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Of course, a rich man is always the darling of fate, who is used to getting the best from life. Let's not lie: an attractive and well-groomed girl, whom you can immediately stand out from the crowd, has a better chance of getting a wealthy groom as your chosen one. If you want to swim in diamonds, watch yourself. It is clear that there is no arguing about tastes, since they are different for everyone. Some people love slender and athletic girls, others, on the contrary, dream of plump ladies with a mischievous twinkle in their eyes, and for some, the ideal is a gentle and modest Turgenev young lady. But even if your appearance captivated him at first sight, you should not relax. To finally get a billionaire into your network, you need to take possession of his soul. And not every girl can do this. Which women are led down the aisle by wealthy men? Most of them have their own bridal look. Moreover, some girls don’t even have to play a role, they were born that way.


Photo by Getty Images/iStockphoto

Rich men are hunters who love to conquer. They are not interested in easily accessible and vulgar young ladies. They are used to the fact that there is nothing but falsehood around them. If you have money, then there are women. Girls, like moths, strive for a beautiful life, not noticing anything around them. Everyone believes that the way to a man's heart is a stunning appearance. A short skirt, bright lipstick, eyelash extensions, silicone breasts - brides look alike like twins. “You come to a restaurant as if you’re going to a bride’s party,” says Igor, 45 years old, an entrepreneur. - The girls have the same everything: phones, hairstyles, figures, manners. Sometimes it gets scary. For example, I'm looking for one that will stand out from the cloned Barbie dolls. Yes, I’m a middle-aged man, but I want romance, I want to look after my beloved, give her bouquets of flowers, and I want love.” The one who stands out from the crowd and only allows herself to be escorted home on the first evening has a better chance of winning a rich groom. The forbidden fruit is always sweet. Give the man hope that he has a chance, but not now. Know how to refuse tactfully, with a little flirtation. And most importantly, remember that everything comes to those who know how to wait. Let the same fairy-tale Cinderella, who managed to conquer the prince, serve as a good example for you.


Photo by Getty Images/iStockphoto

American writer Sherry Argov has released an excellent guide for all women who dream of becoming independent, strong and attractive. The book is called “Men Love Bitches.” Guide for too good women" Interestingly, Sherry is convinced that a man never falls in love of his own accord. They like to be free. When choosing a bitch, they think about a small affair, but in reality they end up in a love network skillfully placed by their partner. By the way, Sherry warns that a bitch is not a lady embittered with the whole world, plotting intrigues. On the contrary, she is a very sweet girl. “She is as sweet as a peach,” writes Argov. “But inside every sweet peach lies a hard pit.”

Fatal beauty

You don't have to look like Marilyn Monroe to win over the rich. A fatal beauty is usually called a girl with a twist. Let's decipher: the one who considers herself attractive. Believe in your own irresistibility, and the opinions of others will definitely change. Remember the heroine Amy Schumer from the comedy “Pretty Woman”, who begins to like men after she gains confidence in her own irresistibility. Remember that millionaires will never pay attention to girls who don’t love themselves. The motto of all rich people is: “If you want to be happy, you will be.” People with complexes don't have a chance with a fat wallet.


Photo: Getty Images/Westend61

Valery Meladze once sang that “it is difficult for girls from high society to avoid loneliness.” According to statistics, educated, smart and well-mannered women become the wives of billionaires. For example, Bill Gates paid attention to his future wife Melinda because she constantly walked around the office in flat shoes. The founder of Microsoft believed in the superstition: the lower the heel, the smarter the woman. Google founder Larry Page also admitted that he was proud of his wife Lucinda, who is engaged in scientific research in the field of biomedical informatics. By the way, the couple has been together for 12 years and has two children. General manager Louis Vuitton Moet Hennessy Bernard Arnault, whose fortune is estimated at 81 billion euros, chose pianist Hélène Mercier as his wife. Moreover, the billionaire conquered the woman not with wealth, but with his virtuoso piano playing. Who knows what skills will bring happiness to you? In any case, the more educated you are, the more chances you have to interest the oligarch. Next to a rich man there should be an intelligent and well-mannered lady. A true lady of blue blood.

