliminate the consequences, you can invite specialists or do it yourself, if you have experience in laying a laminate).
  4. A poor quality underlay (like using a poor quality laminate, a poor underlay can be costly and time consuming). Details about the choice of substrates, their properties.

Advice. If specially invited masters laid the laminate, then it is better that they deal with the problem of the creaking floor. If the laying was done independently, then you can eliminate the defect in the work on your own.

To correct shortcomings in the work, you will have to either partially or completely dismantle the coating.

Squeaks occur differently, in different places and for different reasons. Focusing on the sound, the location of the squeak, it is possible to determine the problem without analyzing the coating and prepare for its solution.

Creak at the joints

So, at the joints will hold the laminate together, what to do in this case?

There may be several reasons for creaking at the joints: the lock fastening the panels is not fully snapped in, dirt or dust has got into the lock joint, poor-quality laminate and its joints, tension in the lock joints.

The lock at the junction of the panels is not fully clicked

The algorithm of action in this case is as follows. It is necessary to disassemble the cover to the junction and snap the panels. Then the cover is assembled back.

Advice. It is recommended to number the panels to facilitate assembly of the floor. This will greatly simplify the work.

Ingress of dirt or dust into the interlock

In this case, the entire floor is disassembled completely, the base is carefully removed (the base and each laminate panel in the locking joints must be vacuumed), then the locks must be wiped with a rag.

Poor-quality laminate can creak by itself, even with full compliance with all the requirements and recommendations for its installation. A way out of this situation is to replace it with a higher quality (expensive) material. High quality laminate flooring at inexpensive prices, you can purchase at store. You can, of course, leave everything as it is and get used to its creak.

Connection voltage

The tension in the joints arises immediately after laying the laminate, while it is not yet accustomed to its new position and environment. Mostly starts to creak new material good quality.

Such creaks do not require any repair work, they go away on their own over time after the new laminate gets used to the operating conditions.

The only thing that can be done at the stage of laying the laminate is to lubricate the lock joints with a special sealant before joining them, which will protect the lock from dust and moisture, and reduce or completely extinguish the creak of the locks on the new laminate.

Substrate irregularities

When preparing the base for laying the laminate, most likely gross mistakes or negligence were made.

If the material creaks in one or two places constantly, and the panel bends slightly, then there are pits under the laminate. To eliminate this phenomenon, you need to disassemble part of the floor to the problem area. Then inspect the base for irregularities. Level the hole with a special mixture or putty. Let the patch dry and then reassemble the floor.

We adjust the laminate board to the dimensions of the cell

Remember also that even a high-quality, correctly laid laminate can creak. This can be due to fluctuations in humidity or temperature in the room, or due to the fact that he did not lie down in the room for a long time before laying it.

This problem does not need active action to eliminate it and goes away on its own after a certain period of time (from a couple of weeks to several months, or with a change in the heating season).

In principle, this is all: we have considered the main reasons and methods of dealing with them. Now you know what to do if laminate flooring creaks, right?

The creak of the laminate may not pose any danger, except for an unpleasant, unnerving sound, if you are 100% sure of the quality of its installation. Or be a harbinger of more serious trouble if mistakes were made when laying it.

At the first sign of trouble, they can be easily eliminated at a minimum cost, while maintaining your new coverage and your budget. Compliance with the instructions and requirements will help to avoid these little troubles.

We hope that the material was useful to you.


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