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Communication skills are very useful property a person that helps him not only in communicating with other people, but also in achieving a successful life. This article will tell you about the essence of communication skills and how you can develop it.

The essence of communication

What is communication skills? Many people ask this question. In fact, communication is the key to a successful life. In simple words, sociability is a person’s ability to find a common language with other people. Sociable people easily make contact with strangers; it is easy for them to carry on a conversation and initiate a conversation.

Based on the properties of a sociable person, life is easier for him. Having many acquaintances and friends, it is easier for people to move forward in life, both on the personal and career ladder. People who are sociable and charismatic attract people's attention in a positive way. If a person is educated despite all this, he has no price.

How to develop communication skills

Many psychologists suggest that at a conscious age it is quite difficult, or almost impossible, to develop communication skills. They believe that sociability is a quality that is attributed to a person from an early age, when communicating with little people like him. Therefore, they advise teaching children to communicate with other people from an early age. To do this, it is necessary to walk with them more often in public places, parks and in general, to create all the conditions for him to communicate with peers.

Despite this, there are several basic methods for developing communication skills in an adult:

  • Reading. A sociable person must be able to find contact with anyone. To achieve this, you need to be well-rounded. This is why it is so necessary to read. Read not only fiction, but also all sorts of educational articles. Follow trends to keep up with the times and always be in the know. This will help you form your personal opinion on specific issues.
  • Getting rid of complexes. Many people are antisocial precisely because of their complexes. Complexes constrain them and make them afraid of communicating with other people. To get rid of complexes, you first need to identify them. Sit down, think about what you don't like about yourself and try to get rid of it. When you become mentally free, connecting with other people will become much easier.
  • Initiative. Take the initiative in communication. If you are interested in something, ask. Don't wait for the person to speak first.

Communication and business

Communication skills when conducting entrepreneurial activity- the key to success. If you maintain not only business, but also friendly relations with your partners or clients, you yourself will not notice how your sales will begin to grow. Consider this example: A person comes to your office wanting to make a purchase. If you show your sociability and willingly help him with advice, he will not remain indifferent. The client will be impressed by communicating with you and, of course, will tell his friends and acquaintances about it. They, in turn, will also want to visit your office or make a purchase.

All of the above emphasizes the importance of communication skills in everyday and business life. Remember this and you will never regret it. It's never too late to develop.

Natalia Erofeevskaya

When describing personal qualities in a resume, it is customary to indicate standard features. Communication skills are found in every second questionnaire. At the same time, some people do not understand what the skill is or simply do not possess it. An employer just needs to ask a few questions to understand whether you have good communication skills. How important is this trait for professional growth and communication with friends? What is human communication skills? — we give a definition and consider the signs, find out whether it is an advantage or a disadvantage.

What does a sociable person mean?

This concept is based on the answer to a question. Communication skills are the ability to find a common language with people, regardless of status and degree of acquaintance. The skill is valued at work, as such a person is sent to important negotiations. A sociable personality also manifests itself in company. Such a person stands out for his interesting communication, gestures, ability to choose the topic of conversation, his stories are retold in an interesting, lively and vivid way - this is what means sociable (communicative) in simple words.

What does a sociable person mean? Unlike the outgoing personality, communicative people are not just good storytellers who are fun to chat with during your lunch break. He is educated and well-spoken. He doesn’t just talk, but also pursues a specific goal: to calm down a dissatisfied client, persuade a partner to make a deal, and reduce the time it takes to receive documents. A sociable person knows how to negotiate and achieve results.

How to understand whether your interlocutor is a communicative person or not? Sometimes even a few minutes are enough for this - such a person gets real pleasure from communication. He easily chooses words, is self-confident, charismatic in his own way, and easily finds topics for conversation, regardless of who he is communicating with. The ability to communicate interestingly and lively does not depend on age- this could be a sociable girl or a gray-haired old man: a conversation with both will be not only pleasant, but most often useful, since truly communicative people are far from empty chatter.

First of all, this is someone who enjoys communication. Sociable person it doesn’t matter who he communicates with, he is interested in the process itself. Sociable people are characterized by flexibility in contacts, the ability and ability not to get confused when communicating in different situations, self confidence, they easily adapt to new conditions, know how to successfully negotiate, and strive for initiative and leadership in a team.

Sociability and communication skills: what is the difference?

More often, both of these words are used as synonyms without a second thought: sociable (communicative) person - able to communicate, “easy” in conversation, knowing what to say and what to ask. In fact, if you dig deeper into word formation, there is a very fundamental difference:

"communicable" always used in relation to a person and is his positive characteristic - this is the individual’s ability to establish contacts, sociability, pleasant and easy conversation;
"communicative"- has a slightly different meaning of the word than the one in which it is usually used, and means “relating to the transmission of information using language.” Used in relation to skills, skills, games, exercises, even dancing and music.