I want to get married, and not just... My future husband should be rich, successful, respectable in appearance, positive in all his habits and actions, strong physically and spiritually... And do you dream about this? Surely, the portrait of the chosen one does not end with the listed qualities; there are still a bunch of “golden” adjectives in reserve. The only question is: “Does such a man need you?” Can you give an answer? Experts from TM “Placent Formula” and “Lanier” propose to work together to find the answer and figure out what kind of woman a rich and successful groom really needs?

The purpose of any relationship is to give something and gain something. If a man gives his chosen one a position in society, status, fame, money, spiritual development, what can she offer him in this case?

I'm so melting: are your qualities unique?

“A slender figure, attractive appearance, education (1-2 or more degrees!), own real estate, successful job” is the answer of many women. Do you think this is enough? Is what you offer your successful chosen one unique?

About beauty if we say, the Slavs have plenty of such goodness. In a crowded place, on the street, it is unlikely that you will be noticed among others of the same kind. beautiful girls such a man.

About a slim figure The same thing can be said about beautiful appearance: for any reason, there will be competitors with an even more spectacular figure.

About education we can immediately say that this will not surprise anyone today. There are many beautiful women, doctors of science, with three or more degrees, smart and smart, but still lonely.

About sexuality, the ability to be a super-lover also has its “but”. Can't this be done by representatives of the most ancient profession?

And why should an ideal man choose you? Try to analyze everything without offense for your own good! List out loud or write down on a piece of paper the qualities that you think might interest a rich and successful man:

  1. Can you listen with interest?
  2. Do you appreciate, see and admire the good qualities of a man?
  3. Are you his muse and inspiration?
  4. Do you always put the man in charge and leave the last word to him?
  5. Always positive, in a great mood no matter what?
  6. Do you know how to relax a man and create an incredibly comfortable and cozy atmosphere in the house?
  7. Do you cook deliciously, that you have no equal in this art?
  8. Are you glowing with happiness, do you know how to enjoy everything?
  9. Do you accept a man as he is, with all his shortcomings?
  10. Do you trust your chosen one and follow him impeccably in everything?

If you count at least 5 positive answers to the above questions, then you are truly a unique woman! IN modern world Such ladies, with such qualities and skills, are very rare. And this is exactly the kind of woman that a rich and successful man will notice!

If you offer only external qualities and sexuality, do not expect a real relationship with the soul in return. In exchange for a body, you will receive an identical one - you will simply be used as a beautiful thing, and nothing more! If you offer yourself as smart and educated, do not expect romance, tenderness, care and love in such a relationship. In this case, you are “doomed” to be a colleague, friend, business partner.

Marrying a Loving and Gentle Millionaire: An Exercise to Identify Your Blind Spots

If you sincerely want to build a happy family life hand in hand with an ideal, successful, rich man, you need to honestly identify your “blind” spots. To do this, do the following exercise: take a pen and a piece of paper, and describe your chosen one, write 20 qualities not related to appearance that you see in him, visually imagine him and, as it were, observe from the side:

  • his profession, position held;
  • how he spends his time, what places he likes to visit;
  • what kind of friends does he have?
  • his behavior with women;
  • relationships with parents, etc.

At the same time, you must feel it, allow your body and subconscious to accept masculine energy, be filled with it, feel the masculine vibrations. After that, through the eyes of this man, imagine meeting yourself. See his attitude towards you: are you attracted to him? what does he think about you? what is missing to interest him?

Be attentive to your subconscious, and be sure to write down everything you “hear” on a piece of paper. This technique allows you to meet your inner woman with your inner man. And to make a couple, they both should be honest! When you do the exercise, return to your female body again.

You can see that the man passed by, left you on the street, and was not interested. Why? And it's not all about the figure, thin waist and long legs. Many men do not like women’s excessive emotionality, lack of grace, lack of self-confidence, nervousness, and unkemptness. From this practice you will also understand what kind of man you will be in family life comfortable, maybe even with someone who is on your level, and with whom together you can develop spiritually and achieve other benefits of the Universe, including material prosperity.

It happens that a woman receives marriage proposals, and unknowingly rejects her own happiness, since the man’s status or earnings are lower than hers. But in fact, it was with her that he would become the successful and rich woman she dreams of. The question is: will the Universe offer her such a gift again?

The mistake of many ex-brides is to focus their attention on external data, and not on feminine qualities that will lead to happy life. And then such beauties ask and complain: “Why am I so grown up and lonely?”

Ideal woman for the ideal man: about important qualities

So, what are these qualities of a happy ideal woman?

  • Positive attitude
  • Self-sufficiency
  • An inexhaustible feeling of gratitude
  • The ability to see good qualities in people
  • Loving life
  • Follow your goals
  • Enjoy yourself and the flow of life
  • Communicate without reproaches or complaints
  • Emphasize your strengths
  • Where you need to remain silent
  • Don't judge or discuss

It is precisely such a woman that successful men are looking for: with the inner potential of love and a high level of self-esteem.

Willingness to accept the ideal man into your life

Sometimes our “I want” is not enough to make a desire come true. In fact, maybe at this period of your life you are not ready for a relationship with such a man, so the Universe, for your own good, does not provide the opportunity to meet him. This is comparable to the fact that you want to ride a horse, and the Instructor chooses a horse according to your abilities and character. But he doesn’t suit you, because you want to ride the Arabian Handsome, the Olympic champion. And at this moment you don’t think that you won’t be able to curb his temper, you won’t be able to manage correctly. The result could be tragedy, injury...

So in life, if a woman gets a successful man, but she is not ready for this, her life turns into a real hell. And expensive gifts and going out are no longer pleasing. She is tormented by a constant feeling of jealousy and fear that he will leave her. With this behavior, she gradually cools the man’s feelings and kills her value.

Just as a horse feels a confident jockey next to him, so a man feels self-sufficient, a real woman worthy of him! Therefore, in your choice of a man, you should be adequate and “not take aim” at someone for whom you are not yet ready.

Take care of your appearance, highlight feminine beauty, which is mainly concentrated on luxurious hair. For this, you have the best cosmetics TM “Placent Formula” and “Lanier”, which can make stunningly beautiful, silky, shiny strands even from naturally rare hair. But also cultivate your spiritual qualities, and you will see that you will soon meet someone with whom you will truly know female happiness!

Your shine and luxury! TM “Placent Formula” and “Lanier”

03.02.2015 12:23:45

At all times there have been moralizers who convincingly argued that money is evil. And at the same time, from time immemorial, those people who achieved a high level of well-being in their lives were considered successful. The current era is not much different in this sense from all previous ones. Wealth and success certainly go hand in hand. Wealth is a special zone of attraction where the best, standard, ideal things and objects rush. Truly wealthy men can afford to choose the best, including women. And whoever believes that in search of wealthy partners a woman turns herself into a thing, let her continue to soar in exalted spheres, depriving herself of many of the pleasures that accompany the life of wealthy and wealthy people.

And yet, what kind of girls do rich men like? Of course, we cannot speak too generally about all rich men, because each of them is also a person, which means he has individual preferences, certain psychological complexes and sexual needs. And yet, when a man achieves a certain status in society, and his business becomes successful and profitable, certain stereotypes are imposed on all his life choices, including the choice of women. It can be noted that at all times and in all cultures the cult of wealth is accompanied by the cult of beauty, including female beauty. Therefore, it should immediately be noted that rich men tend to surround themselves with girls, appearance which best corresponds to the standards of female beauty formed today.