There are two types of communication:

Written. The skills of a person who masters this skill are reduced to writing letters and filling out official documents. At the same time, he does not make spelling mistakes and expresses his thoughts clearly and to the point. Written communication skills are a necessary quality for secretaries and management positions.
Oral. The secret of a successful interlocutor is... A sociable person possesses this skill perfectly. Plus he knows how to turn the conversation in the right direction and persuade the interlocutor to his point of view. The conversation takes place in a calm tone; raised notes and pressure on the opponent are unacceptable.

A sociable person has a sense of tact, subtle humor, and the ability to dress in accordance with the situation. He carefully watches the interlocutor, reads gestures. Does not get into arguments and does not allow resentment, anger or irritation to take over.

Advantages and disadvantages of communication skills

People with communication skills are gladly hired and promoted up the career ladder. But it is worth understanding that communication skills border on other skills: leadership and initiative. Not all managers are ready for such active employee behavior. Therefore, conflicts are possible, including dismissal. However, communication has many more advantages. Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of communication skills. Among the positive aspects:

Ability to communicate. The concept does not include empty chatter, but listening to a person, maintaining a conversation. People meet with similar interests. A sociable person finds common ground by developing common interests. Thus, he attracts the interlocutor to himself, so that he can then easily win him over to his side.
Calm. Despite his activity and agility, a sociable person has equanimity. From him, fussiness, fear of participating in negotiations. People are attracted to the calm, friendliness and openness that comes from a communicative personality.
Attentiveness. Such a person will be the first to respond to a greeting, smooth out the conflict, and sum up the meeting. There will be no awkward pauses or useless negotiations with him. After talking with a sociable person, you are left with the feeling that you were talking with a good friend.

You should not consider a sociable person as a sweet, kind person. In the right situation he is capable of showing aggression, and this manifests itself in the form of evil or witty jokes. True, he rarely resorts to backup weapons when he needs to authoritarianly declare his decision.

Development of communication skills

This skill saves you in many situations and helps you prove yourself as a valuable employee, but how can you develop sociability, develop and improve your communication skills at work? Communication skills are not given by nature. It is impossible to turn from a gloomy person who does not like communication, who avoids meeting with familiar people, into a pleasant interlocutor in one day. To develop communication skills, follow these recommendations:

Don't avoid communication. If you see a classmate or former colleague in transport, then come up first. Talk to him, remember how you studied and worked together, ask what he is doing today. Don't be shy about approaching strangers and asking for directions. This is the first step towards developing sociability.
Don't be boring. When preparing for a meeting with a friend or partner, many people predict in advance how the conversation will flow. They imagine that they will have to talk about topics that are not interesting. Don’t become boring; how the meeting goes depends on you. Come in a good mood, start a conversation first, turn the conversation in the direction you want.
Connect optimism. People are drawn to those who express goodwill, are smiling and friendly. It’s unlikely that you want to communicate with a person who has a sad face and slumped shoulders. helps to win people over and inspire trust.

Avoid formality. Vary your speech. In addition to the banal phrases “how are you”, “what’s new”, tell us about yourself. The interlocutor is interested in knowing what you live and do. Of course, it doesn't have to be an hour long speech. Focus on brevity and clarity - this will solve many communication problems. However, overly dry answers and phrases will make your interlocutor think that you are not interested in the conversation.
Books for developing communication skills(sociability) will also be useful. Replaying in my head those described in specialized literature situations and modeling them on your own environment, it is quite possible from a beech about whom they say in front and behind the back “what an uncommunicative!” to turn into, well, not “your boyfriend,” but at least a pleasant interlocutor.


Many people would like to be sociable and sociable, but, alas, not everyone is given it - partly this is the same quality of personality as temperament and character. But if desired or even necessary, even the most unsociable and gloomy person can develop the ability to communicate and disposition towards the interlocutor. Communication skills are a quality that helps you out at work and helps you move up the career ladder. In its pure form, a skill is rarely found, and much of a person’s ability to communicate in society depends on his life experience, the process of becoming a person, and even childhood memories and impressions.

Sociability also has negative traits: since a person is influenced by external circumstances and character traits, often the so-called “ability to communicate” results in obsession or empty talk. To reach the golden mean and “remove” the label of a non-communicative girl (or boy), you'll have to work on yourself, and then this quality necessary for gaining confidence will bring pleasure not only to you, but also to your interlocutors.