In this regard, if you are actively searching for a rich man, external splendor is a must for you, which today, thank God, is quite achievable thanks to the presence of all kinds of beauty salons. Do not under any circumstances believe TV fairy tales about how “little little mice” find wealthy men and live happily ever after with them. The first step in finding a rich man must be creating your own bright, attractive and sexy image. And here we are not even talking about the sexual preferences of wealthy men, but the fact that beautiful woman for a successful businessman or high-ranking official it is a status thing. You shouldn’t be ashamed to appear with your girlfriend at social events and chic events.

However, not only the magnificent appearance of the chosen one is important for successful men. You can also hire a beautiful doll from an escort service for certain events. It is very important that the girl is also relaxed and sociable. This also plays a huge role in both personal and social communication. It’s not bad if the girl knows foreign languages, especially if the man does business with partners from other countries. In short, a rich man remains a man who expects beauty, sociability, affection and support from a woman. A rich man differs from other men only in that he has the opportunity to choose, which means that in order to get to know him, you must definitely get into the zone of his choice.

Every girl dreams of having a life partner next to her who will be reliable, successful, smart, generous and cheerful. But not every potential bride gets such a set of qualities in one bottle. Why? Find out from this article which women successful men choose as their wives.

So, let's look at the personal qualities of women that successful men like:

1. Confidence

This quality in a woman is highly valued by men who are confident in themselves, their strengths and their future. Every strong man wants a woman next to him who knows what she is worth, without complexes and inhibitions. If a woman is not confident in herself, then she cannot be confident in her man - and such unions are doomed to failure.

2. Sense of humor

Strong and successful people have a sense of humor, and such men need to have a person nearby who is able to understand them and be on the same wavelength. So if you want to marry a successful man, train your sense of humor.

3. Femininity

This is the first quality that attracts the attention of all men, without exception. Femininity is real, coming from within, and not ostentatious, which is expressed in outfits and hairstyles. Femininity is more than just external signs- this is the structure of the soul.

4. Optimism

A man striving for success simply cannot be a pessimist, and this is exactly the kind of life partner he will choose for himself. Faith in the future, the ability to see only the good side in everything - this inspires a man and helps him in his realization.

5. Well-groomed appearance

When talking about beauty, each person means something different, so natural data is not the main thing. What is important is how a girl manages what nature has given her - her body. You can run it to such an extent that your own reflection in the mirror will not please you, but then don’t expect to make not just a successful man, but any man in general, fall in love with you. Men love with their eyes - and this is a fact, because the first thing they pay attention to is appearance. A successful man chooses the best for himself, and a woman is no exception.

6. Sincerity

None of the men wants to have a person with a double bottom next to him. Successful men treat their family as the home front to which they return after daily battles for best place under the sun. A woman who is next to a strong man cannot be unsincere, as he will notice it very quickly. One of the strengths of successful men is that they are amazing judges of people.

7. Willingness to trust

Men value trust in women and the ability to completely put the situation into the hands of the strong. A man whom a woman blindly trusts simply cannot let her down. Some women, even saying that they trust, still do not stop worrying and worrying, trying to take part. This insults a man and tramples his sense of dignity. This is how losers are born.

8. Caring

Many men who achieve great victories in the professional field or in business are completely unsuited to solving small ones. everyday problems. Therefore, such men prefer to have a woman nearby who can take care of them.

9. Character

There is a stereotypical opinion - next to every strong man there is always some beautiful doll who constantly assents to him and agrees in everything. No, that's not true. In fact, it is important for a man to have a personality next to him, and not just a beautiful appearance, which will get boring very quickly.

10. Kindness

The ability to sympathize, forgive, show kindness - we can observe all these qualities in women of great men who quite often engage in charity work. The kindness and gentleness of a woman brings balance to a man’s life and equalizes it.


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