31 March 2014, 14:34

Compatibility, sociability, contact, ease. Ant. isolation, shyness Dictionary of Russian synonyms. sociability see sociability Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M... Dictionary of synonyms

A person’s ability to communicate, establish contacts and connections. In English: Communicabilis Synonyms: Sociability See also: Personal qualities of staff Human communication Financial Dictionary Finam ... Financial Dictionary

- (from Late Lat. communicabilis connectable communicating), 1) compatibility (ability to work together) of different types of information transmission systems. 2) Ability to communicate, sociability ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

- (from Latin communicatio contact) the ability of people to establish business contacts, connections, relationships. Raizberg B.A., Lozovsky L.Sh., Starodubtseva E.B.. Modern economic dictionary. 2nd ed., rev. M.: INFRA M. 479 p.. 1999 ... Economic dictionary

COMMUNICABLE, oh, oh; flax, flax. It’s easy to communicate with Crimea, to do business with, to establish contacts. K. character. Dictionary Ozhegova. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

- (from Latin communicabilis connectable, communicating) English. communicability German Communicabilitat. 1. Ability, tendency to communicate, establish contacts, connections. 2. Compatibility, possibility of joint work, residence, etc. see... ... Encyclopedia of Sociology

COMMUNICATION- (from the French communiqué - to report, convey). Social psychological personality trait, the ability to communicate with other people... New dictionary methodological terms and concepts (theory and practice of language teaching)

Communicabilis Sociability, a person’s ability to communicate, establish contacts and connections. Dictionary of business terms. 2001... Dictionary of business terms

COMMUNICATION- (from Latin communicatio contact, connection) a person’s ability to establish business contacts, connections, relationships... Legal encyclopedia

- (from Late Lat. communicabilis connectable, communicating), 1) compatibility (ability to work together) of different types of information transmission systems. 2) Ability to communicate, sociability. * * * COMMUNICATION COMMUNICATION (from late Lat... Encyclopedic Dictionary


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Sociability in our time is a very important and necessary personal quality, since the ability to quickly find a common language with people and establish contacts is necessary both in personal life and work. In job advertisements you can often find such a requirement for an applicant, especially if the company is looking for a sales manager, HR manager, public relations manager, etc.

Communication skills - what does it mean?

For those who want to know what sociability means, it’s worth remembering the people who probably exist in the lives of each of us. Friends of youth or work colleagues who can find the right words for everyone and tune in to the wave of both a small child and an older adult. They always have some story or anecdote that is appropriate; they can easily direct the thread of conversation in a positive direction if they feel that something is brewing. A sociable person is open to the world, he is friendly and pleasant to talk to.

  1. Sociability can be called sociability or contact when it comes to informal conversation. “The soul of the company” - that’s what they say about such people.
  2. In business negotiations, the very term “communication skills” is used, which helps a person find compromises and negotiate with the right people.
  3. In diplomacy, this is simply an irreplaceable quality, because without it, success in this field is impossible.
  4. TV and radio presenters, entertainers, DJs and others are sociable people who can captivate and ignite the audience.
  5. Social media open up enormous opportunities for such sociable people, especially if they have creative potential.

How to develop your communication skills?

It must be said right away that not every person who craves communication can be called sociable. Can a tiresome bore be considered sociable? What about a brawler, just looking for a reason to quarrel? Some are so talkative that they simply won’t let you get a word in edgewise. She is so absorbed in useless chatter that she herself does not notice how she is wasting her interlocutor’s time. It also happens that a laconic and reserved person opens up in a certain situation, when he feels that he has entered his “field”, and the topic of conversation is extremely interesting and familiar to him. It is possible and necessary to develop your communication skills, and above all, you should try to be open-minded towards the views of others.

Showing interest in people, trying to understand their desires, feelings and needs, it is necessary to understand that they have the right to freely express their views and be ready to accept their concept. It is very important to expand your horizons, read a lot and educate yourself. This will increase self-confidence, because a person savvy in many issues will no longer be afraid of communication, he will be able to answer questions and, if necessary, ask again or clarify something. If you want to know how you can improve your communication skills, try to enjoy communication. Express your interest in the topic being discussed, not only talk, but also listen.

It is unacceptable to agree absentmindedly, because you can thereby offend your interlocutor, but by entering into an argument with him, defending your point of view, you also spare the feelings of your opponent. A faithful assistant You will benefit from humor: it will always help to defuse the situation and put your interlocutors at ease. Set a positive example of friendliness and openness for your children, and they will follow in your footsteps as outgoing people.


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